• New Files #6

    From Andrew Leary@618:100/2 to All on Thu Jun 8 13:10:55 2023
    System name Phoenix BBS
    Sysop Andrew Leary (ajleary@phoenix.bnbbbs.net)
    Location Groton, CT
    Remark Home of MBSE BBS for Linux/*BSD
    Network aka 618:100/2@micronet
    Internet http://phoenix.bnbbbs.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet phoenix.bnbbbs.net 256000 IBN:24555,IFC,ITN:60177,XX,CM Modem 1-860-446-6118 33.6 kbits H16,V34,VFC,V32T,V42b,XA,CM -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area AREA 309 - OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10UNZS.ZIP 85 Kb. OS/2 PM Front for ZIP files - view file in zip
    before unzipping, create directory for files
    and create WPS Folder for files.
    13UNZR.ZIP 73 Kb. PM Shell for .ZIP files. View files inside of
    ZIP's by Object Association. Create directories,
    start OS/2 sessions. Integrates well with the
    WPS. Free.
    UNZPHIST.ZIP 92 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP history.
    ACVT_O32.ZIP 34 Kb. Archive Converter supports practically any archi
    ves types if you have appropriate archivers.
    ACVT extracts files from the source archive
    and packs them into the new archive.
    AF0_32B.ZIP 264 Kb. Archive Folder v0.32 - 32-bit multithreaded
    PM archive manager.
    AFE30.ZIP 513 Kb. Howie Weiner's great PM tool for manipulating
    compressed files with full gui methods. Includ
    es ability to virus scan them.
    AFE_T11.ZIP 449 Kb. Object oriented archive file manager for OS/2. AR002.LZH 43 Kb. C source code and OS/2 & DOS executables for
    Haruhiko Okumra's new pedagogical archiver.
    Header files compatable with Yoshi's LHx.
    ARC201.EXE 58 Kb. OS/2 ARC programs. 100% compatible with ARC
    and .ARC files, OS2 protected mode program. ARC521-2.ZIP 171 Kb. ARC program with source.
    ARCID122.ZIP 40 Kb. Archive Identifier 1.22 - A utility for identify
    JPG and BMP files by SIGNATURE, not extension,
    including self-extracting archives.
    ARCM30.ZIP 156 Kb. Archive Manager 3.0: New version! Now WPS aware.
    Create and maintain .zip files as if they were
    folders on your desktop.
    ARCP.ZIP 33 Kb. Ver. 6.01P of SEA's arc program for OS2
    ARJ250.ZIP 269 Kb. Official Release of ARJ version 2.50.
    ARJ2_261.EXE 185 Kb. ARJ/2 v2.61. Finally an OS/2 release of ARJ!
    Supports long filenames, but not EAs (yet?). ARJ2_262.EXE 191 Kb. ARJ 2.62 OS/2 Hosted Add-On.
    ARJ2_262.ZIP 154 Kb. Arj/2 2.62 Beta compressed.
    ARJ2_270.EXE 238 Kb. ARJ v2.70 for OS/2. Now handles EAs and HPFS
    long filenames.
    ARJ2_271.EXE 239 Kb. ARJ/2 v 2.71
    ARJ2_273.EXE 246 Kb. ARJ v 2.73 BETA for OS/2.
    ARJ2_275.EXE 246 Kb. ARJ/2 v2.75
    ARJ2R271.EXE 245 Kb. ARJ/2 v 2.71, Russian national language version. ARJ2R273.EXE 253 Kb. ARJ v 2.73 BETA for OS/2 (Russian NLV).
    ARJZ015.ZIP 260 Kb. Better ARJ than ARJ for dos, dos4gw, nt, etc
    and os/2. Made by 3rd party guys in Russia.
    AV182.ZIP 282 Kb. Archive Viewer, version 1.82, a 32-bit PM archiv
    e viewing, file/directory maintenance and progra
    m launching utility for OS/2 2.x.
    BAU102.ZIP 32 Kb. Rearchiver, tester, lister, archiver for OS/2
    & DOS. Support from 1 to 65535 archives (OS/2)
    and 1024 (DOS), CardWare
    BDSAP.ZIP 21 Kb. This program creates small and fast Selfextracto
    rs using aPLib compression library, executable
    overhead nearly 1.3 KByte suitable for extractio
    n from boot disk RAMFS64.IFS drive.
    BOOZ.EXE 21 Kb. OS/2 Protected Mode ZOO (test,extract, list) BUNZIP.ZIP 59 Kb. BUNZIP.EXE - A tool to unpack files with bz2
    BZIP101.ZIP 230 Kb. Bzip2 v1.01 compresses files using Burrows-Wheel
    er compression, and Huffman coding. Compression
    is generally better than that achieved by other
    LZ77/LZ78-based compressors - EMX runtime 0.09d
    required (Jan. 2001)
    BZIP2V10.ZIP 75 Kb. BEZIP2 v1.0 - A block-sorting file compressor(Ma
    y 16 2000)
    BZIPV102.ZIP 49 Kb. BEZIP2 v1.0.2 - A block-sorting file compressor
    as VAC version(Jul 13 2002)
    CABEXT06.ZIP 30 Kb. CABEXTRACT v0.6 - A program to extract *.CAB
    files. EMX is required(Nov 30 2002)
    COMPR412.ZIP 53 Kb. Compress version 4.12
    COMPRE.ZIP 41 Kb. OS/2 version of UNIX compress
    COMPRES.ZIP 28 Kb. File compression utility, compatible with UNIX
    compress/uncompress. Includes C Source.
    CRYSAF.UC2 50 Kb. UltraSafe and UltraCrypt, protection utilities
    for UltraCompressor II. Must have UltraCompresso
    r II to unarchive!
    DECOM102.ZIP 21 Kb. DECOMP v1.02 - The Char-Setup Toolkit Decompress
    ion Utility (Mar 15 1991)
    DIUNP303.ZIP 28 Kb. Disk image unpack utility.
    DIUNPACK.ZIP 27 Kb. An upacker for diskette image files(files with
    extension DSK). It works not for elder files
    of this format.
    DROPNZIP.ZIP 379 Kb. DropNZip, a PM interface for Zip/Unzip.
    DRPNZIP.ZIP 26 Kb. PM Interface to Zip/Unzip (req. VROBJ.DLL).
    DSK4PM.ZIP 135 Kb. Dsk4PM, unpack IBM .dsk files to diskettes DSK4PM96.ZIP 208 Kb. A utility to unpack IBM *.DSK files to diskettes
    (Version 1996)
    DSK4V161.ZIP 103 Kb. DSK4PM v.1.61 - Utility to unpack IBM *.DSK
    files to diskette(Sept. 2000)
    DSKARC11.ZIP 31 Kb. DisketteArchive, archives and copies diskettes,
    saves compressed images into a file. OS/2 Sharew
    are, not crippled.
    DSKPM422.ZIP 778 Kb. DSK4PM v4.22 - A tool to upack a DSK file to
    diskette(Jan., 7th 2002)
    DSKWA422.ZIP 456 Kb. DSKWARP v4.22 - A tool to build a diskette from
    LOADDSKF, EMT, MIF or DISKIMGE files(Jan. 7th
    DSKXTR12.ZIP 139 Kb. Extract/compare files in DSK diskette images.
    The DSKXTRCT and DSKCOMPR programs work with
    DSK diskette image files associated with the
    IBM programs, SAVEDSKF and LOADDSKF.
    DXP234.ZIP 205 Kb. Disk eXPress 2.34. Super diskette imaging progra
    m. 16/32-bit versions, data encryption, VMDISK
    extraction, and more. multi-threaded.
    DXPSH10.ZIP 51 Kb. DXP Shell 1.0, an OS/2 PM Shell for DXP 2.31
    or higher. Requires DXP (DXP231.ZIP) or higher
    to operate. Bring your disk image management
    to PM.
    E_WISE.ZIP 51 Kb. WISE setup unpacker.
    EMT4PM.ZIP 1698 Kb. The EMT4PM unpacker for OS/2 (Sept. 2002)
    EMTPM422.ZIP 1576 Kb. The EMT4PM v4.22 Ardi unapacker(Jul 2002)
    EWISE.ZIP 106 Kb. The e_wise unpacker. See for information:http://
    www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~adq(Jul 1 2002)
    EXE2ZIP.ZIP 29 Kb. A REXX tool to force an EXE file(as SFX compress
    ed) to a ZIP file(2002)
    EXTRACT2.ZIP 41 Kb. Decompression program for both .ZIP and .ARC
    files. Contains both bound and protected mode
    FASTLZH.ZIP 7 Kb. A "faster" version of LZH compression (src) FREEZE-2.ZIP 82 Kb. Freeze/Melt compression program
    FUNZIP2.ZIP 35 Kb. InfoZip's funzip (filter unzip), OS/2 executable
    GNUZIP.ZIP 74 Kb. GNU ZIP v1.24 32-Bit File Comp/Dcompress 93/08/1
    8. Gailly's 'GZIP' command for OS/2 32-bit file
    compression/decompression utility. Decompresses
    UNIX compatible compressed files and compression
    & decompression of '.gz' suffix gzip files. GZ124-16.ZIP 72 Kb. GNU gzip 1.2.4 16-bit executables.
    GZ124-32.ZIP 74 Kb. GNU gzip 1.2.4 32-bit executables.
    GZIP124.ZIP 260 Kb. GNU gzip 1.2.4 source code.
    HA0999B.ZIP 102 Kb. This file contains the HA archiver 0.999b, porte
    d to OS/2. The archive includes the complete
    sources, The original HA for DOS and the OS/2
    version. The OS/2 version needs the emx runtime
    DLLs, v0.9a or better.
    HA20999D.EXE 103 Kb. The ultimate in file archivers is now available
    for OS2 users. HA2, as of this release, is now
    a self-extracting archiver.
    HPACK79O.ZIP 166 Kb. Archiver. Slow, but better comp. than ZIP.
    Best encryption of any archiver, PGP keys. IMGAR422.ZIP 640 Kb. IMG2ARDI v4.22 - AN ARDI builder and image conve
    rter(Jan., 7th 2002)
    KAZIP1.ZIP 342 Kb. A utility to make zipfile manipulation easier.
    Also includes a utility for creating selfextract
    ing zips.
    KLZIP107.ZIP 347 Kb. KL-ZIP 1.07 WPS Front End for ZIP/UNZIP. KL-ZIP
    is a Workplace Shell GUI interface for the FREEW
    ARE ZIP and UNZIP package (included with KL-ZIP)
    KZIP099E.ZIP 339 Kb. KAZip 0.99e zipfile management.
    LH2_222.ZIP 111 Kb. LHARC verison 2.22 (16 and 32-bit versions) LHA100BT.ZIP 100 Kb. Quick port of LHA for Unix 1.00 with some improv
    ments & fixes, requires EMX runtime.
    LHBREAK1.LZH 14 Kb. lhbreak is a 32 bit utility designed to break
    multiple file .LZH archives into individual
    (compressed) archives.
    LOADRAM1.ZIP 14 Kb. Newer rev of LOADRAM unarchiver. This file
    will be necessary to extract from FIX21_01.RAM
    and FIX21_02.RAM.
    LOADRAM2.ZIP 14 Kb. LOADRAM2.EXE - A source to disk target unpacker
    with many options (v2.0w)
    LOADRM2A.ZIP 14 Kb. LOADRAM2.EXE - A utility to load DSK files on
    floppy disks
    LXLT120.ZIP 823 Kb. LX lite v1.20: OS/2 EXE/DLL/DRV/FON/SYS ...
    "on-the-fly" file compressor, ala LZEXE and
    PKLITE. Speed up big (1Mb) files.
    LXLT121.ZIP 384 Kb. Freeware OS/2 LX executables packer v1.2.1. LXLT121S.ZIP 444 Kb. Freeware OS/2 LX executables packer v1.2.1 (sour
    LZHMVS.ZIP 81 Kb. Cross-platform Compression, From PCs to UNIX
    to MVS - and back. Compressed file transrer
    between PC and Mainframe - LZHDOS & LZHMVS.
    LZHUF.ZIP 28 Kb. New file pack/unpack. For OS/2. Includes MS
    C 5.1 source.
    OS2ARC.ZIP 26 Kb. SEA's Arc program for OS/2!!
    OS2ARC_S.ZIP 80 Kb. Source for Seas ARC 5.12 converted O/2
    OS2KIT1.ZIP 18 Kb. ZIP file utilities.
    OS2LHX.LZH 14 Kb. LHX modified and compiled for OS/2
    OS2UNZIP.ZIP 18 Kb. Un-ZIP utility with source
    OS2ZIPV.ZIP 8 Kb. OS/2 PM Zip viewing utility. Works with PKUNZIP
    but shows results in a PM screen.
    OSPMAV03.ZIP 46 Kb. PMZipper BETA ver03 Extract and View Zip, LZH,
    ARJ and ZOO. Also views OS/2 install disk and
    OTARGZIP.ZIP 284 Kb. Email Ware Front end to Tar.exe, Gzip.exe unzip.
    exe support (Objec Rexx Version).
    PAX20.ZIP 194 Kb. Portable Archive Interchange; reads and writes
    tar and cpio format files under OS/2. Source
    PKOS2250.EXE 301 Kb. PKZIP 2.50 for OS/2 runs as a 32-bit native
    application under OS/2 Version 2 or later.
    Features include spanning, 32-bit CRC, keyword
    encryption, OS/2 self-extracting files, a new
    format of more intuitive commands and options,
    and more.
    PKZ102_2.EXE 252 Kb. Version 1.02 of PKZIP/UNZIP for OS/2. Protected
    mode and bound versions of Phil Katz's famous
    PKZIP and PKUNZIP file compression and decompres
    sion utilities and relating programs and documen
    PM_ZIP.ZIP 293 Kb. OS/2 PM interface for PKZIP2/PKUNZIP2. Includes
    a complete superset of the files in PKZ102_2.EXE
    PMZIP01.ZIP 95 Kb. zipmeister v0.1 -- graphical zip/unzip utility. PMZIP100.ZIP 619 Kb. ZIP shell and CDROM manager for Info-Zip's Zip/U
    PMZPR14.ZIP 653 Kb. PMZipper 1.4 ZIP,UNZIP,Drag & Drop,Checkout.
    OS/2 PM. Add,extract,delete,create and view.
    WARP 3.0 revision. Archive utility.
    PMZTST.ZIP 88 Kb. PMZIP 1.01 *BETA* ZIP shell for OS/2 that suppor
    ts View, Add, Delete, and Extract functions. POLYXOS2.ZIP 17 Kb. PolyXARC 2.0, OS/2 version
    PRAR206P.EXE 273 Kb. Rar Polish language version 2.06 for OS/2. PXOS221A.LZH 37 Kb. PolyXArc, Un-compress everything, v2.1A.
    RAR250P.EXE 258 Kb. RAR for OS/2, v2.50. RAR is a general purpose
    archiving and compression program competing
    with/replacing programs such as PKZip, ARJ and
    RAR30B7.ZIP 333 Kb. RAR v3.00 beta 7 - A tool to compress/decompress
    files with extenion RAR(*.RAR) - May 2002 This
    is a shareware version. See:http://www.rar.cz/ RAR32B1.ZIP 361 Kb. RAR v3.20 beta 1 - A tool to compress/decompress
    files with extension RAR for OS/2 and DOS(Mar
    23 2003)
    RAREAD20.ZIP 42 Kb. RAREAD v2.0 - A tool to copy an image to a diske
    tte. The file size is up to 2.88 MB(June, 10th
    RARX260.EXE 254 Kb. Rar-32 version 2.6 for DOS and OS/2.
    RAWRIT20.ZIP 48 Kb. RAWRITE v2.0 for OS/2 and DOS to copy a diskette
    image file to a diskette(Jun 10 2000)
    READDSK.ZIP 5 Kb. Read Disk utility, stores disk to a raw binary
    file. Usage: ReadDsk <DriveLetter>: <FilePath> REPACK10.ZIP 23 Kb. REPACK.EXE v1.0 - A utility for repacking packed
    segments of a module
    SAVEDSKF.ZIP 5 Kb. The tool SaveDskF v1.14p to create disk images(
    SHAROS2.ZIP 20 Kb. HPFS tool for UNIX shell archives - supersedes
    OS2SHAR.ZIP - (fixed mkdir)
    STIX.ZIP 48 Kb. STIX - A decompressor for Stirling InstallShiel
    d 3 and Selfextractors(Jun 12 2001)
    TARG109B.ZIP 84 Kb. PM tar/gzip unarchiver early beta.
    TARGZ12D.ZIP 115 Kb. Front end to Tar and Gzip Beta.
    TARGZIP.ZIP 167 Kb. Freeware OS/2 32 bit archivers for Tar and gzip
    archive formates.
    TARZPM24.ZIP 303 Kb. otargzippm24 TarGzipPm v2.4, PM front end to
    Tar and gzip.
    TDATE140.ZIP 56 Kb. Archive "True Date" Stamp Utility, version 1.40.
    OS/2 2.x only. TrueDate will reset an archive
    to the "true date" (i.e., the file inside the
    archive with the newest or oldest date). New
    archive programs can be defined and are fully
    TESTZIP.ZIP 59 Kb. Mass-tests zip and other user-definable archives
    TESTZP13.ZIP 60 Kb. Tests zip and other user-definable archives.
    Tests all archives of the specified type and
    optionally deletes any bad files. It can also
    log the results with 3 levels of logging.
    UC2INS.EXE 166 Kb. UltraCompressor II - Super Fast new file compres
    sor from Europe! Support EA's, 32-bit,creates
    smaller archives faster than ZIP!
    UC2PRO.ZIP 393 Kb. The Ultra Compressor Pro II for many formats.
    No freeware for commercial use(Jun 1 1995) UNAR2412.ZIP 45 Kb. ARJ unpacker.
    UNARJ.LZH 41 Kb. An un-arj for OS/2 from Scott Dudley.
    UNARJ.ZIP 63 Kb. Unarj 2.41 with sources
    UNARJ241.ZIP 26 Kb. UnArj 2.41 recompiled for OS/2 with C/Set++
    Executable only.
    UNARJ32.LZH 107 Kb. Unarj with wildcard and extract path support.
    Contains source.
    UNPAK.ZIP 15 Kb. UNPAK - The uncompression extractor from Borland
    - usage: unpak command archive [destination
    dir] [file ...] (Nov 10 1994)
    UNSHAR.ZIP 26 Kb. Unshar; explode shell archives. Source included
    UNSHAR2.ZIP 58 Kb. UnShar2 extracts files from shell archives.
    C++ src included. FREEWARE Requires: IBM OS/2
    UNTAR.ZIP 42 Kb. A utility to list/decompress files with the
    extensions *.tar and *.tgz. Another option -u
    is for gunzip.
    UNTGZ095.ZIP 159 Kb. UNTGZ .TGZ (TAR/GZIP) Extractor v0.95 Directly
    decompresses UNIX TGZ (tar/gzip) archives under
    MS-DOS. Features automatic long filename convers
    ion. Includes: DOS, DOS 386+, 32-bit Windows
    95/NT and also a native OS/2 EXE. Includes compl
    ete C source.
    UNTGZOS2.ZIP 66 Kb. UNTGZOS2.EXE v0.95 - An extractor of files with
    extension tar.gz,tgz,tar and gz. Source included
    (Feb. 17th 1997)
    UNZ511.EXE 231 Kb. InfoZip's UnZip 5.11: OS/2 exes & docs Contains
    : 16- and 32-bit executables for UnZip
    (ZipInfo now built in) 16-bit executable
    for UnZipSFX (self- extractor stub: prepend
    to zipfiles) 16- and 32-bit executables for
    UNZ532.ZIP 386 Kb. Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.32.
    UNZ532D2.ZIP 173 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 .DLL support.
    UNZ532X1.EXE 214 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 16-bit OS/2 binaries. UNZ532X2.EXE 231 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 32-bit OS/2 binaries. UNZ540D2.ZIP 176 Kb. Info-Zip UNZIP v5.4 UnZip utility. Info-ZIP's
    purpose is to provide free, portable, high-quali
    ty versions of the Zip and UnZip compressor-arch
    iver utilities that are compatible with the
    DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE, Inc.
    UNZ540X1.EXE 215 Kb. Info-Zip UNZIP v5.4 UnZip utility. (16-bit execu
    tables?) Info-ZIP's purpose is to provide free,
    portable, high-quality versions of the Zip and
    UnZip compressor-archiver utilities that are
    compatible with the DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE,
    UNZ540X2.EXE 266 Kb. Info-Zip UNZIP v5.4 UnZip utility. (32-bit execu
    tables?) Info-ZIP's purpose is to provide free,
    portable, high-quality versions of the Zip and
    UnZip compressor-archiver utilities that are
    compatible with the DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE,
    UNZ_OS2.ZIP 16 Kb. An OS/2 unzipper with C source.
    UNZIP51.ZIP 327 Kb. InfoZip portable Unzip, version 5.1. This file
    contains source code only for multiple platforms
    UNZIP511.ZIP 388 Kb. InfoZip unzip v5.11 source code
    UNZIP512.ZIP 396 Kb. InfoZip UnZip 5.12, source code
    UNZIP52.ZIP 787 Kb. InfoZip's updated 5.20 unzip source
    UNZIP520.EXE 419 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP 5.20 un-archiver.
    UNZIP531.EXE 426 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP 5.31 un-archiver (exe)
    UNZIP531.ZIP 819 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP 5.31 un-archiver (source)
    UNZIP532.ZIP 897 Kb. Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 source code.
    UNZIP540.EXE 440 Kb. Info-ZIP unzip 5.40 unarchiver (exe).
    UNZIP540.ZIP 1018 Kb. Info-ZIP unzip 5.40 unarchiver (source).
    UNZIP541.ZIP 467 Kb. Info-ZIP unzip 5.41 as an exe self extraction
    file (April 2000).
    UNZIPSHL.ZIP 71 Kb. UnZip Shell Version 1.2. OS/2 PM Application
    Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files. UNZP50P1.ZIP 244 Kb. InfoZip unzip code (portable). (requires UNZ50X
    32 to unzip)
    UZ_102.ZIP 12 Kb. Front end for UNZIP to allow use of wildcards
    in the zip name. This version now allows file
    names to be extracted to be put on cmd line. VARC10B3.ZIP 9 Kb. Archive utility front-end, requires VREXX.
    WARPZIP.ZIP 897 Kb. WarpZip v2.4. Take the work out of downloading
    software. WarpZip will handle the details from
    the first click in your browser to the archives'
    final resting place.
    WPICREAT.ZIP 780 Kb. The WarpIN Script Creator - A guide to configure
    wpi formatted scripts files(Dec. 1999)
    WPZ001.ZIP 18 Kb. Workplace Shell ZIP File Viewer. DLL installs
    into WPS as new object class--view contents,
    read READMEs. Version 0.01.
    WRITEDSK.ZIP 5 Kb. Write Disk utility, restores disk from raw binar
    y file. Usage: WriteDsk <FilePath> <DriveLetter>
    WUZ131.ZIP 21 Kb. WPS UnZip Shell program. Support many archive
    WZPREP.ZIP 92 Kb. Updated Netscape helper for WarpZip v1.09. X1OS294H.ZIP 227 Kb. X1 archiver v0.94h for 32bit OS/2 (req:386+)
    *Beta* Compresses several files into a single
    file. Command-line controlled. Compresses to
    many compatible archiver formats (X,ZIP,ARJ,LZH,
    X_OS2_18.EXE 78 Kb. Poly uncompress pgm for OS/2 - uncompresses
    .ARC, .ZIP and .LZH formats
    XARC2.ZIP 7 Kb. UnARCer for OS/2 - unarcs SEA's Kitten archives!
    This is version 7.12.
    XARC_OS2.EXE 7 Kb. XARC Plus 7.01 for OS/2 and Groupmail
    XBIN21.ZIP 88 Kb. Macintosh BinHex-format unarchiver v2.1
    XBIN23.ZIP 32 Kb. BinHex Decoder 91/01/13. A small DOS file that
    will decode files sent over the Internet using
    the BinHex protocol, native to the Macintosh.
    Provided as is.
    ZAM22H.EXE 82 Kb. ZAM2 Archivers Desktop Shell 95/08/29. Desktop
    shell to create & extract/view archives of type
    Archives of type ZOO, ARC & ARJ are extracted.
    Run programs right out archive & more. Needs
    ZBKUP131.ZIP 47 Kb. ZBACKUP 1.31 for PKZIP/UNZIP 2.04
    ZC301.ZIP 157 Kb. Zip Chunker 3.01 - Fast! ZIP File Splitter for
    DOS & OS/2. Splits and sizes all types of files,
    including ZIP files. Will split to a size to
    fit specific floppy format or to user determined
    size. Files except ZIP files can be rejoined. ZCP301.ZIP 176 Kb. Zip Chunker Pro 3.01 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LHZ,
    ZIP Splitter for DOS & OS/2. Splits and sizes
    all types of files, including archived files.
    Will split to a size to fit specific floppy
    format or to user determined size.
    ZCRYPT27.ZIP 15 Kb. Info-ZIP en/decryption module for ZIP 2.2 and
    UNZIP 5.3x.
    ZFV12.ZIP 66 Kb. Views files in .Zip/.Arc/.Lzh archives.
    ZIP.EXE 68 Kb. InfoZip's ZIP. Recomplied to work with FAT drive
    s. 16 bit. Works with most mail readers
    ZIP10X.ZIP 294 Kb. Portable Zip w/source.
    ZIP19.ZIP 147 Kb. 32 bit version of the Project InfoZip "zip"
    archiver for OS/2 2.0. It supports all of the
    latest "pkzip" compression formats and handles
    EA's and long filenames. Freeware.
    ZIP19P1.ZIP 199 Kb. InfoZip zip code for zip19. (requires UNZ50X32
    to unzip)
    ZIP19X16.ZIP 97 Kb. Zip v1.9. Supports deflation and OS/2 EA's.
    *Note: does NOT support imploding! Use Zip v1.0
    to implode.
    ZIP19X32.ZIP 142 Kb. Zip v1.9. 32 bit version. Supports deflation
    and OS/2 EA's. *Note: does NOT support imploding
    ! Use Zip v1.0 to implode.
    ZIP201.ZIP 239 Kb. ZIP v2.01 source code.
    ZIP201C1.ZIP 126 Kb. ZIP v2.01 OS/2 1.x (16-bit) executables with
    ZIP201C2.ZIP 144 Kb. ZIP v2.01 OS/2 2.x (32-bit) executables with
    ZIP201X1.ZIP 103 Kb. ZIP v2.01 OS/2 1.x (16-bit) executables without
    ZIP201X2.ZIP 116 Kb. ZIP v2.01 OS/2 2.x (32-bit) executables without
    ZIP21.ZIP 424 Kb. Compression and file packing utility for differe
    nt platforms. InfoZip v2.1
    ZIP21C.ZIP 305 Kb. Info-ZIP ZIP 2.1 archiver (exe with encryption
    ZIP21X2.ZIP 154 Kb. Upgrade to the free ZIP-type archiver for OS2
    (32 bit version.)
    ZIP22.ZIP 595 Kb. Info-ZIP ZIP v2.2 source code.
    ZIP22C.ZIP 285 Kb. Info-ZIP ZIP 2.2 archiver (exe, with encryption)
    ZIP22X.ZIP 229 Kb. Info-ZIP ZIP 2.2 archiver (exe, without encrypti
    ZIP22X1.ZIP 113 Kb. Info-ZIP ZIP v2.2 16-bit OS/2 binaries.
    ZIP22X2.ZIP 138 Kb. Info-ZIP ZIP v2.2 32-bit OS/2 binaries.
    ZIP_KIT9.ZIP 24 Kb. OS/2 kit for PKZip utils. Contains CHKZIP,
    CLNZIP, ZIPCOMNT, and ZIPVIEW. Does not contain
    some DOS counterparts.
    ZIPBO111.ZIP 37 Kb. ZIP Brand FAST, brand your ZIP files with a
    ZIPBRAND.ZIP 25 Kb. ZIP Brand FAST. Brand your ZIP files with a
    comment. (Of course, most people don't like
    receiving "branded" zip files.)
    ZIPCOMNT.ZIP 5 Kb. OS/2 version of Zip file comment editor.
    ZIPCT263.ZIP 811 Kb. RPF Zip Control 2.6.3--Popular .zip archive
    manager. This release adds support for UnZip
    5.40 and Norton Antivirus 5.02.41+.
    ZIPDEL.ZIP 4 Kb. REXX script to remove duplicate files, comparing
    unarchived disk directories with archive content
    ZIPENG10.ZIP 44 Kb. OS/2 front-end for PK-Zip-like programs. Require
    s VREXX. Supports all features of PKZIP 2.04g
    and more, view text files, etc.
    ZIPICON.ZIP 0 Kb. Icon for PKZip.
    ZIPII.ZIP 20 Kb. OS/2 clone version of Phil Katz PKUNZIP
    ZIPME13.ZIP 159 Kb. PM zip shell for INFO's zip & unzip.
    ZIPPY.ZIP 9 Kb. Interface to zip.exe and unzip.exe.
    ZIPQ050.ZIP 21 Kb. Zip File viewer for OS/2 PM. Version 0.50. ZIPSHELL.ZIP 33 Kb. Simple Zipshell 2.1. Handful of tiny batchfiles
    & WP-objects for handling ZIP- & ARJ-files with
    WPS. Content & unpacking of ZIP & ARJ files.
    Packing ZIP files. Nice icons & REXX programs
    for installation & deinstallation.
    ZIPV101.ZIP 19 Kb. Previously ZIPVIEW.EXE. With this program.
    all your .ZIP files on your hard disk will have
    a cute icon of a zipper. And if you double click
    a window will open show what's inside.
    ZOO.EXE 68 Kb. Zoo archer/de-archer for OS/2 protected mode ZOO20OS2.ZIP 76 Kb. Zoo archiver ver 2.0 for OS/2 PM
    ZOO21-2.ZIP 291 Kb. ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT aware) - 32-bit version. ZOO21-32.ZIP 278 Kb. ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT aware) - 32-bit version.
    Requires UNZ50X32 or UNZ50X16 to unzip.
    ZOO21E.EXE 318 Kb. ZOO Version 2.1 ported to OS/2 by K. U. Rommel.
    Source included.
    ZOODOC.ZIP 52 Kb. Doc's for zoo program above
    ZP192X32.ZIP 58 Kb. Version 1.9 of Info Zip's Zipper. 32 bit.
    Now works with FAT partitions.
    ZSHELLP.ZIP 77 Kb. Character-mode front-end for PKxxZIP2.
    ZVIEW.ZIP 255 Kb. ZIP Viewer is a program that displays the conten
    ts of ZIP files. System Requirements: UNZ501.EXE
    and 1024x768 resolution.
    ZZ125.ZIP 422 Kb. 32bit integrated program to handle ZIP/UNZIP
    chores seamlessly requires ZIP/UNZIP (free)
    from InfoZip -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    218 files, 41504 KBytes.

    (To be continued in next message...)

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (618:100/2)
  • From Andrew Leary@618:100/2 to All on Fri Jun 9 13:09:22 2023
    System name Phoenix BBS
    Sysop Andrew Leary (ajleary@phoenix.bnbbbs.net)
    Location Groton, CT
    Remark Home of MBSE BBS for Linux/*BSD
    Network aka 618:100/2@micronet
    Internet http://phoenix.bnbbbs.net
    Running MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 on Linux-x86_64

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet phoenix.bnbbbs.net 256000 IBN:24555,IFC,ITN:60177,XX,CM Modem 1-860-446-6118 33.6 kbits H16,V34,VFC,V32T,V42b,XA,CM -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area AREA 345 - OS2SWBBS: Productivity Programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123FLTRN.ZIP 1291 Kb. Lotus Smartsuite 96 OS2 c.1997 filters for 1-2-3
    and Freelance in both OS2 and Win95 formats.
    20FE.HTM 6 Kb. Lotus WordPro 1996 for OS/2 Full Featured Demo.
    2nd instruction text file in orig html format. 2122.HTM 5 Kb. Lotus WordPro 1996 for OS/2 Full featured Demo.
    1st of 2 info text files in html format.
    FREELAN.ZIP 22123 Kb. /bt Pre-release beta of Lotus FreeLance for
    OS/2. Requires Warp 3.0 plus special Lotus-only
    Fixpack 23 (for pre-Warp 4 systems). For install
    ation see http://www.lotus.com/freelance/2106.ht
    m (Free Download)
    APMAO212.ZIP 188 Kb. APT Mailing Assistant prints envelopes and label
    s with POSTNET bar codes. Supports multiple
    address files, custom labels, non- U.S. addresse
    s, import/export, bulk mailing and printing
    of bulk mail permit.
    BUSIGRAF.ZIP 86 Kb. Business Graphics Toolkit demo
    CJBLIS.ZIP 5 Kb. Describe 3.0 macro to make bulleted or numbered
    paragraphs. Tested on OS/2 1.3
    CREATEDB.ZIP 13 Kb. VIPER Database Creation Tool 95/08/26. GUI utili
    ty used to create database files compatible
    w/ VIPER Database Engine. Need copy of VROBJ.DLL
    (v 2.1c) to run the executable. Included is
    the entire VX-REXX project with source code. CSVEXP.CMD 3 Kb. Mesa2 script to export a range to a CSV file DB-OSDBM.ZIP 27 Kb. Version 1.5 Converts Dbase 3 dbf and ndx files
    to OS2 EE Data Base Manager. Creates a REXX
    cmd file to do it.
    DB3BRW.ZIP 73 Kb. OS/2 PM DBase 3 Filebrowser Version 1.0. A sampl
    e DBase File is also included Contains all OS/2
    Functions and it INCL_ statements. With this
    tool you can optimize your #include "os2.h". DBDEMO.ZIP 394 Kb. OS/2 EE DBM Performance Demo. C-source code
    included. Demonstrates record blocking, Applicat
    ion Remote Interface, use of indexes, dynamic
    vs. static SQL.
    DBEINFO.ZIP 109 Kb. DBExpert Version 2.0 Product Info. Graphical
    OS/2 database that enables both users & develope
    rs to quickly create tables, queries, forms,
    reports, & even entire applications without
    programming or using SQL.
    DBMGR.ZIP 55 Kb. OS/2 EE Database Manager Configuration and Usage
    Monitor. Polls to show user stats: transactions
    , lock state, etc. Great tool.
    DD0441.ZIP 88 Kb. DDEExecute Patch. Replacement DLLs that correct
    a problem using the DDEExecute command from
    other applications to Word for OS/2. Also correc
    ts a problem reading keyboard in OS/2 version
    1.3 Standard Edition.
    DEMOOS2.EXE 934 Kb. OS/2 demo version of Eagle Layout Editor from
    Cadsoft. If you are looking for an easy to
    use, powerful and affordable Printed Circuit
    Board Design package that gets the job done,
    EAGLE is the #1 choice.
    DRAWIT27.ZIP 333 Kb. DrawIt 2.7. Vector oriented drawing package
    for OS/2 Warp. It supports most features you
    expect in a "paintbrush" like program with many
    extra nifty features. For example: gradient
    and fountain fill, and more.
    ENVLGO.ZIP 83 Kb. ENVELOGO for OS/2 1.02. Quickly print envelopes
    with your LOGO/return address. Select envelope
    style from listbox. Get send-to address via
    clipboard, even type it (shudder). OS/2 2.X,
    FILER.ZIP 157 Kb. Simple PM Database program.
    FLG96OVW.EXE 226 Kb. Freelance Graphics 96 for OS/2 Warp Overview
    FLGOS2.ZIP 76 Kb. Replacement INSTALL.EXE for Freelance Graphics
    v1.0 for OS/2. This fixes a bug in the install
    program reporting that Freelance requires OS/2
    1.2 or later.
    FREELAN1.EXE 4161 Kb. /bt 1 of 5: Pre-release beta of Lotus FreeLance
    for OS/2. (Free Download)
    FREELAN2.EXE 4296 Kb. /bt 2 of 5: Pre-release beta of Lotus FreeLance
    for OS/2.
    FREELAN3.EXE 4369 Kb. /bt 3 of 5: Pre-release beta of Lotus FreeLance
    for OS/2.
    FREELAN4.EXE 4795 Kb. /bt 4 of 5: Pre-release beta of Lotus FreeLance
    for OS/2.
    FREELAN5.EXE 4589 Kb. /bt 5 of 5: Pre-release beta of Lotus FreeLance
    for OS/2.
    FTBMSGA.ZIP 237 Kb. The Message List of the DB2 Visualizer (1994) FXNCPY20.ZIP 441 Kb. fax 'n copy 2.0 turns your scanner, printer
    and fax modem into a simple copy and fax machine
    GERMEN11.ZIP 11 Kb. Germenue v1.1. Germenue V1.1 (16.12.1997) german
    menu for Mesa2 V2.2 german menues, tiptexts
    and spec. toolbar-buttons. Freeware.
    IB2_OS2.EXE 35724 Kb. /bt StarOffice beta 2 for OS/2.
    ICF.TXT 19 Kb. Describes ICF (Inventory Capture Facility).
    ICF identifies installed SW and HW on PC's,
    all status info incl. memory, cpu, and even
    physical items i.e. printers, modems.
    IDXTOOL.ZIP 32 Kb. VIPER Index Maintenance Tool 95/08/26. GUI based
    tool for maintaining index files. Created using
    WATCOM VX-REXX v 2.1c (requires VROBJ.DLL and
    VIPER.DLL) to run the executable. Full VX-REXX
    project files with source code included.
    ISDICT.ZIP 84 Kb. Dictionary builder program for Ispell
    ISLITE.ZIP 219 Kb. ispell lite, an OS/2 2.0 spell checking program
    fashioned after the unix ispell 2.0 program.
    Text mode app.
    ISPELL.ZIP 172 Kb. Family-API interactive spelling corrector
    ISPELL40.ZIP 527 Kb. This archive contains a port to OS/2 1.x--2.x
    of GNU ispell 4.0, and includes extensions from
    Pavel Ganelin (48ganelin@cua.edu) for handling
    TeX files.
    ISPSRC.ZIP 1178 Kb. This archive contains patched source code for
    the 19-APR-93 version of Ispell v3.0.09b (isp300
    9b.zip). The source code was compiled with emx/g
    cc 0.8f. and GNU Bison.
    IVI13.ZIP 261 Kb. Interactive Visual Information, a PM SQL Server
    app. Includes an MDI interface, multiple simulta
    neous queries, timestamped updates, address
    list (with dependents), company list, appointmen
    ts, tasks, and more. Requires SQL Server.
    KUVERT22.ZIP 77 Kb. kUVERT 2.2 - Envelope & address label printing
    system for OS/2 2.x PM.
    KUVERTGR.ZIP 75 Kb. Envelope & Address label printing system with
    dial function for OS/2 2.x (German)
    LAR105.ZIP 369 Kb. Logo Generator and Show-Player 95/08/19. Program
    m to create fast logos on monitor, scalable
    fonts-operate & print them, & additionally creat
    e small multimedia-shows. Create logos by changi
    ng parameters such as position, size, & so on. LART20.ZIP 152 Kb. LogoArt VA2.0-Logo Generator 95/09/10. Major
    Update! Create logos, wallpaper, customized
    backgrounds. Supports images (GIF, TIF, PCX
    & BMP), clipping, reading saving & printing.
    3-part package: 1) LART20.ZIP, 2) LARTBM.ZIP
    & 3) LARTPA.ZIP.
    LARTBM.ZIP 185 Kb. Logoart Images (Samples) 95/09/09. LogoArt VA2.0
    part 2 of 3. See LART20.ZIP for full description
    LARTPA.ZIP 307 Kb. LogoArt V2.0 Patterns 95/08/15. LogoArt Part
    3 of 3. Patterns. See LART20.ZIP for full descri
    ption. You dont need this file if you downloaded
    previous version of LogoArt.
    M2LTX_12.ZIP 3 Kb. Export Mesa 2 spreadsheet as LaTeX table.
    MAGUS.ZIP 361 Kb. Magus Page Turner Sample Files 95/09/01. Replace
    ment sample files for the Magus PageTurner progr
    am shipped on DevCon8. Replaced files in \Pagetu
    rn\psfiles dir, & have correct password for
    Magus PageTurner demo to read them.
    MAILLBS.ZIP 5 Kb. PM 1.2 Mailing Label Generator (1.0)
    MESA216.TXT 12 Kb. Mesa 2 2.1.6 update -- Readme file
    MESA216.ZIP 2355 Kb. Mesa(tm) Spreadsheet for OS/2 from Sundial syste
    ms v2.1.6.
    MESA220.ZIP 2195 Kb. Mesa 2 Working Model which includes the Mesa
    2 Version 2.2 software and documentation. Mesa
    2, Spreadsheets On A Higher Plateau.
    MESA22PR.ZIP 2458 Kb. Mesa(tm) Spreadsheet for OS/2 from Sundial syste
    ms v2.2 Pre-Release.
    MESACOMP.TXT 7 Kb. Mesa 2 File Compactor Release Notes. Release
    notes for the Mesa 2 file compactor
    MESACOMP.ZIP 105 Kb. Mesa 2 File Compactor. Will shrink the size
    of your Mesa 2 2.1.x spreadsheets
    MESATOOL.ZIP 68 Kb. Mesa Toolbar Customizer. Customize the toolbar
    in Mesa for OS/2, includes icons and commands.
    Draw your own bitmaps. Change the command
    that is invoked for each button.
    MOUSER.ZIP 6 Kb. Primitive drawing program. Primitive mouse
    click-and-drag drawing program from Charles
    Petzold. Freeware; includes C source.
    MTDRAW.ZIP 6 Kb. Demonstration of multi-threaded drawing. Sample
    C code demonstrating how to accomplish the trick
    y technique of multi-threaded drawing under
    PM. Code is based on a Charles Petzold program
    and mods are by Noel Bergman. Freeware.
    MWM216.ZIP 2361 Kb. Mesa 2 demo/working model. The only limitation
    is a 32 by 32 spreadsheet.
    MYPLOT19.ZIP 54 Kb. An enhancment of the ever popular Simple plotter
    . Plot any file('s).
    NJOYDEMO.ZIP 369 Kb. Demo of the NJOY object oriented spreadsheet
    ONCMD.ZIP 1162 Kb. OnCmd xBase for OS/2 v2.0 Demo. Robust, powerful
    native OS/2 32 bit Xbase database development
    environment. New programming, application conver
    sion from other Xbase products such as dBASE,
    FoxPro or Clipper.
    OPUSD10E.ZIP 995 Kb. OPUS Workgroup & Project Planning. OPUS V1.0
    demo & test license (english) 32bit for OS/2
    OPUS is project planning & administration softwa
    re. Monitors project costs & employees workload
    & provides flexible configuration, & more. PAINT200.ZIP 767 Kb. Paint 2.00 PM, edit pixels, draw lines, and
    color areas, works with 256 color Windows BMPs,
    writen in CA-Realizer for OS/2.
    PAPYR823.ZIP 2663 Kb. Papyrus OFFICE v8.23 as a demo version(August
    PF.ZIP 799 Kb. pf 2.90, Programmers/Technical graphics program
    Fast and easy to publication quality Complete
    documentation is included with the binary.
    PG2_90.ZIP 798 Kb. pf 2.90, Programmers/Technical graphics program
    Fast and easy to publication quality Complete
    documentation is included with the binary.
    PLOTTE.ZIP 40 Kb. A simple plotter for quick and easy generation
    of X/Y plots from files of numerical data. This
    is another update to fix the problem opening
    a file dialog.
    PM_CHART.ZIP 68 Kb. PM application for creating charts. Creates
    bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts. No
    PMDB.ZIP 142 Kb. PM interface to MSC SQL Server v 1.1. PMDB V1.16
    2 Latest version.Provides PM "saf" like windowed
    interface in SQL server. Requires MSC SQL Server
    V1.1. Shareware. Much better than saf.
    PMDRAW.ZIP 126 Kb. PM paint/drawing program. Allows the creation
    of various lines, curves, and objects, with
    colors, and the use of installed fonts plus
    a group of supplied fonts.
    PMSPEL22.ZIP 93 Kb. Version 2.20 of PmSpell. PmSpell is a spelling
    program for elementary grades. This is a 32bit
    2.0 program.
    PRESNT.ZIP 49 Kb. Present! (NC) by the Frobozz Magic Software
    Cy. Present! is a freeware sheet presentation
    program for OS/2 2.0. Script driven text based
    overheads on the PM desktop.
    PTDEMO.ZIP 2412 Kb. Magus PageTurner PostScript Viewer Demo for
    OS/2. Will view only the sample PostScript files
    which are included with it. The demo may be
    freely distributed.
    SBCSPSHT.ZIP 3 Kb. Extends the VisPro Spreadsheet Object to make
    it more usable. SubClass the SpreadSheet Class
    to enhance functionality. OPTIMIZE the Spreadshe
    et so that the cols width is big enough or every
    entry in this col.
    SC621_3.ZIP 512 Kb. Spreadsheet Calculator sc v6.21, OS/2 & DOS
    SM2TRY.ZIP 4098 Kb. SearchManager/2 Try out version 94/11/30. This
    is a self-extracting EXE file for IBM's SearchMa
    nager/2 try out version. Limited to index 50
    documents. Download into a separate dir & run
    SM2TRY.EXE. Then run SM2INST.EXE to install. SO31BOOK.PDF 391 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 beta english manual (PDF format).
    English manual for StarOffice 3.1 beta (PDF
    File to use with Acrobat Reader for OS/2). SO31FR2A.ZIP 1178 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk A)
    SO31FR2B.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk B)
    SO31FR2C.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk C)
    SO31FR2D.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk D)
    SO31FR2E.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk E)
    SO31FR2F.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk F)
    SO31FR2G.ZIP 1315 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk G)
    SO31FR2H.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk H)
    SO31FR2I.ZIP 1312 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk I)
    SO31FR2J.ZIP 1304 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk J)
    SO31FR2K.ZIP 1314 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk K)
    SO31FR2L.ZIP 1294 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk L)
    SO31FR2M.ZIP 355 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - French Version (disk M)
    SO31IT2A.ZIP 1177 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk A)
    SO31IT2B.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk B)
    SO31IT2C.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk C)
    SO31IT2D.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk D)
    SO31IT2E.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk E)
    SO31IT2F.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk F)
    SO31IT2G.ZIP 1315 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk G)
    SO31IT2H.ZIP 1315 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk H)
    SO31IT2I.ZIP 1312 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk I)
    SO31IT2J.ZIP 1305 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk J)
    SO31IT2K.ZIP 1314 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk K)
    SO31IT2L.ZIP 1296 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk L)
    SO31IT2M.ZIP 279 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Italian version (Disk M)
    SO31NL2A.ZIP 1180 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk A)
    SO31NL2B.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk B)
    SO31NL2C.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk C)
    SO31NL2D.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk D)
    SO31NL2E.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk E)
    SO31NL2F.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk F)
    SO31NL2G.ZIP 1315 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk G)
    SO31NL2H.ZIP 1313 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk H)
    SO31NL2I.ZIP 1312 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk I)
    SO31NL2J.ZIP 1306 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk J)
    SO31NL2K.ZIP 1311 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk K)
    SO31NL2L.ZIP 1296 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk L)
    SO31NL2M.ZIP 630 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Dutch version (Disk M)
    SO31SP2A.ZIP 1177 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk A)
    SO31SP2B.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk B)
    SO31SP2C.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk C)
    SO31SP2D.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk D)
    SO31SP2E.ZIP 1315 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk E)
    SO31SP2F.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk F)
    SO31SP2G.ZIP 1315 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk G)
    SO31SP2H.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk H)
    SO31SP2I.ZIP 1312 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk I)
    SO31SP2J.ZIP 1306 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk J)
    SO31SP2K.ZIP 1311 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk K)
    SO31SP2L.ZIP 1299 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk L)
    SO31SP2M.ZIP 107 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - Spanish version (Disk M)
    SO31US2A.ZIP 1177 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk A). This
    is a re-issue of the original file. This one
    will allow re-installation of StarOffice.
    SO31US2B.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk B)
    SO31US2C.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk C)
    SO31US2D.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk D)
    SO31US2E.ZIP 1316 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk E)
    SO31US2F.ZIP 1315 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk F)
    SO31US2G.ZIP 1317 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk G)
    SO31US2H.ZIP 1312 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk H)
    SO31US2I.ZIP 1308 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk I)
    SO31US2J.ZIP 1309 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk J)
    SO31US2K.ZIP 1295 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk K)
    SO31US2L.ZIP 625 Kb. StarOffice 3.1 - English version (Disk L)
    SO51A.ZIP 66582 Kb. /bt Star Office 5.1.
    SQLEDIT.ZIP 247 Kb. An editor for data stored in ES 1.0 DBM. Run
    a SQL query and edit the output data in place.
    The store the result back into the DB.
    STOF51V0.ZIP 5703 Kb. A german word processing program - volume 0(1999
    STOF51V1.ZIP 9710 Kb. A german word processing program - volume 1(1999
    STOF51V2.ZIP 8732 Kb. A german word processing program - volume 2(1999
    STOF51V3.ZIP 9484 Kb. A german word processing program - volume 3(1999
    STOF51V4.ZIP 9827 Kb. A german word processing program - volume 4(1999
    STOF51V5.ZIP 6491 Kb. A german word processing program - volume 5(1999
    STOF51V6.ZIP 9987 Kb. A german word processing program - volume 6(1999
    SW2E1.ZIP 1344 Kb. StarWriter 2.0 for OS/2 Demo Disk 1 of 7
    SW2E2.ZIP 1422 Kb. StarWriter 2.0 for OS/2 Demo Disk 2 of 7
    SW2E3.ZIP 1421 Kb. StarWriter 2.0 for OS/2 Demo Disk 3 of 7
    SW2E4.ZIP 1412 Kb. StarWriter 2.0 for OS/2 Demo Disk 4 of 7
    SW2E5.ZIP 0 Kb. StarWriter 2.0 for OS/2 Demo Disk 5 of 7
    SW2E6.ZIP 1389 Kb. StarWriter 2.0 for OS/2 Demo Disk 6 of 7
    SW2E7.ZIP 20 Kb. StarWriter 2.0 for OS/2 Demo Disk 7 of 7
    SW2EHELP.ZIP 243 Kb. Help files for Star Writer/2 for OS/2
    TINK4V3.ZIP 20 Kb. Addon toolbar for Lotus Word Pro for OS/2. UNGAME21.ZIP 218 Kb. No Games At Work 96/02/20. Achieve substantial
    savings by removing games from your network.
    Can search, detect & optionally delete games
    from server's disk or from individual disks
    (C drives).
    VIPER092.ZIP 56 Kb. VIPER Database Engine 0.9.2 95/09/30. 32-bit
    native code database engine for OS/2. The VIPER
    Database Engine (VIPER.DLL) provides REXX &
    C-Language APIs. You are free to distribute
    the VIPER Database Engine at no cost.
    VISDEVIN.ZIP 1757 Kb. Documentation: The Visualizer Development for
    OS/2 with Introduction, User Guide, Reference,
    Messages, and Extras (1994)
    VISILOTU.ZIP 316 Kb. The Visualizer Interface to Lotus Notes. The
    Visualizer Query for OS/2 and Lotus Notes are
    required (May, 9th 1996)
    VISQUEIN.ZIP 1001 Kb. Documentation: The Visualizer Query for OS/2,
    a workstation query and presentation tool for
    SQL database users (Jul., 15th 1994)
    VISQUERY.ZIP 8659 Kb. The Visualizer Query for OS/2 - A multifunctiona
    l application for accessing the SQL database
    (Jul.,15th 1994)
    VISUADEV.ZIP 3740 Kb. The Visualizer Development for OS/2 on Workstati
    on, LAN Server and LAN Requester (1994)
    WD30.ZIP 179 Kb. OS/2 An OS/2 data base program. Wilkes Database
    3.0, a character-mode shareware database program
    for OS/2.
    WORD-PM.ZIP 64 Kb. Fixes Keyboard problems of Word for os/2 (os/2
    2.0 compat.)
    WORDOS.ZIP 46 Kb. Replacement DLL for Word for PM to be used with
    intitial release (11/2/90) of IBM OS/2 1.3.
    Supposedly compensates for a bug in 1.3
    WORDPRO.TXT 4 Kb. Intstructions in asci for Lotus WordPro 1996
    for OS/2's 6 exe files,...wordpro1(-6), full
    featured deno.
    WORDPRO.ZIP 22560 Kb. /bt Pre-release beta of Lotus WordPro for OS/2.
    Requires Warp 3.0 plus special Lotus-only Fixpac
    k 23 (for pre-Warp 4 systems). For installation
    see http://www.lotus.com/freelance/2106.htm
    (Free Download)
    WORDPRO1.EXE 3825 Kb. /bt 1st of six exe files comprising the Lotus
    WordPro 1996 Full Function Demo. (Free Download) WORDPRO2.EXE 3826 Kb. /bt 2nd of 6 exe files: Lotus WordPro demo. WORDPRO3.EXE 3455 Kb. /bt 3rd of 6 exe files: Lotus WordPro demo. WORDPRO4.EXE 3718 Kb. /bt 4th of 6 exe files: Lotus WordPro demo. WORDPRO5.EXE 4089 Kb. /bt 5th of 6 exe files: Lotus WordPro demo. WORDPRO6.EXE 4108 Kb. /bt 6th of 6 exe files: Lotus WordPro demo. WP96OVW.EXE 335 Kb. Word Pro 96 for OS/2 Warp Overview Guide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    177 files, 388776 KBytes.

    Area AREA 346 - OS2SWBBS: Science, Engineering, & Math ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABCPLOT.ZIP 63 Kb. Character-based plotting of data. w/src
    ABREFCAL.ZIP 123 Kb. Calculates indices of refraction and critical
    angles for X-rays and the Bragg angles (for
    any Bravais lattice). Source included(Nov.,
    1st 1999)
    BABEL16.ZIP 178 Kb. Babel v1.6 for DOS - A chemistry file conversion
    program. Usage is: babel [-v] -i<input-type>
    <name> -o<output-type> <name> "<keywords>"(Dec
    1 1996)
    BC1ENG1.ZIP 1293 Kb. (disk 1 of 3) BlueCad 1.0 for OS/2.
    BC1ENG2.ZIP 1307 Kb. (disk 2 of 3) BlueCad 1.0 for OS/2.
    BC1ENG3.ZIP 1212 Kb. (disk 3 of 3) BlueCad 1.0 for OS/2.
    BCALC.ZIP 32 Kb. OS/2 calculator with large precision. BIGCALC
    Extended Precision RPN Calculator 4.3. Slick,
    smooth calculator program closely emulates H-P
    BCALCS.ZIP 50 Kb. BIGCALC extended precision RPN calculator.
    Source code for BCALC
    BGMETRIC.ZIP 371 Kb. BgMetrics is in the growth stages of becoming
    a tool for diabetics to track and graph their
    blood glucose readings and food intake.
    BIPROB.ZIP 30 Kb. A Binomial probability calculator. This is a
    revised version that corrects the display text
    size when used at 1024x768 resolution with large
    (XGA type) fonts. Freeware.
    BRUCH1.ZIP 695 Kb. If your calculator cannot handle fractions,
    then this program could come in handy.
    BSA.ZIP 28 Kb. A body surface area calculator
    C2F_V110.ZIP 7 Kb. Centigrade to Fahrenheit temp convertor for
    OS/2 text mode. Written and compiled using
    Virtual Pascal for OS/2 v1.10.
    CADDEM.ZIP 790 Kb. Self running demo of IBM CAD/3X, a full function
    CAD product for OS/2 (or DOS). (THE DEMO IS
    A DOS PROGRAM) IBM CAD/3X is available from
    Egghead, Software etc, Indelible Blue, or direct
    from us for $99. Call 1-800-IBM CAD-1.
    CALC.ZIP 39 Kb. Scientific CLI calculator for OS/2 (freeware). CALCULA1.ZIP 130 Kb. A calculator produced by DrDialog with source CALCULAT.ZIP 383 Kb. Calculator program.
    CALCV01.ZIP 55 Kb. Simple Calculator.
    CAOS015.ZIP 388 Kb. Astronomy program early beta. Makes IAAC submiss
    ions easy.
    CHEMLAN5.ZIP 10047 Kb. /bt Chemland v5.0 as a program for more than
    40 modules for chemical execises as shareware
    WIN-OS/2 application.
    CHEMO1.ZIP 717 Kb. Every element is listed containing all informati
    on that I could get. That is: radioactive decay
    time, energy needed to remove the outer electron
    , melting and boiling temperature and Mass/Volum
    e index.
    CLCATR.ZIP 28 Kb. PM Calculator Utility (without VROBJ.DLL) V1.8.
    Four function calculator with single memory,
    modulus key and percent key.Keeps running "tape"
    of calculations for entire session. Has print
    key. Requires VROBJ.DLL.
    CLUSTAL.ZIP 332 Kb. CLUSTAL W Multiple Sequence Alignment Program
    CPWAR15B.ZIP 505 Kb. Conversion Pro v1.5 is a 32-bit presentation
    manager application which enables the user to
    perform over 1800 'on-the-fly' scientific and
    engineering unit conversions.
    CUFIT334.ZIP 1330 Kb. CurvFit v3.34 - Curvefitting with models of
    Power series, Exponential series, and Lorentzian
    sum to match the data. CurvFit is an example
    of Calculus level programming as WIN-OS/2 applic
    ation.(Nov., 11th 2001)
    DCALC.ZIP 35 Kb. OS/2 PM Desk calculator. Has the regular four
    functions with memory, % etc. Not as fancy
    as the SK/PM calculator, but Free!
    DET0798.ZIP 27 Kb. REXX-calculator for determinants.
    DIAMDEMO.ZIP 500 Kb. Working demo version of the program BMDp/Diamond
    . This is a 32bit OS/2 graphical data analysis
    EASYCALC.ZIP 153 Kb. Free calculator from Mount Baker software. EDCALC1A.ZIP 765 Kb. EditCalc v0.1a - A program to build mathematical
    expressions(trigonometric and standard functrion
    s) around an edit window.The program solves
    ODEs, find roots, integrates and calculates
    some statistics(Jan 5 1997)
    EESR.ZIP 132 Kb. Einstein Explorer - simulates visual effects
    of special relativity.
    ELEM-OS2.ZIP 852 Kb. Element.ary! (1.9g) Weather program. Element.ary
    uses your Internet connection to provide compreh
    ensive current weather information for locations
    EPHEM428.ZIP 147 Kb. Port of Unix based astronomical ephemeris (req.
    EULER412.ZIP 454 Kb. EULER for OS/2 PM. A numerical math program,
    handling real and complex numbers, vectors and
    matrices, etc.
    EULERSRC.ZIP 674 Kb. The source code of the EULER calculator(Jul
    11 2000)
    EWB_OS2.ZIP 5304 Kb. Interactive 3D visualization for scientific
    FBLINK.ZIP 3694 Kb. This is a X-windows application requiring Xfree8
    6-OS/2, Xforms.88 and Cfitsio142.zip. Fitsblink
    is a Fits file viewer and astrometry program. FBLNK224.ZIP 1782 Kb. OS/2 port of Fitsblink 2.24.
    FFTPM110.ZIP 119 Kb. FFTPM v1.10 - A program for analyzing audio
    signals and showing their frequency spectra
    as a simple spectrum analyzer. The signals are
    Fast-Fourier-Transformed and are displayed in
    a line graph (Jul 11 2002)
    FLUID425.ZIP 2119 Kb. A source collection for FLUIDS v4.2.5 with an
    option to OS/2 as russian issue. See:http://www.
    sbnet.ru/soft/fluids/(Mar 21 2002)
    FLUIDF12.ZIP 68 Kb. The FluidFlow v1.2 Calculations using the Darcy-
    Weisbach Equation as shareware.
    FUNC11.ZIP 79 Kb. Parser and evaluator of mathematical functions,
    Turbo C, source.
    FUNKT1.ZIP 693 Kb. Mathematical Function Plotter.
    GAMMAS13.ZIP 1286 Kb. Deconvolution program and solver for equation
    GENSEQ.ZIP 1219 Kb. A VIO program for analyzing genetic sequences(19
    GEOD.ZIP 37 Kb. Geodetics 1.0 - Small Presentation Manager appli
    cation to display some geodetic data about the
    Earth. Intended as an exercise in text output
    to a PM window. FULL source code included.
    GLE33PM.ZIP 1731 Kb. GLE, high-quality graphics program for scientist
    GMT331DC.ZIP 7523 Kb. gmt331-os2-doc.zip Tutorial & extensive document
    ation for GMT v3.3.1. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331RM.ZIP 41 Kb. gmt331-os2-readmes.zip README and related files
    for GMT 3.3.1 for OS/2. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331SI.ZIP 17765 Kb. gmt331-os2-sibin.zip Source code for OS/2 port
    version of GMT v3.3.1. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331SR.ZIP 7206 Kb. gmt331-os2-src.zip Tutorial & extensive documen
    tation for GMT v3.3.1. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331US.ZIP 17763 Kb. Generic Mapping Tools. gmt331-os2-usbin.zip
    Executables for OS/2 port of U. S. version
    of GMT v3.3.1.
    GMT334US.ZIP 2925 Kb. Generic Mapping Tool(GMT) v3.3.4 - plots 2D
    and 3D features (April 2000). EMX is required. GMT4OS2.ZIP 17536 Kb. /bt OS/2 port of the (Unix) Generic Mapping
    GMT_HTML.ZIP 3 Kb. An HTML file describing the Generic Mapping
    Tools (GMT_OS2.ZIP), with links to the main
    GMT web site, etc.
    GMT_OS2.ZIP 12545 Kb. GMT for OS/2, an OS/2 port of the Generic Mappin
    g Tools (GMT). Over 50 Unix-derived utilities
    for manipulation & display of spatial data.
    Requires EMX and HPFS. Graphical output is high-
    quality, but Postscript only. Freeware.
    GMTDATA.ZIP 3826 Kb. World coastline, political, and river boundary
    files in netCDF format. For use with GMT for
    OS/2 (GMT_OS2.ZIP). Contains the crude-, low-,
    and intermediate-resolution versions for the
    data files.
    GOAT006.ZIP 2040 Kb. GOAT v0.06 beta (formerly OCRE) - A program
    for Graphics Optical Analysis & Translation(GOA
    T) to import scanned text, manipulation, and
    produce text output with just a few clicks of
    the mouse(Aug 18 2002)
    GRACE515.ZIP 6521 Kb. GRACE v5.1.5 - A graphic program for scientific
    2-dimensional plots. XFree86/OS2 is required(see
    hots)-Nov.,23th 2001
    GRAPH3.ZIP 37 Kb. Simple XY plotting program for PM v3.0
    GRX01B.ZIP 35 Kb. GraphX is a data plotting utility, to produce
    scattergrams or histograms with the possibility
    to choose between point styles, line styles,
    H2OPROPS.ZIP 154 Kb. ENGH2O v1.5 - A program to determine properties
    (enthalpy, entropy,specific heat, etc.) of water
    /steam mixtures for given temperature/pressure/d
    egree of vaporisation for WIN-OS/2(Jul 7 2000)
    HEXCAL13.ZIP 38 Kb. HexCalculator for OS/2 PM Version 1.03.
    HEXCALC2.ZIP 12 Kb. PM calculator based on Petzolds HEXCALC. Demonst
    rates use of a dialog box "front-end" to a PM
    program. This version adds decimal and octal
    support to the basic hexadecimal functions;
    include copy/paste clipboard support.
    HOC05.ZIP 44 Kb. HOC is an interactive interpreter for arithmetic
    expressions with double precision values and
    comes with an impressing lib of user-defined
    HODHUX12.ZIP 543 Kb. HODGKIN-HUXLEY v1.2 - A classic PM simulator
    of the excitatory cell membrane based on the
    Hodgkin-Huxley equations - Source included.
    HP11C.ZIP 530 Kb. HP11C Calculator. Vx-Rexx application that accur
    ately emulates the HP11C calculator. Almost
    all of the functions of the real calculator
    are supported with the exception of the Gamma
    function and the programmability. Shareware. HPCLC097.ZIP 37 Kb. PM calculator(RPN) similar to HP 41C, ver 0.97. HPCLC098.ZIP 119 Kb. HPcalc v0.98 for OS/2 - A free PM Reverse Polish
    Notation (RPN) calculator similar to a HP 41C
    with some enhancements but not programability.
    Source is included(Nov 14 2002)
    ICALC100.ZIP 24 Kb. ICalc v1.00, Small, FREE cmd-line+interactive
    IMDISP79.ZIP 1978 Kb. IMDISP v7.9 - An interactive image processing
    program. Source is included(Sep 3 1993)
    IRIT60E1.ZIP 1408 Kb. IRIT 6.0 solid modeler (part 1 of 3).
    IRIT60E2.ZIP 1241 Kb. IRIT 6.0 solid modeler (part 2 of 3).
    IRIT60E3.ZIP 743 Kb. IRIT 6.0 solid modeler (part 3 of 3).
    IRIT7E1.ZIP 1261 Kb. IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 1 of
    IRIT7E2.ZIP 1334 Kb. IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 2 of
    IRIT7E3.ZIP 1371 Kb. IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 3 of
    IRIT7E4.ZIP 868 Kb. IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 4 of
    KATCAL13.ZIP 64 Kb. Incredible PM calulator, all the basics plus
    tape, programming/registers, graphing, hex/dec,
    shifts, etc. Shareware.
    KINSIM10.ZIP 3675 Kb. Kinetics Simulator v1.01 - A program for simple
    and complex kinetics in gas, solution and solid
    phases. See: http://www.almaden.ibm.com/st/msim/
    ckspage.html (Oct 29 1996)
    KMPL0598.ZIP 60 Kb. REXX Calculator for complex numbers.
    KOPF1.ZIP 695 Kb. Brain calculus trainer.
    LNPLT14E.ZIP 367 Kb. LinePlot version 1.4e. PM program for graphs
    of scientific and engineering data. General
    LOCATO.ZIP 24 Kb. Locate places on the planet via lat. / long. LSQRFT15.ZIP 278 Kb. Fit2 (version 1.5) is a non-linear least-squares
    fitting program. It uses the Levenberg-Marquardt
    method to attempt to minimize the least-squares
    error between a data file and a model function. M2V114OD.ZIP 248 Kb. Small calculator application (german).
    MACAOS2B.ZIP 985 Kb. OS/2 Port of MacAnova 4.07.3 binary files, MacAn
    ova is a statistical analysis package.
    MACAOS2S.ZIP 1596 Kb. OS/2 Port of MacAnova 4.07.3 source files.
    MANDEL.ZIP 106 Kb. Mandelbrot program w/ C source
    MANDELPM.ZIP 53 Kb. Mandelbrot for PM with changing pallettes
    MANDL.ZIP 28 Kb. PM Mandlbrot set program.
    MATHMATE.ZIP 641 Kb. Mathmate is a reliable assistant for fast numeri
    cal calculations, which is intended first of
    all for scientists and engineers, but can be
    used also as a simple calculator.
    MCAD20.ZIP 43 Kb. MicroCAD - a very nice program for drawing and
    manipulating 2-d objects in 3-d. OS/2 and Window
    MINICALC.ZIP 30 Kb. Fast calculator with clipboard capability. MLTPLT23.ZIP 116 Kb. Multiplot/2 v1.3 is an easy-use 32 bit PM applic
    ation for reading, organizing, filtering & plott
    ing ascii data.
    MNDTOY11.ZIP 42 Kb. VERY fast mandelbrot fractal program for PM. MOLMASS1.ZIP 120 Kb. MolarMass v1.0 - A simple program to calculate
    the molar mass and percent composition (1994) MOV2000K.ZIP 1356 Kb. .DEX data files built from data extracted from
    the USGS 2000K STDS DLG files. The files include
    s a master file and several states. It includes
    major roads, railroads, streams, lakes, boundari
    es and major cities.
    MOVMA215.ZIP 333 Kb. Displays GPS position on Digital Line Graph
    MYFRAC11.ZIP 14 Kb. Calculate Mandelbrot images, multiple windows,
    NADEMO.ZIP 39 Kb. Scientific Calc Demo w/ Equation Style Editing,
    Clipboard, Undo, Memory, Keyboard & full Help
    System Features
    NCRUNCH2.ZIP 1247 Kb. NeuralCrunch/2 v2.08.02 - Multithreaded, 32-bit
    neural network dev. util.
    NETCDF_2.ZIP 1410 Kb. A version of the netCDF library suitable for
    compilation and building under OS/2 (requires
    the EMX development system). Needed if changes
    to GMT for OS/2 are to be implemented. Otherwise
    , not needed.
    NH48S_A3.ZIP 308 Kb. NH48S 1.0(cardware) NH48S is a very functional
    alfa of a Reverse Polish Notation calculator
    for OS/2. Similar to the HP48.
    NOCTI100.ZIP 893 Kb. (noctis100.zip) NOCTIS is a tool to simplify
    observational astronomy.
    NPM.ZIP 37 Kb. Newton Planetary Simulator for OS/2 PM - Simulat
    e Orbits.
    NUMASST.ZIP 383 Kb. Professional Scientific Calculator with trig,
    log, absolute, and factorial functions. Very
    well done.
    NUMASST1.ZIP 40 Kb. Professional Scientific Calculator with trig,
    log, absolute, and factorial functions. Very
    well done.
    NVSN23.ZIP 670 Kb. Night Vision, v2.3. Planetarium program for
    OS/2, and will display the heavens from any
    location on earth. Viewing options allow the
    user to control which sky objects to display,
    which font to use, and manipulation of star
    ORTL115E.ZIP 496 Kb. ORTELIUS english version of PM cartography app OS2MAGIC.ZIP 435 Kb. This is MAGIC IC layout tool for OS/2 system. OS2SCALC.ZIP 69 Kb. Port of a U**X spreadsheet program w/source PALMAND1.ZIP 119 Kb. Mandelbrot is a program running under OS/2 to
    caculate the mandelbrot set. It supports palette
    management and GIF image saving.
    PARGP210.ZIP 1250 Kb. The PARI/GP Number Theory-oriented Algebra v2.1.
    0 - Used as a system designed for fast computati
    ons in number theory. EMX is required(Jan 1
    PARI139.ZIP 1006 Kb. Calculator and library for number theory. PARI
    is a system for doing fast, high-precision,
    advanced mathematics. Includes a "calculator",
    GP.EXE, which allows interactive use of the
    system, and a C library that allows its use
    in programs.
    PARI386.ZIP 528 Kb. Fast high-precision calculator for number theory
    , v1.38
    PARIGP22.ZIP 2284 Kb. The PARI-GP v2.2 calculator with symbolic and
    numeric input with many number-theoretic functio
    ns. Source is included(Mar 23 2001)
    PERIELEM.ZIP 85 Kb. The Periodic Element Table with data for each
    PICALCU.ZIP 18 Kb. The ESCOTT and EULER algorithm for calculating
    the Euler constant e and pi as DOS application.S
    ource is included(1997)
    PJ2_V31.ZIP 1678 Kb. Pj2 version 3.1 demo 3-D CAD for OS/2.
    PL212SML.ZIP 275 Kb. Planets v2.12 w/on-line help only 95/05/28.
    V2.12 has some fixes and a new startup screen.
    This ZIP excludes the external .INF book but
    still has on-line Help/information. Does not
    include VROBJ.DLL found on this BBS.
    PLASM102.ZIP 233 Kb. The Plasmid Processor v1.02 with fragment, restr
    iction, insertion, genes, cloning, and plasmid
    handling(Jul 3 1996)
    PMCALC.ZIP 39 Kb. OS/2 Presentation Manager Calculator V1.00.
    Simulation of a typical pocket calculator. Provi
    des 12-digit floating point numbers, standard
    arithmetic functions, a memory, plus selection
    of trigonometric, logarithmic & scientific funct
    PMCALC0.ZIP 20 Kb. Programmer's calculator for PM with usual functi
    ons plus shift left or right, decimal, octal,
    and hex numbering. Calculator "buttons" subclas
    s the standard dialog push buttons and use Petzo
    ld's 3-D button effects and font changes
    PMCALC31.ZIP 170 Kb. PmCalc 3.1 OS/2 PM calculator with scientific
    and programmer functions, calculating with varia
    bles, regression, easy transfer to/from the
    clipboard, detailed error messages, online help. PMCALC32.ZIP 170 Kb. OS/2 PM calculator with scientific functions,
    easy transfer to/from the clipboard, programers
    functionality, regression, detailed error messag
    es, online help. Shareware 25$. English and
    PMLNCALC.ZIP 128 Kb. A PM line calculator with some useful features. PMMANDEL.ZIP 33 Kb. PM mandelbrot program. PMMANDEL is a fractals
    program that completes the series on multithread
    ed drawing under the OS/2 PM. PMMANDEL draws
    the famous Mandelbrot set. PC Magazine, Environ
    ments, Volume 9 Number 13.
    PMMANDL2.ZIP 25 Kb. Revised version of Petzold's PMMANDEL Mandelbrot
    program; calculation thread now runs at idle-tim
    e (low) priority.
    PMMOL3.ZIP 108 Kb. PM molecular mass calculator (spanish and englis
    PMMOND.LZH 44 Kb. OS/2 2.0 Lunar Phases - very accurate. Calendar
    too. Requires coprocessor.
    PMNEURO.ZIP 161 Kb. PMNEURO 1.0 creates neural networks (backpropaga
    tion); propagation results can be used as new
    training input for creating new networks and
    following propagation trials.
    PMWT18B.ZIP 497 Kb. PMWeather is a shareware program that allows
    you to view weather reports and forecasts. PMWTH134.ZIP 308 Kb. PMWeather 1.34 is a shareware program that allow
    s you to view weather reports and forecasts. PMZYME11.ZIP 528 Kb. PmZyme is a tool for visualizing and modeling
    two-dimensional scientific data.
    POLYCALC.ZIP 72 Kb. PolyCalc Calculator V1.12. Customizable calculat
    or for OS/2 2.x & Warp. Supports drag & drop
    font & colors, resizeable window from min to
    max, 16 storage registers, separate entry &
    display modes for number conversions & more! POLYMARS.ZIP 407 Kb. A variation on the Multiple Adaptive Regression
    Spline(MARS) as a multiple regression function
    approximated using linear splines as source(Mar
    4 1998)
    PR05.ZIP 14 Kb. Just spews out prime numbers given a starting
    PRIME13.ZIP 92 Kb. NEW: v1.3 Primenumber Generator for Linux, MSDOS
    , OS2 and Mac. Very fast 32 bit algorithm. Sourc
    e code for all platforms is included. OS/2 ver.
    requires EMX-RT v0.9b
    PRIMEOS2.ZIP 184 Kb. PRIMEOS2 - A program to connect to the GIMPS(Gre
    at Internet Mersenne Prime Search) project(Apr
    3 1999) See: http://van-loon.xs4all.nl/primeos2/
    PROCALC.ZIP 31 Kb. OS/2 PM Professional Calculator V3.90
    PSPICEP1.ZIP 626 Kb. OS/2 program to do circuit analysis 1 of 2 PSPICEP2.ZIP 622 Kb. OS/2 program to do circuit analysis 2 of 2 RASMOL25.ZIP 335 Kb. RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended
    for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids
    and small molecules.
    S10026.ZIP 4 Kb. A pop-up window hexadecimal calculator, explores
    a method of using dialog box templates to define
    the layout of child window controls on a program
    's main window, illustrates features of the
    OS/2 Presentation Manager.
    SCALC98.ZIP 38 Kb. SourceCalc98, new version of the Source Calculat
    or - A Programmer's Calculator. Includes hex,
    binary, octal, and decimal display, along with
    boolean operations. Great for creating bit masks
    and decimal/hex conversions..
    SCHEM742.ZIP 3842 Kb. MIT Scheme 7.4.2 for OS/2 is an implementation
    of the Scheme programming language.
    SCIGR063.ZIP 2446 Kb. SciGraphica v0.6.3 - A 2D, 3D scientific graphic
    program. XFree86 and EMX runtime are required(em
    xrt is included), (Apr. 20th 2001)
    SCIGRAPH.ZIP 2399 Kb. SciGraphica preview - A 2D, 3D scientific graphi
    c program. XFree86 and EMX runtime are required(
    emxrt is included), Dec. 2000
    SEQPUP08.ZIP 2426 Kb. SeqPup v0.8 - A biological sequence editor and
    analysis program with network services and exter
    nal analysis programs. Java 1.1 runtime is requi
    red. Some source included(Jan 1998)
    SFIT110.ZIP 282 Kb. Easy to use, PM, non-linear curve fitting progra
    SID091.ZIP 2679 Kb. SID v0.91 image processor for CCD astronomy.
    SID is a block diagram oriented digital image
    processing where data is kept as double precisio
    SIGCALC.ZIP 86 Kb. A simple program to calculate quickly the signif
    icance level of a measurement or experiment
    without having to start a huge statistic package
    (Feb 4 1999)
    SIMDEM.ZIP 305 Kb. Serial wedge program to input serial data direct
    ly into applications. This demo has a limit
    of 512 bytes of data throughput. Ideal for inter
    facing with Bar Code readers, Portable Terminals
    , Magnetic Card readers, Electronic Scales etc. SIMSTA12.ZIP 1391 Kb. Simstat v1.2 - A program for statistical analysi
    s as dutch,english,french or spanish version
    for WIN-OS/2(1997)
    SKYCHART.ZIP 154 Kb. OS/2 PM planetariom program with animation
    SKYGATE.ZIP 1031 Kb. SkyGate v1.3 - Astronomy Database & Planetarium.
    Full function astronomy database & planetarium
    system for OS/2. Planetarium with point & click
    database access. Messier & Herschel certificate
    log. Celestron Compustar point & click control. SLD32.ZIP 60 Kb. AutoCAD slide file viewer with MDI, threads
    etc. Freeware.
    SPACE.ZIP 40 Kb. Solar system simulator program. Includes source
    SPICE2G6.ZOO 236 Kb. Berkley Spice version 2g6 analog circuit simulat
    or (fortran -> gcc port. Required ZOO21E.exe
    to uncompress
    SPICE3F4.ZIP 754 Kb. OS/2 Version of Berkeley Spice 3f4 Analog Circui
    t Simulator.
    SPLOT184.ZIP 1351 Kb. This is an integrated editor, C subset interpret
    er, and scientific graphics program.
    SPRING.ZIP 26 Kb. Damped Oscillation Animation - Plots and animate
    s in X-Y plane in real-time. OS/2 1.2 or higher
    SSPL10.ZIP 20 Kb. Simple Signal Processing Library(SSPL) v1.0
    - Uses VAC4RT.ZIP - May 2002 See: http://www.vsu
    STATS.ZIP 2 Kb. OS/2 statistics program
    STMOTOS2.ZIP 480 Kb. A simulation demo for the simulation of the
    heat process and dynamic of a sterling engine.
    See:http://peterfette.gmxhome.de/program.htm STPLOT16.ZIP 120 Kb. PLOT 1.6 creates/prints/exports graphic plots
    from text files.
    TIDE150.ZIP 277 Kb. Tide Predictor. Requires emxrt 0.9c fix01 or
    TISEAN2.ZIP 4888 Kb. (tisean-os2.zip) Tisean 2.0 for OS/2. Utilities
    that analyze the data in non-linear (chaotic)
    systems. All the executables were compiled with
    gcc and g77 straight from the original source. TISEFIX2.ZIP 5318 Kb. Tisean-os2-fix2.zip A collection of utilities
    to analyze non-linear (chaotic) data
    TSA.ZIP 887 Kb. Time Series Analyzer for OS/2 A graphical envir
    onment for chaotic and nonlinear time series. UNITNB.ZIP 35 Kb. OS/2 2.x units of measurement convertor. OS/2
    2.0 "Notebook" utility for Unit Conversions.
    Provides conversions for units of measure using
    OS/2 2.0's notebook metaphor. Compiled for 32-bi
    t OS/2 2.x
    UPN07B.ZIP 11 Kb. Revers polish notation calculator.
    VF04R1.ZIP 81 Kb. FITS format image viewer, astronomy related. VFITS012.ZIP 127 Kb. FITS format image viewer for astronomy.
    VIEW3D.ZIP 204 Kb. This is a 32-bit, mouse oriented, interactive
    3-dimensional data viewing program for OS/2
    2.x compiled using emx-0.8f. Future versions
    will make use of OS/2's mutithread capabilities
    to render the use of system facilities more
    WARPCALC.ZIP 174 Kb. Scientific calculator for Warp, v1.84 pro.
    WWUT11G.ZIP 691 Kb. Unit conversion tool (German version). unit
    conversion tool with sophisticated interface;
    database contains 193 units at 33 categories. XVIEW201.ZIP 162 Kb. Xview v2.01 - A program to plot and transform
    X-Ray diffraction data from different sources
    (Jul., 7th 1995)
    XYPLOT3C.ZIP 222 Kb. XYPlot for OS/2. German docs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    180 files, 211714 KBytes.

    (To be continued in next message...)

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (618:100/2)