• Just goofing around...

    From @lkosov@tilde.town to tilde.poetry on Mon Jul 27 19:46:04 2020
    Don't really want to go out,
    to run errands or do tasks;
    might run into a goober,
    who politicizes masks.

    Better stay at my PC,
    writing iptables rules;
    easier to face botnets,
    than "plandemic" spewing fools.

    Whilst both are antisocial,
    IPv4 is finite;
    stupidity is endless,
    deeper, darker, than the night.

    Inanities: gopher://tilde.town:70/1/~lkosov/ (with netmail address & GPG key) He/him/them/they/whatever. If in doubt, assume the above post contains sarcasm --- Synchronet 3.18b-Linux NewsLink 1.113