• genrate a ascii fractal form shell

    From snowcrash@snowcrash@tilde.pink to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Feb 28 13:48:15 2022

    sh -c 'set 2 1 0 / . - + ^ : , ! %;y=70;for a in $* $*;do x=54;while [ \
    ${#s} -lt 79 ];do r=0;i=0;for b in % $*;do [ $(((q=r*r)+(t=i*i))) -ge 9\
    999 ]&&break;i=$((y+(r*i)/32));r=$((x+(q-t)/64));done;s=$b$s;x=$((x-2))\ ;done;y=$((y-6));echo $s|tr % " ";s=;done;'


    Follows the output:

    2222222222222222111111000000000000000000///.+,+..111111111111111111111111111111 2222222222222100000000000000000000///////...-^: : /////1111111111111111111111 222222222220000000000000000000/////////....+: ^+-..//////001111111111111111 222222222000000000000000000/////////...-+^: +.....////0001111111111111 222222200000000000000000////////-+---+++::, ,^^+-------//00000111111111 222222000000000000000/////...-+, !, ,! :.0000001111111 222200000000000000........----^:! -..000000011111 22220000000000.........---+^: :++-./0000000111 22200000--, !:++: ::+++^^^, :.//000000011 22......-++: !! !-///000000001 22.....^:, +..///00000001 22++:: ^-...///00000000 22: :+-..////00000000 22.... ,:! :-.////00000001 22......+++! -.///00000001 222/....--^ :! :::::, ^+.//000000011 2220000000000---+.....--+++^, !:::./0000000111 22220000000000000.........---: :-../00000011111 22222000000000000000////....--+:! :./000000111111 22222220000000000000000///////-!,, ,^^! !, ,: ,----+^:.00000111111111 22222222000000000000000000/////////.----+^^ ,+-.....////000111111111111 22222222220000000000000000000/////////...., ,: .../////000111111111111111 22222222222200000000000000000000////////....+^: ,+--//////11111111111111111111 22222222222222211110000000000000000000////..-,,--../111111111111111111111111111 --
    “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.„

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From yeti@yeti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Apr 21 03:46:21 2022
    snowcrash <snowcrash@tilde.pink> writes:


    sh -c 'set 2 1 0 / . - + ^ : , ! %;y=70;for a in $* $*;do x=54;while [ \ ${#s} -lt 79 ];do r=0;i=0;for b in % $*;do [ $(((q=r*r)+(t=i*i))) -ge 9\
    999 ]&&break;i=$((y+(r*i)/32));r=$((x+(q-t)/64));done;s=$b$s;x=$((x-2))\ ;done;y=$((y-6));echo $s|tr % " ";s=;done;'

    / )
    ___ / /__
    |-' _)
    | _)
    | _)

    How could I overlook this sooo long?
    Take Back Control! — Mesh The Planet!
    smtp/tor: yeti@anetphabw4n7gheupc7d2gla4m4yuec622f6qadfypd6lgnhipodbyqd.onion finger yeti@tilde.institute
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113