• New files got at KofoBBS

    From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 5 09:02:46 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z64 51843 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 064
    51843 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L64 1965 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 064
    1965 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z64 2043 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 064
    2043 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z64 12945 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-03-05 (064)
    12945 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTALST.064 35257 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z64 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    46843 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z64 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z64 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15453 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z64 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a64 2605 Nodediff for day 064, 2021 (ARC)
    2605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z64 1968 Nodediff for day 064, 2021 (ZIP)
    nodediff.z64 1968 Nodediff for day 064, 2021 (ZIP)
    3936 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a64 88506 Nodelist for day 064, 2021 (ARC)
    88506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z64 51845 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 064
    51845 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z64 56223 Nodelist for day 064, 2021 (ZIP)
    56223 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z64 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8324 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37210 -- description missing --
    37210 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0O_0052.JPG 506777 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-007, »½.ôτ-äÑαÑ, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ÅπΓÑó«⌐ »«ßΓ 1949¬¼ - äáú«¼δß æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐
    ¬αá⌐, 18.05.19 (1200x779) [9.01.01]
    _0O_0053.JPG 349277 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-008 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá
    æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19 (1200x794)
    _0O_0054.JPG 525759 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-009 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«ñáα-I -
    Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 03.01.20 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _0O_0055.JPG 531343 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥æ1-009 ¿ ¥æ1-010 ¡á ßΓ.Ç¡á»á
    æèåä, 30.12.19 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _0O_0056.JPG 481293 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-010 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ⁿ823 Ç¡á»á -
    èαáß¡«ñáα, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä,
    30.12.19 (1200x797) [9.01.01]
    _0O_0057.JPG 347549 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-012 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá
    æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19 (1200x779)
    _0O_0058.JPG 351505 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-013 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá
    æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19 (1200x794)
    _0O_0059.JPG 341397 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-014/041, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005A.JPG 389459 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-041/014, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19
    (1200x784) [9.01.01]
    3824359 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1115 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1115 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VK5.JPG 126861 <3.1> Å««σ«Γ¿½¿ß∞... (700x525) [9.01.01]
    126861 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.064 161924 Z2 Dailylist for day 064, 2021
    161924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4614662 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 5 09:41:14 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z64 602 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    ADVDIFF.Z64 602 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    1204 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z64 7987 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    ADVNET.Z64 7987 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    15974 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z64 595 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z64 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1817 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z64 560 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    FMLYDIFF.Z64 560 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    1120 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z64 6934 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    FMLYLIST.Z64 6934 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    13868 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z64 562 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsdiff.z64 562 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z64 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    gmsnet.z64 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    9198 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z64 587 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.064 35257 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.064 35257 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z64 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z64 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    94273 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z64 463 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10POINT.Z64 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    LEAGUE10.064 34907 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    43096 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z64 582 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z64 582 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    1164 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z64 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z64 9969 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z64 9969 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    19938 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z64 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    RMININET.Z64 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    RMININET.Z64 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    13410 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55470 FidoNet Nodelist
    55470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z64 582 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z64 582 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    1164 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z64 9653 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z64 9653 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    19306 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z64 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z64 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    17236 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z64 677 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z64 677 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z64 13978 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z64 13978 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    29310 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z64 55607 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55607 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z64 520 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    520 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z64 530 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZEDIFF.Z64 530 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z64 6274 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    ZELIST.Z64 6274 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    13608 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z64 561 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_DIFF.Z64 561 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z64 40522 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    ZYX_LIST.Z64 40522 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    82166 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 497505 bytes in 51 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 5 16:01:06 2021
    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS0321.ZIP 1423533 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 03/21 =
    = March 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 27 years experience! One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1423533 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.064 21647 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z64 6925 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.064 21647 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    50219 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z64 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z64 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z64 9967 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10371 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210305.zip 3129459 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3129459 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A64 2850 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 064
    2850 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.064 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z64 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z64 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41934 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z64 11095 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z64 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    11304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z64 80571 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 064 (05.03.2021)
    z2pnt.z64 80571 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 064 (05.03.2021)
    161142 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z64 529 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 064 (05.03.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z64 529 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 064 (05.03.2021)
    1058 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4831870 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 5 21:01:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210305.zip 29455 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Setting Crescent Moon over California
    05 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    29455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z64 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210305.zip 511910 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Western United States
    05 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    511910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210305.zip 415712 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415712 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 957861 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 6 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z65 51846 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 065
    51846 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.065 18428 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z65 5957 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.065 18428 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42813 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z65 7819 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.065 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z65 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37210 -- description missing --
    37210 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0O_005B.JPG 256502 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-014/041, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ƒ¬«α¡á∩ Öѽ∞ - ï«« æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 20.05.19
    (1200x764) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005C.JPG 321865 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-016 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá
    æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19 (1200x800)
    _0O_005D.JPG 589217 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-017, «.».â«α¡δ⌐ ó«ºñπσ æèåä,
    áóúπßΓ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005E.JPG 413326 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-019, »½.ôτ-äÑαÑ, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ÅπΓÑó«⌐ »«ßΓ 1949¬¼ - äáú«¼δß æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐
    ¬αá⌐, 18.05.19 (1200x785) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005F.JPG 550377 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-021 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Æπτ¬«ó« -
    ä«α«σ«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 23.06.19
    (1200x805) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005G.JPG 602036 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-023 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Æπτ¬«ó« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-I, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 03.05.19
    (1200x785) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005H.JPG 337894 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-024 «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡
    é«ñ«»áñ¡δ⌐ - ÿѻ߿ æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 18.05.18
    (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005I.JPG 369444 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-025, »½.ôτ-äÑαÑ, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ÅπΓÑó«⌐ »«ßΓ 1949¬¼ - äáú«¼δß æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐
    ¬αá⌐, 18.05.19 (1200x784) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005J.JPG 575454 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-029 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑΓѽ¿¡« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 05.01.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4016115 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z65 11269 STN Daily made nodelist
    11269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62376 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VK6.JPG 81195 <3.1> ä¿óÑαß¿∩ αáñ¿ πñ«íßΓóá... (900x601) [9.01.01]
    81195 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.065 161926 Z2 Dailylist for day 065, 2021
    161926 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4552587 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 6 16:01:06 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210306.zip 3249947 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3249947 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3249947 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 6 21:01:06 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210306.zip 487000 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Marian
    06 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    487000 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210306.zip 416500 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416500 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 905712 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 7 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z66 51843 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 066
    51843 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.066 18426 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z66 5955 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.066 18426 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42807 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z66 7818 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.066 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z66 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    R50.ROU 3040 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14254 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    18344 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0O_005K.JPG 631855 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-031 ó »α«µÑßßÑ ¡á½áñ¬¿ »«ß½Ñ
    »α¿íδΓ¿∩ ó ñÑ»« ¿º èαÑΣѽ∞ñá, æç-äÄææ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ÄèÆ ª.ñ., ¿ε¡∞ 2013 (1200x800)
    _0O_005L.JPG 532000 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-031 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ä«α«σ«ó« -
    Æπτ¬«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 23.06.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005M.JPG 659708 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-034 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005N.JPG 593088 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-034 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-I -
    ÅÑΓѽ¿¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.01.21
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005O.JPG 722348 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-035 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á` ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 31.08.18
    (1198x800) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005P.JPG 430429 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-035, »½.ïÑß¡á∩, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï«« -
    ƒ¬«α¡á∩ Öѽ∞ æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 17.05.18
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005Q.JPG 420495 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥æ1-043 ¿ ¥æ1-036, ßΓ.Çñ½Ñα æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 20.05.18 (1200x779) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005R.JPG 381195 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-043 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá
    æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19 (1200x774)
    _0O_005S.JPG 579955 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-044 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 06.12.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4951073 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z66 11619 STN Daily made nodelist
    11619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    r50ec.zip 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VK7.JPG 37179 <3.1> -â¡áΓ∞ íπñÑΦ∞?.. (700x525) [9.01.01]
    37179 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.066 162226 Z2 Dailylist for day 066, 2021
    162226 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5452912 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 7 16:01:12 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25161 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1550911 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 10187 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1588010 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210307.zip 427564 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    427564 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2015574 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 7 21:01:16 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    CSCNET.ZIP 12086 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FISHING.ZIP 1328416 \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    █▀ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▄ ▀█▀
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █
    █▄ █ ▀▄ █▄█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄ █
    █ █ ▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▐█ █ █ █ ▄ █
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
    hjw ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
    "Saving Souls From Hell"
    e-mail: society@phatstar.org
    apologetics counselling charities cults
    education evangelism general history
    media ministry persecution prophecy
    \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    1343440 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210307.zip 262913 MODIS Picture of the Day
    07 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    262913 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210307.zip 415816 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415816 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2022169 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 8 16:03:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44790 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z67 51843 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 067
    51843 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2728818 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2728869 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5457687 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC10.ZIP 12709 FIDONEWS 08 Mar 2021 Vol 38 No 10
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12709 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.067 20391 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z67 6423 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.067 20391 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    47205 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z67 9603 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210308.zip 1178114 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1178114 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.067 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z67 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0O_005T.JPG 678302 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-052 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«)
    æèåä, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0O_005U.JPG 738904 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ1-053 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¡«∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_000U.JPG 401580 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â ¡á ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    01.08.20 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _0P_000V.JPG 694722 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-006 »α«σ«ñ¿Γ »½.106¬¼ íѺ
    «ßΓá¡«ó¬¿ »« ¼áαΦαπΓπ æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    (î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ 󫬺á½) - 髽σ«óßΓα«⌐-I, »ÑαÑú«¡ «óδ⌐ üδΓ
    - Åπ»δΦÑó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_000W.JPG 625136 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-006 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á` «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ «Γ
    »½.Äíπσ«ó«, ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ∩¡óáα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_000X.JPG 674428 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-008 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    å¿σáαÑó« - é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_000Y.JPG 623779 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-008, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_000Z.JPG 755883 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-008/¥æ2â-018
    `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡ çѽѡ«ú«α߬ - üѽ««ßΓα«ó ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0010.JPG 511319 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-009 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á` ó ß«ßΓáóÑ
    ßñó«Ñ¡¡«ú« ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ 髽σ«óßΓα«⌐-I -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ 󫬺á½), »ÑαÑú«¡ æá»±α¡á∩
    - ꪫαδ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, áóúπßΓ 2018 (1200x801)
    5704053 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z67 11269 STN Daily made nodelist
    11269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13263 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VK8.JPG 49403 <3.1> -è¿¿¿-ƒ!!! (600x600) [9.01.01]
    49403 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.067 162226 Z2 Dailylist for day 067, 2021
    162226 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 12781935 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 8 21:03:56 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210308.zip 61196 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Caldera de Taburiente National Park, Spain
    08 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    61196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210308.zip 198725 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in the Ohio River Valley
    08 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    198725 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210308.zip 416994 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416994 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 676915 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 9 09:02:24 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FG_WORF : FGW: Info files, FAQ's, FILEGATE.ZXX
    filegate.zxx 61312 Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID format. Also
    contains HUB/connect information.
    61312 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_0011.JPG 662012 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-009 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0P_0012.JPG 657830 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-009 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.æóÑΓ½«ú«α߬-II èåä, è὿¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0013.JPG 726475 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-010 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡ ꪫαδ
    - æá»±α¡á∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0014.JPG 695546 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-010, »ÑαÑú«¡ «óδ⌐ üδΓ -
    Åπ»δΦÑó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε¡∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0015.JPG 676960 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-010/013, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Éδíᵬ«Ñ - æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬
    Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0P_0016.JPG 539146 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-013 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0017.JPG 546414 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-014/020 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ çѽѡ«ú«α߬ - üѽ««ßΓα«ó ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0018.JPG 647797 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-018/008 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ çѽѡ«ú«α߬ - üѽ««ßΓα«ó ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0019.JPG 563668 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-018 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó߬á∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, áóúπßΓ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5715848 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VK9.JPG 45140 <3.1> -ù¿ßΓÑ¡∞¬«Ñ... (700x525) [9.01.01]
    45140 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.068 162227 Z2 Dailylist for day 068, 2021
    162227 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6021494 bytes in 13 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 9 21:01:06 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z68 51844 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 068
    51844 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210309.zip 494856 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Comet Neowise and The Dark of Night
    09 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    494856 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38321142 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12500697 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6243959 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38321142 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6243961 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 197513 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23684 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 197513 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 48135 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102097746 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210309.zip 504506 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Icy Heart of the North Pacific
    09 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    504506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210309.zip 676924 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    676924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.071 491 Net 5030 routing map, day 071
    n5030.rou 313 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 071
    n5030.tru 360 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 071
    1164 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210309.zip 418551 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418551 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 104245591 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 10 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z69 51730 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 069
    51730 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.069 16628 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z69 5557 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.069 16628 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    38813 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.GAME : GFD.APP: OS/2 Games -->>
    MPLUSPM.ZIP 87846 MonoPlus PM Monopoly just Extended PRE Version 0.11.
    The OS/2 PM version of Monopoly Plus! that will
    eventually become a network multiplayer game. Author:
    Nathan Woodruff.
    87846 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    TXWIN7XX.ZIP 11129284 TxWindows version 7.00 development library (Open
    Source, MIT license). Includes the library, sources
    and samples. Copyright (c) 1995-2021 Fsys Software and
    Jan van Wijk. TxWindows is a multi-platform text-mode
    windowing library, that includes all the features
    needed to implement user-friendly application in text
    mode, with input fields, text-viewers, list-controls,
    buttons, menus and other basic controls. It also
    contains a scrollable output-window with an attached
    command line that is particularly well suited for
    command-driven applications, with an additional
    scripting language for automation of tasks. It can be
    used to build such applications for OS/2, Windows,
    Linux, macOS and DOS.
    11129284 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z69 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.069 32115 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z69 9608 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41723 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (08-03-2021)
    783 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    R50.TRU 990 -- description missing --
    990 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_001A.JPG 781132 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-018 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Æ«¬ß«ó« - ÅÑα¿ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¡«∩íα∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001B.JPG 777922 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-019,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001C.JPG 741090 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-019,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001D.JPG 630825 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-019 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡ Åѽ½á
    - æá»±α¡á∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001E.JPG 524572 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-019 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Éδíᵬ«Ñ - æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬
    Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, á»αѽ∞ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001F.JPG 526283 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-019 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Éδíᵬ«Ñ - æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬
    Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0P_001G.JPG 510021 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-020 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001H.JPG 754400 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-020/014 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ üѽ««ßΓα«ó - çѽѡ«ú«α߬ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001I.JPG 390719 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-026/028,
    ßΓ.î«ß¬óá-Γ«óáα¡á∩ ÄèÆ, ú.î«ß¬óá, 03.07.16 (1200x799)
    5636964 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z69 13707 STN Daily made nodelist
    13707 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13263 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKA.JPG 236149 <3.1> -ù± «íσ«ñ¿ΓÑ? -Ç ¼δ ¡Ñúαá¼«Γ¡δÑ!.. (1000x753)
    236149 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.069 161555 Z2 Dailylist for day 069, 2021
    161555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 17459744 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 10 10:25:38 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210310.zip 1401491 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1401491 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37174 -- description missing --
    37174 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    16821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1455486 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 10 21:01:06 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210310.zip 516803 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Persian Gulf
    10 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    516803 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5049.zip 332 -- description missing --
    332 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210310.zip 421458 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421458 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 938593 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 11 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z70 51783 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 070
    51783 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2521573 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2521597 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5043170 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.070 21648 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z70 6926 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.070 21648 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    50222 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z70 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.070 32113 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z70 9607 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1746 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 070
    1746 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37215 -- description missing --
    37215 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_001J.JPG 357998 <2.6> æñó«Ñ¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-028/026,
    ßΓ.î«ß¬óá-Γ«óáα¡á∩ ÄèÆ, ú.î«ß¬óá, 03.07.16 (1200x799)
    _0P_001K.JPG 667868 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-042 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0P_001L.JPG 528940 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-043 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-»áßßᪿα߬¿⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001M.JPG 797760 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-043 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0P_001N.JPG 788784 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-043 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (761x1150)
    _0P_001O.JPG 576166 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-044 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.çѽѡ«úαáñ߬-¡«óδ⌐ èåä, è὿¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001P.JPG 673939 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-044 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x801)
    _0P_001Q.JPG 752729 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-044 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x801)
    _0P_001R.JPG 688855 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-045 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    5833039 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z70 11356 STN Daily made nodelist
    11356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKB.JPG 492817 <3.1> -æ½áº∞, á Γ« »«½¡δ⌐ ¼áßß᪠ßñѽáε!.. (1347x1077)
    492817 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.070 161641 Z2 Dailylist for day 070, 2021
    161641 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11847285 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 11 16:01:12 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210311.zip 910417 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    910417 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 910417 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 11 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210311.zip 480332 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Snowflakes and Symmetry
    11 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    480332 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1422309 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210310) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1422309 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.DRV : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Different device drivers
    usbdr238.zip 438896 This package contains updated USB drivers, revision
    10.238. Updated USB host controller drivers:
    USBRESMG.SYS. Human interface class drivers
    Added USB audio 2.0 support. Author: Lars Erdmann.
    438896 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.071 6805 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z71 2596 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.071 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z71 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.071 3322 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z71 1103 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.071 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z71 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.071 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z71 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.071 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z71 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19550 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210311.zip 129025 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Silver Rivers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    11 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    129025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.071 1867 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z71 991 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    2858 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.071 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z71 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.071 5221 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z71 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.071 8642 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z71 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.071 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    3469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.071 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    2587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.071 1662 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    1662 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.071 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z71 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210311.zip 422835 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422835 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2951645 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 12 09:24:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z71 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z71 7986 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z71 51781 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 071
    51781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L71 1529 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 071
    1529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z71 1605 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 071
    1605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z71 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z71 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z71 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z71 6935 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z71 556 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z71 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4594 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z71 13011 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-03-12 (071)
    13011 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z71 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTADFF.Z71 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.071 35258 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.071 35258 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z71 11587 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z71 11587 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    94852 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z71 454 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z71 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z71 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15908 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z71 576 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z71 576 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    1152 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z71 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z71 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z71 9970 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z71 9970 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    19940 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z71 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a71 2246 Nodediff for day 071, 2021 (ARC)
    2246 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z71 1717 Nodediff for day 071, 2021 (ZIP)
    nodediff.z71 1717 Nodediff for day 071, 2021 (ZIP)
    3434 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55542 FidoNet Nodelist
    55542 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a71 88649 Nodelist for day 071, 2021 (ARC)
    88649 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z71 51783 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 071
    51783 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z71 56273 Nodelist for day 071, 2021 (ZIP)
    56273 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z71 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z71 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    1154 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z71 9654 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z71 9654 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    19308 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z71 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z71 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z71 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    25563 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PDNBASIC : PDN: Basic Related
    DND50A2P.ZIP 22258935 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules patches. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip first then dnd50a2s.zip source
    code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.
    22258935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37257 -- description missing --
    37257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_001S.JPG 741612 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-049 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, ßΓ.ùÑનº«ó«
    îûè îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001T.JPG 575129 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-051 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001U.JPG 594963 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-052 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001V.JPG 724185 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-055, ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x797) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001W.JPG 646523 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-058 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001X.JPG 625827 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-060 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x797) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001Y.JPG 700068 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-067 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _0P_001Z.JPG 662862 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-070 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x805) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0020.JPG 501608 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-070 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    5772777 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1113 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1113 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z71 671 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z71 671 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z71 13980 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z71 13980 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    29302 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z71 55607 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55607 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z71 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKC.JPG 26404 <3.1> -ƒ ΓπΓ... (334x700) [9.01.01]
    26404 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.071 161735 Z2 Dailylist for day 071, 2021
    161735 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z71 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z71 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6801 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z71 554 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z71 40523 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    41077 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 29051499 bytes in 71 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 12 16:01:04 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.071 21647 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z71 6925 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.071 21647 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    50219 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z71 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z71 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z71 9967 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10371 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210312.zip 2261588 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2261588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.071 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z71 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z71 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41934 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z71 11095 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z71 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    11304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z71 80646 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 071 (12.03.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z71 80646 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 071 (12.03.2021)
    161292 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z71 721 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 071 (12.03.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z71 721 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 071 (12.03.2021)
    1442 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2538150 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 12 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z71 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z71 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z71 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z71 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 12 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210312.zip 415197 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Helical Clouds
    12 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    415197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210312.zip 142856 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ice Breakup on Green Bay
    12 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    142856 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210312.zip 422340 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422340 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 980393 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 13 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z72 51779 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 072
    51779 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38329101 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12501878 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6245819 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38329101 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6245821 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 200074 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24194 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 200074 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 49186 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102125248 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.072 18428 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z72 5957 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.072 18428 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42813 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1422364 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210312) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1422364 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z72 7819 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.072 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z72 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pntlist.rul 6265 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    6265 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37255 -- description missing --
    37255 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_0021.JPG 697521 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-078 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0022.JPG 656399 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-078 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x797) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0023.JPG 549745 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-081, ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0024.JPG 569280 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-082, ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0025.JPG 614742 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-082, ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0026.JPG 648689 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-083 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0027.JPG 727513 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-085 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0028.JPG 562760 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-086 ¡á ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    19.07.20 (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0029.JPG 629978 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-086 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.ü«Γá¡¿τÑ߬¿⌐ æáñ îûè îÄæè, ¿ε½∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    5656627 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z72 11269 STN Daily made nodelist
    11269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62376 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKD.JPG 63925 <3.1> üá¡ñ¿Γδ (700x525) [9.01.01]
    63925 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.072 161762 Z2 Dailylist for day 072, 2021
    161762 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 109729520 bytes in 35 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 13 16:01:12 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210313.zip 181509 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    181509 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 181509 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 13 21:01:14 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2521895 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2521750 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5043645 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210313.zip 503725 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Habana
    13 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    503725 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210313.zip 418000 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418000 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5965370 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 14 09:02:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z73 51887 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 073
    51887 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37328 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3069 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 990 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14254 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    56691 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_002A.JPG 593890 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-099 «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ «Γ »½.Äíπσ«ó«,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002B.JPG 718504 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥æ2â-099 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á` ¿ ¥Æ2î-137,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002C.JPG 653722 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-100 «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ «Γ »½.Äíπσ«ó«,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x792) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002D.JPG 625095 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥æ2â-100 ¿ ¥Æ2î-103, ßΓ.ïá¡ß¬á∩
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0P_002E.JPG 644842 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-100 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æá»±α¡á∩ - Åѽ½á ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002F.JPG 578599 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-100 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æá»±α¡á∩ - Åѽ½á ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002G.JPG 588235 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-101, ßΓ.ÅαÑß¡∩ îûè îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002H.JPG 254577 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-113 ¡á ø¬ß»Ñα¿¼Ñ¡Γá½∞¡«¼
    ¬«½∞µÑ éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, ú.î«ß¬óá, 21.08.19 (1200x751)
    _0P_002I.JPG 312707 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-113, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 21.08.19 (1200x784) [9.01.01]
    4970171 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    r50ec.zip 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKE.JPG 53759 <3.1> Åα«úαá¼¼¿α«óá¡¿Ñ - øΓ« ß½¿Φ¬«¼ ß½«ª¡«! (513x700)
    53759 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.073 162136 Z2 Dailylist for day 073, 2021
    162136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5425135 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 14 16:02:14 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25162 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    25162 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 25162 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 14 21:02:40 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210314.zip 221446 MODIS Picture of the Day
    A March Day across the Mid-Atlantic
    14 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    221446 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210314.zip 416004 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416004 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 637450 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 15 09:02:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44790 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z74 51886 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 074
    51886 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2521912 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2521736 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5043648 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.074 20391 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    20391 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z74 9603 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_002J.JPG 421667 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-113, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 25.08.19 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002K.JPG 550171 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-115 ïáßΓ«τ¬á, ¬½áßß `è«¼Σ«αΓ`,
    10-Γ¿ óáú«¡¡á∩ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002L.JPG 552569 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-117 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅáóΦ¿¡« -
    áσáí¿¡«, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 02.01.20 (1200x800)
    _0P_002M.JPG 324381 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-117, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÖÑαí¿¡¬á -
    èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 16.06.20 (1200x775)
    _0P_002N.JPG 673306 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-117 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ - ïεí½¿¡« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002O.JPG 578445 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-117 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ - ïεí½¿¡« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002P.JPG 249990 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-118, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÖÑαí¿¡¬á -
    èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 12.02.20 (1200x800)
    _0P_002Q.JPG 662861 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-118 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅáóΦ¿¡« -
    áσáí¿¡«, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 16.08.20 (1200x804)
    _0P_002R.JPG 583931 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-118 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ïεí½¿¡« - î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4597321 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKF.JPG 46759 <3.1> ô¼á∩½ß∩... (700x521) [9.01.01]
    46759 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.074 162136 Z2 Dailylist for day 074, 2021
    162136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10052173 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 15 16:03:12 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210315.zip 2916155 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2916155 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2916155 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 15 21:02:32 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210315.zip 1869292 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Twilight from Mount Penteli, Greece
    15 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1869292 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210315.zip 307207 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Eruption at Mt. Etna
    15 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    307207 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210315.zip 415448 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415448 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2591947 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 16 09:02:44 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z75 51888 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 075
    51888 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1550911 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 10187 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1562849 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37328 -- description missing --
    IPLIST.LST 37328 -- description missing --
    74656 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_002S.JPG 338248 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-119, ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 08.12.20 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002T.JPG 589411 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-119 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ïεí½¿¡« - î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002U.JPG 654953 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-120 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-»áßßᪿα߬¿⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002V.JPG 700945 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-120 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (800x1200)
    _0P_002W.JPG 770807 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-120 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.è὿¡¿¡úαáñ-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ èåä, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x794)
    _0P_002X.JPG 602394 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-121 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`,
    ßΓ.çѽѡ«úαáñ߬-«óδ⌐ èåä, è὿¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002Y.JPG 572072 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-122 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á` ¡á ßΓ.èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_002Z.JPG 652163 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-123 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    üα«¡Ñóá∩ - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0030.JPG 622230 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-126 »ÑαÑú«¡∩ÑΓß∩ ßó«¿¼ σ«ñ«¼ ß
    ºáó«ñá ó ñÑ»« »α¿»¿ß¬¿ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5503223 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62376 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKG.JPG 58017 <3.1> ôΓα«. Äíδτ¡«Ñ πΓα«. Äíτδ¡á∩ úẫóá∩ áΓá¬á...
    (700x525) [9.01.01]
    58017 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.075 162137 Z2 Dailylist for day 075, 2021
    162137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7512113 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 16 21:01:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210316.zip 156079 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
    16 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    156079 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.EDIT : GFD.APP: OS/2 Editors (Text & Binary)
    nepmd122.zip 4005609 netlabs.org EPM Distribution (NEPMD) version 1.22.
    Copyright (c) netlabs.org EPM Distribution Project
    2002-2021. Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1989, 1993,
    1994, 1995, 1996. NEPMD is an add-on for EPM, the
    Enhanced Editor of OS/2. Comprehensive add-on package
    for EPM, the Enhanced Editor of OS/2. The netlabs.org
    EPM Distribution enhances EPM with new features and
    countless bug fixes. It simplifies configuration
    significantly, without requiring recompilation.
    Because the documentation is still at version 1.00,
    this version can be considered as an alpha version
    before 2.00. Author: Andreas Schnellbacher. WarpIN
    4005609 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    chkdll32.zip 30789 CHKDLL32 (version 1.02) 2021-03-10 SHL. Chkdll32x.exe
    is a modified version of chkdll32.exe. Chkdll32.exe
    was originally released by IBM as part of the
    Developer Connection R1 V12. It checks that all DLLs
    used by an EXE or DLL can be loaded.
    30789 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    CSCNET.ZIP 12086 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FISHING.ZIP 1328416 \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    █▀ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▄ ▀█▀
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █
    █▄ █ ▀▄ █▄█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄ █
    █ █ ▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▐█ █ █ █ ▄ █
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
    hjw ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
    "Saving Souls From Hell"
    e-mail: society@phatstar.org
    apologetics counselling charities cults
    education evangelism general history
    media ministry persecution prophecy
    \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    1343440 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z71 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10POINT.Z71 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    LEAGUE10.071 34908 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    43089 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z71 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210316.zip 300638 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bits and pieces of Iceberg A68 around South Georgia
    16 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    300638 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A71 2192 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 071
    2192 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731355 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731355 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210316.zip 415045 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415045 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7028440 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 17 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z76 51893 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 076
    51893 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FG_WORF : FGW: Info files, FAQ's, FILEGATE.ZXX
    filegate.zxx 60106 Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID format. Also
    contains HUB/connect information.
    60106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.076 16628 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z76 5557 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.076 16628 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    38813 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z76 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210317.zip 222943 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    222943 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.076 32115 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z76 9608 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41723 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37328 -- description missing --
    37328 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_0031.JPG 568697 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-131 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ áσáí¿¡« -
    ÅáóΦ¿¡«, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 16.08.20 (1200x803)
    _0P_0032.JPG 736342 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-131 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ - ïεí½¿¡« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0033.JPG 568308 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-132 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ïεí½¿¡« - î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0034.JPG 600573 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-132 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ïεí½¿¡« - î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0035.JPG 565197 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-135, ßΓ.üѽδÑ æΓ«½íδ îÄæè
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0036.JPG 814782 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x791) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0037.JPG 565758 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, «.».äáτ¡«Ñ,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ üα«¡Ñóá∩ - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x787)
    _0P_0038.JPG 702437 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ¡«∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_0039.JPG 436762 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237, »ÑαÑú«¡ üα«¡Ñóá∩ - ï¿ú«ó«
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x801)
    5558856 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z76 13709 STN Daily made nodelist
    13709 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKH.JPG 178785 <3.1> -Ç ∩ ¬á¬ íδ Γ«ú« - «σαá¡∩ε... (1024x768)
    178785 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.076 162139 Z2 Dailylist for day 076, 2021
    162139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6488871 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 17 21:01:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210317.zip 19177 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Race for the Great Conjunction, 2021
    17 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    19177 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210317.zip 291804 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Massive River of Dust Moves Across China
    17 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    291804 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210317.zip 417735 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417735 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 728716 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 18 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z77 51891 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 077
    51891 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.077 21648 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z77 6926 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.077 21648 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    50222 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    IRCD8231.ZIP 258955 ircd-hybrid version 8.2.31. IRCD-Hybrid is a
    lightweight, high-performance Internet Relay Chat
    daemon. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    258955 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    tstlg339.zip 128110 TestLog V3.39 (2021-Mar-14). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    128110 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z77 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.077 32113 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z77 9607 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 077
    1747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37401 -- description missing --
    37401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_003A.JPG 634874 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003B.JPG 710667 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003C.JPG 754412 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    üѽ««ßΓα«ó - çѽѡ«ú«α߬ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003D.JPG 634829 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æΓαѽ∞¡á - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003E.JPG 635014 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-237 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, «.».æ«ß¡«óá∩
    Å«½∩¡á, »ÑαÑú«¡ æΓαѽ∞¡á - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¡«∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003F.JPG 721181 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-238 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    üα«¡Ñóá∩ - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003G.JPG 678704 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-238 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Åπ»δΦÑó« - «óδ⌐ üδΓ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¼á⌐
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003H.JPG 618704 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-239 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æΓαѽ∞¡á - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003I.JPG 663735 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-240 »α¿íóáÑΓ ¬ »½.Äíπσ«ó«,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    6052120 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z77 11356 STN Daily made nodelist
    11356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKI.JPG 494007 <3.1> -çáΘ¿Γá, º¡áτ¿Γ. Åß««íαáªáѼ ¡Ñ¼¡«ú«...
    (2560x1467) [9.01.01]
    494007 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.077 162229 Z2 Dailylist for day 077, 2021
    162229 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7412334 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 18 16:02:52 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210318.zip 1733766 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1733766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1733766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 18 21:02:38 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210318.zip 498575 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Newspaper Rock State Historical Monument, Utah
    18 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    498575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.078 6805 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.078 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.078 3322 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    11915 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210318.zip 503747 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sea ice off of Newfoundland and Labrador
    18 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    503747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.078 1867 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z78 991 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    2858 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.078 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z78 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.078 5221 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z78 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.078 8642 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z78 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.078 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z78 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.078 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z78 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.078 1662 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z78 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2583 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.078 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z78 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210318.zip 418802 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418802 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1474945 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 19 09:05:36 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z78 51886 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 078
    51886 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L78 1503 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 078
    1503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z78 1582 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 078
    1582 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z78 13035 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-03-19 (078)
    13035 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a78 2208 Nodediff for day 078, 2021 (ARC)
    2208 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z78 1701 Nodediff for day 078, 2021 (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z78 1701 Nodediff for day 078, 2021 (ZIP)
    3402 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a78 89157 Nodelist for day 078, 2021 (ARC)
    89157 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z78 51888 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 078
    51888 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z78 56384 Nodelist for day 078, 2021 (ZIP)
    56384 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37401 -- description missing --
    37401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0P_003J.JPG 582297 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-240 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    諽»¿¡« - æáí½¿¡« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0P_003K.JPG 636060 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥æ2â-240 `ïáßΓ«τ¬á`, »ÑαÑú«¡ «óδ⌐
    ÅÑΓÑαú«Σ - Äαá¡¿Ñ¡íáπ¼ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ∩¡óáα∞
    2021 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _0Q_000T.JPG 363807 <2.6> Éѽ∞ß«óδ⌐ áóΓ«íπß ÉÇ3-002 ¡á ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 28.05.19 (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    _0R_001T.JPG 382737 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ ääü1-005 (»«ñ Γ∩ú«⌐ 2î62ô), ñÑ»«
    Å«½«µ¬ üù, üѽáαπß∞, ∩¡óáα∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0R_001U.JPG 485486 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ ääü1-010, ßΓ.ǽ±Θá üù, üѽáαπß∞,
    ∩¡óáα∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0T_004K.JPG 543957 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Ç-219 (DR1AC-219), »áα¬ à
    ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩, ïáΓó¿∩, ∩¡óáα∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0T_004L.JPG 443481 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Ç-222 ¡á ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩
    (É¿úá-ÅáßᪿÑαπ), ïáΓó¿∩, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2013 (1200x800)
    _0T_004M.JPG 567766 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Ç-222 ¡á ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩
    (É¿úá-ÅáßᪿÑαπ), ïáΓó¿∩, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2013 (1200x800)
    _0T_004N.JPG 684254 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Ç-225 (EVR DR1BJ-2710),
    ßΓ.Æá½½¿¡-üá½Γ¿ (ú.Æá½½¿¡¡, üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ 󫬺á½),
    ¥ßΓ«¡¿∩, á»αѽ∞ 2013 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4689845 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    58818 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKJ.JPG 229148 <3.1> -¡« ó«⌐Γ¿?.. (1280x960) [9.01.01]
    229148 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.078 162227 Z2 Dailylist for day 078, 2021
    162227 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5485451 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 19 10:21:38 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z78 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    ADVDIFF.Z78 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    1190 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z78 7987 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    ADVNET.Z78 7987 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    15974 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z78 588 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z78 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1811 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z78 552 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z78 6935 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z78 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z78 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4593 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z78 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTADFF.Z78 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.078 35258 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.078 35258 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z78 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z78 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    94850 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z78 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.078 34908 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35361 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z78 576 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z78 576 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    1152 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z78 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z78 9969 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z78 9969 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    19938 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z78 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210319.zip 7171310 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    7171310 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55653 FidoNet Nodelist
    55653 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z78 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z78 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    1154 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z78 9652 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z78 9652 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    19304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z78 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z78 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    17238 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z78 669 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z78 669 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z78 13978 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z78 13978 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    29294 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z78 55609 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55609 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z78 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z78 525 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZEDIFF.Z78 525 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z78 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    ZELIST.Z78 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    13600 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z78 553 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z78 40523 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    41076 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7599635 bytes in 44 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 19 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.078 21647 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z78 6925 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.078 21647 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    50219 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z78 9967 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.078 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z78 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41738 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z78 11095 STN Daily made nodelist
    11095 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z78 80636 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 078 (19.03.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z78 80636 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 078 (19.03.2021)
    161272 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z78 535 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 078 (19.03.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z78 535 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 078 (19.03.2021)
    1070 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 275361 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 19 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z78 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z78 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z78 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z78 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 19 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210319.zip 503561 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Pink Virga
    19 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    503561 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210319.zip 489427 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust plumes over the Arabian Sea
    19 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    489427 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210319.zip 416654 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1409642 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 20 09:02:26 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z79 51908 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 079
    51908 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    DRV32.ZIP 106666 Device Driver Development Kit for 32 Bit Drivers
    Version 20210314. Copyright (c) 2013-2021 David
    Azarewicz. A development kit to make developing new
    device drivers very easy. This kit contains header
    files and a library that contains all of the system
    related interfaces and thunking modules necessary to
    build a 32 bit device driver on OS/2. The only thing
    you need to focus on is your unique code for your
    device. Then simply link to the library and you can
    start testing your code. Examples of working drivers
    are included in the kit. The newer Multimac drivers,
    the AHCI driver, and the USB drivers are based on this
    106666 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    uniau311.zip 836630 Uniaud32 v.3.01.01. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David
    Azarewicz. Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver
    for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek
    Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is
    based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a
    broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including
    AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be
    found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio,
    typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be
    found in modern systems with integrated audio, built
    during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older
    audio hardware. WarpIN installer.
    836630 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37433 -- description missing --
    37433 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0T_004O.JPG 572553 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Ç-227, »áα¬ à
    ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩, ïáΓó¿∩, ∩¡óáα∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    _0T_004P.JPG 519258 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Ç-251 (EVR DR1BJ-2718),
    ßΓ.Æá½½¿¡-üá½Γ¿ (ú.Æá½½¿¡¡, üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ 󫬺á½),
    ¥ßΓ«¡¿∩, á»αѽ∞ 2013 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0T_004Q.JPG 650909 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Ç-251 (EVR DR1B-3718),
    ßΓ.Æá½½¿¡-üá½Γ¿ (ú. Æá½½¿¡¡, üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ 󫬺á½),
    ¥ßΓ«¡¿∩, á»αѽ∞ 2013 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0T_004R.JPG 483593 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Çî-254 (äÉ1Ç-254) ¡á
    ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩ (É¿úá-ÅáßᪿÑαπ), ïáΓó¿∩, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2013 (1200x777) [9.01.01]
    _0T_004S.JPG 475773 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÉ1Çî-254 (äÉ1Ç-254) ¡á
    ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩ (É¿úá-ÅáßᪿÑαπ), ïáΓó¿∩, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2013 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VJ.JPG 175368 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-0608, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞ 2004
    (1024x682) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VK.JPG 248607 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-0612, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2004 (1024x682) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VL.JPG 521424 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0626 (¥É2-0626), ßΓ.èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2019 (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VM.JPG 546699 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0654 (¥É2-0654), ßΓ.èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    4194184 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62376 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKK.JPG 131290 <3.1> -Ñ »«»α«íπÑΦ∞ - ¡Ñ πº¡áÑΦ∞!.. (793x1200)
    131290 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.079 162321 Z2 Dailylist for day 079, 2021
    162321 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5621682 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 20 21:02:12 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210320.zip 519079 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sunny Summer day in South Island, New Zealand
    20 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    519079 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210320.zip 421836 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421836 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 940915 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 21 16:02:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z80 51910 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 080
    51910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.080 18426 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z80 5955 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.080 18426 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42807 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    uniau311.zip 836774 Uniaud32 v.3.01.01. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David
    Azarewicz. Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver
    for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek
    Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is
    based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a
    broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including
    AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be
    found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio,
    typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be
    found in modern systems with integrated audio, built
    during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older
    audio hardware. WarpIN installer.
    836774 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    tstlg339.zip 128160 TestLog V3.39 (2021-Mar-20). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    128160 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25807 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | games/ - League 46 games/guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1550911 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 10187 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1588656 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z80 7818 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.080 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z80 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37442 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3069 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 990 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14254 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    56805 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00VN.JPG 516475 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-0678, ßΓ.ÿáñα¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ∩¡óáα∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VO.JPG 233150 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-0814, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2005 (1024x682) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VP.JPG 289334 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-0816, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2004 (1024x682) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VQ.JPG 770720 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0828, ßΓ.îá¬πΦ¿¡« ₧-ôÉ,
    èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε¡∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VR.JPG 810453 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥É2è-0901 ¿ ¥É2è-0980 ¡á íáºÑ
    ºá»áßá çѽѡ«ú«α߬ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x669)
    _3F_00VS.JPG 625437 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0912, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2015
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VT.JPG 652013 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0913 (¥É2-0913), »ÑαÑú«¡
    ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó߬á∩ - ÿ«ßßÑ⌐¡á∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    á»αѽ∞ 2010 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VU.JPG 552907 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0914, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ«¬ß«ó« - ÅÑα¿
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2011 (1200x801)
    _3F_00VV.JPG 609993 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0914 (¥É2-0914), ßΓ.Åπ»δΦÑó«
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2012 (1200x800)
    5060482 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z80 11619 STN Daily made nodelist
    11619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    r50ec.zip 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKL.JPG 178131 <3.1> -Ñ ß¬áªπ! (750x562) [9.01.01]
    178131 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.080 162328 Z2 Dailylist for day 080, 2021
    162328 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8297705 bytes in 36 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 21 21:02:06 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210321.zip 189381 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Chihuahuan Dust over New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico
    21 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    189381 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210321.zip 421113 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421113 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 610494 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 22 09:03:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44790 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z81 51910 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 081
    51910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC12.ZIP 12805 FIDONEWS 22 Mar 2021 Vol 38 No 12
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWTC12.ZIP 12805 FIDONEWS 22 Mar 2021 Vol 38 No 12 The newsletter of
    the Fidonet Community. CONTENTS: * * List of IPv6
    nodes * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project *
    Statistics from the Fidoweb * Nodelist Stats * How to
    Submit an Article * Credits, Legal Infomation,
    25610 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.081 20391 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z81 6423 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.081 20391 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    47205 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.081 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z81 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (22-03-2021)
    784 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37442 -- description missing --
    37442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00VW.JPG 726941 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0918 »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3 ó ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, áóúπßΓ 2010 (1200x791)
    _3F_00VX.JPG 555030 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0946 (¥É2-0946), »ÑαÑú«¡
    æΓαѽ∞¡á - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VX.JPG 555030 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0946 (¥É2-0946), »ÑαÑú«¡
    æΓαѽ∞¡á - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VY.JPG 685605 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0980, »½.ô¡¿óÑαß¿ΓÑΓ߬á∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ Äαá¡¿Ñ¡íáπ¼ - «óδ⌐ ÅÑΓÑαú«Σ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x772) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VY.JPG 685605 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0980, »½.ô¡¿óÑαß¿ΓÑΓ߬á∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ Äαá¡¿Ñ¡íáπ¼ - «óδ⌐ ÅÑΓÑαú«Σ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x772) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00VZ.JPG 803773 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0980, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó« -
    æΓαѽ∞¡á ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, á»αѽ∞ 2020
    (1200x789) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W0.JPG 490590 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0980, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó« -
    æΓαѽ∞¡á ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, á»αѽ∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W1.JPG 710035 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0980 `æ«τ¿`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    üÑ߬πñ¡¿¬«ó« - î«ß¬óá-üπΓδα߬á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W2.JPG 686972 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0980 `ƒσα«¼á`, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó«
    - æΓαѽ∞¡á ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W3.JPG 562598 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0980 `ƒσα«¼á`, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó«
    - æΓαѽ∞¡á ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W4.JPG 726344 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥É2è-0994 (¥É2-0994) ¿ ¥É2Æ-7205,
    ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¼á⌐
    2010 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    7188523 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKM.JPG 160026 <3.1> -欫αÑÑ íδ ¡á ñáτπ... (1024x617) [9.01.01]
    160026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.081 162332 Z2 Dailylist for day 081, 2021
    162332 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7834031 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 22 16:03:08 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25165 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    25165 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z78 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10POINT.Z83 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    8179 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z78 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 33548 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 22 21:03:42 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210322.zip 473009 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Double Rainbow on Evia, Greece
    22 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    473009 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    CSCNET.ZIP 12086 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FISHING.ZIP 1328416 \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    █▀ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▄ ▀█▀
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █
    █▄ █ ▀▄ █▄█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄ █
    █ █ ▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▐█ █ █ █ ▄ █
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
    hjw ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
    "Saving Souls From Hell"
    e-mail: society@phatstar.org
    apologetics counselling charities cults
    education evangelism general history
    media ministry persecution prophecy
    \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    1343440 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210322.zip 208588 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Green up in Louisiana
    22 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    208588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210322.zip 420559 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2445596 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 23 09:04:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z82 51911 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 082
    51911 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37442 -- description missing --
    37442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00W5.JPG 582657 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-0994 (¥É2-0994), ßΓ.æΓαѽ∞¡á
    ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2010 (1200x775) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W6.JPG 471358 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ 09 ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥É2-0994
    (¥É2è-0994) »ÑαÑñ «Γ»αáó¬«⌐ ¡á »«αѺ¬π, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3F_00W7.JPG 430400 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1019, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2015 (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W8.JPG 770961 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1037, »ÑαÑú«¡ èπΦѽÑó¬á -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ö¿¡½∩¡ñ߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2008
    (1200x777) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00W9.JPG 769771 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1049 (¥É2-1049), »ÑαÑú«¡
    Æ«¬ß«ó« - ÅÑα¿ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2015
    (1200x804) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WA.JPG 251087 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1053, »ÑαÑú«¡ àó»áΓ«α¿∩-¬πα«αΓ
    - àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩ æèåä, 30.05.20 (1150x842)
    _3F_00WB.JPG 254536 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1053, »ÑαÑú«¡ àó»áΓ«α¿∩-¬πα«αΓ
    - àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩ æèåä, 30.05.20 (1150x783)
    _3F_00WC.JPG 401200 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1059 (¥É2-1059),
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ö¿¡½∩¡ñ߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2008
    (1149x826) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WD.JPG 648220 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1059, ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-î«ß¬«ó߬«Ñ ÄèÆ, ¿ε¡∞ 2009 (1200x800)
    4580190 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKN.JPG 575192 <3.1> -Æ«úñá ¿ ¼Ñ¡∩ óδíαáßδóá⌐ΓÑ... (1920x1274)
    575192 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.082 162333 Z2 Dailylist for day 082, 2021
    162333 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5519674 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 23 16:01:06 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210323.zip 2131112 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2131112 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2131112 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 23 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210323.zip 212126 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lofoten Islands, Norway
    23 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    212126 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210323.zip 513407 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Great Lakes Straddle the Seasons
    23 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    513407 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210323.zip 418736 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418736 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1144269 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 24 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z83 51952 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 083
    51952 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210324.zip 248884 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    248884 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37442 -- description missing --
    37442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00WE.JPG 712026 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1073, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ«¬ß«ó« - ÅÑα¿
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ∩¡óáα∞ 2010 (1200x800)
    _3F_00WF.JPG 788368 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1073, ßΓ.èπΦѽÑó¬á ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2010 (1200x762) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WG.JPG 788290 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡δÑ óáú«¡δ ¥É2è-1090 (¥É2-1090) ó ß«ßΓáóÑ
    ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥É2è-0997 (¥É2-0997), ßΓ.èπΦѽÑó¬á ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2010 (1200x782) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WH.JPG 695622 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1139 (¥É2-1139), ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2009 (1200x800)
    _3F_00WI.JPG 238670 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1149, »ÑαÑú«¡ àó»áΓ«α¿∩-¬πα«αΓ
    - àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩ æèåä, 11.05.20 (1200x752)
    _3F_00WJ.JPG 288423 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1149, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩
    æèåä (1200x789) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WK.JPG 283947 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1149, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩
    æèåä (1200x820) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WL.JPG 445828 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1149, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    18.08.20 (1200x936) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WM.JPG 363283 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1152, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ«½∞߬ -
    âα¿ó¡« îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 02.06.18 (1200x800)
    4604457 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKO.JPG 513825 <3.1> -ôªÑ ó ßáñπ!.. (1170x585) [9.01.01]
    513825 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.083 162335 Z2 Dailylist for day 083, 2021
    162335 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5731501 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 24 21:01:12 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2521757 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2521860 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5043617 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5053.ZIP 3947 Net 5053 PointList (Saratov)
    3947 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5047564 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 25 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36967 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z84 51949 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 084
    51949 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2521872 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2521666 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5043538 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.084 21648 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z84 6926 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.084 21648 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    50222 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z84 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.084 32113 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z84 9607 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 084
    1747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37484 -- description missing --
    37484 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00WN.JPG 417001 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1183, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    29.07.20 (1200x846) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WO.JPG 165326 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1200, ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 06.03.16
    (1198x550) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WP.JPG 223997 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1200, ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 15.10.16
    (1200x842) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WQ.JPG 802031 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1200, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεí½¿¡« -
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3F_00WR.JPG 737983 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1201, ßΓ.ÅÑα«ó«-IV îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WS.JPG 597432 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1218 (¥É2-1218) (1159x792)
    _3F_00WT.JPG 206595 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1218, »ÑαÑú«¡
    àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩ - àó»áΓ«α¿∩-¬πα«αΓ, èαδ¼, 10.08.18
    (1200x685) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WU.JPG 245910 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1218, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼ (1200x792) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WV.JPG 257826 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1218, »ÑαÑú«¡
    àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩ - àó»áΓ«α¿∩-¬πα«αΓ, èαδ¼, 05.06.20
    (1100x833) [9.01.01]
    3654101 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z84 11356 STN Daily made nodelist
    11356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13263 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKP.JPG 302097 <3.1> -ÿΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦ... (1024x768) [9.01.01]
    302097 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.084 162432 Z2 Dailylist for day 084, 2021
    162432 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9479222 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 25 16:02:38 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210325.zip 58111525 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    58111525 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 58111525 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 25 21:02:00 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210325.zip 518745 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Panoramic View of Villarrica Volcano and the Southern
    25 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    518745 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.085 6805 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.085 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z85 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.z85 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    9389 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210325.zip 534831 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Arabian Sea Phytoplankton Bloom and Sunglint
    25 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    534831 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.085 1867 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z85 991 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    2858 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.085 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z85 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.085 5221 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z85 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.085 8642 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z85 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.085 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z85 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.085 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z85 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.085 1662 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z85 924 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.085 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z85 2119 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7719 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210325.zip 415627 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415627 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1520502 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 26 09:03:00 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z85 597 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    597 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z85 7988 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7988 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z85 51950 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 085
    51950 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L85 1680 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 085
    1680 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z85 1756 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 085
    1756 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z85 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z85 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1813 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z85 550 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    550 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z85 6935 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z85 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z85 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4596 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z85 13057 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-03-26 (085)
    13057 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z85 11587 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    11587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z85 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z85 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z85 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15909 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z85 579 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z85 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z85 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z85 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a85 2362 Nodediff for day 085, 2021 (ARC)
    2362 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z85 1819 Nodediff for day 085, 2021 (ZIP)
    nodediff.z85 1819 Nodediff for day 085, 2021 (ZIP)
    3638 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a85 88803 Nodelist for day 085, 2021 (ARC)
    88803 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z85 51952 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 085
    51952 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z85 56456 Nodelist for day 085, 2021 (ZIP)
    56456 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z85 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z85 9654 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z85 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z85 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16944 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37451 -- description missing --
    37451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00WW.JPG 299773 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1218, »ÑαÑú«¡ àó»áΓ«α¿∩-¬πα«αΓ
    - àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩, èαδ¼, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x861)
    _3F_00WX.JPG 434510 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1228, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ«¬ß«ó« - ÅÑα¿
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ∩¡óáα∞ 2010 (1200x793)
    _3F_00WY.JPG 247993 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1228, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼, 12.05.20 (1200x745) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00WZ.JPG 265288 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1228, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼, 18.05.20 (1200x737) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00X0.JPG 233482 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1228, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼ (1200x849) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00X1.JPG 213284 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1228, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼ (1200x754) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00X2.JPG 215787 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2è-1228, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼ (1200x754) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00X3.JPG 219830 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1236, ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 25.02.17
    (1198x842) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00X4.JPG 138656 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1261, ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 06.03.16
    (1192x664) [9.01.01]
    2268603 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z85 672 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z85 13980 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14652 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z85 55608 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55608 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z85 516 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    516 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16821 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75644 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKQ.JPG 335078 <3.1> Çúα«¡«¼ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    335078 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.085 162439 Z2 Dailylist for day 085, 2021
    162439 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z85 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z85 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6801 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z85 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z85 40523 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    40720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3405041 bytes in 55 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 26 09:43:24 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z85 597 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    597 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z85 7988 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7988 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z85 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z85 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1813 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z85 550 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    550 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z85 6935 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z85 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z85 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4596 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z85 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.085 35258 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z85 11587 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47427 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z85 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.085 35018 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35473 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z85 579 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z85 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z85 9970 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z85 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210326.zip 6656692 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    6656692 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55719 FidoNet Nodelist
    55719 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z85 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z85 9654 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z85 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z85 672 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z85 13980 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14652 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z85 55608 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55608 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z85 516 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    516 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z85 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z85 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6801 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z85 555 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z85 40523 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    41078 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6978373 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 26 11:04:02 2021
    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z78 1701 Nodediff for day 078, 2021 (ZIP)
    nodediff.z85 1819 Nodediff for day 085, 2021 (ZIP)
    3520 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3520 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 26 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.085 21647 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z85 6925 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.085 21647 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    50219 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z85 9967 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.085 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z85 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41738 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z85 11095 STN Daily made nodelist
    11095 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z85 80969 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 085 (26.03.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z85 80969 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 085 (26.03.2021)
    161938 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z85 1146 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 085 (26.03.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z85 1146 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 085 (26.03.2021)
    2292 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 277249 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Mar 26 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210326.zip 101494 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lake Ghirla, Italy
    26 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    101494 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z85 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210326.zip 522918 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Beautiful Blue Lake Balkhash
    26 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    522918 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210326.zip 414672 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414672 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1039288 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 27 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z86 51953 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 086
    51953 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.086 18428 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z86 5957 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.086 18428 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42813 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z86 7819 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.086 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z86 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37451 -- description missing --
    37451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00X5.JPG 783042 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1280, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ö¿¡½∩¡ñ߬¿⌐ - ïá¡ß¬á∩ ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2009 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00X6.JPG 616665 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1284, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα¿ - âαπº¿¡«
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2009 (1200x800)
    _3F_00X7.JPG 769148 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1291, ßΓ.ïáñ«ªß¬«Ñ ĺÑα« ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2010 (1200x736)
    _3F_00X8.JPG 559978 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1300 «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ «Γ «.».îá⌐«α¿
    (Majori), »ÑαÑú«¡ äπíπ½Γ¿ (Dubulti) - Åα¿Ññá⌐¡Ñ
    (Priedaine), ïáΓó¿∩ (Latvija), ∩¡óáα∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    _3F_00X9.JPG 602853 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1300 ¡á ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩,
    ú.É¿úá, ïáΓó¿∩, ∩¡óáα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00XA.JPG 497702 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-1338 ¡á ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 28.07.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3F_00XB.JPG 711226 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ ¥É2-134105 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ¥É2î-605,
    ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩, ïáΓó¿∩, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2013 (1200x800)
    _3F_00XC.JPG 761720 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ ¥É2è-2001 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá
    ¥É2è-918 (ß«ßΓáó ¥É2è-018 ß ú«½«ó¡δ¼¿ óáú«¡á¼¿
    91809/200103) »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, áóúπßΓ 2010 (1200x797)
    _3F_00XD.JPG 621081 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-8029 ¡á ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩,
    ú.É¿úá, ïáΓó¿∩, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2013 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5923415 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z86 11269 STN Daily made nodelist
    11269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKR.PNG 1104949 <3.1> âẫ¡«¬«ß¿½¬á (1000x600) [9.01.01]
    1104949 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.086 162441 Z2 Dailylist for day 086, 2021
    162441 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7497791 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Mar 27 16:01:12 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210327.zip 3263227 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3263227 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3263227 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 28 16:05:54 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z87 51967 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 087
    51967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.087 18426 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z87 5955 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.087 18426 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42807 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25189 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 251197 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 3/27/21
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1550911 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 10187 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1839235 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z87 7818 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210327.zip 481877 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Western Japan and the Seto Inland Sea
    27 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    481877 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.087 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z87 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37451 -- description missing --
    37451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3F_00XE.JPG 712559 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É2-8914 (¥Æ2É-8914) ß ú«½«ó¡δ¼¿
    óáú«¡á¼¿ ¥Æ2É-913/914, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ö¿¡½∩¡ñ߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2011 (1200x800)
    _4C_0343.JPG 650639 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-058 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 069), ßΓ.èá∩ßá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¼á⌐ 2015 (1200x900)
    _4C_0344.JPG 581117 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-058 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 069), ßΓ.ÿáñα¿¡ß¬
    ₧-ôÉ, èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ∩¡óáα∞ 2017 (1200x800)
    _4C_0345.JPG 706566 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-087 ß ß«ßΓáó«¼ ¿º óáú«¡«ó ¼ÑΓα«
    ¼«ñ.81-722.1/723.1/724.1 `₧í¿½Ñ⌐¡δ⌐` ñ½∩ »Ñαó«⌐ ½¿¡¿¿
    ÅÑΓÑαíπαú߬«ú« ¼ÑΓα«»«½¿ΓÑ¡á, ßΓ.ꪫαδ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2016
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0346.JPG 808993 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-092, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0347.JPG 550506 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-095, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0348.JPG 777621 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-095, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0349.JPG 579468 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-095, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034A.JPG 475307 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0113, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2013
    (1200x743) [9.01.01]
    5842776 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210327.zip 415600 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKS.JPG 473828 <3.1> î∩ú¬á∩ »«ßáñ¬á... (2048x1536) [9.01.01]
    473828 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.087 162439 Z2 Dailylist for day 087, 2021
    162439 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9512364 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Mar 28 21:04:02 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210328.zip 505529 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Soft Spring Day across Europe
    28 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    505529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210328.zip 419308 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419308 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 924837 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 29 09:04:10 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44804 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z88 51970 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 088
    51970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC13.ZIP 12697 FIDONEWS 29 Mar 2021 Vol 38 No 13
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FTSC : SDS: FidoNet Technical Standards
    FTA-1003.029 4268 FTSC Membership List as of 2021-03-29
    4268 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FTSC-OLD : SDS: Old Fidonet Technical Standars files
    FTA-1003.028 4145 FTSC Membership List as of 2020-01-24
    4145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6132340 QSINIT 0.28, rev 0537, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6132340 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    LNKS222.ZIP 3908610 Links browser version 2.22. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c.
    LNKS222W.ZIP 3954272 Links browser version 2.22. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c. WarpIN
    7862882 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    qs_ldr.zip 960085 QSINIT 0.28, rev 0537. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    TSTLG339.ZIP 128157 TestLog V3.39 (2021-Mar-28). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    1088242 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (29-03-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37484 -- description missing --
    37484 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_034B.JPG 642053 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0113, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034C.JPG 600149 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0113, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034D.JPG 511748 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0126, »ÑαÑú«¡ å¿σáαÑó« -
    é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2014
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034E.JPG 656990 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0127, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034F.JPG 544595 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0127, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034G.JPG 597105 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0136 (228-1/602-2) ß úαπº«óδ¼ ¡á
    »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ôΓ∩¬ - èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ,, á»αѽ∞ 2015 (1200x900)
    _4C_034H.JPG 478806 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0136 (228-1/602-2), ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034I.JPG 594016 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0136 (228-1/602-2), ñÑ»«
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034J.JPG 583779 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0136 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 228-1/602-2), ñÑ»«
    èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5209241 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKT.JPG 1405219 <3.1> á »α¿α«ñÑ... (1536x2048) [9.01.01]
    1405219 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.088 162534 Z2 Dailylist for day 088, 2021
    162534 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 22093313 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 29 16:01:58 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210329.zip 2527096 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2527096 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2527096 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 29 21:04:08 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210329.zip 507023 Earth Science Picture of the Day Solar Halo and Lunar
    Halo Observed from Zsámbék, Hungary 29 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD A Service of Universities Space
    Research Association (https//epod.usra.edu)
    507023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    CSCNET.ZIP 12086 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FISHING.ZIP 1328416 \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    █▀ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▄ ▀█▀
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █
    █▄ █ ▀▄ █▄█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄ █
    █ █ ▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▐█ █ █ █ ▄ █
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
    hjw ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
    "Saving Souls From Hell"
    e-mail: society@phatstar.org
    apologetics counselling charities cults
    education evangelism general history
    media ministry persecution prophecy
    \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    1343440 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210329.zip 262364 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in Australia
    29 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    262364 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210329.zip 419521 Global Weather Maps
    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- University of
    Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210329.zip 419521 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    839042 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2951869 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 30 09:03:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z89 52022 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 089
    52022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z89 5955 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.089 18427 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    24382 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z89 7818 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    7818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37522 -- description missing --
    37522 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_034K.JPG 413312 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0138, »ÑαÑú«¡ ôßáñδ-Ĭαπª¡δÑ -
    äÑΓ¬«ó« üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 01.09.18
    (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034L.JPG 764466 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0181, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034M.JPG 617577 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0212, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034N.JPG 462409 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0212, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034O.JPG 589151 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0225 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 163), ñÑ»«
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034P.JPG 575597 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0226, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034Q.JPG 503497 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0226, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2015 (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034R.JPG 790574 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0226, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034S.JPG 792150 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0226, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5508733 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z89 14191 STN Daily made nodelist
    14191 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKU.JPG 89184 <3.1> «τ¡«⌐ ñ«º«α (750x562) [9.01.01]
    89184 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.089 162643 Z2 Dailylist for day 089, 2021
    162643 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6009125 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 30 16:02:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210330.zip 684815 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    684815 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 684815 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 30 21:02:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210330.zip 304863 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, New Mexico
    30 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    304863 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210330.zip 39371 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Wildfires in Coahuila and Nuevo León, Mexico
    30 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    39371 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210330.zip 419209 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 763443 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 31 09:04:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z90 51733 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 090
    51733 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.090 16628 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z90 5557 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.090 16628 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    38813 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.090 32115 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z90 9608 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41723 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37569 -- description missing --
    37569 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_034T.JPG 422454 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0249, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ,
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034U.JPG 590243 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0257, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034V.JPG 518969 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0257, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034W.JPG 612050 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0260, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034X.JPG 485319 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0272, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034Y.JPG 690018 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0286, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_034Z.JPG 736539 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0286, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0350.JPG 574371 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0288, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0351.JPG 717849 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ éï10-0288 ¿ éï10-1300, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5347812 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L3VKV.JPG 280529 <3.1> Äí¡¿¼áΦ¬¿ (800x1076) [9.01.01]
    280529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.090 161831 Z2 Dailylist for day 090, 2021
    161831 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6072640 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 31 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210331.zip 132835 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    A Bountiful Flock of Floccus Clouds
    31 March 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    132835 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYBONE : FMLYNET: FamilyNet Backbone Information Area
    FMLYNET.ZIP 32889 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    32889 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.INFO : GmsNet Information file
    gmsnet.zip 2187933 Information file for GmsNet Network.
    QWK Compatible. Handles handles 3
    Leagues with BRE FE TAL 145 - BRE & FE 146 +
    144 + BRE & FE 45 + BRE & FE 450 + L451 BRE & FE.
    With some more in League 145 as Arrowbridge I
    + II and Clans + Global War and more.
    The New Gamers Network -
    Join us today. Read the Information file
    for join. Test out the web site for gmsnet
    at http://www.gmsnet.org
    2187933 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z85 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10POINT.Z85 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    8182 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z85 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210331.zip 512236 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in Turkey
    31 March 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    512236 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210331.zip 531742 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    531742 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210331.zip 417639 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417639 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3823660 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 1 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z91 51782 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 091
    51782 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n05.zip 16907 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 05
    March 31, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    NY Legalizes Recreational Marijuana .....2
    2021 FTSC Election Final Results ........3
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 4
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 5
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 6
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 7
    More Information ....................... 8
    16907 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.091 21648 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z91 6926 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.091 21648 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    50222 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    FC2_250D.ZIP 693003 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    FC2_250R.ZIP 448898 File Commander/2 v2.50 remote development snapshot.
    Copyright (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton
    Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides powerful
    file management functions, program launch, text
    viewing and editing facilities, built in archiver
    support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP
    and BZIP2) in 32 bit OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2
    is shareware. Add remote control feature. Allows FC to
    be run over an ssh connection.
    1141901 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    drives20.zip 19149 Drives V2.0. Written by David Azarewicz. Show all
    drives in the system.
    19149 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z91 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731355 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744460 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.091 32113 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z91 9607 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 091
    pnt5064.zip 3064 last 2:5064 (Stavropol) pointlist
    4812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37579 -- description missing --
    37579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_0352.JPG 654751 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0288, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0353.JPG 661751 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0292, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0354.JPG 653798 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0294 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡« üîÄ îÄæè, 16.06.19 (1200x805) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0355.JPG 606642 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0294, »ÑαÑú«¡ Éδíᵬ«Ñ - ꪫαδ
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x801)
    _4C_0356.JPG 687144 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0302 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡« üîÄ îÄæè, 17.05.20 (1200x804) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0357.JPG 608261 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0325, »ÑαÑú«¡ å¿σáαÑó« -
    é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0358.JPG 711992 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0328 ß úαπº«óδ¼ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ îúá
    - â«αδ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáßñ¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, (1200x799)
    _4C_0359.JPG 496435 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0328, »ÑαÑú«¡ «ß¬«ó¿µδ -
    髽«ß«ó« ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035A.JPG 586113 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0334, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5666887 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z91 11356 STN Daily made nodelist
    11356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK1.JPG 113717 <3.1> Äí¡εσ὿ß∞ (960x673) [9.01.01]
    113717 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.091 161750 Z2DAILY for today
    161750 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8381429 bytes in 47 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 1 10:06:32 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1547822 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.5
    Updated: 01/03/2021
    1547822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin0421.zip 1035809 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v120
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    lin_info.zip 1035809 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v120
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ln010421.zip 1035809 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v120
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    3107427 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MINI_FILES : Misceallenous files for RMiniNet Rime
    RMINCONF.TXT 73053 RminiNet Conference list description file
    RMINI.FA 168 RminiNet File Echo .Fa file
    RMINI.NA 11642 RminiNet Echo Tag etc. List .NA file
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 11/01/2020
    1179623 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MININET : RMininet files
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 11/01/2020
    1094760 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210401.zip 9550437 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    9550437 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1547822 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.5
    Updated: 01/03/2021
    lin_info.zip 1035809 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v120
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 11/01/2020
    stnFULL.zip 1207909 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/04/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 80530 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/04/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    4966830 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A78 2173 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 078
    2173 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas0421.zip 1092135 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.7
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090518 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.7
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182653 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn0421.zip 1150865 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/04/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnFULL.zip 1207909 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/04/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 80530 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/04/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnL0421.zip 1207909 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/04/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    3647213 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 27278938 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 1 10:08:04 2021
    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A85 2401 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 085
    2401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 1 10:30:08 2021
    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_0421.zip 2930475 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.20
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/04/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934395 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.20
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/04/2021
    Justanet.zip 2928663 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.20
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/04/2021
    8793533 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    FMLYNET.ZIP 32889 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    gmsnet.zip 2187933 Information file for GmsNet Network.
    QWK Compatible. Handles handles 3
    Leagues with BRE FE TAL 145 - BRE & FE 146 +
    144 + BRE & FE 45 + BRE & FE 450 + L451 BRE & FE.
    With some more in League 145 as Arrowbridge I
    + II and Clans + Global War and more.
    The New Gamers Network -
    Join us today. Read the Information file
    for join. Test out the web site for gmsnet
    at http://www.gmsnet.org
    Jn_info.zip 2934395 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.20
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/04/2021
    VIRNET.ZIP 39514 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 45026 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    5239757 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : VIR_INFO : Virnet Coordinator Info file
    VIRNET.ZIP 39514 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    39514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_APPS : ZN: Application Packages Only
    ze0421.zip 1053294 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    zeinfo.zip 1053294 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    2106588 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_INFO : ZyXELNet Coordinator Info file
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 45026 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    45026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16224418 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 1 16:01:04 2021
    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    stnFULL.zip 1207909 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/04/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    1207909 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1207909 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/04/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL0421.zip 1207909 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/04/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    2415818 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3623727 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 1 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210401.zip 440453 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lunar Mirage and Cruise Ship
    01 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    440453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.092 6804 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z92 2595 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.092 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z92 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.092 3322 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z92 1103 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.092 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z92 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.092 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z92 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.092 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z92 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19548 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210401.zip 268094 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in Tennessee
    01 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    268094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 39514 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 45026 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    84540 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.092 1867 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z92 991 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    2858 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.092 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z92 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.092 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z92 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7142 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.092 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z92 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11957 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.092 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z92 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.092 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z92 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.092 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z92 922 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2583 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.092 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z92 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210401.zip 419977 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419977 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1274512 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 2 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z92 600 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z92 7986 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z92 51727 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 092
    51727 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L92 1550 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 092
    1550 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z92 1629 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 092
    1629 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z92 593 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z92 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2104.ZIP 82396 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    82396 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z92 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z92 6934 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6934 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z92 560 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z92 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4598 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z92 13070 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-04-02 (092)
    13070 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z92 460 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10POINT.Z92 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z92 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15913 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z92 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z92 8056 -- description missing --
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z92 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a92 2115 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2115 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z92 1620 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z92 1620 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3240 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a92 90982 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    90982 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z92 51729 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 092
    51729 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z92 56028 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56028 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z92 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37579 -- description missing --
    37579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_035B.JPG 480006 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0334, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035C.JPG 741397 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0335, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035D.JPG 572565 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0335, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035E.JPG 810739 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0343, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035F.JPG 682249 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0343, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035G.JPG 625195 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0348, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035H.JPG 674495 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0348, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035I.JPG 536735 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0349, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035J.JPG 628298 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0350, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5751679 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z92 55608 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55608 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z92 518 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    518 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK2.JPG 223775 <3.1> Äß«íÑ¡¡«ßΓ¿ ¡áµ¿«¡á½∞¡«ú« úαπΦÑ«¬«½áτ¿óá¡¿∩
    (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    223775 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.092 161748 Z2DAILY for today
    161748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z92 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z92 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z92 40523 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    40720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6807139 bytes in 48 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 2 09:40:24 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z92 600 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z92 7986 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z92 593 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z92 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z92 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z92 6934 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6934 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z92 560 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z92 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4598 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z92 585 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.092 35257 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z92 11585 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47427 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z92 460 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z92 460 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.092 35017 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35937 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z92 581 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z92 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z92 9970 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z92 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210402.zip 3264 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3264 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55492 FidoNet Nodelist
    55492 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z92 581 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z92 9657 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9657 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z92 8617 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8617 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z92 674 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z92 13979 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14653 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z92 55608 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55608 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z92 518 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    518 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z92 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z92 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z92 558 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z92 40523 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    41081 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 325206 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 2 16:01:16 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.092 16715 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z92 5601 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.092 16715 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    39031 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z92 9967 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210402.zip 10065491 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    10065491 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.092 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z92 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41738 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z92 11095 STN Daily made nodelist
    11095 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z92 79469 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 092 (02.04.2021)
    z2pnt.z92 79469 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 092 (02.04.2021)
    158938 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z92 660 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 092 (02.04.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z92 660 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 092 (02.04.2021)
    1320 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10327580 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 2 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210402.zip 482088 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Frost Pattern on Cold Window
    02 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    482088 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z92 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210402.zip 506463 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Spanish Dust
    02 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    506463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210402.zip 419749 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419749 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1408504 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 3 09:01:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z93 51757 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 093
    51757 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.093 18518 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z93 6002 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.093 18518 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43038 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1547810 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.5
    Updated: 01/03/2021
    FMLYNET.ZIP 32874 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2934389 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.20
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/04/2021
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2928655 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.20
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/04/2021
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1035801 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v120
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 11/01/2020
    VIRNET.ZIP 39500 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 45016 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    9658800 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z93 7819 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.093 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z93 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37644 -- description missing --
    37644 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_035K.JPG 665441 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0355, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035L.JPG 515220 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0355, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035M.JPG 696875 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0365, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035N.JPG 565529 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0365, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035O.JPG 568939 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0369, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035P.JPG 788709 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0370, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035Q.JPG 533905 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0370, ßΓ.è«ß«íα«ñ߬ ₧-ôÉ,
    èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035R.JPG 603021 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0371, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε¡∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035S.JPG 689657 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0378, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5627296 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z93 11269 STN Daily made nodelist
    11269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK3.JPG 61771 <3.1> Äσαá¡á (800x533) [9.01.01]
    61771 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.093 161917 Z2DAILY for today
    161917 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 15816992 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 3 16:01:04 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210403.zip 891854 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    891854 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 891854 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 3 21:01:04 2021
    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210403.zip 418702 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418702 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 418702 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 4 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z94 51862 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 094
    51862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.094 18516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z94 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.094 18516 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43032 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z94 7818 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.094 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z94 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 37863 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3069 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 990 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14254 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    57226 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_035T.JPG 348046 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0382, »ÑαÑú«¡ äÑΓ¬«ó« -
    æá¡ñáα«ó« üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 06.06.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035U.JPG 577143 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0393, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035V.JPG 669403 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0393, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035W.JPG 705480 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0399, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035X.JPG 784681 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0400, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035Y.JPG 733002 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0412, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_035Z.JPG 661249 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0412, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0360.JPG 652490 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0419, »ÑαÑú«¡ é«⌐í«¬á½« -
    å¿σáαÑó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0361.JPG 668811 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0425, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5800305 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z94 11619 STN Daily made nodelist
    11619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    r50ec.zip 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK4.JPG 108096 <3.1> Åα¿α«ñ¡«Ñ ∩ó½Ñ¡¿Ñ (671x489) [9.01.01]
    108096 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.094 162458 Z2DAILY for today
    162458 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6414655 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 4 21:01:14 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    11786 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210404.zip 366172 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in Oregon
    04 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    366172 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210404.zip 14353 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    14353 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    R50.ROU 3098 -- description missing --
    3098 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210404.zip 418428 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418428 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 813837 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 5 09:01:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44804 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z95 51887 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 095
    51887 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC14.ZIP 13423 FIDONEWS 05 Apr 2021 Vol 38 No 14
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * 2021 FTSC Standing Member Election - Final Re
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13423 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.095 18516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z95 5998 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.095 18516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43030 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z95 9603 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.095 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z95 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (05-04-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37893 -- description missing --
    37893 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_0362.JPG 593513 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0425, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0363.JPG 791154 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0426, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0364.JPG 624359 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0426, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0365.JPG 571268 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0426, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0366.JPG 566961 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0427, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0367.JPG 660245 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0427, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0368.JPG 611147 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0429, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0369.JPG 637420 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0430, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036A.JPG 765840 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0430, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    5821907 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z95 11269 STN Daily made nodelist
    11269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK5.JPG 1593929 <3.1> æ¿ÑßΓá (1200x822) [9.01.01]
    1593929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.095 162540 Z2DAILY for today
    162540 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7907542 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 5 16:01:18 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210405.zip 25347214 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    25347214 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 25347214 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 5 21:01:18 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210405.zip 2038554 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Einstein's Eclipse, Colorized
    05 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    2038554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD.APP: OS/2 Mult-Media-Applikationen
    FLUID220.ZIP 3688774 FluidSynth version 2.2.0. Copyright (C) 2000-2021
    Peter Hanappe and others. Distributed under the LGPL
    license. SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of
    E-mu Systems, Inc. FluidSynth is a software real-time
    synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications.
    Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, glib
    v2.33.12(rpm), CMake v3.4.1, gcc v9.1.0, kdllar
    v1.3.0. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun.
    3688774 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210405.zip 92787 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Kafue Flats, Zambia
    05 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    92787 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210405.zip 417330 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417330 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6237445 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 6 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS0421.ZIP 1427704 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 04/21 =
    = April 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 27 years experience! One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1427704 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z96 51935 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 096
    51935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25193 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 12086 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FISHING.ZIP 1328416 \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    █▀ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▄ ▀█▀
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █
    █▄ █ ▀▄ █▄█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄ █
    █ █ ▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▐█ █ █ █ ▄ █
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
    hjw ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
    "Saving Souls From Hell"
    e-mail: society@phatstar.org
    apologetics counselling charities cults
    education evangelism general history
    media ministry persecution prophecy
    \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 1425 RebelNet - the Bikers forum
    hosted by Samcrow
    March 26th, 2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1550911 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    2922720 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210406.zip 926181 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    926181 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37903 -- description missing --
    37903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_036B.JPG 738261 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0430, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036C.JPG 755560 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0430, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036D.JPG 717791 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0430, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036E.JPG 756071 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0431, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036F.JPG 746755 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0440, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036G.JPG 568687 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0440, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036H.JPG 627854 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0447, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036I.JPG 794211 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0447, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036J.JPG 735261 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0447, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    6440451 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK6.JPG 73272 <3.1> -è«»áΓ∞! è«»áΓ∞! (550x440) [9.01.01]
    73272 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.096 162646 Z2DAILY for today
    162646 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 12155442 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 6 21:01:08 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210406.zip 364989 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Sunrise from the Roque de Los Muchachos Astrophysical
    06 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    364989 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210406.zip 98907 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ephemeral Lake Mackay
    06 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    98907 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210406.zip 418191 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418191 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 882087 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 7 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z97 51943 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 097
    51943 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.097 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z97 5603 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.097 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    LSUSB013.ZIP 47467 lsusb version 013 ported to OS/2. lsusb is a utility
    for displaying information about USB buses in the
    system and the devices connected to them. It requires
    usd.ids. This port was done by: Paul Smedley.
    47467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 251197 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 3/27/21
    251197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z97 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.097 32115 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z97 9608 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41723 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    region50.z99 13582 Region 50 segment day 096
    13582 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_036K.JPG 736544 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0457, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036L.JPG 513655 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0477, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2016
    (1150x768) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036M.JPG 688341 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0477, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036N.JPG 381720 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0488, ßΓ.ÅÑ߬¿ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 29.09.18 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036O.JPG 679628 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ éï10-0490 ¿ ùæ7-204, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036P.JPG 584436 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0500, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036Q.JPG 610230 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0500, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036R.JPG 591507 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0506, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036S.JPG 703748 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0506, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5489809 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z97 13709 STN Daily made nodelist
    13709 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK7.BMP 2203254 <3.1> -è«»áΓ∞ øΓ«? ƒ? äá ¡π ¡áΣ¿ú! (900x816) [9.01.01]
    2203254 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8274323 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 7 16:01:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210407.zip 269407 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    269407 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37903 -- description missing --
    37903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.097 162658 Z2DAILY for today
    162658 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 469968 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 7 21:01:16 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2519931 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2519759 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5039690 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210407.zip 483955 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cloud-to-Ground Lightning over Noida Extension, India
    07 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    483955 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210407.zip 143312 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ireland, the Emerald Island
    07 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    143312 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210407.zip 418131 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418131 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6085088 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 8 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z98 51935 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 098
    51935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n06.zip 15439 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 06
    April 07, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ........................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    15439 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.098 21739 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z98 6967 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.098 21739 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    50445 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z98 9970 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.098 32113 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z98 9607 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 098
    pnt5064.zip 3067 last 2:5064 (Stavropol) pointlist
    4815 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37907 -- description missing --
    37907 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_036T.JPG 760689 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0508, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036U.JPG 652422 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0529, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞ 2017
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036V.JPG 626751 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0533, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036W.JPG 831830 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0533, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036X.JPG 564475 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0536, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036Y.JPG 471567 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0538, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_036Z.JPG 760219 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0550, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0370.JPG 685473 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0550, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0371.JPG 661702 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0554, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    6015128 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z98 11356 STN Daily made nodelist
    11356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK8.JPG 133452 <3.1> -ƒ¼¬á... (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    133452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.098 162641 Z2DAILY for today
    162641 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6647438 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 8 16:01:16 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210408.zip 2582209 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2582209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2582209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 8 21:01:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210408.zip 514575 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cloud Corona Above Syracuse, Italy
    08 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    514575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.099 6804 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z99 2595 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.099 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z99 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.099 3322 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z99 1103 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.099 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z99 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.099 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z99 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.099 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z99 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19548 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210408.zip 502336 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Seroja
    08 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    502336 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.099 1867 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z99 991 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    2858 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.099 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z99 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.099 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z99 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7143 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.099 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z99 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11957 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.099 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z99 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.099 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z99 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.099 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z99 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2582 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.099 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z99 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210408.zip 417387 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417387 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1495746 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 9 09:02:28 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 36981 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    36981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z99 51901 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 099
    51901 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L99 1812 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 099
    1812 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z99 1889 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 099
    1889 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z99 13126 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-04-09 (099)
    13126 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a99 2797 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2797 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z99 1890 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z99 1890 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3780 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a99 91114 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91114 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z99 51903 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 099
    51903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z99 56209 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z99 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37868 -- description missing --
    37868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_0372.JPG 556726 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0568, ßΓ.Å«ñß«½¡Ñτ¡á∩ ÄèÆ,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0373.JPG 716162 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0575, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε¡∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0374.JPG 530063 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0577, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0375.JPG 729010 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0577, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0376.JPG 451796 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0577, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0377.JPG 629658 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0577, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0378.JPG 610942 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0581, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0379.JPG 579555 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0581, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037A.JPG 730231 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0581 ß úαπº«óδ¼ ¡á ßΓ.Öπτ∞Ñ
    ₧-ôÉ, èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε¡∞ 2016 (1200x801)
    39322269 é.Ç.Éᬫó. 﫬«¼«Γ¿óδ «ΓÑτÑßΓóÑ¡¡δσ ªÑ½Ñº¡δσ ñ«α«ú
    1845-1955 ¿ºñ.2 î.1995 [6.02.01]
    44856412 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16826 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13268 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VK9.JPG 182969 <3.1> -Ñ Ñ¡«Γ ¿ ¡Ñ τÑαóÑ⌐. Æ«¡¡Ñ½∞Θ¿¬... (800x614)
    182969 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.099 162535 Z2DAILY for today
    162535 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 45635270 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 9 09:55:28 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z99 593 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    593 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z99 7988 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7988 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z99 586 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z99 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z99 550 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    550 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z99 6977 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6977 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z99 554 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z99 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4591 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z99 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.099 35257 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z99 11585 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47421 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z99 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.099 35013 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35465 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z99 575 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z99 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z99 9970 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z99 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55693 FidoNet Nodelist
    55693 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z99 575 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z99 9654 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z99 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z99 668 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z99 13978 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14646 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z99 55540 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55540 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z99 512 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z99 525 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z99 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6803 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z99 552 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z99 40521 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    41073 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 321577 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 9 16:01:04 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.099 16715 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z99 5601 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.099 16715 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    39031 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z99 9965 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9965 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210409.zip 217626 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    217626 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.099 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z99 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41738 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z99 11091 STN Daily made nodelist
    11091 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z99 79485 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 099 (09.04.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z99 79485 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 099 (09.04.2021)
    158970 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z99 578 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 099 (09.04.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z99 578 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 099 (09.04.2021)
    1156 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 479577 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 9 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210409.zip 35212 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Utah’s Great Salt Lake
    09 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    35212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z99 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210409.zip 135228 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Great Salt Lake
    09 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    135228 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.099 508 Net 5030 routing map, day 099
    moves.099 24 Net 5030 changes, day 099
    moves.z99 150 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 099
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 099
    n5030.tru 756 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 099
    1761 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z99 330 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 099
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 099
    n5030tru.zip 417 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 099
    1092 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210409.zip 417476 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417476 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 590973 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 10 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z00 51910 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 100
    51910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.100 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z00 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.100 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    pli0910d.zip 3364453 Iron Spring PL/I compiler 0.9.10d. Copyright Iron
    Spring Software, 2008-2021. PL/I is a powerful
    programming language suitable for a wide range of
    problems. PL/I has been used to write operating
    systems and compilers, simulations, real-time
    programs, mathematical software, spreadsheets, GUI
    programs, business applications, and much more. PL/I
    is a more secure programming language. PL/I is widely
    used on mainframes and midrange systems today, but
    since the demise of Digital Research, Inc. has not
    been readily available on personal computers.
    3364453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6134001 QSINIT 0.28, rev 0538, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6134001 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 960580 QSINIT 0.28, rev 0538. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    960580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z00 9968 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9968 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.100 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z00 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37868 -- description missing --
    37868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_037B.JPG 630884 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0581, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037C.JPG 580069 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0596, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037D.JPG 488007 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0596, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037E.JPG 510242 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0596, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037F.JPG 646271 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0620, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037G.JPG 772571 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0620 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 061), »ÑαÑú«¡
    å¿σáαÑó« - é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037H.JPG 721942 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0620, »ÑαÑú«¡ æá»±α¡á∩ - ꪫαδ
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037I.JPG 743743 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0621, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037J.JPG 449403 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0634 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 1113), »ÑαÑú«¡
    «ß¬«ó¿µδ - 髽«ß«ó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    17659168 Ä.Ç.迬¡áñºÑ (αÑñ.). ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ éï10 ¿ éï10π.
    Éπ¬«ó«ñßΓó« »« ø¬ß»½πáΓᵿ¿ î.1981 [6.02.01]
    23202300 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z00 11266 STN Daily made nodelist
    11266 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKA.JPG 53615 <3.1> -ÄΓñ«σ¡π ¿ ñ«¬«»áε... (620x406) [9.01.01]
    53615 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.100 162544 Z2DAILY for today
    162544 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 34187258 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 10 14:55:02 2021
    Area : GATORPAK : GatorNet Info Pack Zip format
    GATORPAK.ZIP 109423 -- description missing --
    109423 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210410.zip 566480 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    566480 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 675903 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 10 21:01:06 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210410.zip 141391 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Northwestern Madagascar
    10 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    141391 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210410.zip 419904 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419904 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 561295 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 11 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z01 51906 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 101
    51906 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.101 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z01 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.101 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z01 9966 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9966 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.101 32114 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z01 9610 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PDNBASIC : PDN: Basic Related
    DND50A2P.ZIP 22287774 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules patches. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip first then dnd50a2s.zip source
    code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.
    22287774 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37868 -- description missing --
    37868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_037K.JPG 734210 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0637, ßΓ.ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó-II îÄæè,
    ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037L.JPG 516586 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0661, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037M.JPG 739603 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0663, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037N.JPG 583589 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0666, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037O.JPG 616188 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ éï10-0672 ¿ éï10è-0589 ó ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037P.JPG 659459 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0677, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037Q.JPG 555358 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0678, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037R.JPG 574855 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0678, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037S.JPG 656575 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0678, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5636423 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z01 11616 STN Daily made nodelist
    11616 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKB.GIF 5138137 <3.1> Äú«α«ñ¡δÑ αáí«Γδ (600x487) 31 ¬áñα [9.01.01]
    5138137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.101 162542 Z2DAILY for today
    162542 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 33535865 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 11 15:21:16 2021
    Area : GATORPAK : GatorNet Info Pack Zip format
    GATORPAK.ZIP 109737 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 4/10/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    109737 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25194 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    REBELNET.ZIP 1425 RebelNet - the Bikers forum
    hosted by Samcrow
    March 26th, 2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1842554 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210411.zip 4633202 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4633202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6585493 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 11 21:57:48 2021
    Area : GATORNA0 : GatorNet .na Updates
    gatornet.na 2360 GatorNet NA echo file
    2360 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    FISHING.ZIP 1328416 \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    █▀ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▄ ▀█▀
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █▀▄█ █ █ █
    █▄ █ ▀▄ █▄█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄ █
    █ █ ▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▐█ █ █ █ ▄ █
    █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
    hjw ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
    "Saving Souls From Hell"
    e-mail: society@phatstar.org
    apologetics counselling charities cults
    education evangelism general history
    media ministry persecution prophecy
    \ : / \ : / \ : /
    `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .' `. __/ \__ .'
    _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _ _ _\ /_ _
    /_ _\ /_ _\ /_ _\
    .' \ / `. .' \ / `. .' \ / `.
    / | \ / : \ / : \
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    1331354 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210411.zip 506616 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclones Odette and Seroja off Western
    11 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    506616 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210411.zip 418414 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418414 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2259324 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 12 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44828 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z02 51905 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 102
    51905 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC15.ZIP 13991 FIDONEWS 12 Apr 2021 Vol 38 No 15
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * PING robot survey, a follow up
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.102 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z02 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.102 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GATORPAK : GatorNet Info Pack Zip format
    GATORPAK.ZIP 113910 GatorNet Information pack file
    113910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z02 9600 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.102 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z02 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (12-04-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1839 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37868 -- description missing --
    37868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_037T.JPG 571766 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0679, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037U.JPG 533986 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0683, »ÑαÑú«¡ îúá - â«αδ ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¡«∩íα∞ 2018 (1200x800)
    _4C_037V.JPG 786428 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0696, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037W.JPG 438269 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0696, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037X.JPG 614117 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0696, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037Y.JPG 614771 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0703, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_037Z.JPG 706612 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0703, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0380.JPG 698371 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0709, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞ 2017
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0381.JPG 577794 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0713, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5542114 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z02 11266 STN Daily made nodelist
    11266 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKC.JPG 419024 <3.1> -α«! (1920x1200) [9.01.01]
    419024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.102 162542 Z2DAILY for today
    162542 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6567348 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 12 10:12:16 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 109737 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 4/10/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    109737 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 109737 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 12 16:01:14 2021
    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.099 27081 GatorNet Nodelist
    27081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORPAK : GatorNet Info Pack Zip format
    GATORPAK.ZIP 113810 GatorNet info pack
    113810 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210412.zip 298875 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    298875 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 439766 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 12 21:01:18 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210412.zip 475528 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Backyard Avalanche
    12 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    475528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210412.zip 398731 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Spring in the North Adriatic Sea
    12 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    398731 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210412.zip 416407 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416407 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1290666 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 13 09:04:48 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2519979 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2519861 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5039840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.DRV : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Different device drivers
    usbdr239.zip 436742 This package contains updated USB drivers, revision
    10.239. Updated USB host controller drivers:
    USBRESMG.SYS. Human interface class drivers
    Added USB audio 2.0 support. Author: Lars Erdmann.
    436742 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    TSTLG340.ZIP 127831 TestLog V3.40 (2021-Apr-07). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    127831 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_0382.JPG 636341 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0713, ßΓ.è«ß«íα«ñ߬ ₧-ôÉ,
    èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0383.JPG 580498 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0717, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0384.JPG 708626 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0719, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0385.JPG 726321 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0720, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0386.JPG 592886 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0729, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0387.JPG 614786 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0731, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0388.JPG 575530 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0736, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0389.JPG 618545 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0736, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038A.JPG 675785 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0736, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5729318 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKD.JPG 269697 <3.1> -Å«½«ΓÑ¡µÑ ñá⌐! (1452x928) [9.01.01]
    269697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11716091 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 13 13:13:20 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z03 51908 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 103
    51908 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORPAK : GatorNet Info Pack Zip format
    GATORPAK.ZIP 113855 New Updated GatorNet info pack file
    113855 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210413.zip 10102666 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    10102666 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10268429 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 13 21:01:04 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38381414 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12509150 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6248369 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38381414 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6248371 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 185300 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 22724 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 185300 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 46080 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102208122 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : GATORPAK : GatorNet Info Pack Zip format
    GATORPAK.ZIP 113830 GatorNet information pack file
    113830 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 102321952 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 14 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z04 51902 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 104
    51902 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2522407 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2522261 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5044668 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.104 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z04 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.104 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD.APP: OS/2 Mult-Media-Applikationen
    TIMIDR3.ZIP 1886675 TiMidity++ 2.13.2 for OS/2 release 3. Copyright (c)
    1997-2001 Darwin O'Connor. Copyright (c) 2009-2019
    Alex Taylor. This is a port of TiMidity 2.13.2
    (standalone client) for OS/2. It is largely based on
    Darwin O'Conner's port of TiMidity v2.10.4, plus his
    PM GUI code from TiMidity v0.2i (both updated for the
    2.13.2 code level). TiMidity , originally and still
    frequently informally called TiMidity, is a software
    synthesizer that can play MIDI files without a
    hardware synthesizer. It can either render to the
    sound card in real time, or it can save the result to
    a file, such as a PCM .wav file. WarpIN archive.
    1886675 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1427612 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210414) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1427612 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z04 9969 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9969 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.104 30522 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z04 9250 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39772 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    region50.z06 13547 Region 50 segment day 103
    13547 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37829 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3098 -- description missing --
    40927 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_038B.JPG 526542 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0743, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038C.JPG 412678 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0744, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1150x768) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038D.JPG 667278 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0744, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038E.JPG 485579 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0757, ñÑ»« ÅÑΓα«»áó½«ó߬ ₧-ôÉ,
    èáºáσßΓá¡, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038F.JPG 753522 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0770, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038G.JPG 713612 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0787, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038H.JPG 605555 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0787, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038I.JPG 610371 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0790, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038J.JPG 494249 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0793, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε¡∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5269386 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z04 11268 STN Daily made nodelist
    11268 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKE.JPG 391996 <3.1> αδ⌐ óºú½∩ñ (1167x819) [9.01.01]
    391996 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.104 162567 Z2DAILY for today
    162567 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 14501994 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 14 16:01:28 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38387430 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12511122 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6249578 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38387430 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6249580 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 194419 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23880 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 194419 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 48415 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102246273 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210414.zip 1523815 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1523815 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 103770088 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 14 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210414.zip 345672 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Ocean Eddies and the Titanic Disaster
    14 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    345672 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210414.zip 496984 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Spring Bursts Forth in the United States
    14 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    496984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210414.zip 415441 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415441 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1258097 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 15 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z05 51754 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 105
    51754 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2522780 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2522543 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5045323 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.105 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z05 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.105 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z05 7818 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731353 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731353 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.105 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z05 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 105
    pnt5064.zip 3085 last 2:5064 (Stavropol) pointlist
    4832 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37727 -- description missing --
    37727 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_038K.JPG 581481 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0800, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038L.JPG 702652 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0800, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038M.JPG 714237 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0800, ßΓ.ꬫó¬á ₧-ôÉ, èπαúá¡ß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038N.JPG 700169 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0800, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038O.JPG 723494 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0802 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 551), ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038P.JPG 736689 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0802 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 551), ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038Q.JPG 514288 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0805, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038R.JPG 491249 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0805, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038S.JPG 516267 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0805, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5680526 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z05 11356 STN Daily made nodelist
    11356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKF.JPG 69538 <3.1> -ê ¡Ñ ¡áñÑ⌐ß∩!.. (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    69538 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.105 161945 Z2DAILY for today
    161945 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11993645 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 15 16:01:04 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38390002 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12511989 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6250060 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38390002 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6250062 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 197901 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24384 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 197901 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 49440 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102261741 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210415.zip 387334 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    387334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 102649075 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 15 20:44:50 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210415.zip 471058 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Views of Sahara Dust over the Canary Islands (Spain)
    and Paris, France
    15 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    471058 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORDIF : Gatornet NodeDiff and Nodelist
    GATORDIF.106 2471 GatorNet Nodediff
    GATORDIF.Z06 1069 Weekly Gatornet nodediff
    3540 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.106 26631 GatorNet new Nodelist
    GATORLST.Z06 9085 Weekly GatorNet Nodelist
    35716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.106 6805 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z06 2595 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.106 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z06 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.106 3322 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z06 1103 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.106 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z06 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.106 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z06 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.106 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z06 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19549 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210415.zip 335902 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Cloud Streets Franz Josef Islands
    15 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    335902 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.106 1867 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z06 991 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    2858 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.106 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z06 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.106 5331 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z06 1969 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7300 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.106 8642 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z06 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.106 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z06 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.106 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z06 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.106 1662 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z06 924 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.106 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z06 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210415.zip 416368 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416368 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1324198 bytes in 35 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 15 22:13:58 2021
    Area : GATORPAK : GatorNet Info Pack Zip format
    GATORPAK.ZIP 115118 New GatorNet info pak file
    115118 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATRZLST : Gatornet Diff and Nodelists in Zip format
    GATORLST.Z06 9085 Weekly GatorNet Nodelist
    9085 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 124203 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 16 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z06 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z06 7988 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7988 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z06 51667 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 106
    51667 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L06 2171 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 106
    2171 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z06 2240 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 106
    2240 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z06 589 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z06 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z06 687 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z06 7043 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7043 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z06 197 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z06 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z06 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4596 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z06 13099 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-04-16 (106)
    13099 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z06 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z06 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z06 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15909 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z06 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z06 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z06 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a06 3145 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z06 2177 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z06 2177 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4354 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a06 90452 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    90452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z06 51669 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 106
    51669 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z06 55942 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    55942 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z06 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z06 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z06 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16943 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37688 -- description missing --
    37688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_038T.JPG 556173 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0810, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038U.JPG 680071 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0816, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038V.JPG 519783 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0821, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038W.JPG 747743 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0822, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038X.JPG 503710 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0842, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038Y.JPG 703965 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0844, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_038Z.JPG 621908 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0844, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0390.JPG 503192 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0844, ßΓ.è«ß«íα«ñ߬ ₧-ôÉ,
    èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0391.JPG 701020 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0848 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 739), ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5537565 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z06 772 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z06 14013 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14785 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z06 55613 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z06 629 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    629 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    30103 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKG.JPG 889920 <3.1> -諡ѵ Γó«Ñ⌐ úáñε¬Ñ!.. (1500x1000) [9.01.01]
    889920 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.106 161648 Z2DAILY for today
    161648 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z06 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z06 6280 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z06 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z06 53756 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    53953 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7177966 bytes in 52 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 16 09:38:34 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38394263 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12512534 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6250184 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38394263 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6250186 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 199726 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24674 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 199726 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50005 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102275561 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z06 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.106 35014 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35469 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55403 FidoNet Nodelist
    55403 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 102366433 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 16 16:01:14 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.106 18857 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z06 6171 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.106 18857 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43885 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z06 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z06 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z06 9965 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10369 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210416.zip 9193136 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    9193136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.106 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z06 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z06 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41934 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z06 11130 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z06 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    11339 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z06 79846 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 106 (16.04.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z06 79846 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 106 (16.04.2021)
    159692 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z06 1025 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 106 (16.04.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z06 1025 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 106 (16.04.2021)
    2050 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9462405 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 16 18:15:54 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z06 5327 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z06 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z06 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z06 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5976 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 16 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210416.zip 505457 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wave Clouds over Northwestern Washington State
    16 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    505457 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210416.zip 506940 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Surigae north of Babelthuap, Palau
    16 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    506940 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210416.zip 415412 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415412 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1427809 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 17 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z07 51675 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 107
    51675 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.107 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z07 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.107 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z07 9968 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9968 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.107 30521 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z07 9249 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37688 -- description missing --
    37688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_0392.JPG 623100 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0852, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0393.JPG 647234 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0856, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε¡∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0394.JPG 520102 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0859 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ò«½Θ±ó¿¬¿ -
    Éπ¼∩¡µÑó«, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 02.02.20
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0395.JPG 484530 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0870, «.».312¬¼, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ôßáñδ-Ĭαπª¡δÑ - äÑΓ¬«ó« üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    01.09.18 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0396.JPG 815101 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0871,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε¡∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0397.JPG 567274 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0872, »ÑαÑú«¡ æá»±α¡á∩ - Åѽ½á
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x801)
    _4C_0398.JPG 623821 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0873, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2020 (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _4C_0399.JPG 783735 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0875, »ÑαÑú«¡ «ß¬«ó¿µδ -
    髽«ß«ó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019
    (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039A.JPG 570462 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0875, »ÑαÑú«¡ «ß¬«ó¿µδ -
    髽«ß«ó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5635359 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z07 11306 STN Daily made nodelist
    11306 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    30103 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKH.PNG 627769 <3.1> -îδΦ¿¡δÑ σó«ßΓ¿¬¿!!! (1124x1057) [9.01.01]
    627769 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.107 161768 Z2DAILY for today
    161768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6686777 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 17 13:22:10 2021
    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z06 581 Weekly JustaXnet Nodediff JUSTADIFF
    JUSTALST.106 35258 Weekly JUstaxnet nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z06 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47425 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z06 812 Weekly LinuxNet Nodediff file
    812 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z06 10005 Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
    10005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210417.zip 1894372 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1894372 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z06 578 weekly PascalNt Nodediff file
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z06 9657 Weekly PascalNt Nodelist file
    By Pacalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
    9657 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z06 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    By Pascalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1971468 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 17 21:01:14 2021
    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    uniau312.zip 837848 Uniaud32 v.3.01.02. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David
    Azarewicz. Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver
    for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek
    Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is
    based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a
    broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including
    AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be
    found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio,
    typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be
    found in modern systems with integrated audio, built
    during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older
    audio hardware. WarpIN installer.
    837848 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    tstlg340.zip 127780 TestLog V3.40 (2021-Apr-16). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    127780 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210417.zip 281661 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust Storm in Saudi Arabia
    17 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    281661 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A06 3247 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 106
    3247 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210417.zip 417279 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417279 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1667815 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 18 09:05:36 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z08 51678 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 108
    51678 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.108 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z08 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.108 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z08 9966 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9966 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.108 30521 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z08 9250 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39771 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37688 -- description missing --
    r50.rou 3098 -- description missing --
    r50.tru 990 -- description missing --
    r50c.zip 14254 -- description missing --
    r50rou.rul 1050 -- description missing --
    57080 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_039B.JPG 783183 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0876, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039C.JPG 684849 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0894, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039D.JPG 649932 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0894, ßΓ.èá¼Ñ¡ß¬-ôαá½∞߬¿⌐ æéÉä,
    æóÑαñ½«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x792)
    _4C_039E.JPG 702282 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0895 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 121), ñÑ»«
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039F.JPG 738280 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0898, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2019
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039G.JPG 686502 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0898, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039H.JPG 663988 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0898, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039I.JPG 775676 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0903, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039J.JPG 524999 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0903, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    6209691 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z08 11654 STN Daily made nodelist
    11654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    r50ec.zip 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    30103 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKI.JPG 65338 <3.1> -«τ∞ε ¡áñ« ß»áΓ∞!.. (900x500) [9.01.01]
    65338 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.108 161766 Z2DAILY for today
    161766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6734971 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 18 21:03:38 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210418.zip 499334 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hudson Bay Thawing
    18 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    499334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210418.zip 1031470 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1031470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210418.zip 417506 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1948310 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 19 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44828 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z09 51676 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 109
    51676 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC16.ZIP 12829 FIDONEWS 19 Apr 2021 Vol 38 No 16
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12829 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38394975 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12512730 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6250207 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38394975 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6250209 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 201278 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24769 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 201278 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50166 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102280587 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.109 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z09 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.109 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z09 9600 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.109 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z09 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (19-04-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37688 -- description missing --
    r50.tru 1051 -- description missing --
    r50c.zip 14298 -- description missing --
    53037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_039K.JPG 672530 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0909 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 037), ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039L.JPG 539641 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0909 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 037), ñÑ»« èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039M.JPG 558006 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0909 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 037), ßΓ.èπαúá¡
    ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039N.JPG 576986 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0913, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039O.JPG 733329 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0913, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039P.JPG 330422 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0918, ñÑ»« ÄαÑσ«ó« îÄæè,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 26.12.16 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039Q.JPG 552083 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0920, ßΓ.髽σ«óßΓα«⌐-I ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ñѬáíα∞ 2015 (1200x801)
    _4C_039R.JPG 689450 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0923, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039S.JPG 582725 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0923, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5235172 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z09 11305 STN Daily made nodelist
    11305 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    30103 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKJ.JPG 140644 <3.1> éαÑñ¿Γѽ∞ (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    140644 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.109 161795 Z2DAILY for today
    161795 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 108116217 bytes in 38 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 19 21:01:12 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210419.zip 289336 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Ice Cover and Ice-Out on Sebago Lake During the Winter
    of 2021
    19 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    289336 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38400733 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12513303 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6250906 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38400733 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6250908 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 199265 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24684 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 199265 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50009 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102289806 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25293 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 113910 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 4/10/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 1425 RebelNet - the Bikers forum
    hosted by Samcrow
    March 26th, 2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1716768 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210419.zip 158213 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Australia's Red Centre
    19 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    158213 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210419.zip 8603650 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8603650 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210419.zip 414916 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414916 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 113472689 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 20 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z10 51693 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 110
    51693 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.110 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z10 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.110 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    crypt_02.zip 1443794 This package contains several Modula-2 modules
    implementing a number of different encryption
    algorithms. Some of this was originally part of the
    PMOS/2 library, but it turned out to be convenient to
    move all encryption functions into a separate package.
    It is distributed as open-source freeware subject to
    the GNU GPL licence. Source code is included. The
    author of this software is Peter Moylan.
    1443794 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    PMML325B.ZIP 5466607 PMMail/2, version (32807) Beta 4.
    Copyright (c) 1994-2021 VOICE, Inc. PMMail is an
    enhanced TCP/IP email client (Mail User Agent, MUA).
    It is designed for maximum configurability and ease of
    use. This version is presented by VOICE and contains
    numerous fixes and enhancements including spam
    filtering, GPG integration and secure mailserver
    logon. WarpIN archive.
    5466607 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z10 9967 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.110 30522 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z10 9251 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39773 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 37759 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3041 -- description missing --
    region.cfg 6708 -- description missing --
    47508 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_039T.JPG 717928 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0924, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039U.JPG 620404 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0944, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039V.JPG 567305 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0956, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039W.JPG 595583 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0956, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039X.JPG 454532 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0968, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039Y.JPG 643112 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0968, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_039Z.JPG 701134 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0968, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A0.JPG 671086 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0968, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A1.JPG 500687 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0971, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5471771 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z10 11285 STN Daily made nodelist
    11285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKK.JPG 253798 <3.1> è«Γá¼, ¿ß»δΓδóáεΘ¿¼ ¡ÑσóáΓ¬π ó¿ΓἿ¡«ó,
    »«ßó∩ΘáÑΓß∩ (1023x683) [9.01.01]
    253798 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.110 161889 Z2DAILY for today
    161889 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 13113785 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 20 16:01:20 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210420.zip 722955 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210420.zip 3500 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    726455 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 726455 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Apr 20 21:01:16 2021
    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.113 508 Net 5030 routing map, day 113
    moves.113 24 Net 5030 changes, day 113
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 113
    n5030.tru 778 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 113
    1633 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z13 330 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 113
    moves.z13 150 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 113
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 113
    n5030tru.zip 423 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 113
    1248 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2881 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 21 16:04:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z11 51910 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 111
    51910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2540330 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2540131 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5080461 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    freerdp.zip 1427801 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210420) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1427801 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    region50.z13 13431 Region 50 segment day 110
    13431 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38051 -- description missing --
    38051 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03A2.JPG 598735 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0986, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A3.JPG 624258 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0986, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A4.JPG 741068 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0986, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A5.JPG 596105 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0988, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2017 (1200x783) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A6.JPG 568203 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0989, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A7.JPG 778379 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0989, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A8.JPG 750682 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-0999, ßΓ.髽¬«ó߬á∩ ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ
    2013 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03A9.JPG 550195 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1015, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AA.JPG 602053 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1022, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    3544255 à.Ç.¿¬¿Γ¿¡ (αÑñ.). ÆÑ»½«ó«º¡δÑ ñ¿ºÑ½¿ Γ¿»á ä49 î.1982
    9353933 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z13 331 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 113
    moves.z13 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 113
    507 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 13950 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    59505 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKL.JPG 125806 <3.1> -Ñ »½áτ∞. æÑ⌐τáß σ«º∩¿¡ »α¿íѪ¿Γ... (1712x1204)
    125806 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.111 162623 Z2DAILY for today
    162623 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16351033 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Apr 21 21:01:58 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210421.zip 490770 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Spring Flowers on Mt. Kulis
    21 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    490770 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210421.zip 6924 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Khanka
    21 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    6924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210421.zip 423076 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    423076 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 920770 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 22 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z12 51906 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 112
    51906 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38402239 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12513356 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6250944 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38402239 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6250946 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 201667 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24920 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 201667 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50481 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102298459 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.112 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z12 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.112 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z12 7818 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.112 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z12 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 112
    1747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38051 -- description missing --
    38051 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z12 11420 STN Daily made nodelist
    11420 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.112 162844 Z2DAILY for today
    162844 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 102763718 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 22 16:01:16 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38405906 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12514583 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6252330 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38405906 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6252332 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 207501 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 25851 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 207501 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 52334 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102324244 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    LCSS-076.ZIP 21351 Logical Config.Sys Sort version 0.7.6. LCSS. Copyright
    (c) 2021, Doug Bissett. All rights reserved. This
    program sorts CONFIG.SYS in a logical way, so that
    people, as well as a machine, can read it. Various
    updates see the README. WarpIN archive.
    21351 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210422.zip 925257 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    925257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03AB.JPG 628348 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1028, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AC.JPG 665023 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1029, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2018
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AD.JPG 561648 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1029, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AE.JPG 822873 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1029, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AF.JPG 790463 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1039,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AG.JPG 708830 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1040 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 600), ßΓ.îúá ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2011 (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AH.JPG 517499 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1040 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 600), ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2013
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AI.JPG 592182 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1041, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽τá¡«ó« -
    ïπ¡úáτ¿ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2013 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AJ.JPG 685216 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1065, »ÑαÑú«¡ å¿σáαÑó« -
    é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5972082 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKM.JPG 101152 <3.1> -æÑ⌐τáß ∩ øΓ« τ¿¬ - ¿ ¡¿¬á¬«⌐ íá¡¿... (1200x800)
    101152 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 109344086 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 22 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210422.zip 499748 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Ice Falls in Valganna, Italy
    22 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    499748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.113 6805 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z13 2596 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.113 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z13 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.113 3322 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z13 1103 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.113 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z13 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.113 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z13 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.113 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z13 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19550 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210422.zip 507342 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow-capped Mountains of British Columbia
    22 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    507342 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.113 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z13 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.113 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z13 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.113 5221 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z13 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.113 8642 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z13 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11958 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.113 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z13 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.113 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z13 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.113 1662 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z13 924 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.113 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z13 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210422.zip 423287 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    423287 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1492122 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 23 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z13 51935 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 113
    51935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L13 3325 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 113
    3325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z13 3383 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 113
    3383 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z13 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z13 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z13 553 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    553 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z13 7043 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7043 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z13 197 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z13 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z13 4040 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4597 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z13 13236 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-04-23 (113)
    13236 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z13 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z13 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z13 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15911 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z13 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z13 8056 -- description missing --
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a13 5589 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    5589 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z13 3794 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z13 3794 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    7588 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a13 91234 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91234 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z13 51937 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 113
    51937 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z13 56238 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56238 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z13 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8324 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38094 -- description missing --
    38094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03AK.JPG 556992 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1118, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AL.JPG 800569 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1119, »ÑαÑú«¡ ɪÑó¬á - çá¡Ñó߬¿⌐
    Å«ßΓ ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AM.JPG 593763 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1135 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ò«½Θ±ó¿¬¿ -
    Éπ¼∩¡µÑó«, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 02.02.20
    (1200x805) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AN.JPG 597876 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1141, »ÑαÑú«¡ é«⌐í«¬á½« -
    å¿σáαÑó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¼áαΓ 2018
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AO.JPG 661654 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1145, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2015 (1200x918) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AP.JPG 467702 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1146, ñÑ»« 髽σ«óßΓα«⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ñѬáíα∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AQ.JPG 546462 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1152, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AR.JPG 614476 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1152, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AS.JPG 683563 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1160, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5523057 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z13 55645 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55645 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z13 598 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62386 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKN.JPG 57723 <3.1> -ù¿¬ ¿ óß±... (1024x680) [9.01.01]
    57723 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.113 162938 Z2DAILY for today
    162938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z13 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z13 53755 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    53952 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6330412 bytes in 42 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 23 10:25:10 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210423.zip 8654125 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8654125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8654125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 23 10:51:44 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z13 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z13 7987 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7987 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z13 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z13 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z13 553 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    553 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z13 7043 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7043 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z13 197 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z13 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z13 4040 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4597 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z13 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.113 35258 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z13 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47425 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z13 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10NDIFF.Z13 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.113 35014 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35924 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z13 774 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    774 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z13 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z13 9970 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z13 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55713 FidoNet Nodelist
    55713 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z13 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z13 9655 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9655 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z13 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z13 800 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z13 14045 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14845 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z13 55645 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    55645 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z13 598 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z13 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z13 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z13 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z13 53755 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    53952 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 335814 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 23 21:01:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210423.zip 200307 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Guatemalan Volcanoes
    23 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    200307 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.113 18857 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z13 6171 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.113 18857 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43885 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z13 5328 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5328 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z13 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z13 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z13 9965 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10369 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210423.zip 41356 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Prescribed Burn in Oregon
    23 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    41356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.113 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z13 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z13 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41934 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.rar 524 NET5083 Pointlist
    524 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z13 11105 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z13 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    11314 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210423.zip 422618 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z13 79871 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 113 (23.04.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z13 79871 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 113 (23.04.2021)
    159742 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z13 780 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 113 (23.04.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z13 780 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 113 (23.04.2021)
    1560 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 938937 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 24 09:03:54 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z14 51931 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 114
    51931 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.114 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z14 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.114 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z14 9968 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9968 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.114 30521 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z14 9249 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38094 -- description missing --
    38094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03AT.JPG 593132 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1164, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AU.JPG 687712 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1171 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ 125), ñÑ»«
    髽σ«óßΓα«⌐ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ñѬáíα∞ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AV.JPG 614549 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1178, ñÑ»« 髽σ«óßΓα«⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ñѬáíα∞ 2015 (1200x800)
    _4C_03AW.JPG 564286 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1186, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AX.JPG 746995 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1189, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2015
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AY.JPG 613479 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1201, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03AZ.JPG 754810 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1201, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B0.JPG 659450 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1209, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B1.JPG 616986 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1220, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5851399 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.113 508 Net 5030 routing map, day 113
    moves.113 24 Net 5030 changes, day 113
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 113
    n5030.tru 783 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 113
    1638 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z13 331 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 113
    moves.z13 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 113
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 113
    n5030tru.zip 423 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 113
    1275 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z14 11375 STN Daily made nodelist
    11375 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKO.JPG 38140 <3.1> ¥Γ« ºáóΓαᬠ¿½¿ ñ¿óÑαß¿∩? (640x480) [9.01.01]
    38140 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.114 162949 Z2DAILY for today
    162949 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6363568 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 24 16:03:12 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210424.zip 857559 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    857559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 857559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 24 21:02:10 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210424.zip 514723 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sunshine over Western Europe
    24 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    514723 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210424.zip 419115 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419115 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 933838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 25 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z15 51938 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 115
    51938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38409718 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12516728 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6253755 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38409718 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6253757 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 206464 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 25908 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 206464 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 52492 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102335004 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.115 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z15 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.115 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z15 9966 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9966 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.115 30521 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z15 9250 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39771 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38094 -- description missing --
    38094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03B2.JPG 713864 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1231, ñÑ»« 髽σ«óßΓα«⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ñѬáíα∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B3.JPG 542538 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1232, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B4.JPG 433915 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1232, ßΓ.諺δαÑó« ₧-ôÉ,
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ∩¡óáα∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B5.JPG 657728 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1237, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B6.JPG 639034 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1260, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B7.JPG 628186 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1288, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B8.JPG 677818 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1288, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03B9.JPG 826240 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1300, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BA.JPG 614820 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1309, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5734143 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z15 11727 STN Daily made nodelist
    11727 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKP.JPG 382357 <3.1> -Ç ¼δ ¡Ñ σπªÑ!... (1200x628) [9.01.01]
    382357 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.115 162947 Z2DAILY for today
    162947 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 108923856 bytes in 34 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 25 21:01:14 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 38413644 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 12516821 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 6253331 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 38413644 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 6253333 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 217158 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 26893 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 217158 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 54425 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    102366407 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25293 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 1425 RebelNet - the Bikers forum
    hosted by Samcrow
    March 26th, 2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1602858 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210425.zip 502456 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Jobo
    25 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    502456 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210425.zip 256607 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    256607 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210425.zip 419547 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419547 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 105147875 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 26 21:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44828 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z16 51964 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 116
    51964 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210426.zip 152911 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Davey JacksonΓÇÖs Valley in Winter
    26 April 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    152911 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC17.ZIP 12864 FIDONEWS 26 Apr 2021 Vol 38 No 17
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12864 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.116 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z16 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.116 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.GAME : GFD.APP: OS/2 Games -->>
    SCUMM210.ZIP 18753821 This is an OS/2 & eComStation build of ScummVM 2.1.0.
    VMScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain
    classic graphical point-and-click adventure games,
    provided you already have their data files. The clever
    part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables
    shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on
    systems for which they were never designed! Some of
    the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure
    Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's
    Beneath A Steel Sky and Broken Sword I & II; Flight of
    the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel
    Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of
    Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM. This
    port was done by Paul Smedley.
    18753821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z13 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z16 9600 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210426.zip 518921 MODIS Picture of the Day
    From Frosty to Fire in Northwestern Siberia
    26 April 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    518921 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210426.zip 7310627 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    7310627 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.116 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z16 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (26-04-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1839 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38132 -- description missing --
    38132 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03BB.JPG 645586 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1331 ß σ«º∩⌐ßΓóÑ¡¡δ¼ »«Ñºñ«¼,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ Åѽ½á - æá»Ñα¡á∩ ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2011 (1200x773)
    _4C_03BC.JPG 710098 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1345, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2017
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BD.JPG 791617 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1361, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα¿ - Æ«¬ß«ó«
    ÄèÆ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2010 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BE.JPG 547061 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1362, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óαá∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BF.JPG 601710 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1362, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x783) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BG.JPG 569358 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1364, »ÑαÑú«¡ ế∩ - îúá ÄèÆ,
    ¡«∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BH.JPG 484509 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1378, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016ú. (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BI.JPG 538147 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1379, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03BJ.JPG 778801 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1379, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5666887 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z16 11374 STN Daily made nodelist
    11374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210426.zip 420788 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420788 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L4VKQ.JPG 455890 <3.1> é »α«úπ½«τ¡«¼ áóΓ«íπßÑ (1200x1600) [9.01.01]
    455890 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.116 163048 Z2DAILY for today
    163048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 33772410 bytes in 34 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 4 21:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z24 52099 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 124
    52099 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.124 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z24 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.124 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z24 9967 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210504.zip 763681 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    763681 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.124 30522 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z24 9251 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39773 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38374 -- description missing --
    region.cfg 6714 -- description missing --
    45088 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03DB.JPG 607059 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1779, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DC.JPG 524762 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1787, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DD.JPG 555602 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1787, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DE.JPG 488666 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1793, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DF.JPG 636091 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1793, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DG.JPG 632153 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1818, »ÑαÑú«¡ Åѽ½á - æá»±α¡á∩
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2013 (1200x800)
    _4C_03DH.JPG 395093 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1823, ñÑ»« 濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    28.09.20 (1200x942) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DI.JPG 337043 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ éï10-1823, éï10-1869 ¿ éï10-1888,
    ñÑ»« 濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼, 28.09.20 (1200x813) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DJ.JPG 567645 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1829 ß ñαπú¿¼¿ ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºá¼¿ ¡á
    ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    4744114 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z24 11285 STN Daily made nodelist
    11285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VK4.JPG 285720 <3.1> -ùÑú« ß¼«Γα¿Φ∞? éѺ¿! (960x1280) [9.01.01]
    285720 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.124 163692 Z2DAILY for today
    163692 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6271119 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 5 09:02:48 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210504.zip 511173 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mammatus Clouds Observed over Berlin, Germany
    04 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    511173 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210504.zip 503806 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust Storm in the Taklimakan Desert
    04 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    503806 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    region50.z27 13430 Region 50 segment day 124
    13430 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38409 -- description missing --
    38409 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03DK.JPG 476418 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1834, ñÑ»« 濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    29.07.20 (1200x912) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DL.JPG 495569 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1834, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    07.10.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DM.JPG 240070 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1834, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    07.10.20 (1200x788) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DN.JPG 504863 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1834, ñÑ»« 濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    22.10.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DO.JPG 674531 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1839, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DP.JPG 461538 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1843, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DQ.JPG 600436 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1843, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DR.JPG 805679 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1843, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DS.JPG 725011 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1846, »ÑαÑú«¡ å¿σáαÑó« -
    é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4984115 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210504.zip 421390 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421390 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VK5.JPG 176552 <3.1> ¥¬¿»áª (1332x850) [9.01.01]
    176552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.125 163794 Z2DAILY for today
    163794 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6925332 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 5 16:03:24 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z25 52136 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 125
    52136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    region.cfg 6738 -- description missing --
    6738 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 74547 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 5 21:02:22 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210505.zip 2576201 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2576201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2576201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 6 09:02:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z26 52092 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 126
    52092 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1745 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 126
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2325 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38451 -- description missing --
    38451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03DT.JPG 725261 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1849, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DU.JPG 782581 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1852, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DV.JPG 390000 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1852, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DW.JPG 684184 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1852, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DX.JPG 752094 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1860, »ÑαÑú«¡ üѽ««ßΓα«ó -
    çѽѡ«ú«α߬ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2011 (1200x739) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DY.JPG 491591 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1861, »ÑαÑú«¡ é«⌐í«¬á½« -
    å¿σáαÑó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2014
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03DZ.JPG 712904 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1861 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡« üîÄ îÄæè, 17.05.20 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E0.JPG 541969 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1865, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E1.JPG 650936 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1868, »ÑαÑú«¡ Åπ»δΦÑó« - «óδ⌐
    üδΓ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε¡∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    5731520 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VK6.JPG 209821 <3.1> -îπß«απ ¡ÑΓ ¿ øΓ« ó««íΘÑ ¡Ñ ∩! (1280x853)
    209821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.126 163952 Z2DAILY for today
    163952 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6310824 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 6 21:02:56 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.127 6802 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z27 2592 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.127 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z27 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.z27 1103 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.127 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z27 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.127 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z27 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.127 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z27 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    16221 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : MBSE_BBS : MBS: MBSE BBS for Unix
    FILE_ID.DIZ 860 MBSE BBS System v1.0.7.22 for Unix
    MB10722.ZIP 8117897 MBSE BBS System v1.0.7.22 for Unix
    MBSE-DOC.ZIP 2797177 MBSE BBS System v1.0.7.22 Dcumentation.
    10915934 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210506.zip 10098922 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    10098922 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.127 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z27 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.127 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z27 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.127 5218 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z27 1920 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7138 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.127 8639 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z27 3314 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11953 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.127 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z27 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.127 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    2587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.127 1659 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z27 918 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2577 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.127 5597 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5597 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 21070208 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 7 09:03:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z27 52087 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 127
    52087 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L27 1883 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 127
    1883 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z27 1948 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 127
    1948 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210506.zip 511189 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Circular Rainbow Viewed from the Tower of Viterbo
    Airport, Italy
    06 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    511189 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z27 13296 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-05-07 (127)
    13296 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z27 7724 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z27 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15452 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z27 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210506.zip 249232 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Autumn along the Paraná River
    06 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    249232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a27 3618 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z27 2395 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z27 2395 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4790 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a27 91503 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z27 52089 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 127
    52089 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z27 56498 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56498 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z27 8326 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8326 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38413 -- description missing --
    38413 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03E2.JPG 674146 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1869, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E3.JPG 465489 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1869, ñÑ»« 濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    18.08.20 (1200x828) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E4.JPG 315038 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1869, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    28.09.20 (1200x830) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E5.JPG 548778 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1872, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x829) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E6.JPG 625726 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1874, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E7.JPG 593812 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1874, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E8.JPG 620581 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1875, ßΓ.çáπαá½∞Ñ ₧-ôÉ,
    èπαúá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03E9.JPG 664799 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1875, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2020
    (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EA.JPG 579821 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1882, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5088190 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.127 517 Net 5030 routing map, day 127
    moves.127 122 Net 5030 changes, day 127
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 127
    n5030.tru 783 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 127
    1745 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z27 334 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 127
    moves.z27 253 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 127
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 127
    932 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210506.zip 416355 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416355 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VK7.JPG 97471 <3.1> -Ä¡« ßἫ ¿ τπΓ∞-τπΓ∞ ß«óßѼ!.. (1200x472)
    97471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.127 163842 Z2DAILY for today
    163842 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6989578 bytes in 40 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 7 09:44:30 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z27 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z27 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z27 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z27 1220 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1810 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z27 634 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    634 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z27 7040 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7040 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z27 197 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z27 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z27 4035 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4592 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z27 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.127 35255 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z27 11584 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47421 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z27 456 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    456 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z27 775 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    775 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z27 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z27 9966 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9966 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z27 4468 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z27 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z27 9651 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9651 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z27 8614 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8614 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z27 878 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z27 14042 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z27 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18767 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z27 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z27 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z27 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6801 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z27 13660 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z27 13664 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    27324 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 181165 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 7 16:01:06 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537277 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    2537277 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.127 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z27 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.127 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.127 35011 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35011 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z27 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z27 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z27 9965 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10369 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210507.zip 333261 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    333261 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A27 2946 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 127
    2946 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 55982 FidoNet Nodelist
    55982 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.127 32127 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z27 9611 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z27 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    41934 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5053.ZIP 3925 Net 5053 PointList (Saratov)
    3925 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z27 11105 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z27 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    11314 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z27 79953 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 127 (07.05.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z27 79953 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 127 (07.05.2021)
    159906 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z27 531 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 127 (07.05.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z27 531 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 127 (07.05.2021)
    1062 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3236862 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 7 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210507.zip 524441 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Bald Cypress Trees and Their Enigmatic “knees”
    07 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    524441 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z27 5342 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5342 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210507.zip 153743 MODIS Picture of the Day
    07 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    153743 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210507.zip 421034 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421034 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1104560 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 8 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z28 52140 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 128
    52140 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.128 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z28 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.128 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z28 9968 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9968 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.128 30521 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z28 9249 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5053.ZIP 3922 Net 5053 PointList (Saratov)
    3922 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38414 -- description missing --
    38414 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03EB.JPG 709812 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1883, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EC.JPG 475562 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1883, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03ED.JPG 635852 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1883, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EE.JPG 260601 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1885, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼, 02.08.20 (1200x757) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EF.JPG 335462 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1885 ß µ¿ßΓÑα¡á¼¿,
    ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼, 07.10.20 (1200x831) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EG.JPG 235639 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1886, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-èπα«αΓ, èαδ¼,
    28.09.20 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EH.JPG 577101 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1888, »ÑαÑú«¡ æá»±α¡á∩ - ꪫαδ
    ÄèÆ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EI.JPG 435679 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1888, ñÑ»« àó»áΓ«α¿∩, èαδ¼,
    06.08.20 (1200x774) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EJ.JPG 322231 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1888, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    28.09.20 (1200x785) [9.01.01]
    3987939 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1109 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1109 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z28 11375 STN Daily made nodelist
    11375 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62386 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VK8.JPG 490934 <3.1> -Å« øΓ«⌐ Γó«Ñ⌐ ¬áαΓÑ Γ«½∞¬« ó πú«½ »«»áñ±Φ∞...
    (2048x1502) [9.01.01]
    490934 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.128 163992 Z2DAILY for today
    163992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4943320 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 8 21:01:14 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6113068 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1839097 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 915818 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6113068 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 915820 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 108112 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 14921 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 108112 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 30807 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16158823 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210508.zip 234710 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Bangweulu, Zambia
    08 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    234710 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210508.zip 3442241 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3442241 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210508.zip 421120 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421120 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 20256894 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 9 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z29 52167 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 129
    52167 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.129 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z29 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.129 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z29 9966 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9966 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.129 30521 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z29 9250 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39771 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4C_03EK.JPG 289178 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1888, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    28.09.20 (1200x762) [9.01.01]
    _4C_03EL.JPG 367648 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10-1897, ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼, 20.07.20 (1200x843) [9.01.01]
    _5V_0017.JPG 701270 <2.6> îá¡Ñóα«óδ⌐ ΓÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7-0110, ßΓ.Æπá»ßÑ æèåä,
    á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5V_0018.JPG 798080 <2.6> îá¡Ñóα«óδ⌐ ΓÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7-0110, ßΓ.Æπá»ßÑ æèåä,
    á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5V_0019.JPG 724324 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7-0128, ñÑ»« æóÑαñ½«ó߬-ß«αΓ. æéÉä,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _5V_001A.JPG 738747 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7-0174,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, á»αѽ∞ 2013
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _5V_001B.JPG 483568 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7-0251, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2011
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5V_001C.JPG 417784 <2.6> îá¡Ñóα«óδ⌐ ΓÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7-0283, åѺ¬áºúá¡ß¬¿⌐
    âîè, èáαáúá¡ñ¿¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, èáºáσßΓá¡, 12.12.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004J.JPG 388422 <2.6> Æ¥î7Ç-0011, åѺ¬áºúá¡ß¬¿⌐ âîè, èáαáúá¡ñ¿¡ß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, èáºáσßΓá¡, 04.09.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4909021 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z29 11727 STN Daily made nodelist
    11727 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VK9.JPG 96980 <3.1> -Åα¿ßΓπ»áε ¬ ó߬αδΦ¡δ¼ αáí«Γá¼!.. (901x600)
    96980 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.129 164089 Z2DAILY for today
    164089 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5441630 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 9 16:01:18 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25279 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 1425 RebelNet - the Bikers forum
    hosted by Samcrow
    March 26th, 2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1602845 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210509.zip 2173473 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2173473 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38455 -- description missing --
    38455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3814773 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 10 16:02:24 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44828 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z30 52348 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 130
    52348 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537333 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2537431 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2536922 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    7611686 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210509.zip 485878 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Star Trails Overhead the Statue of Mother
    09 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    485878 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC19.ZIP 12830 FIDONEWS 10 May 2021 Vol 38 No 19
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12830 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.130 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z30 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.130 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z30 9600 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210509.zip 295035 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Magical May in Iceland
    09 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    295035 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210510.zip 816587 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    816587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.130 30521 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z30 9249 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (10-05-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1051 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1835 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38455 -- description missing --
    38455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _5W_004K.JPG 812376 <2.6> îá¡Ñóα«óδ⌐ ΓÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0081,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004L.JPG 761698 <2.6> îá¡Ñóα«óδ⌐ ΓÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0081,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004M.JPG 740395 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0081,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, á»αѽ∞ 2020
    (800x1200) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004N.JPG 494447 <2.6> Æ¥î7Ç-0125, ßΓ.Éáß»«α∩ñ¿Γѽ∞¡á∩ èÆå, èáºáσßΓá¡,
    èáαáúá¡ñδ, 03.10.19 (1200x723) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004O.JPG 400421 <2.6> Æ¥î7Ç-0138, åѺ¬áºúá¡ß¬¿⌐ âîè, èáαáúá¡ñ¿¡ß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, èáºáσßΓá¡, 23.03.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004P.JPG 587216 <2.6> îá¡Ñóα«óδ⌐ ΓÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0157, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, áóúπßΓ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004Q.JPG 578016 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0188,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004R.JPG 608813 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0188,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004S.JPG 786837 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0188,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¼á⌐ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5770219 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z30 11374 STN Daily made nodelist
    11374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210509.zip 420380 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420380 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKA.JPG 164640 <3.1> äó«⌐¡«Ñ ºáó¿ßá¡¿Ñ (1200x672) [9.01.01]
    164640 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.130 164090 Z2DAILY for today
    164090 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16058246 bytes in 35 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 10 21:01:58 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210510.zip 499794 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Fireflies in Nuevo León, México
    10 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    499794 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    2938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210510.zip 170626 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Van Karman Vortices off Guadalupe Island
    10 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    170626 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PDNBASIC : PDN: Basic Related
    DND50A2P.ZIP 22461694 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules patches. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip first then dnd50a2s.zip source
    code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.
    22461694 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210510.zip 420370 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420370 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 23555422 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 11 09:02:26 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z31 52350 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 131
    52350 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38730 -- description missing --
    38730 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _5W_004T.JPG 777886 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«ºδ Æ¥î7Ç-0188 ¿ Æ¥î7Ç-0094,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¼á⌐ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004U.JPG 773977 <2.6> îá¡Ñóα«óδ⌐ ΓÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0353,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5W_004V.JPG 806736 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î7Ç-0366, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _5X_0009.JPG 689295 <2.6> ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥î9-0049, ßΓ.ÄαÑ¡íπαú ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0077.JPG 296623 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ »«óδΦÑ¡¡«⌐ ¬«¼Σ«αΓ¡«ßΓ¿ ¿ »«Ñºñá ¡á
    ßΓ.êα¬πΓ߬-»áßß. é-æêü: ¥ä9îè-0029 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿
    7001/7003 êα¬πΓ߬ - 翼á, ¥Å1Å-021 ß Σ¿α¼Ñ¡¡δ¼ ⁿ001
    `É«ßß¿∩` é½áñ¿ó«ßΓ«¬ - î«ß¬óá, ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º 2¥æ5è-021.
    08.01.13 (1193x621) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0078.JPG 451972 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0038, »ÑαÑú«¡ îá¬áα«ó« -
    äá¡¿½«ó æàé, áóúπßΓ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0079.JPG 682007 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0043, πº½«óá∩ ßΓ.ï¿σá∩
    É«ßΓ«ó߬«ú« αÑú¿«¡á æèåä, ∩¡óáα∞ 2014 (1200x800)
    _7D_007A.JPG 628328 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0050, ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2017
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007B.JPG 217433 <2.6> ¥ä9îè-0061 (1024x702) [9.01.01]
    5324257 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKB.JPG 173661 <3.1> Å«¼«úá½, π¼á∩½ß∩... (1200x675) Æ«τ¬¿ - øΓ«
    »Ñ¡«»½áßΓ ¡á ßΓ¬Ñ½Ñ [9.01.01]
    173661 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.131 164808 Z2DAILY for today
    164808 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5866469 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 11 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210511.zip 1949945 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    April Snow in Dolly Sods, West Virginia
    11 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1949945 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    239794 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z27 456 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    456 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210511.zip 410149 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ice clings to Lakes Winnipeg and Winnipegosis
    11 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    410149 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210511.zip 2219356 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2219356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210511.zip 421035 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421035 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5240735 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 12 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z32 52374 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 132
    52374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.132 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z32 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.132 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z32 10023 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.132 30522 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z32 9250 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39772 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z34 13464 Region 50 segment day 131
    13464 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_007C.JPG 725662 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0061 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ¿ª¡¿⌐
    «óú«α«ñ - èáºá¡∞ ¡á ßΓ..«óú«α«ñ-î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ âÄÉ,
    08.11.2010 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007D.JPG 578632 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0063, ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä
    (1200x827) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007E.JPG 566350 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0063 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    î«α߬á∩ - Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, πτáßΓ«¬ «.».1283¬¼ -
    «.».î¿σá⌐½«ó¬á, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 08.05.12
    (1024x657) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007F.JPG 638879 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα»««Ñºñá ¥ä9îè-0063 ¿ ¥ä9î-0041, ñÑ»«
    ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-â½áóδ⌐ æèåä (1200x789) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007G.JPG 681930 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0063/1005 ¡á Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡«¼
    󫬺á½Ñ ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä (1200x781) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007H.JPG 686326 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0063, »áαáñ ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐
    ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π,
    06.10.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007I.JPG 176624 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, ßΓ.ÇßΓá¡á èÆå,
    26.06.2011 (1198x810) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007J.JPG 371439 <2.6> üδóΦ¿⌐ `ĬªÑΓ»Ñß`, á ¡δ¡Ñ `æáαδ-Çα¬á`,
    ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076 »α¿».Æù `Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡δσ
    ÅÑαÑ󫺫¬` (èáαáúá¡ñá-ß«αΓ.), ßΓ.èáαáúá¡ñδ
    (èáαáúá¡ñá-»áßß.) èÆå, 10.07.13 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007K.JPG 408631 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, ßΓ.èáαáúá¡ñδ-æπαδ»Γáπ
    (¡Ñτ±Γ¡«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ) èÆå, èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡,
    17.08.14 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    4834473 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z32 11285 STN Daily made nodelist
    11285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKC.JPG 143845 <3.1> ù±α¡δ⌐ ¬«»áΓѽ∞ (700x487) [9.01.01]
    143845 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.132 164746 Z2DAILY for today
    164746 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5421687 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 12 21:01:08 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210512.zip 281473 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Omega Sun over South Padre Island, Texas
    12 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    281473 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210512.zip 506488 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Southeastern Europe
    12 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    506488 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210512.zip 1405715 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1405715 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38688 -- description missing --
    38688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210512.zip 419629 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419629 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2651993 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 13 09:01:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z33 52335 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 133
    52335 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.133 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z33 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.133 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z33 10021 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10021 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.133 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z33 9645 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41862 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1745 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 133
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    pntlist.rul 6257 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    8582 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38688 -- description missing --
    38688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_007L.JPG 400682 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, ßΓ.èáαáúá¡ñá-ß«αΓ. èÆå,
    èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 25.07.15 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007M.JPG 461344 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, ßΓ.èáαáúá¡ñá-ß«αΓ. èÆå,
    èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 25.10.15 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007N.JPG 428472 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, »ÑαÑú«¡ îá⌐¬πñπ¬-åá¡á
    èáαáúá¡ñδ èÆå, èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 01.12.15
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007O.JPG 411001 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, »ÑαÑú«¡ åá¡á èáαáúá¡ñδ
    - îá⌐¬πñπ¬ èÆå, èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 24.01.16
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007P.JPG 472221 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, »ÑαÑú«¡ îá⌐¬πñπ¬ - åá¡á
    èáαáúá¡ñδ èÆå, èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 04.06.16
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007Q.JPG 383795 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, »ÑαÑú«¡ îá⌐¬πñπ¬ - åá¡á
    èáαáúá¡ñδ èÆå, èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 21.01.17
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007R.JPG 344636 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0076, »ÑαÑú«¡ îá⌐¬πñπ¬ - åá¡á
    èáαáúá¡ñδ èÆå, èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 21.01.17
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007S.JPG 487796 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0078 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ù¿Γá -
    ùÑα¡δΦÑó߬ ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü, 19.08.2005 (1200x900)
    _7D_007T.JPG 477310 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0078 ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü,
    23.03.2006 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    3867257 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z33 11366 STN Daily made nodelist
    11366 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKD.JPG 166253 <3.1> -è ßΓáαΓπ ú«Γ«óá!.. (1000x1000) [9.01.01]
    166253 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.133 164751 Z2DAILY for today
    164751 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4512818 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 13 16:01:16 2021
    Area : GFD.APP.ARC : GFD.APP: OS/2 Packers and UnPackers
    LSZIP120.ZIP 444496 LSZipWizard version 1.20. Copyright (c) 2017-2021,
    Lothar Soens. All rights reserved. An easy-to-use
    helper fo Zip archives in OS/2(TM), eComStation(TM) or
    ArcaOS(TM). This Application is a graphical user
    interface to list the contents of a compressed Zip
    archive, to view single files thereof, finally, to
    extract this archive following given options, or to
    create a new Zip archive or modify (update) an
    existing one, following given options. Probably the
    mostly wanted, but by far not all of [un]zip.exe's
    available options are supported. This programm will
    rely on the methods [un]zip[sfx] of Info-Zip(TM) only.
    Requires unzip[sfx].exe and zip.exe being installed.
    444496 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210513.zip 5003684 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5003684 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1063 -- description missing --
    4133 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5452313 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 13 21:01:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210513.zip 526107 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Belt of Venus and Earth’s Shadow Observed from
    Saint-Véran, France
    13 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    526107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.134 6798 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z34 2600 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.134 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z34 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.z34 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.z34 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    13313 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210513.zip 508776 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust and Vortices Behind the Canary Islands
    13 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    508776 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.134 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z34 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.134 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z34 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.134 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z34 1921 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7140 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.134 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z34 3314 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11954 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.134 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z34 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.134 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z34 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.134 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z34 922 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2582 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.134 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z34 2116 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7714 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210513.zip 418074 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418074 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1508449 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 14 09:02:34 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z34 52402 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 134
    52402 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L34 1997 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 134
    1997 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z34 2067 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 134
    2067 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z34 13390 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-05-14 (134)
    13390 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    l10point.z34 7725 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z34 7725 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15450 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z34 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a34 2943 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2943 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z34 2048 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z34 2048 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4096 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a34 92089 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92089 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z34 52404 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 134
    52404 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z34 56820 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z34 8323 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8323 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38751 -- description missing --
    38751 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_007U.JPG 521810 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0078 ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-II çÇü
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007V.JPG 435057 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0083, ñÑ»« É«ßΓ«ó æèåä,
    ∩¡óáα∞ 2003 (994x664) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007W.JPG 684144 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0083 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« «.».ÆÑσ¡¿¬π¼,
    «¬αÑßΓ¡«ßΓ¿ ßΓ.üáΓá⌐߬ æèåä, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007X.JPG 486071 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0083, «».è«τÑóá¡τ¿¬, »ÑαÑú«¡
    è«⌐ßπú - èá∩½á æèåä, 15.09.2011 (1200x847) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007Y.JPG 662878 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0083 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    ç««ßáñ - É«ßΓ«ó-Γ«óáα¡δ⌐ æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π,
    05.09.12 (1024x706) [9.01.01]
    _7D_007Z.JPG 417666 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0083 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - Æáúá¡α«ú-II æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, 28.10.13
    (1200x785) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0080.JPG 654786 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0083 (߬«α«ßΓ¡«⌐) ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿
    É«ßΓ«ó-ä«¡ - èαáß¡«ñáα-I, αºñ.é¿ΓἿ¡¡δ⌐, πτáßΓ«¬
    Æ¿¼áΦÑó߬á∩ - èαáß¡«ñáα-I æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    21.04.11 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0081.JPG 595096 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0083, «.».ÆÑσ¡¿¬π¼ æèåä,
    ú.üáΓá⌐߬, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 29.04.2011 (1200x800)
    _7D_0082.JPG 296421 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0086 `üáΓδα öáαñÑΓñ¿¡` ¡á
    ßΓ.₧ñ¿¡« âÄÉ, 01.06.12 (994x768) [9.01.01]
    4753929 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1108 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKE.JPG 85824 <3.1> -èᬠøΓ« ¿ ¡Ñ ñ«½ª¡«, øΓ« ªÑ ¬πσ¡∩!.. (1200x630)
    85824 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.134 164958 Z2DAILY for today
    164958 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5467270 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 14 09:45:56 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z34 593 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    593 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z34 7986 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z34 587 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z34 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6114318 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1839241 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 915906 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6114318 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 915908 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 109362 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 15039 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 109362 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 31048 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16164502 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z34 554 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z34 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z34 197 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z34 553 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z34 4036 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4589 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z34 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.134 35256 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z34 11585 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47420 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z34 451 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.134 35012 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35463 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z34 679 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    679 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z34 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z34 10020 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z34 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A34 2986 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 134
    2986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56294 FidoNet Nodelist
    56294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z34 661 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    661 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z34 9697 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z34 8615 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8615 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z34 670 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z34 14041 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14711 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z34 18766 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z34 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    513 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z34 525 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z34 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6800 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z34 554 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z34 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14219 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16426639 bytes in 40 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 14 10:27:52 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6114318 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1839243 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 915903 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6114318 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 915905 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 107926 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 14756 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 107926 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 30460 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16160755 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z34 747 Weekly LinuxNet Nodediff file
    747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z34 10023 Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
    10023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16171525 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 14 16:01:06 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537277 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    2537277 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.134 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z34 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.134 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z34 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z34 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z34 10019 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10423 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210514.zip 11093429 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    11093429 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.134 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z34 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z34 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z34 11105 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z34 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    11314 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z34 79945 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 134 (14.05.2021)
    z2pnt.z34 79945 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 134 (14.05.2021)
    159890 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z34 638 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 134 (14.05.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z34 638 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 134 (14.05.2021)
    1276 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 13899559 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 14 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z34 5341 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5341 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z34 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z34 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z34 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5990 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 14 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210514.zip 471857 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Granite in Pico das Cabras Park, Brazil
    14 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    471857 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210514.zip 503791 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Crising (03W)
    14 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    503791 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1063 -- description missing --
    4133 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210514.zip 416416 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416416 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1396197 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 15 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z35 52425 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 135
    52425 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.135 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z35 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.135 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z35 7867 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7867 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731354 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731354 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.135 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z35 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38756 -- description missing --
    38756 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_0083.JPG 634559 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0092 ¡á ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-íÑαÑú,
    ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π (1200x646) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0084.JPG 492617 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ »ÑαѼѡ¡«ú« Γ«¬á ¥ä9îè-0092 ó
    ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«ñáα - É«ßΓ«ó-ä«¡ ¡á
    ßΓ.æΓáα«¼¿¡ß¬á∩-Æ¿¼áΦÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 21.07.2009
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0085.JPG 584461 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0092 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á
    «.».üÑαñá¡«ß«ó¬á æèåä, ú.Ǭßá⌐, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0086.JPG 385694 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0092, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«α߬á∩ -
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0087.JPG 731025 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä9îè-0092 ¿ ¥É9Å-0274 ¡á
    »α¿ú«α«ñ¡«¼ 󫬺á½Ñ ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä (1200x786)
    _7D_0088.JPG 337590 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0092 ¡á ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-íÑαÑú æèåä,
    10.01.2010 (1200x784) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0089.JPG 784247 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0099 »α¿».Æù-8 èαáß¡«∩α߬,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ üáºá¿σá - ç½«í¿¡« èÉÇæ, 18.02.13 (1200x788)
    _7D_008A.JPG 572997 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0104 ó ¼«Γ«α«óáú«¡¡«¼ ñÑ»«
    ù¿Γá çÇü (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008B.JPG 483033 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0104 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ù¿Γá -
    ùÑα¡δΦÑó߬ ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü, 01.06.2006 (1200x900)
    5006223 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z35 11375 STN Daily made nodelist
    11375 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKF.JPG 1087194 <3.1> -ïÄ¡áóΓ, ú«ó«α¿Φ∞? Ç »«τѼπ ªÑ Γ«úñá øΓ« Γó«±
    ïÄ Γá¬«Ñ ¡Ñπñ«í¡«Ñ? (1600x2133) [9.01.01]
    1087194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.135 165010 Z2DAILY for today
    165010 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7297153 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 15 16:01:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210515.zip 716286 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    716286 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 716286 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 15 21:01:14 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210515.zip 137617 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Congo River
    15 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    137617 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210515.zip 416938 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 554555 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 16 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z36 52463 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 136
    52463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.136 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z36 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.136 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z36 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.136 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z36 9293 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38794 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1063 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58275 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_008C.JPG 455828 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0104 ¡á ßΓᡵ¿¿ ù¿Γá-I çÇü,
    01.04.2006 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008D.JPG 525926 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0107, ßΓ.é½áñ¿ó«ßΓ«¬ äéÄæÆ,
    Åα¿¼«α߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008E.JPG 452935 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0114, ßΓ.èαáß¡«∩α߬ èÉÇæ, ¼á⌐
    2013 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008F.JPG 620512 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0116, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, ¼á⌐
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008G.JPG 433783 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0121 `髽ªá¡¬á` ß½ÑñπÑΓ
    αѺÑαó«¼ ó ñÑ»« Ç¡¿ß«ó¬á ÅÉêé, πτáßΓ«¬ »½.860¬¼ -
    »½.ïÑß«»¿½∞¡δ⌐ »ÑαÑú«¡á æαáΓ«ó-II - è¡∩ºÑó¬á ÅÉêé,
    ú.æáαáΓ«ó (1024x768) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008H.JPG 276856 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0123 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ Äα߬ -
    ÄαÑ¡íπαú «Γ»αáó½∩ÑΓß∩ ß« ßΓ.æᬼáα߬á∩ ₧-ôÉ,
    ÄαÑ¡íπαú߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 13.06.12 (1200x793) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008I.JPG 610035 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0123, ßΓ.ÄαÑ¡íπαú ₧-ôÉ,
    01.10.2008 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008J.JPG 538726 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0124 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ 7010/7006
    翼á - ùÑαѼσ«ó« - êα¬πΓ߬ ¡á ßΓ.êα¬πΓ߬-»áßß. é-æêü
    (1198x799) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008K.JPG 195963 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0125 ó Γπ»¿¬Ñ ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I
    çÇü (1152x768) [9.01.01]
    4110564 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z36 11727 STN Daily made nodelist
    11727 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKG.JPG 85702 <3.1> -Ä! Ç Γδ ßÑú«ñ¡∩ αá¡« óÑα¡π½ß∩!.. (750x1000)
    85702 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.136 165107 Z2DAILY for today
    165107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4705204 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 16 16:01:16 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210516.zip 4128763 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4128763 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4128763 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 16 21:01:18 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210516.zip 406186 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Color off the Coast of Australia
    16 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    406186 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210516.zip 419613 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 825799 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 17 09:02:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44828 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z37 52455 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 137
    52455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC20.ZIP 18093 FIDONEWS 17 May 2021 Vol 38 No 20
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * 100 IPv6 nodes
    * BBS curation and community building
    * Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt1
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    18093 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.137 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z37 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.137 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    qs_sdk.zip 6138289 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0539, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6138289 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 965021 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0539. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    TSTLG341.ZIP 127799 TestLog V3.41 (2021-May-15). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    1092820 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z37 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.137 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z37 9289 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39913 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (17-05-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1052 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1836 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38794 -- description missing --
    38794 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_008L.JPG 582014 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0125 ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008M.JPG 433031 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0125 ó ñÑ»« ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü,
    19.08.2005 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008N.JPG 458021 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0125 ó »áαÑ ß ¥É9î-0568 ó
    ñÑ»« ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü, 19.08.2005 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008O.JPG 193379 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0126, ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, èπα߬«Ñ
    ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä (1024x768) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008P.JPG 463848 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0126, äѼ¿σ«ó߬¿⌐ ºáó«ñ
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008Q.JPG 398694 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0126 `æπóÑ¡¿α` ó ÆùÅÉêâ-13
    è¿α«ó âÄÉ, 31.07.13 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008R.JPG 339044 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0151, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïÑମ¡Γ«ó߬¿⌐ -
    Å∩Γ¿ú«α߬ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 22.06.19
    (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008S.JPG 295393 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0156, ßΓ.ïÑମ¡Γ«ó߬¿⌐ æèåä,
    æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 21.06.19 (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008T.JPG 389116 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0156, ßΓ.ïÑମ¡Γ«ó߬¿⌐ æèåä,
    æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 21.06.19 (1200x781) [9.01.01]
    3552540 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z37 11374 STN Daily made nodelist
    11374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKH.JPG 88775 <3.1> -äá, øΓ« ¡Ñ ¬«α«í¬á. ÄΓßΓá¡∞... (1000x730)
    88775 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.137 165118 Z2DAILY for today
    165118 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11370991 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 17 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6142273 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.TXT 6142273 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1845754 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1845582 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 918948 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 918780 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6142273 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6142273 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 918782 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 918950 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 137864 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.TXT 137864 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 18328 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 18326 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 137864 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.TXT 137864 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 37574 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    NEWFILES.ZIP 37577 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    32599149 bytes in 18 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z34 451 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210517.zip 523665 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    523665 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 33123265 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 17 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210517.zip 475126 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Madison Limestone in the Little Rockies of Montana
    17 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    475126 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210517.zip 186588 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom off of the Eastern United States
    17 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    186588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210517.zip 419157 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419157 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1080871 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 18 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37005 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z38 52439 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 138
    52439 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.138 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z38 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.138 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z38 10017 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    10017 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.138 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z38 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38754 -- description missing --
    38754 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_008U.JPG 304533 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0157, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å∩Γ¿ú«α߬ -
    ïÑମ¡Γ«ó߬¿⌐ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 22.06.19
    (1200x770) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008V.JPG 358702 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0158, ßΓ.ïÑମ¡Γ«ó߬¿⌐ æèåä,
    æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 21.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008W.JPG 684642 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0165 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«ñáα -
    î¿¡Ñαá½∞¡δÑ é«ñδ, ßΓ.Ñó¿¡¡«¼δß߬á∩ æèåä (1024x683)
    _7D_008X.JPG 252972 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0165 ¡á ßΓ.î¿¡Ñαá½∞¡δÑ é«ñδ
    æèåä (1200x706) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008Y.JPG 657926 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0165 ó ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«¼ ñÑ»«
    î¿¡Ñαá½∞¡δÑ é«ñδ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 19.11.2010
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_008Z.JPG 561565 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-0166 `¥¬ß»αÑßß` »«óδΦÑ¡¡«⌐
    ¬«¼Σ«αΓ¡«ßΓ¿ ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«∩α߬ - ê½á¡ß¬á∩ »«ñá¡
    ¡á »«ßáñ¬π ¡á ßΓ.èαáß¡«∩α߬ èÉÇæ (1200x809) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0090.JPG 753517 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0182 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ⁿ6517
    ü«ú«∩ó½Ñ¡ß¬ - Éá¡Ñ¡íπαú, »ÑαÑú«¡ ü«ú«∩ó½Ñ¡ß¬ -
    Éá¡Ñ¡íπαú ₧éåä, ѵ¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0091.JPG 427623 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0182, ßΓ.É∩ªß¬-I îÄæè,
    É∩ºá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 25.06.16 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0092.JPG 303891 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0183, ßΓ.î¿τπα¿¡ß¬ ₧éåä,
    Æá¼í«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    4305371 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z38 11285 STN Daily made nodelist
    11285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16831 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13272 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKI.JPG 49176 <3.1> æ»á½∞¡∩ (700x466) [9.01.01]
    49176 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.138 165050 Z2DAILY for today
    165050 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4827708 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 18 16:01:12 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25322 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 1425 RebelNet - the Bikers forum
    hosted by Samcrow
    March 26th, 2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11795 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    telnet://vintagebbsiWhisperNet - A Family Oriented
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1602897 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210518.zip 1116334 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1116334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2719231 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 19 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37025 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z39 52477 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 139
    52477 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210518.zip 488654 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Surprise on the Tyrrhenian Sea
    18 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    488654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.139 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z39 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.139 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    347841 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z39 10023 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210518.zip 510929 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Tauketae
    18 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    510929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.139 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z39 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z41 13551 Region 50 segment day 138
    13551 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38795 -- description missing --
    38795 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_0093.JPG 279392 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0183 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ É∩ºá¡∞-II -
    î¿τπα¿¡ß¬ «Γ»αáó¿½áß∞ ß« ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè (1200x900)
    _7D_0094.JPG 581926 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0183, ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 09.08.17 (1197x744) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0095.JPG 439183 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0184, »ÑαÑú«¡ äá¡¿½«ó -
    îá¬áα«ó« æàé, ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 28.06.2011
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0096.JPG 397550 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0184, ßΓ.髽«úñá æàé,
    05.03.2007 (1200x899) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0097.JPG 645543 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0184, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0098.JPG 395986 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0186, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÄΓ᫪¬á -
    Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä (1200x880) [9.01.01]
    _7D_0099.JPG 243898 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0186 ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    28.05.2011 (1194x713) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009A.JPG 386511 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0186, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫼«ó« - ÄΓ᫪¬á
    ₧éåä, 10.03.12 (1200x816) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009B.JPG 352586 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0186 »α¿».Æù¥-5 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    é«α«¡Ñª-I - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 08.02.13
    (1109x764) [9.01.01]
    3722575 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z39 11285 STN Daily made nodelist
    11285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210518.zip 420450 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420450 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16836 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62391 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKJ.JPG 79847 <3.1> òó«ßΓ ¡Ñ «Γ øΓ«ú« úáα¡¿Γπαá (960x720) [9.01.01]
    79847 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.139 165340 Z2DAILY for today
    165340 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6040144 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 19 16:01:16 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    2371 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2371 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 20 09:10:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37025 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z40 52557 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 140
    52557 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210519.zip 490613 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Battle of the Moons
    19 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    490613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n08.zip 15078 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 08
    May 19, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 2
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 3
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 4
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 5
    More Information ....................... 6
    15078 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6151576 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1847982 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 920198 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6151576 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 920200 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 147167 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 19382 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 147167 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 39596 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16344844 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z40 7866 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7866 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210519.zip 145930 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Mackinac Strait
    19 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    145930 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1744 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 140
    1744 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38792 -- description missing --
    38792 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_009C.JPG 630713 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0186, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè,
    áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009D.JPG 374287 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0189, »ÑαÑú«¡ Åα¿ñáτá -
    ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 26.08.12 (1200x855)
    _7D_009E.JPG 758262 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0189 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÄΓ᫪¬á -
    é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 08.05.2011 (1200x753) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009F.JPG 257624 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0189 »α¿».Æù¥-ÄΓ᫪¬á ¡á
    »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÄΓ᫪¬á - 櫼«ó« ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 11.05.15
    (1168x829) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009G.JPG 628788 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0190 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »«
    ßΓ.Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ îÄæè, ú.üα∩¡ß¬, 06.07.13
    (1200x768) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009H.JPG 736469 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0190 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    濡ѺÑન - üα∩¡ß¬-ï∞ú«ó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, «.».387¬¼, üα∩¡ß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 19.09.14 (1200x778) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009I.JPG 657339 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0190 `ÅáαΓ¿ºá¡ß¬á∩ æ½áóá` ¡á
    «.».èαáß¡δ⌐ Åα«Σ¿¡ΓÑα¡, »ÑαÑú«¡ üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ -
    Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ îÄæè, ú.üα∩¡ß¬, 19.08.2011 (1200x815)
    _7D_009J.JPG 464039 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0192, ñÑ»« è¿α«ó âÄÉ, 22.04.12
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009K.JPG 659067 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0193 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    5166588 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z40 11366 STN Daily made nodelist
    11366 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210519.zip 422626 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422626 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16836 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62391 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKK.JPG 715600 <3.1> -éαÑñ¿Γѽ∞ »«⌐¼á¡... (798x787) [9.01.01]
    715600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.140 165447 Z2DAILY for today
    165447 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 23678467 bytes in 32 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 20 16:01:04 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6152633 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1848144 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 920296 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6152633 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 920298 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 147675 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 19421 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 147675 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 39677 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16348452 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.140 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z40 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.140 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z40 9978 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210520.zip 5320523 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5320523 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.140 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z40 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1139 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z40 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 21775501 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 20 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210520.zip 471973 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Blooming of Pico de Graja on La Palma
    20 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    471973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.141 6798 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z41 2600 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.z41 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.141 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z41 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.141 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z41 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.141 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z41 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.141 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z41 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    17921 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210520.zip 82944 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Manitoba
    20 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    82944 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.141 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z41 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.141 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z41 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.141 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z41 1920 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7139 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.141 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z41 3315 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11955 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.141 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z41 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.141 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z41 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.141 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z41 919 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2579 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.141 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z41 2116 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7714 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210520.zip 422208 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422208 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1037222 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 21 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37025 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z41 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z41 7986 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z41 52582 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 141
    52582 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L41 2353 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 141
    2353 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z41 2422 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 141
    2422 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z41 587 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z41 1220 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z41 554 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z41 7040 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7040 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z41 554 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z41 4036 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4590 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z41 13379 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-05-21 (141)
    13379 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z41 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z41 7725 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z41 7725 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15902 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z41 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z41 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a41 3379 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3379 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z41 2407 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z41 2407 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a41 92197 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z41 52584 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 141
    52584 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z41 56972 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56972 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z41 8322 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8322 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38792 -- description missing --
    38792 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_009L.JPG 307158 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0193 (1024x780) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009M.JPG 436628 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0193, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè,
    26.04.2009 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009N.JPG 444804 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0194, ßΓ.é½áñ¿¼¿α âÄÉ, 2008ú.
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009O.JPG 670941 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0194, ßΓ.é½áñ¿¼¿α âÄÉ,
    22.07.2009 (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009P.JPG 284716 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0194, ßΓ.â«α∞¬¿⌐-î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐
    âÄÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2009 (1000x658) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009Q.JPG 534373 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0194 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ é½áñ¿¼¿α -
    é∩º¡¿¬¿, âÄÉ å.ä. (1161x738) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009R.JPG 421656 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0196, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫼«ó« - ÄΓ᫪¬á
    ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x897) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009S.JPG 493177 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0196 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Åα¿ñáτá -
    îáß½«ó¬á ₧éåä, 11.04.2010 (1100x825) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009T.JPG 640100 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0196 ó ñÑ»« ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    03.01.2011 (1200x742) [9.01.01]
    4233553 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z41 18766 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z41 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    513 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16836 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13277 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75668 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKL.JPG 231324 <3.1> -ÑΓ, »α«ßΓ« »«½ÑªáΓ∞... (1024x768) [9.01.01]
    231324 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.141 165479 Z2DAILY for today
    165479 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z41 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z41 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13862 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5154984 bytes in 44 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 21 09:43:28 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z41 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z41 7986 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z41 587 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z41 1220 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z41 554 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z41 7040 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7040 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z41 197 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z41 554 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z41 4036 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4590 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z41 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.141 35256 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z41 11585 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47420 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z41 452 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z41 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.141 35012 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35916 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z41 668 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    668 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z41 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z41 9978 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z41 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56443 FidoNet Nodelist
    56443 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z41 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z41 9697 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z41 8615 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8615 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z41 669 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z41 14042 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14711 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z41 18766 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z41 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    513 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z41 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z41 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6801 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z41 554 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z41 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14219 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 259617 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 21 16:01:18 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.141 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z41 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.141 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z41 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z41 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z41 7864 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    8268 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210521.zip 657771 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    657771 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A41 3414 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 141
    3414 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.141 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z41 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z41 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z41 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z41 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z41 79987 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 141 (21.05.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z41 79987 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 141 (21.05.2021)
    159974 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z41 616 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 141 (21.05.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z41 616 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 141 (21.05.2021)
    1232 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 928755 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 21 21:01:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210521.zip 509748 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Relativistic Jet of M87
    21 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    509748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z41 5326 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5326 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210521.zip 235973 MODIS Picture of the Day
    21 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    235973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210521.zip 423554 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    423554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1174601 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 21 23:41:22 2021
    Area : GATORDIF : Gatornet NodeDiff and Nodelist
    GATORDIF.Z41 617 GatorNet Nodediff file
    617 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z41 8991 Weekly GatorNet Nodelist
    8991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9608 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 22 09:04:44 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37025 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z42 52588 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 142
    52588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.142 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z42 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.142 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z42 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.142 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z42 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38831 -- description missing --
    38831 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_009U.JPG 309472 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0196 »α¿».Æù¥-ÄΓ᫪¬á ¡á
    ßΓ.ü¿Γεú, ½¿¡¿∩ ï¿ß¬¿ - Å«ó«α¿¡« ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 11.10.14 (1148x717) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009V.JPG 489329 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0197, ßΓ.É∩ªß¬-I îÄæè,
    É∩ºá¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 18.06.15 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009W.JPG 642979 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0197 »α¿».Æù»α¿ú-î¿τπα¿¡ß¬ ¡á
    »ÑαÑú«Ñ é«α«¡Ñª-I - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, 18.05.16 (1174x922)
    _7D_009X.JPG 611669 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0199 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«∩α߬ -
    èá¼áατáúá ¡á «.».É«ñ¡¿¬¿, »ÑαÑú«¡ èαáß¡«∩α߬-é«ßΓ«τ¡δ⌐
    - æ«α«¬¿¡« èÉÇæ (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009Y.JPG 610308 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200, ßΓ.迺¿ΓÑα¿¡¬á æèåä,
    ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π (1200x788) [9.01.01]
    _7D_009Z.JPG 619524 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200 ¡á πτáß⪥ æΓѬ½«ºáó«ñ -
    迺¿ΓÑα¿¡¬á »ÑαÑú«¡á ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó¬á - 迺¿ΓÑα¿¡¬á æèåä,
    ú.Ǭßá⌐ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00A0.JPG 250220 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«α߬á∩ -
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú (947x631) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00A1.JPG 649798 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π òá»αδ
    - æ¿¡∩ó߬á∩ æèåä, πτáßΓ«¬ «.».æáΣ∞∩¡«ó« -
    «.».îáαΓδ¡«ó«, »«ß.òá»αδ, 20.05.12 (1024x693)
    _7D_00A2.JPG 588345 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - î«α߬á∩ æèåä, πτáßΓ«¬ «.».Åα¿¼«α¬á -
    ßΓ.î«α߬á∩, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 06.02.14 (1200x799)
    4771644 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z42 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16836 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13277 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75668 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKM.PNG 2181363 <3.1> -π ¿ τΓ«?.. (1200x1163) [9.01.01]
    2181363 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.142 165483 Z2DAILY for today
    165483 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7424578 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 22 16:03:08 2021
    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z41 452 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 22 21:03:16 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210522.zip 340991 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom off South Australia province
    22 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    340991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210522.zip 424382 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    424382 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 765373 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 25 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37025 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37025 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37025 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    118898 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z43 52576 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 143
    Z1DAILY.Z44 52580 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 144
    Z1DAILY.Z45 52630 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 145
    157786 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210524.zip 498469 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Camel Rock, New Mexico
    24 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    498469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC21.ZIP 15207 FIDONEWS 24 May 2021 Vol 38 No 21
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt 2
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    15207 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6165603 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1850264 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 921543 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6165603 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 921545 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 159420 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 20744 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 159420 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 42087 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16406229 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD.APP: OS/2 Mult-Media-Applikationen
    FLUID221.ZIP 3776246 FluidSynth version 2.2.1. Copyright (C) 2000-2021
    Peter Hanappe and others. Distributed under the LGPL
    license. SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of
    E-mu Systems, Inc. FluidSynth is a software real-time
    synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications.
    Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, glib
    v2.33.12(rpm), CMake v3.4.1, gcc v9.1.0, kdllar
    v1.3.0. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun.
    KMIDI031.ZIP 201471 kmididec v0.3.1. K MIDI DECoder is a library in order
    to decode MIDI to PCM using fluidsynth. K MIDI is a
    simple MIDI player using kmididec. Additional
    requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, libkai v2.1.0, fluidsynth
    v1.0.9. Author: KO Myung-Hun.
    KSOFT111.ZIP 196936 ksoftseq v1.1.1. K SOFT SEQuencer is a software
    sequencer for OS/2. ksoftseq enables you to play a
    midi file on OS/2 without any external programs. That
    is, ksoftseq is a MCD(Media Control Driver).
    Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, libkai v1.3.1,
    kmididec v0.3.1, fluidsynth v1.0.9. Author: KO
    VLC-3014.ZIP 45448673 VLC media player v3.0.14 Vetinari for OS/2. The
    cross-platform open-source multimedia framework,
    player and server VLC media player is a highly
    portable multimedia player and multimedia framework
    capable of reading most audio and video formats
    (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac
    ...) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and various
    streaming protocols. Additional requirements: kLIBC
    v0.6.6, Qt 4.7.3GA2. This port was done by: KO
    49623326 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.MISC : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Misc. Software Development
    libka210.zip 248168 libkai v2.1.0. Copyright (C) 2010-2021 by KO
    Myung-Hun. K Audio Interface v2.1.0 DART/UNIAUD
    implementation library. Additional requirements: kLIBC
    248168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25322 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1951675 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210523.zip 124669 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tassilli n'Ajjer, Algeria
    23 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210524.zip 348239 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Beaufort Sea Thaw
    24 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    472908 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210523.zip 3868182 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210524.zip 102155 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210525.zip 768931 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4739268 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : OPENXP : OPX: multi-protocol offline mail/news reader
    ox550l64.zip 3014117 OpenXP v5.0.50 Linux-x86_64 binaries.
    Console-mode multi-platform and multi-protocol
    mail/news software supporting POP3, SMTP, IMAP
    NNTP, UUCP, FidoNet and ZConnect. FidoNet
    protocols supported are binkP (Fido-over-ip)
    and POTS. POP3/SMTP/IMAP now support SSL/TLS.
    Online help and user interface available in
    German and English. Released under GPLv2.
    ox550r64.zip 2279666 OpenXP v5.0.50 Linux-x86_64 RPM installer.
    Console-mode multi-platform and multi-protocol
    mail/news software supporting POP3, SMTP, IMAP
    NNTP, UUCP, FidoNet and ZConnect. FidoNet
    protocols supported are binkP (Fido-over-ip)
    and POTS. POP3/SMTP/IMAP now support SSL/TLS.
    Online help and user interface available in
    German and English. Released under GPLv2.
    ox550win.zip 3234961 OpenXP v5.0.50 Win32 binaries.
    Console-mode multi-platform and multi-protocol
    mail/news software supporting POP3, SMTP, IMAP
    NNTP, UUCP, FidoNet and ZConnect. FidoNet
    protocols supported are binkP (Fido-over-ip)
    and POTS. POP3/SMTP/IMAP now support SSL/TLS.
    Online help and user interface available in
    German and English. Released under GPLv2.
    8528744 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (24-05-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1053 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1836 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38829 -- description missing --
    iplist.lst 38831 -- description missing --
    iplist.lst 38868 -- description missing --
    116528 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00A3.JPG 681396 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - î«α߬á∩ æèåä, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    13.05.16 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00A4.JPG 698928 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200 ¡á ßΓ.Æáúá¡α«ú-II æèåä,
    ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 18.08.2009 (1200x900)
    _7D_00A5.JPG 691656 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0200, Æù-4 É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π, 12.11.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00A6.JPG 504138 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0201 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ⁿ6312
    êα¬πΓ߬-ß«αΓ. - æ½εñ∩¡¬á-I ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ â½πí«¬á∩ -
    Ç¡ñα¿á¡«ó߬á∩ é-æêü (1193x788) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00A7.JPG 334813 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0201 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ êα¬πΓ߬-»áßß.
    - èá∩ é-æêü (1193x845) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00A8.JPG 391130 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0203 »ÑαÑú«¡ ¿¬Ñ½∞ -
    Äα߬-«óδ⌐ â«α«ñ ₧-ôÉ, 31.07.12 (1024x678) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00A9.JPG 636559 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0204 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ «ó«α«ßß¿⌐߬
    - èαáß¡«ñáα-I, »ÑαÑú«¡ «ó«α«ßß¿⌐߬ - âá⌐ñπ¬ æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 09.11.12 (1200x890) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AA.JPG 610260 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0204 ó ¼«Γ«α-óáú«¡¡«¼ ñÑ»«
    Æù-4 É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π, 30.04.13
    (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AB.JPG 817685 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0206 ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü
    (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AC.JPG 553906 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0206 ¡á ßΓ.ù¿Γá-I çÇü
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AD.JPG 448404 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0206, ßΓ.ò¿½«¬ çÇü,
    çáíá⌐¬á½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AE.JPG 771271 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ É«ßΓ«ó -
    Æáúá¡α«ú ¡á ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-íÑαÑú æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π
    (1200x810) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AF.JPG 663920 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á «.».Ǭßá⌐
    æèåä, ú.Ǭßá⌐, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AG.JPG 416403 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿
    É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π - Æáúá¡α«ú, ßΓ.Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä,
    ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AH.JPG 663575 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ É«ßΓ«ó -
    ùÑαΓ¬«ó« ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ É«ßΓ«ó-Γ«óáα¡δ⌐ - Éáºó¿½¬á æèåä,
    πτáßΓ«¬ »½.Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑ - ßΓ.Éáºó¿½¬á,
    ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AI.JPG 792714 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó¬á
    - 迺¿ΓÑα¿¡¬á æèåä, ú.Ǭßá⌐, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    17.11.2010 (1100x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AJ.JPG 528147 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    î«α߬á∩ - Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, πτáßΓ«¬ «.».üÑßßÑαúÑ¡«ó¬á -
    «.».1283¬¼, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 31.05.12 (1024x627)
    _7D_00AK.JPG 650769 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - î«α߬á∩ æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, 26.08.12
    (1024x708) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AL.JPG 605652 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - Æáúá¡α«ú-II æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, 02.01.13
    (1024x655) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AM.JPG 397319 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - î«α߬á∩ æèåä, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    10.05.13 (1024x697) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AN.JPG 608406 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - Æáúá¡α«ú-II æèåä, πτáßΓ«¬ «.».îÑíѽ∞¡δ⌐
    ¬«¼í¿¡áΓ - «.».èαáß¡δ⌐ è«Γѽ∞Θ¿¬, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, 01.05.14
    (1200x856) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AO.JPG 572319 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0207 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    î«α߬á∩ - Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    30.05.15 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AP.JPG 762395 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0208 »α¿».Æù-8 èαáß¡«∩α߬,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ æ«α«¬¿¡« - èαáß¡«∩α߬-ó«ßΓ«τ¡δ⌐ èÉÇæ, 07.09.13
    (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AQ.JPG 194850 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0209, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á
    (1024x747) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AR.JPG 394358 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0209 óδσ«ñ¿Γ ß ¼«ßΓá τÑαѺ
    é«α«¡Ñªß¬«Ñ ó«ñ«σαá¡¿½¿ΘÑ ó ßΓ«α«¡π é«α«¡Ñªá, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ÄΓ᫪¬á - é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, ¼á⌐ 2011 (1088x816)
    _7D_00AS.JPG 571324 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0209, »ÑαÑú«¡ îáß½«ó¬á -
    Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 23.06.15 (1184x846) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AT.JPG 595157 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0210 ¡á «.».îá½∞µÑó߬á∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ - üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ îÄæè,
    ú.üα∩¡ß¬, 26.07.12 (1024x616) [9.01.01]
    15557454 bytes in 27 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210523.zip 425361 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210524.zip 424834 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    850195 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16836 -- description missing --
    ECH00715.ZIP 16836 -- description missing --
    ECH00715.ZIP 16836 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13277 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    ech01042.zip 13277 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    ech01042.zip 13277 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    227004 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKN.PNG 1035400 <3.1> -π ó«Γ, «¡« «»∩Γ∞ π»á½«... (1000x700) [9.01.01]
    L5VKO.JPG 162534 <3.1> -ÄΓó὿! æ¬áºá½¿ - ¡Ñ ñóáóΓ∞, º¡áτ¿Γ - ¡Ñ ñá¼!..
    (960x1280) [9.01.01]
    L5VKP.JPG 183492 <3.1> -π ¡Ñ ¬«αí¬á, ¿ τΓ«?.. (1200x960) [9.01.01]
    1381426 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.143 165415 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.144 165418 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.145 165523 Z2DAILY for today
    496356 bytes in 3 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 101391477 bytes in 89 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 25 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210525.zip 488454 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    17-Year Cicadas in 2021
    25 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    488454 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210525.zip 502011 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Yaas approaching India
    25 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    502011 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210525.zip 422100 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422100 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1412565 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 26 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z46 52638 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 146
    52638 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.146 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z46 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.146 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z46 9980 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9980 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.146 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z46 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z48 13556 Region 50 segment day 145
    13556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38795 -- description missing --
    38795 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00AU.JPG 431393 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0210 ¡á ßΓ.üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐
    îÄæè, 09.07.13 (1200x712) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AV.JPG 710473 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0210 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ - üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, ú.üα∩¡ß¬,
    17.08.15 (1200x835) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AW.JPG 283304 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0210, ßΓ.üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐
    îÄæè, 19.10.2008 (1024x673) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AX.JPG 673944 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0210 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ åπ¬«ó¬á -
    üα∩¡ß¬-I ¡á «.».èαáß¡δ⌐ Åα«Σ¿¡ΓÑα¡, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ - üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, ú.üα∩¡ß¬,
    17.08.2011 (1200x832) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AY.JPG 277561 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0212, ßΓ.â«α∞¬¿⌐-î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐
    âÄÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2009 (1000x633) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00AZ.JPG 752170 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0214 »α¿».îéä-5 êα¬πΓ߬ ¡á
    »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Ç¡úáα߬ - è¿Γ«⌐ é-æêü, 15.07.2011 (1200x798)
    _7D_00B0.JPG 366311 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0215 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á
    ßΓ.«ó«Γα«¿µ¬ ₧-ôÉ, ÄαÑ¡íπαú߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 30.11.2011
    (1024x668) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00B1.JPG 784730 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0217 »α¿».Æù»α¿ú-8 èαáß¡«∩α߬,
    óáú«¡ 01, ßΓ.èαáß¡«∩α߬ èÉÇæ, 17.02.13 (1200x784)
    _7D_00B2.JPG 705373 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0219 `Ç¡ñαÑ⌐ äπíѡ߬¿⌐` ó
    ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èá¼áατáúá - èαáß¡«∩α߬ »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á
    ßΓ.ç½«í¿¡« èÉÇæ (1200x753) [9.01.01]
    4985259 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z46 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKQ.JPG 697700 <3.1> -¥Γ« »«τѼπ øΓ« ¡Ñ »Γ¿τ¬á?!. (2611x1958)
    697700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.146 165530 Z2DAILY for today
    165530 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6167149 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 26 16:01:44 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6187451 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1855464 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 924041 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6187451 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 924043 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 181268 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23229 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 181268 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 47061 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16511276 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210526.zip 317065 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    317065 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16828341 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 26 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210526.zip 165791 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    May Apples in My Garden
    26 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    165791 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210526.zip 201931 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Nile River Delta
    26 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    201931 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210526.zip 419948 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419948 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 787670 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 27 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z47 52661 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 147
    52661 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n09.zip 15879 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 09
    May 26, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Editorial ...............................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    15879 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.147 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z47 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.147 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z47 9978 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.147 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z47 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1745 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 147
    1745 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38795 -- description missing --
    38795 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00B3.JPG 786803 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0219 »α¿».Æù»α¿ú-8 èαáß¡«∩α߬,
    ßΓ.üáºá¿σá èÉÇæ, 18.02.13 (1200x770) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00B4.JPG 616946 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0221, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á,
    18.03.2008 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00B5.JPG 769539 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0221 »α¿».Æù-37 ô½á¡-ôñø ¡á
    ßΓ.æ½εñ∩¡¬á-I é-æêü, 13.07.2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00B6.JPG 433037 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0222 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ⁿ6006
    üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ - æπσ¿¡¿τ¿, ßΓ.å¿ó«ñ«ó¬á îÄæè,
    èá½πªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00B7.JPG 267646 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0222, ßΓ.üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐
    îÄæè, 19.10.2008 (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00B8.JPG 427132 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0222, ñÑ»« üα∩¡ß¬-I îÄæè,
    19.10.2008 (1200x707) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00B9.JPG 536082 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0222 ¿¼.ö.ê.ÆεΓτÑóá ß½ÑñπÑΓ »«
    »ÑαÑú«¡π üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ - üα∩¡ß¬-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ îÄæè,
    πτáßΓ«¬ «.».îá½∞µÑó߬á∩ - «.».ôα¿µ¬á∩, ú.üα∩¡ß¬,
    28.07.12 (1024x599) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BA.JPG 633760 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0222 ¡á ßΓ.æπσ¿¡¿τ¿-ú½. îÄæè,
    èá½πªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 15.01.16 (1199x796) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BB.JPG 587166 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0224 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    î«α߬á∩ - Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, πτáßΓ«¬ ßΓ.î«α߬á∩ -
    «.».Åα¿¼«α¬á, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 06.02.14 (1200x762)
    5058111 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1139 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z47 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62396 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKR.JPG 291469 <3.1> -¥Γ« ∩ ¡Ñ ߻ѵ¿á½∞¡«! Æᬠ»«½πτ¿½«ß∞...
    (900x1200) [9.01.01]
    291469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.147 165569 Z2DAILY for today
    165569 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5830184 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 27 21:01:20 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.148 6798 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z48 2600 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.148 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z48 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.148 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z48 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.148 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z48 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.148 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z48 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.148 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z48 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19709 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210527.zip 1267658 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1267658 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.148 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z48 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.148 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z48 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.148 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z48 1921 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7140 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.148 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z48 3315 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11955 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.148 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z48 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.148 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z48 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.148 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z48 919 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2579 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.148 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z48 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7715 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1329545 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 28 09:02:32 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z48 592 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    592 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z48 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z48 52690 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 148
    52690 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L48 1656 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 148
    1656 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z48 1739 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 148
    1739 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z48 585 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    585 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210527.zip 535007 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Geodiversity atop UtahΓÇÖs Velvet Ridge
    27 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    535007 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z48 553 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    553 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z48 7040 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7040 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z48 8991 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z48 552 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z48 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4589 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z48 13423 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-05-28 (148)
    13423 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z48 450 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10POINT.Z48 7725 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z48 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15901 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z48 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z48 8056 -- description missing --
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z48 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210527.zip 40924 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fire in the Philippines
    27 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    40924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a48 2334 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z48 1723 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z48 1723 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3446 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a48 92449 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92449 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z48 52692 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 148
    52692 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z48 57080 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z48 8323 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8323 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38837 -- description missing --
    38837 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00BC.JPG 621415 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0224 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-II - Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, 24.04.16
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BD.JPG 404637 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0225, ßΓ.Éá¬¿Γ¡á∩ îÄæè,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 08.05.2011 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BE.JPG 773596 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0226 »α¿».ù»α¿ú-8 èαáß¡«∩α߬,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ üáºá¿σá - ç½«í¿¡« èÉÇæ, 18.02.13 (1200x783)
    _7D_00BF.JPG 580551 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0227 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«ñáα-I -
    «ó«α«ßß¿⌐߬, «.».â«α¡δ⌐, »ÑαÑú«¡ üá¬á¡ß¬á∩ -
    Æ«¡¡Ñ½∞¡á∩ æèåä, 21.09.08 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BH.JPG 312439 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0229, ßΓ.¿ª¡¿⌐ «óú«α«ñ âÄÉ,
    04.01.2011 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BI.JPG 666620 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0229 `竽«Γá∩ σ«σ½«¼á`,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ è¿ßѽ¿σá - Æ«½«¬«¡µÑó« âÄÉ, ¿ªÑú«α«ñ߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 06.04.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BJ.JPG 736832 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0235 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ⁿ6315/6319
    Å«ñ¬á¼Ñ¡¡á∩ - ùÑαѼσ«ó« ¡á «.».îѽ∞¡¿¬«ó«, »ÑαÑú«¡ èá∩
    - êα¬πΓ߬-»áßß. é-æêü (1198x799) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BK.JPG 799577 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0236 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«∩α߬ -
    èá¼áατáúá ¡Ñºáñ«½ú« ñ« «Γ»αáó½Ñ¡¿∩ «Γ «.».É«ñ¡¿¬¿,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ èαáß¡«∩α߬-ó«ßΓ«τ¡δ⌐ - æ«α«¡¿¬« èÉÇæ
    (1200x777) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BL.JPG 337470 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0236, ßΓ.ê½á¡ß¬á∩ èÉÇæ,
    èαáß¡«∩α߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5233137 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z48 18766 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z48 512 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210527.zip 418308 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418308 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKS.PNG 863279 <3.1> -Ç τΓ« - ¡Ñ½∞º∩ í佫??. (942x698) [9.01.01]
    863279 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.148 165663 Z2DAILY for today
    165663 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z48 525 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z48 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6800 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z48 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z48 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13862 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7801034 bytes in 51 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 28 10:39:04 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z48 592 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    592 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z48 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z48 585 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z48 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z48 553 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    553 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z48 7040 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7040 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z48 8991 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z48 552 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z48 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4589 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z48 578 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.148 35256 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z48 11585 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47419 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z48 450 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.148 35012 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35462 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z48 729 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    729 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z48 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z48 10027 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z48 10027 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    20054 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z48 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56567 FidoNet Nodelist
    56567 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z48 576 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z48 576 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    1152 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z48 9697 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z48 8616 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z48 8616 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    17232 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z48 669 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z48 14042 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14711 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z48 18766 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z48 512 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z48 525 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z48 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6800 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z48 553 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z48 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14218 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 287400 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 28 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.148 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z48 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.148 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z48 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z48 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z48 10022 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10426 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210528.zip 219479 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    219479 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.148 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z48 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z48 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z48 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z48 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z48 79989 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 148 (28.05.2021)
    z2pnt.z48 79989 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 148 (28.05.2021)
    159978 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z48 523 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 148 (28.05.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z48 523 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 148 (28.05.2021)
    1046 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 489025 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 28 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z48 5277 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5277 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z48 6718 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    6718 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z48 5531 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    5531 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z48 6912 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    6912 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 24438 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 28 21:01:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210528.zip 346061 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Purple Anemone
    28 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    346061 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210528.zip 315094 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Northern Bolivia
    28 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    315094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210528.zip 418518 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418518 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1079673 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 29 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z49 52705 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 149
    52705 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6188696 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1855756 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 924215 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6188696 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 924217 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 182513 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23348 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 182513 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 47292 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16517246 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.149 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z49 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.149 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    ftpsrsrc.zip 940592 FtpServer v2.82 sources. Copyright (C) 1997-2021 Peter
    Moylan. FtpServer: an FTP daemon for OS/2. An ftp
    daemon that lets you control which directories and
    which disks the user may see, and lets you create a
    directory structure (different for each user) with
    virtual links. Each directory has its own (read,
    write, delete, rename, visible) controls. You can, if
    desired, restrict access to specified client IP
    940592 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    FTPSR282.ZIP 548685 FtpServer: an FTP daemon for OS/2.
    Lets you control which drives and
    directories the users are allowed to
    see. Also has controls on which IP
    addresses a client is allowed to
    connect from.
    548685 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    uniau312.zip 838520 Uniaud32 v.3.01.02. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David
    Azarewicz. Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver
    for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek
    Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is
    based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a
    broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including
    AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be
    found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio,
    typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be
    found in modern systems with integrated audio, built
    during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older
    audio hardware. WarpIN installer.
    838520 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z49 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.149 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z49 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38837 -- description missing --
    38837 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00BM.JPG 308860 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0237, ñÑ»«.üα∩¡ß¬-I îÄæè,
    19.10.2008 (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BN.JPG 763930 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0237 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ - üα∩¡ß¬-ï∞ú«ó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, 21.01.12
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BO.JPG 753363 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0237 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ üα∩¡ß¬-I -
    üα∩¡ß¬-II îÄæè, 21.01.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BP.JPG 660093 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0237 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    üα∩¡ß¬-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ - üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬
    «.».ôα¿µ¬á∩ - «.».îá½∞µÑó߬á∩, ú.üα∩¡ß¬, 28.07.12
    (1024x630) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BQ.JPG 287903 <2.6> Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0239 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿
    ⁿ6322 êα¬πΓ߬-ß«αΓ. - ü«½∞Φ«⌐ ïπú ¡á ßΓ.é«Ñ¡¡δ⌐
    â«α«ñ«¬ é-æêü, êα¬πΓ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1186x773) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BR.JPG 469005 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0239, ßΓ.êα¬πΓ߬-»áßß. é-æêü,
    ¼á⌐ 2014 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BS.JPG 440181 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0241 (1100x738) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BT.JPG 519467 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0241, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÄΓ᫪¬á -
    Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 06.09.15 (1173x797) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BU.JPG 709418 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0244 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ «ó«α«ßß¿⌐߬
    - èαáß¡«ñáα, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ«¡¡Ñ½∞¡á∩ - üá¬á¡ß¬á∩ æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 07.09.12 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    4912220 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z49 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62396 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKT.JPG 52275 <3.1> ...αáßΓ¿Γѽ∞¡«ßΓ¿ ¡ÑΓ ... ¡áßÑ½Ñ¡á ¬«ΓἿ...
    (858x540) [9.01.01]
    52275 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.149 165720 Z2DAILY for today
    165720 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 24268205 bytes in 36 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 30 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z50 52735 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 150
    52735 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.150 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z50 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.150 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    os2322.zip 45288890 Free Pascal version 3.2.2 including sources and
    documentation. Free Pascal (aka FPK Pascal) is a 32
    and 64 bit professional Pascal compiler. It is
    available for different processors: Intel x86,
    Amd64/x86_64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, Sparc, ARM. The
    discontinued 1.0 version also supports the Motorola
    680x0. The following operating systems are supported:
    Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X/Darwin, Mac OS classic, DOS,
    Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2, Netware (libc and classic)
    and MorphOS. The language syntax has excellent
    compatibility with TP 7.0 as well as with most
    versions of Delphi (classes, rtti, exceptions,
    ansistrings, widestrings, interfaces). A Mac Pascal
    compatibility mode is also provided to assist Apple
    users. Furthermore Free Pascal supports function
    overloading, operator overloading, global properties
    and other such features.
    45288890 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    lnks223.zip 3107413 Links browser version 2.23. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c.
    LNKS223W.ZIP 3191342 Links browser version 2.23. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c. WarpIN
    6298755 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z50 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210529.zip 372521 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ice in Kotzebue Sound
    29 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    372521 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210529.zip 14270114 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    14270114 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.150 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z50 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38876 -- description missing --
    38876 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00BV.JPG 650054 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245, Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡δ⌐ 󫬺á½
    ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BW.JPG 610408 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ â½πí«¬á∩ -
    É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π, »ÑαÑú«¡ ç««½«ú¿τÑ߬¿⌐ æáñ -
    É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ñ«¡π (1200x764)
    _7D_00BX.JPG 610288 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ï¿σá∩ -
    É«ßΓ«ó, »ÑαÑú«¡ ç««½«ú¿τÑ߬¿⌐ æáñ - É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    æèåä (1200x775) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BY.JPG 614923 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ É«ßΓ«ó -
    ï¿σá∩ «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ ß «.».üÑαñá¡«ß«ó¬á æèåä, ú.Ǭßá⌐,
    É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x826) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00BZ.JPG 770873 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« πτáßΓ¬π
    »½.ĬΓ∩íα∩ - É«ßΓ«ó-Γ«óáα¡δ⌐ æèåä (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C0.JPG 570250 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245, αºñ.ç««ßáñ æèåä,
    ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C1.JPG 533101 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æáúá¡α«ú-I -
    Æáúá¡α«ú-II, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, 22.03.12 (1024x665) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C2.JPG 744311 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿
    É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π - ôßΓ∞-䫡ѵ¬á∩, ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-Γ«óáα¡δ⌐
    æèåä, 26.08.13 (1200x836) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C3.JPG 605082 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    Æáúá¡α«ú-I - î«α߬á∩ æèåä, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    02.08.14 (1200x777) [9.01.01]
    5709290 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z50 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210529.zip 415975 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415975 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKU.JPG 203564 <3.1> ÄßÑ¡¡∩ «íαѺ¬á... (1250x833) [9.01.01]
    203564 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.150 165805 Z2DAILY for today
    165805 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 73032460 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 30 16:01:16 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210530.zip 212374 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    212374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 212374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 30 21:01:20 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210530.zip 232125 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Bangweulu, Zambia
    30 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    232125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210530.zip 419832 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419832 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 651957 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 31 09:03:02 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44856 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z51 52973 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 151
    52973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC22.ZIP 14468 FIDONEWS 31 May 2021 Vol 38 No 22
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt3
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    14468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.151 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z51 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.151 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z51 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.151 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    30624 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (31-05-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1053 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1836 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39139 -- description missing --
    39139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00C4.JPG 755661 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    î«α߬á∩ - Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    31.05.15 (1200x804) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C5.JPG 595564 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0245, «.».æΓѬ½«ºáó«ñ æèåä,
    ú.Ǭßá⌐, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 22.11.2009 (1200x800)
    _7D_00C6.JPG 376941 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0246, ßΓ.ÆὫóá∩ ₧éåä
    (1100x725) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C7.JPG 708384 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0246, »ÑαÑú«¡ èαπ»Ñ¡¡¿¬«ó« -
    ÄΓ¬«ß ₧éåä, 21.08.2010 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C8.JPG 627317 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0246, ßΓ.îáß½«ó¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 02.07.16 (1168x804) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00C9.JPG 789185 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0247, »α¿».Æù-34 ǽΓá⌐߬á∩,
    ßΓ.üáα¡áπ½ ç-æêü, 11.07.13 (1200x783) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CA.JPG 632536 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0248 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á «.».582¬¼,
    ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 29.09.17 (1200x897)
    _7D_00CB.JPG 432939 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0249 ¡á πτáß⪥ «.».îáΦ¼ÑΓ -
    ßΓ.Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä (1100x825) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CC.JPG 293302 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0249, ßΓ.ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä,
    31.08.2009 (1000x566) [9.01.01]
    5211829 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z51 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L5VKV.JPG 123586 <3.1> îÑτΓδ ¿ óαÑñ¿Γѽ∞ßΓó« (859x787) [9.01.01]
    123586 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.151 166846 Z2DAILY for today
    166846 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5822549 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 31 16:02:40 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25327 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2974 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 1425 RebelNet - the Bikers forum
    hosted by Samcrow
    March 26th, 2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1605866 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210531.zip 505290 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    505290 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2111156 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon May 31 21:04:00 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210531.zip 447933 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    A Lacy Curtain of Stone
    31 May 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    447933 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    344903 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210531.zip 482603 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust across Iran
    31 May 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    482603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210531.zip 419775 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419775 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1695214 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 1 09:02:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z52 52973 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 152
    52973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.152 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z52 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.152 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6139259 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0540, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6139259 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1434861 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210601) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1434861 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 965089 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0540. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    TSTLG342.ZIP 127861 TestLog V3.42 (2021-May-29). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    1092950 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731356 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744461 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.152 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z52 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39139 -- description missing --
    39139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z52 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.152 166847 Z2DAILY for today
    166847 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10072560 bytes in 34 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 1 21:02:00 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210601.zip 486773 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Strong Storms Over the Olympic Mountains
    01 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    486773 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_FILES : Misceallenous files for RMiniNet Rime
    RMINCONF.TXT 73053 RminiNet Conference list description file
    RMINI.NA 11642 RminiNet Echo Tag etc. List .NA file
    84695 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210601.zip 415791 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom in the Bass Strait
    01 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    415791 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210601.zip 933138 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    933138 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    stnFULL.zip 1226900 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    1285395 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00CD.JPG 629406 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0249 ß½ÑñπÑΓ αѺÑαó«¼ »«
    »ÑαÑú«¡π ÄΓ᫪¬á - Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä, 25.05.2010 (1200x900)
    _7D_00CE.JPG 334136 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0249 »α¿».Æù»α¿ú-ÄΓ᫪¬á ¡á
    ßΓ.îáß½«ó¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 08.08.15 (1088x574)
    _7D_00CF.JPG 519673 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0249, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CG.JPG 482127 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0250, ßΓ.é½áñ¿¼¿α âÄÉ,
    22.07.2009 (1200x759) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CH.JPG 789039 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0250 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ₧ñ¿¡« -
    éáß¿½∞Ñó«, èáºá¡ß¬¿⌐ αÑú¿«¡ âÄÉ, 05.08.16 (1200x800)
    _7D_00CI.JPG 625393 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0251 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ - Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬
    «.».îá½∞µÑó߬á∩ - «.».æá¼áαá-Éáñ¿µá, ú.üα∩¡ß¬,
    26.07.12 (1024x632) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CJ.JPG 770549 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0251 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ åπ¬«ó¬á -
    üα∩¡ß¬-I ¡á «.».èαáß¡δ⌐ Åα«Σ¿¡ΓÑα¡, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ - üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, ú.üα∩¡ß¬,
    13.08.2011 (1200x1013) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CK.JPG 650864 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0251 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« »ÑαÑú«¡π
    üα∩¡ß¬-ÄὫó߬¿⌐ - Äαñª«¡¿¬¿ñºÑúαáñ îÄæè, ú.üα∩¡ß¬,
    17.08.15 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CL.JPG 418405 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0252 (1200x661) [9.01.01]
    5219592 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1226900 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL0621.zip 1226900 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    2453800 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210601.zip 421199 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK1.JPG 48240 <3.1> î¡«ú« «íΘÑú« (604x549) [9.01.01]
    48240 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11348623 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 2 09:02:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z53 52948 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 153
    52948 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.153 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z53 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.153 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z53 9980 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9980 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.153 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z53 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39139 -- description missing --
    39139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00CM.JPG 558292 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0252, ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-667,
    ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä (1200x896) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CN.JPG 443994 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0252, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÄΓ᫪¬á -
    Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä, 08.08.2011 (1200x894) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CO.JPG 359487 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0252 »α¿».Æù¥-ÄΓ᫪¬á
    «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ ß «.».ü«α«ó߬á∩, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÄΓ᫪¬á - 櫼«ó«
    ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 12.03.13 (1175x764) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CP.JPG 247292 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0252 »α¿».Æù¥-ÄΓ᫪¬á ¡á
    «.».ü«α«ó߬á∩, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÄΓ᫪¬á - 櫼«ó« ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 12.03.15 (1067x663) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CQ.JPG 775136 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0253 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«∩α߬ -
    ç᫺±α¡á∩ ¡á «.».É«ñ¡¿¬¿, »ÑαÑú«¡ èαáß¡«∩α߬-ó«ßΓ«τ¡δ⌐
    - æ«α«¬¿¡« èÉÇæ (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CR.JPG 562161 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0253 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ç᫺±α¡á∩ -
    èαáß¡«∩α߬ ¡Ñºáñ«½ú« ñ« «Γ»αáó½Ñ¡¿∩ ß« ßΓ.ç½«í¿¡« èÉÇæ
    (1200x791) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CS.JPG 570538 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0255 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ Æᱪ¡δ⌐ -
    èαáß¡«∩α߬ ¡Ñºáñ«½ú« ñ« «Γ»αáó½Ñ¡¿∩ «Γ «.».É«ñ¡¿¬¿,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ æ«α«¬¿¡« - èαáß¡«∩α߬-ó«ßΓ«τ¡δ⌐ èÉÇæ
    (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CT.JPG 734056 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0255 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ èαáß¡«∩α߬ -
    ô∩α - ê½á¡ß¬á∩ - ÉÑΦ«Γδ ¡Ñºáñ«½ú« ñ« «Γ»αáó½Ñ¡¿∩ ß«
    ßΓ.ç½«í¿¡« èÉÇæ (1200x718) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CU.JPG 320493 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0256 ¡á ßΓ.èαáß¡«ñáα-I æèåä
    (1200x829) [9.01.01]
    4571449 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z53 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK2.PNG 1221819 <3.1> á »α¿α«ñÑ (1000x763) [9.01.01]
    1221819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.153 166849 Z2 Dailylist for day 153, 2021
    166849 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6265875 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 2 09:58:18 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6205552 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1858539 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 925209 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6205552 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 925211 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 199638 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24763 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 199638 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50250 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16594352 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A48 2373 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 148
    2373 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16596725 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 2 10:16:50 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548022 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.7
    Updated: 01/05/2021
    1548022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6179679 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1851447 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 922073 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6179679 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 922075 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 148642 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 17625 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 148642 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 35596 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16405458 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_0621.zip 2941858 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.22
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/06/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2945778 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.22
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/06/2021
    Justanet.zip 2940046 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.22
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/06/2021
    8827682 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin0621.zip 2111039 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    lin_info.zip 2111039 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ln010621.zip 2111039 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    6333117 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548022 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.7
    Updated: 01/05/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2945778 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.22
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/06/2021
    lin_info.zip 2111039 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    stnFULL.zip 1226900 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/06/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    7914876 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas0621.zip 1092135 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.9
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090518 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.9
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182653 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn0621.zip 1169855 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/06/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnFULL.zip 1226900 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/06/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnL0621.zip 1226900 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    3706792 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z_APPS : ZN: Application Packages Only
    ze0621.zip 1059378 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    zeinfo.zip 1059378 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    2118756 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 49037356 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 2 10:27:20 2021
    Area : FMLYBONE : FMLYNET: FamilyNet Backbone Information Area
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33099 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    33099 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.INFO : GmsNet Information file
    gmsnet.zip 2187933 Information file for GmsNet Network.
    QWK Compatible. Handles handles 3
    Leagues with BRE FE TAL 145 - BRE & FE 146 +
    144 + BRE & FE 45 + BRE & FE 450 + L451 BRE & FE.
    With some more in League 145 as Arrowbridge I
    + II and Clans + Global War and more.
    The New Gamers Network -
    Join us today. Read the Information file
    for join. Test out the web site for gmsnet
    at http://www.gmsnet.org
    2187933 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_INFO : Virnet Coordinator Info file
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    58275 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_INFO : ZyXELNet Coordinator Info file
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    58495 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2454572 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 2 21:01:06 2021
    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS0621.ZIP 1459939 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 06/21 =
    = June 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 28 years experience! One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1459939 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2555600 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    2555600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2106.ZIP 83142 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    83142 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210602.zip 440530 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Interplay of Rocket Exhaust and its Reflection on
    02 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    440530 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 2111029 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest
    resources, Christian areas,
    general discussion,
    and vendor supported
    conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC,
    Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite,
    world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's
    participate in one of the
    most recognized
    networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/05/2021
    VIRNET.ZIP 58261 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58485 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    3322531 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210602.zip 518353 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Choi-wan
    02 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    518353 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210602.zip 425404 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    425404 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210602.zip 417451 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9222950 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 3 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z54 52839 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 154
    52839 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELISTMAN.ZIP 1033448 ElistMAN Ver [Windows 64-bit] .Net5
    Simple application designed to prepare a
    .ECO file for the Elist database run
    and maintained by "Vincent Coen@2:250/1"
    Use this application to capture all the
    relevant information about the Echo you
    want to create or update, and then generate
    an ECO file which you can send via NetMail
    to Vincent. It will store the information
    for each echotag you use so it is simple
    to load that information later and change
    it for resubmission.
    ELST1905.ZIP 59225 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
    archive, including complete information
    (ELIST.RPT) and a summary of echo tags
    (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL files
    (ERulyymm.Zip). FIDONet EList v4.1 is
    (c) 2018 by Ben Ritchey 1:393/68 1:1/21
    Email: FIDO4cMech(at)lusfiber.net
    Submissions to: echolist(at)filegate.net
    and/or BinkD at cmech.dynip.com:24554
    1092673 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.154 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z54 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.154 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z54 9978 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.154 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z54 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 154
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2327 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39056 -- description missing --
    39056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00CV.JPG 735630 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0256 ¡á ßΓ.èαáß¡«ñáα-I æèåä,
    29.07.2010 (1055x768) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CW.JPG 590598 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0258, «.».üÑαѺ«óá∩ É«Θá,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ é«α«¡Ñª-I - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, 05.12.16 (1190x730)
    _7D_00CX.JPG 246669 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0259, ßΓ.ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä,
    31.08.2009 (1000x550) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CY.JPG 588651 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0259 »α¿».Æù»α¿ú-ÄΓ᫪¬á ¡á
    ßΓ.ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä, 05.07.15 (1099x766) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00CZ.JPG 339185 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0260 »α¿».Æù `èîÆ`
    èáαáúá¡ñδ-ß«αΓ. ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ 801 ÇßΓá¡á - Åáó½«ñáα,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ æ«α«¬«óá∩ - æáαδ-Äíá èÆå, ú.ÇßΓá¡á, èáºáσßΓá¡,
    ¼á⌐ 2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D0.JPG 229624 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0260 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »« ¼áαΦαπΓπ
    Åáó½«ñáα - ÇßΓá¡á, »ÑαÑú«¡ 嫽¬πñπ¬ - æ»πΓ¡¿¬ èÆå,
    «¬αÑßΓ¡«ßΓ¿ Åáó½«ñáαá, 24.09.2011 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D1.JPG 420131 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0260, Æù¥-14 èáαáúá¡ñδ èÆå,
    èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡, 07.05.15 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D2.JPG 369867 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0263, ßΓ.éΓ«αá∩ αÑτ¬á äéÄæÆ,
    ú.é½áñ¿ó«ßΓ«¬, Åα¿¼«α߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D3.JPG 785020 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0264 ¡á ßΓ.ÇßΓαáσá¡∞-I ÅÉêé,
    29.04.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4305375 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1139 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z54 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK3.JPG 156264 <3.1> ÉÑ»«αΓ᪠è«Γá î«ßΓ¿¬á «í π᫪áÑ ¿ óαÑñ¿Γѽ∩σ
    (1242x828) [9.01.01]
    156264 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.154 166701 Z2DAILY for today
    166701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6034471 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 3 16:01:14 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548007 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.7
    Updated: 01/05/2021
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33086 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2945771 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.22
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/06/2021
    VIRNET.ZIP 58261 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    4585125 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210603.zip 2677009 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2677009 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7262134 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 4 09:03:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z55 598 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z55 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z55 52868 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 155
    52868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L55 2215 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 155
    2215 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z55 2275 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 155
    2275 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210603.zip 492303 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Sunrise and Sunset Skies
    03 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    492303 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.GNU.APPS : GFD.GNU: OS/2 GNU Apps (Tex, Emacs, Ghostscript)
    GP542OS2.ZIP 3407042 This is Gnuplot version 5.4.2alpha binary distribution
    for OS/2. Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004,
    2007-2021 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many
    others. Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven
    graphing utility for linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX,
    VMS, and many other platforms. The source code is
    copyrighted but freely distributed (i.e., you don't
    have to pay for it). It was originally created to
    allow scientists and students to visualize
    mathematical functions and data interactively, but has
    grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web
    scripting. It is also used as a plotting engine by
    third-party applications like Octave. Gnuplot has been
    supported and under active development since 1986.
    3407042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1434069 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210603) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1434069 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsnet.z55 4036 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4036 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z55 13534 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-06-04 (155)
    13534 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2940040 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.22
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/06/2021
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 2111029 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux an
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58485 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    5109554 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    l10point.z55 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z55 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15452 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z55 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.155 6798 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z55 2601 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.155 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z55 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.155 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z55 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.155 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z55 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.155 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z55 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.155 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z55 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19710 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z55 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210603.zip 256263 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Salish Sea
    03 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    256263 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a55 3315 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z55 2203 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z55 2203 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4406 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a55 92740 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92740 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z55 52870 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 155
    52870 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z55 57241 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57241 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z55 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8324 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39093 -- description missing --
    39093 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00D4.JPG 558335 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0265 `Å«øΓ ü«α¿ß è«α¡¿½«ó` ¡á
    »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ¿ª¡¿⌐ «óú«α«ñ-î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ - Æ«½«¬«¡µÑó« âÄÉ,
    07.11.2010 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D5.JPG 381901 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-0267, ßΓ.é½áñ¿ó«ßΓ«¬ äéÄæÆ
    (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D6.JPG 700376 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-1005/0063 ¡á Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡«¼
    󫬺á½Ñ ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä (1200x710) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D7.JPG 458967 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-1005/0063 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿
    ⁿ6291/6295 èαáß¡«ñáα-I - É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ »α¿íδ½ ó »áα¬
    `é` (Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡δ⌐ 󫬺á½) ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä,
    ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π, 17.03.13 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D8.JPG 718972 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-1005/1006 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »«
    ßΓ.Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    06.02.14 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00D9.JPG 667149 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1005/1006 ß½ÑñπÑΓ »«
    ßΓ.Æáúá¡α«ú-I æèåä, ú.Æáúá¡α«ú, É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    06.02.14 (1200x784) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DA.JPG 702330 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-1006 ¡á Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡«¼ 󫬺á½Ñ
    ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π (1200x783)
    _7D_00DB.JPG 435275 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-1006 ¡á ßΓ.üáΓá⌐߬ æèåä,
    É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1145x830) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DC.JPG 437844 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9îè-1006 ¡á ßΓ.èπαúá¡, »áα¬ `Å`
    (1200x923) [9.01.01]
    5061149 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.155 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z55 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.155 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z55 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.155 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z55 1921 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7140 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.155 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z55 3315 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11955 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.155 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z55 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.155 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z55 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.155 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z55 919 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2579 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.155 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z55 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7715 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210603.zip 418442 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK4.JPG 117399 <3.1> -Ä¡« ªÑ πªÑ ñαá¡«Ñ í佫!.. (1024x675) [9.01.01]
    117399 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.155 166802 Z2DAILY for today
    166802 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 17007098 bytes in 70 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 4 13:31:46 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z55 598 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z55 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z55 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z55 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1811 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z55 557 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    557 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z55 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z55 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z55 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z55 4036 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4593 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z55 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.155 35256 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z55 11585 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47422 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z55 456 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.155 35012 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35468 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z55 587 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z55 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z55 9978 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z55 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210604.zip 1314219 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1314219 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A55 3427 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 155
    3427 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56720 FidoNet Nodelist
    56720 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z55 580 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z55 9698 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9698 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z55 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z55 674 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z55 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z55 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18767 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z55 516 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    516 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z55 79986 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 155 (04.06.2021)
    z2pnt.z55 79986 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 155 (04.06.2021)
    159972 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z55 530 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 155 (04.06.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z55 530 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 155 (04.06.2021)
    1060 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z55 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z55 6275 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6803 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z55 558 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z55 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14224 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1746878 bytes in 36 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 4 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6211792 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1859909 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 926160 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6211792 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 926162 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 189877 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23630 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 189877 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 48045 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16587244 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.155 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z55 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.155 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z55 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z55 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z55 9974 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    10378 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.155 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z55 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z55 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z55 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z55 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16695718 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 4 21:01:06 2021
    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    TSTLG342.ZIP 127922 TestLog V3.42 (2021-June-03). Generate a diagnostic
    log file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log
    file that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    127922 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z55 5284 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5284 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 133206 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jun 5 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z56 52872 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 156
    52872 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210604.zip 516210 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Colorado Plateau and a Small Model of Subduction
    04 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    516210 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n10.zip 15780 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e \nVol 15 No 10\nJune 2nd,
    An Alternative Newsletter \n
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    15780 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.156 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z56 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.156 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z56 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210604.zip 493376 MODIS Picture of the Day
    A Slice of Northern Scandinavia
    04 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    493376 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.156 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z56 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39130 -- description missing --
    39130 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00DD.JPG 641904 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1006, «.».ÆÑσ¡¿¬π¼ æèåä,
    ú.üáΓá⌐߬, 29.04.2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DE.JPG 744859 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1008 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ «ó«α«ßß¿⌐߬
    - èαáß¡«ñáα-I, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ«¡¡Ñ½∞¡á∩ - üá¬á¡ß¬á∩ æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 25.06.2011 (1200x878) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DF.JPG 660819 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1009/1004, 28.07.13 (1200x850)
    _7D_00DG.JPG 610225 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1011/1012, »ÑαÑú«¡ æáαÑ»Γá -
    üѬÑΓ«ó߬á∩ ÅÉêé, ú.髽ú«úαáñ, 21.02.12 (1200x800)
    _7D_00DH.JPG 355703 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1012 ¡á ßΓ.髽ú«úαáñ-I ÅÉêé
    (1100x830) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DI.JPG 706655 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1015 «Γ»αáó½∩ÑΓß∩ ß« ßΓ.₧ñ¿¡«,
    èáºá¡ß¬¿⌐ αÑú¿«¡ âÄÉ, 14.10.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DJ.JPG 300355 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1016, »ÑαÑú«¡ èá¡áΦ -
    ÿ«α¬¿ßΓαδ âÄÉ (1081x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DK.JPG 813432 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1018/¥ä9Æ-0007, ßΓ.ÇßΓαáσá¡∞-I
    ÅÉêé, 29.04.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DL.JPG 584461 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ ¥ä9î-1019 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    5418413 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z56 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210604.zip 416686 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416686 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK5.JPG 227488 <3.1> -Ǭ¬αáΓ¡Ñ¡∞¬« «ΓαδóáѼ... (1200x747) [9.01.01]
    227488 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.156 166890 Z2DAILY for today
    166890 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7561531 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jun 5 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210605.zip 516206 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Colorado Plateau and a Small Model of Subduction
    05 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    516206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210605.zip 522917 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust off Nambia and South Africa
    05 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    522917 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210605.zip 4027295 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4027295 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210605.zip 419048 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5485466 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 6 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z57 52885 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 157
    52885 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.157 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z57 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.157 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z57 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.157 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z57 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39130 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1063 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58611 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00DM.JPG 748922 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1022 ¡á ßΓ.äѽ∞Γá ÅÉêé,
    29.04.12 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DN.JPG 609322 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1024/1025, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¼á⌐ 2010 (1200x805)
    _7D_00DO.JPG 308784 <2.6> æí«α¡á∩ èáαáúá¡ñδ: ¥ä9î-1032/026010/026006/1033,
    »α¿».Æù `Åα¿ú«α«ñ¡δσ ÅÑαÑ󫺫¬` (èáαáúá¡ñá-æ«αΓ.) ¡á
    ßΓ.èáαáúá¡ñδ (èáαáúá¡ñá-»áßß.) èÆå, 09.07.13
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DP.JPG 376198 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1033/0261/1032, »ÑαÑú«¡ åá¡á
    èáαáúá¡ñδ - îá⌐¬πñπ¬ èÆå, èáαáúá¡ñδ, èáºáσßΓá¡,
    16.09.18 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DQ.JPG 682063 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1038, ßΓ.îáß½«ó¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 02.07.16 (1188x815) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DR.JPG 525612 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1039, ßΓ.É«ßß«Φ∞ ₧éåä,
    é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DS.JPG 543291 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1039 ¡á ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 08.03.17 (1195x782) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DT.JPG 579960 <2.6> `â¿íα¿ñ¡δ⌐` ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1040 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    îáß½«ó¬á - 諽«ñѺ¡á∩ ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 08.08.15.
    ⫽«ó¡δÑ óáú«¡δ - 1040, »α«¼ÑªπΓ«τ¡δÑ - «Γ ¥ä9î ⁿⁿ 117
    ¿ 196 (1189x779) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DU.JPG 533487 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1041/1040, ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 08.08.2011 (1106x794) [9.01.01]
    4907639 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z57 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK6.JPG 53058 <3.1> -äá ¡¿τÑú« Γδ ó πñ«íßΓóÑ ¡Ñ ß¼δß½¿Φ∞...
    (728x713) [9.01.01]
    53058 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    L6VK5EAM.JPG 60436 Äß«í«¡¡«ßΓ¿ ¡áµ¿«¡á½∞¡«ú« óѽ«ß¿»Ññ«ßΓp«Ñ¡¿∩ [9.01.01]
    60436 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.157 166984 Z2DAILY for today
    166984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5531221 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 6 21:03:28 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210606.zip 516206 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Colorado Plateau and a Small Model of Subduction
    06 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    516206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25332 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1708952 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210606.zip 256797 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Burn Scars in California
    06 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    256797 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210606.zip 419358 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419358 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2901313 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 7 09:02:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44856 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z58 52885 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 158
    52885 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC23.ZIP 16132 FIDONEWS 07 Jun 2021 Vol 38 No 23
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Freedom of Speech
    * Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt4
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    16132 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.158 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.158 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    37034 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    syncd110.zip 25487 SyncDir Version 1.10. Syncronize Directories. Written
    by David Azarewicz. Syncronizes one directory to
    another based on the specified options. The
    TargetDirectory must already exist.
    25487 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.GAME : GFD.APP: OS/2 Games -->>
    MPLUS105.ZIP 316006 MonoPlus Monopoly just Extended Version 1.05. A self
    playing Monopoly game to disprove mathmatics of
    Monopoly. Author: Nathan Woodruff.
    PRBOOM26.ZIP 3906260 PrBoom 2.6um. PrBoom is a version of the classic 3D
    shoot'em'up game Doom, originally written by id
    4222266 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.DRV : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Different device drivers
    USBDR240.ZIP 437048 This package contains updated USB drivers, revision
    10.240. Updated USB host controller drivers:
    USBRESMG.SYS. Human interface class drivers
    Added USB audio 2.0 support. Author: Lars Erdmann
    437048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    tstlg342.zip 127936 TestLog V3.42 (2021-June-04). Generate a diagnostic
    log file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log
    file that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    127936 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z58 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.158 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z58 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (07-06-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1839 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39130 -- description missing --
    39130 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7D_00DV.JPG 303489 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1051 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ⁿ6313 ü«½∞Φ«⌐
    ïπú - ôß«½∞Ñ-æ¿í¿α߬«Ñ ¡á ßΓ.êα¬πΓ߬-ß«αΓ¿α«ó«τ¡δ⌐
    é-æêü (1174x848) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DW.JPG 744012 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1052 ¡á «.».üÑαѺ«óá∩ É«Θá,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ é«α«¡Ñª-I - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, 19.02.16. ūѺñ ß¡∩Γ
    ß σó«ßΓá. æ«ßΓáó¡«ßΓ∞ ß ú«½«óδ: Åâ1053 + î0209-04 +
    î0186-06 + Åâ1052 (1199x849) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DX.JPG 456879 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1053, ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    07.06.15 (1193x724) [9.01.01]
    _7D_00DY.JPG 541173 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä9î-1054 »α¿».Æù»α¿ú-ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä
    ¡á »πΓ∩σ ñÑ»« »α¿»¿ß¬¿, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 30.06.15 (1130x778)
    _7F_0001.JPG 370894 <2.6> â«α«ñ߬¿Ñ ½¿¡¿¿: ¥Åâ-001 ¿ ¥Åâ-002 ¡á
    ßΓ.߬-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ üù (1200x888) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0002.JPG 366939 <2.6> ï«í-ó-½«í: ¥Åâ-001 ¿ ¥Åâ-003 ¡á
    ßΓ.߬-»áßßᪿα߬¿⌐ üù, 25.11.2011 (1200x873)
    _7F_0003.JPG 458372 <2.6> ÅÑαÑσ«ñ¡¿¬ ¡á æÇ-3. üù, 05.03.2011 (1200x900)
    _7F_0004.JPG 356807 <2.6> Åπ½∞Γ π»αáó½Ñ¡¿∩ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«»Ñºñá ¥Åâ-001, üù,
    ú.߬ (1200x885) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0005.JPG 552676 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0005.JPG 552676 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    8243068 é.è.è὿¡¿¡. ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ ¿ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá î.1991
    12946985 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z58 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK7.JPG 78440 <3.1> -å¿óπ ∩ ΓπΓ... (650x792) [9.01.01]
    78440 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.158 166984 Z2DAILY for today
    166984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18330293 bytes in 34 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 7 16:02:36 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210607.zip 761880 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    761880 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 761880 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 7 21:09:10 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210607.zip 512750 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Northern Lights Above the Lofoten Islands of Norway
    07 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    512750 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210607.zip 153836 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding from Yaas in India
    07 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    153836 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210607.zip 418526 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418526 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1085112 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 8 09:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z59 52914 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 159
    52914 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6231486 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.TXT 6231486 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1864121 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1864118 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 928474 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 928474 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6231486 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6231486 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 928476 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 928476 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 192890 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.TXT 211820 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 26157 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23956 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 192890 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.TXT 211820 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 53063 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    NEWFILES.ZIP 48518 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    33329197 bytes in 18 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.159 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z59 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.159 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z59 9976 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9976 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.159 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z59 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39204 -- description missing --
    39204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7F_0006.JPG 585532 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001, ßΓ.߬-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ üù, üѽáαπß∞
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0007.JPG 718371 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001, ßΓ.߬-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ üù, üѽáαπß∞
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0008.JPG 461455 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001, »ÑαÑú«¡ üѽáαπß∞ - ÉáΓ«¼¬á üù, ߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 13.09.2011 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0009.JPG 387089 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ߬ - åñá¡«ó¿τ¿ (1200x900)
    _7F_000A.JPG 376482 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000B.JPG 521506 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 (1200x778) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000C.JPG 574026 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Åâ-001 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ߬ -
    üѽáαπß∞ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÉáΓ«¼¬á - èα䪫ó¬á üù (1198x900)
    _7F_000D.JPG 593460 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 (1200x828) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000E.JPG 473014 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 ¿ ¥Åâ-002 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    4690935 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z59 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK8.JPG 145846 <3.1> -Ñ, ¡Ñ ßΓá¡π ú«Σα¿α«óá¡¡δ¼... (1200x900)
    145846 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.159 166977 Z2DAILY for today
    166977 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 38640532 bytes in 42 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 8 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6242678 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1866304 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 929564 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6242678 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 929566 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 203890 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 25134 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 203890 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50959 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16694663 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210608.zip 128556 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    128556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16823219 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 8 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210608.zip 479757 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Gebel Kamil Meteorite and Kamil Impact Crater
    08 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    479757 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210608.zip 518060 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust off of Western Africa
    08 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    518060 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210608.zip 420430 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420430 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1418247 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 9 09:01:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z60 52470 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 160
    52470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.160 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z60 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.160 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z60 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.160 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z60 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z55 13613 Region 50 segment day 152
    REGION50.Z62 13619 Region 50 segment day 159
    27232 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38741 -- description missing --
    38741 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7F_000F.JPG 475782 <2.6> ¥Åâ-001 ¿ ¥Åâ-002 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000G.JPG 570419 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000H.JPG 170937 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002, ßΓ.߬-»áßßᪿα߬¿⌐ üù, üѽáαπß∞
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000I.JPG 428381 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000J.JPG 408151 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 ¡á ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 10.09.2011.
    æ¡∩Γ« ó« óαѼ∩ óδßΓáó¬¿ `¥èæÅÄ 1520` (1024x663)
    _7F_000K.JPG 380680 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ߬ - üѽáαπß∞ (çáß½áó½∞)
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000L.JPG 773333 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002, éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 09.09.2011 (1200x800)
    _7F_000M.JPG 589222 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Åâ-002 íѽ«απß߬¿σ ªÑ½Ñº¡δσ ñ«α«ú
    (üù), óδßΓáó¬á ¥èæÅÄ-1520, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á (1200x696)
    _7F_000N.JPG 464775 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á «.».çѽ±¡«Ñ üù (1200x900)
    4261680 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z60 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62396 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VK9.JPG 46974 <3.1> -π ó¿ßε, ¿ τΓ«?.. (750x728) [9.01.01]
    46974 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.160 165220 Z2DAILY for today
    165220 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4791808 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 9 21:01:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210609.zip 491052 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Comet NEOWISE in July of 2020
    09 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    491052 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210609.zip 266087 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Amur River between +China and Russia
    09 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    266087 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210609.zip 525416 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    525416 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39241 -- description missing --
    39241 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210609.zip 418978 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.160 167079 Z2DAILY for today
    167079 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1907853 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 10 16:01:58 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z61 52486 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 161
    52486 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n11.zip 15496 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 11
    June 9th, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 2
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 3
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 4
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 5
    More Information ....................... 6
    15496 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.161 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z61 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.161 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z61 9978 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.161 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z61 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 161
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2327 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39376 -- description missing --
    REGION.CFG 6745 -- description missing --
    46121 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7F_000O.JPG 359974 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000P.JPG 412374 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ üѽáαπß∞ - ߬ (1200x900)
    _7F_000Q.JPG 712004 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Åâ-002, ßΓ.åñá¡«ó¿τ¿ üù, ∩¡óáα∞
    2012 (1200x759) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000R.JPG 677252 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 (1200x873) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000S.JPG 696734 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000T.JPG 596498 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 (1200x869) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000U.JPG 346344 <2.6> á «ΓñδσÑ: ¥Åâ-002, ΓÑα¿Γ«α¿∩ î«Γ«óáú«¡¡«ú« ñÑ»«
    Æù-9 üù, ú.߬ (1200x852) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000V.JPG 378343 <2.6> ¥Åâ-002 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ߬ - üѽáαπß∞ (1200x888)
    _7F_000W.JPG 504113 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    4683636 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1139 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1139 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z61 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKA.JPG 76962 <3.1> -æ »«ñ«úαÑó«¼... (1000x724) [9.01.01]
    76962 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.161 167162 Z2DAILY for today
    167162 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5263426 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 10 21:01:54 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210610.zip 399263 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Noose of Mars in 2020
    10 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    399263 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.162 6799 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.162 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.162 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.162 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    12936 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210610.zip 240366 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom in the Chukchi Sea
    10 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    240366 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.162 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z62 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.162 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z62 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.162 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z62 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7142 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.162 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z62 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11957 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.162 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z62 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.162 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z62 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.162 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z62 923 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2584 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.162 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z62 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210610.zip 417318 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417318 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1112072 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 11 09:02:50 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z62 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z62 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z62 52944 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 162
    52944 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L62 2243 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 162
    2243 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z62 2316 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 162
    2316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z62 589 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z62 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1810 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z62 554 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z62 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z62 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z62 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z62 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4592 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z62 13570 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-06-11 (162)
    13570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z62 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z62 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z62 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15907 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z62 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z62 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z62 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a62 3177 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3177 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z62 2326 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z62 2326 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4652 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a62 92981 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z62 52946 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 162
    52946 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z62 57336 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57336 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z62 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z62 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z62 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z62 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16942 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39376 -- description missing --
    39376 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7F_000X.JPG 446195 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000Y.JPG 391615 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003, ßΓ.߬-»áßßᪿα߬¿⌐ üù, üѽáαπß∞,
    25.11.2011 (1200x875) [9.01.01]
    _7F_000Z.JPG 366984 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ߬ - 諽∩ñ¿τ¿ (1200x887)
    _7F_0010.JPG 448005 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«¼δß½¿ΘÑ - ߬-ß«αΓ. üù,
    ú.߬ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0011.JPG 413144 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù (1200x896) [9.01.01]
    2065943 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z62 671 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z62 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14715 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpoint.z62 4294967295 -- description missing --
    4294967295 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z62 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z62 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    513 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKB.JPG 713224 <3.1> -æá¡∩! ÄΓ¬α«⌐!!. (3016x1980) [9.01.01]
    713224 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.162 167184 Z2DAILY for today
    167184 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z62 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z62 6276 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6803 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z62 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z62 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13863 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3530539 bytes in 50 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 11 10:17:36 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z62 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z62 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z62 589 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z62 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1810 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z62 554 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z62 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z62 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z62 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z62 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4592 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z62 580 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.162 35257 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z62 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47423 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z62 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z62 727 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    727 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z62 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z62 10022 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z62 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56804 FidoNet Nodelist
    56804 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z62 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z62 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z62 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z62 671 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z62 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14715 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z62 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z62 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    513 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z62 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z62 6276 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6803 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z62 554 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z62 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14220 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 233437 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 11 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.162 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z62 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.162 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z62 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z62 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z62 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210611.zip 406575 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    406575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.162 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z62 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z62 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z62 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z62 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z62 79265 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 162 (11.06.2021)
    z2pnt.z62 79265 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 162 (11.06.2021)
    158530 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z62 673 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 162 (11.06.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z62 673 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 162 (11.06.2021)
    1346 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 674028 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 11 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210611.zip 495429 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Altocumulus Cloud Deck Above Varese, Italy
    11 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    495429 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z62 5257 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210611.zip 19178 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Arizona
    11 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    19178 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210611.zip 420595 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 940459 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jun 12 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37033 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z63 52952 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 163
    52952 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6245356 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1866871 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 929789 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6245356 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 929791 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 206568 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 25355 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 206568 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 51386 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16707040 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.163 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z63 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.163 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z63 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.163 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z63 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39299 -- description missing --
    39299 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7F_0012.JPG 576302 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003 (1200x753) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0013.JPG 641729 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003 (1200x830) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0014.JPG 618216 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003 (1200x785) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0015.JPG 304349 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003 ¡á ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, 24.06.13
    (1200x779) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0016.JPG 357779 <2.6> ¥Åâ-003, ßΓ.åñá¡«ó¿τ¿ üù, üѽáαπß∞, ¡«∩íα∞ 2011
    (1200x752) [9.01.01]
    2498375 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z63 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16841 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13281 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75677 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKC.JPG 42055 <3.1> -æΓαá¡¡á∩ ¬«¡ßΓαπ¬µ¿∩... (800x800) [9.01.01]
    42055 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.163 167194 Z2DAILY for today
    167194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 19721601 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 13 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z64 52951 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 164
    52951 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210612.zip 495474 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Red Rose and Morning Dew
    12 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    495474 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.164 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z64 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.164 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z64 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210612.zip 261537 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Africa
    12 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    261537 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210612.zip 5604545 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5604545 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.164 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z64 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    pntlist.rul 6398 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    8610 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39299 -- description missing --
    39299 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7F_0017.JPG 596951 <2.6> ¥Åâ-004, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞, 11.07.12
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0018.JPG 513630 <2.6> ¥Åâ-004 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ߬ - üѽáαπß∞ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    ÉáΓ«¼¬á - èα䪫ó¬á üù (1200x831) [9.01.01]
    _7F_0019.JPG 415648 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Åâ-005 (Stadler FLIRT) »α¿».Æù-9
    ߬-ßÑóÑα¡δ⌐ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ߬-δ⌐ - 諽∩ñ¿τ¿ üù,
    ÉÑß»πí½¿¬á üѽáαπß∞, ¼áαΓ 2016 (1200x779) [9.01.01]
    _7F_001A.JPG 553178 <2.6> ¥Åâ-005 ¿ 620î-017 (1200x873) [9.01.01]
    _7F_001B.JPG 566042 <2.6> ¥Åâ-006 (1200x872) [9.01.01]
    2645449 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z64 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210612.zip 420528 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKD.JPG 244850 <3.1> -òαÑ¡«óá∩ ΦΓπ¬á. ùѼ íδ ñαπú¿¼ »«¿úαáΓ∞?..
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    244850 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.164 167192 Z2DAILY for today
    167192 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10154175 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 13 16:01:56 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25339 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    280753 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210613.zip 14532199 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    14532199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 14812952 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 13 21:02:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210613.zip 495474 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Red Rose and Morning Dew
    13 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    495474 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1670938 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210613.zip 504097 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Solar Eclipse over Europe
    13 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    504097 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210613.zip 418433 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418433 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3088942 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 14 09:02:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z65 52884 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 165
    52884 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.165 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z65 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.165 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.165 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z65 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (14-06-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39220 -- description missing --
    39220 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_0001.JPG 440220 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 (1200x896) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0002.JPG 401580 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001, ßΓ.Å«¼δß½¿ΘÑ üù, ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞
    (1200x872) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0003.JPG 355391 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ üαÑßΓ - üáαá¡«ó¿τ¿ - ߬
    (1150x900) [9.01.01]
    1197191 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z65 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62400 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKE.JPG 83642 <3.1> -òαÑ¡∞ ¬á¬á∩-Γ«. Å«ñαáΓ∞, τΓ«-½¿?.. (1170x767)
    83642 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.165 167000 Z2DAILY for today
    167000 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1741805 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 14 16:03:18 2021
    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC24.ZIP 14331 FIDONEWS 14 Jun 2021 Vol 38 No 24
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt5
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    14331 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 14331 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 14 21:02:42 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2555065 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2554833 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5109898 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210614.zip 515445 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Fall-streak and Circumzenithal Arc
    14 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    515445 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210614.zip 284663 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust over the Persian Gulf
    14 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    284663 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210614.zip 417233 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417233 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6327239 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 15 09:04:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z66 52887 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 166
    52887 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.166 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z66 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.166 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z66 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731356 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.166 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z66 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39224 -- description missing --
    39224 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_0004.JPG 306756 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 ¡á ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞
    (1200x896) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0005.JPG 413043 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 (1200x873) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0006.JPG 371793 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞ (1200x856)
    10118711 é.ê.æ«α«¬«. ÉÑ½Ñ ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ áóΓ«¼áΓ¿¬¿ ¿
    ΓѽѼÑσá¡¿¬¿ î.2002 [6.02.10]
    11210303 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z66 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62400 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKF.JPG 176665 <3.1> -¥Γ« ñαáΓ∞ ¡Ñ¿¡ΓÑαÑß¡«. « Ñß½¿ «τÑ¡∞ »α«ß¿Φ∞...
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    176665 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.166 167005 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.166 167005 Z2DAILY for today
    334010 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 12745740 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 16 09:03:46 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210615.zip 137280 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Grim Clouds over the Paris Skyline
    15 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    137280 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210615.zip 508410 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Clear Skies over Europe
    15 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    508410 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210615.zip 1738692 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1738692 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z69 13624 Region 50 segment day 166
    13624 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_0007.JPG 675678 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 (1200x783) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0008.JPG 559598 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0009.JPG 588742 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    1824018 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210615.zip 416895 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416895 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKG.JPG 121923 <3.1> -ƒ - ºá!.. (1200x628) [9.01.01]
    121923 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4873569 bytes in 13 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 16 16:02:02 2021
    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38724 -- description missing --
    38724 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.167 165147 Z2DAILY for today
    165147 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 203871 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 17 09:02:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z67 52440 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 167
    52440 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210616.zip 500037 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mineral Moon and ISS Transit
    16 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    500037 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.168 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z68 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.168 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z68 9978 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210616.zip 497085 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Bill
    16 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    497085 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210616.zip 5996958 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5996958 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.168 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z68 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 168
    1748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38718 -- description missing --
    38718 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000A.JPG 300523 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-001 ¿ ¥É9Æ-720, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞,
    27.12.2011 (1200x826) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000B.JPG 291914 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002, ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»« Æù-9 üù, ú.߬
    (1200x882) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000C.JPG 532087 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    1124524 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z68 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210616.zip 416662 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416662 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKH.JPG 485536 <3.1> -ƒ »½áµ¬áαΓ ½εí½ε! ê σ«º∩¿¡á!.. (1800x1200)
    485536 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.168 165041 Z2DAILY for today
    165041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9496863 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 17 09:47:32 2021
    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.162 35013 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35013 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 35013 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 17 16:01:04 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6261369 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1869389 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 931113 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6261369 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 931115 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 189288 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23821 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 189288 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 48301 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16705053 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A62 3145 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 162
    3145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39218 -- description missing --
    39218 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1140 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1140 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.168 166900 Z2DAILY for today
    166900 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16915456 bytes in 13 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 17 21:01:06 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.169 6799 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z69 2602 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.169 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z69 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.169 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z69 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.169 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z69 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.169 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z69 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.169 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z69 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19712 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.169 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z69 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.169 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z69 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.169 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z69 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7142 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.169 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z69 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11958 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.169 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z69 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.169 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z69 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.169 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z69 923 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2584 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.169 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z69 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 61902 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 18 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z69 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z69 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z68 52447 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 168
    52447 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z69 587 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z69 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1809 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210617.zip 504204 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mysterious Sea Bowls in La Palma
    17 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    504204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z69 551 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    551 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z69 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z69 554 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z69 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4591 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z69 13532 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-06-18 (169)
    13532 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z69 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z69 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z69 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15906 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z69 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z69 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210617.zip 496549 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Massive Dust in the Middle East
    17 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    496549 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210617.zip 4315580 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4315580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a69 1909 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1909 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z69 1427 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1427 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a69 92821 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z69 57282 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57282 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z69 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39254 -- description missing --
    39254 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000D.JPG 371902 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞ (1140x900)
    _7G_000E.JPG 520098 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000F.JPG 305300 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù,߬, üѽáαπß∞
    (1200x845) [9.01.01]
    1197300 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z69 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z69 512 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210617.zip 416552 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKI.JPG 70086 <3.1> ÇΓá¬á ó ßΓ¿½Ñ éäé (800x800) [9.01.01]
    70086 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.169 167003 Z2DAILY for today
    167003 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z69 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z69 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13863 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7636682 bytes in 38 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 18 21:01:20 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z69 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z69 7985 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    7985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z69 587 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z69 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1809 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z69 551 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    551 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z69 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z69 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z69 554 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z69 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4591 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z69 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.169 35257 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z69 11586 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47422 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z69 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10NDIFF.Z69 452 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.169 35013 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35917 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z69 5259 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5259 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z69 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z69 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z69 575 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z69 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z69 10021 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10021 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z69 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z69 1427 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1427 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z69 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z69 576 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    576 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z69 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z69 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.169 517 Net 5030 routing map, day 169
    moves.169 24 Net 5030 changes, day 169
    n5030.tru 783 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 169
    1324 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z69 334 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 169
    moves.z69 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 169
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 169
    n5030tru.zip 424 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 169
    1279 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z69 670 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z69 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14713 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnlist.z69 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z69 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z69 512 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z69 80678 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 169 (18.06.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z69 80678 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 169 (18.06.2021)
    161356 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z69 5311 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 169 (18.06.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z69 5311 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 169 (18.06.2021)
    10622 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z69 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z69 6276 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6803 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z69 552 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z69 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14218 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 394010 bytes in 47 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jun 19 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.170 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z70 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.170 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z70 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.170 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z70 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39297 -- description missing --
    39297 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z70 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.170 167203 Z2DAILY for today
    167203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 421203 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jun 19 21:01:16 2021
    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    fc2_250d.zip 693164 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    fc2_250r.zip 449062 File Commander/2 v2.50 remote development snapshot.
    Copyright (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton
    Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides powerful
    file management functions, program launch, text
    viewing and editing facilities, built in archiver
    support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP
    and BZIP2) in 32 bit OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2
    is shareware. Add remote control feature. Allows FC to
    be run over an ssh connection.
    1142226 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6141334 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0541, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6141334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    UNIAU312.ZIP 839509 Uniaud32 v.3.01.02. Linux code updated to 5.10.45
    level. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David Azarewicz. Uniaud
    is a Universal Audio Support Driver for OS/2. Uniaud
    was a project created by InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH,
    now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is based on the Linux
    ALSA project. Uniaud supports a broad range of PCI
    audio cards/chipsets, including AC'97 and HDA audio
    codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be found in systems
    with integrated (onboard) audio, typically built up
    through 2004. HDA codecs will be found in modern
    systems with integrated audio, built during or after
    2004. Uniaud also supports some older audio hardware.
    WarpIN installer.
    839509 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 965686 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0541. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    TSTLG343.ZIP 128984 TestLog V3.43 (2021-June-16). Generate a diagnostic
    log file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log
    file that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    1094670 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9217739 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 20 09:03:32 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39297 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1063 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58778 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.171 167219 Z2DAILY for today
    167219 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 291997 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 21 09:03:22 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.172 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z72 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.172 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z72 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.172 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z72 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 783 Last Smolensk PointList (21-06-2021)
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    4050 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39257 -- description missing --
    39257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z72 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    138085 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.172 167237 Z2DAILY for today
    167237 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 494121 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 21 16:01:04 2021
    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56758 FidoNet Nodelist
    56758 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 56758 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 22 09:01:18 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6281774 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1872882 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 932485 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6281774 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 932487 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 197896 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24461 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 197896 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 49593 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16771248 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.173 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z73 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.173 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z73 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.173 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z73 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z73 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.173 167238 Z2DAILY for today
    167238 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 17040339 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 22 16:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6289990 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1874964 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 933639 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6289990 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 933641 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 207656 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 25587 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 207656 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 51833 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16814956 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39257 -- description missing --
    39257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16966940 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 23 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.174 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z74 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.174 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z74 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.174 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z74 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z76 13623 Region 50 segment day 173
    13623 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39222 -- description missing --
    39222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000G.JPG 378195 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ÄαΦá - ߬ (1200x882)
    _7G_000H.JPG 346689 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞, 03.01.12
    (1200x814) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000I.JPG 361257 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞ (1200x859)
    1086141 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z74 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKJ.JPG 78255 <3.1> Å«ºδ (1200x672) [9.01.01]
    L6VKK.JPG 126496 <3.1> æ»∩Γ (1200x672) [9.01.01]
    L6VKL.PNG 973517 <3.1> æΓαá¡á üá¡á¡¿∩ (1200x628) [9.01.01]
    L6VKM.JPG 147842 <3.1> -îá¼á, îƒô!!. (1280x800) [9.01.01]
    L6VKN.JPG 348731 <3.1> -Ñ»«¡∩Γ¡«. ï¿ßΓ∞∩ óßÑ »«ªÑ½Γѽ¿ ¿ «í½ÑΓáεΓ...
    (1280x800) [9.01.01]
    1674841 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.174 167231 Z2DAILY for today
    167231 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3131447 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 24 16:02:42 2021
    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1140 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1140 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.175 167230 Z2DAILY for today
    167230 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 168370 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 24 21:01:48 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.176 6799 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.176 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.176 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.176 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z76 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.176 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z76 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.176 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    14929 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 175
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2327 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39222 -- description missing --
    39222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000J.JPG 747753 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ÅÉ-002, ßΓ.ÄαΦá-µÑ¡Γαá½∞¡á∩ üù,
    üѽáαπß∞, ∩¡óáα∞ 2012 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000K.JPG 659757 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 (1187x855) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000L.JPG 648521 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 (1200x851) [9.01.01]
    2056031 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.176 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z76 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.176 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z76 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.176 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z76 1921 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7141 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.176 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z76 3315 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11956 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.176 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z76 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.176 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z76 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.176 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z76 923 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2584 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.176 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z76 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKO.JPG 278088 <3.1> -ÑΓ, ¡Ñ ó¿ñ¡«... (640x960) [9.01.01]
    278088 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2545510 bytes in 35 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 25 09:02:10 2021
    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z76 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z76 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z76 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z76 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z76 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z76 556 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z76 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4594 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z76 454 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10pdiff.z76 1710 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointDiff l10pdiff.
    l10pdiff.z76 1710 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointDiff l10pdiff.
    l10point.z76 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z76 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    19328 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z76 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z76 8056 -- description missing --
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a76 2731 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2731 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z76 1930 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z76 1930 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3860 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a76 93053 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    93053 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z76 57380 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57380 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z76 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpoint.z76 7928 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.
    7928 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z76 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z76 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.176 167290 Z2DAILY for today
    167290 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z76 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z76 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13863 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 432147 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 25 10:40:32 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z76 714 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    714 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z76 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z72 53017 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 172
    Z1DAILY.Z73 53020 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 173
    Z1DAILY.Z74 53007 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 174
    Z1DAILY.Z75 53005 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 175
    Z1DAILY.Z76 52997 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 176
    265046 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L76 1713 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 176
    1713 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z76 1784 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 176
    1784 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z76 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z76 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELISTMAN.ZIP 925876 ElistMAN Ver [Windows 64-bit] .Net5
    Simple application designed to prepare a
    .ECO file for the Elist database run
    and maintained by "Vincent Coen@2:250/1"
    Use this application to capture all the
    relevant information about the Echo you
    want to create or update, and then generate
    an ECO file which you can send via NetMail
    to Vincent. It will store the information
    for each echotag you use so it is simple
    to load that information later and change
    it for resubmission.
    925876 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210622.zip 204573 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Pink Moon over Annapolis Harbor
    22 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep210623.zip 388340 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Triangular Shadow Cast on the Strait of Messina
    23 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep210624.zip 479849 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Dew Drops on Spider Web
    24 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1072762 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC25.ZIP 15132 FIDONEWS 21 Jun 2021 Vol 38 No 25
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt6
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    15132 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z76 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z76 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z76 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z76 556 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z76 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4594 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z76 13551 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-06-25 (176)
    13551 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1552408 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11873 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    June 20, 2021
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1564281 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z76 680 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.176 35444 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z76 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47760 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z76 454 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    454 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z76 577 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z76 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z76 9083 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9083 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z76 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210620.zip 133820 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Burn Scars in Montana
    20 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210621.zip 123284 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Shark Bay
    21 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210622.zip 335240 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ice Break-up in the Greenland Sea
    22 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210624.zip 139925 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Champi
    24 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    732269 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210621.zip 787437 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210622.zip 249176 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210623.zip 4735461 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210625.zip 2176867 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    7948941 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56844 FidoNet Nodelist
    56844 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z76 52999 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 176
    52999 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z76 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z76 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z76 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39262 -- description missing --
    39262 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000M.JPG 542810 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 (1200x746) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000N.JPG 505626 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 (1200x881) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000O.JPG 599901 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 (1200x746) [9.01.01]
    1648337 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z76 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z76 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z76 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z76 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210620.zip 417378 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210621.zip 420803 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210622.zip 420884 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210623.zip 420910 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210624.zip 418055 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    2098030 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKP.JPG 625519 <3.1> -π ½áñ¡« πª, »«»«º¿απε... (2048x1536) [9.01.01]
    625519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z76 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z76 6276 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6803 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z76 552 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z76 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14218 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 17288721 bytes in 65 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 25 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6289990 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1875002 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 933690 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6289990 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 933692 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 190236 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24002 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 190236 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 48703 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16775541 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.176 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z76 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.176 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z76 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z76 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z76 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A76 2530 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 176
    2530 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.176 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z76 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z76 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z76 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z76 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z76 80674 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 176 (25.06.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z76 80674 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 176 (25.06.2021)
    161348 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z76 588 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 176 (25.06.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z76 588 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 176 (25.06.2021)
    1176 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 17048172 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 25 21:01:06 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z76 5256 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5256 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.176 517 Net 5030 routing map, day 176
    moves.176 24 Net 5030 changes, day 176
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 176
    n5030.tru 783 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 176
    1647 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z76 334 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 176
    moves.z76 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 176
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 176
    n5030tru.zip 424 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 176
    1279 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62400 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 70582 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jun 26 16:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z77 53006 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 177
    53006 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.177 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z77 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.177 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    qs_sdk.zip 6144303 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0542, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6144303 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1434387 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210622) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1434387 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    pdump017.zip 18247 PDumpCtl v0.17. Copyright (c) 2001-2021 Steven Levine
    and Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. PDumpCtl is
    a wrapper for the OS/2 Process Dump Facility. It makes
    it easy to configure the the Dump Facility for the
    typical situations.
    QS_LDR.ZIP 966756 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0542. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    985003 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z77 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210626.zip 3858603 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3858603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.177 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z77 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39262 -- description missing --
    39262 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000P.JPG 419599 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 ¿ ¥É9Æ-685, ßΓ.æΓÑ»∩¡¬á üù, ú.߬
    (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000Q.JPG 414959 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-002 ó ß««íΘÑ¡¿¿ ߬-ÄαΦá, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ߬-ó«ßΓ«τ¡δ⌐ - æΓÑ»∩¡¬á üù, ú.߬, 07.01.12
    (1200x840) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000R.JPG 316666 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003, ΓÑαα¿Γ«α¿∩ ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«ú« ñÑ»« Æù-9 üù,
    ú.߬ (1075x900) [9.01.01]
    1151224 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z77 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKQ.JPG 474243 <3.1> -ÄΓΣΓá¡¡∞! ƒ Σ¿ΦΦ¡δ⌐!! ê Σó¿óÑ»δ⌐!.. (1280x847)
    474243 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.177 167292 Z2DAILY for today
    167292 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 14522026 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 27 09:03:24 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210625.zip 469853 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Beautiful Colors of the Hollyhock
    25 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    469853 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.178 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    18517 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.WPS.TOOL : GFD.WPS: OS/2 Tools for the WPS
    XWP013DU.ZIP 2715506 XWorkplace V1.0.13 german (unofficial version by
    Andreas Buchinger). XWorkplace is a very feature-rich
    collection of WPS replacement classes, enhancing
    pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace Shell.
    This is another release of the 1.0 branch with the
    bugfixes that have piled up since the last release.
    Open Source Software under the GNU General Public
    Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    XWP013EU.ZIP 2594052 XWorkplace V1.0.13 english (unofficial version by
    Andreas Buchinger). XWorkplace is a very feature-rich
    collection of WPS replacement classes, enhancing
    pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace Shell.
    This is another release of the 1.0 branch with the
    bugfixes that have piled up since the last release.
    Open Source Software under the GNU General Public
    Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    5309558 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z78 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210625.zip 161705 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom off Iceland
    25 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    161705 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.178 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z78 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39262 -- description missing --
    39262 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000S.JPG 323045 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003, ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»« Æù-9 üù, ú.߬
    (1200x856) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000T.JPG 451411 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003 ¡á «í¬á⪥ (1200x886) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000U.JPG 421963 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«¼δß½¿ΘÑ - ߬-ß«αΓ. üù,
    ú.߬ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    1196419 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z78 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210625.zip 418148 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418148 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKR.JPG 933708 <3.1> -Æ«½∞¬« ó«Γ Γδτ«¬ øΓ«Γ... (2000x1441) [9.01.01]
    933708 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.178 167290 Z2DAILY for today
    167290 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8887378 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 28 09:03:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z78 53007 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 178
    Z1DAILY.Z79 53009 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 179
    106016 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210626.zip 326006 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Fire in the Clouds
    26 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep210627.zip 326006 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Fire in the Clouds
    27 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    652012 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC26.ZIP 12971 FIDONEWS 28 Jun 2021 Vol 38 No 26
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12971 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.179 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z79 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.179 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.DB : GFD.APP: OS/2 Databank-Programs, Tools
    TBUCH451.ZIP 2339175 TEXTBUCH 4.51 for eCS and OS/2. "TEXTBUCH" ('text
    book') is a double entry book keeping program
    (accounting program) only in german language. The
    input are text files and the program generates text
    files containing the annual closing and statements of
    accounts. The way how this job is done can be
    determined by using a powerful scripting language
    which enables scripts which are indepenent from accout
    numbers. A resource editor for generating specific
    dialog forms enables you very specific adaptions. The
    graphical environment of the program with integrated
    editors and settings notebook helps the user editing
    the input files and locating wrong entries. Dr.
    Vieregg PC Software. WarpIN archive.
    2339175 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z79 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210626.zip 509012 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Enrique
    26 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210627.zip 230251 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Etosha Pan
    27 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    739263 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210627.zip 178417 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    178417 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.179 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z79 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 785 Last Smolensk PointList (28-06-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39302 -- description missing --
    39302 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000V.JPG 342184 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003, ßΓ.߬-»áßß. üù, üѽáαπß∞ (1196x900)
    _7G_000W.JPG 424691 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«¼δß½¿ΘÑ - ߬-ß«αΓ. üù,
    ú.߬ (1200x886) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000X.JPG 536613 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    1303488 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z79 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210626.zip 419984 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210627.zip 422908 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    842892 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKS.JPG 410080 <3.1> é «ª¿ñá¡¿¿ óÑß¡δ (1280x848) [9.01.01]
    410080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.179 167289 Z2DAILY for today
    167289 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7013922 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 28 16:02:22 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210628.zip 424634 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    424634 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 424634 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 28 21:02:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210628.zip 551471 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lake Tahoe: Blue Gem of the Sierras
    28 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    551471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210628.zip 183630 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Maritime Provinces of Canada
    28 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    183630 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210628.zip 421611 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421611 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1156712 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 29 09:04:28 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z80 53023 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 180
    53023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.180 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z80 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.180 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z80 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.180 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z80 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5090.ZIP 609 NET5090 (Krasnoyarsk) pointlist
    609 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39232 -- description missing --
    39232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_000Y.JPG 542151 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003 (1200x837) [9.01.01]
    _7G_000Z.JPG 587941 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003 (1200x781) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0010.JPG 331786 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-003, ΓÑαα¿Γ«α¿∩ î«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«ú« ñÑ»« Æù-9 üù,
    ú.߬ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    1461878 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z80 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    echo50.lst 13193 -- description missing --
    r50rules.zip 1310449 -- description missing --
    1323642 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKT.JPG 316236 <3.1> -é¿ßε... (2048x1360) [9.01.01]
    316236 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.180 167322 Z2DAILY for today
    167322 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3576522 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 29 16:02:06 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210629.zip 754153 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    754153 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 754153 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 29 21:02:08 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210629.zip 305237 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Air Pollution Woes
    29 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    305237 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210629.zip 8194 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Makgadikgadi Salt Pans, Botswana
    29 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    8194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210629.zip 421396 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421396 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 734827 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 30 09:02:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z83 13640 Region 50 segment day 180
    13640 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39232 -- description missing --
    39232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_0011.JPG 369984 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-004, ΓÑαα¿Γ«α¿∩ î«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«ú« ñÑ»« Æù-9 üù,
    ú.߬ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0012.JPG 386171 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-004, ΓÑαα¿Γ«α¿∩ î«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«ú« ñÑ»« Æù-9 üù,
    ú.߬ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _7G_0013.JPG 632944 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-004 (1200x912) [9.01.01]
    1389099 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L6VKU.JPG 165452 <3.1> -é¡¿º - Γαπñ¡ÑÑ... (1280x800) [9.01.01]
    165452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.181 167323 Z2DAILY for today
    167323 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1887473 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 30 21:02:08 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z81 53031 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 181
    53031 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210630.zip 450993 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Yin and Yang of the Lunar Cycle
    30 June 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    450993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210630.zip 330365 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Danny
    30 June 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    330365 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210630.zip 1641205 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1641205 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210630.zip 418733 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418733 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2894327 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 1 09:03:54 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z82 53021 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 182
    53021 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.182 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    16718 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z82 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731355 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744460 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z82 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    9644 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 182
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2328 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39234 -- description missing --
    39234 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7G_0014.JPG 417942 <2.6> ¥ÅÉ-004 ¡á «í¬áΓ¬Ñ, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«¼δß½¿ΘÑ -
    ߬-ß«αΓ. üù, ú.߬ (1199x900) [9.01.01]
    _7I_0001.JPG 260655 <2.6> «óδ⌐ ßὫ¡ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥Å2ä-0114, óáú«¡
    ⁿ011401, èαδ¼, 29.07.20 (1200x887) [9.01.01]
    _7I_0003.JPG 200121 <2.6> äóπσóáú«¡¡δ⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0001, óδßΓáó¬á
    `àòÉÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, ú.î«ß¬óá, 01.09.17
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    878718 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z82 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK1.JPG 279984 <3.1> è«Γδ - «τÑ¡∞ ½áºÑα¡δÑ ª¿ó«Γ¡δÑ (1332x850)
    279984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.182 167322 Z2DAILY for today
    167322 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2524333 bytes in 34 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 1 16:01:52 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548022 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.7
    Updated: 01/05/2021
    1548022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin0621.zip 2149331 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    2149331 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_FILES : Misceallenous files for RMiniNet Rime
    RMINCONF.TXT 73053 RminiNet Conference list description file
    RMINI.FA 168 RminiNet File Echo .Fa file
    RMINI.NA 11642 RminiNet Echo Tag etc. List .NA file
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/05/2021
    1179622 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210701.zip 6192102 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    6192102 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548022 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.7
    Updated: 01/05/2021
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/05/2021
    stnFULL.zip 1282260 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnFULL.zip 1282260 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83138 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/06/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    5290439 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas0621.zip 1092135 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.9
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090518 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.9
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182653 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn0621.zip 1225215 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/06/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnFULL.zip 1282260 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnFULL.zip 1282260 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL0621.zip 1282260 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/06/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    5071995 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 23614164 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 1 21:02:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210701.zip 488539 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Twisted Hoodoo
    01 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    488539 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.z83 2601 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.z83 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.183 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z83 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.z83 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    8217 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210701.zip 290359 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Extreme heat sparks fires in British Columbia
    01 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    290359 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.183 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z83 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.183 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z83 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.183 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z83 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7141 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.183 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z83 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11956 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.183 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z83 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.183 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z83 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.183 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z83 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2581 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.183 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z83 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210701.zip 418690 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418690 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1247988 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 2 09:02:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z83 53020 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 183
    53020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L83 1596 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 183
    1596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z83 1676 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 183
    1676 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z83 591 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    591 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z83 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z83 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z83 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsnet.z83 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4037 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z83 13541 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-07-02 (183)
    13541 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z83 456 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10POINT.Z83 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z83 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15908 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z83 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z83 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a83 2276 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2276 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z83 1663 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z83 1663 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3326 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a83 93317 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    93317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z83 53022 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 183
    53022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z83 57401 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z83 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z83 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5020.ZIP 16254 NET5020 (Moscow) pointlist
    16254 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39234 -- description missing --
    39234 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7I_0004.JPG 537163 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0001, ßΓ.è¿α¿Φ¿ ÄèÆ, ¼á⌐ 2016
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7I_0006.JPG 570921 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0002 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 23.05.17 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _7I_0007.JPG 592115 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0004 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Éπ¼∩¡µÑó« -
    ò«½Θ±ó¿¬¿, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 04.06.17
    (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    1700199 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK2.JPG 357492 <3.1> ï«σ¼áΓ«ßΓ∞ ¡á óδß«ΓÑ (1920x1200) [9.01.01]
    357492 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.183 167326 Z2DAILY for today
    167326 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZELIST.Z83 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6277 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z83 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z83 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13862 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2763807 bytes in 36 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 2 10:16:50 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z83 597 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    ADVDIFF.Z83 597 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    1194 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z83 8023 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    ADVNET.Z83 8023 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    16046 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z83 591 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsdiff.z83 591 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z83 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    dsdsnet.z83 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    3624 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6276674 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1867225 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 930008 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6276674 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 930010 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 165871 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 19368 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 165871 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 39483 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16671184 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z83 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    FMLYDIFF.Z83 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    1112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z83 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    FMLYLIST.Z83 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    14082 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z83 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    GATORLST.Z83 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    17984 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z83 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsdiff.z83 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z83 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    gmsnet.z83 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    9190 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z83 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTADFF.Z83 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.183 35443 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.183 35443 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z83 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z83 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    95322 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z76 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z76 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z83 456 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10PDIFF.Z76 1710 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointDiff l10pdiff.
    L10POINT.Z76 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    LEAGUE10.176 35013 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    LEAGUE10.183 35012 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    80826 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z76 5256 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5256 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z83 578 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z83 578 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    1156 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z83 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z83 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z83 9083 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z83 9083 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    18166 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z83 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    RMININET.Z83 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    8938 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210702.zip 1767239 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1767239 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56862 FidoNet Nodelist
    56862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z83 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z83 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    1156 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z83 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z83 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    19398 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z83 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z83 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    17236 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z83 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z83 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z83 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z83 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    29434 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z83 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z83 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    37534 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z83 515 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    VIR_DIFF.Z83 515 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    1030 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z83 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZEDIFF.Z83 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z83 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    ZELIST.Z83 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    13612 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z83 555 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_DIFF.Z83 555 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z83 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    ZYX_LIST.Z83 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    28440 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18932133 bytes in 73 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 2 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.183 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z83 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.183 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z83 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z83 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z83 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.183 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z83 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z83 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z83 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z83 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z83 79953 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 183 (02.07.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z83 79953 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 183 (02.07.2021)
    159906 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z83 528 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 183 (02.07.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z83 528 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 183 (02.07.2021)
    1056 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 268539 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 2 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210702.zip 111679 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Annular Eclipse of June 10, 2021, Observed from Quebec
    02 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    111679 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z83 5257 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210702.zip 179921 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom off of Scotland
    02 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    179921 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210702.zip 419487 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419487 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 716344 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jul 4 16:02:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z85 53022 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 185
    53022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    FINDR_12.ZIP 165556 findr version 1.2. Find files utility. Copyright (C)
    2019-2021 Peter Moylan. Utility to search drives for
    files. The program is called "findr" to avoid a name
    clash with two existing utilities. This one is
    different because it allows wildcards in the file
    165556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    qs_sdk.zip 6146034 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0543, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    WEASLSRC.ZIP 808818 Weasel Pro 2.76 source code. Copyright (C) 1998-2021
    Peter Moylan. Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for OS/2.
    Includes controls on who may send relay mail, and
    includes a way of blocking mail from specified hosts.
    Now released as open-source with GPL licence.
    6954852 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    WEASL276.ZIP 566476 Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for
    OS/2. Includes controls on who may
    send relay mail, and includes a way
    of blocking mail from specified hosts.
    566476 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 967712 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0543. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    967712 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210704.zip 91229 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    91229 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    PNT5053.ZIP 3406 Net 5053 PointList (Saratov)
    5618 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39234 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1063 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58715 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7I_000C.JPG 514493 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0006 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Éπ¼∩¡µÑó« -
    ù¿ß¼Ñ¡á, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 24.09.17 (1200x800)
    _7I_000D.JPG 574582 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0006, »ÑαÑú«¡ Äτᬫó«-I -
    櫽¡Ñτ¡á∩, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000E.JPG 568273 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0006 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ä«α«σ«ó« -
    Æπτ¬«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 01.11.20
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    1657348 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK4.JPG 374155 <3.1> á ß«½¡δ誥 (1200x815) [9.01.01]
    374155 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.185 167326 Z2DAILY for today
    167326 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11190409 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 3 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z84 53023 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 184
    53023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    EL210726.ZIP 91461 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    91461 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.184 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z84 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.184 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z84 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.184 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z84 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39234 -- description missing --
    39234 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7I_0008.JPG 438865 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0005 ¡á ßΓ.ï∞ó«ó߬á∩ îÄæè,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 25.05.17 (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    _7I_0009.JPG 490465 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0005 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    ü½áú«óÑΘѡ߬«Ñ - 髽«¬«½á¼ß¬, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä,
    04.06.17 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000A.JPG 491852 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0005 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èα±¬Φ¿¡« -
    Æ«½ßΓ«»á½∞µÑó«, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.04.18
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1421182 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z84 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK3.JPG 416740 <3.1> ïεí«ó∞ »«-ƒ»«¡ß¬¿ (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    416740 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.184 167328 Z2DAILY for today
    167328 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2403671 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 3 21:01:18 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210703.zip 149564 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Washington, D.C. from Space
    03 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    149564 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210703.zip 158820 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires across Saskatchewan
    03 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    158820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210703.zip 1845909 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1845909 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210703.zip 419743 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419743 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2574036 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 5 09:03:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z86 53023 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 186
    53023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210704.zip 149564 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Washington, D.C. from Space
    04 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    149564 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC27.ZIP 13019 FIDONEWS 05 Jul 2021 Vol 38 No 27
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13019 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.186 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z86 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.186 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z86 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210704.zip 519750 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Marine Stratocumulus Clouds off of California
    04 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    519750 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.186 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z86 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1055 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39145 -- description missing --
    39145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7I_000F.JPG 480183 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0007 ¡á ßΓ.ûáα¿µδ¡« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 19.05.17 (1200x764) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000G.JPG 543189 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0007 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èα±¬Φ¿¡« -
    Æ«½ßΓ«»á½∞µÑó«, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.04.18
    (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000I.JPG 294474 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0008 ¡á ßΓ.Æπ½á-I-èπα߬á∩
    îÄæè, 16.05.17 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    1317846 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z86 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : UTILLNX : UTIL: Linux End User/System Utilities
    cfgr011.zip 24341 canfigger v0.1.1
    Simple configuration file parser library
    This library contains a function that
    parses simple configuration files that use a
    key/value pair with an optional attribute.
    rmw080.zip 176621 rmw v0.8.0 ReMove to Waste:A safe-remove
    utility for the command line. It can move &
    restore files to & from directories
    specified in a configuration file, & can
    also be integrated with your regular desktop
    trash folder (if your desktop environment
    uses the FreeDesktop.org Trash specification)
    One of the unique features of rmw is the
    ability to purge items from your waste (or
    trash) directories after x number of days.
    200962 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210704.zip 422038 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422038 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK5.JPG 286950 <3.1> Äσ«Γá (2000x1250) [9.01.01]
    286950 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.186 167334 Z2DAILY for today
    167334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3329463 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 5 16:01:48 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210705.zip 1441638 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1441638 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1441638 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 6 09:02:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z87 53015 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 187
    53015 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210705.zip 504233 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Rainbows Over the Italian Shoreline
    05 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    504233 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.187 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z87 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.187 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z87 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210705.zip 208993 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Siberia Shrouded in Smoke
    05 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    208993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.187 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z87 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39145 -- description missing --
    39145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7I_000J.JPG 480461 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0008 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èαáß¡δ⌐
    æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ - ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 06.06.17
    (1200x735) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000L.JPG 524596 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0009 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ âα¿ó¡á -
    Å«ñ«½∞߬ îÄæè. î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 03.05.17 (1200x800)
    _7I_000N.JPG 455731 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0009, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ - ïεí½¿¡« îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1460788 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210705.zip 417967 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    r50rules.zip 1310828 -- description missing --
    1326501 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK6.JPG 168092 <3.1> É릨⌐ Γα᡺¿Γ (1152x864) [9.01.01]
    168092 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.187 167304 Z2DAILY for today
    167304 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4488398 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 6 16:02:04 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210706.zip 50418 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    50418 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 50418 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 6 21:01:46 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210706.zip 43861 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Moon Occultation of Mars
    06 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    43861 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210706.zip 514118 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust over the Red Sea
    06 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    514118 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210706.zip 418296 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418296 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 976275 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jul 7 09:01:54 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS0721.ZIP 1453889 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 07/21 =
    = July 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 28 years experience! and over
    40 years of computer experience! One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included.
    Maintained by The BBS Corner at:
    1453889 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z88 52982 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 188
    52982 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2555074 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2554676 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5109750 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z90 13630 Region 50 segment day 187
    13630 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39189 -- description missing --
    iplist.lst 39189 -- description missing --
    78378 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7I_000O.JPG 517698 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0009, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ - ïεí½¿¡« îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000Q.JPG 572589 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0010 ¡á ßΓ.Æπ½á-I, î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐
    󫬺á½, 20.05.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000R.JPG 694518 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0010, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεí½¿¡« -
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x800)
    _7I_000R.JPG 694518 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0010, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεí½¿¡« -
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x800)
    2479323 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK7.JPG 278816 <3.1> ÆѼá í½áªÑ¡ßΓóá (1280x848) [9.01.01]
    278816 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.188 167211 Z2DAILY for today
    167211 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9684306 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jul 7 16:01:54 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210707.zip 13874983 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    13874983 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (05-07-2021)
    784 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 13875767 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jul 7 21:02:46 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210707.zip 494623 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Power of One
    07 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    494623 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FG_WORF : FGW: Info files, FAQ's, FILEGATE.ZXX
    filegate.zxx 61245 Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID format. Also
    contains HUB/connect information.
    61245 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210707.zip 85299 MODIS Picture of the Day
    07 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    85299 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210707.zip 418811 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418811 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1059978 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 8 09:01:56 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z89 53005 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 189
    53005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2554306 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2553953 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5108259 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 189
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2328 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39189 -- description missing --
    39189 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _7I_000S.JPG 317393 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0010, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÖÑαí¿¡¬á -
    èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 16.06.20 (1200x790)
    _7I_000U.JPG 308056 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0011, ßΓ.èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 20.02.18 (1200x745) [9.01.01]
    _7I_000V.JPG 563869 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Å2ä-0012 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ áσáí¿¡« -
    ÅáóΦ¿¡«, É¿ªß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 16.08.20 (1200x797)
    1189318 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1136 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK8.JPG 164663 <3.1> ÆÑ¼á ºáíá½ñÑóá¡¿∩ (1280x799) [9.01.01]
    164663 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.189 167210 Z2DAILY for today
    167210 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6837835 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 8 16:01:54 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210708.zip 202941 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    202941 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 202941 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 8 21:01:56 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210708.zip 337715 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Rock Run Conglomerate
    08 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    337715 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.z90 2601 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.190 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z90 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.z90 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.190 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z90 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.190 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z90 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.z90 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    9325 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210708.zip 212957 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Elsa off the Florida Coast
    08 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    212957 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.190 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z90 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.190 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z90 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.190 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z90 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7141 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.190 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z90 3315 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11955 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.190 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z90 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.190 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    2587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.190 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z90 920 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2580 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.190 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210708.zip 417122 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417122 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1016259 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 9 09:02:42 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z90 53007 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 190
    53007 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L90 2076 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 190
    2076 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z90 2150 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 190
    2150 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z90 13546 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-07-09 (190)
    13546 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z90 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z90 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15453 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z90 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a90 3030 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3030 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z90 2163 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z90 2163 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4326 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a90 93084 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    93084 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z90 53009 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 190
    53009 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z90 57388 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57388 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z90 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5020.ZIP 16277 NET5020 (Moscow) pointlist
    16277 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39144 -- description missing --
    39144 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_0187.JPG 515617 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0002 »ÑαÑñ ÆÉ-3, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x800)
    _3G_0188.JPG 725661 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4-0005, »ÑαÑú«¡ ö¿½¿ - èπ¡µÑó«-I
    îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2017 (1200x793) [9.01.01]
    _3G_0189.JPG 402095 <2.6> ¥ä4-0005, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ«½∞߬ - âα¿ó¡« îÄîè,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 21.09.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1643373 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VK9.JPG 142138 <3.1> ÆÑ¼á ºáó¿ßá¡¿∩ (1200x833) [9.01.01]
    142138 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.190 167300 Z2DAILY for today
    167300 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2434409 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 9 10:57:52 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z90 593 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    593 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z90 8023 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z90 588 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z90 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1809 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z90 552 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z90 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z90 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z90 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z90 4035 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4590 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z90 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.190 35443 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z90 11634 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47656 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z90 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z90 576 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    576 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z90 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z90 9082 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z90 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210709.zip 420264 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    420264 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56855 FidoNet Nodelist
    56855 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z90 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z90 9698 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9698 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z90 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1134 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1134 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z90 672 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z90 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14715 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z90 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18767 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z90 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    513 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z90 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z90 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6803 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z90 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z90 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13863 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 653698 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 9 16:01:06 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548096 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.9
    Updated: 01/07/2021
    1548096 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6315041 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1875833 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 934174 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6315041 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 934176 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 149845 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 17867 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 149845 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 36264 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16728086 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYBONE : FMLYNET: FamilyNet Backbone Information Area
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33101 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    33101 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.190 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z90 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.190 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GMS.INFO : GmsNet Information file
    gmsnet.zip 2187930 Information file for GmsNet Network.
    QWK Compatible. Handles handles 3
    Leagues with BRE FE TAL 145 - BRE & FE 146 +
    144 + BRE & FE 45 + BRE & FE 450 + L451 BRE & FE.
    With some more in League 145 as Arrowbridge I
    + II and Clans + Global War and more.
    The New Gamers Network -
    Join us today. Read the Information file
    for join. Test out the web site for gmsnet
    at http://www.gmsnet.org
    2187930 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_0721.zip 1426379 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.23
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/07/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934139 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.23
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/07/2021
    Justanet.zip 2928407 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.23
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/07/2021
    7288925 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z90 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z90 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z90 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin0721.zip 2090500 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v123
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    lin_info.zip 2090500 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v123
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ln010721.zip 2090500 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v123
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    6271500 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548096 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.9
    Updated: 01/07/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934139 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.23
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/07/2021
    lin_info.zip 2090500 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v123
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    stnFULL.zip 1213064 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/07/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83139 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/07/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    7985708 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.190 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z90 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z90 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas0721.zip 1092134 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.9
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090517 PASCALNT INFO FILE v31.9
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182651 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn0721.zip 1156019 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/07/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stndlist.z90 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnFULL.zip 1213064 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/07/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83139 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/07/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnL0721.zip 1213064 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/07/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnlist.z90 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    3677432 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : VIR_INFO : Virnet Coordinator Info file
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    58275 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z90 79606 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 190 (09.07.2021)
    z2pnt.z90 79606 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 190 (09.07.2021)
    159212 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z90 753 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 190 (09.07.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z90 753 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 190 (09.07.2021)
    1506 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_APPS : ZN: Application Packages Only
    ze0721.zip 1053300 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    zeinfo.zip 1053300 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    2106600 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_INFO : ZyXELNet Coordinator Info file
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    58495 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 50382948 bytes in 50 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 9 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210709.zip 504397 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Upper Tangent Arc Observed over San José Pinula,
    09 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    504397 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z90 5232 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210709.zip 250799 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Manitoba, Canada
    09 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    250799 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210709.zip 417788 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417788 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1178216 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 10 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37042 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z91 53053 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 191
    53053 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548080 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 7.9
    Updated: 01/07/2021
    AGORANET.ZIP 25368 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33088 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1769 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2934131 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.23
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/07/2021
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2928399 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.23
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/07/2021
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 2149323 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v122
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/05/2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1552408 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    VIRNET.ZIP 58261 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11873 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    June 20, 2021
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58483 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    12409806 bytes in 14 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z90 452 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10POINT.Z90 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    LEAGUE10.190 35012 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    43190 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z90 5232 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    5232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210710.zip 3654286 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3654286 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39144 -- description missing --
    39144 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018A.JPG 618083 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0008 »α¿íδ½ ñ½∩ »α«σ«ªñÑ¡¿∩
    ÆÉ-3 ó ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐
    ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2017 (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018B.JPG 409234 <2.6> ¥ä4îè-0020, ßΓ.æΓ«½í«óá∩ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 01.09.18 (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018C.JPG 495751 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4îè-0020 ¡á ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 28.07.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1523068 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16845 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13285 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75685 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKA.JPG 601109 <3.1> ÆÑ¼á ½εíó¿ (1680x1050) [9.01.01]
    601109 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.191 167319 Z2DAILY for today
    167319 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18610261 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 10 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210710.zip 489190 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Web Iridescence
    10 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    489190 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210710.zip 521572 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Cook Strait, New Zealand
    10 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    521572 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210710.zip 419187 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419187 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1429949 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jul 11 16:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37059 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37059 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z92 53050 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 192
    53050 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6352571 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1881640 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 937304 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6352571 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 937306 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 201763 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23657 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 201763 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 47879 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16936454 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.192 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z92 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.192 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    347841 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z92 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210711.zip 258566 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    258566 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.192 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z92 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39187 -- description missing --
    39187 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018D.JPG 406386 <2.6> ¥ä4îè-0020, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÖÑαí¿¡¬á - èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 03.08.19 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018E.JPG 603300 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4îè-0020, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-I îÄæè,
    áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018F.JPG 591161 <2.6> ¥ä4îè-0029 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« - ⫽¿µδ¡«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 19.07.20 (1200x799)
    1600847 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z92 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16850 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13291 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75696 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKB.JPG 523568 <3.1> ÆÑ¼á «ª¿ñá¡¿∩ (1920x1200) [9.01.01]
    523568 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.192 167413 Z2DAILY for today
    167413 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 20142906 bytes in 32 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jul 11 21:01:18 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2553913 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2553581 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5107494 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210711.zip 489189 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Web Iridescence
    11 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    489189 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210711.zip 396197 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Color in the Sea of Azov
    11 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    396197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210711.zip 421086 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421086 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6413966 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 12 16:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44917 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z93 53050 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 193
    53050 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2555160 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2554898 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5110058 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC28.ZIP 13018 FIDONEWS 12 Jul 2021 Vol 38 No 28
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13018 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.193 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z93 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.193 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z93 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210712.zip 1208944 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1208944 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.193 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z93 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (12-07-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1839 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39187 -- description missing --
    39187 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018G.JPG 544579 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0031 »«ß½Ñ
    ÆÉ-3 »«ñú«Γáó½¿óáÑΓß∩ ñ½∩ ¡á¡ÑßÑ¡¿∩ ¡áñ»¿ß¿ `ê¼Ñ¡¿
    è¿α¿½½«óá àóúÑ¡¿∩ ÅÑΓα«ó¿τá`, ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x800)
    _3G_018H.JPG 550738 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0031 `ê¼Ñ¡¿ è¿α¿½½«óá àóúÑ¡¿∩
    ÅÑΓα«ó¿τá` »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3, ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x800)
    _3G_018I.JPG 627977 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0031, ßΓ.üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    1723294 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : RAR : RAR: Main dist. for releases and public of RAR
    rl32v602.zip 611003 RAR v6.0.2 for Linux
    wr602x64.zip 3349669 WinRAR v6.0.2 64-bit Multifunctional
    Integrated Archive Manager Graphical
    and command line. Trial version
    wrar602.zip 3113741 WinRAR x86 v6.0.2 Multifunctional Integrated
    Archive Manager v5.9.1 (32bit). Graphical
    and command line. Trial version.
    7074413 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z93 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62412 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKC.JPG 1377624 <3.1> Æ¿úαδ (2048x1400) [9.01.01]
    1377624 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.193 167413 Z2DAILY for today
    167413 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16976796 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 12 21:01:18 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210712.zip 1955338 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Peering Into the Geology of Central Aragón
    12 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1955338 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210712.zip 261738 MODIS Picture of the Day
    12 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    261738 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAR : RAR: Main dist. for releases and public of RAR
    rand602.zip 5604326 Rar v6.0.2 build 98 for Android.
    rl64v602.zip 599819 RAR v6.0.2 for Linux x64. Command line
    only. Trial
    rosx602.zip 591886 RAR 6.0.2 for macOS (64 bit). Command line only.
    6796031 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210712.zip 421602 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421602 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9434709 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 13 16:03:22 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z94 53058 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 194
    53058 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.194 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z94 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.194 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25362 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    265156 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z94 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210713.zip 515165 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    515165 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.194 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z94 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39123 -- description missing --
    39123 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018J.JPG 678579 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0031 `ê¼Ñ¡¿ è¿α¿½½«óá àóúÑ¡¿∩
    ÅÑΓα«ó¿τá`, ßΓ.üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018K.JPG 462777 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0032, «.».ô½∞∩¡¬á, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ï¿ú«ó« - æΓαѽ∞¡á ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_018L.JPG 681282 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0032, ßΓ.üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1822638 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62412 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKD.JPG 98618 <3.1> -ùÑú« ¡áñ«? (1360x800) [9.01.01]
    98618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.194 167438 Z2DAILY for today
    167438 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3152735 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 13 21:02:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210713.zip 517645 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Journey to the Center of the World
    13 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    517645 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210713.zip 420556 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 938201 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jul 14 16:03:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z95 53066 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 195
    53066 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.195 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z95 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.195 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z95 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210714.zip 1562036 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1562036 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.195 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z95 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pntlist.rul 6406 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    6406 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39082 -- description missing --
    39082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018M.JPG 528762 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0032, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó« -
    üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x795)
    _3G_018N.JPG 575997 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0034 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II - ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 17.03.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018O.JPG 566397 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0034, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïπ¬¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ îÄæè, 09.02.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1671156 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z95 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKE.JPG 625427 <3.1> -Ç ΦÑαßΓ∞ ßÑ⌐τáß πíÑαπ... (1680x1260) [9.01.01]
    625427 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.195 167444 Z2DAILY for today
    167444 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4337484 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 15 09:03:08 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z96 53061 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 196
    53061 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210714.zip 507250 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Omega Sunset Over Key West, Florida
    14 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    507250 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.196 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z96 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.196 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z96 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210714.zip 504806 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
    14 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    504806 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731355 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731355 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.196 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    32217 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 196
    1748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39082 -- description missing --
    39082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018P.JPG 578377 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0034 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II - ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 17.05.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018Q.JPG 535541 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0035, 23.03.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018R.JPG 469133 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0038 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« - èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 29.09.19 (1200x806) [9.01.01]
    1583051 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z96 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210714.zip 419447 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419447 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKF.JPG 304185 <3.1> -â¡Ñºñ« π ¼Ñ¡∩ ΓπΓ... (1600x1200) [9.01.01]
    304185 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.196 167443 Z2DAILY for today
    167443 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4519080 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 15 16:03:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210715.zip 8922585 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8922585 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8923165 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 15 21:02:30 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210715.zip 500788 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cottonwood Trees
    15 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    500788 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.z97 2600 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.z97 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.z97 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.z97 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.197 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z97 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    5368 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210715.zip 486847 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Saharan Dust Cloud over Europe
    15 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    486847 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PDNBASIC : PDN: Basic Related
    DND50A2P.ZIP 22651356 The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This
    program and its files are public domain
    freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules patches. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download
    dnd50a2e.zip first then dnd50a2s.zip source
    code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.
    22651356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.197 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z97 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.197 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z97 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.197 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    5220 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.197 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    8641 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.197 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    3469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.197 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    2587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.197 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    1661 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.197 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5599 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210715.zip 421314 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421314 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 24097296 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 16 09:02:10 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z97 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z97 8024 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z97 53058 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 197
    53058 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L97 1588 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 197
    1588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z97 1667 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 197
    1667 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z97 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z97 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z97 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z97 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4592 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z97 13552 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-07-16 (197)
    13552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z97 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z97 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z97 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15906 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z97 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z97 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z97 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a97 2173 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2173 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z97 1603 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z97 1603 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3206 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a97 93224 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    93224 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z97 53060 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 197
    53060 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z97 57430 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57430 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z97 8326 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8326 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5020.ZIP 16253 NET5020 (Moscow) pointlist
    16253 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39082 -- description missing --
    39082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018S.JPG 472817 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0039, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018T.JPG 812044 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ üα«¡Ñóá∩ -
    ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018U.JPG 448957 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045, «.».æ«ß¡«óá∩ Å«½∩¡á,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó« - æΓαѽ∞¡á ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    1733818 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z97 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z97 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z97 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z97 512 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKG.JPG 775736 <3.1> -ùΓ«-Γ« ¡Ñ Γ«... (1080x864) [9.01.01]
    775736 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.197 167441 Z2DAILY for today
    167441 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z97 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z97 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6805 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z97 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z97 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13863 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3252818 bytes in 42 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 16 10:13:22 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z97 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z97 8024 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z97 588 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z97 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1810 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z97 552 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z97 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z97 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z97 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z97 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4592 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z97 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.197 35444 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z97 11635 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z97 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.197 35013 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35465 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z97 575 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z97 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z97 9083 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9083 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z97 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56899 FidoNet Nodelist
    56899 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z97 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z97 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z97 8620 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8620 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z97 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z97 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z97 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z97 512 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z97 526 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z97 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6805 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z97 550 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z97 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14216 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 267728 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 16 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.197 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z97 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.197 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z97 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z97 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z97 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210716.zip 336760 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    336760 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.197 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z97 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z97 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z97 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z97 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z97 79452 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 197 (16.07.2021)
    z2pnt.z97 79452 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 197 (16.07.2021)
    158904 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z97 586 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 197 (16.07.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z97 586 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 197 (16.07.2021)
    1172 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 604413 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 16 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210716.zip 496773 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lenticular Cloud over Turin, Italy
    16 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    496773 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z97 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210716.zip 419520 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419520 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 916497 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 17 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z98 53089 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 198
    53089 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6353821 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1881855 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 937433 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6353821 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 937435 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 187228 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 22382 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 187228 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 45320 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16906523 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.198 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z98 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.198 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z98 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210716.zip 516282 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Heat Wave over the Aegean Sea
    16 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    516282 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.198 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z98 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39124 -- description missing --
    39124 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018V.JPG 294936 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó« -
    üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2019
    (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018W.JPG 575721 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045, ßΓ.üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_018X.JPG 635510 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ - üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    1506167 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z98 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKH.JPG 391310 <3.1> Äαáóá (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    391310 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.198 167506 Z2DAILY for today
    167506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 19794782 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 17 16:01:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210717.zip 3571274 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3571274 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3571274 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 17 21:01:16 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210717.zip 527525 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hurricane Felicia
    17 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    527525 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210717.zip 418372 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418372 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 945897 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jul 18 16:02:34 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z99 53086 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 199
    Z1DAILY.Z99 53086 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 199
    106172 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25368 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    40989 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210718.zip 5179476 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5179476 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39124 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1063 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58605 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_018Y.JPG 546006 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó« -
    üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800)
    _3G_018Z.JPG 464094 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï¿ú«ó« -
    æΓαѽ∞¡á ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, á»αѽ∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_0190.JPG 608542 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0045, »ÑαÑú«¡ æΓαѽ∞¡á -
    ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    1618642 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    echo50.lst 13119 -- description missing --
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    r50rules.zip 1311243 -- description missing --
    1340035 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKI.JPG 2598869 <3.1> Å«σ«ñ »« ßΓÑ¡Ñ (1600x1080) [9.01.01]
    2598869 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.199 167504 Z2DAILY for today
    167504 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11225309 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jul 18 21:02:26 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1552408 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11873 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    June 20, 2021
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1807013 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210718.zip 302617 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Smoke near Lake Toba, Indonesia
    18 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    302617 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210718.zip 421474 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421474 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2531104 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 19 09:03:40 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44917 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z00 53113 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 200
    53113 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC29.ZIP 13011 FIDONEWS 19 Jul 2021 Vol 38 No 29
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13011 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.200 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z00 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.200 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z00 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.200 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z00 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (19-07-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1054 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39159 -- description missing --
    39159 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_0191.JPG 577791 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0046, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_0192.JPG 530989 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0050 »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2018
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_0193.JPG 504249 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ ¥ä4î-1054 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá
    ¥ä4î-0052, ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1613029 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z00 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKJ.JPG 81022 <3.1> -Ç Ñß½¿ ¼δΦ¿, »«τѼπ ó ó«ñÑ?.. (1280x720)
    81022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.200 167587 Z2DAILY for today
    167587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2190014 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 19 21:01:58 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210719.zip 487004 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Noctilucent Clouds Above Paris on a Summer’s Eve
    19 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    487004 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210719.zip 490329 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fire and Smoke across North America
    19 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    490329 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210719.zip 1399977 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1399977 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210719.zip 421358 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421358 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2798668 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 20 09:06:46 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z01 53117 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 201
    53117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2554292 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2554019 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5108311 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.201 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z01 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.201 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z01 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.201 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z01 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39156 -- description missing --
    39156 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_0194.JPG 798385 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0055, «.».æ«αΓ¿α«ó«τ¡á∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - î«ß¬óá-»áßßᪿα߬á∩-èáºá¡ß¬á∩ îÄæè,
    ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_0195.JPG 545628 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0059 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ä«α«σ«ó« - Æπτ¬«ó«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 01.11.20 (1200x806)
    _3G_0196.JPG 457874 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0062 »α¿íδ½ ¡á ÆÉ-3, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    1801887 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z01 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKK.JPG 44417 <3.1> -é«Γ Γá¬!.. (900x900) [9.01.01]
    44417 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.201 167594 Z2DAILY for today
    167594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7429140 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 20 21:02:36 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210720.zip 314792 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Gray's Bur Sedge
    20 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    314792 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210720.zip 499316 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Cempaka off of China
    20 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    499316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210720.zip 421178 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421178 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1235286 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jul 21 16:02:52 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37094 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z02 53198 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 202
    53198 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.202 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    16719 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z02 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210721.zip 869137 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    869137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z04 13700 Region 50 segment day 201
    13700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39190 -- description missing --
    39190 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_0197.JPG 568997 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0063 ¿ ¥É2è-901 `₧¡«ßΓ∞`,
    ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ¼áαΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_0198.JPG 709108 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0063, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I -
    ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_0199.JPG 742808 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0071, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I -
    ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2020913 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16857 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13299 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75711 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKL.JPG 218193 <3.1> -ä«¼á »«¿ºπτáε... (1024x768) [9.01.01]
    218193 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.202 167819 Z2DAILY for today
    167819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3520755 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 22 09:03:54 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210721.zip 518423 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Strong Thunderstorm Over France
    21 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    518423 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210721.zip 202316 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in Western Europe
    21 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    202316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 203
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2328 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39151 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    40207 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019A.JPG 542016 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0071 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« - èπ¡µÑó«-I,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.12.19 (1200x805)
    _3G_019B.JPG 591679 <2.6> ¥ä4îè-0073 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« - ⫽¿µδ¡«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19 (1200x803)
    _3G_019C.JPG 815317 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4îè-0075 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ üα«¡Ñóá∩ -
    ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x752) [9.01.01]
    1949012 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1135 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1135 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210721.zip 418811 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418811 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKM.JPG 149291 <3.1> -èá¬á∩ úáñ«ßΓ∞ øΓ¿ óáΦ¿ ºÑ½±¡δÑ ¼δΦ¿!..
    (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    149291 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.203 167662 Z2DAILY for today
    167662 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3562005 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 22 16:01:50 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z03 53135 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 203
    53135 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 53135 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 22 21:01:54 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210722.zip 275318 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Otherworldly Sunset and Rock Spire
    22 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    275318 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg27.204 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.204 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z04 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.204 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.204 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z04 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.204 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z04 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    8921 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210722.zip 505539 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Typhoon In-Fa
    22 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    505539 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.204 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z04 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.204 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z04 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.204 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z04 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7142 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.204 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z04 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11957 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.204 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z04 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.204 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    2587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.204 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z04 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2582 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.204 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5599 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210722.zip 415774 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415774 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1244698 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 23 09:02:56 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : CH-WARE : CH:Freeware and open-source BBS doors, utils and other programs from Sean Dennis
    aa28.rar 20462 Attitude Assessment 2.8 by Sean Dennis
    Shows how other people might see you.
    A fun freeware door for any BBS that can
    support 16-bit DOS doors and a FOSSIL
    driver. Another Cheepware production!
    chdrsrc.rar 61161 Cheepware BBS Doors Source Code Archive:
    Contains the latest Pascal source code
    for the Cheepware line of DOS-based BBS
    doors released under The Cheepware License
    (BSD). Requires Turbo Pascal 7 and the
    FKFOSSIL doorkit (FKFOS102.ZIP) to compile.
    Officially released by Sean Dennis, the
    Cheepware author. This archive released on
    21 July 2021.
    cz47.rar 24354 Chinese Zodiac v4.7 written by Sean Dennis
    Have you ever wondered what your Chinese
    Zodiac sign is? Now you can find out!
    For any BBS that supports 16-bit DOS doors
    and a FOSSIL driver. Freeware! Another
    Cheepware production.
    dspt22.rar 20094 Dr. Seuss Purity Test v2.2 by Sean Dennis.
    A fun freeware adult-oriented "purity test"
    for your BBS for adults 18+ only. Runs on
    any BBS that supports DOS doors and a FOSSIL
    driver. Another Cheepware production!
    qotd16.rar 24682 Quote Of The Day 1.6 by Sean Dennis displays
    a quote for you and your users. Up to 32,767
    multiline quotes! A freeware door for any BBS
    that can support 16-bit DOS doors and a
    FOSSIL driver. Another Cheepware production!
    tmo154.rar 23041 The Magic Oracle v15.4 by Sean Dennis
    You've got questions, the Magic Oracle's
    got answers. A fun freeware door for any
    BBS that can support 16-bit DOS doors and
    a FOSSIL driver. Another Cheepware
    173794 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z04 53107 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 204
    53107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L04 2098 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 204
    2098 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z04 2170 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 204
    2170 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    qs_sdk.zip 6145466 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0544, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6145466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    uniau312.zip 870438 Uniaud32 v.3.01.02 (20210721-beta). Linux code updated
    to 5.10.45 level. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David
    Azarewicz. Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver
    for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek
    Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is
    based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a
    broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including
    AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be
    found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio,
    typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be
    found in modern systems with integrated audio, built
    during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older
    audio hardware. WarpIN installer.
    870438 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 967712 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0544. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    967712 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z04 13551 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-07-23 (204)
    13551 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z04 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z04 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15452 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z04 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a04 3241 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3241 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z04 2291 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z04 2291 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4582 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a04 93418 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    93418 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z04 53109 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 204
    53109 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z04 57480 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57480 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z04 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8324 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39151 -- description missing --
    39151 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019D.JPG 624881 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0082, »ÑαÑú«¡ çá¡Ñó߬¿⌐
    Å«ßΓ-II - äáτá 䫽ú«απ¬«óá ÄèÆ, ¼á⌐ 2009 (1200x760)
    _3G_019E.JPG 587122 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0086, »ÑαÑú«¡ Åáó½«ó«-¡á-ÑóÑ
    - â«αδ ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2009 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019F.JPG 579414 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4îè-0097, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    1791417 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKN.JPG 150488 <3.1> -Ñ »«Ñ¼, Γᬠ»«¿úαáε. « «íñÑαπ - óßÑ!..
    (800x501) [9.01.01]
    150488 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.204 167556 Z2DAILY for today
    167556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10733430 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 23 13:19:06 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z04 597 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    ADVDIFF.Z04 597 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    1194 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z04 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z04 591 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsdiff.z04 591 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z04 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    dsdsnet.z04 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    3626 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z04 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    FMLYDIFF.Z04 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    1112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z04 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z04 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    GATORLST.Z04 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    17984 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z04 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsdiff.z04 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z04 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    gmsnet.z04 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    9190 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z04 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTADFF.Z04 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTADFF.Z04 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.204 35444 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.204 35444 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.204 35444 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z04 11635 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z04 11635 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z04 11635 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    142983 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z04 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10NDIFF.Z04 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10NDIFF.Z97 452 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10POINT.Z97 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    LEAGUE10.204 35013 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    44102 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z97 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z04 579 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z04 579 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z04 579 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    1737 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z04 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z04 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z04 9083 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z04 9083 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z04 9083 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    27249 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z04 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    RMININET.Z04 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    8938 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210723.zip 2525839 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2525839 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56994 FidoNet Nodelist
    56994 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z04 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z04 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    1158 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z04 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z04 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z04 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    29097 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z04 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z04 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    17236 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z97 13645 Region 50 segment day 194
    13645 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1136 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z04 675 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z04 675 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z04 675 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z04 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z04 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z04 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    44154 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z04 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z04 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    37534 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z04 515 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    VIR_DIFF.Z04 515 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    1030 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z04 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z04 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    ZELIST.Z04 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    13083 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z04 556 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_DIFF.Z04 556 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z04 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    ZYX_LIST.Z04 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    28442 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3058845 bytes in 69 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 23 16:01:08 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.204 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z04 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.204 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z04 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z04 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z04 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.204 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z04 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z04 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.204 508 Net 5030 routing map, day 204
    moves.204 24 Net 5030 changes, day 204
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 204
    1339 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z04 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z04 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z04 78394 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 204 (23.07.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z04 78394 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 204 (23.07.2021)
    156788 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z04 547 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 204 (23.07.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z04 547 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 204 (23.07.2021)
    1094 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 266798 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 23 21:01:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210723.zip 97892 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Arcus Cloud over the Villa Gesell Province of Buenos
    23 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    97892 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6377475 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1885966 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 939129 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6377475 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 939131 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 187814 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 22558 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 187814 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 45728 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16963090 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z04 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210723.zip 520235 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sun and heat over Ireland and the United Kingdom
    23 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    520235 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z04 332 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 204
    moves.z04 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 204
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 204
    n5030tru.zip 427 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 204
    1280 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210723.zip 419741 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419741 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18002442 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 24 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.205 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z05 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.205 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z05 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.205 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z05 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39230 -- description missing --
    39230 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019G.JPG 687025 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0102 ¿ ¥ä4îèî-Ç¥ÉÄ-0005,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-üπΓδα߬á∩ - üÑ߬πñ¡¿¬«ó«, îûä îÄæè,
    áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019H.JPG 816941 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0103 π »½áΓΣ«α¼δ
    ô¡¿óÑαß¿ΓÑΓ߬á∩, »ÑαÑú«¡ «óδ⌐ ÅÑΓÑαú«Σ - Äαá¡¿Ñ¡íáπ¼
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019I.JPG 580446 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0103 ¡á «í¬á⪥ »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ üα«¡Ñóá∩ - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    2084412 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z05 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62414 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKO.JPG 1582980 <3.1> -Å«ñ `èáíÑα¡ø` ¿ ºÑ½±¡á∩ ¼δΦ∞ ß«⌐ñ±Γ...
    (1500x996) [9.01.01]
    1582980 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.205 167550 Z2DAILY for today
    167550 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4075668 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 24 21:01:16 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z05 53107 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 205
    53107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210724.zip 36568 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Full Moon Over Mount Rainier
    24 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    36568 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6407223 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1892681 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 942588 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6407223 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 942590 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 217562 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 25805 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 217562 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 52424 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    17105658 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z04 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10POINT.Z04 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    8181 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z04 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210724.zip 156860 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Oregon and Northern California
    24 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    156860 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210724.zip 1549490 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1549490 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210724.zip 417333 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417333 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 19327401 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jul 25 21:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z06 53103 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 206
    53103 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2534788 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2534606 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5069394 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210725.zip 36568 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Full Moon Over Mount Rainier
    25 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    36568 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.206 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z06 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.206 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25375 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1951728 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : LEGION : LEG: Legion Beta Releases
    legd083a.zip 447689 Phenom Productions presents:
    Legion v0.8.3a for Win32
    A new RPG door for Mystic/Synchronet
    Currently under Development
    This is the latest release as of 07/24/21
    WHQ for Whisper-Echo-Net & Legion RPG
    Contact Information
    e-mail: jjustvig@kansit.com
    legl083a.zip 1283968 Phenom Productions presents:
    Legion v0.8.3a for Linux 32/64-bit
    A new RPG door for Mystic/Synchronet
    Currently under Development
    This is the latest release as of 07/24/21
    WHQ for Whisper-Echo-Net & Legion RPG
    Contact Information
    e-mail: jjustvig@kansit.com
    legr083a.zip 210664 Phenom Productions presents:
    Legion v0.8.3a for RPi-32
    A new RPG door for Mystic/Synchronet
    Currently under Development
    This is the latest release as of 07/24/21
    WHQ for Whisper-Echo-Net & Legion RPG
    Contact Information
    e-mail: jjustvig@kansit.com
    1942321 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z06 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210725.zip 242715 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Typhoon In-Fa
    25 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    242715 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210725.zip 34942 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    34942 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.206 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z06 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39230 -- description missing --
    39230 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019J.JPG 526548 <2.6> ¥ä4îè-0112 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ æѽ∩Γ¿¡« - üѬáß«ó«-I
    îÄæè, 07.03.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019K.JPG 513842 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4îè-0118,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019L.JPG 606592 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0124, »ÑαÑú«¡ æѼ¿íαáΓ«ó« -
    è«α«¼δß½«ó« æàé, ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, áóúπßΓ 2020
    (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    1646982 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z06 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210725.zip 417380 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417380 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKP.JPG 125461 <3.1> -æΓѬ½∩¡¡á∩ ¡«αá, ºÑ½±¡δÑ ¼δΦ¿. ö¿ú¡±⌐ σ«º∩⌐¬á
    ßΓαáñáÑΓ... (640x613) [9.01.01]
    125461 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.206 167532 Z2DAILY for today
    167532 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11943401 bytes in 37 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 26 09:05:42 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z07 53104 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 207
    53104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC30.ZIP 13006 FIDONEWS 26 Jul 2021 Vol 38 No 30
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13006 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.207 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z07 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.207 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z07 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z07 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    9288 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 785 Last Smolensk PointList (26-07-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1054 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1839 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39230 -- description missing --
    39230 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019M.JPG 772535 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0127, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I -
    ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x785) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019N.JPG 533939 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0128 ¿ ¥ä4î-0065, ßΓ.ÅÑα¼∞-II
    æéÉä, 15.03.18 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019O.JPG 723133 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0130, «.».æ«αΓ¿α«ó«τ¡á∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩ îÄæè, ¿ε½∞ 2016
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2029607 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKQ.JPG 163906 <3.1> -Ñ ß¬áªπ!!. (1280x960) [9.01.01]
    163906 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.207 167532 Z2DAILY for today
    167532 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2649050 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jul 26 21:02:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210726.zip 459317 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Circumhorizon Arc over Viterbo, Italy
    26 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    459317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210726.zip 174464 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Frigid weather in South Africa
    26 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    174464 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210726.zip 419811 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419811 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1053592 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 27 09:04:10 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z08 53106 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 208
    53106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.208 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z08 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.208 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD.APP: OS/2 Mult-Media-Applikationen
    VLC-3016.ZIP 45450717 VLC media player v3.0.16 Vetinari for OS/2. The
    cross-platform open-source multimedia framework,
    player and server VLC media player is a highly
    portable multimedia player and multimedia framework
    capable of reading most audio and video formats
    (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac
    ...) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and various
    streaming protocols. Additional requirements: kLIBC
    v0.6.6, Qt 4.7.3GA2. This port was done by: KO
    45450717 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    PMML325B.ZIP 5420740 PMMail/2, version (32809) release
    candidate. Copyright (c) 1994-2021 VOICE, Inc. PMMail
    is an enhanced TCP/IP email client (Mail User Agent,
    MUA). It is designed for maximum configurability and
    ease of use. This version is presented by VOICE and
    contains numerous fixes and enhancements including
    spam filtering, GPG integration and secure mailserver
    logon. WarpIN archive.
    5420740 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z08 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.208 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z08 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39230 -- description missing --
    39230 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019P.JPG 587379 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñº ¥ä4î-0136, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019Q.JPG 694026 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñº ¥ä4î-0136, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_019R.JPG 316546 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0137, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÖÑαí¿¡¬á - èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 03.08.19 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    1597951 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z08 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKR.JPG 167201 <3.1> -ò«º∩⌐¬á, «¡ Γδα¿Γ!.. (1080x1350) [9.01.01]
    167201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.208 167533 Z2DAILY for today
    167533 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 53111151 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jul 27 16:04:12 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210727.zip 2486762 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2486762 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2486762 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jul 28 21:03:50 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z09 52580 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 209
    52580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2534589 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2534296 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5068885 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210727.zip 489913 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Grebes Courtship Display
    27 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep210728.zip 151007 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Contrail Shadow Over Braunfels, Germany
    28 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    640920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD.APP: OS/2 Mult-Media-Applikationen
    FLUID222.ZIP 3942999 FluidSynth version 2.2.2. Copyright (C) 2000-2021
    Peter Hanappe and others. Distributed under the LGPL
    license. SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of
    E-mu Systems, Inc. FluidSynth is a software real-time
    synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications.
    Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, glib
    v2.33.12(rpm), CMake v3.4.1, gcc v9.1.0, kdllar
    v1.3.0. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun.
    3942999 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.MISC : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Misc. Software Development
    libdc143.zip 669736 libdvdcss v1.4.3 for OS/2. A portable abstraction
    library for DVD decryption. Additional requirements:
    kLIBC 0.6.6, UDF support. This port was done by: KO
    LIBDN611.ZIP 842915 libdvdnav v6.1.1 for OS/2. The forked version by
    MPlayer team. Again forked by VideoLan team. libdvdnav
    is a library that allows easy use of sophisticated DVD
    navigation features such as DVD menus, multiangle
    playback and even interactive DVD games. All this
    functionality is provided through a simple API which
    provides the DVD playback as a single logical stream
    of blocks, intermitted by special dvdnav events to
    report certain conditions. Additional requirements:
    kLIBC v0.6.6, UDF support, libdvdcss v1.4.3,
    libdvdread v6.1.2. This port was done by: KO
    LIBDR612.ZIP 800368 libdvdread v6.1.2 for OS/2. libdvdread provides a
    simple foundation for reading DVD video disks. It
    provides the functionality that is required to access
    many DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and
    performs CSS authentication and descrambling (if an
    external libdvdcss library is installed). Additional
    requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, UDF support, libdvdcss
    v1.4.3. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun.
    2313019 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.GNU.APPS : GFD.GNU: OS/2 GNU Apps (Tex, Emacs, Ghostscript)
    gp542os2.zip 3431545 This is Gnuplot version 5.4.2 binary distribution for
    OS/2. Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2021
    Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others. Gnuplot
    is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for
    linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other
    platforms. The source code is copyrighted but freely
    distributed (i.e., you don't have to pay for it). It
    was originally created to allow scientists and
    students to visualize mathematical functions and data
    interactively, but has grown to support many
    non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is also
    used as a plotting engine by third-party applications
    like Octave. Gnuplot has been supported and under
    active development since 1986.
    3431545 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210727.zip 517102 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Typhoon In-Fa makes landfall in China
    27 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210728.zip 510933 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Smoke shrouds Siberia
    28 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    1028035 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210728.zip 5346227 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5346227 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39237 -- description missing --
    39237 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019S.JPG 361318 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0137, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ«½∞߬ - âα¿ó¡« îÄæè,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 05.08.19 (1200x775) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019T.JPG 794163 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0137, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεí½¿¡« -
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_019U.JPG 591652 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0137 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ üѬáß«ó«-I - æѽ∩Γ¿¡«,
    è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20 (1200x800)
    1747133 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210727.zip 419792 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210728.zip 422118 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    841910 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKS.JPG 119739 <3.1> -ùΓ«-Γ« í«½∞¡« αẪ¿α¡Ñ½¿ «úπαµδ øΓ¿...
    (1200x672) [9.01.01]
    119739 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.209 165979 Z2DAILY for today
    165979 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 24851028 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 29 09:02:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z10 52580 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 210
    52580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 210
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2327 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39196 -- description missing --
    39196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019V.JPG 801902 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0146, «.».æ«αΓ¿α«ó«τ¡á∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩ îÄæè, ¿ε½∞ 2016
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019W.JPG 604685 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0148, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_019X.JPG 736803 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0148, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    2143390 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1135 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1135 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKT.JPG 123925 <3.1> -¥Γ« øΓ«ú« ¡áñ« í«∩Γ∞ß∩?.. (870x634) [9.01.01]
    123925 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.210 165974 Z2DAILY for today
    165974 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2641347 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 29 16:02:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210729.zip 4762556 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4762556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4762556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jul 29 21:03:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210729.zip 508743 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Alien Iceplants in California’s Half Moon Bay State
    29 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    508743 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.211 6799 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z11 2602 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.211 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z11 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.211 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z11 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.211 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z11 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.211 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z11 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    17202 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210729.zip 216471 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in Central China
    29 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    216471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.211 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z11 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.211 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z11 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.211 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    5220 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.211 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    8641 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.211 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    3469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.211 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    2587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.211 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    1661 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.211 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5599 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210729.zip 422149 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    422149 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1196188 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 30 09:02:46 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z11 52579 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 211
    52579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L11 1342 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 211
    1342 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z11 1418 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 211
    1418 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z11 13553 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-07-30 (211)
    13553 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z11 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z11 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z11 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15909 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z11 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a11 2027 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2027 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z11 1483 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z11 1483 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2966 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a11 92533 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92533 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z11 52581 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 211
    52581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z11 56960 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56960 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z11 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39196 -- description missing --
    39196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_019Y.JPG 504722 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0149, «.».«óá∩, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ÅÑα«ó« - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_019Z.JPG 568330 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0165 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á «.».«óá∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩ - ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01A0.JPG 738946 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0165 «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩ «Γ «.».«óá∩,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩ - ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x792) [9.01.01]
    1811998 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    16859 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKU.JPG 79859 <3.1> -Äí½«ª¿½¿... (720x861) [9.01.01]
    79859 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.211 165972 Z2DAILY for today
    165972 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2459239 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 30 10:56:08 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z11 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z11 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z11 589 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z11 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1811 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z11 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z11 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z11 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z11 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z11 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4594 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z11 580 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.211 35444 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z11 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47660 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z11 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.211 35013 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35466 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z11 2163 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    2163 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z11 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z11 10022 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z11 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56528 FidoNet Nodelist
    56528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z11 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z11 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z11 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z11 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z11 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z11 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z11 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z11 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z11 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z11 553 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z11 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14219 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 269896 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 30 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6410009 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1893118 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 942928 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6410009 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 942930 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 199965 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24100 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 199965 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 48972 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    17071996 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.211 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z11 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.211 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z11 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z11 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z11 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210730.zip 372366 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    372366 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.211 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z11 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z11 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z11 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z11 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z11 78392 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 211 (30.07.2021)
    z2pnt.z11 78392 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 211 (30.07.2021)
    156784 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z11 528 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 211 (30.07.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z11 528 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 211 (30.07.2021)
    1056 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 17709779 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 30 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z11 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z11 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z11 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z11 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jul 30 21:01:08 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210730.zip 495328 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Sunspot Active Region AR12816 in April 2021
    30 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    495328 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210730.zip 542371 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust plume in Iraq
    30 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    542371 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210730.zip 420270 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420270 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1457969 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 31 16:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z12 52583 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 212
    52583 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.212 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z12 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.212 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z12 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210731.zip 2730083 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2730083 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.212 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z12 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39196 -- description missing --
    39196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01A1.JPG 718984 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0165, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I -
    ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01A2.JPG 591176 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0165 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« - ⫽¿µδ¡«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 06.12.20 (1200x802)
    _3G_01A3.JPG 508042 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0168 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπ¡µÑó«-I - Äñ¿¡µ«ó«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.12.19 (1200x798)
    1818202 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z12 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L7VKV.JPG 79501 <3.1> Äúπατ¿¬... (672x642) [9.01.01]
    79501 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.212 165974 Z2DAILY for today
    165974 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5100335 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jul 31 21:01:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210731.zip 20632 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Ridge Line Induced Crepuscular Rays
    31 July 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    20632 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210731.zip 145004 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Turkey
    31 July 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    145004 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210731.zip 418724 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418724 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 584360 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 1 09:04:34 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z13 52582 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 213
    52582 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.213 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z13 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.213 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z13 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731356 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744461 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z13 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    9294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39196 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58670 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01A4.JPG 664672 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0172 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« - Äñ¿¡µ«ó«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 14.06.20 (1200x798)
    _3G_01A5.JPG 603601 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0199, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01A6.JPG 813096 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0201, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩ îÄæè, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800)
    2081369 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK1.JPG 261497 <3.1> -¥Γ« Σ«Γ«»«ñßΓáóá!.. (1800x1200) [9.01.01]
    261497 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.213 165973 Z2DAILY for today
    165973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3752037 bytes in 39 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 1 16:02:22 2021
    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    PMML325.ZIP 5420148 PMMail/2, version (32809). Copyright (c)
    1994-2021 VOICE, Inc. PMMail is an enhanced TCP/IP
    email client (Mail User Agent, MUA). It is designed
    for maximum configurability and ease of use. This
    version is presented by VOICE and contains numerous
    fixes and enhancements including spam filtering, GPG
    integration and secure mailserver logon. WarpIN
    5420148 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.NET : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Network Device Drivers
    wpa_210d.zip 2915214 WPA supplicant v2.10-devel (20210725). Copyright (c)
    2003-2019, Jouni Malinen. wpa_supplicant is a WPA
    Supplicant for OS/2, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Windows
    with support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i / RSN). It
    is suitable for both desktop/laptop computers and
    embedded systems. Supplicant is the IEEE 802.1X/WPA
    component that is used in the client stations. It
    implements key negotiation with a WPA Authenticator
    and it controls the roaming and IEEE 802.11
    authentication/association of the wlan driver. Ported
    to OS/2 by Andreas Buchinger.
    2915214 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    UNIAU312.ZIP 870348 Uniaud32 v.3.01.02 (24-Jul-2021). Linux code updated
    to 5.10.50 level. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David
    Azarewicz. Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver
    for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek
    Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is
    based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a
    broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including
    AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be
    found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio,
    typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be
    found in modern systems with integrated audio, built
    during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older
    audio hardware. WarpIN installer.
    870348 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210801.zip 3039471 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3039471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    stnFULL.zip 1268425 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/07/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    1268425 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1268425 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/07/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL0721.zip 1268425 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/07/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    2536850 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16050456 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 1 21:04:56 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210801.zip 20629 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Ridge Line Induced Crepuscular Rays
    01 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    20629 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210801.zip 521386 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Land of Ice and Fire
    01 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    521386 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210801.zip 419563 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    419563 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1078348 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 2 09:03:10 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z14 52580 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 214
    52580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2108.ZIP 86896 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    86896 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC31.ZIP 13029 FIDONEWS 02 Aug 2021 Vol 38 No 31
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13029 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.214 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z14 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.214 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z14 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.214 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z14 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (02-08-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1839 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39196 -- description missing --
    39196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01A7.JPG 581110 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0203 ¡á «í¬á⪥ »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3 ó
    Æù-15 æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐, ßΓ.ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó߬á∩
    ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01A8.JPG 564840 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0203 ¡á «í¬á⪥ »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3 ó
    Æù-15 æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐, ßΓ.ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó߬á∩
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2016 (1200x800)
    _3G_01A9.JPG 584039 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0203 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« - Äñ¿¡µ«ó«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 06.12.20 (1200x800)
    1729989 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z14 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK2.JPG 229130 <3.1> -èáαΓ«Φ¬á - ¡Ñ ¼δΦ¿ - ¡Ñ ßíѪ¿Γ... (1280x720)
    229130 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.214 165973 Z2DAILY for today
    165973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2539902 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 2 13:42:36 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    1548170 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6409466 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1889047 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 940589 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6409466 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 940591 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 162105 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 19508 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 162105 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 39653 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    16972530 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_0821.zip 2930270 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.24
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/08/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934190 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.24
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/08/2021
    Justanet.zip 2928458 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.24
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/08/2021
    8792918 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin0821.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v124
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    lin_info.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v124
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ln010821.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v124
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    3107583 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210802.zip 295174 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    295174 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934190 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.24
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/08/2021
    lin_info.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v124
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/08/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83138 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/08/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    6814422 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas0821.zip 1092133 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.1
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090516 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.1
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182649 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn0821.zip 1156018 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/08/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/08/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83138 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/08/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnL0821.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/08/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    3665282 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z_APPS : ZN: Application Packages Only
    ze0821.zip 1053302 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    zeinfo.zip 1053302 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    2106604 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 45485332 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 2 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYBONE : FMLYNET: FamilyNet Backbone Information Area
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33101 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    33101 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.INFO : GmsNet Information file
    gmsnet.zip 2187932 Information file for GmsNet Network.
    QWK Compatible. Handles handles 3
    Leagues with BRE FE TAL 145 - BRE & FE 146 +
    144 + BRE & FE 45 + BRE & FE 450 + L451 BRE & FE.
    With some more in League 145 as Arrowbridge I
    + II and Clans + Global War and more.
    The New Gamers Network -
    Join us today. Read the Information file
    for join. Test out the web site for gmsnet
    at http://www.gmsnet.org
    2187932 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_INFO : Virnet Coordinator Info file
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    58275 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_INFO : ZyXELNet Coordinator Info file
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    58495 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2454573 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 2 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210802.zip 491963 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Creating a Natural Abstract Photograph
    02 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    491963 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210802.zip 475653 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Central Africa
    02 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    475653 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210802.zip 420259 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    420259 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1387875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 3 21:01:22 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS0821.ZIP 1428563 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 08/21 =
    = August 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 28 years experience! (and over
    40 years of computer experience!) One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1428563 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z15 52585 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 215
    52585 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210803.zip 492241 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Volcanoes in New Mexico
    03 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    492241 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.215 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z15 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.215 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1434671 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210803) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1434671 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548154 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    AGORANET.ZIP 25370 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33088 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2934181 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.24
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/08/2021
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1071372 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v123
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/05/2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1552518 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    VIRNET.ZIP 58261 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11917 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    June 20, 2021
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58483 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    8751560 bytes in 16 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z15 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210803.zip 241864 MODIS Picture of the Day
    A Big Fire on the Big Island of Hawai'i
    03 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    241864 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210803.zip 408540 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    408540 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.215 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z15 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39194 -- description missing --
    39194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AA.JPG 502635 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0209, 23.03.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AB.JPG 575229 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0211 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II - ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 24.11.19 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AC.JPG 615708 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0212 ¿ ¥ä4î-0425, ßΓ.Æπá»ßÑ
    æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, ¼á⌐ 2016 (1200x801)
    1693572 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z15 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210803.zip 418637 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418637 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK3.JPG 268399 <3.1> á πí«α¬Ñ (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    268399 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.215 165984 Z2DAILY for today
    165984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 15610483 bytes in 40 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 4 09:03:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z16 52520 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 216
    52520 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39194 -- description missing --
    39194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AD.JPG 790745 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0213, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï«ß¿¡««ßΓα«ó߬á∩
    - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x792)
    _3G_01AE.JPG 553193 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0214 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II - ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 16.06.19 (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AF.JPG 657696 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0214 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« - èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 07.04.20 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    2001634 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK4.JPG 337512 <3.1> á ß«αΓ¿α«ó¬Ñ (1000x907) [9.01.01]
    337512 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.216 165794 Z2DAILY for today
    165794 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2709474 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 4 16:02:46 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2534206 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2533975 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5068181 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210804.zip 871599 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    871599 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.218 517 Net 5030 routing map, day 218
    moves.218 24 Net 5030 changes, day 218
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 218
    1348 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z18 334 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 218
    moves.z18 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 218
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 218
    n5030tru.zip 427 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 218
    1282 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5942410 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 4 21:02:34 2021
    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2108.ZIP 91257 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    91257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210804.zip 490343 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Spirit Lake in the Shadow of Mount St. Helens
    04 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    490343 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210804.zip 164190 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Orange River, Northern Cape, South Africa
    04 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    164190 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210804.zip 418048 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1163838 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 5 09:02:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z17 52546 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 217
    52546 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z17 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.217 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z17 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1749 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 217
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2329 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39228 -- description missing --
    39228 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AG.JPG 545392 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0214 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II - ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 12.12.20 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AH.JPG 622754 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0225, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I -
    ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AI.JPG 721100 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0226, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï«ß¿¡««ßΓα«ó߬á∩
    - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    1889246 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z17 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK5.JPG 106055 <3.1> á «ΓñδσÑ (800x670) [9.01.01]
    106055 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.217 165884 Z2DAILY for today
    165884 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2433559 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 5 16:04:08 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210805.zip 4462381 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4462381 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4462381 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 5 21:02:18 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210805.zip 522293 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Fireflies and Star Trails in Italy
    05 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    522293 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210805.zip 333544 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Bright Blue Reefs of Grande Terre, New Caledonia
    05 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    333544 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.218 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z18 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.218 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z18 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.218 5221 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z18 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7143 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.218 8642 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z18 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11958 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.218 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z18 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.218 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z18 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.218 1662 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z18 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2583 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.218 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z18 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210805.zip 418907 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418907 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1316935 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 6 09:02:36 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z18 13523 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-08-06 (218)
    13523 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a18 2173 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2173 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z18 1639 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z18 1639 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3278 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a18 91899 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91899 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z18 56940 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56940 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39190 -- description missing --
    39190 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AJ.JPG 478294 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0254 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑΓѽ¿¡« - èπí¿¡¬á-I,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 03.05.19 (1200x797)
    _3G_01AK.JPG 604127 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0254 ¡á ßΓ.Æπτ¬«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ
    îåä, 23.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AL.JPG 597618 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0255, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ - ÿπΦáαδ ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2020
    (1024x679) [9.01.01]
    1680039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WIN_COMM : WIN_FDN: Communications
    NETF125.ZIP 229327 NetFoss 1.25 Windows FOSSIL Driver 05/31/21
    Fast FOSSIL driver for Windows (x86 & x64):
    Allows DOS BBS software communications over
    TCP/IP using Telnet. Compatible with Serial
    COM ports and virtual modems. The NFU utility
    allows a DOS BBS to spawn Win32 doors.
    * Includes Open Source Net2BBS Telnet Server.
    Freeware from PC Micro - https://pcmicro.com
    229327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK6.JPG 76967 <3.1> -éα±ΓÑ, øΓ« ¡Ñ óß± ¿º ¼Ñ¡∩!.. (800x800)
    76967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.218 165886 Z2DAILY for today
    165886 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2472042 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 6 10:46:00 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z18 598 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z18 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z18 52546 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 218
    52546 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L18 1577 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 218
    1577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z18 1658 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 218
    1658 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z18 592 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z18 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1815 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z18 559 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z18 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z18 8992 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z18 560 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z18 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4598 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z18 583 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.218 35445 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z18 11637 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47665 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z18 458 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.218 35014 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35472 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z18 580 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z18 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z18 10022 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z18 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z18 52548 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 218
    52548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z18 581 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z18 9698 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9698 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z18 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z18 676 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z18 14042 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z18 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z18 517 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    517 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z18 532 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z18 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6811 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z18 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z18 13664 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 319797 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 6 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6428278 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1893662 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 943178 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6428278 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 943180 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 189134 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 22227 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 189134 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 45225 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    17082296 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.218 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z18 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.218 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z18 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z18 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z18 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210806.zip 8393184 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8393184 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.218 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z18 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z18 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z18 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z18 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 25583057 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 6 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z18 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z18 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z18 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z18 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 6 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210806.zip 507829 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Smoke from Wildfires and the Planet Mars
    06 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    507829 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210806.zip 505482 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Nida
    06 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    505482 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210806.zip 417342 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417342 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z18 78392 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 218 (06.08.2021)
    z2pnt.z18 78392 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 218 (06.08.2021)
    156784 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z18 529 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 218 (06.08.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z18 529 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 218 (06.08.2021)
    1058 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1588495 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 7 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z19 52548 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 219
    52548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.219 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z19 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.219 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z19 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.219 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z19 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39190 -- description missing --
    39190 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AM.JPG 603700 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0279, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AN.JPG 784713 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0280 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπ¡µÑó«-I -
    ö¿½¿ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AO.JPG 615432 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0280, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    2003845 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z19 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK7.JPG 54745 <3.1> -äá, ∩ »πσ«ó«ú« ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿∩. Ç τΓ«?.. (800x600)
    54745 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.219 165888 Z2DAILY for today
    165888 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2531012 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 7 21:02:54 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210807.zip 292439 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Star Trails Above Pemaquid Point Lighthouse,
    Bristol, Maine
    07 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    292439 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210807.zip 432194 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Smoke from Siberian Wildfires
    07 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    432194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210807.zip 4743196 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4743196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210807.zip 418659 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418659 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5886488 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 8 09:05:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z20 52545 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 220
    52545 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.220 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z20 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.220 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z20 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.220 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z20 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AP.JPG 674941 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0282, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AQ.JPG 743751 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0289, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I -
    ÅÑα«ó« îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AR.JPG 693296 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0013/¥ä4î-0289, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-I
    îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x789) [9.01.01]
    2111988 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z20 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK8.JPG 92799 <3.1> äÑ⌐ßΓó¿Γѽ∞¡« ßΓ«½∞¬« (720x900) [9.01.01]
    92799 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2473377 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 8 16:03:12 2021
    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    WEASLSRC.ZIP 809519 Weasel Pro 2.77 source code. Copyright (C) 1998-2020
    Peter Moylan. Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for OS/2.
    Includes controls on who may send relay mail, and
    includes a way of blocking mail from specified hosts.
    Now released as open-source with GPL licence.
    809519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    FREERDP.ZIP 1434601 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
    (20210806) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1434601 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    WEASL277.ZIP 566953 Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for
    OS/2. Includes controls on who may
    send relay mail, and includes a way
    of blocking mail from specified hosts.
    566953 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25367 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    38617 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210808.zip 1495269 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1495269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39228 -- description missing --
    39228 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.220 165882 Z2DAILY for today
    165882 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4550069 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 8 21:02:02 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210808.zip 292438 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Star Trails Above Pemaquid Point Lighthouse,
    Bristol, Maine
    08 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    292438 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1913103 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210808.zip 203771 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Mediterranean Wildfires
    08 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    203771 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210808.zip 417355 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417355 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2826667 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 9 09:02:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z21 52570 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 221
    52570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC32.ZIP 12992 FIDONEWS 09 Aug 2021 Vol 38 No 32
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.221 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    18517 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (09-08-2021)
    PNT5053.ZIP 3437 Net 5053 PointList (Saratov)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    5276 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39228 -- description missing --
    39228 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AS.JPG 807390 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0290, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï«ß¿¡««ßΓα«ó߬á∩
    - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x802)
    _3G_01AT.JPG 625639 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0291, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - ïεíÑαµδ
    îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AU.JPG 588995 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0294 ¿ ¥Æ2-8009,
    ¼«Γ«αóáú«¡¡«Ñ ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ñѬáíα∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2022024 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VK9.JPG 185780 <3.1> -äÑনΓÑ ¼Ñ¡∩ ñó«Ñ... (1200x675) [9.01.01]
    185780 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.221 165882 Z2DAILY for today
    165882 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2622912 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 9 16:02:56 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210809.zip 624983 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    624983 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 624983 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 9 21:03:16 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210809.zip 499910 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Greening in Southwest Australia
    09 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    499910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210809.zip 414886 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414886 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 914796 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 10 09:03:34 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z22 52571 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 222
    52571 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.222 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z22 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.222 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z22 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.222 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z22 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39302 -- description missing --
    39302 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AV.JPG 748449 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0294, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿπΦáαδ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AW.JPG 658383 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0294 `Æ¿ú«ñá`, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ - üα«¡Ñóá∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ∩¡óáα∞ 2021 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01AX.JPG 445613 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0296 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« - ⫽¿µδ¡«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19 (1200x797)
    1852445 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z22 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKA.PNG 443021 <3.1> á »α«µÑñπα¬áσ (720x493) [9.01.01]
    443021 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.222 165980 Z2DAILY for today
    165980 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2767992 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 10 16:02:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210810.zip 200933 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    200933 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 200933 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 11 09:02:32 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z23 52623 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 223
    52623 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210810.zip 539829 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cumulonimbus Cloud, Rainbow and Central Bohemian
    10 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    539829 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z23 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210810.zip 281685 MODIS Picture of the Day
    A Very Dry Season in Madagascar
    10 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    281685 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.223 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z23 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39338 -- description missing --
    39338 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01AY.JPG 691943 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0296 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« - ⫽¿µδ¡«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 14.06.20 (1200x800)
    _3G_01AZ.JPG 787939 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0297, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï«ß¿¡««ßΓα«ó߬á∩
    - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_01B0.JPG 669828 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0303, ñÑ»« åѽѺ¡«ñ«α«ª¡á∩
    îÄæè, ¡«∩íα∞ 2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2149710 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210810.zip 415377 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415377 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKB.JPG 101294 <3.1> Ñ αáßτÑΦÑΦ∞ - ¡Ñ «µÑ¡∩Γ (1170x767) [9.01.01]
    101294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.223 166132 Z2DAILY for today
    166132 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3907808 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 11 13:07:20 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6453454 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.TXT 6452392 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1897770 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1897637 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 945250 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 945298 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6453454 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6452392 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 945252 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 945300 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 180823 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.TXT 213248 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24764 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 22140 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 213248 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.TXT 180823 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 45060 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50284 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    34318589 bytes in 18 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210811.zip 741138 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    741138 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56504 FidoNet Nodelist
    56504 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z11 13127 Region 50 segment day 208
    REGION50.Z18 13075 Region 50 segment day 215
    REGION50.Z25 13115 Region 50 segment day 222
    39317 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1136 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 35156684 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 11 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210811.zip 355784 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Atacama Desert Nightscape
    11 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    355784 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210811.zip 514673 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Wildfires in the Western United States
    11 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    514673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210811.zip 415392 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415392 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1285849 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 12 21:01:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z24 52652 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 224
    52652 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210812.zip 195566 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Willow Falls Near Hudson, Wisconsin
    12 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    195566 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.224 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z24 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.224 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z24 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.225 6801 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z25 2602 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.225 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z25 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.225 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z25 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.225 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z25 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.225 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z25 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.225 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z25 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19714 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210812.zip 175050 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Iceland's Glaciers
    12 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    175050 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210812.zip 5671465 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5671465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.224 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z24 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 224
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2327 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39374 -- description missing --
    39374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01B1.JPG 704757 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0307, ßΓ.åѽѺ¡«ñ«α«ª¡á∩ îÄæè,
    ¡«∩íα∞ 2011 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01B2.JPG 585771 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0307, ßΓ.åѽѺ¡«ñ«α«ª¡á∩ îÄæè,
    ¡«∩íα∞ 2011 (1200x760) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01B3.JPG 600587 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0312 ¿ ¥ä4î-0334, ñÑ»«
    åѽѺ¡«ñ«α«ª¡á∩ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¡«∩íα∞ 2011
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1891115 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1136 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z24 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.225 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z25 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.225 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z25 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.225 5222 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z25 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.225 8643 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z25 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.225 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z25 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.225 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z25 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.225 1663 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z25 923 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.225 5601 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z25 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7719 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210812.zip 413723 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413723 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKC.JPG 186733 <3.1> æѺ«¡ ßΓਦ¬¿ «óѵ (1600x1030) [9.01.01]
    186733 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.224 166238 Z2DAILY for today
    166238 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9074603 bytes in 53 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 13 09:50:10 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z25 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z25 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z25 52687 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 225
    52687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L25 1574 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 225
    1574 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z25 1647 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 225
    1647 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z25 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsdiff.z25 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z25 1226 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    dsdsnet.z25 1226 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    3632 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z25 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    FMLYDIFF.Z25 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    1110 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z25 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    FMLYLIST.Z25 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    14084 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z25 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    GATORLST.Z25 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    17986 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z25 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsdiff.z25 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z25 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    gmsnet.z25 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    9192 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z25 13547 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-08-13 (225)
    13547 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z25 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.225 35446 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z25 11638 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47665 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z25 454 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10NDIFF.Z25 454 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10POINT.Z25 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z25 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    LEAGUE10.225 35015 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    51377 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z25 577 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z25 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z25 8056 -- description missing --
    lnxpoint.z25 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    24168 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z25 10022 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z25 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a25 2209 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z25 1636 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z25 1636 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3272 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56654 FidoNet Nodelist
    56654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a25 92524 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92524 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z25 52689 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 225
    52689 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z25 57080 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z25 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z25 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z25 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z25 8326 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16945 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pntlist.rul 6406 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    6406 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39416 -- description missing --
    39416 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01B4.JPG 417015 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0313, »ÑαÑú«¡ ü¿αε½±ó« - 䫼«ñÑñ«ó« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 24.06.17 (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01B5.JPG 782118 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0315 »α¿íδóáÑΓ ¡á
    ßΓ.î«ß¬óá-»áßß.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ îÄæè, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x800)
    _3G_01B6.JPG 516739 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0323 »α¿íδ½ ñ½∩ »α«σ«ªñÑ¡¿∩
    ÆÉ-3 ó ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, áóúπßΓ
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1715872 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.225 524 Net 5030 routing map, day 225
    moves.225 24 Net 5030 changes, day 225
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 225
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 225
    1678 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z25 333 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 225
    moves.z25 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 225
    509 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z25 672 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z25 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpoint.z25 4294967295 -- description missing --
    4294967295 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z25 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z25 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    37536 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z25 515 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    VIR_DIFF.Z25 515 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    1030 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKD.JPG 87723 <3.1> -¥Γ« ¿º ¼Ñ¡∩, ñá... (768x768) [9.01.01]
    87723 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.225 166334 Z2DAILY for today
    166334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z25 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z25 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z25 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_DIFF.Z25 556 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z25 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    ZYX_LIST.Z25 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    28085 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2772942 bytes in 75 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 13 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6465089 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1899775 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 946223 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6465089 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 946225 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 193836 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 23267 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 193836 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 47343 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    17180683 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.225 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z25 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.225 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z25 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z25 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z25 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210813.zip 6394571 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    6394571 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.225 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z25 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z25 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z25 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z25 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z25 78123 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 225 (13.08.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z25 78123 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 225 (13.08.2021)
    156246 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z25 718 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 225 (13.08.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z25 718 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 225 (13.08.2021)
    1436 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 23840513 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 13 21:01:10 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z25 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210813.zip 508555 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Spectacular shroud of smoke over Russia
    13 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    508555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210813.zip 414548 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 923307 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 14 09:01:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z26 52690 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 226
    52690 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.226 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z26 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.226 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z26 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.226 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z26 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39416 -- description missing --
    39416 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01B7.JPG 813470 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0339, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01B8.JPG 641209 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0339, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ,
    «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01B9.JPG 734893 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0351, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2189572 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z26 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 13979 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    72834 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKE.JPG 355786 <3.1> -Ñ óÑαε... (1680x1260) [9.01.01]
    355786 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.226 166336 Z2DAILY for today
    166336 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3015716 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 15 09:01:58 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z27 52688 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 227
    52688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210814.zip 82607 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Bonneville Salt Flats Panorama
    14 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    82607 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.227 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z27 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.227 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z27 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210814.zip 518980 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Depression Fred
    14 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    518980 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210814.zip 1291166 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1291166 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731354 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731354 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.227 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z27 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39416 -- description missing --
    39416 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BA.JPG 651208 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0357, »ÑαÑú«¡ ï«ß¿¡««ßΓα«ó߬á∩
    - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_01BB.JPG 786588 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0359, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-üπΓδα߬á∩
    - üÑ߬πñ¡¿¬«ó« îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BC.JPG 591629 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0359, »ÑαÑú«¡ üÑ߬πñ¡¿¬«ó« -
    î«ß¬óá-üπΓδα߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    2029425 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z27 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210814.zip 412493 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412493 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKF.JPG 129257 <3.1> -¥Γ« ¡Ñ ¿º ¼Ñ¡∩!.. (1200x714) [9.01.01]
    129257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.227 166334 Z2DAILY for today
    166334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5669765 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 16 09:06:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z28 52687 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 228
    52687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210815.zip 82607 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Bonneville Salt Flats Panorama
    15 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    82607 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC33.ZIP 12963 FIDONEWS 16 Aug 2021 Vol 38 No 33
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12963 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.228 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    18517 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.GFX : GFD.APP: OS/2 Graphical Applications
    gotch201.zip 313588 Gotcha! and Gotcha! Quiet Version Copyright
    (c) 1998-2002 Thorsten Thielen, 2018-2021 The Netlabs
    Gotcha! Team. All rights reserved. Gotcha! is an OS/2
    screen capture utility. It allows to capture either
    windows, window interiors, parts of the screen or the
    whole desktop and save them to disk in many image
    formats (requires GBM.DLL) or clipboard. Serial
    capture and batch mode options are provided. Gotcha!
    comes in 2 versions: the original on-screen Gotcha!
    and Gotcha! Quiet, a version that runs in the
    background, captures the Print Screen key combinations
    and does a capture based on your preferences. WarpIN
    313588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.MISC : GFD.APP: OS/2 Misc. Apps
    OS2GST10.ZIP 20270 OS2 guest support for VMWare version 1.0. Simple
    utilities for VMWare guest support for OS/2.
    20270 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25372 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1951725 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210815.zip 490797 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires and smoke continue in British Columbia
    15 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    490797 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210815.zip 602448 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    602448 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 785 Last Smolensk PointList (16-08-2021)
    785 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39416 -- description missing --
    39416 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BD.JPG 666035 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0359, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-üπΓδα߬á∩
    - üÑ߬πñ¡¿¬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_01BE.JPG 767616 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0359, »ÑαÑú«¡ üÑ߬πñ¡¿¬«ó« -
    î«ß¬óá-üπΓδα߬á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020
    (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BF.JPG 703110 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0360, »ÑαÑú«¡ üѽ««ßΓα«ó -
    çѽѡ«ú«α߬ ÄèÆ, ¿ε½∞ 2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2136761 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210815.zip 411187 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    411187 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    58855 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKG.JPG 203742 <3.1> è«Γ î«ßΓ¿¬ #8 (800x637) [9.01.01]
    203742 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.228 166334 Z2DAILY for today
    166334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6607611 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 16 16:03:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210816.zip 366445 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    366445 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 366445 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 16 21:04:02 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210816.zip 509433 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Comet NEOWISE Seen from Quebec City
    16 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    509433 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210816.zip 218562 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sahara Desert in Libya
    16 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    218562 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210816.zip 410431 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    410431 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1138426 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 17 09:02:02 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z29 52671 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 229
    52671 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.229 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z29 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.229 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z29 9080 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.229 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z29 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39278 -- description missing --
    39278 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BG.JPG 737081 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0360, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-î«ß¬«ó߬«Ñ (ö¿¡½∩¡ñ߬á∩ »½«Θáñ¬á) ÄèÆ,
    ¼á⌐ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BH.JPG 591468 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0361, ßΓ.èπΦѽÑó¬á ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BI.JPG 860047 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0361, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2188596 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z29 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    58855 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKH.JPG 2361394 <3.1> ö½«Γ: ¿¡ß»Ñ¬µ¿∩ ó âαѼ¿σÑ (2048x1536) [9.01.01]
    2361394 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.229 166176 Z2DAILY for today
    166176 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5005929 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 17 21:02:58 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210817.zip 286679 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Fraser Fir - The Comeback Kid in the Smoky
    17 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    286679 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210817.zip 509368 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Fred
    17 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    509368 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210817.zip 412000 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412000 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1208047 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 18 09:04:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z30 52679 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 230
    52679 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.230 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z30 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.230 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z30 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.230 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z30 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39278 -- description missing --
    39278 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BJ.JPG 644515 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0361,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BK.JPG 600152 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0364, ßΓ.èπΦѽÑó¬á ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ∩¡óáα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BL.JPG 692141 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0365 `æ¼Ñ¡á` ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑα¿
    - âαπº¿¡« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x796)
    1936808 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z30 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKI.JPG 97628 <3.4> üá¡ñá (426x640) [9.01.01]
    97628 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.230 166178 Z2DAILY for today
    166178 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2505453 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 18 16:01:54 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210818.zip 1707121 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1707121 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1707121 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 18 21:02:38 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210818.zip 148265 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Novaya Zemlya Mirage Observed from Sicily, Italy
    18 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    148265 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210818.zip 508101 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust off Socotra Island
    18 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    508101 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210818.zip 412550 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412550 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1068916 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 19 09:03:38 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z31 52670 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 231
    52670 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.231 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z31 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.231 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z31 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.231 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z31 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 231
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2328 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BM.JPG 767175 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0365, ßΓ.ÿπóὫó« ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BN.JPG 521137 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0365, ßΓ.èπΦѽÑó¬á ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BO.JPG 701960 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0365, ßΓ.ïá¡ß¬á∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1990272 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z31 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    45555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKJ.JPG 133833 <3.4> -å¿ó±¼ ¼δ ΓπΓ... (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    133833 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.231 166177 Z2DAILY for today
    166177 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2532432 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 19 21:03:10 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210819.zip 112183 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Atoms and Molecules
    19 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    112183 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.232 6801 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z32 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.z32 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    8442 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210819.zip 154175 MODIS Picture of the Day
    August in Greenland
    19 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    154175 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.232 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z32 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.232 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z32 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.232 5222 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z32 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.232 8643 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z32 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.232 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z32 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.232 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z32 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.232 1663 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z32 920 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2583 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.232 5601 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z32 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210819.zip 413655 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413655 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 730648 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 20 09:02:56 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z32 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z32 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z32 52641 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 232
    52641 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L32 1132 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 232
    1132 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z32 1216 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 232
    1216 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsnet.z32 1225 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1225 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z32 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z32 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z32 8991 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z32 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z32 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4595 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z32 13521 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-08-20 (232)
    13521 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z32 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z32 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z32 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15907 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z32 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z32 8056 -- description missing --
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z32 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a32 1647 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1647 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z32 1220 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z32 1220 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2440 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a32 92687 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z32 52643 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 232
    52643 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z32 57034 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    57034 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z32 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8324 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BP.JPG 645599 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0365, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα¿ - Æ«¬ß«ó«
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¡«∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x800)
    _3G_01BQ.JPG 647955 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0369, ßΓ.ïá¡ß¬á∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BR.JPG 566198 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0371, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ«¬ß«ó« - ÅÑα¿
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¡«∩íα∞ 2020 (801x1200)
    1859752 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z32 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    45555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKK.JPG 244323 <3.1> çáóΓαᬠ(1280x720) [9.01.01]
    244323 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.232 166097 Z2DAILY for today
    166097 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z32 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z32 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z32 13664 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2718538 bytes in 36 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 20 21:01:06 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z32 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z32 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z32 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z32 1225 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1815 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210820.zip 139379 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Auroral Dunes Observed Over Norway
    20 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    139379 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.232 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z32 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.232 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z32 555 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z32 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z32 8991 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z32 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z32 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4595 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z32 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.232 35446 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z32 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47663 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z25 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z32 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    909 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z32 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z32 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z32 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z32 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z32 578 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z32 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z32 10021 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10021 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z32 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210820.zip 509504 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hurricane Grace west of Grand Cayman
    20 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    509504 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210820.zip 6870127 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    6870127 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56599 FidoNet Nodelist
    56599 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.232 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z32 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z32 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z32 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z32 9697 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z32 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1137 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.232 524 Net 5030 routing map, day 232
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 232
    1331 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z32 333 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 232
    moves.z32 22 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 232
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 232
    700 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z32 674 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z32 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z32 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z32 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z32 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z32 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210820.zip 412057 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412057 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z32 78124 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 232 (20.08.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z32 78124 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 232 (20.08.2021)
    156248 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z32 523 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 232 (20.08.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z32 523 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 232 (20.08.2021)
    1046 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z32 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z32 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z32 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z32 13664 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8432786 bytes in 56 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 21 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6479618 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1902426 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 947211 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6479618 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 947213 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 186224 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 22630 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 186224 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 45861 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    17197025 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.233 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z33 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.233 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z33 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.233 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z33 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BS.JPG 800524 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0376, »ÑαÑú«¡ üѽ««ßΓα«ó -
    çѽѡ«ú«α߬ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε½∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BT.JPG 592293 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0377 ¡á ΓÑσ¡¿τÑ߬«¼
    «íß½πª¿óá¡¿¿ ó «íΩ±¼Ñ ÆÄ-5, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2018 (1200x800)
    _3G_01BU.JPG 539143 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0379 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ 櫬«½«ó߬á∩ - ü«½ΦÑó«,
    ƒα«ß½áó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 31.03.19 (1200x808)
    1931960 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z33 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    58855 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKL.PNG 589773 <3.1> çóÑα«í¿¬á (700x700) [9.01.01]
    589773 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.233 166099 Z2DAILY for today
    166099 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 20082794 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 21 16:01:14 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z33 52648 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 233
    52648 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    do-200.zip 83567 DO 2.00 for OS/2 and eCS
    Freeware Aug 2018
    Do.exe replaces a handful of old Freeware
    exe programs which do not run properly anymore
    because of integer overflow. do.exe also works
    if the results are larger than 2 or 4 GB.
    Do.exe runs through subdirectories.
    Implemented functions:
    disk size, disk space, which, text search,
    file list, wait, changing file date/time,
    modify filenames to upper/lowercase and more.
    Martin Vieregg, info at hypermake.de
    83567 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 972760 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0545. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    972760 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210821.zip 190215 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    190215 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1299190 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 22 16:02:56 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z34 52646 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 234
    52646 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    tstlg344.zip 128999 TestLog V3.44 (2021-Aug-21). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    128999 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39278 -- description missing --
    39278 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BV.JPG 778202 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0381, ßΓ.èπΦѽÑó¬á ÄèÆ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BW.JPG 540974 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0381, ßΓ.èπΦѽÑó¬á ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BX.JPG 738857 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0384, »ÑαÑú«¡ æÑßΓα«αѵ¬ -
    üѽ««ßΓα«ó ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε¡∞ 2020
    (801x1200) [9.01.01]
    2058033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    58855 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKM.JPG 207697 <3.4> -èá¬¿Ñ π ΓÑí∩ ¿úαπΦ¬¿ ¡á íáΦ¬Ñ!.. (800x533)
    207697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.234 166097 Z2DAILY for today
    166097 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2750923 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 23 09:05:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC34.ZIP 12984 FIDONEWS 23 Aug 2021 Vol 38 No 34
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.235 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z35 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.235 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25369 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1711927 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z35 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210821.zip 74006 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Qeshm Island, Iran
    21 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210822.zip 182996 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in South America
    22 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    257002 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.235 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z35 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (23-08-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1839 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39246 -- description missing --
    39246 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01BY.JPG 623834 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0389, »ÑαÑú«¡ «óá∩ ñÑαÑó¡∩ -
    ïáσΓá ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01BZ.JPG 614996 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0391 `ÉÑú¿«¡-¥¬ß»αÑßß`,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ ï«ß¿¡««ßΓα«ó߬á∩ - î«ß¬óá-»áßß.ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩
    îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01C0.JPG 603352 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0392 ¿ ¥Æ2¥î-003, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-î«ß¬«ó߬«Ñ (ö¿¡½∩¡ñ߬á∩ »½«Θáñ¬á) ÄèÆ,
    ¡«∩íα∞ 2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1842182 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z35 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210821.zip 413448 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210822.zip 414177 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    827625 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKN.JPG 59802 <3.4> -èδΦ, α«úáΓ«Ñ!.. (800x791) [9.01.01]
    59802 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.235 165984 Z2DAILY for today
    165984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5139861 bytes in 33 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 23 21:02:24 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z35 52583 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 235
    52583 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210823.zip 486147 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Midnight Drama
    23 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    486147 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210823.zip 185688 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Danube Delta
    23 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    185688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210823.zip 414573 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414573 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1138991 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 24 09:03:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z36 52615 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 236
    52615 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39287 -- description missing --
    39287 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62414 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.236 166093 Z2DAILY for today
    166093 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 357515 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 24 16:03:40 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210824.zip 113031 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    113031 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 113031 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 25 09:03:02 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z37 52618 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 237
    52618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210824.zip 510366 Earth Science Picture of the Day Bootleg Wildfire
    Pyrocumulus Cloud 24 August 2021 Magic Name: EPOD A
    Service of Universities Space Research Association
    510366 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.237 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z37 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.237 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z37 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210824.zip 295737 MODIS Picture of the Day Ice retreat in the Northwest
    Passage 24 August 2021 Moderate Resolution Imaging
    Spectroradiometer Plus published Report Magic Name:
    MODIS https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov
    295737 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.237 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z37 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z39 13146 Region 50 segment day 236
    13146 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39287 -- description missing --
    39287 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z37 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210824.zip 417001 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417001 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.237 166095 Z2DAILY for today
    166095 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1707132 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Aug 25 21:02:30 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210825.zip 516780 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Scorching Western Fire Season Continues
    25 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    516780 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210825.zip 414619 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 931399 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 26 09:11:32 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z38 52614 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 238
    52614 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z38 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.238 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    22322 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z38 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z38 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    9644 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 238
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2328 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39287 -- description missing --
    39287 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01C1.JPG 664912 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0392, »ÑαÑú«¡ æá»±α¡á∩ - ꪫαδ
    ÄèÆ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01C2.JPG 759250 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0392, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01C3.JPG 737065 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0392,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ú½áó¡δ⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2161227 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1137 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z38 14508 STN Daily made nodelist
    14508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKO.PNG 903522 <3.4> -ïπτΦÑ π⌐Γ¿... (1024x617) [9.01.01]
    L8VKP.JPG 213682 <3.4> á ºá¡∩Γ¿∩σ »« ¼á߬¿α«ó¬Ñ (900x625) [9.01.01]
    L8VKQ.JPG 137678 <3.4> áτ¿¡áεΘ¿⌐ »áਪ¼áσÑα (1200x672) [9.01.01]
    1254882 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.238 166094 Z2DAILY for today
    166094 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3845945 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 26 16:02:34 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210826.zip 431056 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    431056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 431056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Aug 26 21:03:14 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.239 6801 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z39 2602 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.239 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z39 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.239 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z39 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.z39 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.239 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z39 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.239 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z39 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    18800 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210826.zip 534657 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust storm in Afghanistan and Pakistan
    26 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    534657 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.239 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z39 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.239 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z39 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.239 5222 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z39 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.239 8643 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z39 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.239 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z39 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.239 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z39 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.239 1663 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z39 923 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.239 5601 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z39 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7719 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210826.zip 417211 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417211 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1012867 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 27 10:05:50 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z39 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    ADVDIFF.Z39 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    1188 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z39 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    ADVNET.Z39 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    16052 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z39 52592 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 239
    52592 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L39 1496 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 239
    1496 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z39 1578 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 239
    1578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z39 588 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsdiff.z39 588 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z39 1226 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    dsdsnet.z39 1226 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    3628 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z39 553 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    553 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z39 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z39 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    GATORLST.Z39 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    17986 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z39 556 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z39 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4595 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z39 13523 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-08-27 (239)
    13523 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z39 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTADFF.Z39 579 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.239 35446 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z39 11638 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z39 11638 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    59880 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z11 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z32 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z39 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10NDIFF.Z48 450 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z62 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z83 456 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.232 35015 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    LEAGUE10.239 35015 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    72749 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z39 575 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z39 575 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    1150 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z39 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z39 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z39 10023 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z39 10023 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    20046 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z39 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    RMININET.Z39 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    8942 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a39 2103 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2103 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z39 1578 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z39 1578 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3156 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56554 FidoNet Nodelist
    56554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a39 92533 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92533 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z39 52594 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 239
    52594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z39 56996 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56996 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z39 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z39 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    1154 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z39 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z39 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    19398 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z39 8620 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z39 8620 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    17240 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39320 -- description missing --
    39320 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01C4.JPG 703702 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0392,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2020 (800x1200) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01C5.JPG 720554 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0393, »ÑαÑú«¡ ſ߬áα±ó¬á -
    ɪÑó¬á ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01C6.JPG 564601 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0395 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ îδΓ¿Θ¿ - ÅπΦ¬¿¡«,
    ƒα«ß½áó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 31.03.19 (1200x805)
    1988857 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z39 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z39 673 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z39 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z39 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    29434 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z39 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z39 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    37534 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z39 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    VIR_DIFF.Z39 513 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    1026 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKR.JPG 192569 <3.4> -Ñ Ñ¼ - ΓαÑ¡¿απεß∞... (964x654) [9.01.01]
    192569 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.239 166054 Z2DAILY for today
    166054 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z39 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZEDIFF.Z39 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z39 6280 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    ZELIST.Z39 6280 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    13614 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z39 554 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_DIFF.Z39 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z39 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14416 bytes in 3 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3196484 bytes in 77 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 27 16:01:10 2021
    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6504254 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1907239 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 949825 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6504254 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 949827 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 185161 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 22034 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 185161 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 44840 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    17252595 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.239 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z39 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.239 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z39 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z39 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z39 9077 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9481 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210827.zip 4423897 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4423897 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.239 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z39 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z39 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z39 11937 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z39 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12146 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z39 78151 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 239 (27.08.2021)
    z2pnt.z39 78151 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 239 (27.08.2021)
    156302 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z39 581 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 239 (27.08.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z39 581 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 239 (27.08.2021)
    1162 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 21941533 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Aug 27 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210827.zip 194896 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Transit of the Sun by the International Space Station
    and Cicadas
    27 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    194896 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z39 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210827.zip 490752 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Andes
    27 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    490752 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210827.zip 417452 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1103304 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 28 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z40 52453 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 240
    52453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.240 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z40 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.240 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z40 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.240 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z40 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39141 -- description missing --
    39141 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01C7.JPG 375140 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0398, »ÑαÑú«¡ ü¿αε½±ó« - 䫼«ñÑñ«ó« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 24.06.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01C8.JPG 683035 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0402 `ÉÑú¿«¡-¥¬ß»αÑßß`,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ èπ¡µÑó«-I - ö¿½¿ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2017 (1200x800)
    _3G_01C9.JPG 455574 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0402 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« - ÅÑΓѽ¿¡«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 05.01.20 (1200x800)
    1513749 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z40 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKS.JPG 119857 <3.4> εσáεΓß∩ (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    119857 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.240 165525 Z2DAILY for today
    165525 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2105521 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 28 16:01:16 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210828.zip 2370398 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2370398 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2370398 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Aug 28 21:01:16 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210828.zip 82431 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Erta Ale, Ethiopia
    28 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    82431 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210828.zip 352537 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hurricane Ida
    28 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    352537 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210828.zip 414530 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414530 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 849498 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 29 09:03:02 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z41 52453 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 241
    52453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.241 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z41 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.241 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43034 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z41 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.241 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z41 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39106 -- description missing --
    39106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CA.JPG 484890 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0403 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« - ⫽¿µδ¡«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19 (1200x796)
    _3G_01CB.JPG 682799 <2.6> ¥ä4î-0403 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« - Äñ¿¡µ«ó«,
    漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 14.06.20 (1200x802)
    _3G_01CC.JPG 594559 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0404, ßΓ.ïá¡ß¬á∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x777) [9.01.01]
    1762248 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z41 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKT.JPG 282627 <3.4> Éáí«Γá ß¿ßΓѼδ ßó«⌐-τπª«⌐ (800x600) [9.01.01]
    282627 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.241 165527 Z2DAILY for today
    165527 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2518006 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Aug 29 21:02:22 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210829.zip 82431 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Erta Ale, Ethiopia
    29 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    82431 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210829.zip 480930 MODIS Picture of the Day
    29 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    480930 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210829.zip 413430 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413430 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 976791 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 30 09:04:32 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z42 52454 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 242
    52454 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2534213 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    2534213 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC35.ZIP 12993 FIDONEWS 30 Aug 2021 Vol 38 No 35
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.242 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.242 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    37034 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (30-08-2021)
    784 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39068 -- description missing --
    39068 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CD.JPG 612247 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0404, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα¿ - Æ«¬ß«ó«
    ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¡«∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x801)
    _3G_01CE.JPG 737584 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0406, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ - ÿπΦáαδ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x778) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CF.JPG 659247 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0407, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿπΦáαδ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2009078 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62414 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKU.JPG 122974 <3.4> -ÄΓ ¼δΦÑ⌐ ºáΘ¿Θáε. π ¿ »«úαÑΓ∞ß∩... (1200x800)
    122974 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.242 165531 Z2DAILY for today
    165531 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5081472 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Aug 30 21:01:54 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4S.ZIP 2533924 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    2533924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210830.zip 523357 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lunar Corona over Death Valley
    30 August 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    523357 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.ARC : GFD.APP: OS/2 Packers and UnPackers
    LSZIP121.ZIP 444114 no desc
    444114 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6159023 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0546, SDK. QSINIT is some kind of
    boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it
    is suitable for many other things like playing tetris
    or implementing a boot time disk editor. Author:
    6159023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    QS_LDR.ZIP 972769 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0546. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    972769 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25368 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1951720 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210830.zip 431358 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lakes Rukwa and Malawi
    30 August 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    431358 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210830.zip 10151556 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    10151556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210830.zip 413231 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413231 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 23581052 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 31 09:03:00 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37106 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z43 52441 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 243
    52441 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39068 -- description missing --
    39068 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CG.JPG 487067 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0408, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ - ÿπΦáαδ ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CH.JPG 634605 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0408, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿπΦáαδ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CI.JPG 596742 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0409 ¿ ¥ä4î-0412, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x787)
    1718414 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16859 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13300 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75714 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L8VKV.JPG 136833 <3.4> ÅáΓÑ¡Γ«óá¡¡δ⌐ ß»«ß«í »«ú½áª¿óá¡¿∩... (1000x846)
    136833 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.243 165463 Z2DAILY for today
    165463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2225039 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Aug 31 16:02:56 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210831.zip 411636 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    411636 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 411636 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 1 09:02:34 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z44 52459 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 244
    52459 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.244 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z44 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.244 16719 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39042 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z44 9081 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731356 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744461 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.244 30627 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z44 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z46 12976 Region 50 segment day 243
    12976 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38946 -- description missing --
    38946 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CJ.JPG 525462 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0409, ¥ä4î-0412, ¥ä4î-0003,
    ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CK.JPG 611726 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0409 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ - ÿπΦáαδ ÄèÆ, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CL.JPG 672977 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0409, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿπΦáαδ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1810165 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z44 12020 STN Daily made nodelist
    12020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK1.JPG 55849 <3.4> Åα«µÑñπન (699x501) [9.01.01]
    55849 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.244 165477 Z2DAILY for today
    165477 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3289825 bytes in 36 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 1 16:02:00 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    1548170 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2534547 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2534379 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5068926 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_FILES : Misceallenous files for RMiniNet Rime
    RMINCONF.TXT 73053 RminiNet Conference list description file
    RMINI.FA 168 RminiNet File Echo .Fa file
    RMINI.NA 11642 RminiNet Echo Tag etc. List .NA file
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    1179624 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MININET : RMininet files
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/05/2021
    1094759 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210901.zip 211584 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    211584 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/09/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/09/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    5069057 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pasinfo.zip 1090514 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.2
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    1090514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.246 524 Net 5030 routing map, day 246
    moves.246 24 Net 5030 changes, day 246
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 246
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 246
    1678 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z46 333 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 246
    moves.z46 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 246
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 246
    n5030tru.zip 427 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 246
    1281 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/09/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/09/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL0921.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/09/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL0921.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/09/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    4852252 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 20117845 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 1 21:01:36 2021
    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 2 09:02:52 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z45 52449 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 245
    52449 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2109.ZIP 91606 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    91606 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1749 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 245
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2329 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38989 -- description missing --
    38989 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CM.JPG 797948 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0411 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑΓ᫬αÑ»«ßΓ∞
    - è¿α»¿τ¡δ⌐ çáó«ñ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CN.JPG 491287 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0412 ¿ ¥ä4î-0003, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x779)
    _3G_01CO.JPG 600037 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0412, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿπΦáαδ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x792) [9.01.01]
    1889272 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1136 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1136 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK2.JPG 339763 <3.4> æó«¿ (640x513) [9.01.01]
    339763 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.245 165472 Z2DAILY for today
    165472 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2693859 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 2 16:02:14 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210902.zip 1769519 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1769519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1769519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 2 21:03:54 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg27.z46 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.z46 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.z46 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.z46 307 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    2849 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.246 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z46 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.246 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z46 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.246 5224 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z46 1923 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7147 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.246 8645 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z46 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11962 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.246 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z46 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.246 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z46 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.246 1665 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z46 924 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2589 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.246 5603 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 42939 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 3 16:02:26 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z46 52449 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 246
    52449 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2535829 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2535333 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5071162 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L46 1448 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 246
    1448 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z46 1527 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 246
    1527 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z46 13436 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-09-03 (246)
    13436 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z46 461 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    461 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z46 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z46 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210903.zip 3821746 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3821746 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a46 2032 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2032 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z46 1510 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z46 1510 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3020 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a46 91939 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91939 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z46 52451 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 246
    52451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z46 56829 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56829 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z46 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38989 -- description missing --
    38989 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CP.JPG 800720 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0413, ßΓ.ûáα߬«Ñ æѽ« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CQ.JPG 419453 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0413, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ - ÿπΦáαδ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CR.JPG 668351 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0415, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿѻ߿ - Æπá»ßÑ
    æèåä, á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1888524 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnlist.z46 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    16866 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK3.JPG 136481 <3.4> ÆαπΦ¿ (624x832) [9.01.01]
    136481 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.246 165470 Z2DAILY for today
    165470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z46 77804 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 246 (03.09.2021)
    z2pnt.z46 77804 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 246 (03.09.2021)
    155608 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z46 540 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 246 (03.09.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z46 540 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 246 (03.09.2021)
    1080 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11609444 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 3 21:02:38 2021
    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS0921.ZIP 1433121 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 09/21 =
    = September 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 28 years experience! (and over
    40 years of computer experience!) One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1433121 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1035853 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v125
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest
    resources, Christian areas,
    general discussion,
    and vendor supported
    conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC,
    Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite,
    world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's
    participate in one of the
    most recognized
    networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    VIRNET.ZIP 58263 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58483 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    2247356 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210903.zip 135218 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding in Louisiana
    03 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    135218 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z46 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.
    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210903.zip 414350 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414350 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4230267 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 4 09:02:44 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z47 52452 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 247
    52452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38989 -- description missing --
    38989 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CS.JPG 676647 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0415, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿѻ߿ - Æπá»ßÑ
    æèåä, á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CT.JPG 412428 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0415, »ÑαÑú«¡ ƒ¬«α¡á∩ Öѽ∞ -
    ï«« æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 17.05.18 (1200x800)
    _3G_01CU.JPG 755086 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0415, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ,
    «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1844161 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK4.JPG 83177 <3.4> ÆαπΓß∩ (973x600) [9.01.01]
    83177 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    L9VK443M.JPG 332893 <4.6> ÇσΓπ¡ú! ùá⌐¡¿¬ Éáßßѽá (Γ¼) ó ¬«ß¼«ßÑ!!
    (1800x1200) [9.02.01]
    332893 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.247 165472 Z2DAILY for today
    165472 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2631314 bytes in 13 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 4 16:02:16 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210904.zip 260141 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    260141 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 260141 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 4 21:01:58 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210904.zip 502882 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ida Floods the East Coast
    04 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    502882 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210904.zip 416007 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416007 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 918889 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 5 09:07:24 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z48 52410 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 248
    52410 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.248 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z48 6000 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    24517 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.248 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    30626 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38989 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58463 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CV.JPG 801244 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0417, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÿѻ߿ - Æπá»ßÑ
    æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, ¼á⌐ 2016 (1200x800)
    _3G_01CW.JPG 97737 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0417,
    ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼, 22.10.20 (1200x690) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CX.JPG 766595 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0418, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1665576 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z48 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK5.JPG 419853 <3.4> -ùÑú« Ñ⌐ ¡áñ«? Å« ¡«ßπ?.. (699x535) [9.01.01]
    419853 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.248 165379 Z2DAILY for today
    165379 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2557746 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 5 16:02:30 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210905.zip 46571 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    46571 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 46571 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 5 21:02:08 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210905.zip 97965 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Vänern and Lake Vättern
    05 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    97965 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210905.zip 418193 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418193 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 516158 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 6 09:04:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44940 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z49 52410 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 249
    52410 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC36.ZIP 13032 FIDONEWS 06 Sep 2021 Vol 38 No 36
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13032 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z49 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.249 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    24516 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z49 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (06-09-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1056 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38989 -- description missing --
    38989 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01CY.JPG 498062 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0420, «.».ÿπΦáαδ, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.é¿ΓÑí߬¿⌐ - ÿπΦáαδ ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01CZ.JPG 351057 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0421, »ÑαÑú«¡ 䫼«ñÑñ«ó« -
    ü¿αε½±ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 29.02.20 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01D0.JPG 618122 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0422,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1467241 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z49 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK6.JPG 3660862 <3.4> è«Γ±¡«¬ ¿ ¬«º±½ ƒΦá (1800x1350) [9.01.01]
    3660862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.249 165379 Z2DAILY for today
    165379 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5562617 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 6 16:03:08 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25368 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    25368 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210906.zip 816218 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    816218 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 841586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Sep 7 09:02:36 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z50 52409 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 250
    52409 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210906.zip 551296 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    White-mouth Dayflower in Bloom
    06 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    551296 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z50 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.250 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    24519 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1926352 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210906.zip 316830 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Smoke Shrouds South-Central Africa
    06 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    316830 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.250 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z50 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38989 -- description missing --
    38989 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01D1.JPG 665106 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0423, ßΓ.Åπ»δΦÑó« ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01D2.JPG 610749 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0424 ó« óαѼѡ¡«⌐ ø¬ß»½πáΓᵿ¿
    »áα¬á Æùî-29, ßΓ.Æπá»ßÑ æèåä, á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x800)
    _3G_01D3.JPG 645426 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0425, ßΓ.Æπá»ßÑ æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, ¼á⌐ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    1921281 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z50 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210906.zip 421009 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    421009 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK7.JPG 220347 <3.1> ÅÑαÑα«ßΓ¬¿ «íÑñáεΓ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    220347 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.250 165379 Z2DAILY for today
    165379 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5800990 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 10 10:00:48 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z53 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z53 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z51 52432 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 251
    Z1DAILY.Z52 52431 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 252
    Z1DAILY.Z53 52458 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 253
    157321 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537905 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537619 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5075524 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L53 1514 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 253
    1514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z53 1588 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 253
    1588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z53 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z53 1224 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210908.zip 285372 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    EarthΓÇÖs Rotation and Revolution
    08 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep210909.zip 212829 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wildfire Smoke Plume Over Eastern Idaho
    09 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    498201 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.TXT 6526767 The KofoBBS all files listning
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1911004 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 951859 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.TXT 6526767 THe KOFOBBs Allfiles listning (UnZip'ed)
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 951861 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.TXT 211750 The KofoBBS New 30 days filelist (UnZip'ed)
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 24740 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.TXT 211750 The KofoBBS Last 30 days newfiles listning
    NEWFILES.ZIP 50068 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    17366566 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z53 572 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    572 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z53 5614 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    5614 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z53 8830 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8830 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z53 559 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z53 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4598 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z53 13406 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-09-10 (253)
    13406 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z53 602 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.253 15129 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z53 5628 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    21359 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z53 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z53 590 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    590 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z53 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z53 5961 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    5961 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z53 2400 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    2400 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210907.zip 502605 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lakes Michigan and Huron
    07 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210908.zip 363246 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Post-flood Greening of the Taklamakan Desert
    08 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210909.zip 212202 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Stunning Sands of Mauritania
    09 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    1078053 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210907.zip 374146 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210908.zip 1589752 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210909.zip 373947 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210910.zip 936575 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3274420 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a53 2186 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2186 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z53 1598 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a53 92317 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z53 52460 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 253
    52460 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z53 56876 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56876 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z53 581 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z53 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z53 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 252
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    2328 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z53 12977 Region 50 segment day 250
    12977 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38839 -- description missing --
    38839 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01D4.JPG 591039 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0427, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ -
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2017 (1200x800)
    _3G_01D5.JPG 383338 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0429, »ÑαÑú«¡ ü¿αε½±ó« -
    䫼«ñÑñ«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 24.06.17 (1200x800)
    _3G_01D6.JPG 502464 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0436,
    ßΓ.î«ß¬óá-»áßß.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ îÄæè, á»αѽ∞ 2018 (1200x800)
    _3G_01D7.JPG 316831 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0437, ßΓ.ê¼ÑαÑΓ¿¡ß¬¿⌐ èπα«αΓ
    æèåä, Ľ¿¼»¿⌐߬¿⌐ »áα¬, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 20.05.18
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01D8.JPG 476695 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0438, »ÑαÑú«¡ Éδíᵬ«Ñ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01D9.JPG 766094 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0443, ñÑ»« Æπá»ßÑ æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DA.JPG 799934 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0443 `«ñ±ª¡δ⌐`,
    ßΓ.ÅαÑñ»«αΓ«óá∩ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, áóúπßΓ 2020
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DB.JPG 621326 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0444 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èα±¬Φ¿¡« -
    Æ«½ßΓ«»á½∞µÑó«, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DC.JPG 519249 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0448 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    èπ¡µÑó«-I, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.12.19
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    4976970 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1137 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.253 524 Net 5030 routing map, day 253
    moves.253 24 Net 5030 changes, day 253
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 253
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 253
    1678 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z53 333 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 253
    moves.z53 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 253
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 253
    854 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z53 684 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z53 6468 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    7152 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z53 18363 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18363 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z53 529 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210907.zip 416704 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210908.zip 416734 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210909.zip 416116 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    1249554 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    echo50.lst 13012 -- description missing --
    13012 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VK8.JPG 32988 <3.1> -êñ¿«Γδ!.. (580x869) [9.01.01]
    L9VK9.JPG 74315 <3.1> -êºó¿¡¿ΓÑ ºá »α¿τÑ߬π: ¡Ñ »α«ß«σ... (1200x799)
    L9VKA.JPG 96049 <3.1> -諺½δ... (765x765) [9.01.01]
    203352 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.251 165463 Z2DAILY for today
    165463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z53 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z53 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z53 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z53 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13864 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 34585523 bytes in 92 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 10 16:01:06 2021
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537901 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537635 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5075536 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES : KOFOBBS Daily Filelist
    ALLFILES.ZIP 1902951 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOBBS.ZIP 947546 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFOLIST.ZIP 947548 The KOFOBBS Full filelist
    KOFONEWS.ZIP 11175 The KofoBBS #0 days Newfiles listning (zip'ed)
    NEWFILES.ZIP 22673 The KOFO BBS 30 days new files Listning (ZIP)
    3831893 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.253 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z53 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.253 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z46 461 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.246 35017 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35478 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z53 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z53 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z53 7784 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    8188 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z53 1598 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56464 FidoNet Nodelist
    NODELIST.ZIP 56400 FidoNet Nodelist
    112864 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.253 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z53 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z53 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z53 6453 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z53 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    6662 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.252 165478 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.253 165603 Z2DAILY for today
    331081 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9489250 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 10 18:15:18 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z53 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z53 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z53 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z53 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 10 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210910.zip 487933 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Little People of Blue Wonder Canyon
    10 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    487933 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210910.zip 520025 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Olaf
    10 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    520025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210910.zip 416781 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1424739 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 11 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z54 52463 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 254
    52463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.254 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z54 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.254 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z54 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.254 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z54 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38871 -- description missing --
    38871 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01DD.JPG 706770 <2.6> ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ 01 ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0449
    »α«σ«ñ¿Γ ÆÉ-3, ñÑ»« æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ¿ε¡∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DE.JPG 584059 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0449 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑΓѽ¿¡« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 05.01.20
    (1200x806) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DF.JPG 460618 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0450 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« -
    ÅÑΓѽ¿¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 05.01.20
    (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    1751447 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z54 9209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKB.JPG 111255 <3.1> αδ⌐ πªáß (800x484) [9.01.01]
    111255 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.254 165567 Z2DAILY for today
    165567 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2333810 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 11 16:01:20 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210911.zip 406799 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    406799 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 406799 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 11 21:01:20 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210911.zip 166453 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hurricane Larry over Bermuda
    11 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    166453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210911.zip 415592 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415592 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 582045 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 12 09:03:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37117 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37117 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z55 52466 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 255
    52466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.255 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z55 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.255 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z55 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.255 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z55 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38900 -- description missing --
    38900 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01DG.JPG 397233 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0453, ßΓ.èπ߬«ó« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 07.07.20 (1200x774) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DH.JPG 331626 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0455, ßΓ.èπ߬«ó« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 18.07.20 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DI.JPG 566952 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0456, »ÑαÑú«¡ ö¿½¿ - èπ¡µÑó«-I
    îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1295811 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z55 9578 STN Daily made nodelist
    9578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16866 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13305 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75726 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKC.JPG 62865 <3.1> -î∩∩∩π!.. (616x800) [9.01.01]
    62865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.255 165597 Z2DAILY for today
    165597 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1835910 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 12 16:03:10 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25372 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    50408 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210912.zip 789897 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    789897 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 840305 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 12 21:04:16 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    1901317 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210912.zip 507081 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Conson and Typhoon Chanthu
    12 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    507081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210912.zip 417822 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2826220 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 13 09:03:40 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37125 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44948 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z56 52466 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 256
    52466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC37.ZIP 13024 FIDONEWS 13 Sep 2021 Vol 38 No 37
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.256 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z56 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.256 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z56 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.256 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z56 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (13-09-2021)
    pntlist.rul 6298 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    7082 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38896 -- description missing --
    38896 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01DJ.JPG 577419 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0457 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑΓѽ¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-I, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 03.05.19
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DK.JPG 611268 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0458 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« -
    ÅÑΓѽ¿¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 05.01.20
    (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DL.JPG 670871 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0459 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 14.06.20
    (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    1859558 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z56 9209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16868 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13307 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75730 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKD.JPG 168081 <3.1> -Ä¡¿ ß»∩Γ¿½¿... (1995x1120) [9.01.01]
    168081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.256 165607 Z2DAILY for today
    165607 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2525408 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 13 16:03:36 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210913.zip 452830 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    452830 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 452830 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Sep 14 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37125 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z57 52468 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 257
    52468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210913.zip 256093 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Erupting Villarica Volcano Under a Starry Sky
    13 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    256093 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z53 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.253 35018 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35473 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z53 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210913.zip 490425 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Clouds in the Caucasus Mountains
    13 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    490425 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210914.zip 2184613 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2184613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38896 -- description missing --
    38896 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01DM.JPG 655583 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0459, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-üπΓδα߬á∩
    - üÑ߬πñ¡¿¬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_01DN.JPG 645028 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0459 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ çóÑ¡¿ú«α«ñ -
    ⫽¿µδ¡« îÄæè, 06.12.20 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DO.JPG 522156 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0461 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    èπ¡µÑó«-I, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.12.19
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    1822767 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.260 524 Net 5030 routing map, day 260
    moves.260 24 Net 5030 changes, day 260
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 260
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 260
    1678 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z60 333 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 260
    moves.z60 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 260
    n5030rou.zip 344 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 260
    853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210913.zip 416695 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416695 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16868 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13307 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75730 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKE.JPG 452523 <3.1> -îÑ¡∩ ¡á¼«τ¿½¿... (1995x1120) [9.01.01]
    452523 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.257 165608 Z2DAILY for today
    165608 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6031151 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 15 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37125 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z58 52470 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 258
    52470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210914.zip 284658 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Flower Supermoon Over Rome
    14 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    284658 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.258 16580 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z58 5563 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.258 16580 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    38723 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z58 8538 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    8538 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210914.zip 519949 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Typhoon Chanthu approaching China
    14 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    519949 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731351 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731351 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.258 27620 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z58 8607 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    36227 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z60 12981 Region 50 segment day 257
    12981 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38896 -- description missing --
    38896 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01DP.JPG 710053 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0461 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 14.06.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DQ.JPG 683424 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0462 `É¥èæ`, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x788) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DR.JPG 690749 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0462 `É¥èæ` (ÉÑú¿«¡-ø¬ß»αÑßß),
    »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2084226 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z58 10329 STN Daily made nodelist
    10329 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210914.zip 416318 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416318 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16868 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13307 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75730 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKF.JPG 73526 <3.1> Ä»«½á߬¿óá¡¿Ñ ó-»«ññáó¬¿ (800x531) [9.01.01]
    73526 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.258 165610 Z2DAILY for today
    165610 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z53 77860 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 253 (10.09.2021)
    z2pnt.z53 77860 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 253 (10.09.2021)
    155720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z53 680 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 253 (10.09.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z53 680 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 253 (10.09.2021)
    1360 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4743737 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 15 16:01:18 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210915.zip 6023779 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    6023779 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6023779 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 15 21:01:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210915.zip 212994 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Parisian Mammatus Clouds
    15 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    212994 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210915.zip 518732 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Smoke from Western U.S. Wildfires over the East Coast
    15 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    518732 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pontlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210915.zip 415605 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1147911 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 16 09:05:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37125 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z59 52500 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 259
    52500 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n12.zip 14984 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 12
    September 15, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ........................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 4
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 5
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 6
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 7
    More Information ....................... 8
    14984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.259 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z59 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.259 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z59 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.259 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z59 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1749 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 259
    1749 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38941 -- description missing --
    38941 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01DS.JPG 500677 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0463 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DT.JPG 546043 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0467 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ æѽ∩Γ¿¡« -
    üѬáß«ó«-I, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DU.JPG 451358 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0468, »ÑαÑú«¡ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µ¿¡« îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 28.05.16 (1200x775)
    1498078 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z59 10325 STN Daily made nodelist
    10325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16868 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13307 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75730 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKG.JPG 485525 <3.1> -Å«τΓ¿ ßπσ«⌐... (2644x1763) [9.01.01]
    485525 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.259 165713 Z2DAILY for today
    165713 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2470653 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 16 16:03:06 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210916.zip 4777993 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4777993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4777993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 17 10:05:32 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z60 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z60 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z60 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z60 1224 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z60 2206 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    2206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z60 7043 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7043 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z60 8993 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8993 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z60 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z60 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4597 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z60 7011 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.260 35449 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z60 11638 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    54098 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z60 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.260 35018 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35473 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z60 4788 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    4788 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z60 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z60 10023 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z60 4472 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4472 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210917.zip 314533 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    314533 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56477 FidoNet Nodelist
    56477 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z60 581 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z60 9702 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9702 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z60 8620 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8620 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1137 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z60 8324 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z60 14045 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    22369 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z60 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z60 1059 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    1059 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z60 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z60 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z60 557 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z60 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14224 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 604462 bytes in 32 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 17 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.260 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z60 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.260 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z60 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z60 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z60 9080 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9484 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.260 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z60 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z60 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z60 8897 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z60 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9106 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z60 77857 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 260 (17.09.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z60 77857 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 260 (17.09.2021)
    155714 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z60 525 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 260 (17.09.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z60 525 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 260 (17.09.2021)
    1050 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 261304 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 17 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z60 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z60 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z60 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z60 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 17 21:01:06 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210917.zip 180678 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding along the Brahmaputra River
    17 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    180678 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210917.zip 414669 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414669 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 595347 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 18 09:01:14 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37125 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z61 52465 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 261
    52465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38941 -- description missing --
    38941 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16868 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13307 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75730 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.261 165528 Z2DAILY for today
    165528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 371116 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 18 16:01:18 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210918.zip 1516750 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1516750 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1516750 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 18 21:01:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210918.zip 74844 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Earth's Shadow in Red Light
    18 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    74844 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210918.zip 533781 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Typhoon Chanthu
    18 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    533781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01DY.JPG 473480 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0472 »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2017
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01DZ.JPG 604419 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0473 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« -
    Äñ¿¡µ«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01E0.JPG 583202 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0474 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1661101 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210918.zip 414364 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414364 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKI.JPG 779451 <3.1> -æ«σ¡π... (1920x1280) [9.01.01]
    779451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3463541 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 19 16:04:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37125 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37125 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z62 52461 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 262
    52461 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z62 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.262 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    27191 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.MMPM : GFD.APP: OS/2 Mult-Media-Applikationen
    FLUID223.ZIP 3949099 FluidSynth version 2.2.3. Copyright (C) 2000-2021
    Peter Hanappe and others. Distributed under the LGPL
    license. SoundFont(R) is a registered trademark of
    E-mu Systems, Inc. FluidSynth is a software real-time
    synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications.
    Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, glib
    v2.33.12(rpm), CMake v3.4.1, gcc v9.1.0, kdllar
    v1.3.0. This port was done by: KO Myung-Hun.
    3949099 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6236730 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0547. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    WEASLSRC.ZIP 809562 Weasel Pro 2.78 source code. Copyright (C) 1998-2020
    Peter Moylan. Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for OS/2.
    Includes controls on who may send relay mail, and
    includes a way of blocking mail from specified hosts.
    Now released as open-source with GPL licence.
    7046292 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.TCP : GFD.NET: OS/2 TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
    WEASL278.ZIP 567002 Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for
    OS/2. Includes controls on who may
    send relay mail, and includes a way
    of blocking mail from specified hosts.
    567002 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    webser21.zip 437839 WebServe: a lightweight web server
    for OS/2.
    437839 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    4os2_310.zip 597290 4OS2 version 3.1preAB. Netlabs Edition. This software
    is Copyright (c) 1988-2002 J.P. Software, Inc. This
    software is provided "AS IS" without a warranty of any
    kind. This is a free release of the 4OS2 command
    processor. This software is not supported by JP
    Software in any manner. 4os2 is a command processor
    replacement with a lot of extensions to cmd.exe.
    qs_ldr.zip 973298 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0547. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    1570588 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25368 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1603879 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210919.zip 451115 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    451115 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.262 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    30626 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38941 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3070 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    57365 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01E1.JPG 620146 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0474 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« -
    Äñ¿¡µ«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 14.06.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01E2.JPG 562088 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0474 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑΓѽ¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-I, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.01.21
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01E3.JPG 622489 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0476 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ æѽ∩Γ¿¡« -
    üѬáß«ó«-I, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    1804723 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16868 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13307 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75730 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKJ.JPG 416824 <3.1> -ÆπΓ ¼«¬α«!.. (1600x1200) [9.01.01]
    416824 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.262 165526 Z2DAILY for today
    165526 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18295597 bytes in 32 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 19 21:02:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210919.zip 74844 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Earth's Shadow in Red Light
    19 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    74844 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    347841 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210919.zip 500915 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom in the Bass Strait
    19 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    500915 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210919.zip 414415 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414415 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1338015 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 20 09:05:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37125 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44948 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537767 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537522 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5075289 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC38.ZIP 13013 FIDONEWS 20 Sep 2021 Vol 38 No 38
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13013 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.263 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z63 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.263 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z63 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.263 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    30624 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (20-09-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1054 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38903 -- description missing --
    38903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01E4.JPG 638516 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0480 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Äñ¿¡µ«ó« -
    ⫽¿µδ¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 25.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01E5.JPG 612178 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0480 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-I -
    ÅÑΓѽ¿¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.01.21
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01E6.JPG 276651 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0482, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫽¡Ñτ¡á∩ -
    é¡π¬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 19.07.17 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    1527345 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z63 9209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16868 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13307 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75730 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKK.JPG 264316 <3.1> -àΘ± ¿ Σ«Γ«úαáΣ¿απÑΦ∞?.. (1920x1440) [9.01.01]
    264316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.263 165530 Z2DAILY for today
    165530 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7297640 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 20 16:06:32 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210920.zip 7288504 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    7288504 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7288504 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 22 16:01:08 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z64 52472 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 264
    Z1DAILY.Z65 52474 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 265
    104946 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210921.zip 513444 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Four Seasons of Wisteria
    21 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    513444 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210920.zip 466518 MODIS Picture of the Day
    West Coast Burn Scars
    20 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210921.zip 215493 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Southern South Australia, Australia
    21 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    682011 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210921.zip 1641174 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap210922.zip 1345551 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2986725 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z67 12992 Region 50 segment day 264
    12992 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38903 -- description missing --
    38903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01E7.JPG 635758 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0482 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ æѽ∩Γ¿¡« -
    üѬáß«ó«-I, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01E8.JPG 366805 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0482, ßΓ.èπ߬«ó« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 07.07.20 (1200x775) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01E9.JPG 430132 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0485, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫽¡Ñτ¡á∩ -
    é¡π¬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 19.07.17 (1200x774) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EA.JPG 650847 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0486 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    Æ«½ßΓ«»á½∞µÑó« - èα±¬Φ¿¡«, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä,
    07.03.20 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EB.JPG 406545 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0487, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫽¡Ñτ¡á∩ -
    é¡π¬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 19.07.17 (1200x770) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EC.JPG 613121 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0488 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ üѬáß«ó«-I -
    æѽ∩Γ¿¡«, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    3103208 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210920.zip 414559 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww210921.zip 416282 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    830841 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKL.JPG 92665 <3.1> -ƒ ¡Ñ ß«óá. ƒ πΓ¬á... (1080x1080) [9.01.01]
    L9VKM.JPG 157734 <3.1> -ƒ »½δóπ! (699x597) [9.01.01]
    250399 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.264 165531 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.265 165541 Z2DAILY for today
    331072 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8967425 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 22 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210922.zip 186436 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Moon’s Journey - Apogee to Perigee
    22 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    186436 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210922.zip 206160 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Rio de la Plata
    22 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    206160 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210922.zip 417085 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417085 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 809681 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 23 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z66 52495 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 266
    52495 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.266 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z66 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.266 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z66 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.266 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z66 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 266
    1748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38973 -- description missing --
    38973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01ED.JPG 331924 <2.6> é¡πτ¬á ß ñÑñπ½Ñ⌐: ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0489 ¿
    »áα«ó«º ¥π683-89 ¡á ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    29.08.15 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EE.JPG 558607 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0492 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ üѬáß«ó«-I -
    æѽ∩Γ¿¡«, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EF.JPG 519509 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0493 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ æѽ∩Γ¿¡« -
    üѬáß«ó«-I, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1410040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1191 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1191 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z66 11198 STN Daily made nodelist
    11198 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKN.JPG 117159 <3.1> -äá, ∩ ª¿óá∩ αѬ½á¼á ¿¼Ñ¡¡« øΓ«ú«... (1140x794)
    117159 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.266 165580 Z2DAILY for today
    165580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2001251 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 23 16:01:18 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210923.zip 1294436 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1294436 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1294436 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 23 21:01:06 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.267 6804 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z67 2602 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.267 1790 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z67 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.267 3441 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z67 1153 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.267 916 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z67 669 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.267 686 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z67 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.267 154 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z67 305 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19731 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.267 2084 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z67 1066 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3150 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.267 740 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z67 564 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.267 5225 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z67 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7147 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.267 8646 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z67 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11963 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.267 3470 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z67 1362 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4832 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.267 2589 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z67 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3511 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.267 1666 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z67 924 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2590 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.267 5604 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z67 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7722 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 61950 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 24 09:01:24 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210923.zip 445715 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Dazzling Atmospheric Phenomena on Painted Pavement
    23 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    445715 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    FC2_250D.ZIP 694235 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2019 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    FC2_250R.ZIP 450631 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2019 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware. Add
    remote control feature. Allows FC to be run over an
    ssh connection.
    1144866 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    freerdp.zip 1439109 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.3.2
    (20210923) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    rdesktop.zip 227926 rdesktop v1.9.0 (20210921) port for OS/2 and
    eComStation. Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Matthew Chapman.
    rdesktop is an open source client for Microsoft's RDP
    protocol. It is known to work with Windows versions
    such as NT 4 Terminal Server, 2000, XP, 2003, 2003 R2,
    Vista, 2008, 7, and 2008 R2. rdesktop currently
    implements the RDP version 4 and 5 protocols. Some
    features are supported by this port: fullscreen mode,
    sound output, seamlessRDP mode, clipboard redirection
    (text and images), directories redirection, serial
    devices redirection. Additional requirements: gmp,
    gnutls, nettle. WarpIN archive.
    1667035 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    lnks224.zip 3817228 Links browser version 2.24. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c.
    LNKS224W.ZIP 3881514 Links browser version 2.24. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c. WarpIN
    7698742 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    tstlg344.zip 131127 TestLog V3.44 (2021-Sep-20). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    131127 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z67 13428 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-09-24 (267)
    13428 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z67 8315 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z67 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    16041 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z67 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210923.zip 51442 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Volcanic Eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands
    23 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    51442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z67 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39010 -- description missing --
    39010 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01EG.JPG 390280 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0495, ñÑ»« 濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    29.07.20 (1200x865) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EH.JPG 652988 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0495 ¡á «í¬áΓ«τ¡δσ ¿ß»δΓá¡¿∩σ
    »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3, »ÑαÑú«¡ üα«¡Ñóá∩ - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EI.JPG 798452 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0496 ¡á ßΓ.«óδ⌐ ÅÑΓÑαú«Σ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x760) [9.01.01]
    1841720 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210923.zip 415067 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415067 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKO.JPG 170964 <3.1> -ê ΓπΓ «ñ¿¡ σ½á¼... (900x896) [9.01.01]
    170964 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.267 165577 Z2DAILY for today
    165577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 13929999 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 24 09:58:54 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z67 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z67 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z67 52571 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 267
    52571 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L67 1688 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 267
    1688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z67 1760 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 267
    1760 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z67 590 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z67 1224 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z67 556 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z67 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z67 8828 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8828 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z67 558 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z67 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4597 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z67 583 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.267 35449 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z67 11637 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47669 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z67 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.267 35018 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35473 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z67 579 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z67 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z67 10023 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z67 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A67 2575 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 267
    2575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z67 52573 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 267
    52573 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z67 580 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z67 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z67 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z67 675 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z67 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14719 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z67 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z67 515 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    515 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z67 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z67 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z67 557 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z67 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14224 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 322828 bytes in 34 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 24 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.267 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z67 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.267 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z67 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z67 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z67 9080 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9484 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210924.zip 10972830 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    10972830 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a67 2559 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z67 1730 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z67 1730 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3460 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a67 92018 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92018 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z67 56886 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56886 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.267 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z67 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z67 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z67 9508 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z67 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z67 77877 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 267 (24.09.2021)
    z2pnt.z67 77877 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 267 (24.09.2021)
    155754 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z67 575 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 267 (24.09.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z67 575 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 267 (24.09.2021)
    1150 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11390388 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 24 21:01:06 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z67 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 25 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z68 52596 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 268
    52596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n13.zip 15657 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 13
    September 22nd, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ........................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    15657 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.268 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z68 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.268 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z68 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.268 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z68 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39048 -- description missing --
    39048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01EJ.JPG 808125 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0496, ßΓ.ÿπóὫó« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EK.JPG 464857 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0496, »ÑαÑú«¡ æ½áó∩¡¬á -
    諽»¿¡« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¡«∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    _3G_01EL.JPG 644400 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-0496 ¡á «í¬áΓ«τ¡δσ ¿ß»δΓá¡¿∩σ
    »«ß½Ñ ÆÉ-3, »ÑαÑú«¡ üα«¡Ñóá∩ - ï¿ú«ó« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EM.JPG 248161 <2.6> Éá߬αá߬á ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥ä4î-0496 ó µóÑΓá ₧ª¡«⌐
    »α¿ú«α«ñ¡«⌐ »áßßᪿα߬«⌐ ¬«¼»á¡¿¿ (₧ÅÅè),
    ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-èπα«αΓ, èαδ¼, 08.09.20 (1200x796)
    _3G_01EN.JPG 514495 <2.6> éáú«¡ ¥ä4î-100101 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ¥ä4îè-0028 ¡á
    ßΓ.ôßáñδ-«¬απª¡δÑ, üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    18.08.18 (1200x755) [9.01.01]
    2680038 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z68 9823 STN Daily made nodelist
    9823 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKP.JPG 247843 <3.1> -Äí¿ªáÑΓÑ. ƒ ¬«ßπ½∞Γá¡Γ, á ¡Ñ Γ«óáα«Ññ!..
    (957x1196) [9.01.01]
    247843 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.268 165835 Z2DAILY for today
    165835 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3415879 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 25 16:01:18 2021
    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z67 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210925.zip 2803226 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2803226 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56471 FidoNet Nodelist
    56471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2860152 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 25 21:01:28 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210925.zip 538498 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Monarch Butterfly and Chrysalis
    25 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    538498 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210925.zip 413997 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413997 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 952495 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 26 16:01:08 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z69 52593 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 269
    52593 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.269 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z69 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.269 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210926.zip 135426 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    135426 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z69 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    9294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39048 -- description missing --
    39048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3G_01EO.JPG 590881 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-1019, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ,
    «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EP.JPG 577589 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-1021, ßΓ.èá¼Ñ¡ß¬-ôαá½∞߬¿⌐
    æéÉä, ¿ε½∞ 2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3G_01EQ.JPG 506238 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥ä4î-1024, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_019Z.JPG 646069 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0009, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A0.JPG 393341 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0016, ñÑ»« 迡ѽ∞ èüÿ,
    æá¼áα߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 14.02.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2714118 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    62432 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKQ.JPG 335349 <3.1> -æÑú«ñ¡∩ Γá¼ ¡Ñ ¼«∩ «τÑαÑñ∞... (1200x950)
    335349 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.269 165833 Z2DAILY for today
    165833 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3601295 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 26 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210926.zip 538498 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Monarch Butterfly and Chrysalis
    26 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    538498 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210925.zip 461267 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Mindulle
    25 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md210926.zip 306926 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sediment Swirls in Lake Pontchartrain and the Gulf of
    26 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    768193 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210926.zip 414394 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414394 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1721085 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 27 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FG_WORF : FGW: Info files, FAQ's, FILEGATE.ZXX
    filegate.zxx 58526 Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID format. Also
    contains HUB/connect information.
    58526 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC39.ZIP 13048 FIDONEWS 27 Sep 2021 Vol 38 No 39
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.270 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z70 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.270 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z70 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.270 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z70 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 786 Last Smolensk PointList (27-09-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1054 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39048 -- description missing --
    39048 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01A1.JPG 501652 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0023, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A2.JPG 637929 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0023, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A3.JPG 734377 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0034, »ÑαÑú«¡ æá»±α¡á∩ - ꪫαδ
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A4.JPG 369110 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0040, »ÑαÑú«¡ ôßáñδ-«¬απª¡δÑ -
    äÑΓ¬«ó«, üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 25.07.2010
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A5.JPG 477075 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0044, ßΓ.Å«ñ«½∞߬ îÄæè,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 26.05.16 (1200x760) [9.01.01]
    2720143 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z70 9819 STN Daily made nodelist
    9819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKR.JPG 261986 <3.1> -éá¼ »«¼«τ∞? ¥Γ« ó«Γ Γá¼, ¡¿ªÑ... (1080x1080)
    261986 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.270 165833 Z2DAILY for today
    165833 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3481757 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 27 16:01:14 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z70 52525 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 270
    52525 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25368 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    36866 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210927.zip 737710 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    737710 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 827101 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Sep 27 21:01:14 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210927.zip 449496 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Armored Mud Balls and Mud Cracks in Southern Utah
    27 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    449496 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2984 LEGINFO.zipLegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1914900 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210927.zip 204901 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Vosges Mountains, the Black Forest, Germany, and
    27 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    204901 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210927.zip 415774 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415774 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2985071 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Sep 28 09:06:52 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z71 52527 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 271
    52527 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.271 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z71 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.271 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.271 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z71 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39048 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3041 -- description missing --
    42089 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01A6.JPG 540374 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0052 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ îÄæè, 01.11.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A7.JPG 697666 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0053,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2020 (800x1200) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A8.JPG 467551 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0068 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-I -
    Æπτ¬«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 03.05.19
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01A9.JPG 787523 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0068 ß úαπº«óδ¼ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ îúá
    - â«αδ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x811) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AA.JPG 566044 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0068 ó ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    3059158 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.274 524 Net 5030 routing map, day 274
    moves.274 24 Net 5030 changes, day 274
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 274
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 274
    1678 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z74 333 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 274
    moves.z74 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 274
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 274
    n5030tru.zip 427 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 274
    1281 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z71 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKS.JPG 155608 <3.1> -äá ß»½ε ∩, ß»½ε, îáα∞ êóá¡¡á... (974x810)
    155608 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.271 165646 Z2DAILY for today
    165646 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3683644 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Sep 28 21:03:36 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210928.zip 176627 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Southern California Shrouded in Smoke
    28 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    176627 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210928.zip 39896232 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    39896232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210928.zip 415533 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415533 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 40488392 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 29 16:03:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z72 52529 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 272
    52529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537786 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537500 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5075286 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    etoolkit.zip 11219486 Latest eCo Software developer's toolkit (2021/09/27).
    The toolkit includes dlls, headers and samples for all
    libraries. Users don't need the toolkit, they should
    install the eCo Software runtime libraries. WarpIN
    11219486 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    ECORTBAS.ZIP 1903489 eCo Software runtime (Base): appman.dll, ecobase.dll,
    ecoCalc.dll, ecolange.dll, ecomedia.dll, ecoxml.dll,
    esqlite3.dll, esysinfo.dll, ezip.dll, gostciph.dll,
    ptrace.dll, rxgost.dll, sysglit.dll, wowpack.dll
    (2021/09/27). You can use eCo Software runtime in
    commercial and free applications free of charge.
    WarpIN archive.
    ecortbas.zip 1903489 eCo Software runtime (Base): appman.dll, ecobase.dll,
    ecoCalc.dll, ecolange.dll, ecomedia.dll, ecoxml.dll,
    esqlite3.dll, esysinfo.dll, ezip.dll, gostciph.dll,
    ptrace.dll, rxgost.dll, sysglit.dll, wowpack.dll
    (2021/09/27). You can use eCo Software runtime in
    commercial and free applications free of charge.
    WarpIN archive.
    ecortnet.zip 159389 eCo Software runtime (Net): ecshttp.dll, gnuhlp.dll,
    httphost.dll, xio.dll (2021/09/27). You can use eCo
    Software runtime in commercial and free applications
    free of charge. WarpIN archive.
    ECORTNET.ZIP 159389 eCo Software runtime (Net): ecshttp.dll, gnuhlp.dll,
    httphost.dll, xio.dll (2021/09/27). You can use eCo
    Software runtime in commercial and free applications
    free of charge. WarpIN archive.
    4125756 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210929.zip 228071 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    228071 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z74 13029 Region 50 segment day 271
    13029 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38979 -- description missing --
    38979 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01AB.JPG 652645 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0073, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞ 2019 (1150x768) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AC.JPG 682932 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0075 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ îÄæè, 24.05.20 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AD.JPG 669218 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0076 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ îÄæè, 29.09.19 (1200x807) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AE.JPG 572470 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0076 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ îÄæè, 24.02.20 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AF.JPG 727942 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0084, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅáΦá - ₧ú¿ ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    3305207 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKT.JPG 192489 <3.1> -ÑΓ, ∩ ¡Ñ øΓ« ѽ, ß«óßѼ ¡Ñ øΓ«... (1024x1024)
    192489 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.272 165659 Z2DAILY for today
    165659 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 24529375 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Sep 29 21:02:12 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep210929.zip 137582 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Moonlight Silhouette of Erupting Volcán de Fuego and
    29 September 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    137582 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210929.zip 154890 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Drought Along the Colorado River
    29 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    154890 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210929.zip 415887 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415887 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 708359 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 30 09:02:50 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z73 52507 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 273
    52507 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537257 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    2537257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.273 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z73 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.273 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z73 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z73 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    9644 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38936 -- description missing --
    38936 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01AG.JPG 745548 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0093, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AH.JPG 761942 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0094, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AI.JPG 754959 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0096 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ä«α«σ«ó« -
    Æπτ¬«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 01.11.20
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AJ.JPG 674477 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0112, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AK.JPG 440276 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0114, «.».312¬¼, »ÑαÑú«¡
    ôßáñδ-«¬απª¡δÑ - äÑΓ¬«ó«, üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 01.09.18 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    3377202 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    L9VKU.JPG 177861 <3.1> -Äσαá¡∩ε... (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    177861 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.273 165575 Z2DAILY for today
    165575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6519988 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 30 16:01:06 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap210930.zip 2940465 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2940465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2940465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Sep 30 21:01:06 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.274 6801 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z74 2601 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.274 1790 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z74 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.274 3441 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z74 1153 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.274 916 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z74 669 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.274 686 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z74 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.274 154 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z74 305 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19727 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md210930.zip 505437 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hurricane Sam
    30 September 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    505437 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.274 2084 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z74 1066 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3150 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.274 740 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z74 564 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.274 5222 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z74 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.274 8643 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z74 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.274 3470 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z74 1362 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4832 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.274 2589 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z74 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3511 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.274 1663 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z74 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2584 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.274 5601 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z74 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7719 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww210930.zip 418318 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418318 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 985685 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 1 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z74 600 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z74 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z74 52504 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 274
    52504 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L74 1694 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 274
    1694 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z74 1770 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 274
    1770 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z74 595 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z74 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1818 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z74 559 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z74 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z74 9032 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    9032 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z74 564 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z74 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4602 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z74 13437 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-10-01 (274)
    13437 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTALST.274 35446 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z74 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47082 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z74 460 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10POINT.Z74 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z74 8316 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    16502 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z74 583 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    583 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z74 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z74 8056 -- description missing --
    16112 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z74 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a74 2583 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2583 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z74 1854 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z74 1854 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3708 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a74 91988 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91988 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z74 52506 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 274
    52506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z74 56895 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56895 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731351 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744456 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z74 584 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    584 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z74 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z74 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16942 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38936 -- description missing --
    38936 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01AL.JPG 702536 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0114 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ îÄæè, 01.11.20 (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AM.JPG 437442 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0121 (ú¿íα¿ñ 495/121), ñÑ»«
    迡ѽ∞ èüÿ, æá¼áα߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 16.08.19 (1200x800)
    _4D_01AN.JPG 283614 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0130, »ÑαÑú«¡ èαÑßΓδ -
    æá¡ñáα«ó«, üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 02.07.16
    (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AO.JPG 667872 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0130 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ îÄæè, 26.09.20 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AP.JPG 553156 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0133, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2644620 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stnlist.z74 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14043 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z74 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18767 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z74 519 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK1.JPG 189966 <3.1> æ½πªÑí¡δ⌐ (1200x766) [9.01.01]
    189966 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.274 165570 Z2DAILY for today
    165570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z74 532 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    532 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z74 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z74 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13863 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4551780 bytes in 66 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 1 10:34:08 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z74 600 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    1548170 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z74 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z74 595 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z74 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1818 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z74 559 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z74 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z74 9032 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    9032 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z74 564 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z74 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4602 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z74 588 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.274 35446 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z74 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47670 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_1021.zip 2941709 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2945629 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    Justanet.zip 2939897 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    8827235 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z74 460 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    460 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z74 583 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    583 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin1021.zip 1035863 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    lin_info.zip 1035863 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ln011021.zip 1035863 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    3107589 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z74 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z74 10022 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_FILES : Misceallenous files for RMiniNet Rime
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    1094761 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z74 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MININET : RMininet files
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    1094761 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2945629 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    lin_info.zip 1035863 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    7837486 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas1021.zip 1092131 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.3
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090514 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.3
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182645 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z74 584 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    584 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z74 9700 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z74 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z74 678 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z74 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14721 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn1021.zip 1156018 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/10/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL1021.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    3582144 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z74 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18767 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z74 519 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z74 532 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z74 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6810 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z74 563 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z74 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14229 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 29451677 bytes in 47 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 1 16:01:18 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.274 18854 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z74 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.274 18854 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z74 460 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.274 35018 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35478 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z74 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z74 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z74 9080 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9484 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211001.zip 824232 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    824232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    1213063 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56473 FidoNet Nodelist
    56473 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.274 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z74 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z74 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1191 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1191 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z74 9667 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnFULL.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL1021.zip 1213063 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnlist.z74 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    2436002 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z74 77849 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 274 (01.10.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z74 77849 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 274 (01.10.2021)
    155698 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z74 596 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 274 (01.10.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z74 596 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 274 (01.10.2021)
    1192 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4818763 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 1 18:15:44 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z74 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.

    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z74 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 580 NET5083 Pointlist
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z74 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 117999 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 1 21:01:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211001.zip 525153 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Thunderstorm at Sunrise in Canyonlands National Park
    01 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    525153 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211001.zip 150816 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ningaloo Coast and Lake Macleod, West Australia
    01 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    150816 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211001.zip 415670 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415670 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1091639 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 2 09:03:00 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z75 52443 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 275
    52443 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2110.ZIP 115904 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    115904 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38971 -- description missing --
    38971 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01AQ.JPG 602454 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0145, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2020 (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AR.JPG 731026 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0158, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AS.JPG 630888 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0161, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2015 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AT.JPG 601462 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0167, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AU.JPG 803204 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0177 ß úαπº«óδ¼ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    æ¿óÑα߬á∩ - âáΓτ¿¡á-éáαΦáó߬á∩ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞ (1200x813) [9.01.01]
    3369034 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK2.JPG 145182 <3.1> ô¼á∩½ß∩, «σαá¡∩∩ óß± øΓ« (755x1043) [9.01.01]
    145182 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.275 165517 Z2DAILY for today
    165517 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4001262 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 2 10:20:04 2021
    Area : FMLYBONE : FMLYNET: FamilyNet Backbone Information Area
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33101 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    33101 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.INFO : GmsNet Information file
    gmsnet.zip 2187931 Information file for GmsNet Network.
    QWK Compatible. Handles handles 3
    Leagues with BRE FE TAL 145 - BRE & FE 146 +
    144 + BRE & FE 45 + BRE & FE 450 + L451 BRE & FE.
    With some more in League 145 as Arrowbridge I
    + II and Clans + Global War and more.
    The New Gamers Network -
    Join us today. Read the Information file
    for join. Test out the web site for gmsnet
    at http://www.gmsnet.org
    2187931 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_INFO : Virnet Coordinator Info file
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    58275 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_INFO : ZyXELNet Coordinator Info file
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    58495 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2454572 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 2 16:01:06 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211002.zip 8114294 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8114294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8114294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 2 21:01:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211002.zip 72746 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Gurgler Glacier
    02 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    72746 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211002.zip 1121 MODIS Picture of the Day
    02 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    1121 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211002.zip 418121 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418121 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 491988 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 3 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z76 52437 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 276
    52437 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.276 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z76 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.276 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.EDIT : GFD.APP: OS/2 Editors (Text & Binary)
    NEPMD123.ZIP 4139505 netlabs.org EPM Distribution (NEPMD) version 1.23.
    Copyright (c) netlabs.org EPM Distribution Project
    2002-2021. Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1989, 1993,
    1994, 1995, 1996. NEPMD is an add-on for EPM, the
    Enhanced Editor of OS/2. Comprehensive add-on package
    for EPM, the Enhanced Editor of OS/2. The netlabs.org
    EPM Distribution enhances EPM with new features and
    countless bug fixes. It simplifies configuration
    significantly, without requiring recompilation.
    Because the documentation is still at version 1.00,
    this version can be considered as an alpha version
    before 2.00. Author: Andreas Schnellbacher. WarpIN
    4139505 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z76 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.276 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z76 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38930 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3041 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58375 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01AV.JPG 629079 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0179 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ éï10ô-100),
    »ÑαÑú«¡ Åѽ½á - æá»±α¡á∩ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AW.JPG 743773 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0179 (¡áßΓ.ⁿ éï10ô-100),
    »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα¿ - Æ«¬ß«ó« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AX.JPG 535746 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0185, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    ¡«∩íα∞ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AY.JPG 465162 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0194 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ îÄæè, 16.06.19 (1200x806) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01AZ.JPG 623567 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0196, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2997327 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z76 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK3.JPG 235953 <3.1> üѺ«»ßá¡«ßΓ∞ ¡á óδß«ΓÑ (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    235953 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.276 165519 Z2DAILY for today
    165519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7885717 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 3 16:01:16 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548158 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33086 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2945619 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2939891 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1035856 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    VIRNET.ZIP 58261 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    8572657 bytes in 7 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8572657 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 3 21:01:20 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211003.zip 72747 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Gurgler Glacier
    03 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    72747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25370 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58484 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    3090235 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211003.zip 552614 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust Storm in Chad
    03 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    552614 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211003.zip 416065 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416065 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4131661 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Oct 4 09:01:28 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z77 52160 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 277
    52160 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC40.ZIP 13036 FIDONEWS 04 Oct 2021 Vol 38 No 40
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13036 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.277 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z77 5999 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.277 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43033 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z77 7862 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.277 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z77 9288 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39912 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5057.zip 1057 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1057 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38648 -- description missing --
    38648 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01B0.JPG 583769 <2.6> Åα«í½Ñ¼δ ß »Ñ߬«¼. ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0206, ñÑ»«
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800)
    _4D_01B1.JPG 777546 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0221, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞ 2017 (1200x901) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B2.JPG 351438 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0224, ßΓ.æΓ«½í«óá∩ îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 03.10.20 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B3.JPG 539179 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0229, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B4.JPG 533243 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0233, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B5.JPG 540438 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0235, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B6.JPG 557572 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0247, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B7.JPG 599538 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ éï10ô-0253 ¿ éï10ôè-0111, ñÑ»«
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B8.JPG 618803 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0257, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01B9.JPG 715179 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0266, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5816705 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z77 9819 STN Daily made nodelist
    9819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK4.JPG 96573 <3.1> ä« ¬«¡Ñτ¡« ÑΘ± ñá½Ñ¬« (1200x630) [9.01.01]
    LAVK5.JPG 183637 <3.1> Æαá¡ß»«αΓ¡δ⌐ µ¿α¬ (1200x855) [9.01.01]
    280210 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.277 164666 Z2DAILY for today
    164666 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6587815 bytes in 29 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Oct 4 21:07:00 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211004.zip 315687 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lenticular Cloud Above Mount Aconcagua
    04 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    315687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211004.zip 361622 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Color in Manitoba's many Lakes
    04 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    361622 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211003.zip 277987 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap211004.zip 1947799 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2225786 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211004.zip 415916 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415916 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3319011 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Oct 5 09:06:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z78 52305 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 278
    52305 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38938 -- description missing --
    38938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.278 165078 Z2DAILY for today
    165078 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 306773 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Oct 5 21:02:26 2021
    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS1021.ZIP 1429829 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 10/21 =
    = October 2021 Edition =
    Celebrating our 24th year in October 2021!
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 28 years experience! (and over
    40 years of computer experience!) One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1429829 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211005.zip 20785 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Alluring Views of Saturn Nearing Time of Opposition
    05 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    20785 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    2938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211005.zip 98236 MODIS Picture of the Day
    California Wildfires
    05 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    98236 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211005.zip 1433029 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1433029 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211005.zip 414757 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414757 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3399574 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Oct 6 09:02:42 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z79 52309 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 279
    52309 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.279 16723 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z79 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.279 16723 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39050 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z79 9082 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.279 30633 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z79 9299 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39932 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z81 12878 Region 50 segment day 278
    12878 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38927 -- description missing --
    38927 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _0W_003A.JPG 530603 <2.6> Éѽ∞ß«óδ⌐ áóΓ«íπß ÉÇ1-0005, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2019 (1200x800)
    _0W_003B.JPG 602150 <2.6> Éѽ∞ß«óδ⌐ áóΓ«íπß ÉÇ1-0028, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0W_003C.JPG 550887 <2.6> Éѽ∞ß«óδ⌐ áóΓ«íπß ÉÇ1-0036, ßΓ.ÄαÑ¡íπαú ₧-ôÉ,
    ¿ε½∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _0W_003D.JPG 321250 <2.6> ÉÇ1-0037 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ æáºá¡¬á - Ç¡¿ß«ó¬á ÅÉêé,
    æáαáΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞ (1175x756) [9.01.01]
    _0W_003E.JPG 277092 <2.6> Éѽ∞ß«óδ⌐ áóΓ«íπß ÉÇ1-0068, ßΓ.üα∩¡ß¬-ï∞ú«ó߬¿⌐
    îÄæè, 05.05.14 (1198x884) [9.01.01]
    2281982 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z79 11631 STN Daily made nodelist
    11631 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK6.JPG 172403 <3.1> -æÑ⌐τáß »«Ññπ!.. (959x959) [9.01.01]
    172403 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.279 165069 Z2DAILY for today
    165069 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2873715 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Oct 6 21:03:38 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211006.zip 262508 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lunar Crepuscular Rays in Italy
    06 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    262508 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211006.zip 496596 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Baja California Peninsula
    06 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    496596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211006.zip 413554 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1172658 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Oct 7 16:02:22 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z80 52244 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 280
    52244 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n15.zip 15300 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 15
    October 06, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 2
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 3
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 4
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 5
    More Information ....................... 6
    15300 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.280 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    16718 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    DFS169D.ZIP 1310110 DFSee 16.9 FDISK, display & analysis. For DOS, OS2,
    Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows partition-tables and
    bootsectors. Collects UNFDISK type recovery info.
    Supports MBR and GPT style partitions. Displays
    ReiserFS, XFS and HFS structures. Check allocation
    integrity and display. Allocation maps for disks and
    partitions Fast CLONING and IMAGING of disks and
    partitions. CHKDSK, File-recovery for HPFS, JFS, NTFS,
    FAT, EXFAT and EXT2/3/4. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS
    and NTFS. MOVE or COPY any filesystem/partition. Now
    with a user-friendly menusystem! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions. Allows
    access to compressed (IMZ) images and VirtualBox
    dynamic disk (VDI) images (c) 2021 Jan van Wijk Fsys
    Software Release Date - October 6, 2021. This is a ZIP
    file with a self-extracting diskette-image.
    DFS169I.ZIP 54130001 DFSee 16.9 FDISK, display & analysis. For DOS, OS2,
    Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows partition-tables and
    bootsectors. Collects UNFDISK type recovery info.
    Supports MBR and GPT style partitions. Displays
    ReiserFS, XFS and HFS structures. Check allocation
    integrity and display. Allocation maps for disks and
    partitions Fast CLONING and IMAGING of disks and
    partitions. CHKDSK, File-recovery for HPFS, JFS, NTFS,
    FAT, EXFAT and EXT2/3/4. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS
    and NTFS. MOVE or COPY any filesystem/partition. Now
    with a user-friendly menusystem! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions. Allows
    access to compressed (IMZ) images and VirtualBox
    dynamic disk (VDI) images (c) 2021 Jan van Wijk Fsys
    Software Release Date - October 6, 2021. This is a ZIP
    file with the latest ISO image for to create a
    bootable CDROM.
    dfs169s.zip 2843874 DFSee 16.9 FDISK, display & analysis. For DOS, OS2,
    Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows partition-tables and
    bootsectors. Collects UNFDISK type recovery info.
    Supports MBR and GPT style partitions. Displays
    ReiserFS, XFS and HFS structures. Check allocation
    integrity and display. Allocation maps for disks and
    partitions Fast CLONING and IMAGING of disks and
    partitions. CHKDSK, File-recovery for HPFS, JFS, NTFS,
    FAT, EXFAT and EXT2/3/4. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS
    and NTFS. MOVE or COPY any filesystem/partition. Now
    with a user-friendly menusystem! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions. Allows
    access to compressed (IMZ) images and VirtualBox
    dynamic disk (VDI) images (c) 2021 Jan van Wijk Fsys
    Software Release Date - October 6, 2021. This is a ZIP
    file with the latest ISO image for to create a
    bootable CDROM or USB stick.
    dfs169w.zip 6550594 DFSee 16.9 FDISK, display & analysis. For DOS, OS2,
    Windows, macOS and Linux. Shows partition-tables and
    bootsectors. Collects UNFDISK type recovery info.
    Supports MBR and GPT style partitions. Displays
    ReiserFS, XFS and HFS structures. Check allocation
    integrity and display. Allocation maps for disks and
    partitions Fast CLONING and IMAGING of disks and
    partitions. CHKDSK, File-recovery for HPFS, JFS, NTFS,
    FAT, EXFAT and EXT2/3/4. RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS
    and NTFS. MOVE or COPY any filesystem/partition. Now
    with a user-friendly menusystem! Includes HEX sector
    editor/disassembler and an interactive directory
    browser with file edit/view and copy functions. Allows
    access to compressed (IMZ) images and VirtualBox
    dynamic disk (VDI) images (c) 2021 Jan van Wijk Fsys
    Software Release Date - October 6, 2021. WarpIN
    DFSEE169.ZIP 10996513 DFSee 16.9 FDISK + FS display & analysis.
    For DOS, OS2, Windows, macOS and Linux.
    Shows partition-tables and bootsectors.
    Collects UNFDISK type recovery info.
    Supports MBR and GPT style partitions.
    plus some ReiserFS and XFS structures.
    Check allocation integrity and display
    allocation maps for disks and partitions.
    Fast CLONING and IMAGING of disks and
    partitions. File-recovery for APFS, HFS,
    RESIZE/Expand on FAT, HPFS and NTFS.
    MOVE or COPY any filesystem/partition.
    Comes with a user-friendly menu system
    including mouse and clipboard support!
    Includes HEX sector editor/disassembler
    and an interactive directory browser
    with file edit/view and copy functions.
    (can restore files from an image backup)
    Allows access to compressed (IMZ) images
    and VirtualBox dynamic disk (VDI) images
    (c) 2020 Jan van Wijk - Fsys Software
    Release Date - October 6, 2021
    75831092 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    WEBSER22.ZIP 641122 WebServe: a lightweight web server
    for OS/2.
    641122 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211007.ZIP 3562641 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3562641 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.280 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z80 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 280
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (04-10-2021)
    2532 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38884 -- description missing --
    38884 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _10_000T.JPG 690985 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-003, ßΓ.ïπúá-I ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¼á⌐ 2010 (1200x864) [9.01.01]
    _10_000U.JPG 653609 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-003, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-üá½Γ¿⌐߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2019
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _10_000V.JPG 696116 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-003 ¡á ¼«ßΓπ τÑαѺ α.Æ¿ú«ñá,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ¿ú«ñá - êαßá ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε¡∞
    2020 (821x1200) [9.01.01]
    _10_000W.JPG 561664 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-003, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ¿ú«ñá - êαßá ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε¡∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _10_000X.JPG 816187 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-005 ¡á íáºÑ ºá»áßá çѽѡ«ú«α߬
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    3418561 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z80 11368 STN Daily made nodelist
    11368 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK7.JPG 163296 <3.1> Æ«τ¿Γ (1000x673) [9.01.01]
    163296 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.280 164547 Z2DAILY for today
    164547 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 84073050 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 8 09:02:26 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z81 52256 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 281
    52256 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L81 1552 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 281
    1552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z81 1633 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 281
    1633 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211007.zip 518678 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Trace Fossils in Hanover Formation
    07 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    518678 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z81 13404 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-10-08 (281)
    13404 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    l10point.z81 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z81 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15452 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z81 8056 -- description missing --
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.z81 2601 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.z81 1153 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.z81 669 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.281 686 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z81 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.z81 305 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    5903 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211007.zip 308554 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom off of Greenland
    07 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    308554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a81 2247 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2247 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z81 1631 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z81 1631 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3262 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a81 91850 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91850 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z81 52258 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 281
    52258 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z81 56657 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56657 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z81 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8324 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38929 -- description missing --
    38929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _10_000Y.JPG 623996 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-006, »ÑαÑú«¡ ཿºáóÑΓ¿¡« -
    é«⌐߬«ó¿µδ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¼áαΓ 2011
    (1024x680) [9.01.01]
    _10_000Z.JPG 672613 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-007, »ÑαÑú«¡ «ó«½¿ß¿¡« -
    Åáó½«ó߬ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2021 (1200x779)
    _10_0010.JPG 639137 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-009, ßΓ.ǽѬßá¡ñα«ó߬á∩ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2015 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _10_0011.JPG 623601 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-013, ßΓ.Æε¼Ñ¡∞ æéÉä, Æε¼Ñ¡ß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 25.01.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _10_0012.JPG 323297 <2.6> 俺ѽ∞-»«Ñºñ äÆ1-013, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    29.07.20 (1200x926) [9.01.01]
    2882644 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.281 2084 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z81 1066 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3150 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.281 740 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z81 564 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.281 5222 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z81 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.281 8643 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z81 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.281 3470 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z81 1362 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4832 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.281 2589 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z81 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3511 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.281 1663 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z81 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2584 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.281 5601 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z81 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7719 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211007.zip 413055 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413055 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK8.JPG 74800 <3.1> -¥Γ« ¬á¬ øΓ« ¡Ñ ¬«úΓÑΓ«τ¬á?!. (800x526)
    74800 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.281 164651 Z2DAILY for today
    164651 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4869252 bytes in 51 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 8 11:02:12 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z81 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z81 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z81 589 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z81 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z81 554 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    554 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z81 7040 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7040 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z81 9032 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    9032 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z81 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z81 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4593 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z81 581 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.281 35446 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z81 11637 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47664 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z81 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.281 35018 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35471 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z81 577 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z81 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z81 10022 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z81 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56192 FidoNet Nodelist
    56192 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z81 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z81 9700 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z81 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1191 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1191 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z81 672 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z81 14042 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14714 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z81 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z81 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    514 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z81 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z81 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z81 553 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z81 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14219 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 269212 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 8 16:02:14 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z81 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z81 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211008.ZIP 8487004 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8487004 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z81 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnlist.z81 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z81 77840 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 281 (08.10.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z81 77840 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 281 (08.10.2021)
    155680 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z81 666 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 281 (08.10.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z81 666 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 281 (08.10.2021)
    1332 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8644825 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 8 18:17:04 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z81 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z81 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z81 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 8 21:02:46 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211008.zip 464857 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lunar Corona Above the Rocca del Brunelleschi
    08 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    464857 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211008.zip 196708 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Maracaibo
    08 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    196708 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.281 524 Net 5030 routing map, day 281
    moves.281 24 Net 5030 changes, day 281
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 281
    1355 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z81 333 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 281
    moves.z81 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 281
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 281
    n5030tru.zip 427 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 281
    1281 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211008.zip 415057 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415057 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1079258 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 9 09:02:02 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z82 52257 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 282
    52257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.282 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    30626 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38929 -- description missing --
    38929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _11_0067.JPG 401299 <2.6> Çù2-036 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Ç¡¿ß«ó¬á - æáºá¡¬á ÅÉêé,
    æáαáΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 19.09.21 (1200x752) [9.01.01]
    _11_0068.JPG 451128 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-046, ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬
    à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè, 04.06.17 (1200x788) [9.01.01]
    _11_0069.JPG 198394 <2.6> Çù2-049 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá, ßΓ.竽«Γáα±ó«
    îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè, 15.06.16
    (1198x784) [9.01.01]
    _11_006A.JPG 760402 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-050, »α¿ú«α«ñ¡δ⌐ »«Ñºñ Äα±½ -
    ï¿ó¡δ, ßΓ.î«σ«óá∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä,
    24.05.17 (1196x868) [9.01.01]
    _11_006B.JPG 233775 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-066 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.竽«Γáα±ó« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè,
    01.06.16 (1200x810) [9.01.01]
    2044998 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z82 9823 STN Daily made nodelist
    9823 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVK9.JPG 168402 <3.1> -èᬠªÑ øΓ« ºá¬αδΓ∞? äπÑΓ!.. (1200x900)
    168402 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.282 164653 Z2DAILY for today
    164653 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2624478 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 9 16:02:34 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211009.ZIP 1432613 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1432613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1432613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 10 09:02:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z83 52260 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 283
    52260 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211009.zip 475907 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Colorful Leaf Layers
    09 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    475907 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.283 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z83 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.283 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.ARC : GFD.APP: OS/2 Packers and UnPackers
    lszip122.zip 443978 LSZipWizard version 1.22. Copyright (c) 2017-2021,
    Lothar Soens. All rights reserved. An easy-to-use
    helper fo Zip archives in OS/2(TM), eComStation(TM) or
    ArcaOS(TM). This Application is a graphical user
    interface to list the contents of a compressed Zip
    archive, to view single files thereof, finally, to
    extract this archive following given options, or to
    create a new Zip archive or modify (update) an
    existing one, following given options. Probably the
    mostly wanted, but by far not all of [un]zip.exe's
    available options are supported. This programm will
    rely on the methods [un]zip[sfx] of Info-Zip(TM) only.
    Requires unzip[sfx].exe and zip.exe being installed.
    443978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211009.zip 518656 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Lionrock
    09 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    518656 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.283 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z83 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 282
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    3959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38929 -- description missing --
    38929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _11_006C.JPG 156614 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-068 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè,
    29.01.16 (1200x760) [9.01.01]
    _11_006D.JPG 114587 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-069 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáß«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè,
    29.05.16 (1188x550) [9.01.01]
    _11_006E.JPG 161549 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-070 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè,
    16.05.16 (1196x814) [9.01.01]
    _11_006F.JPG 183142 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-070 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.î«σ«óá∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä,
    04.11.16 (1196x844) [9.01.01]
    _11_006G.JPG 159246 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-072 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ îÄæè - Äα±½ ₧éåä,
    24.05.16 (1198x758) [9.01.01]
    775138 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z83 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211009.zip 415280 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415280 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKA.JPG 625099 <3.1> æ«ó¼ÑΘÑ¡¿Ñ ¡Ñß«ó¼ÑßΓ¿¼«ú«: ¬«Φ¬¿ ¿ ∩»«¡ß¬¿Ñ
    ñóÑα¿ (1536x2048) [9.01.01]
    625099 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.283 164652 Z2DAILY for today
    164652 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3724709 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 10 16:02:36 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25422 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    41042 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 41042 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 10 21:02:02 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211010.zip 475906 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Colorful Leaf Layers
    10 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    475906 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1910732 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211010.zip 51929 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Cumbre Vieja's Eruption Continues
    10 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    51929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211010.zip 418112 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418112 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2856679 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Oct 11 09:03:58 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z84 52260 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 284
    52260 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC41.ZIP 13085 FIDONEWS 11 Oct 2021 Vol 38 No 41
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13085 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.284 30624 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    30624 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5057.zip 1057 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1057 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38929 -- description missing --
    38929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1O_0034.JPG 231824 <2.6> éáú«¡ Σ¿α¼Ñ¡¡«ú« »«Ñºñá `¥¬ß»αÑßß` î«ß¬óá -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19
    (1179x531) [9.01.01]
    _1O_0035.JPG 297595 <2.6> èπ»Ñ⌐¡δ⌐ óáú«¡. ¥¬ß»Ñα¿¼Ñ¡Γá½∞¡«Ñ ¬«½∞µ« éêêåÆ,
    ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, ú.î«ß¬óá, 10.10.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1O_0036.JPG 251351 <2.6> «óδ⌐ óáú«¡. æ»áαÑ¡¡δÑ ¬π»Ñ⌐¡δÑ óáú«¡δ
    »α«¿ºó«ñßΓóá Æéç ¡á É¿ªß¬«¼ 󫬺á½Ñ, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    23.04.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1O_0037.JPG 262357 <2.6> «óδ⌐ óáú«¡. æ»áαÑ¡¡δÑ ¬π»Ñ⌐¡δÑ óáú«¡δ
    »α«¿ºó«ñßΓóá Æéç ¡á É¿ªß¬«¼ 󫬺á½Ñ, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    23.04.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1O_0038.JPG 293168 <2.6> Åáßßᪿα߬¿Ñ óáú«¡δ »«Ñºñá ⁿ180 æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú
    - àó»áΓ«α¿∩ »«ñ Γ∩ú«⌐ ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºá éï10-1823,
    ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩, èαδ¼, 15.07.20 (1200x884)
    1336295 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z84 9819 STN Daily made nodelist
    9819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKB.JPG 83820 <3.1> -îδ ½ÑºÑ¼, ½ÑºÑ¼, ½ÑºÑ¼... (771x999) [9.01.01]
    83820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.284 164652 Z2DAILY for today
    164652 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1788816 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Oct 11 16:02:26 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211011.ZIP 8751687 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8751687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8751687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 15 09:49:34 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z88 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z88 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z85 52260 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 285
    Z1DAILY.Z86 52265 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 286
    Z1DAILY.Z87 52261 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 287
    Z1DAILY.Z88 52251 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 288
    209037 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2538175 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537969 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5076144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L88 1442 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 288
    1442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z88 1548 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 288
    1548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z88 589 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z88 1224 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1813 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211012.zip 512828 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    From North America to the Holy Land
    12 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211013.zip 232768 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Noctilucent Clouds Over Northern Italy
    13 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211014.zip 389431 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Storm, Stars and Mt Etna
    14 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1135027 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z88 570 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z88 5613 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    5613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z88 8866 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8866 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    fc2_250d.zip 695882 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    fc2_250r.zip 451076 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware. Add
    remote control feature. Allows FC to be run over an
    ssh connection.
    1146958 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    websr221.zip 644475 WebServe: a lightweight web server
    for OS/2.
    644475 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z88 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z88 4040 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4595 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z88 13389 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-10-15 (288)
    13389 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z88 600 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.288 15127 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z88 5629 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    21356 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z81 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z88 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.288 35019 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    WHISPNET.288 10547 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    46472 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z88 588 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    588 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z88 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z88 5960 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    5960 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z88 2399 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    2399 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211012.zip 164544 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sediment in the Caspian Sea
    12 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211013.zip 443320 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Kompasu
    13 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211014.zip 36458 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires near Lake Chad
    14 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    644322 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211012.ZIP 2908037 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211013.ZIP 3378321 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211014.ZIP 1718148 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    8004506 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A88 2187 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 288
    2187 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z88 1548 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56182 FidoNet Nodelist
    56182 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a88 91568 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91568 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z88 52253 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 288
    52253 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z88 56649 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56649 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z88 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z88 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z88 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 287
    pntlist.rul 6298 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    8045 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z88 12881 Region 50 segment day 285
    12881 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38803 -- description missing --
    38803 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _11_006H.JPG 142107 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-079 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 20.01.16 (1200x848) [9.01.01]
    _11_006I.JPG 231006 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-079 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.ü½áú«ñáΓ¡á∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä,
    01.06.16 (1198x796) [9.01.01]
    _11_006J.JPG 408685 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-079 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè,
    09.05.17 (1198x734) [9.01.01]
    _11_006K.JPG 405110 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßδ Çù2-079 ¿ Çù2-85 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ
    ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá, ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä -
    Äα±½ îÄæè, 09.05.17 (1198x652) [9.01.01]
    _11_006L.JPG 703601 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-085 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ü½áú«ñáΓ¡á∩ -
    çá½Ñú«Θ∞ îÄæè, ÄὫó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 10.08.19 (1200x800)
    _11_006M.JPG 244741 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-089 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.ä¿Φ¡∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè, 23.05.16
    (1200x722) [9.01.01]
    _1O_003E.JPG 277031 <2.6> èπ»Ñ⌐¡δ⌐ óáú«¡ »«Ñºñá ⁿ174/173 î«ß¬óá -
    àó»áΓ«α¿∩, ßΓ.äªá¡¬«⌐, èαδ¼, 02.09.21 (1200x800)
    _1O_003F.JPG 326418 <2.6> èπ»Ñ⌐¡δ⌐ óáú«¡ »«Ñºñá ⁿ174/173 î«ß¬óá -
    àó»áΓ«α¿∩, ßΓ.äªá¡¬«⌐, èαδ¼, 02.09.21 (1200x800)
    _1O_003G.JPG 570558 <2.6> ¥ä4î-013701, ßὫ¡ óáú«¡á 01, »ÑαÑú«¡ èπí¿¡¬á-II
    - ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ îÄæè, 06.03.21 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1O_003H.JPG 341307 <2.6> «óδÑ ñóπσøΓ᪡δÑ óáú«¡δ ¼«ñѽ¿ 61-4492 ¿
    61-4503. éδßΓáó¬á`ÅÉÄ//äéêåàêà ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, ú.î«ß¬óá, 30.08.19 (1200x784)
    _2E_00ER.JPG 440879 <2.6> ÉáºΩѺñ é«ñ«»áñ¡δ⌐, ó¿ñ ó ßΓ«α«¡π ßΓ.ÿѻ߿ æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 18.05.18 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00ES.JPG 373439 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ äªá¡¬«⌐, èαδ¼, 02.09.20 (1200x800)
    _2E_00ET.JPG 337339 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ äªá¡¬«⌐, èαδ¼, 02.09.20 (1200x800)
    _2E_00EU.JPG 377393 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ äªá¡¬«⌐, èαδ¼, 02.09.20 (1200x800)
    _2E_00EV.JPG 317900 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ äªá¡¬«⌐, èαδ¼, 02.09.20 (1200x800)
    5497514 bytes in 15 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1193 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1193 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z88 683 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z88 6467 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    7150 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z88 18363 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18363 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z88 528 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WALLPAPER : MJ50: DeskTops Wallpapers
    LAVKC5HF.JPG 120223 <3.3> üѽ¬á-ΓѽÑπΓ¬á (900x598) [9.01.01]
    120223 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211012.zip 415928 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211013.zip 414041 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211014.zip 409543 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    1239512 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKD.JPG 179910 <3.1> á⌐ñ¿ ßѼ∞ «Γ½¿τ¿⌐ (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    LAVKE.JPG 345769 <3.1> äαπº∞∩ (1200x962) [9.01.01]
    LAVKF.JPG 114099 <3.1> Å«ú«¡∩ (1024x800) [9.01.01]
    639778 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.285 164653 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.286 164670 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.287 164673 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.288 164597 Z2DAILY for today
    658593 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z88 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z88 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z88 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z88 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13864 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 25584747 bytes in 91 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 15 16:01:08 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z88 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z88 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z88 589 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z88 1224 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1813 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.288 18766 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z88 6132 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.288 18766 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43664 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z88 648 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    648 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z88 7000 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7000 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z88 9033 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    9033 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z88 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z88 4040 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4595 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z88 580 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.288 35447 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z88 11638 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47665 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z88 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z88 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z88 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z88 9080 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9484 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z88 1088 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    1088 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z88 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z88 9084 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9084 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z88 2399 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    2399 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211015.ZIP 3412801 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3412801 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a88 2228 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2228 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.288 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z88 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z88 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z88 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z88 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z88 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z88 2907 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z88 14434 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    17341 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z88 12611 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z88 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12820 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z88 18769 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z88 18769 VirNet Weekly NodeList.
    37538 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z88 514 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    VIR_DIFF.Z88 514 VirNet Weekly NodeDiff.
    1028 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z88 77833 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 288 (15.10.2021)
    z2pnt.z88 77833 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 288 (15.10.2021)
    155666 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z88 525 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 288 (15.10.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z88 525 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 288 (15.10.2021)
    1050 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z88 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z88 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z88 553 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z88 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    14220 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3876653 bytes in 48 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 15 18:15:14 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z88 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z88 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z88 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z88 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 15 21:01:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211015.zip 368998 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Sea Lung Jellyfish
    15 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    368998 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211015.zip 138790 MODIS Picture of the Day
    October Snowstorm Blankets the Intermountain West
    15 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    138790 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211015.zip 412087 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412087 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 919875 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 16 09:01:16 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z89 52254 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 289
    52254 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.289 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z89 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.289 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z89 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.289 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z89 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38803 -- description missing --
    38803 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00EW.JPG 359322 <2.6> ê¼ÑαÑΓ¿¡ß¬¿⌐ ¬πα«αΓ. çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á
    ßΓ.ê¼ÑαÑΓ¿¡ß¬¿⌐ ¬πα«αΓ æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    20.05.18, ß¡∩Γ« ¿º ¬áí¿¡¬¿ ¬«½Ñßá «í«ºαÑ¡¿∩ (1200x800)
    _2E_00EX.JPG 235582 <2.6> ïÑΓ¡ÑÑ πΓα«: ßΓᡵ¿∩ É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä,
    É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 23.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00EY.JPG 260253 <2.6> ïÑΓ¡ÑÑ πΓα«: ßΓᡵ¿∩ É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä,
    É«ßΓ«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 23.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00EZ.JPG 284511 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    16.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00F0.JPG 247775 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    16.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1387443 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z89 12791 STN Daily made nodelist
    12791 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKG.JPG 241975 <3.1> -ùΓ« Γá¼?.. (1600x1000) [9.01.01]
    241975 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.289 164599 Z2DAILY for today
    164599 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2039145 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 16 16:01:16 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211016.ZIP 348515 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    348515 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 348515 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 17 16:04:04 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z90 52257 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 290
    52257 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211016.zip 65317 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Pamukkale, Turkey
    16 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    65317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n16.zip 14834 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 16
    October 13th, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 2
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 3
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 4
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 5
    More Information ....................... 6
    14834 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25422 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1603934 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211016.zip 326018 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in Pakistan and India
    16 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    326018 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211017.ZIP 46334 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    46334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38803 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3041 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58248 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00F1.JPG 305765 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    16.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00F2.JPG 218095 <2.6> á ºá¬áΓÑ ñ¡∩: »½áΓΣ«α¼δ ßΓᡵ¿¿ Çñ½Ñα æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 19.05.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00F3.JPG 387808 <2.6> ŽáΓΣ«α¼á Å«óáñ¿¡« ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ôßáñδ-«¬απª¡δÑ -
    äÑΓ¬«ó«, üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 18.08.18
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00F4.JPG 354706 <2.6> ŽáΓΣ«α¼á Å«óáñ¿¡« ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ôßáñδ-«¬απª¡δÑ -
    äÑΓ¬«ó«, üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 18.08.18
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00F5.JPG 271972 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ Å∩Γ¿ú«α߬ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    22.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1538346 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211016.zip 413194 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKH.JPG 219420 <3.1> -Ñ ¿¡ΓÑαÑß¡«... (1680x1114) [9.01.01]
    219420 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.290 164597 Z2DAILY for today
    164597 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4568624 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 17 21:02:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211017.zip 65317 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Pamukkale, Turkey
    17 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    65317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211017.zip 505480 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Autumn Colors in France and Spain
    17 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    505480 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211017.zip 415392 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415392 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 986189 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 22 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : COORDUTL : ADM: Coordinator Tools and Utilities
    ERRFLAGS.EXE 180152 ERRFLAGS software-release
    ERRFLAGS.ZC2 14424 ERRFLAGS parameter-file for Zone-2
    194576 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z92 52257 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 292
    Z1DAILY.Z93 52259 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 293
    Z1DAILY.Z94 52230 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 294
    Z1DAILY.Z95 52227 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 295
    208973 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537773 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537486 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5075259 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L95 1289 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 295
    1289 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z95 1372 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 295
    1372 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211018.zip 350457 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lower Yellowstone Falls
    18 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211019.zip 125500 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Odd-Radius Lunar Halos Encircling Jupiter and Saturn
    19 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211020.zip 510639 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    20 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211021.zip 507320 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Law of the (Colorado) River
    21 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1493916 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n17.zip 14785 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 17
    October 20, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 2
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 3
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 4
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 5
    More Information ....................... 6
    14785 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.295 18766 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z95 6132 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.295 18766 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43664 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6456741 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0549. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    6456741 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    freerdp.zip 1436269 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.4.1
    (20211022) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
    (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1436269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    qs_ldr.zip 975037 QSINIT 0.29, rev 0549. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    975037 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z95 13361 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-10-22 (295)
    13361 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    347841 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z88 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z95 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z95 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z95 9046 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9450 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211018.zip 217310 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom off Victoria Island, Canada
    18 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211019.zip 525989 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Persian Gulf
    19 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211020.zip 167517 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Nasser (Lake Nubia) and the Toska Lakes
    20 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211021.zip 407963 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Autumn Along the Appalachians
    21 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    1318779 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211018.ZIP 106966 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211019.ZIP 2852570 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211020.ZIP 149432 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211021.ZIP 8715346 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211022.ZIP 4135299 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    15959613 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a95 1843 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1843 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A95 1845 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 295
    1845 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z95 1368 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z95 1368 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2736 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a95 91271 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91271 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z95 52229 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 295
    52229 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z95 56619 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731349 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731349 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.295 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z95 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z95 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 294
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (11-10-2021)
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    5322 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z95 12881 Region 50 segment day 292
    12881 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38768 -- description missing --
    38768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00FB.JPG 308850 <2.6> ŽáΓΣ«α¼á ßΓᡵ¿¿ èπ߬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    18.07.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FC.JPG 492424 <2.6> «óá∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼á ⁿ4 ¡á ßΓᡵ¿¿ ûáα¿µδ¡« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 04.07.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FD.JPG 434812 <2.6> «óá∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼á ⁿ4 ¡á ßΓᡵ¿¿ ûáα¿µδ¡« îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 04.07.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FE.JPG 327504 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ǬßÑ¡úÑα, πτáßΓ«¬ ÄΓáα - ǽ¼á-ÇΓá èÆå,
    24.05.2010 (1200x812) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FF.JPG 333003 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ù¿½∞íáßΓáπ, πτáßΓ«¬ ǽ¼á-ÇΓá - ÄΓáα èÆå,
    29.05.2010 (1196x776) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FG.JPG 283224 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ǽ¼á-ÇΓá-I, τ±Γ¡δ⌐ »áα¬, ó¿ñ ó ßΓ«α«¡π
    πτáßΓ¬á ǽ¼á-ÇΓá - ÄΓáα èÆå, 15.06.2010 (1198x798)
    _2E_00FH.JPG 259524 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ üπαπ¡ñá⌐, πτáßΓ«¬ ǽ¼á-ÇΓá - ÄΓáα èÆå,
    15.06.2010 (1196x774) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FI.JPG 313830 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ǽ¼á-ÇΓá-I èÆå, »«ªáα¡δ⌐ »«Ñºñ ¡á
    ßΓᡵ¿¿, 19.06.2010 (1198x856) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FJ.JPG 295061 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ è«»á, πτáßΓ«¬ ÄΓáα - ǽ¼á-ÇΓá èÆå,
    02.07.2010 (1196x756) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FK.JPG 218088 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ÿπ (ùπ), ¡á»α«ó½Ñ¡¿Ñ ¡á ßΓᡵ¿ε üÑ૨Ñ-I
    èÆå, 15.09.2011 (1200x844) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FL.JPG 214553 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ üα∩¡ß¬-ï∞ú«ó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, 18.01.16
    (1198x756) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FM.JPG 99180 <2.6> îáαΦαπΓ¡δ⌐ ßóÑΓ«Σ«α ùîæÄ ßΓᡵ¿¿ Äα±½-II îÄæè,
    22.01.16 (602x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FN.JPG 168220 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ çá½Ñú«Θ∞ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 23.01.16 (1200x778) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FO.JPG 135181 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èα«¼ß¬á∩, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ - üα∩¡ß¬ îÄæè,
    10.02.16 (1200x764) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FP.JPG 140152 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ Äα±½-II îÄæè, óδσ«ñ¡«⌐ ßóÑΓ«Σ«α -7ï,
    25.02.16 (1196x874) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FQ.JPG 145791 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èáºá¬¿ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 21.03.16 (1192x750) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FR.JPG 103192 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓᡵ¿¿ èπº∞¼¿τ±ó¬á îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬
    Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä, 21.03.16 (1196x776) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FS.JPG 278164 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ äæÅ ßΓᡵ¿¿ èπº∞¼¿τ±ó¬á îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬
    Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä, 21.03.16 (1198x780) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FT.JPG 304674 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ äæÅ ßΓᡵ¿¿ ÿáΓ¿½«ó« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè, 21.03.16 (1198x854) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FU.JPG 260842 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ÿáΓ¿½«ó« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 21.03.16 (1200x844) [9.01.01]
    5116269 bytes in 20 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1192 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1192 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z95 8728 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z95 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    8937 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211018.zip 414972 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211019.zip 412386 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211020.zip 407617 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211021.zip 406970 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    1641945 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKJ.JPG 96478 <3.1> ô½¿µá ¿¡ΓÑαÑß¡ÑÑ øΓ«⌐ ¬πσ¡¿ (736x1105) [9.01.01]
    LAVKK.JPG 199962 <3.1> -ÅαÑñ¬¿ øΓ« ѽ¿... (1100x858) [9.01.01]
    LAVKL.JPG 193200 <3.1> -äá ºáóΓαᬠªñπ!.. (1332x850) [9.01.01]
    LAVKM.JPG 153492 <3.1> ⫽«ñ¡á∩ «αáóá (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    643132 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.291 164597 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.292 164598 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.293 164600 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.294 164505 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.295 164503 Z2DAILY for today
    822803 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z95 76786 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 295 (22.10.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z95 76786 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 295 (22.10.2021)
    153572 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z95 2212 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 295 (22.10.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z95 2212 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 295 (22.10.2021)
    4424 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 43031042 bytes in 97 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 22 21:01:04 2021
    Area : COORDUTL : ADM: Coordinator Tools and Utilities
    ERRFL222.ZIP 94356 ErrFlags v2.22 // Checks nodelist segments.
    New in this version:
    - Added number of explicitly deleted entries
    to reports.
    New in previous versions:
    - Parametrized check for combination of
    prefix and flag introduced in v2.19; fixed
    newline bug in same.
    94356 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211022.zip 131473 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Dusty Sunset Over Sicily
    22 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    131473 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z95 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211022.zip 226931 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Swirls of Color in the Adriatic Sea
    22 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    226931 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211022.zip 409144 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    409144 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 862108 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 23 09:01:24 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z96 52231 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 296
    52231 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.296 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z96 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.296 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z96 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.296 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z96 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38768 -- description missing --
    38768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00FV.JPG 238170 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ äæÅ ßΓᡵ¿¿ ÄΓαáñá, πτáßΓ«¬ Æπ½á - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 18.05.16 (1196x806) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FW.JPG 216205 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓᡵ¿¿ ÄΓαáñá, πτáßΓ«¬ Æπ½á -
    Äα±½ îÄæè, 18.05.16 (1200x822) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FX.JPG 171325 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ä¿Φ¡∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 21.05.16 (1198x788) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FY.JPG 242342 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ïπª¬¿-ÄὫó߬¿Ñ îÄæè, 23.05.16
    (1198x726) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00FZ.JPG 161791 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èáºá¬¿ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 24.05.16 (1198x722) [9.01.01]
    1029833 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z96 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKN.JPG 162806 <3.1> -¥Γ« óß± ñ½∩ ¼Ñ¡∩!.. (1500x788) [9.01.01]
    162806 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.296 164505 Z2DAILY for today
    164505 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1663002 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 23 16:01:22 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211023.ZIP 592484 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    592484 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 592484 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 23 21:02:54 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211023.zip 285454 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Flosagjá Canyon, Thingvellir National Park,
    23 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    285454 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211023.zip 403045 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Springtime on New Zealand's South Island
    23 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    403045 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211023.zip 410471 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    410471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1098970 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 24 09:03:54 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z97 52229 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 297
    52229 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537744 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4G.ZIP 2537744 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537483 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    7612971 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38768 -- description missing --
    38768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00G0.JPG 227919 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓᡵ¿¿ Äα±½ îÄæè, 28.05.16
    (1200x948) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G1.JPG 290021 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ çá½Ñú«Θ∞ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 01.06.16 (1200x774) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G2.JPG 176250 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ò«¼πΓ«ó« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 04.06.16 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G3.JPG 221879 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ïπª¬¿-ÄὫó߬¿Ñ îÄæè, »ÑαÑú«¡δ ¡á
    ßΓᡵ¿¿ Äα±½-II, Äα±½-I ¿ èπº∞¼¿τ±ó¬á, 16.06.16
    (1199x770) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G4.JPG 157238 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ î«σ«óá∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 16.06.16 (1198x856) [9.01.01]
    1073307 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKO.JPG 123076 <3.1> -Ç úñÑ Ññá?.. (1200x1000) [9.01.01]
    123076 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.297 164503 Z2DAILY for today
    164503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9179950 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 24 16:04:12 2021
    Area : GFD.APP.DB : GFD.APP: OS/2 Databank-Programs, Tools
    TBUCH451.ZIP 2339317 TEXTBUCH 4.51a0 for eCS and OS/2. "TEXTBUCH" ('text
    book') is a double entry book keeping program
    (accounting program) only in german language. The
    input are text files and the program generates text
    files containing the annual closing and statements of
    accounts. The way how this job is done can be
    determined by using a powerful scripting language
    which enables scripts which are indepenent from accout
    numbers. A resource editor for generating specific
    dialog forms enables you very specific adaptions. The
    graphical environment of the program with integrated
    editors and settings notebook helps the user editing
    the input files and locating wrong entries. Dr.
    Vieregg PC Software. WarpIN archive.
    2339317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    LNKS225.ZIP 3815796 Links browser version 2.25. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c.
    LNKS225W.ZIP 3880929 Links browser version 2.25. Links is (c) 1999-2021
    Mikulas Patocka, (c) 2000-2021 Petr Kulhav, Karel
    Kulhav, Martin Pergel. Links is a graphics and text
    mode web browser, released under GPL. Links is a free
    software. Additional requirements: EMX v0.9c. WarpIN
    7696725 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.SND : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Sound Card Drivers
    UNIAU313.ZIP 876178 Uniaud32 v.3.01.03 (24-Jul-2021). Linux code updated
    to 5.14.17 level. Copyright (c) 2011-2021 David
    Azarewicz. Uniaud is a Universal Audio Support Driver
    for OS/2. Uniaud was a project created by InnoTek
    Systemberatung GmbH, now hosted by Netlabs. Uniaud is
    based on the Linux ALSA project. Uniaud supports a
    broad range of PCI audio cards/chipsets, including
    AC'97 and HDA audio codecs. AC'97 audio codecs will be
    found in systems with integrated (onboard) audio,
    typically built up through 2004. HDA codecs will be
    found in modern systems with integrated audio, built
    during or after 2004. Uniaud also supports some older
    audio hardware. WarpIN installer.
    876178 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25284 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2974 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    43879 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211024.ZIP 511879 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    511879 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 11467978 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 24 21:02:44 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211024.zip 285455 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Flosagjá Canyon, Thingvellir National Park,
    24 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    285455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1907794 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211024.zip 193020 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Falkland Islands
    24 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    193020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211024.zip 412383 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412383 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2798652 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Oct 25 09:03:50 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z98 52256 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 298
    52256 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC43.ZIP 13016 FIDONEWS 25 Oct 2021 Vol 38 No 43
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13016 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.298 18376 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z98 5957 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.298 18376 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    42709 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z98 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.298 27615 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z98 8602 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    36217 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (25-10-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1056 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38768 -- description missing --
    38768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00G5.JPG 254448 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 21.06.16 (1200x916) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G6.JPG 225102 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èπº∞¼¿τ±ó¬á îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä -
    Äα±½ îÄæè, 22.06.16 (1200x848) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G7.JPG 182669 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ïπª¬¿-ÄὫó߬¿Ñ îÄæè, »π¡¬Γ »α«úαÑóá,
    30.09.16 (1196x844) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G8.JPG 178460 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 30.11.16 (1200x862) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00G9.JPG 211233 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ î«σ«óá∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 30.11.16 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    1051912 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z98 9819 STN Daily made nodelist
    9819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKP.JPG 128916 <3.1> -ƒ ¬á¬ íδ ¡á¼Ñ¬áε... (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    128916 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.298 164503 Z2DAILY for today
    164503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1668128 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Oct 25 16:03:44 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211025.ZIP 1871838 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1871838 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1871838 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 29 11:11:46 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z02 596 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z02 8027 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8027 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z00 52303 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 300
    Z1DAILY.Z01 52270 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 301
    Z1DAILY.Z02 52219 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 302
    Z1DAILY.Z99 52296 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 299
    209088 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537896 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537595 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5075491 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L02 1304 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 302
    1304 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z02 1390 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 302
    1390 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z02 587 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z02 371 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    958 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211026.zip 119207 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Meeting Between the Celestial Spheres In Sicily, Italy
    26 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211027.zip 270770 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Beautiful Mountain Shadow in Western Italy
    27 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    389977 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n18.zip 14890 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 18
    October 27, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Editorial ...............................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    14890 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z02 2205 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    2205 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z02 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z02 197 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    197 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z02 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z02 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4595 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z02 13371 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-10-29 (302)
    13371 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z02 7010 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.302 35447 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z02 11638 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    54095 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z02 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.295 35019 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35474 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z95 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z02 4828 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    4828 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z02 198 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    198 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z02 10060 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10060 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z02 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211025.zip 250535 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Amery Ice Shelf
    25 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211026.zip 79908 MODIS Picture of the Day
    King Sound
    26 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211027.zip 514389 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Hurricane Rick
    27 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211028.zip 506469 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust and Smoke over the Arabian Sea
    28 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    1351301 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211026.ZIP 3407948 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211027.ZIP 1622269 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211028.ZIP 3296400 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211029.ZIP 7756858 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    16083475 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    nodediff.a02 1875 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 302
    1875 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z02 1390 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z02 1390 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2780 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56143 FidoNet Nodelist
    NODELIST.ZIP 56154 FidoNet Nodelist
    112297 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a02 91597 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91597 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z02 52221 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 302
    52221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.Z02 56615 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56615 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z02 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z02 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z02 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 301
    1748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z02 12883 Region 50 segment day 299
    12883 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00GA.JPG 181352 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ î«σ«óá∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 30.11.16 (1196x846) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GB.JPG 192340 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èáºá¬¿ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 02.05.16 (1198x830) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GC.JPG 235268 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ î«σ«óá∩ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 05.09.16 (1200x850) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GD.JPG 143903 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 20.02.17 (1200x818) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GE.JPG 293728 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ üα∩¡ß¬-ï∞ú«ó߬¿⌐ îÄæè, 10.03.17
    (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GF.JPG 247407 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ áαδΦ¬¿¡«, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ - üα∩¡ß¬ îÄæè,
    10.04.17 (1196x846) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GG.JPG 421401 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, ºá¬αδΓ«Ñ ¿ πªÑ ¡Ñ
    ßπΘÑßΓóπεΘÑÑ ñÑ»« éÑασ«ó∞Ñ, 16.04.17 (1200x770)
    _2E_00GH.JPG 511713 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ Éπß߬¿⌐ üα«ñ, πτáßΓ«¬ ï¿ó¡δ - éÑασ«ó∞Ñ
    îÄæè, 06.05.17 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GI.JPG 443595 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ Éπß߬¿⌐ üα«ñ, πτáßΓ«¬ ï¿ó¡δ - éÑασ«ó∞Ñ
    îÄæè, 06.05.17 (1200x792) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GJ.JPG 394836 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ÿáΓ¿½«ó« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä, 23.05.17 (1198x884) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GK.JPG 540939 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ ï«»áΓ¿¡« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 18.06.17 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GL.JPG 355235 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, »áßßᪿα߬¿⌐ »áα¬, ó¿ñ ó
    ßΓ«α«¡π ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á, 28.09.18 (1197x746) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GM.JPG 453962 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ æ«αΓáóá½á ÄèÆ. Åáßßᪿα߬á∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼á ¿
    ºñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á. ÉÑß»πí½¿¬á èáαѽ¿∩, ¿ε¡∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GN.JPG 404912 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èπ߬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 07.07.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GO.JPG 464391 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èπ߬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 07.07.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GP.JPG 488821 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ èπ߬«ó« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 07.07.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GQ.JPG 343618 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ »«ßΓá ¥û ¿ äæÅ ßΓᡵ¿¿ âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 03.03.21 (1199x936) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GR.JPG 211289 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ âαáΣ߬á∩, ßÑóÑα¡á∩ ú«α½«ó¿¡á, ½¿¡¿∩
    ÄΓ᫪¬á - âα∩º¿ ₧éåä, 26.03.21 (1132x589) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GS.JPG 145655 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ Äα±½ îÄæè, óδσ«ñ¡«⌐ ßóÑΓ«Σ«α ù-1æ,
    01.06.16 (900x1200) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GT.JPG 329333 <2.6> «óá∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼á ñ½∩ îûä-2 ¡á ßΓᡵ¿¿ Å«ñ«½∞߬
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 23.11.19 (1200x800)
    6803698 bytes in 20 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1202 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.302 342 Net 5030 routing map, day 302
    moves.302 24 Net 5030 changes, day 302
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 302
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 302
    1496 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z02 291 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 302
    moves.z02 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 302
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 302
    812 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z02 8349 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z02 14061 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    22410 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z02 18616 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18616 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z02 872 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    872 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211025.zip 412728 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211026.zip 413009 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211027.zip 413056 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211028.zip 412537 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    1651330 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKQ.JPG 248174 <3.1> -Ç αδíá úñÑ??. (1500x1000) [9.01.01]
    LAVKR.JPG 349040 <3.5> è«Γ∩Γá (1200x906) [9.01.01]
    LAVKS.JPG 284881 <3.1> è«Γ±¡«¬ (1920x1200) [9.01.01]
    LAVKT.JPG 302822 <3.1> -Ä¡ ªÑ ¡Ñ »«ßπñá!.. (1600x1074) [9.01.01]
    1184917 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO1.JPG 55137 <4.6> îÑΓα« - ¼∩ß«απí¬á (û) Éπ߽ᡠ䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ [9.02.01]
    LAVKQK5U.BMP 239126 Åαáó¿½∞¡«Ñ »Ñp»ÑΓ«pѼ«¡Γ¡«Ñ áΓѽ∞Ñ (û) 嬻¡.èp«¬«ñ¿½
    1971 ⁿ26 [9.02.01]
    LAVKQKJC.BMP 613942 髽¬ ó ßó«í«ñ¡«Ñ «Γ ßΩ±¼«¬ ópѼ∩... (û) åπp¡.èp«¬«ñ¿½
    1971 ⁿ27 ßΓp.14 [9.02.01]
    908205 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.299 164604 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.300 164673 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.301 164602 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.302 164483 Z2DAILY for today
    658362 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z02 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z02 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6807 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z02 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z02 9669 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    9866 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 35044478 bytes in 108 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 29 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.302 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z02 6169 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.302 18859 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43887 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.302 35087 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35087 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z02 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z02 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z02 9079 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9483 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.302 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z02 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z02 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z02 9668 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z02 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9877 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z02 76786 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 302 (29.10.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z02 76786 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 302 (29.10.2021)
    153572 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z02 499 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 302 (29.10.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z02 499 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 302 (29.10.2021)
    998 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 294979 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 29 18:15:12 2021
    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z02 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z02 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 427 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Oct 29 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211029.zip 206089 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Careful Where You Step
    29 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    206089 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211029.zip 517063 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Typhoon Malou
    29 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    517063 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211029.zip 411628 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    411628 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1134780 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 30 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z03 52222 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 303
    52222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.303 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z03 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.303 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z03 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.303 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z03 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00GU.JPG 316137 <2.6> «óá∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼á ñ½∩ îûä-2 ¡á ßΓᡵ¿¿ Å«ñ«½∞߬
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 23.11.19 (1200x800)
    _2E_00GV.JPG 382930 <2.6> æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ßΓó« ¡«ó«⌐ »½áΓΣ«α¼δ ñ½∩ îûä-2 ¡á
    ßΓᡵ¿¿ Å«ñ«½∞߬ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 11.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GW.JPG 403389 <2.6> æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ßΓó« ¡«ó«⌐ »½áΓΣ«α¼δ ñ½∩ îûä-2 ¡á
    ßΓᡵ¿¿ Å«ñ«½∞߬ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 11.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00GX.JPG 383188 <2.6> æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ßΓó« »½áΓΣ«α¼δ ñ½∩ îûä-2 ¡á ßΓᡵ¿¿
    Å«ñ«½∞߬ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 10.07.19 (1200x800)
    _2E_00GY.JPG 363510 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ Äα±½ îÄæè, ºñá¡¿Ñ äæÅ ßΓᡵ¿¿ Äα±½-II,
    06.03.16 (1198x790) [9.01.01]
    1849154 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z03 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKU.JPG 63310 <3.1> á ¬πσ¡Ñ (1200x675) [9.01.01]
    63310 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO2.JPG 49294 <4.6> ÄΣ¿µ¿á¡Γ! ƒ ªñπ ßó«Ñ »¿ó« ó«Γ πªÑ 200 ¬¼!!! (û)
    Éπ߽ᡠ䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ [9.02.01]
    49294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.303 164485 Z2DAILY for today
    164485 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2432754 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 30 16:03:18 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211030.ZIP 636247 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    636247 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 636247 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Oct 30 21:02:50 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211030.zip 84970 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Jack-O'-Lantern Sun
    30 October 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    84970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211030.zip 506205 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow on the Tibetan Plateau
    30 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    506205 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211030.zip 412745 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412745 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1003920 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Oct 31 21:02:50 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z04 52223 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 304
    52223 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.304 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z04 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.304 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25285 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1951638 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z04 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211031.zip 502299 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Typhoon Malou
    31 October 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    502299 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211031.ZIP 315443 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    315443 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.304 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z04 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2E_00GZ.JPG 363927 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ äªá¡¬«⌐. ÆÑ»½«ó«º Æ¥Å70üæ-337 «Γ»αáó¿½ß∩
    ¡á «Γñδσ, »α¿óѺ∩ »«Ñºñ ⁿ174 î«ß¬óá - àó»áΓ«α¿∩. èαδ¼,
    02.09.20 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _2E_00H0.JPG 185714 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿∩ Äα±½ îÄæè, ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï11-569, 08.01.16
    (1198x754) [9.01.01]
    _2F_0073.JPG 250447 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.Çñ½Ñα æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐
    ¬αá⌐, 19.05.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2F_0074.JPG 542632 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.⫽¿µδ¡« îÄæè, ó¿ñ ß
    »α¿ó«¬ºá½∞¡«⌐ »½«Θáñ¿, 19.07.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2F_0075.JPG 351915 <2.6> é¿ñ »áßßᪿα߬«ú« ºñá¡¿∩ ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ß« ßΓ«α«¡δ
    π½¿µδ Ѫ¿¡ß¬«⌐, ½¿¡¿∩ âα∩º¿ - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 26.03.21 (1200x849) [9.01.01]
    1694635 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.309 349 Net 5030 routing map, day 309
    moves.309 24 Net 5030 changes, day 309
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 309
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 309
    1503 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z09 294 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 309
    moves.z09 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 309
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 309
    815 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z04 10194 STN Daily made nodelist
    10194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211031.zip 413889 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413889 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LAVKV.JPG 169963 <3.1> Ī¿ñá¡¿Ñ (1080x1080) [9.01.01]
    169963 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO3.JPG 31522 <4.6> Å«»δΓ¬á ¡Ñ πñá½áß∞... (û) Éπ߽ᡠ䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ
    31522 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.304 164483 Z2DAILY for today
    164483 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5558192 bytes in 41 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 1 09:01:12 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z05 52256 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 305
    52256 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC44.ZIP 12985 FIDONEWS 01 Nov 2021 Vol 38 No 44
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.305 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z05 5998 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.305 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43036 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    http2438.zip 4266420 This is a port of Apache/2.4.38 for OS/2 &
    eComStation. It was built using GCC v7.3.0 and
    requires the libc066 runtime dll. The Apache HTTP
    Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
    open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.
    The goal of this project is to provide a secure,
    efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP
    services in sync with the current HTTP standards. This
    port was done by: Paul Smedley.
    websrv23.zip 645279 WebServe: a lightweight web server
    for OS/2.
    4911699 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.WPS.TOOL : GFD.WPS: OS/2 Tools for the WPS
    XWP14LI.ZIP 2302049 XWorkplace-Lite V1.0.14 english. XWorkplace is a very
    feature-rich collection of WPS replacement classes,
    enhancing pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace
    Shell. This is another release of the 1.0 branch with
    the bugfixes that have piled up since the last
    release. Lite is very similar to eWP but without the
    eCS branding and logos. Unlike eWP, it includes XWP's
    Startup Folders, probably the most popular XWP feature
    missing in eWP. Be aware that it does not contain XWP
    Setup or Media. Open Source Software under the GNU
    General Public Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    2302049 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z05 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731351 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744456 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.305 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z05 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (01-11-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1054 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1838 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2F_0076.JPG 311160 <2.6> Åáßßᪿα߬«Ñ ºñá¡¿Ñ ßΓᡵ¿¿ Åα¿ñáτá
    `é«α«¡Ñª-δ⌐`, ½¿¡¿∩ ÄΓ᫪¬á - ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä, 20.01.21
    (1199x836) [9.01.01]
    _2F_0077.JPG 505106 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.ôß«ó« îÄæè, 09.08.20
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _2F_0078.JPG 277103 <2.6> 髬ºá½ ßΓ.ôß¼á¡∞, ½¿¡¿∩ âα∩º¿ - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    ó¿ñ ¿º ú«α«ñá, ѵ¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 21.08.21 (1195x784)
    _2F_0079.JPG 262090 <2.6> 髬ºá½ ßΓ.àßßÑ¡Γ㪨 æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    16.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007A.JPG 277234 <2.6> 髬ºá½ ßΓ.àßßÑ¡Γ㪨 æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐,
    16.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1632693 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z05 9819 STN Daily made nodelist
    9819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK1.JPG 236836 <3.1> æΓ᪱α (1023x1280) [9.01.01]
    236836 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO4.JPG 67337 <4.6> ïεñ¿ ñ«íαδÑ! îδ ßἿ ¡Ñ ¼ÑßΓ¡δÑ... (û) Éπß½á¡
    䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ [9.02.01]
    67337 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.305 164576 Z2DAILY for today
    164576 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10583110 bytes in 45 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 1 10:04:56 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    1548170 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_info.zip 2945629 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    Justanet.zip 2939897 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    5885526 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z02 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin_info.zip 1045682 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    1045682 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_FILES : Misceallenous files for RMiniNet Rime
    RMINCONF.TXT 73053 RminiNet Conference list description file
    RMINI.FA 168 RminiNet File Echo .Fa file
    RMINI.NA 11642 RminiNet Echo Tag etc. List .NA file
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    1179624 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : MININET : RMininet files
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    1094761 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211101.ZIP 1894442 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1894442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548170 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2945629 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    lin_info.zip 1045682 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    stnFULL.zip 1226903 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/10/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    7944282 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas1121.zip 1092133 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.4
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090516 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.4
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182649 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1226903 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/10/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    1310040 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 24085631 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 1 10:46:24 2021
    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1555996 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.3
    Updated: 01/11/2021
    1555996 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_1121.zip 2941710 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.27
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/11/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2945630 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.27
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/11/2021
    Justanet.zip 2939898 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.27
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/11/2021
    8827238 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin1121.zip 1035862 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v127
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    lin_info.zip 1035862 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v127
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ln011121.zip 1035862 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v127
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    3107586 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MINI_FILES : Misceallenous files for RMiniNet Rime
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    1094761 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1555996 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.3
    Updated: 01/11/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2945630 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.27
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/11/2021
    lin_info.zip 1035862 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v127
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences, family
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general discussion,
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    stnFULL.zip 1226920 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/10/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    7942306 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas1121.zip 1092133 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.4
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090516 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.4
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182649 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn1121.zip 1169875 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/10/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnFULL.zip 1226920 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/10/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnL1121.zip 1226920 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    3706852 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z_APPS : ZN: Application Packages Only
    ze1121.zip 1065460 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    zeinfo.zip 1065460 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    2130920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 30548308 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 1 16:01:06 2021
    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    stnFULL.zip 1226920 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    1226920 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1226920 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL1121.zip 1226920 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/10/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    2453840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3680760 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 1 21:01:06 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211101.zip 142353 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Greening in Northwestern Nigeria
    01 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    142353 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    116770 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211101.zip 412388 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412388 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 671511 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Nov 2 09:04:02 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z06 52255 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 306
    52255 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2111.ZIP 92241 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    92241 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.306 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z06 6001 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.306 18518 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43037 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z06 7282 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    7282 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.306 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z06 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2F_007B.JPG 216279 <2.6> 髬ºá½ ßΓᡵ¿¿ àó»áΓ«α¿∩-èπα«αΓ, èαδ¼, 08.09.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007C.JPG 211393 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.ê¼ÑαÑΓ¿¡ß¬¿⌐ èπα«αΓ æèåä,
    Ľ¿¼»¿⌐߬¿⌐ »áα¬, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 20.05.18
    (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007D.JPG 222929 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩, èαδ¼, 25.02.20
    (1200x811) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007E.JPG 251685 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩, èαδ¼, 30.05.20
    (1200x958) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007F.JPG 298647 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩, èαδ¼,
    06.10.20 (1100x903) [9.01.01]
    1200933 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z06 7421 STN Daily made nodelist
    7421 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK2KR.BMP 317742 <3.5> Ñ ¬½áñ¿ΓÑ ¬«ΦѬ ¡á íáΓáαÑε! (æ) åπα¡.è᫬«ñ¿½
    1978 ⁿ8 ßΓα.15 (247x427) [9.01.01]
    317742 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO5.JPG 50134 <4.6> ÿπΓ¬¿ «ó«ú« ú«ñá... (û) Éπ߽ᡠ䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ
    50134 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1923845 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Nov 2 16:01:36 2021
    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.306 164577 Z2DAILY for today
    164577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 203428 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Nov 2 21:03:32 2021
    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS1121.ZIP 1429372 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 11/21 =
    = November 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 28 years experience! (and over
    40 years of computer experience!) One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1429372 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211102.zip 530411 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    The Diminutive and Prolific Common Duckweed
    02 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    530411 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211102.zip 324710 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Colorful Waters off the Yucatan Peninsula
    02 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    324710 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211102.ZIP 287270 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    287270 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z09 12874 Region 50 segment day 306
    12874 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211102.zip 410909 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    410909 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2995546 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Nov 3 09:02:40 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z07 52256 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 307
    52256 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.307 16723 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z07 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.307 16723 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39050 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z07 7282 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7282 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.307 30633 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    30633 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2F_007G.JPG 144449 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.꺼Ὤ«ó« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ
    ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè, 12.04.17 (1198x814) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007H.JPG 229301 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼, 28.09.20
    (1100x943) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007I.JPG 140725 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.èáºá¬¿ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè
    - à½Ñµ ₧éåä, 21.03.16 (1198x688) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007J.JPG 379000 <2.6> 髬ºá½ ßΓ.áαδΦ¬¿¡« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ - üα∩¡ß¬,
    10.04.17 (1198x784) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007K.JPG 210890 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.ÄΓαáñá, πτáßΓ«¬ Æπ½á - Äα±½
    îÄæè, 18.05.16 (1196x824) [9.01.01]
    1104365 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z07 9294 STN Daily made nodelist
    9294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK3KR.BMP 269654 <3.5> é «ΓÑ½Ñ ñ½∩ ¬«ΦѬ (æ) åπα¡.è᫬«ñ¿½ 1978 ⁿ24
    ßΓα.14 (266x337) [9.01.01]
    269654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO6.JPG 28474 <4.6> çᬽ¿¡áΓѽ∞ »«Ñºñ«ó... (û) Éπ߽ᡠ䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ
    28474 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.307 164579 Z2DAILY for today
    164579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1857322 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Nov 3 16:01:06 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1548159 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.0
    Updated: 01/08/2021
    FMLYNET.ZIP 32998 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2945620 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2939890 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.26
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/10/2021
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1045674 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    VIRNET.ZIP 58261 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58483 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    9723841 bytes in 8 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9723841 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Nov 3 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211103.zip 212550 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Foehn Effect in La Palma, Canary Islands
    03 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    212550 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211103.zip 497593 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom off South America
    03 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    497593 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211103.zip 411378 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    411378 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1121521 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Nov 4 09:03:44 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z08 52255 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 308
    52255 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.308 16718 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z08 5604 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.308 16718 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z08 7828 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7828 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.308 32217 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z08 9644 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41861 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 308
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    2327 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _11_006N.JPG 231015 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-089 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.ïπª¬¿-ÄὫó߬¿Ñ îÄæè, 30.09.16 (1196x830) [9.01.01]
    _11_006O.JPG 504096 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-119 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Ʊ¼¬¿¡« -
    꺡«ß¬¿, ½¿¡¿∩ é∩º∞¼á - èá½πúá îÄæè, 17.12.17
    (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _11_006P.JPG 130039 <2.6> ÇóΓ«¼«Γα¿ßá Çù2-121 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ñ¿ºÑ½∞-»«Ñºñá,
    ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä,
    22.01.16 (1198x758) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007L.JPG 424592 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.èÑατ∞, ó¿ñ ß »α¿ó«¬ºá½∞¡«⌐
    »½«Θáñ¿, èαδ¼, 26.06.21 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2F_007M.JPG 421982 <2.6> çñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á ßΓ.Å«ñß«½¡Ñτ¡á∩ ÄèÆ, 25.07.21
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    1711724 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z08 9563 STN Daily made nodelist
    9563 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK4KR.BMP 436242 <3.5> äÑΣÑ¬Γ ¼áßΦΓáíá (æ) åπα¡.è᫬«ñ¿½ 1978 ⁿ25 ßΓα.9
    (297x489) [9.01.01]
    436242 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO7.JPG 23335 <4.6> Æáí½¿τ¬á... (û) Éπ߽ᡠ䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ [9.02.01]
    23335 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.308 164578 Z2DAILY for today
    164578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2640488 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Nov 4 21:03:24 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211104.zip 256664 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Double Rainbow over Freital, Germany
    04 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    256664 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg27.z09 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.z09 305 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    1027 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211104.zip 514686 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Cloud Streets over Foxe Basin
    04 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    514686 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211104.ZIP 952990 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    952990 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.309 2082 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z09 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3147 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.309 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z09 561 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1299 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.309 5223 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z09 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.309 8644 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z09 3315 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11959 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.309 3468 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    3468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.309 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    2587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.309 1664 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    1664 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.309 5602 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5602 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211104.zip 412277 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412277 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2174515 bytes in 18 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 5 09:32:08 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z09 598 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    598 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z09 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z09 52291 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 309
    52291 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L09 1200 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 309
    1200 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z09 1282 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 309
    1282 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z09 586 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z09 1224 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1810 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FG_WORF : FGW: Info files, FAQ's, FILEGATE.ZXX
    filegate.zxx 58924 Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID format. Also
    contains HUB/connect information.
    58924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n19.zip 15659 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 19
    November 3rd, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Editorial ...............................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    15659 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z09 559 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    559 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z09 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z09 9032 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    9032 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z09 559 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z09 4037 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4596 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z09 13371 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-11-05 (309)
    13371 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z09 584 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.309 35447 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z09 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47667 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z09 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.309 35087 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35540 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z09 844 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    844 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z09 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z09 10021 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10021 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z09 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a09 1615 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1615 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z09 1225 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z09 1225 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2450 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56178 FidoNet Nodelist
    56178 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a09 91179 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91179 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z09 52293 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 309
    52293 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z09 56646 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56646 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z09 582 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    582 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z09 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z09 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38851 -- description missing --
    38851 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _12_000G.JPG 244158 <2.6> Åáα«ó«ºδ ¡á ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 25.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _12_000H.JPG 390177 <2.6> Åáα«ó«º æπ213-58 - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ
    ¥¬ß»«` (858x1200) [9.01.01]
    _12_000I.JPG 349669 <2.6> Åáα«ó«º æπ213-58 - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ
    ¥¬ß»«` (1200x764) [9.01.01]
    _16_00BR.JPG 321316 <2.6> îáΦ¿¡á »Ñαó¿τ¡«⌐ óδ»αáó¬¿ ¿ ßΓáí¿½¿ºáµ¿¿ »πΓ¿
    îÅé - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ`,
    ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, î«ß¬óá,
    30.08.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _16_00BS.JPG 249094 <2.6> ÅπΓÑαѼ«¡Γ¡á∩ ½ÑΓπτ¬á ÅÉï - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ`, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, î«ß¬óá, 30.08.19 (1200x800)
    1554414 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1201 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z09 880 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z09 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14923 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z09 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18767 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z09 737 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    737 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK5KR.BMP 467534 <3.5> Ī¿ñá¡¿Ñ (æ) åπα¡.è᫬«ñ¿½ 1978 ⁿ27 ßΓα.13
    (502x310) [9.01.01]
    467534 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDO8.JPG 17476 <4.6> îÑΓα«ßΓα«Ñóѵ... (û) Éπ߽ᡠ䫽ªÑ¡Ñµ [9.02.01]
    17476 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.309 164576 Z2DAILY for today
    164576 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z09 532 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z09 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6810 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z09 4857 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z09 13665 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    18522 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2976943 bytes in 56 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 5 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.309 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z09 6169 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.309 18859 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43887 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z09 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z09 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z09 9079 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9483 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211105.ZIP 5446781 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5446781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.309 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z09 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z09 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z09 9668 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z09 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9877 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z09 76806 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 309 (05.11.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z09 76806 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 309 (05.11.2021)
    153612 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z09 722 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 309 (05.11.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z09 722 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 309 (05.11.2021)
    1444 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5707159 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 5 18:16:26 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z09 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z09 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z09 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z09 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 5 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211105.zip 178507 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    A Bison at Home on Yellowstone’s Range
    05 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    178507 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211105.zip 155949 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Nor'easter Brings Color off Cape Cod
    05 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    155949 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211105.zip 413263 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413263 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 747719 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 6 09:03:54 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z10 52295 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 310
    52295 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.310 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z10 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.310 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43039 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z10 7868 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.310 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z10 9295 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39921 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38886 -- description missing --
    38886 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _16_00BT.JPG 340279 <2.6> ÅôîÇ-2012, ßΓ.ôß¼á¡∞ ₧éåä, 21.08.21 (1199x710)
    _16_00BU.JPG 583545 <2.6> èπßΓ«αѺ SP93R-006, ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬
    Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä, 18.06.17 (1200x850) [9.01.01]
    _16_00BV.JPG 527183 <2.6> èπßΓ«αѺ SP93R-006, ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬
    Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä, 18.06.17 (1198x856) [9.01.01]
    _16_00BW.JPG 329622 <2.6> éδ»αáó«τ¡«-»«ñí¿ó«τ¡«-«Γñѽ«τ¡á∩ ¼áΦ¿¡á éÅÄ-æ -
    πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ`, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩
    ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, î«ß¬óá, 30.08.19
    (1200x781) [9.01.01]
    _16_00BX.JPG 300593 <2.6> ÅπΓÑó«⌐ ßΓαπú. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿ ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐
    ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 06.08.19 (1180x700)
    2081222 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z10 9820 STN Daily made nodelist
    9820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK6KR.BMP 525726 <3.5> è«úñá ªÑ¡á ß»¿Γ (æ) åπα¡.è᫬«ñ¿½ 1979 ⁿ9 ßΓα.13
    (588x298) [9.01.01]
    525726 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQAB_.GIF 11631 <4.6> è«úñá ∩ óδαáßΓπ, Γ« íπñπ, ¬á¬ Ç¡¡á èáαÑ¡¿¡á...
    (û) Ç¡ñαÑ⌐ ü¿½∞ª« [9.02.01]
    11631 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.310 164685 Z2DAILY for today
    164685 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3089304 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 6 16:02:12 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211106.ZIP 2251547 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2251547 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2251547 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 6 21:02:56 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211106.zip 284555 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Frost Crystal Congregation
    06 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    284555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211106.zip 503407 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Wanda Wanders over the Atlantic Ocean
    06 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    503407 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211106.zip 415299 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415299 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1203261 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 7 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z11 52312 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 311
    52312 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25294 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1603805 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211107.ZIP 142309 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    142309 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38891 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    55295 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _16_00BY.JPG 322072 <2.6> æΓαπú-ß¡Ñú««τ¿ßΓ¿Γѽ∞ ææâ-1, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩
    ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ `PRO//äéêåàêà ¥èæÅÄ-1520`. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (806x1200) [9.01.01]
    _16_00BZ.JPG 310615 <2.6> æΓαπú-ß¡Ñú««τ¿ßΓ¿Γѽ∞ ææâ-1, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩
    ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ `PRO//äéêåàêà ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _16_00C0.JPG 427791 <2.6> Çâæ1-0124, åѺ¬áºúá¡ß¬¿⌐ âîè, èáαáúá¡ñ¿¡ß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, èáºáσßΓá¡, 12.12.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _16_00C1.JPG 269409 <2.6> îÅÆ4-0134, »ÑαÑú«¡ Åα¿ñáτá - îáß½«ó¬á, ½¿¡¿∩
    ÄΓ᫪¬á - ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 20.01.21 (1129x758)
    _16_00C2.JPG 239142 <2.6> Éѽ∞ß«Φ½¿Σ«óá½∞¡δ⌐ »«Ñºñ RR48 HP-2, ßΓ.꺼Ὤ«ó«
    îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ à½Ñµ ₧éåä - Äα±½ îÄæè, 24.06.16
    (1200x840) [9.01.01]
    1569029 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK7KR.BMP 620982 <3.5> æ«πτáßΓ¡¿¬ (æ) åπα¡.è᫬«ñ¿½ 1979 ⁿ13 ßΓα.13
    (352x588) [9.01.01]
    620982 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQAS1.JPG 39057 <4.6> èáßΓ¿¡ú ¡á Ç¡¡π èáαÑ¡¿¡π... (û) àóúÑ¡¿⌐ æἫ⌐½«ó
    39057 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.311 164707 Z2DAILY for today
    164707 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4378265 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 7 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211107.zip 284555 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Frost Crystal Congregation
    07 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    284555 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    347841 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211107.zip 160243 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Colorado River Delta
    07 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    160243 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211107.zip 414118 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414118 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1206757 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 8 09:04:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7823 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    44960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z12 52274 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 312
    52274 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC45.ZIP 13005 FIDONEWS 08 Nov 2021 Vol 38 No 45
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z12 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (08-11-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1056 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38891 -- description missing --
    38891 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _16_00C3.JPG 318101 <2.6> KGT4RS-210 »α¿».Åùî-è«τÑΓ«ó¬á π ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩
    ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 21.08.21 (1199x730) [9.01.01]
    _16_00C4.JPG 229475 <2.6> îÅÆ4-0491, ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, 12.04.17 (1196x842)
    _16_00C5.JPG 538092 <2.6> îÅÆ4-0491, ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè -
    à½Ñµ ₧éåä, 06.05.17 (1200x832) [9.01.01]
    _16_00C6.JPG 549152 <2.6> îÅÆ4-0573 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« - èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 26.09.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _16_00C7.JPG 600654 <2.6> îÅÆ6-0635 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II - ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 12.12.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2235474 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z12 9819 STN Daily made nodelist
    9819 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK8KR.BMP 289954 <3.5> ÿóÑ⌐µáα߬¿⌐ Γ«¡¡Ñ½∞Θ¿¬ (æ) åπα¡.è᫬«ñ¿½ 1980
    ⁿ20 ßΓα.13 (297x325) [9.01.01]
    289954 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQCTO.JPG 22270 <4.6> Æ«¡Ñ½∞ ó ºóѺñ¡«Ñ ¡Ñí« (û) èα¿ßΓ¿á¡ Æ«»á¡
    (Éπ¼δ¡¿∩) [9.02.01]
    22270 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.312 164600 Z2DAILY for today
    164600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2956299 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 8 21:02:44 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211108.zip 277231 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Patterns Created by a Water Strider
    08 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    277231 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211108.ZIP 117659 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    117659 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211108.zip 416444 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416444 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 811334 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Nov 9 09:05:52 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37137 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z13 52274 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 313
    52274 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211108.zip 484938 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust and Snow in Asia
    08 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    484938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38891 -- description missing --
    38891 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _16_00C8.JPG 336956 <2.6> îÅÆ4-1229 ¡á ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    26.03.21 (1181x869) [9.01.01]
    _16_00C9.JPG 237634 <2.6> îÅÆ4-1366, ßΓ.ò«Γδ¡Ñµ, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ - üα∩¡ß¬
    îÄæè, 10.04.17 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _16_00CA.JPG 377215 <2.6> îÑσá¡¿º¼ ¬«¼í¿¡¿α«óá¡¡«ú« σ«ñá. æΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩
    ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ `PRO//äéêåàêà ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _16_00CB.JPG 341259 <2.6> îÑσá¡¿º¼ ¬«¼í¿¡¿α«óá¡¡«ú« σ«ñá. æΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩
    ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ `PRO//äéêåàêà ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _16_00CC.JPG 417652 <2.6> Å«ñóÑß¡δÑ ¼Ñσá¡¿º¼δ. æΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á
    óδßΓáó¬Ñ `PRO//äéêåàêà ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ,
    ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    1710716 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    echo50.lst 13290 -- description missing --
    r50rules.zip 1313348 -- description missing --
    1326638 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75747 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVK9.JPG 193507 <3.1> á ¬πσ¡Ñ (1600x1143) [9.01.01]
    193507 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDT1.JPG 99388 <4.6> ƒºδ¬ ñ« è¿Ñóá ñ«óÑñ±Γ! (û) ÇóΓ«α 伿Γα¿⌐
    Æα«Σ¿¼«ó [9.02.01]
    99388 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.313 164601 Z2DAILY for today
    164601 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4183837 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Nov 9 16:03:34 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211109.ZIP 1008202 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1008202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1008202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Nov 9 21:02:56 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211109.zip 306892 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Spider Web Refraction
    09 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    306892 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211109.zip 495345 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Alps
    09 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    495345 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z16 12889 Region 50 segment day 313
    12889 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211109.zip 416130 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416130 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1231256 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 12 14:04:00 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37152 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37152 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37137 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    111441 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z16 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z16 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z14 52281 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 314
    Z1DAILY.Z15 52278 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 315
    Z1DAILY.Z16 52270 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 316
    156829 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L16 1337 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 316
    1337 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z16 1411 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 316
    1411 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z16 599 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z16 606 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1205 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211110.zip 510548 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Wind Doesn't Break a Tree that Bends
    10 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    510548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n20.zip 15562 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 20
    November 10, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Editorial ...............................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    15562 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z16 696 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    696 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z16 4911 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    4911 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z16 7208 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    7208 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6426399 QSINIT 0.30, rev 0553. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    6426399 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    qs_ldr.zip 979013 QSINIT 0.30, rev 0553. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    979013 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.WPS.TOOL : GFD.WPS: OS/2 Tools for the WPS
    XWP1014D.ZIP 2714566 XWorkplace V1.0.14 german. XWorkplace is a very
    feature-rich collection of WPS replacement classes,
    enhancing pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace
    Shell. This is another release of the 1.0 branch with
    the bugfixes that have piled up since the last
    release. Open Source Software under the GNU General
    Public Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    XWP1014E.ZIP 2592816 XWorkplace V1.0.14 english. XWorkplace is a very
    feature-rich collection of WPS replacement classes,
    enhancing pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace
    Shell. This is another release of the 1.0 branch with
    the bugfixes that have piled up since the last
    release. Open Source Software under the GNU General
    Public Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    XWP1014I.ZIP 2677654 XWorkplace V1.0.14 italian. XWorkplace is a very
    feature-rich collection of WPS replacement classes,
    enhancing pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace
    Shell. This is another release of the 1.0 branch with
    the bugfixes that have piled up since the last
    release. Open Source Software under the GNU General
    Public Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    xwp14ld.zip 2352352 XWorkplace-Lite V1.0.14 german. XWorkplace is a very
    feature-rich collection of WPS replacement classes,
    enhancing pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace
    Shell. This is another release of the 1.0 branch with
    the bugfixes that have piled up since the last
    release. Lite is very similar to eWP but without the
    eCS branding and logos. Unlike eWP, it includes XWP's
    Startup Folders, probably the most popular XWP feature
    missing in eWP. Be aware that it does not contain XWP
    Setup or Media. Open Source Software under the GNU
    General Public Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    XWP14LE.ZIP 2228862 XWorkplace-Lite V1.0.14 english. XWorkplace is a very
    feature-rich collection of WPS replacement classes,
    enhancing pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace
    Shell. This is another release of the 1.0 branch with
    the bugfixes that have piled up since the last
    release. Lite is very similar to eWP but without the
    eCS branding and logos. Unlike eWP, it includes XWP's
    Startup Folders, probably the most popular XWP feature
    missing in eWP. Be aware that it does not contain XWP
    Setup or Media. Open Source Software under the GNU
    General Public Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    XWP14LI.ZIP 2302049 XWorkplace-Lite V1.0.14 italian. XWorkplace is a very
    feature-rich collection of WPS replacement classes,
    enhancing pretty much all parts of the OS/2 Workplace
    Shell. This is another release of the 1.0 branch with
    the bugfixes that have piled up since the last
    release. Lite is very similar to eWP but without the
    eCS branding and logos. Unlike eWP, it includes XWP's
    Startup Folders, probably the most popular XWP feature
    missing in eWP. Be aware that it does not contain XWP
    Setup or Media. Open Source Software under the GNU
    General Public Licence. Author: Ulrich Moeller
    14868299 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z16 556 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z16 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4594 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z16 13390 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-11-12 (316)
    13390 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z16 591 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.316 33454 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z16 11425 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    45470 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z09 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z16 466 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.316 35088 League10 weekly nodelist
    36007 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z09 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z16 880 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    880 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z16 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z16 9965 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9965 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z16 2400 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    2400 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211110.zip 333765 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Storm-soaked South Florida
    10 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211111.zip 401178 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires and Smoky Haze over India
    11 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    734943 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211110.ZIP 1632686 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211111.ZIP 1414208 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    3046894 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a16 1996 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1996 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A16 1952 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 316
    1952 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z16 1454 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z16 1454 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2908 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56178 FidoNet Nodelist
    56178 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a16 91469 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z16 52272 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 316
    52272 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z16 56664 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56664 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z16 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z16 9700 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z16 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 315
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    2327 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38891 -- description missing --
    iplist.lst 38839 -- description missing --
    iplist.lst 38857 -- description missing --
    116587 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _16_00CD.JPG 362858 <2.6> æ¡Ñú«τ¿ßΓ¿Γѽ∞¡δ⌐ »«Ñºñ æî2î-1604 »α¿».ÄÅùî-2 ¡á
    ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 11.02.21 (1200x890) [9.01.01]
    _16_00CE.JPG 529006 <2.6> æäÅî2-3330 ¿ æî-2î ¡á ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè, 28.05.17
    (1198x832) [9.01.01]
    _16_00CF.JPG 273373 <2.6> éδ»αáó«τ¡«-»«ñí¿ó«τ¡«-α¿σΓ«ó«τ¡á∩ ¼áΦ¿¡á éÅÉ02î,
    ßΓ.꺼Ὤ«ó« îÄæè, πτáßΓ«¬ Äα±½ îÄæè - à½Ñµ ₧éåä,
    12.04.17 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _1D_001A.JPG 363325 <2.6> äâèô-4441 ¿ îÅÆ4-521, »ÑαÑú«¡ ିíáßΓπº-I -
    îá⌐¬á⌐δ¡ èÆå, Åáó½«ñáα߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, èáºáσßΓá¡,
    18.12.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1K_0012.JPG 317621 <2.6> Çæ1Ç-689, óδßΓáó¬á ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿,
    ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1179x863) [9.01.01]
    _1L_0007.JPG 375995 <2.6> Çæ3î-0008, ôÅù-30, ßΓ.àαÑ⌐¼Ñ¡Γáπ, Ǭ¼«½¿¡ß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, èáºáσßΓá¡, 14.09.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1P_000T.JPG 264759 <2.6> éáú«¡-µ¿ßΓÑα¡á ¡«ó«ú« »«¬«½Ñ¡¿∩ ß«τ½Ñ¡±¡¡«ú«
    Γ¿»á, ¼«ñѽ∞ 15-9541-01. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `àòÉÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800)
    _1P_001K.JPG 343057 <2.6> äóπσ«ß¡á∩ µ¿ßΓÑα¡á ñ½∩ »ÑαÑ󫺬¿ µÑ¼Ñ¡Γá.
    éδßΓáó¬á ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19. 꺡áτá½∞¡«
    »αÑñ¡áº¡áτá½áß∞ ñ½∩ »ÑαÑ󫺬¿ ßóÑΓ½δσ ¡ÑΣΓÑ»α«ñπ¬Γ«ó,
    ó»«ß½ÑñßΓó¿¿ íδ½á »ÑαÑ«í«απñ«óá¡á ñ½∩ »ÑαÑ󫺬¿
    µÑ¼Ñ¡Γá (1200x849) [9.01.01]
    _1P_001U.JPG 280186 <2.6> ÄΓ¬αδΓá∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼á ó ß«ßΓáóÑ ßαÑñ¿ µ¿ßΓÑα¡.
    ÅÑαÑú«¡ äÑΓ¬«ó« - æá¡ñáα«ó«, üîÄ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    06.06.20 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _1P_001V.JPG 182278 <2.6> Å«½πóáú«¡ ß«τ½Ñ¡±¡¡«ú« - Γ¿»á ôτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1P_001W.JPG 313878 <2.6> Å«½πóáú«¡ ß«τ½Ñ¡±¡¡«ú« Γ¿»á - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1P_0022.JPG 237370 <2.6> ÆѽѪ¬á óáú«¡á-µ¿ßΓÑα¡δ ß«τ½Ñ¡±¡¡«ú« Γ¿»á,
    ¼«ñѽ∞ 15-9541-01. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿ `àòÉÄ-1520`, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x776) [9.01.01]
    _1P_002G.JPG 430190 <2.6> ù¬ú« Γ«½∞¬« ¡Ñ ó«º∩Γ: çÉÅè 2è22 `Æπ¡úπ߬á` ¡á
    »½áΓΣ«α¼Ñ, ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 28.07.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1P_002J.JPG 374575 <2.6> ô¡¿óÑαßá½∞¡δ⌐ óáú«¡-»½áΓΣ«α¼á. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `àòÉÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800)
    _1P_002S.JPG 653024 <2.6> âαπº«ó«⌐ »«Ñºñ, ß«ßΓ«∩Θ¿⌐ ¿º ó¡«ó∞ »«ßΓα«Ñ¡¡δσ
    »«½πóáú«¡«ó, »ÑαÑú«¡ ꪫαδ - Éδíᵬ«Ñ ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε¡∞ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    5301495 bytes in 15 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1200 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1200 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z16 2907 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z16 14434 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    17341 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z16 18616 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18616 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z16 524 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    524 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211110.zip 416896 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211111.zip 416352 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    833248 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16885 -- description missing --
    ECH00715.ZIP 16885 -- description missing --
    ECH00715.ZIP 16877 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13315 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    ech01042.zip 13321 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    ech01042.zip 13321 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    227269 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKA.JPG 443015 <3.1> èáαΓ¿¡á ß «ó«ΘἿ (2130x1387) [9.01.01]
    LBVKB.JPG 149634 <3.1> ôú«ó«αδ (755x1133) [9.01.01]
    LBVKC.JPG 181394 <3.1> -ôαá! ÇóΓ«»«¿½¬á ºáαáí«Γá½á!.. (1100x825)
    774043 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQDT2.JPG 95783 <4.6> åѽѺ¡«ñ«α«ª¡δ⌐ »áαπß¡¿¬ (û) ÇóΓ«α 伿Γα¿⌐
    Æα«Σ¿¼«ó [9.02.01]
    LAVKQGA_.JPG 59710 <4.6> çáαáí«Γá½ß∩ ¿½¿ ¼ÑτΓδ, ¼ÑτΓδ... (û) 伿Γα¿⌐
    âá»τ¿¡ß¬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    LAVKQKAG.JPG 29481 <4.6> ô¬αáß¿½ Γ«¡¡Ñ½∞... (û) âÑ«αú¿⌐ èáα὿Ñó
    (ü«½úáα¿∩) [9.02.01]
    184974 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.314 164604 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.315 164607 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.316 164624 Z2DAILY for today
    493835 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z16 76958 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 316 (12.11.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z16 76958 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 316 (12.11.2021)
    153916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z16 759 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 316 (12.11.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z16 759 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 316 (12.11.2021)
    1518 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z16 527 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z16 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6805 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z16 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z16 10048 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    10245 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 35422560 bytes in 107 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 12 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.316 18767 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z16 6132 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.316 18767 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43666 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z16 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z16 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z16 9079 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9483 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.316 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z16 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z16 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z16 9926 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z16 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    10135 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 105359 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 12 18:15:16 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z16 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z16 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z16 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.316 349 Net 5030 routing map, day 316
    moves.316 24 Net 5030 changes, day 316
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 316
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 316
    1503 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z16 294 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 316
    moves.z16 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 316
    n5030rou.zip 344 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 316
    n5030tru.zip 426 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 316
    1240 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z16 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3596 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 12 21:01:04 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211112.zip 429308 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Les Demoiselles Coiffées
    12 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    429308 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211112.zip 232101 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sea Ice forming in Kuskokwim Bay
    12 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    232101 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211112.zip 417061 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417061 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1078470 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 13 09:02:10 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37152 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37152 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z17 52278 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 317
    52278 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.WWW : GFD.NET: OS/2 HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
    SMNKY235.ZIP 53442930 SeaMonkey version 2.35. Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; Warp 4.5;
    rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 SeaMonkey/2.35
    ID:20211019201000. Copyright (c) 1998-2017 by
    contributors to the Mozilla Project. All Rights
    Reserved. The SeaMonkey project is a community effort
    to deliver production-quality releases of code derived
    from the application formerly known as "Mozilla
    Application Suite".
    53442930 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    ANPM_107.ZIP 1385209 Arca Noae Package Manager (ANPM) Version 1.07.
    Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Alex Taylor. Licensed to Arca
    Noae LLC. All rights reserved. Arca Noae Package
    Manager is a graphical interface for managing the
    installation and removal of software packages. It
    makes using the YUM/RPM environment more user
    friendly, opening up another avenue for OS/2 and
    eComStation users to maintain their systems.
    ANPM_DE.ZIP 10323 Arca Noae Package Manager (ANPM) German language
    support files version 1.0.7.
    1395532 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211112.ZIP 2524159 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2524159 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pntlist.rul 6298 FileEcho Pointlist Rules
    6298 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38806 -- description missing --
    38806 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1P_002V.JPG 346283 <2.6> äóπσ«ß¡á∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼á úαπº«»«ñΩ±¼¡«∞Γ∞ε 22 Γ«¡¡δ,
    ø¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿ ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿,
    ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1198x899) [9.01.01]
    _1P_002W.JPG 316199 <2.6> äóπσ«ß¡á∩ µ¿ßΓÑα¡á. éδßΓáó¬á ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐
    ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1182x825)
    _1P_0030.JPG 359287 <2.6> èαδΓδ⌐ Γ«óáα¡δ⌐ óáú«¡. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿
    ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19
    (1198x889) [9.01.01]
    _1P_0032.JPG 349966 <2.6> `Äñ¿¡«τÑßΓó«`. æΓ.Å«óáα«ó«-II, üîÄ îÄæè,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 22.06.16 (1200x755) [9.01.01]
    _1P_0033.JPG 225222 <2.6> ŽáΓΣ«α¼á ß«τ½Ñ¡±¡¡«ú« Γ¿»á. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è éêê¥Æ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, ú.î«ß¬óá, 01.09.17
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1596957 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16885 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13321 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75761 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKD.JPG 357431 <3.1> êßß½Ññ«óáΓѽ¿ (1920x1200) [9.01.01]
    357431 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQK01.JPG 69875 <4.6> áΓε૨σ... (û) æÑαúÑ⌐ 諬áαÑó, æá¼áαá [9.02.01]
    69875 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.317 164630 Z2DAILY for today
    164630 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 59763136 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 13 21:03:28 2021
    Area : GFD.DEV.REXX : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Rexx samples, libs, dll's etc.
    NREXX401.ZIP 16782792 NetRexx 4.01 GA. NetRexx is a general-purpose
    programming language inspired by two very different
    programming languages, Rexx and Java. It is designed
    for people, not computers. In this respect it follows
    Rexx closely, with many of the concepts and most of
    the syntax taken directly from Rexx or its
    object-oriented version, Object Rexx. From Java it
    derives static typing, binary arithmetic, the object
    model, and exception handling. "A smart language
    designed for real people, and vice versa." Originally
    a product from the IBM Hursley Software Lab, NetRexx
    has always been free software and is free and open
    source since June 11th, 2011. It is the first
    alternative language for the Java Virtual Machine
    REG394.ZIP 2963611 Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.9.4 Sources. Regina
    Rexx interpreter with SAA Rexx API support. An
    implementation of the the ANSI Standard REXX
    Programming Language, available for most operating
    systems. Freeware.
    REG394O.ZIP 2651578 Regina Rexx Interpreter Version 3.9.4 for OS/2. Port
    of Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA Rexx API support.
    OS/2 version. An implementation of the the ANSI
    Standard REXX Programming Language, available for most
    operating systems. Freeware.
    22397981 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211113.zip 167717 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Iberá National Park, Argentina
    13 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    167717 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211113.ZIP 1207772 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1207772 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211113.zip 417413 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417413 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 24193095 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 14 09:03:58 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37152 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37152 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38812 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3041 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    42909 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1P_0034.JPG 470940 <2.6> ÿÑßΓ¿«ß¡δ⌐ ñπ¼»¬áα. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `àòÉÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800)
    _1P_0035.JPG 273694 <2.6> éáú«¡ π¡¿óÑαßá½∞¡δ⌐ ¬αδΓδ⌐ ß«τ½Ñ¡±¡¡«ú« Γ¿»á,
    ¼«ñѽ∞ 11-2151. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äéêåàêà
    ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800)
    _1P_0036.JPG 302026 <2.6> éáú«¡ π¡¿óÑαßá½∞¡δ⌐ ¬αδΓδ⌐ ß«τ½Ñ¡±¡¡«ú« Γ¿»á,
    ¼«ñѽ∞ 11-2151. ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äéêåàêà
    ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x799)
    _1P_0037.JPG 276687 <2.6> éáú«¡ π¡¿óÑαßá½∞¡δ⌐ ¬αδΓδ⌐, ¼«ñѽ∞ 11-2158.
    ¥¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äéêåàêà ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _1P_0038.JPG 569818 <2.6> ŽáΓΣ«α¼á ñ½∩ »ÑαÑ󫺬¿ ¬«¡ΓÑ⌐¡Ñα«ó ¼«ñ.13-6954
    ß ΓѽѪ¬á¼¿ 18-6960 »α«¿ºó«ñßΓóá ÄÇÄ `Æαá¡ß¼áΦ`. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, óδßΓáó¬á `¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2017
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    1893165 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16885 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13321 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75761 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKE.JPG 201041 <3.1> Ī¿ñá¡¿Ñ (1332x850) [9.01.01]
    201041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQK1A.JPG 48917 <4.6> êúαá⌐, »«¬á ¼«½«ñ«⌐! [1\4] (û) æÑαúÑ⌐ è«αßπ¡
    48917 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.318 164634 Z2DAILY for today
    164634 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2479252 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 14 16:04:30 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z18 52275 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 318
    52275 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    23284 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211114.ZIP 98183 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    98183 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 173742 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 14 21:04:30 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25296 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    1928364 bytes in 7 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211114.zip 208556 MODIS Picture of the Day
    14 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    208556 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211114.zip 418497 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418497 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2555417 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 15 09:05:30 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7833 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    45001 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z19 52302 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 319
    52302 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC46.ZIP 12991 FIDONEWS 15 Nov 2021 Vol 38 No 46
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12991 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.319 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    18519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z19 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731351 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731351 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z19 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    9292 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (15-11-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1056 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1840 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38845 -- description missing --
    38845 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1Q_001Z.JPG 345307 <2.6> ä¿áú¡«ßΓ¿τÑ߬¿⌐ ¬«¼»½Ñ¬ß ¿¡ΣαáßΓαπ¬Γπαδ `¥ÉÇ+` -
    πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`,
    ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0020.JPG 313652 <2.6> éáú«¡-αÑßΓ«αá¡ - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0021.JPG 284645 <2.6> ä¿áú¡«ßΓ¿τÑ߬«Ñ «í«απñ«óá¡¿Ñ. æ«ó¼ÑΘ±¡¡δ⌐
    óáú«¡-ñÑΣÑ¬Γ«ß¬«» `Ç󿬫¡-03î` ÄÇÄ `Éáñ¿«áó¿«¡¿¬á`.
    æΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ `PRO//äéêåàêà
    ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800)
    _1Q_0022.JPG 309132 <2.6> éδß«¬«ß¬«α«ßΓ¡«⌐ ñ¿áú¡«ßΓ¿τÑ߬¿⌐ ¬«¼»½Ñ¬ß
    ¿¡ΣαáßΓαπ¬Γπαδ `æ»α¿¡ΓÑα-ê¡ΓÑúαá½` - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0023.JPG 355642 <2.6> éδß«¬«ß¬«α«ßΓ¡«⌐ ñ¿áú¡«ßΓ¿τÑ߬¿⌐ ¬«¼»½Ñ¬ß
    ¿¡ΣαáßΓαπ¬Γπαδ `æ»α¿¡ΓÑα-ê¡ΓÑúαá½` - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿
    `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`, ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1608378 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z19 10090 STN Daily made nodelist
    10090 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKF.JPG 109795 <3.1> -îδΦÑ⌐ ¿Θπ... (770x1027) [9.01.01]
    109795 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQK1B.JPG 52722 <4.6> êúαá⌐, »«¬á ¼«½«ñ«⌐! [2\4] (û) æÑαúÑ⌐ è«αßπ¡
    52722 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.319 164732 Z2DAILY for today
    164732 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2939102 bytes in 23 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 19 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z20 52304 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 320
    Z1DAILY.Z21 52346 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 321
    Z1DAILY.Z22 52398 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 322
    Z1DAILY.Z23 52390 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 323
    209438 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L23 1423 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 323
    1423 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z23 1502 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 323
    1502 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211116.zip 499729 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Rock Glacier in Colorado Rockies
    16 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211117.zip 189298 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Sunset and Mammatus Clouds Observed in Sicily
    17 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211118.zip 1445287 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Knik Arm Tides of Alaska
    18 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    2134314 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n21.zip 12380 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 21
    November 17, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 2
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 3
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 4
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 5
    More Information ....................... 6
    12380 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.323 18767 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z23 6132 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.323 18767 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43666 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z23 13435 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-11-19 (323)
    13435 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z16 466 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    LEAGUE10.316 35088 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35554 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z23 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z23 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z23 9045 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9449 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211116.zip 478506 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fog in California
    16 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211117.zip 42657 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Icebergs A69A, A69B, A69C floating off Larsen-D Ice
    17 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211118.zip 124967 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Greening in Mali
    18 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    646130 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MYS_UTL : MYS: Mystic 1.X Utilities (external programs)
    Official Release
    Mys Tic File Announce v4.1.1
    Bug Fix Release
    Simple program to generate new file
    reports based on incoming TIC files
    Simply copy TIC files into a separate
    directory, and let MTAFILE do its work
    This archive contains both a Win32 and
    Linux64 executable
    Huge re-write which caused huge speed
    increase! Many bug fixes, and removed
    some amateur coding mistakes.
    RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
    BBS community in 2021
    RCS Development Team - (c)2021
    rcsmta41.zip 318607 °±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ °±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
    ±² ÛÛ ±² ±²
    Official Release
    Mys Tic File Announce v4.1.0
    Simple program to generate new file
    reports based on incoming TIC files
    Simply copy TIC files into a separate
    directory, and let MTAFILE do its work
    This archive contains both a Win32 and
    Linux64 executable
    Huge re-write which caused huge speed
    increase! Many bug fixes, and removed
    some amateur coding mistakes.
    RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
    BBS community in 2021
    RCS Development Team - (c)2021
    803345 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211116.ZIP 10416016 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211117.ZIP 624081 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211118.ZIP 1442390 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211119.ZIP 4478103 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    16960590 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a23 2069 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2069 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A23 2059 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 323
    2059 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z23 1514 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z23 1514 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3028 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56309 FidoNet Nodelist
    56309 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a23 92002 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92002 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z23 52392 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 323
    52392 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z23 56782 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56782 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.323 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z23 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z23 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z23 12916 Region 50 segment day 320
    12916 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38931 -- description missing --
    38931 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1Q_0024.JPG 239960 <2.6> ÅÑαÑñ󿪡«⌐ óδßΓáó«τ¡«-½Ñ¬µ¿«¡¡δ⌐ ¬«¼»½Ñ¬ß ÄÇÄ
    Éåä - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`,
    ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0025.JPG 227359 <2.6> ÅÑαÑñ󿪡«⌐ óδßΓáó«τ¡«-½Ñ¬µ¿«¡¡δ⌐ ¬«¼»½Ñ¬ß ÄÇÄ
    Éåä - πτáßΓ¡¿¬ óδßΓáó¬¿ `PRO//äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ¥èæÅÄ-1520`,
    ßΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩. ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0026.JPG 256834 <2.6> î«ñπ½∞ ß«»α«ó«ªñÑ¡¿∩ ⁿ309 ó ß«ßΓáóÑ
    σ«º∩⌐ßΓóÑ¡¡«ú« »«Ñºñá ¡á ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    14.08.21 (1197x586) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0027.JPG 375816 <2.6> ÅπΓÑ«í½Ññ«óáΓѽ∞߬á∩ ßΓᡵ¿∩ ûÅ Éåä ûêê - 4îä,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ - ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    03.08.19 (1200x770) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0028.JPG 473606 <2.6> î«ñπ½∞ ß«»α«ó«ªñÑ¡¿∩ ⁿ002 ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ
    `¥èæÅÄ-1520` ó ÖÑαí¿¡¬Ñ, ¥è éêêåÆ, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2017 (1200x826) [9.01.01]
    _1Q_0029.JPG 320158 <2.6> î«ñπ½∞ ß«»α«ó«ªñÑ¡¿∩ ⁿ002 ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ
    `¥èæÅÄ-1520` ó ÖÑαí¿¡¬Ñ, ¥è éêêåÆ, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ
    2017 (1200x806) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00BY.JPG 455645 <2.6> ï«ú«Γ«¿» úαπº«óδσ óáú«¡«ó îÅæ æææÉ ¡á ¬αδΓ«¼
    Γ«óáα¡«¼ óáú«¡Ñ - ø¬ß»«¡áΓÑ óδßΓáó¬¿ ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐
    ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1183x934)
    _1V_00BZ.JPG 140115 <2.6> ü¿½ÑΓ¡á∩ ¬áßßá ÅÅèù. Æáí½¿τ¬á ¡á ΣáßáñÑ
    »áßßᪿα߬«ú« »áó¿½∞«¡á «.».ü«α«ó߬á∩, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫼«ó«
    - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 18.01.21 (1198x363)
    _1V_00C0.JPG 326576 <2.6> éδóÑß¬á ¡á Åç ßΓ.ÆαÑßó∩Γ߬á∩ ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 17.05.21 (1197x989) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00C1.JPG 334347 <2.6> éδóÑß¬á ¡á Åç ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    26.06.21 (1192x1053) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00C2.JPG 229540 <2.6> âαáΣ¿¬ αáí«Γδ 󫬺á½á, Åç ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 14.08.21 (1170x716) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00C3.JPG 132145 <2.6> îáαΦαπΓ¡á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ¡á óáú«¡Ñ ø¬ß¬παß¿«¡¡«ú«
    »«Ñºñá `âαáΣ߬¿⌐ »«Ñºñ` é«α«¡Ñª - ÉἫ¡∞ - é«α«¡Ñª,
    ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 14.08.21 (1177x382)
    _1V_00C4.JPG 283782 <2.6> Äσαá¡¡á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á. Åç ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 14.08.21 (1188x807) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00C5.JPG 434184 <2.6> ô¬áºáΓѽ∞ αáßßΓ«∩¡¿⌐ ¡á »Ñαα«¡Ñ π Åç ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩
    ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 14.08.21 (1098x1193) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00C6.JPG 271221 <2.6> éδóÑß¬á ¡á ºñá¡¿¿ ¬«Γѽ∞¡«⌐, ßΓ.ôß¼á¡∞ ₧éåä,
    ѵ¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 21.08.21 (1145x875) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00C7.JPG 318092 <2.6> Æáí½¿τ¬á 󫬺á½á ßΓ.ôß¼á¡∞ ₧éåä, 21.08.21
    (1192x972) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00C9.JPG 327697 <2.6> ǽ½Ñ∩ »á¼∩Γ¡δσ ß«íδΓ¿⌐. Æáí½¿τ¬á ó
    »α¿ßΓᡵ¿«¡¡«¼ ߬óÑαÑ, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 06.08.19
    (1198x773) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CA.JPG 291860 <2.6> Æáí½¿τ¬á ¡á á½½ÑÑ Éåä. ǽ½Ñ∩ É«ßß¿⌐߬¿σ ªÑ½Ñº¡δσ
    ñ«α«ú ó »α¿ßΓᡵ¿«¡¡«¼ ߬óÑαÑ, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    06.08.19 (1198x837) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CB.JPG 379300 <2.6> ǽ½Ñ∩ É«ßß¿⌐߬¿σ ªÑ½Ñº¡δσ ñ«α«ú. éδóÑ߬á ó
    »α¿ßΓᡵ¿«¡¡«¼ ߬óÑαÑ, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19
    (1194x794) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CC.JPG 302126 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ñóπσ«ß¡«⌐ µ¿ßΓÑα¡δ. éδßΓáó¬á
    ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19
    (1199x750) [9.01.01]
    6120363 bytes in 20 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1202 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z23 8729 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z23 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    8938 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211116.zip 416686 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211117.zip 418881 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211118.zip 417208 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    1252775 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WINPOINT : OPX: "WinPoint Software releases/updates
    WP_375.ZIP 2419143 WinPoint 3.75 Beta. This is an exe only testing
    release of WinPoint. THIS IS NOT A RELEASE AND MAY
    HAVE ISSUES. Keep up with WinPoint development in the
    Fido WINPOINT echo area.
    2419143 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKG.JPG 144254 <3.1> åñπ¡ (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    LBVKH.JPG 159309 <3.1> ...µóÑΓ ß«ó»áñáÑΓ... (960x960) [9.01.01]
    LBVKI.JPG 131123 <3.1> á ¬πσ¡Ñ (1280x860) [9.01.01]
    LBVKJ.JPG 163011 <4.6> -è éáΦ¿¼ πß½πúá¼!.. (1080x1159) [9.01.01]
    597697 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQK1C.JPG 35883 <4.6> êúαá⌐, »«¬á ¼«½«ñ«⌐! [3\4] (û) æÑαúÑ⌐ è«αßπ¡
    LAVKQK1D.JPG 32542 <4.6> êúαá⌐, »«¬á ¼«½«ñ«⌐! [4\4] (û) æÑαúÑ⌐ è«αßπ¡
    LAVKQK2_.JPG 24250 <4.6> Ñ«ª¿ñá¡¡«ßΓ∞... (û) æÑαúÑ⌐ è«αßπ¡ [9.02.01]
    LAVKQM13.JPG 44744 <4.6> ≡½¬á æûü¿ßΓá (û) Metrodriver [9.02.01]
    137419 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.320 164733 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.321 164826 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.322 164944 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.323 164942 Z2DAILY for today
    659445 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z23 76953 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 323 (19.11.2021)
    z2pnt.z23 76953 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 323 (19.11.2021)
    153906 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z23 496 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 323 (19.11.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z23 496 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 323 (19.11.2021)
    992 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 32695195 bytes in 89 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 19 18:15:14 2021
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z23 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z23 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z23 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z23 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 19 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211119.zip 513766 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Green Flash Observed Through Archway of Torre della
    19 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    513766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211119.zip 163734 MODIS Picture of the Day
    19 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    163734 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211119.zip 417061 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417061 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1094561 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 20 09:01:34 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z24 52393 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 324
    52393 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38931 -- description missing --
    38931 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1V_00CD.JPG 282789 <2.6> êú¡«α¿απѼ«Ñ »αÑñπ»αѪñÑ¡¿Ñ. Æáí½¿τ¬á »α¿ óσ«ñÑ
    ¡á óδßΓáó¬π ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I
    ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1186x802) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CE.JPG 150602 <2.6> èä¥163, óδßΓáó¬á ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿,
    ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1196x387) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CF.JPG 312244 <2.6> æσѼá αẼÑΘÑ¡¿∩ ø¬ß»«¡áΓ«ó, óδßΓáó¬á
    ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19
    (863x1195) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CG.JPG 155243 <2.6> Æáí½¿τ¬á 2¥æ7-003. æΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á
    óδßΓáó¬Ñ `àòÉÄ-1520`. ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19
    (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CH.JPG 305469 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á. ÿÑßΓ¡áñµáΓ¿«ß¡δ⌐ Γαá¡ß»«αΓ±α
    ¼«ñѽ¿ 14-Æ005, óδßΓáó¬á ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á
    ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 07.06.21 (1200x819) [9.01.01]
    1206347 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13330 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKK.JPG 143580 <3.1> æÑαÑ¡∞¬¿⌐ (1600x1200) [9.01.01]
    143580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQMI8.JPG 112779 <4.6> ïεñ¿ ñ«íαδÑ! æἿ ¼δ ¡Ñ¼ÑßΓ¡δÑ, »α¿Ñσ὿ ¬ éá¼
    ¿º éѽ¿¬«ú« ôßΓεúá. Å«¼«ú¿ΓÑ τѼ ¼«ªÑΓÑ ¡á »«ñáન ñ½∩
    éáß... (û) «½á é«α«¡µ«ó [9.02.01]
    112779 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.324 164944 Z2DAILY for today
    164944 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1769472 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 20 16:01:36 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211120.ZIP 1955758 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1955758 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1955758 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 20 21:02:50 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211120.zip 89746 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Bountiful Autumn
    20 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    89746 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211120.zip 530781 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Garabogazköl Basin
    20 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    530781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211120.zip 418557 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418557 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1039084 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 21 09:05:00 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.325 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z25 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.325 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.325 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z25 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38931 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    55335 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1V_00CI.JPG 265762 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á Çù2-031. éδßΓáó¬á
    ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19
    (1200x537) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CJ.JPG 351911 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ÅÉæî4-035. éδßΓáó¬á
    ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 14.07.21
    (1193x716) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CK.JPG 130256 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ¥Å3ä-0044, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    21.08.19 (1197x630) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CL.JPG 184355 <2.6> Æáí½¿τ¬á ΓѽѪ¬¿ ¥Å3ä-0044. ÅÑαÑñ¡∩∩ ΓѽѪ¬á
    óáú«¡á ¥Å3ä-004409, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 21.08.19
    (1198x587) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CM.JPG 258359 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ¥Å20-066, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    06.08.19 (1197x814) [9.01.01]
    1190643 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z25 10196 STN Daily made nodelist
    10196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13330 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKL.JPG 45020 <3.1> äαáτ (460x460) [9.01.01]
    45020 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQOPA.JPG 25213 <4.6> éδαóÑΓ ºπí ¿½¿ ¡ÑΓ?.. (û) ĽÑú Åá¡∞¬«ó [9.02.01]
    25213 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.325 164942 Z2DAILY for today
    164942 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1645293 bytes in 21 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 21 16:03:34 2021
    Area : GFD.APP.EDIT : GFD.APP: OS/2 Editors (Text & Binary)
    vsemt-06.zip 697664 Visual SlickEdit 4.0b, Modern Editor Theme for OS/2.
    These configuration files enable VSE to implement
    syntax highlighting for the OS/2 Development Toolkit
    C/C++ elements. Author: Dariusz Piatkowski.
    697664 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    TSTLG346.ZIP 135072 TestLog V3.46 (2021-Nov-20). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    135072 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25299 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    AGORANET.ZIP 25299 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2337 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    REBELNET.ZIP 2337 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11786 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network Supports
    QWK/FTN with a variety of categories. August 22, 2020
    Raiders Inc. BBS Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1644663 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211121.ZIP 552484 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    552484 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3029883 bytes in 13 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 21 21:04:20 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z25 52393 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 325
    52393 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211121.zip 89746 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Bountiful Autumn
    21 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    89746 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    347841 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211121.zip 327849 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Springtime in the Andes
    21 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    327849 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211121.zip 418894 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418894 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1236723 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 22 09:06:42 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7833 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    45001 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z26 52354 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 326
    52354 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2537838 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2537509 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5075347 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC47.ZIP 13018 FIDONEWS 22 Nov 2021 Vol 38 No 47
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    13018 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5057.zip 1056 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38886 -- description missing --
    38886 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1V_00CN.JPG 307732 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ¥Å20-069, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    15.05.21 (1200x810) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CO.JPG 301815 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ùæ4-140, πßΓá¡«ó½Ñ¡á ¡á
    ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºÑ ùæ4-225 (224). éδßΓáó¬á ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐
    ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1182x472)
    _1V_00CP.JPG 368954 <2.6> Æáí½¿τ¬á ¡á ¼á¬ÑΓÑ »áα«ó«ºá. îá¬ÑΓ »áα«ó«ºá
    9Å-150, óδßΓáó¬á ¼á¬ÑΓ«ó »áα«ó«º«ó π 󫬺á½á
    ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 21.08.21 (1191x994) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CQ.JPG 219104 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬áá∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á Æ¥Å70üæ-163, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I
    ₧éåä, 10.08.19 (1199x453) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CR.JPG 245635 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ùæ4Æ-473, ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 14.08.21 (1174x512) [9.01.01]
    1443240 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13330 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKM.JPG 55373 <3.1> é «ñ¿¡«τ¡«⌐ (1080x810) [9.01.01]
    55373 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQPO1.JPG 61366 <4.6> Éπß߬¿Ñ ú«α¬¿... (û) é¿Γ὿⌐ Å«ñ󿵬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    61366 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.326 164828 Z2DAILY for today
    164828 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6963799 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 22 16:02:36 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211122.ZIP 429365 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    429365 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 429365 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 22 21:02:28 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211122.zip 357505 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Navajo Mountain and Lake Powell
    22 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    357505 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211122.zip 363797 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Dust over Gulf of Oman
    22 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    363797 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211122.zip 418300 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418300 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1139602 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Nov 25 16:01:06 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z27 52357 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 327
    Z1DAILY.Z28 52327 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 328
    Z1DAILY.Z29 52323 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 329
    157007 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2535298 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2535177 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5070475 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211124.zip 262913 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Northern Lights over the Norwegian Sea
    24 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    262913 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n22.zip 15718 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 22
    November 24, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Editorial ...............................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    15718 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.323 35088 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35088 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z23 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211123.zip 200946 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Namibian Desert
    23 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211124.zip 508192 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloom off New Zealand
    24 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    709138 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211123.ZIP 396340 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211124.ZIP 4560773 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211125.ZIP 177680 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    5134793 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1747 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 329
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    2326 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z30 12918 Region 50 segment day 327
    12918 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38810 -- description missing --
    38810 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _1V_00CX.JPG 131419 <2.6> çáó«ñ߬á∩ Γáí½¿τ¬á ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºá éï10-1885,
    ßΓ.äªá¡¬«⌐, èαδ¼, 02.09.20 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _1V_00CY.JPG 293684 <2.6> Æáí½¿τ¬á ER2T ¡á ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«ÑºñÑ ¥É2Æ-7117,
    ßΓ.É¿úá-»áßß., «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2013 (1200x732) [9.01.01]
    _1X_000H.JPG 244442 <2.6> ÆѽѪ¬á ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºá 2¥æ7-003. æΓáΓ¿τÑ߬á∩
    ø¬ß»«º¿µ¿∩ ¡á óδßΓáó¬Ñ `àòÉÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ,
    ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x718) [9.01.01]
    _22_0006.JPG 577771 <2.6> Éáí«τÑÑ ¼ÑßΓ« ¼áΦ¿¡¿ßΓá ó ø½Ñ¬Γα«¼«Γα¿ßÑ
    ä¥É-003, ÄèÆ ª.ñ., ¿ε½∞ 2011 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _23_001B.JPG 328322 <2.6> ÅπΓÑóδÑ ¼áΦ¿¡δ, ßΓ.濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼, 29.07.20
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _23_001C.JPG 601803 <2.6> îÅÆ4-285 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« - èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 27.10.19 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _23_001D.JPG 675449 <2.6> îÅÆ4-1139 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« - èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ
    îÄæè, 10.05.21 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003I.JPG 130829 <2.6> äÑ»« üα∩¡ß¬-II îÄæè, ΓÑ»½«ó«º 2î62ô ß ¼áΦ¿¡«⌐
    ÅÄî-1 (1200x672) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003J.JPG 261760 <2.6> äÑ»« üα∩¡ß¬-II îÄæè, ΓÑ»½«ó«º 2Æ¥10î ¡á
    αÑ«ßΓáΓÑ, 17.01.16 (1196x786) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003K.JPG 247490 <2.6> äÑ»« Äα±½, ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 28.05.16 (1200x734)
    3492969 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.330 349 Net 5030 routing map, day 330
    moves.330 24 Net 5030 changes, day 330
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 330
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 330
    1503 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z30 294 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 330
    moves.z30 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 330
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 330
    815 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211123.zip 418186 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211124.zip 418534 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    836720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13330 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKO.JPG 57547 <3.1> 䫼¿¬ (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    LBVKP.JPG 94487 <3.1> çáΓáα¿½áß∞ (1080x1080) [9.01.01]
    152034 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQPO3.JPG 52810 <4.6> ...äóÑα∞ ó Γπá½ÑΓ íδ½á ß½Ñóá (û) é¿Γ὿⌐
    Å«ñ󿵬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    LAVKQPO4.JPG 58392 <4.6> ô¼¡δ⌐ ó ú«απ ¡Ñ »«⌐ñÑΓ, π¼¡δ⌐ ú«απ «í«⌐ñÑΓ! (û)
    é¿Γ὿⌐ Å«ñ󿵬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    111202 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.327 164829 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.328 164753 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.329 164752 Z2DAILY for today
    494334 bytes in 3 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16579465 bytes in 46 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Nov 25 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211125.zip 388892 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    A Many-Colored Fall in Blacksmith Fork Canyon
    25 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    388892 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.330 3683 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z30 1627 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.330 1789 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z30 721 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.330 3440 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z30 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.330 915 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z30 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.330 685 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z30 488 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.330 153 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z30 304 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    15625 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.330 2083 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z30 1066 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3149 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.330 739 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z30 560 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1299 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.330 5309 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z30 1953 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7262 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.330 8645 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z30 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11961 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.330 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z30 1361 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4830 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.330 2588 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z30 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3511 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.330 1665 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z30 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.330 5603 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z30 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7720 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211125.zip 415982 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415982 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 862817 bytes in 30 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 26 12:44:26 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z30 202 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    ADVDIFF.Z30 202 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z30 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    ADVNET.Z30 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    16052 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z30 52319 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 330
    52319 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L30 1354 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 330
    1354 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z30 1438 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 330
    1438 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z30 585 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z30 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z30 204 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    FMLYDIFF.Z30 204 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    408 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z30 6997 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    FMLYLIST.Z30 6997 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    13994 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z30 8865 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z30 196 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsdiff.z30 196 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z30 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    gmsnet.z30 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    8468 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z30 13407 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-11-26 (330)
    13407 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z30 208 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTADFF.Z30 208 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.330 35448 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.330 35448 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z30 11635 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z30 11635 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    94582 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z30 451 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    451 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z30 203 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    Ln_diff.z30 203 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    406 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z30 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z30 7871 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    Linuxnet.z30 7871 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    15742 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z30 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    RMININET.Z30 4471 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    8942 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211126.ZIP 537960 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    537960 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a30 1937 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1937 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z30 1434 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z30 1434 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2868 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56228 FidoNet Nodelist
    56228 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a30 91706 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91706 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z30 52321 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 330
    52321 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z30 56707 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56707 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z30 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    PASNDIFF.Z30 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    406 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z30 9700 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    PASNLIST.Z30 9700 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    19400 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z30 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    PASPOINT.Z30 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    17238 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (22-11-2021)
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2996 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38810 -- description missing --
    38810 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2D_003L.JPG 135112 <2.6> äÑ»« Äα±½ îÄæè, ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï11, 23.01.16
    (1200x730) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003M.JPG 220117 <2.6> çá¬αδΓ«Ñ ñÑ»« éÑασ«ó∞Ñ, ßΓ.éÑασ«ó∞Ñ îÄæè,
    23.01.16 (1200x820) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003N.JPG 120797 <2.6> äÑ»« üα∩¡ß¬-II îÄæè, ΓÑ»½«ó«ºδ 2Æ¥25èî-0176,
    2Æ¥25èî-0187 ¿ ñα., 15.03.17 (1200x684) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003O.JPG 345651 <2.6> Æù âαáΣ߬á∩. üδóΦÑÑ ½«¬«¼«Γ¿ó¡«Ñ ñÑ»«, ¡δ¡Ñ
    »α«¿ºó«ñßΓóÑ¡¡δ⌐ πτáßΓ«¬ æïä `é«α«¡Ñª`, ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩
    ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 21.08.21 (1198x895) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003P.JPG 539314 <2.6> äÑ»« à½Ñµ ₧éåä, Æ¥Å70-0217, Æ¥Å70üæ-146,
    éï80æ-874, 3Æ¥10îè-1215, 09.05.17 (1198x818) [9.01.01]
    1360991 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1201 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z30 204 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stndiff.z30 204 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z30 14060 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    stnlist.z30 14060 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    28528 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z30 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z30 18767 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    37534 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z30 199 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13330 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKQ.JPG 71582 <3.1> 諼»½Ñ¬Γ. Ñ »«½¡∩⌐... (640x640) [9.01.01]
    71582 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQPO5.JPG 43281 <4.6> Å«ßτ¿ΓáѼ »π½∞ß... (û) é¿Γ὿⌐ Å«ñ󿵬¿⌐
    43281 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.330 164750 Z2DAILY for today
    164750 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z30 199 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZEDIFF.Z30 199 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z30 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    ZELIST.Z30 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    12954 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z30 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_DIFF.Z30 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z30 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    ZYX_LIST.Z30 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    27728 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2925846 bytes in 77 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 26 18:15:14 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.330 18767 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z30 6132 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.330 18767 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43666 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.330 35192 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    35192 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z30 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z30 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z30 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z30 9078 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9482 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z30 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.330 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z30 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z30 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z30 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z30 9668 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z30 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnpnt.z30 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    10098 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z30 76958 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 330 (26.11.2021)
    z2pnt.z30 76958 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 330 (26.11.2021)
    153916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z30 551 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 330 (26.11.2021)
    z2pnt_d.z30 551 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 330 (26.11.2021)
    1102 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 296163 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Nov 26 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211126.zip 306483 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Vortex Clouds Around Mount Etna
    26 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    306483 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211126.zip 521017 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Haze over Northern China and the Korean Peninsula
    26 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    521017 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211126.zip 416246 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416246 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1243746 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Nov 27 09:01:26 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38810 -- description missing --
    38810 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2D_003Q.JPG 226823 <2.6> äÑ»« à½Ñµ ₧éåä, ΓÑ»½«ó«ºδ Æ¥Å70-0535,
    Æ¥Å70-0414, 22.06.16 (1198x732) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003R.JPG 212429 <2.6> äÑ»« à½Ñµ ₧éåä, ΓÑ»½«ó«ºδ Æ¥Å70-0551,
    Æ¥Å70-0503, ùî¥3-2798, 22.06.16 (1198x666) [9.01.01]
    _2D_003S.JPG 133705 <2.6> äÑ»« à½Ñµ ₧éåä, ΓÑ»½«ó«ºδ ùî¥3Æ-6935, ùî¥3-2798,
    Æ¥Å70-0487, 3Æ¥10îè-1280, 27.11.16 (1198x660)
    _2H_0019.JPG 293572 <2.6> é«ñ«¡á»«α¡á∩ íáΦ¡∩ ¡á ßΓ.àó»áΓ«α¿∩-Γ«óáα¡á∩,
    èαδ¼, 16.05.20 (1100x1002) [9.01.01]
    _2K_005Q.JPG 291146 <2.6> ÅÑαÑú«¡ üÑα¡¿¬¿ - ŽÑσá¡«ó« îÄæè, Æπ½∞߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 02.08.18 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1157675 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKR.JPG 305810 <3.1> á «¬¡Ñ (1920x1080) [9.01.01]
    305810 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQPO6.JPG 61544 <4.6> ÑΓ, Γδ ¼á¼á «íΩ∩ß¡¿, τѼ ΓÑíÑ ¡Ñ ¡αáó¿Γß∩ ¼«∩
    ¬«ßá? (û) é¿Γ὿⌐ Å«ñ󿵬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    61544 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.331 164752 Z2DAILY for today
    164752 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1842865 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 28 09:05:02 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z31 52321 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 331
    Z1DAILY.Z32 52333 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 332
    104654 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2531781 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2531421 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5063202 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211127.zip 50745 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Water Drops and Inverted Images
    27 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    50745 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z32 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211127.zip 178935 MODIS Picture of the Day
    27 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    178935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211127.ZIP 9913041 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    9913041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.332 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z32 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    2212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38810 -- description missing --
    38810 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2K_005R.JPG 362400 <2.6> ÑñÑ⌐ßΓóπεΘ¿⌐ »«ñΩѺñ¡«⌐ »πΓ∞ «Γ ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩
    ₧éåä «Γ ¼Ñíѽ∞¡«⌐ Σáíਪ¿, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 26.03.21
    (1189x892) [9.01.01]
    _2K_005S.JPG 410902 <2.6> ÅÑαÑú«¡ ŽÑσá¡«ó« - Æπ½á-III-É∩ªß¬á∩ îÄæè,
    Æπ½∞߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 02.08.18 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2K_005T.JPG 406328 <2.6> æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ßΓó« ¡«ó«ú« »«ñΩѺñ¡«ú« »πΓ¿ «Γ
    ßΓ.Å«ñ«½∞߬ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 05.08.19
    (1200x791) [9.01.01]
    _2K_005U.JPG 413936 <2.6> ÅÑαÑú«¡ ÖÑαí¿¡¬á - Å«ñ«½∞߬ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    25.01.20 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _2N_003Q.JPG 224142 <2.6> ÅαѺѡΓᵿ∩. æ»áαÑ¡¡δÑ ¬π»Ñ⌐¡δÑ óáú«¡δ
    »α«¿ºó«ñßΓóá Æéç ¡á É¿ªß¬«¼ 󫬺á½Ñ. î«ß¬óá, 23.04.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    1817708 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z32 10196 STN Daily made nodelist
    10196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211127.zip 415838 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415838 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKS.JPG 89156 <3.1> -ÆπΓ πñ«í¡«... (640x640) [9.01.01]
    89156 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQPO7.JPG 51082 <4.6> äªÑ¬ »«Γ?! (û) é¿Γ὿⌐ Å«ñ󿵬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    51082 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.332 164858 Z2DAILY for today
    164858 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18061169 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 28 16:03:44 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25295 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11498 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    40915 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211128.ZIP 180289 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    180289 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 221204 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Nov 28 21:03:34 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211128.zip 50745 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Water Drops and Inverted Images
    28 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    50745 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11682 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    November 24, 2021
    Raiders Inc BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1910628 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211128.zip 219747 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Momijigari on Kyushu Island, Japan
    28 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    219747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211128.zip 415802 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415802 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2596922 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 29 09:07:42 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7833 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    45001 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z33 52332 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 333
    52332 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC48.ZIP 14375 FIDONEWS 29 Nov 2021 Vol 38 No 48
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Fido and totalitarianism
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    14375 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.333 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z33 5998 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.333 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43036 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z33 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211125.zip 512935 MODIS Picture of the Day
    25 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    512935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.333 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z33 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 785 Last Smolensk PointList (29-11-2021)
    pnt5057.zip 1056 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    1841 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 38971 -- description missing --
    38971 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2N_003R.JPG 446014 <2.6> æ«»α«ó«ªñáεΘ¿⌐ ¬«½«¡¡δ ½«¬«¼«Γ¿ó«ó, ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 06.09.19 (1200x782) [9.01.01]
    _2N_003S.JPG 252774 <2.6> ö«Γ«ßÑßß¿∩. ö«Γ«úαáΣδ-½εí¿Γѽ¿ ºá ßΩ±¼¬«⌐
    »áα«ó«º«ó. Å«ñú«Γ«ó¬á ¬ óδßΓáó¬Ñ `àòÉÄ-1520`. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 25.08.19 (1200x788) [9.01.01]
    _2N_003T.JPG 431381 <2.6> `á ªÑ½Ñº¡«¼ ¬«¡Ñ`: »ÑαÑú«¡ æá¡ñáα«ó« - èαÑßΓδ,
    üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 19.09.2010 (1200x785)
    _2N_003U.JPG 368657 <2.6> ÅαÑñßΓáó¿Γѽ¿ ºáó«ñá ÄÄÄ `æ¿¼Ñ¡ß Æαá¡ßΣ«α¼áΓ«αδ`
    (ñ«τÑα¡ÑÑ »αÑñ». `濼ѡß`), ¬«Γ«α«Ñ »α«Ñ¬Γ¿απÑΓ,
    »α«¿ºó«ñ¿Γ ¿ «íß½πª¿óáÑΓ ß¿½«óδÑ ¿ Γ∩ú«óδÑ
    Γαá¡ßΣ«α¼áΓ«αδ. éδßΓáó¬á `àòÉÄ-1520`, ¥è éêêåÆ,
    ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 30.08.19 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_007X.JPG 376305 <2.6> çѽ±¡δ⌐ ñѬ«αáΓ¿ó¡δ⌐ »áα«ó«º¿¬ ó ߬óÑαÑ ¡á
    ïÑ¡¿¡ß¬«¼ »α«ß»Ñ¬ΓÑ ú.é«α«¡Ñªá ó 380 ¼ÑΓαáσ «Γ
    »ÑαÑú«¡á ÄΓ᫪¬á-Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä, 17.01.21 (1198x843)
    1875131 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z33 9821 STN Daily made nodelist
    9821 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKT.JPG 76290 <3.1> ¥Γá ªøα¬á {`ßΓ«½«óá∩ - ¡Ñí«ß¬α±í`} (1200x900)
    76290 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQPO8.JPG 66346 <4.6> Ä¡ «Γ¬áºá½ß∩ »α¿¡∩Γ∞ ó»αáó« ¿ «ßΓá¡«ó¿Γ∞ß∩ (û)
    é¿Γ὿⌐ Å«ñ󿵬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    66346 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.333 164989 Z2DAILY for today
    164989 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3024232 bytes in 26 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Nov 29 21:03:28 2021
    Area : AFTNBINKD : R50: BinkD - new IP Mailer
    BCM11129.ZIP 146824 no desc
    BCM11129.ZIP 145385 no desc
    bpm11129.zip 167055 no desc
    bpm11129.zip 168618 no desc
    627882 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211129.zip 181262 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Lunar Iridescent Clouds and Saturn
    29 November 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    181262 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211129.zip 500449 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fresh Snow in Washington and Oregon
    29 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    500449 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211129.ZIP 143115 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    143115 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211129.zip 417618 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1870326 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Dec 1 11:04:44 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVINFO : AdventureNet Information Files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1555996 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.4
    Updated: 01/12/2021
    1555996 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z34 52378 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 334
    52378 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_1221.zip 2930271 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934191 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    Justanet.zip 2928459 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    8792921 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin1221.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v128
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    lin_info.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v128
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    ln011221.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v128
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    3107583 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211130.zip 56154 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Urmia
    30 November 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    56154 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211130.ZIP 845645 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211201.ZIP 124877 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    970522 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1555996 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.4
    Updated: 01/12/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934191 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    lin_info.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v128
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    stnFULL.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/12/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    6822247 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731351 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744456 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas1221.zip 1092133 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.5
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090516 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.5
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182649 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z37 12916 Region 50 segment day 334
    12916 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39006 -- description missing --
    39006 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2Q_007Y.JPG 124438 <2.6> ê¡ßΓαπ¼Ñ¡Γδ ñ½∩ áóáα¿⌐¡«ú« »«¬¿ñá¡¿∩
    ñóπσøΓ᪡«ú« óáú«¡á. æΓ.ôß¼á¡∞ ₧éåä, ѵ¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    13.05.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_007Z.JPG 288469 <2.6> Åáαá Θ¿Γ«ó ¼Ñªñπ »Ñαóδ¼ ¿ Γπ»¿¬«óδ¼ »πΓ∩¼¿ ¡á
    ø¬ß»Ñα¿¼Ñ¡Γá½∞¡«¼ ¬«½∞µÑ éêêåÆ. ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, î«ß¬óá,
    21.08.19 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0081.JPG 274418 <2.6> Åáα«ó«º¡á∩ ú¿ñ᫬«½«¡¬á. éδßΓáó¬á
    ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 15.02.21
    (804x1179) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0082.JPG 395698 <2.6> `ūѺñ, Γδ »α«Ñºªá⌐, ¼δ ¡Ñ Γ«α«»¿¼ß∩!`: ß«íᬿ π
    »ÑΦÑσ«ñ¡«ú« »ÑαÑσ«ñá »α«»π߬áεΓ »α¿í½¿ªáεΘ¿⌐ß∩ »«Ñºñ,
    «.».582¬¼, ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 17.01.21
    (1198x899) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0083.JPG 219054 <2.6> æΓᡵ¿«¡¡δ⌐ ¬«½«¬«½. «ó«Ñ ºñá¡¿Ñ ó«¬ºá½á
    ßΓ.ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 14.07.15
    (699x1174) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0084.JPG 350672 <2.6> âαáτ¿ ¡Ñ π½ÑΓѽ¿ (»Ñα¡áΓδ⌐ ñÑΣÑ¬Γ«ß¬«»). âαáτ ¡á
    αѽ∞ß«ó«⌐ ¡¿Γ¿ I »πΓ¿ «.».582¬¼, ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 17.01.21 (1198x899) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0085.JPG 268494 <2.6> Åáó¿½∞«¡ πτáßΓ¡¿¬á óδßΓáó¬¿ ¥èæÅÄ-1520. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 01.09.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0086.JPG 243131 <2.6> Åáó¿½∞«¡ πτáßΓ¡¿¬á óδßΓáó¬¿ ¥èæÅÄ-1520. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 01.09.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0087.JPG 251177 <2.6> Åáó¿½∞«¡ πτáßΓ¡¿¬á óδßΓáó¬¿ ¥èæÅÄ-1520. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 01.09.17 (1200x799) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_0088.JPG 286544 <2.6> Åáó¿½∞«¡ πτáßΓ¡¿¬á óδßΓáó¬¿ ¥èæÅÄ-1520. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 01.09.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    2702095 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stn1221.zip 1156017 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack UX
    Updated on 01/12/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnFULL.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/12/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    stnL1221.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    3665278 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211130.zip 417521 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417521 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LBVKU.JPG 938363 <3.1> -ôôôôôôôππππππ... (2560x1600) [9.01.01]
    LCVK1.JPG 197951 <3.1> -öööööΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣ!.. (1280x853) [9.01.01]
    1136314 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQUM7.JPG 66166 <4.6> ò«º∩¿¡ ¿ Ñú« ß«íá¬á... (û) ǽѬßá¡ñα ô¼∩α«ó,
    î«ß¬óá [9.02.01]
    LAVKQZU_.JPG 51445 <4.6> π »α«ß¿Γ ñπΦá »αáºñ¡¿¬á... (û) ǽѬßÑ⌐ çπíá¡∞
    117611 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.334 165081 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.335 165082 Z2DAILY for today
    330163 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_APPS : ZN: Application Packages Only
    ze1221.zip 1053303 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    zeinfo.zip 1053303 ZeNet International Message Network
    ZeNet League 92 Application Pack
    ZeNet/JustaXNet Combined Games
    BinkP, TransX, FTP and Irex Mail Feeds Available
    Join ZeNet League 092 InterBBS Games
    ZeNet Just A Cut Above The Rest
    Just Do It NOW!!!
    2106606 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 35121950 bytes in 64 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Dec 1 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211201.zip 150842 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Geology of Badlands National Park
    01 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    150842 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211201.zip 244938 MODIS Picture of the Day
    The Beautiful and Blue Bass Strait
    01 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    244938 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    stnFULL.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    VIRNET.ZIP 58275 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58495 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    1329832 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL1221.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    2426124 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211201.zip 417570 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4569306 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Dec 2 21:01:42 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AFTNBINKD : R50: BinkD - new IP Mailer
    BCM11129.ZIP 146824 Binkd 1.1a-113 (Nov 29 2021 15:14:29/Darwin)
    Compilation flags: clang, zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm,
    amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim, af_force. Facilities:
    fts5004 ipv6
    bpm11129.zip 167055 no desc
    313879 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : BBSLISTS : ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)
    IBBS1221.ZIP 1430961 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 12/21 =
    = December 2021 Edition =
    The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
    each and every month by a BBS Sysop
    with over 28 years experience! (and over
    40 years of computer experience!) One of
    the largest listings of BBSes that
    focuses on just BBS systems with over
    900 listings! Also includes US/Canada
    dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
    Telnet Client included. Maintained
    by The BBS Corner at:
    1430961 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : SDS/BackBone: Echolists (Info, Guide, Rules)
    ELST2112.ZIP 92653 Zip'd Echo list archive Weekly and Monthly
    92653 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n23.zip 15230 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 23
    December 01, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Editorial ...............................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7
    15230 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    fc2_250d.zip 698686 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    698686 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6413126 QSINIT 0.30, rev 0554. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    6413126 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1555981 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.4
    Updated: 01/12/2021
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2934186 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2928452 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    VIRNET.ZIP 58263 Information file for VirNet.
    VirNet is a AntiVirus Network there
    Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies, program,
    updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 58485 ZyXEL-Net information file pack.
    ZyXEL-NET is a Network there manage all
    Utilities and programs for the ZyXEL network
    of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET is
    distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software.
    There are messages echos and software echoes.
    7535367 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.337 6802 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z37 2600 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.337 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z37 720 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.337 3439 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z37 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.337 915 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z37 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.337 685 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z37 488 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.337 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z37 303 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19712 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211202.ZIP 9431492 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    9431492 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 336
    PNT5022.ZIP 5654 Official Tula (5022) pointlist
    7402 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39006 -- description missing --
    39006 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.337 349 Net 5030 routing map, day 337
    moves.337 24 Net 5030 changes, day 337
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 337
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 337
    1503 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z37 294 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 337
    moves.z37 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 337
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 337
    n5030tru.zip 427 Net 5030 packed list of trusted nodes (zip), day 337
    1242 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.337 2082 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z37 1063 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3145 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.337 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z37 560 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1298 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.337 5223 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z37 1921 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.337 8644 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z37 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11960 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.337 3468 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z37 1360 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4828 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.337 2588 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z37 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3511 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.337 1664 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z37 922 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2586 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.337 5602 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z37 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7719 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.336 165081 Z2DAILY for today
    165081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 26320478 bytes in 57 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 3 18:18:58 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z37 597 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    597 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z37 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z37 52372 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 337
    52372 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2531853 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2531496 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5063349 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L37 1511 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 337
    1511 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z37 1583 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 337
    1583 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z37 592 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z37 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211202.zip 287492 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Quebrada de las Conchas Nature Reserve
    02 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association

    287492 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.337 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z37 6169 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.337 18859 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43887 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z37 636 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    636 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z37 7041 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7041 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z37 559 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z37 4038 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4597 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z37 13444 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-12-03 (337)
    13444 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z37 582 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.337 35447 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z37 11634 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47663 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z37 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.

    L10POINT.Z37 8314 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.

    16040 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z37 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z37 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z37 9078 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9482 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z37 2882 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    2882 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z37 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    lnxpoint.z37 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z37 8056 -- description missing --
    16318 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z37 4469 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211202.zip 315812 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Storm Nyatoh
    02 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS

    315812 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211203.ZIP 1229349 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1229349 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a37 2263 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2263 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z37 1567 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z37 1567 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3134 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a37 91903 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z37 52374 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 337
    52374 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z37 56756 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56756 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.337 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z37 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z37 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z37 581 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z37 9699 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z37 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z37 8323 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.

    16941 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5020.ZIP 16803 NET5020 (Moscow) pointlist
    16803 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39047 -- description missing --
    39047 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _2Q_0089.JPG 254638 <2.6> Åáó¿½∞«¡ πτáßΓ¡¿¬á óδßΓáó¬¿ ¥èæÅÄ-1520. ¥è
    éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 01.09.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2Q_008A.JPG 305702 <2.6> Å«ñú«Γ«ó¬á ¬ óδßΓáó¬Ñ `àòÉÄ-1520`. ¥è éêêåÆ,
    ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 25.08.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _2Y_0007.JPG 684501 <2.6> äó¿ªÑ¡¿Ñ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ«ó ¥ä4î-0243 ¿º î«ß¬óδ ¿
    ¥ä4î-0357 ó î«ß¬óπ, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-»áßß.ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ -
    ï«ß¿¡««ßΓα«ó߬á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x815)
    _3E_00DR.JPG 314198 <2.6> ¥î9-005. ⫽«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ ⁿ00507 ¼«ñÑα¡¿º¿α«ó¡¡«ú«
    ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá ¥É9Å-213, ø¬ß»«¡áΓ óδßΓáó¬¿
    ªÑ½Ñº¡«ñ«α«ª¡«⌐ ΓÑσ¡¿¬¿ ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 06.08.19
    (1195x757) [9.01.01]
    _3E_00DS.JPG 695425 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É9Åè-059, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3E_00DT.JPG 484495 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É9Åè-270, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3E_00DU.JPG 360190 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥É9Åè-292 ¡á «.».Åα¿ó«½ªß¬¿⌐
    (î∩ß«¬«¼í¿¡áΓ), »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡¿ß«ó¬á - æáºá¡¬á ÅÉêé
    (1135x822) [9.01.01]
    _3E_00DV.JPG 322614 <2.6> `é¿¡ÑúαÑΓ`: ú«½«ó¡«⌐ óáú«¡ 01 ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñá
    ¥É9Åè-369 ó ßµÑ»Ñ ß ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ«¼ ¥Å3ä-0058 ¿
    »α¿µÑ»¡δ¼¿ óáú«¡á¼¿ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ«ó ¥ä9î-0181 ¿ ñαπú¿σ
    ¡á 5 »πΓ¿ î¿τπα¿¡ß¬«ú« »áα¬á ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 22.01.21 (1196x815) [9.01.01]
    _3L_000N.JPG 353842 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º 2¥æ7-001. Å«ñú«Γ«ó¬á ¬ óδßΓáó¬Ñ
    `àòÉÄ-1520`. ¥è éêêåÆ, ÖÑαí¿¡¬á, 25.08.19 (1200x800)
    _3L_000O.JPG 358506 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º 2¥æ5æ-001 ó ¬«½«¡¡Ñ ½«¬«¼«Γ¿ó«ó
    {«Γ»αá󿽿ß∞} «Γ ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 06.09.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    4134111 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1200 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1200 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z37 880 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z37 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14923 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z37 9668 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z37 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnpoint.z37 7927 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.

    17804 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211202.zip 417633 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    417633 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    13330 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LCVK2.JPG 189656 <3.1> -òσσσσ... (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    LCVK3.JPG 2385113 <3.1> -ÿÿÿÿÿÿ!.. (2560x1600) [9.01.01]
    2574769 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKQZ34.JPG 22938 <4.6> ùѽ«óѬ - τѼ«ñá¡«ó«º... (û) ǽѬßá¡ñα çπñ¿¡
    LAVKQZ36.JPG 25795 <4.6> «¬, Γ∩»Ñα¿τá ᪿ߬ ¬á¬ ñ«í¿αáΓ∞ß∩?.. (û)
    ǽѬßá¡ñα çπñ¿¡ [9.02.01]
    48733 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.337 165075 Z2DAILY for today
    165075 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z37 77370 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 337 (03.12.2021)
    z2pnt.z37 77370 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 337 (03.12.2021)
    154740 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    Z2PNT_D.Z37 1162 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 337 (03.12.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z37 1162 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 337 (03.12.2021)
    2324 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z37 531 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z37 6277 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 15048558 bytes in 78 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 10 10:17:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7833 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    45001 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z44 594 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z44 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z39 52378 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 339
    Z1DAILY.Z40 52378 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 340
    Z1DAILY.Z41 52379 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 341
    Z1DAILY.Z42 52462 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 342
    Z1DAILY.Z43 52506 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 343
    Z1DAILY.Z44 52504 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 344
    314607 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4S.ZIP 2531529 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    2531529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L44 1688 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 344
    1688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z44 1753 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 344
    1753 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z44 588 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z44 1224 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1812 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211204.zip 50359 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Amboseli National Park, Kenya
    04 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211205.zip 50359 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Amboseli National Park, Kenya
    05 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211206.zip 471430 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Fogbow on Hawksbill Mountain, Virginia
    06 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211208.zip 115632 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Shelf Cloud and Squall Line Approaching Syracuse,
    08 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211209.zip 208243 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Cumbre Vieja Eruption Column
    09 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    896023 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly Newsletter
    fgv15n24.zip 15177 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 15 No 24
    December 08, 2021
    An Alternative Newsletter
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 2
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 3
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 4
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 5
    More Information ....................... 6
    15177 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC49.ZIP 12929 FIDONEWS 06 Dec 2021 Vol 38 No 49
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z44 571 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    571 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z44 5613 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    5613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z44 8866 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8866 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z44 556 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z44 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4595 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z44 13510 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-12-10 (344)
    13510 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25292 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    FMLYNET.ZIP 33000 File Name is FmlyNet Info
    file. FMLYNET.ZIP
    find in FMLYBONE file echo.
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    A network of Networks! 350 Conferences,
    oriented and friendly. Largest genealogy
    resources, Christian areas, general
    and vendor supported conferences. Now
    available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP, NNTP,
    SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the
    most recognized networks in the BBS world.
    Update 1/09/2021
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11682 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    November 24, 2021
    Raiders Inc BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    3079294 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z44 591 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.344 33454 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z44 11424 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    45469 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z44 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z44 994 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    994 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z44 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z44 10073 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10073 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z44 2400 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    2400 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211204.zip 249554 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Color around Hainan Island, China
    04 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211205.zip 509139 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Lake Chad surrounded by Dust
    05 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211206.zip 135723 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ice formation on Lake Balkhash
    06 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211207.zip 246067 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Where Giants Roamed
    07 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211208.zip 505766 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ship Tracks over the Pacific Ocean
    08 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211209.zip 503308 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Clear Skies over Southeast Asia
    09 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    2149557 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MYS_MOD : MYS: Mystic 1.Z MODS, MPL source, etc.
    Official Release
    RCS Scrollz Announcements V1.0 Public Beta
    Ever wanted to be able to have a scrolling
    announcement on your Main Menu of your
    Mystic BBS system? Now you can! This MPL
    gives you the ability to have up to 10
    messages that are randomly chosen and
    displayed. The INI file gives you the
    options as to where you want it place, the
    speed and even the color of the text.
    Requires Mystic v1.12A47+
    Will NOT work right on menu with Lightbars
    RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
    BBS community in 2021
    Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020-21
    19438 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211205.ZIP 67639 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211206.ZIP 259642 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211207.ZIP 1757902 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211208.ZIP 128721 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211209.ZIP 436880 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2650784 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a44 2503 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z44 1726 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z44 1726 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3452 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a44 92383 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92383 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z44 52506 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 344
    52506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z44 56881 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56881 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z44 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z44 9700 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z44 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5010.zip 1748 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 343
    PNT5019.ZIP 784 Last Smolensk PointList (06-12-2021)
    PNT5020.ZIP 16806 NET5020 (Moscow) pointlist
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    pnt5057.zip 1056 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    22606 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z44 12916 Region 50 segment day 341
    12916 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39310 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3041 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58755 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3R_0090.JPG 709717 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-053, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3R_00BF.JPG 459561 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-199 »α¿».Æù-6 æóÑαñ½«ó߬-»áßß.,
    ßΓ.äαπª¿¡¿¡« æéÉä, æóÑαñ½«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 15.04.2008
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3R_00DO.JPG 450196 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-217 »α¿».Æù-3 üáαáí¿¡ß¬ ç-æêü,
    Æù-6 æóÑαñ½«ó߬-»áßß. æéÉä, 12.12.2007 (1200x800)
    _3R_00OV.JPG 166658 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-225 »α¿».Æù-3 üáαáí¿¡ß¬ ç-æêü,
    ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, 14.09.2007 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3R_00OW.JPG 402430 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-390 »α¿».Æù-6 æóÑαñ½«ó߬-»áßß.
    æéÉä, Æù-2 ļ߬ ç-æêü, 25.04.2008 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3R_00OX.JPG 800380 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-586, »«Ñºñ ⁿ6677 òáα∞¬«ó-»áßß. -
    çáτÑ»¿½«ó¬á »α«ß½ÑñπÑΓ »úΓ éδß«¬¿⌐, »ÑαÑú«¡
    Å«¬«Γ¿½«ó¬á - îÑαÑΣá ôç, òáα∞¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 27.07.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3R_00OY.JPG 474971 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-657 »α¿».Æù-6 æóÑαñ½«ó߬-»áßß.
    æéÉä π ¡ÑτÑΓ¡«ú« óσ«ñ¡«ú« ßΓ.ÿ¿»Ñ½«ó« æéÉä ß »«Ñºñ«¼
    ⁿ9 `üá⌐¬á½` êα¬πΓ߬ - î«ß¬óá, æóÑαñ½«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    17.04.2008 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3S_007D.JPG 442871 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ ùæ2è-448 ¿ ùæ200-004 ó ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-»áßß.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2008
    (1200x818) [9.01.01]
    _3S_007K.JPG 316832 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-493, »ÑαÑú«¡ äÑΓ¬«ó« -
    æá¡ñáα«ó«, üîÄ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 16.09.2010
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00CH.JPG 641973 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-562, ñÑ»« ä¡« ÄèÆ, Å߬«ó߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, á»αѽ∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00CI.JPG 787033 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-593, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« -
    î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩ îÄæè, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800)
    _3S_00CJ.JPG 797051 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-598 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼ ß½ÑñπÑΓ »«
    ßΓ.ÅÑα«ó«-IV îÄæè, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00CK.JPG 165101 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-648, ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 28.05.16
    (1200x682) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00CL.JPG 792380 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-680 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼, ßΓ.ÅÑα«ó«-IV
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00DJ.JPG 781583 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-683 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼, ßΓ.ÅÑα«ó«-IV
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00DQ.JPG 166986 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-837, ßΓ.Äα±½ îÄæè, 10.02.16
    (1196x740) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00DR.JPG 1059734 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-885 ¿ ñαπú¿Ñ ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ,
    ßΓ.ÅÑα«ó«-IV îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x805)
    _3S_00DS.JPG 681368 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-890, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2019 (1150x808) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00DT.JPG 819650 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-908 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼, ßΓ.ÅÑα«ó«-IV
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00DU.JPG 807401 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-913 ß ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºá¼¿ ßÑα¿⌐ ùæ2è,
    ùæ7, ¥Å2è ¡á ßΓ.ÅÑα«ó«-IV îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ¿ε½∞ 2016
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00DV.JPG 672087 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-930, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3S_00DW.JPG 764799 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2è-933, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BA.JPG 368332 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0271, ßΓ.迡ѽ∞ èüÿ, æá¼áα߬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 01.02.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BB.JPG 504871 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0273, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2015 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BC.JPG 721031 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0273, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BD.JPG 677240 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0293 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ îÄæè, 17.05.20 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BE.JPG 742353 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0293, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BF.JPG 584145 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0296 ß úαπº«óδ¼ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    é«⌐í«¬á½« - å¿σáαÑó« ÄèÆ, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2014 (1200x801)
    _4D_01BG.JPG 700830 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0297 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Æπτ¬«ó« -
    ä«α«σ«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 01.11.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BH.JPG 595004 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0301, ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    18054568 bytes in 30 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1201 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.344 349 Net 5030 routing map, day 344
    moves.344 24 Net 5030 changes, day 344
    n5030.rou 323 Net 5030 list of routing nodes, day 344
    n5030.tru 807 Net 5030 list of trusted nodes, day 344
    1503 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z44 294 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 344
    moves.z44 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 344
    n5030rou.zip 345 Net 5030 packed list of routing nodes (zip), day 344
    815 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z44 2910 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z44 14120 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    17030 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z44 18365 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18365 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z44 527 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    527 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211204.zip 421770 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211205.zip 419440 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211206.zip 418143 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211207.zip 417661 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211208.zip 415588 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211209.zip 416079 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    2508681 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LCVK5.JPG 636505 <3.1> -ÿΦΦΦΦΦΦ! (2344x1759) [9.01.01]
    LCVK6.JPG 496741 <3.1> é ßπ¼¿¬Ñ (2000x1250) [9.01.01]
    LCVK7.JPG 185190 <3.1> é¡πΓα¿ (1200x906) [9.01.01]
    LCVK8.JPG 102264 <3.1> ê¡ß»Ñ¬µ¿∩ (1000x667) [9.01.01]
    LCVK9.JPG 183650 <3.1> é ñá½∞¡Ñ¼ »πΓÑΦÑßΓó¿¿ (1200x767) [9.01.01]
    LCVKA.JPG 108176 <3.1> -Ç ¼¡Ñ? (1023x767) [9.01.01]
    1712526 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKRKO2.GIF 7744 <4.6> àΘÑ «ñ¡á Ç¡¡á... (û) âÑ«αú¿⌐ è«ß«ó [9.02.01]
    LAVKRKO3.GIF 8280 <4.6> ôºÑ½«¬... (û) âÑ«αú¿⌐ è«ß«ó [9.02.01]
    LAVKRKU1.JPG 70896 <4.6> ÅÑαÑú«ó«αδ... (û) æÑਪ èπ½∞¼ÑΦ¬Ñ¡«ó [9.02.01]
    LAVKRKU2.JPG 80698 <4.6> àú¿»ÑΓ߬¿⌐ »«Ñºñ... (û) æÑਪ èπ½∞¼ÑΦ¬Ñ¡«ó
    LAVKRP13.JPG 49281 <4.6> îáΦ¿¡¡«-úαáíѽ∞¡«-¼ÑΓѽ«τ¡δ⌐ ¬«¼»½Ñ¬ß »«
    íá½½áßΓ¿α«ó¬Ñ »πΓ¿... (û) ÇóΓ«α ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡«
    ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LAVKRP14.JPG 52118 <4.6> ÉẼ«ΓáѼ αѽ∞ßδ »« »πΓ¿... (û) ÇóΓ«α
    ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ
    Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    269017 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.340 165087 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.341 165088 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.342 165443 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.343 165538 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.344 165537 Z2DAILY for today
    826693 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z44 528 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z44 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6806 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z44 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z44 13668 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 35672759 bytes in 152 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 10 21:01:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211210.zip 1395654 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Analemma Observed in Taipei, Taiwan
    10 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    1395654 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.344 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z44 6169 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.344 18859 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43887 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.337 35189 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    LEAGUE10.344 35190 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    70379 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z44 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z44 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z44 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z44 9078 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9482 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211210.zip 502935 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Phytoplankton Bloom off of South America
    10 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    502935 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211210.ZIP 1492767 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1492767 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56299 FidoNet Nodelist
    NODELIST.ZIP 56463 FidoNet Nodelist
    112762 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.344 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z44 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z44 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z44 9668 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z44 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    9877 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211210.zip 415031 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415031 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    Z2PNT.Z44 77371 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 344 (10.12.2021)
    z2pnt.z44 77371 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 344 (10.12.2021)
    154742 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z44 497 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 344 (10.12.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z44 497 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 344 (10.12.2021)
    994 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4251368 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Dec 11 09:01:18 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z45 52506 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 345
    52506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39310 -- description missing --
    39310 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _4D_01BI.JPG 649527 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0301, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BJ.JPG 338535 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0320, ñÑ»« 迡ѽ∞ èüÿ,
    æá¼áα߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 01.02.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BK.JPG 632720 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0327, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BL.JPG 633955 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0329, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BM.JPG 635392 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0329, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    2890129 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LCVKB.JPG 64007 <3.1> -éδ Γ«½∞¬« «ΓóÑα¡¿ΓÑß∞... (960x720) [9.01.01]
    64007 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKRP15.JPG 54995 <4.6> 諽Ñ∩ πΦ½á ó Γ«¡¡Ñ½∞... (û) ÇóΓ«α ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡,
    󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    54995 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.345 165539 Z2DAILY for today
    165539 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3380760 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Dec 15 16:03:00 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7833 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    82169 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z46 52506 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 346
    Z1DAILY.Z47 52506 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 347
    Z1DAILY.Z47 52506 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 347
    Z1DAILY.Z48 52495 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 348
    Z1DAILY.Z49 52505 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 349
    262518 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2531157 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2530846 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5062003 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211211.zip 112853 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Ubehebe Crater
    11 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211212.zip 112853 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Archive - Ubehebe Crater
    12 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211213.zip 198263 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Earthshine and Stary Sky
    13 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211214.zip 293092 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Belt Meteor Crater - Actually A Sinkhole
    14 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    717061 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    fnewtc50.zip 12943 FIDONEWS 13 Dec 2021 Vol 38 No 50
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12943 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.349 16579 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z49 5563 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.349 16579 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    38721 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    TSTLG346.ZIP 135235 TestLog V3.46 (2021-Dec-10). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    135235 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25296 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1045674 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v126
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11682 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    November 24, 2021
    Raiders Inc BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    2997219 bytes in 10 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z49 7284 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7284 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211211.zip 49040 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in South Sudan
    11 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211212.zip 515874 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Ice forming on Hudson Bay
    12 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211213.zip 205134 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Flooding on the MacIntrye River, Australia
    13 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211214.zip 217885 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Tropical Cyclone Ruby
    14 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    987933 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211211.ZIP 2652841 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211212.ZIP 1303063 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211213.ZIP 2981347 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211214.ZIP 5148660 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211215.ZIP 511788 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    12597699 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : OREDSON : ORE: Software by Erik Oredson
    WHATIS39.ZIP 136852 Whatis calculates an expression. Whatis
    starts with the > prompt where equations are
    entered. Whatis also accepts an expression
    entered on the command line, calculates the
    expression, returns the result, and exits to
    136852 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731351 OS/2 FAQ`s
    731351 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.349 30633 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z49 9299 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39932 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PDNBASIC : PDN: Basic Related
    SIC87C.ZIP 845024 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2021. v8.7a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 09/01/2021
    845024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    pnt5057.zip 1055 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    3267 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39310 -- description missing --
    iplist.lst 39310 -- description missing --
    78620 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3Y_00EA.JPG 464583 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-016, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ,
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EB.JPG 522973 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-029, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EE.JPG 399303 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-032, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ«½∞߬ - âα¿ó¡«
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 30.05.18 (1200x759)
    _3Y_00EF.JPG 597771 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-034, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EG.JPG 419381 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-036, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ«½∞߬ - âα¿ó¡«
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 21.09.19 (1200x779)
    _3Y_00EH.JPG 578757 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-042, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EI.JPG 512611 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-044, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ,
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EJ.JPG 570898 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-058, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EK.JPG 448099 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-059, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ,
    ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε½∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EL.JPG 473515 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-063, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EM.JPG 469719 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-070, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2016 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EN.JPG 667003 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-083, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2016 (1200x765) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EO.JPG 706847 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-090, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EP.JPG 428547 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-092, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¼á⌐
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EQ.JPG 583512 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-123, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00ER.JPG 766720 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-148, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00ES.JPG 419355 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-149, »ÑαÑú«¡ âα¿ó¡« - Å«ñ«½∞߬
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 03.07.21 (1200x775)
    _3Y_00ET.JPG 618564 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-151, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.èπα߬á∩
    - ïεí½¿¡« îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800)
    _3Y_00EU.JPG 507964 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-154 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ 轿¡ -
    Å«ñß«½¡Ñτ¡á∩ ÄèÆ, 25.07.21 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EV.JPG 813512 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-155, »ÑαÑú«¡
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú,
    ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EW.JPG 644403 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-159, »ÑαÑú«¡ æ½áó∩¡¬á - 諽»¿¡«
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1200x795)
    _3Y_00EX.JPG 646280 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-169, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ 2017
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00EY.JPG 359990 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-172, ñÑ»« üáαáí¿¡ß¬ ç-æêü,
    «ó«ß¿í¿α߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 19.03.17 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BN.JPG 467321 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0343 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ îÄæè, 23.06.19 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BO.JPG 607089 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0343 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ïπ¬¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-II, üîÄ îÄæè, 26.09.20 (1200x795) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BP.JPG 572911 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0350 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ èπí¿¡¬á-II -
    ïπ¬¿¡«, üîÄ îÄæè, 12.12.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BQ.JPG 602515 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0354, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4D_01BR.JPG 437961 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï10ô-0369, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬-δ⌐
    ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1024x683) [9.01.01]
    15308104 bytes in 28 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z49 9294 STN Daily made nodelist
    9294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211211.zip 412330 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211212.zip 414955 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211213.zip 416025 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211214.zip 417382 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    1660692 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : WINPOINT : OPX: "WinPoint Software releases/updates
    WPS_382.ZIP 4069580 WinPoint Public Beta 6. Complete point software for
    4069580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    151558 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LCVKC.JPG 66854 <3.1> âαÑ⌐ΣÑα¡δ¼ ß»«ß«í«¼... (1280x720) [9.01.01]
    LCVKD.JPG 812658 <3.1> àßΓ∞ ¼ÑσºáσóáΓ!.. (1487x1000) [9.01.01]
    LCVKE.JPG 78175 <3.1> -àΘ± Γ«½∞¬« ¡εσáε... (768x768) [9.01.01]
    LCVKF.JPG 53428 <3.1> îÑñ½Ñ¡¡«-¼Ññ½Ñ¡¡«... (880x500) [9.01.01]
    1011115 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LAVKRRJ1.GIF 31424 <4.6> îѪñπ »α«τ¿¼, »α¿½¿τ¡á∩ ªÑ¡Θ¿¡á ¡á ßó¿ßΓ ¡Ñ
    «Γ¬½¿¬áÑΓß∩! (û) É.ƒ¡«ó [9.02.01]
    LAVKRZ33.JPG 29429 <4.6> çá∩µ... (û) ǽѬßá¡ñα çπñ¿¡ [9.02.01]
    LCVK1035.GIF 53775 <4.6> GreenPeace... (û) ₧ßπ» ÿᬿα«ó, ôºíѬ¿ßΓá¡
    LCVK1ANJ.GIF 9414 <4.6> Éáºó¿½¬á... (û) Ç¡áΓ«½¿⌐ ƒσ¿¡ [9.02.01]
    124042 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.347 165537 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.348 165482 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.349 165484 Z2DAILY for today
    496503 bytes in 3 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 47566719 bytes in 99 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 17 13:48:20 2021
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37168 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    37168 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z51 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z51 8027 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8027 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z51 52500 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 351
    52500 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L51 1256 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 351
    1256 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z51 1334 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 351
    1334 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z51 598 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z51 606 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1204 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211216.zip 181005 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Mountain Shadow Projected onto Clouds
    16 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    181005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z51 2211 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    2211 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z51 7001 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7001 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z51 7209 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    7209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    FC2_250R.ZIP 451498 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 2021 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM) (DOS)
    clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file management
    functions, program launch, text viewing and editing
    facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP, ARJ, RAR,
    LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in 32 bit
    OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    451498 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z51 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z51 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4594 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z51 13499 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-12-17 (351)
    13499 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z51 872 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.351 34195 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z51 11505 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    46572 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z44 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    L10NDIFF.Z51 467 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    LEAGUE10.351 35190 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    36110 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z51 917 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    917 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z51 8056 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8056 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z51 8675 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    8675 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z51 2401 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    2401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211216.zip 160408 MODIS Picture of the Day
    16 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    160408 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211216.ZIP 7599796 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    AP211217.ZIP 4135657 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    11735453 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fido ADM: Current Fidonet WW Nodediff in ARC format (fron zone 1)
    NODEDIFF.A51 1805 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 351
    1805 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z51 1281 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z51 1281 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2562 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56458 FidoNet Nodelist
    56458 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a51 92255 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    92255 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z51 52502 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 351
    52502 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z51 56879 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56879 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z51 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z51 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z51 8620 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8620 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5020.ZIP 16806 NET5020 (Moscow) pointlist
    16806 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z51 12919 Region 50 segment day 348
    12919 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    iplist.lst 39310 -- description missing --
    39310 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3Y_00F8.JPG 555684 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-212, ßΓ.Åπ»δΦÑó« ÄèÆ,
    ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, áóúπßΓ 2021 (1200x787)
    _3Y_00F9.JPG 462811 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-214, ßΓ.èαáß¡δ⌐ æΓα«¿Γѽ∞ îÄæè,
    ú.î«ß¬óá, 21.03.20 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FA.JPG 514433 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-214 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Å«ñß«½¡Ñτ¡á∩ -
    Å«óáα«ó«-I ÄèÆ, 06.06.21 (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FB.JPG 432285 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-217, ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    28.07.19 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FC.JPG 353339 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-221, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ«½∞߬ - âα¿ó¡«
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 02.06.18 (1200x800)
    _3Y_00FD.JPG 743966 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-221, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽»¿¡« - æáí½¿¡«
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x785) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FE.JPG 589964 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-227, ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-â½áó¡δ⌐
    ÄèÆ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (800x1200) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FF.JPG 476120 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-227, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-Æ«óáα¡á∩ -
    ò«óα¿¡« ÄèÆ, ú.î«ß¬óá, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (1200x791)
    _3Y_00FG.JPG 639240 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-235,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó« ÄèÆ,
    ¡«∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    4767842 bytes in 9 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1201 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z51 1188 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z51 14435 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    15623 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z51 18616 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18616 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z51 872 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    872 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211216.zip 418575 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    418575 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST : R50: Official Echo for FECHO HUB information R50 R50C
    ECH00715.ZIP 16894 -- description missing --
    ECH00830.ZIP 45555 ¥σ¿, ñ«ßΓπ»¡δÑ ¡á 2:5020/830
    ech01042.zip 13330 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    75779 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LCVKH.JPG 102715 <3.1> -Å¿µµá Γ«ªÑ »«ñ«⌐ñ±Γ!.. (1020x680) [9.01.01]
    102715 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LCVK1AG2.GIF 9087 <4.6> Éáºó¿½¬á... (û) Çα¬áñ¿⌐ âπα߬¿⌐ [9.02.01]
    9087 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.351 165481 Z2DAILY for today
    165481 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z51 77373 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 351 (17.12.2021)
    77373 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z51 503 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 351 (17.12.2021)
    503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z51 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z51 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z51 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z51 13668 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18792428 bytes in 69 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 17 16:01:06 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.351 18767 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z51 6133 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.351 18767 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43667 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z51 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z51 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z51 9078 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9482 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.351 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z51 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z51 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z51 9929 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z51 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    10138 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 105362 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 17 21:01:08 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211217.zip 454391 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Water Drops on Leaves
    17 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    454391 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211217.zip 496529 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Derecho Sweeps across Midwest
    17 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    496529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z51 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.
    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211217.zip 416807 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416807 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1367949 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Dec 18 16:02:42 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z52 52452 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 352
    52452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.352 165286 Z2DAILY for today
    165286 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 217738 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Dec 18 21:03:34 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211218.zip 503890 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Bloomin' Waters off Australia
    18 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    503890 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211218.zip 415110 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415110 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 919000 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Dec 19 16:02:34 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z53 52450 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 353
    52450 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25295 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    40916 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP211218.ZIP 4505202 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    ap211219.zip 5486454 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    9991656 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.353 165284 Z2DAILY for today
    165284 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10250306 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Dec 19 21:03:46 2021
    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211219.zip 372440 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow and Fog in France and Spain
    19 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    372440 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211219.zip 372538 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    372538 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 744978 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Dec 20 16:02:38 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z54 52436 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 354
    52436 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC51.ZIP 12949 FIDONEWS 20 Dec 2021 Vol 38 No 51
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12949 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.354 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z54 5998 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.354 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43036 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z54 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211220.zip 510419 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    510419 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.354 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z54 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z54 10088 STN Daily made nodelist
    10088 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.354 165269 Z2DAILY for today
    165269 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 841582 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Dec 20 21:03:46 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211220.zip 357589 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Meteor Panorama and Zodiacal Light From Greece
    20 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    357589 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211220.zip 531903 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Super Typhoon Rai
    20 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    531903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211220.zip 416996 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    416996 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1306488 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Dec 21 09:02:06 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z55 52389 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 355
    52389 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.355 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z55 6528 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.355 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    47852 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z55 7778 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    7778 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.355 30625 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z55 9291 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39916 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z55 7421 STN Daily made nodelist
    7421 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.355 165169 Z2DAILY for today
    165169 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 320525 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Dec 21 16:02:06 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211221.zip 1874876 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1874876 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1874876 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Dec 21 21:02:28 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211221.zip 507632 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Slickrock: A Rock Surface, A Town, and A Geological
    21 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    507632 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211221.zip 498261 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow across the Great Basin
    21 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    498261 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211221.zip 414962 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    414962 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1420855 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Dec 22 09:02:38 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z56 52464 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 356
    52464 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.356 16579 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z56 5563 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.356 16579 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    38721 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11682 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    November 24, 2021
    Raiders Inc BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1910628 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z56 7781 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.356 30633 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z56 9299 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39932 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z56 9294 STN Daily made nodelist
    9294 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.356 165312 Z2DAILY for today
    165312 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2224132 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Dec 22 16:01:58 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211222.zip 348562 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    348562 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 348562 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Dec 23 16:01:06 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z57 52470 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 357
    52470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211222.zip 192212 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Scarlet Waxcap Mushrooms
    22 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    192212 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211222.zip 502347 MODIS Picture of the Day
    British Columbia
    22 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    502347 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211223.zip 1254850 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    1254850 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PDNBASIC : PDN: Basic Related
    SICK64D4.ZIP 405697 Symbolic Instruction Code Kit.
    Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.4a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 01/01/2022
    405697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211222.zip 413123 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    413123 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.357 165317 Z2DAILY for today
    165317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2986016 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Dec 23 21:01:08 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211223.zip 302350 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Multiple Lunar Halos and Stary Night Sky
    23 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    302350 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.358 6803 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z58 2602 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.358 1789 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z58 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.358 3440 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z58 1153 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.358 915 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z58 669 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.358 685 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z58 488 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.358 153 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z58 305 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19724 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211223.zip 115377 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Sediment-filled waters of Lagoa dos Patos, Brazil
    23 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    115377 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.358 2084 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z58 1066 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3150 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.358 740 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z58 564 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.358 5309 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z58 1953 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7262 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.358 8645 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z58 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11962 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.358 3470 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z58 1362 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4832 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.358 2589 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z58 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3511 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.358 1665 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z58 924 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2589 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.358 5603 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z58 2119 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7722 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211223.zip 412513 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    412513 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 892296 bytes in 31 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 24 09:08:06 2021
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z58 595 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z58 8027 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8027 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z58 52522 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 358
    52522 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFLZH : ADM: Current Fidonet nodefiff in LZH format
    NODEDIFF.L58 1839 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/LZH) for day 358
    1839 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : ADM: Current Fidonet nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z58 1910 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 358
    1910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z58 1222 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z58 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    2445 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z58 644 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    644 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z58 6997 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    6997 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z58 9034 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    9034 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z58 555 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z58 4039 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4594 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
    i-argus.z58 13519 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2021-12-24 (358)
    13519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    l10pdiff.z58 1708 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointDiff l10pdiff.
    l10pdiff.z58 1708 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointDiff l10pdiff.
    L10POINT.Z58 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    11143 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z58 8054 -- description missing --
    8054 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z58 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a58 4827 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    4827 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z58 3754 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z58 3754 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    7508 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a58 94666 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    94666 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Backbone: Weekly WorldWide Nodelist
    NODELIST.Z58 52524 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 358
    52524 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z58 58668 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    58668 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z58 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z58 8619 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z58 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16944 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1201 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z58 1621 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z58 14061 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    15682 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpoint.z58 7929 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.
    7929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z58 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z58 734 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    734 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.358 169540 Z2DAILY for today
    169540 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z58 529 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z58 6279 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z58 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z58 13668 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 596035 bytes in 38 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Dec 24 18:21:04 2021
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.358 18767 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z58 6133 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.358 18767 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43667 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.XMPL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Samples with sources
    QS_SDK.ZIP 6418012 QSINIT 0.30, rev 0555. QSINIT is some kind of boot
    loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel but it is
    suitable for many other things like playing tetris or
    implementing a boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.
    6418012 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    TSTLG346.ZIP 135210 TestLog V3.46 (2021-Dec-18). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    135210 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z58 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z58 9078 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9280 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211224.zip 2826292 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    2826292 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.358 32230 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z58 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z58 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42075 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z58 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z58 9929 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z58 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    10138 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z58 77318 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 358 (24.12.2021)
    77318 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z58 510 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 358 (24.12.2021)
    510 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9562724 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Dec 26 09:06:36 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z59 52522 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 359
    Z1DAILY.Z60 52565 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 360
    105087 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2533240 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2532836 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5066076 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211224.zip 482121 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Austrian Alps – The Sound of Music
    24 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    ep211225.zip 190152 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Plate Crystal with Simple Extensions
    25 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    672273 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.360 20662 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z60 6529 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.360 20662 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47853 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z60 7865 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211224.zip 510655 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Cloud Streets over the Sea of Japan
    24 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    md211225.zip 502018 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Snow in the Alps
    25 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    1012673 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211225.zip 973974 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    973974 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.360 30626 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z60 9294 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z60 10461 STN Daily made nodelist
    10461 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211224.zip 413571 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    ww211225.zip 416672 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    830243 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.359 169542 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.360 169644 Z2DAILY for today
    339186 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9105611 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Dec 26 16:02:20 2021
    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25289 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    CSCNET.ZIP 11499 Colorado Springs Central Net InfoPack
    Application And Other Info for Joining
    UpDate with New Zone Number (2-11-2019)
    HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 HolyNet - A Christian Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN - Prayers & Praises!
    September 19, 2020
    Central HQ BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 888:1/100@holynet
    38539 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211226.zip 120319 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    120319 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 158858 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Dec 26 21:06:06 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211226.zip 190152 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    Plate Crystal with Simple Extensions
    26 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    190152 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211226.zip 487612 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires and Smoke in India
    26 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    487612 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211226.zip 415516 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    415516 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1093280 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Dec 27 09:03:28 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z61 52565 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 361
    52565 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
    FNEWTC52.ZIP 12918 FIDONEWS 27 Dec 2021 Vol 38 No 52
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * List of IPv6 nodes
    * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    12918 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.361 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z61 5998 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.361 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43036 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z61 7465 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.361 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z61 9292 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39920 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z61 10088 STN Daily made nodelist
    10088 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.361 169644 Z2DAILY for today
    169644 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 335636 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Dec 27 16:02:22 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211227.zip 460987 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    460987 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 460987 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Dec 27 21:04:30 2021
    Area : EPOD : EA: Daily Earth Science Pictures
    ep211227.zip 254706 Earth Science Picture of the Day
    27 December 2021
    Magic Name: EPOD
    A Service of
    Universities Space Research Association
    254706 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : ODD: League info packs
    GATORPAK.ZIP 105109 -=-=-=-= GatorNet Info Pack =-=-=-=-
    Application and info on setting up
    GatorNet on your BBS.
    -=-=-=-=-=Edited 5/01/2021-=-=-=-=-=-
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239794 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
    Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
    qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
    now with a web page banner
    updated 4/8/21
    LEGINFO.ZIP 2938 LegionNet Infopack
    September 27, 2020
    Information about LegionNet
    REBELNET.ZIP 2371 RebelNet hosted by Canadian Rebel BBS
    +o Samcrow
    SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 s p o o k n e t
    PHATstar production
    30+ echonet message areas
    7+ echonet filebone areas
    BinkP, 1 Gbit/s fast hub!
    spooknet infopack here!
    WHISPNET.ZIP 11682 WhisperNet - A Family Oriented Network
    Supports QWK/FTN with a variety of
    November 24, 2021
    Raiders Inc BBS
    Main FTN Hub: 316:36/1@whispnet
    Legion WHQ - current version v0.7.4a
    1912999 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : MODIS : EA: Daily MODIS image of Earth
    md211227.zip 68206 MODIS Picture of the Day
    Fires in West Africa
    27 December 2021
    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
    Plus published Report
    Magic Name: MODIS
    68206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : EA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America
    ww211227.zip 391950 Global Weather Maps
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Space Science and Engineering Center
    391950 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2627861 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Dec 28 09:03:04 2021
    Area : DAILYLIST : ADM: Daily Fidonet Nodelist
    Z1DAILY.Z62 52592 Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 362
    52592 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.362 169737 Z2DAILY for today
    169737 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 222329 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Dec 28 16:02:16 2021
    Area : NASA : NASA: Earth & Space Science Material
    ap211228.zip 4689549 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
    Day (plus published report)
    4689549 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4689549 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 7 10:31:26 2022
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z07 202 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z07 8025 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8025 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z07 587 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z07 1221 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z07 204 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z07 5615 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    5615 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z07 8867 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8867 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z07 196 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z07 4040 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4236 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z07 208 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.007 35446 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z07 11639 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47293 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z07 452 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10NDIFF.Z51 467 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    919 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z07 203 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z07 8054 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8054 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z07 9059 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    9059 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z07 2400 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    2400 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a07 2598 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a65 2383 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    4981 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z07 1879 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z07 1879 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z65 1746 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    NODEDIFF.Z65 1746 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    7250 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a07 92071 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a65 94938 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    187009 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z07 56759 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z65 58698 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    115457 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z07 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z07 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z07 8622 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8622 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1201 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z07 204 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z07 14436 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14640 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z07 18619 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18619 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z07 199 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.002 165664 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.003 165664 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.004 165665 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.005 165342 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.006 165434 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.007 165430 Z2DAILY for today
    993199 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z65 77321 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 365 (31.12.2021)
    77321 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z65 499 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 365 (31.12.2021)
    499 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z07 199 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z07 6281 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6480 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z07 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z07 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13864 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1556130 bytes in 48 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 7 16:01:12 2022
    Area : 1042.TECH : R50/ROO: weekly File Echo and Echomail lists from 2:5020/1042
    1042.lst 37202 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
    fe001042.lst 7833 File echos available at 2:5020/1042
    45035 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.007 18765 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z07 6132 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.007 18765 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43662 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10PDIFF.Z58 1708 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointDiff l10pdiff.
    LEAGUE10.358 35190 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    LEAGUE10.365 35190 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    72088 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z07 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z07 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z07 9080 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9484 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NODELIS2 : FidoNet Zone 2 full Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.ZIP 56330 FidoNet Nodelist
    NODELIST.ZIP 58292 FidoNet Nodelist
    114622 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OAPPCOMM : OS/2: Commication software
    OAPPCOMM.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPCOMM fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPREXX : OS/2: REXX
    OAPPREXX.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPREXX fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OAPPUTIL : OS/2: High-level utilities
    OAPPUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OAPPUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVAPP : OS/2: Application development
    ODEVAPP.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVAPP fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODEVSYS : OS/2: System programming
    ODEVSYS.RUL 13105 Rules of ODEVSYS fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVDEV : OS/2: Miscellaneous device drivers
    ODRVDEV.RUL 13105 Rules of ODRVDEV fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVSOUND : OS/2: Sound drivers
    ODRVSND.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVSOUND fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ODRVVIDEO : OS/2: Video drivers
    ODRVVID.RUL 13107 Rules of ODRVVIDEO fileecho
    13107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANLS : OS/2: IBM LANServer
    OLANLS.RUL 13104 Rules of OLANLS fileecho
    13104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OLANOTH : OS/2: Miscellanous LAN software
    OLANOTH.RUL 13105 Rules of OLANOTH fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD : OS/2: CSD
    OSYSCSD.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSCSD fileecho
    13105 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD3 : OS/2: Warp 3/Warp server fixes
    OSYSCSD3.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD3 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSCSD4 : OS/2: Arp 4/WSoD fixes
    OSYSCSD4.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSCSD4 fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OSYSDOC : OS/2: Documentation
    OS2FAQ.ARJ 731351 OS/2 FAQ`s
    OSYSDOC.RUL 13105 Rules of OSYSDOC fileecho
    744456 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : OSYSUTIL : OS/2: System utilities
    OSYSUTIL.RUL 13106 Rules of OSYSUTIL fileecho
    13106 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OUTLMMEDIA : OS/2: MultiMedia
    OUTLMMED.RUL 13108 Rules of OUTLMMEDIA fileecho
    13108 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.007 32233 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z07 9653 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z07 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42082 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PNTLIST : Russia Pointlist files
    PNT5019.ZIP 782 Last Smolensk PointList (03-01-2022)
    PNT5027.ZIP 2212 Last PointList of Net 5027 (Orel)
    pnt5057.zip 1057 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
    pnt5083.zip 579 NET5083 Pointlist
    4630 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : R50-LIST : R50: R50 Nodelist Segments files
    REGION50.Z07 12920 Region 50 segment day 004
    REGION50.Z58 12906 Region 50 segment day 355
    REGION50.Z65 12963 Region 50 segment day 362
    38789 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : R50ROUTE : R50: R50 Routing chemes
    IPLIST.LST 39338 -- description missing --
    R50.ROU 3041 -- description missing --
    R50.TRU 1056 -- description missing --
    R50C.ZIP 14298 -- description missing --
    R50ROU.RUL 1050 -- description missing --
    58783 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : RAILWAYS : Railways files ad pictures
    _3T_001K.JPG 807575 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2-707, »«Ñºñ ⁿ6623 Äñ¡«α«í«ó¬á -
    òáα∞¬«ó-»áßß. ¡á ßΓ.竽«τÑó ôç, òáα∞¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    28.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3U_0042.JPG 764479 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2Æ-981 ß ñαπú¿¼¿ ùæ2Æ, ßΓ.ÆóÑα∞
    ÄèÆ, ÆóÑα߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ½ÑΓ« 2014 (1200x802) [9.01.01]
    _3U_0057.JPG 552676 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2Æ-994 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    ü½«¬-»«ßΓ 116¬¼ - 髽σ«óßΓα«⌐-I ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2010
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3U_005M.JPG 532303 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2Æ-999, ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ú½áó¡δ⌐
    ÄèÆ, ¼áαΓ 2010 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3U_006V.JPG 619163 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2Æ-1022, »ÑαÑú«¡ Æ¿σó¿¡ - ûóδ½±ó«
    ÄèÆ, ¿ε¡∞ 2009 (1200x751) [9.01.01]
    _3U_008U.JPG 630034 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2Æ-1040, »ÑαÑú«¡ å¿σáαÑó« -
    é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2011 (1200x761) [9.01.01]
    _3U_0098.JPG 579927 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2Æ-1041, ßΓ.äáτá 䫽ú«απ¬«óá
    (ïáñ«ªß¬¿⌐ 󫬺á½) ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¡«∩íα∞ 2015
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3U_00AW.JPG 603569 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ2Æ-1041, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2021
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002L.JPG 572586 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-003 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ `Ñó߬¿⌐
    ø¬ß»αÑßß`, »ÑαÑú«¡ æ½áó∩¡¬á - 諽»¿¡« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002M.JPG 640015 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-003 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ `Ñó߬¿⌐
    ø¬ß»αÑßß`, »ÑαÑú«¡ æ½áó∩¡¬á - 諽»¿¡« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2021 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002N.JPG 796449 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-004 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ
    諽»¿¡« - æóí½¿¡« ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞
    (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002O.JPG 609440 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-004, ñÑ»«
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-»áßß.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ ÄèÆ, ñѬáíα∞ 2008
    (1150x821) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002P.JPG 750856 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-004,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002Q.JPG 570105 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-006 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ `ä¡Ñó¡«⌐
    ø¬ß»αÑßß` ß««íΘÑ¡¿Ñ¼ æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú - î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡
    諽»¿¡« - æáí½¿¡« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¿ε¡∞ 2021
    (1200x788) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002R.JPG 629237 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-010 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ `Ñó߬¿⌐
    ø¬ß»αÑßß`, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽»¿¡« - æáí½¿¡« ÄèÆ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002S.JPG 579053 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-011, »ÑαÑú«¡ äáτá 䫽ú«απ¬«óá -
    Å«½εßΓα«ó« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼á⌐ 2010 (1200x800)
    _3X_002T.JPG 536030 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-011 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ `Ñó߬¿⌐
    ø¬ß»αÑßß`, »ÑαÑú«¡ æ½áó∩¡¬á - 諽»¿¡« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3X_002U.JPG 530130 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ùæ200-012, »«Ñºñ ⁿ748 `Ñó߬¿⌐
    ¥¬ß»αÑßß`, ßΓ.Å«ñß«½¡Ñτ¡á∩ ÄèÆ, î«ß¬«ó«ß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FH.JPG 638032 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-241 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼, »ÑαÑú«¡
    å¿σáαÑó« - é«⌐í«¬á½« ÄèÆ, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x801)
    _3Y_00FI.JPG 387195 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-243, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÖÑαí¿¡¬á - Å«ñ«½∞߬
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 12.06.18 (1200x765)
    _3Y_00FJ.JPG 403293 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-243, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ«½∞߬ - âα¿ó¡«
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 21.09.19 (1200x800)
    _3Y_00FK.JPG 730546 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-250, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FL.JPG 634402 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-250, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FM.JPG 699545 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-253, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FN.JPG 566440 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-259, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ΣÑóαá½∞
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FO.JPG 386726 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-260, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FP.JPG 416281 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-261, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1150x768) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FQ.JPG 631455 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-269 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ7 `Æáóα¿∩`
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú - æÑóáßΓ«»«½∞, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽»¿¡« -
    æáí½¿¡« ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800)
    _3Y_00FR.JPG 721675 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-273, »ÑαÑú«¡ Åπ»δΦÑó« - «óδ⌐
    üδΓ ÄèÆ, ïÑ¡¿¡úαáñ߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¼á⌐ 2020 (1200x800)
    _3Y_00FS.JPG 625012 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-276, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FT.JPG 522941 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-276, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FU.JPG 446914 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-296, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FV.JPG 506679 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-300, ñÑ»« èáαΓá½δ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2016 (1200x913) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FW.JPG 643631 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-311, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¼áαΓ 2016
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FX.JPG 734053 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-314, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FY.JPG 641164 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-314, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00FZ.JPG 509287 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-322, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    ΣÑóαá½∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G0.JPG 601258 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-323, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, á»αѽ∞
    2018 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G1.JPG 607359 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-324, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2020 (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G2.JPG 684982 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-328, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, áóúπßΓ
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G3.JPG 557588 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-331 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ 轿¡ -
    Å«ñß«½¡Ñτ¡á∩ ÄèÆ, 25.07.21 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G4.JPG 528296 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-333, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ∩¡óáα∞
    2017 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G5.JPG 736796 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-333, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ßΓ 81¬¼ -
    üπªá¡¿¡«ó« îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G6.JPG 772346 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-338, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ - 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    á»αѽ∞ 2021 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G7.JPG 583445 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-340, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞ 2020
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G8.JPG 623645 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-345, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00G9.JPG 542714 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-349, »ÑαÑú«¡ æѼ¿íαáΓ«ó« -
    É«ßΓ«ó-ƒα«ß½áó߬¿⌐ æàé, ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GA.JPG 618252 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-354, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ - 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GB.JPG 599396 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-360, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I - ÅÑα«ó«
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GC.JPG 461976 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-362, ßΓ.ÖÑαí¿¡¬á îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    25.08.19 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GD.JPG 746531 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-364, ßΓ.î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, á»αѽ∞ 2021 (1200x789) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GE.JPG 482507 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-368, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ -
    ü¿αε½±ó«-Γ«óáα¡á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GF.JPG 601522 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-373, »ÑαÑú«¡ æѼ¿íαáΓ«ó« -
    É«ßΓ«ó-ƒα«ß½áó߬¿⌐ æàé, ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GG.JPG 650063 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-373 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ò«Γ∞¬«ó« -
    æ«Σα¿¡«, ƒα«ß½áó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 03.04.21
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GH.JPG 532786 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-377 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ 䫼«ñÑñ«ó« -
    ü¿αε½±ó«-Γ«óáα¡á∩, Åáóѽѵ¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä,
    02.10.21 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GI.JPG 769731 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-379, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ - 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    á»αѽ∞ 2021 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GJ.JPG 784435 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-381 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ÇßΓαáσá¡∞ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽»¿¡« - æ½áó∩¡¬á ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ñѬáíα∞ 2020 (1200x792) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GK.JPG 365310 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-382, »ÑαÑú«¡ âα¿ó¡« - Å«ñ«½∞߬
    îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 05.08.19 (1200x800)
    _3Y_00GL.JPG 504108 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-395, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ -
    ü¿αε½±ó«-Γ«óáα¡á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GM.JPG 670996 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-398 ¿ ø½Ñ¬Γα«»«Ñºñ ¥Æ2î-048/047,
    »ÑαÑú«¡ æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-Γ«ó.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ -
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GN.JPG 658581 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-398, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ -
    ü¿αε½±ó«-Γ«óáα¡á∩ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, á»αѽ∞ 2021
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GO.JPG 560291 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-400, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞ 2020 (1150x767) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GP.JPG 786841 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-401, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - ïεíÑαµδ-I
    îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GQ.JPG 725925 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-401, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ - 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    ¼áαΓ 2021 (1200x780) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GR.JPG 665860 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-412, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽»¿¡« - æáí½¿¡«
    ÄèÆ, ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x789) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GS.JPG 813457 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-412, »ÑαÑú«¡
    î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ - 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá,
    á»αѽ∞ 2021 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GT.JPG 706116 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-417, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε¡∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GU.JPG 655388 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-424, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¿ε½∞
    2020 (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GV.JPG 653724 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-424, ñÑ»« ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Y_00GW.JPG 614341 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å2è-434, ñÑ»« èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ñѬáíα∞
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_001A.JPG 463717 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-320 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ è¿ßѽ¿σá -
    Æ«½«¬«¡µÑó« âÄÉ, 24.04.21 (1200x804) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_001B.JPG 351437 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-383, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 02.07.21
    (1196x838) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_001K.JPG 762837 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ ¥Å1î-387 ¿ ¥Å1î-762 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼¿,
    ßΓ.É«ßß«Φ∞ ₧éåä, á»αѽ∞ 2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_001P.JPG 336194 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-418, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫼«ó« - ÄΓ᫪¬á
    ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 18.06.21 (1194x842) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_001T.JPG 595346 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-419, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ßÑ¡Γ∩íα∞
    2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_0026.JPG 658745 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-434, ßΓ.èá¡áΦ âÄÉ, ¿ε½∞ 2019
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_002B.JPG 726651 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-434, »ÑαÑú«¡ îá¬áα«ó« -
    ÅαÑτ¿ßΓ«Ñ æàé, ƒα«ß½áó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, áóúπßΓ 2020
    (1200x782) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_002C.JPG 601063 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-438, »áα¬ ü ßΓ.ùѽ∩í¿¡ß¬ ₧-ôÉ,
    ∩¡óáα∞ 2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_002E.JPG 280801 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-438, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 15.02.21
    (1152x686) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_002H.JPG 248864 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-442, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 02.07.21
    (1186x580) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_002U.JPG 331927 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-442, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 02.07.21
    (1195x740) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_002X.JPG 588279 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-454 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ155 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.üαεσ«óѵ¬á∩ æèåä, 12.07.20 (1200x774)
    _3Z_0033.JPG 332925 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-454, »ÑαÑú«¡ 櫼«ó« - ÄΓ᫪¬á
    ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 18.01.21 (1197x818) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_0038.JPG 769033 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-456 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú - Çñ½Ñα, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, á»αѽ∞
    2016 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_003B.JPG 485871 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-460, ßΓ.¿ª¡¿⌐
    «óú«α«ñ-î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ âÄÉ, 24.04.21 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_003S.JPG 296822 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-463 ¿ ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ éï80æ ¡á
    ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 26.03.21
    (1199x732) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_003T.JPG 492097 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-465, ßΓ.èπαúá¡ ₧-ôÉ, ¡«∩íα∞ 2016
    (1200x819) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_003Z.JPG 302287 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-468 ¡á ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 17.01.21 (1199x790) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_0045.JPG 556438 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ ¥Å1î-471 ¿ ¥Å1î-454. ¥Å1î-471 ß
    »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ109 Ç¡á»á - î«ß¬óá; ¥Å1î-454 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ151
    Ç¡á»á - î«ß¬óá, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 02.08.20 (1200x721)
    _3Z_004A.JPG 530499 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-471 ¿ ¥Å1î-663. ¥Å1î-663 ß
    »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ564 î«ß¬óá - Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 02.08.20
    (1200x758) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_004G.JPG 385916 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-471, ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    18.02.21 (1196x851) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_004K.JPG 290955 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-471, ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    17.06.21 (1197x803) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_004R.JPG 267538 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-476, ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    01.07.21 (1198x772) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_004T.JPG 671008 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-481, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, ∩¡óáα∞
    2014 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_004X.JPG 644270 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-481 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú -
    Çñ½Ñα, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, ∩¡óáα∞ 2014 (1200x800)
    _3Z_0055.JPG 475245 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºδ ¥Å1î-481 ¿ ¥Å1î-498 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼¿,
    ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä, ú.É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π, ∩¡óáα∞ 2014
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_005C.JPG 423742 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-482 ¡á ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 26.06.21 (1187x922) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_005R.JPG 249756 <2.6> æ¼Ñ¡á ½«¬«¼«Γ¿ó¡«⌐ íα¿úáñδ ø½Ñ¬Γα«ó«ºá ¥Å1î-489
    ¡á ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä, 23.06.19 (1200x800)
    _3Z_0061.JPG 314447 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-491, ßΓ.ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    26.02.21 (1199x885) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_007B.JPG 250542 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-494, ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä,
    23.06.19 (1200x790) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_007R.JPG 338814 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-519, »ÑαÑú«¡ ôß¼á¡∞ - âαáΣ߬á∩,
    ½¿¡¿∩ âα∩º¿ - ÄΓ᫪¬á ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    26.03.21 (1200x915) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_007V.JPG 371385 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-557 ß½ÑñπÑΓ αѺÑαó«¼ »«
    ßΓ.₧α«ó߬¿⌐ æèåä, 15.03.20 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_0080.JPG 666345 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-557 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ133 Ç¡á»á -
    Æ«¼ß¬, ßΓ.ÉáºΩѺñ 9¬¼ æèåä, 11.07.20 (1200x796)
    _3Z_0081.JPG 313171 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-559 ¡á 6 »πΓ¿ ßΓ.Åα¿ñáτá ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 20.01.21 (1198x736) [9.01.01]
    _3Z_0082.JPG 812183 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å1î-564 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ289 Ç¡á»á -
    à¬áΓÑα¿¡íπαú, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä,
    01.09.21 (1200x824) [9.01.01]
    _4A_006N.JPG 718450 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-001 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ12 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 16.08.20 (1200x822) [9.01.01]
    _4A_006U.JPG 459860 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-002 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 13.02.21
    (1200x722) [9.01.01]
    _4A_006V.JPG 716923 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-008, »ÑαÑú«¡ èπ»áó¡á -
    åѽѺ¡«ñ«α«ª¡á∩ îÄæè, î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, ¿ε¡∞ 2021
    (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4A_006W.JPG 549029 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-010 ß `Ñó߬¿¼ ø¬ß»αÑßß«¼`,
    ßΓ.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú-ß«αΓ.î«ß¬«ó߬¿⌐ (»áα¬ Äíπσ«ó«) ÄèÆ,
    ñѬáíα∞ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_006X.JPG 612681 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-011 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ20 î«ß¬óá -
    É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π, ßΓ.«ó«τÑα¬áß߬ æèåä, 10.10.21. ÇóΓ«α
    Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1032x774) [9.01.01]
    _4A_006Y.JPG 544247 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-012 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ `Ñó߬¿⌐
    ø¬ß»αÑßß`, »ÑαÑú«¡ 諽»¿¡« - æáí½¿¡« ÄèÆ,
    ú.æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú, ¼áαΓ 2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_006Z.JPG 367107 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-013, ßΓ.î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èπα߬á∩
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 26.09.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0070.JPG 676291 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-013 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ12 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 08.08.20 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0071.JPG 619722 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-013, ßΓ.É«ßΓ«ó-ú½áó¡δ⌐ æèåä,
    10.09.21. ÇóΓ«α Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x842)
    _4A_0072.JPG 611277 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-014 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ⫽¿µδ¡« -
    ÅÑΓѽ¿¡«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 05.01.20
    (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0073.JPG 796240 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-015 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 19.12.20
    (1200x813) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0074.JPG 654963 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-015, »ÑαÑú«¡ Äτᬫó«-I -
    櫽¡Ñτ¡á∩ îÄæè, áóúπßΓ 2019 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0075.JPG 629433 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-015, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - ïεíÑαµδ-I
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0076.JPG 493625 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-017 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 28.04.20
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0077.JPG 237691 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-018, ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    26.06.21 (1147x755) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0078.JPG 724843 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-020 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 28.01.20
    (1200x797) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0079.JPG 754552 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-021, ßΓ.ïáºáαÑó߬á∩ æèåä,
    èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, áóúπßΓ 2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007A.JPG 672133 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-022 ß ñóπσøΓáª¡δ¼ »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ103
    î«ß¬óá - Çñ½Ñα, ßΓ.â«α∩τ¿⌐ è½ετ æèåä, 15.09.21. ÇóΓ«α
    Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x885) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007B.JPG 787489 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-023 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ210 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 27.08.21. ÇóΓ«α Σ«Γ«
    æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007C.JPG 296262 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-028, ßΓ.âαáΣ߬á∩ ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 14.08.21 (1199x814) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007D.JPG 684340 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-029, »ÑαÑú«¡ ÅÑα«ó« - ïεíÑαµδ-I
    îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007E.JPG 634056 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-031 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Æπτ¬«ó« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-I, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 03.05.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007F.JPG 373281 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-031 ß »«Ñºñá¼ ⁿ174 î«ß¬óá -
    àó»áΓ«α¿∩, ßΓ.ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞,
    01.09.21 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007G.JPG 369931 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-032 ß ñóπσøΓáª¡δ¼ »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ003
    è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ - î«ß¬óá ¡á ßΓ.ï¿ß¬¿ ₧éåä, é«α«¡Ñªß¬á∩
    «í½áßΓ∞, 23.06.19 (1200x784) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007H.JPG 370262 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-034 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ104 Çñ½Ñα -
    î«ß¬óá ¡á ßΓ.Çñ½Ñα æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐ ¬αá⌐, 20.05.18
    (1200x786) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007I.JPG 738008 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-037 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ - ₧α«ó߬¿⌐ æèåä,
    12.12.20 (1200x856) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007J.JPG 535158 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-038 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼ î«ß¬óá -
    Æá¼í«ó, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ - 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, ΣÑóαá½∞ 2021 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007K.JPG 665124 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-040 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ20 î«ß¬óá -
    É«ßΓ«ó-¡á-ä«¡π, ßΓ.èπΓÑ⌐¡¿¬«ó« æèåä, 22.08.21. ÇóΓ«α
    Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐ îêσá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x812) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007L.JPG 624677 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-042 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ3 è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ -
    î«ß¬óá, αᡪ¿α¡δ⌐ »áα¬ ßΓ.è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ æèåä. ÇóΓ«α Σ«Γ«
    æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x824) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007M.JPG 572225 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-043 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 07.07.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007N.JPG 704844 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-043 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ174 àó»áΓ«α¿∩ -
    î«ß¬óá, αáºΩѺñ èπíá¡∞ æèåä, 14.12.20 (1200x761)
    _4A_007O.JPG 784043 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-045, ßΓ.ïáºáαÑó߬á∩ æèåä, áóúπßΓ
    2015 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007P.JPG 335461 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-048, ßΓ.î«ß¬óá-»áßß.èáºá¡ß¬á∩
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, 11.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007Q.JPG 345183 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-048 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ4 î«ß¬óá -
    è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ ¡á ßΓ.î¿¡Ñαá½∞¡δÑ é«ñδ æèåä, æΓáóα«»«½∞߬¿⌐
    ¬αá⌐, 12.06.19 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007R.JPG 519722 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-048 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 22.11.20
    (1200x765) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007S.JPG 764955 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-049 ß ñóπσøΓáª¡δ¼ »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ4
    î«ß¬óá - è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬, ßΓ.î¿¡Ñαá½∞¡δÑ é«ñδ æèåä,
    18.09.21. ÇóΓ«α Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x812)
    _4A_007T.JPG 528592 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-050 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 03.10.21
    (1200x811) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007U.JPG 582708 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-051 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ üѬáß«ó«-I -
    æѽ∩Γ¿¡«, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x807) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007V.JPG 486712 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-052 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ä«α«σ«ó« -
    Æπτ¬«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 23.06.19
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007W.JPG 645354 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-052, »ÑαÑú«¡ ïεíÑαµδ-I - ÅÑα«ó«
    îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞ 2019 (1200x794) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007X.JPG 677741 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-053 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼ î«ß¬óá -
    Æá¼í«ó, »ÑαÑú«¡ î«ß¬óá-Γ«ó.Åáóѽѵ¬á∩ - 諽«¼Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ
    îÄæè, ú.î«ß¬óá, áóúπßΓ 2020 (1200x784) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007Y.JPG 330493 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-054, ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    17.05.21 (1197x683) [9.01.01]
    _4A_007Z.JPG 683058 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-056 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 28.11.20
    (1200x773) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0080.JPG 363340 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-057, ßΓ.櫼«ó« ₧éåä, ú.é«α«¡Ñª,
    26.06.21 (1193x868) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0081.JPG 344868 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-058 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ104 Çñ½Ñα -
    î«ß¬óá ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Çñ½Ñα - ò«ßΓá æèåä, èαáß¡«ñáα߬¿⌐
    ¬αá⌐, 15.05.19 (1200x779) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0082.JPG 728848 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-058 ß »áßßᪿα߬¿¼ î«ß¬óá -
    îπα«¼ ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑα«ó« - ïεíÑαµδ-I îÄæè, «¬Γ∩íα∞
    2019 (1200x791) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0083.JPG 521786 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-058, ßΓ.É∩ºá¡∞-II îÄæè, áóúπßΓ
    2020 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0084.JPG 810914 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-061 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ103 î«ß¬óá -
    Çñ½Ñα, »ÑαÑú«¡ èαáß¡«ñáα-I - èπíá¡∞ æèåä, 12.01.21
    (1200x793) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0085.JPG 525437 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-061 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 05.06.21
    (1200x767) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0086.JPG 614073 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-062 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ æѽ∩Γ¿¡« -
    üѬáß«ó«-I, è¿Ñó߬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 07.03.20
    (1200x803) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0087.JPG 276930 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-062 ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    21.08.19 (1195x884) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0088.JPG 530349 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-064 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ12 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, »ÑαÑú«¡ â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ - Ç¡á»á æèåä, 18.07.20
    (1200x664) [9.01.01]
    _4A_0089.JPG 591543 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-064 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ12 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 17.03.21 (1200x867) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008A.JPG 722668 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-066 ¡á ßΓ.Æπτ¬«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ
    ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 01.11.20 (1200x797) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008B.JPG 719941 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-068 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ12 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 11.02.20 (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008C.JPG 531056 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-068 ß ñóπσøΓáª¡δ¼ »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ4
    î«ß¬óá - è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬, »ÑαÑú«¡ Å«ñ¬π¼«¬ - è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬
    æèåä, 14.10.20 (1200x798) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008D.JPG 665076 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-068 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ12 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, ßΓ.Å«½Γáó߬á∩ æèåä, 02.09.21. ÇóΓ«α Σ«Γ«
    æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1032x774) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008E.JPG 368816 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-069 ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    15.05.21 (1199x968) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008F.JPG 344355 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-070 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ740 »α¿íδ½ ¡á
    ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 12.02.21 (1195x857) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008G.JPG 492342 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-071 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ12 î«ß¬óá -
    Ç¡á»á, »ÑαÑú«¡ â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ - Ç¡á»á æèåä, 08.04.20
    (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008H.JPG 709668 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-071 ß ñóπσøΓáª¡δ¼ »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ35
    æᡬΓ-ÅÑΓÑαíπαú - Çñ½Ñα, ßΓ.ï«« æèåä, 01.10.21. ÇóΓ«α
    Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008I.JPG 714427 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-072 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 01.06.20
    (1200x788) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008J.JPG 365807 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-072 ¡á ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä,
    19.10.20 (1198x933) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008K.JPG 543043 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-073 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 21.01.21
    (1200x775) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008L.JPG 627050 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-073 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ä«α«σ«ó« -
    á⌐߬, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 21.03.21
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008M.JPG 610467 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-074 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ ÅÑΓѽ¿¡« -
    èπí¿¡¬á-I, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 08.01.21
    (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008N.JPG 692424 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-075 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, »ÑαÑú«¡ Ç¡á»á - â«ßΓáúáÑó߬á∩ æèåä, 07.02.21
    (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008O.JPG 572960 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-076 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 26.12.20 (1200x740) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008P.JPG 602125 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-076 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ11 Ç¡á»á -
    î«ß¬óá, ßΓ.Ç¡á»á æèåä, 08.08.21. ÇóΓ«α Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐
    î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x895) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008Q.JPG 387093 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-076, ßΓ.îáß½«ó¬á ₧éåä,
    ú.é«α«¡Ñª, 30.06.21 (1199x949) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008R.JPG 735656 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-077 ß »«Ñºñ«¼ ⁿ3 è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ -
    î«ß¬óá, αᡪ¿α¡δ⌐ »áα¬ ßΓ.è¿ß½«ó«ñ߬ æèåä, 26.07.21.
    ÇóΓ«α Σ«Γ« æÑαúÑ⌐ î¿σá⌐½Ñ¡¬« (1200x805) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008S.JPG 371939 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-077, ßΓ.é«α«¡Ñª-I ₧éåä, 15.02.21
    (1198x981) [9.01.01]
    _4A_008T.JPG 555454 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º ¥Å20-077 ¡á »ÑαÑú«¡Ñ Æπτ¬«ó« -
    ä«α«σ«ó«, 漫½Ñ¡ß¬«Ñ ¡á»αáó½Ñ¡¿Ñ îåä, 18.04.21
    (1200x796) [9.01.01]
    _4B_005B.JPG 424483 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï8-1156, ñÑ»« üѬáß«ó« îÄæè,
    î«ß¬«ó߬á∩ «í½áßΓ∞, 16.06.17 (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    _4B_005C.JPG 402940 <2.6> ¥½Ñ¬Γα«ó«º éï8î-1515, ñÑ»« 濼ΣÑα«»«½∞, èαδ¼,
    18.08.20 (1200x873) [9.01.01]
    101549238 bytes in 180 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NC : R50: SPB NC files
    map5030.337 349 Net 5030 routing map, day 337
    map5030.358 349 Net 5030 routing map, day 358
    moves.358 24 Net 5030 changes, day 358
    moves.365 24 Net 5030 changes, day 365
    746 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPB_NCZP : R50: SPB NC ZP file
    map5030.z58 294 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 358
    map5030.z65 294 Net 5030 packed routing map (zip), day 365
    moves.z58 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 358
    moves.z65 176 Net 5030 packed changes (zip), day 365
    940 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z07 12612 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z07 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    12821 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : XOFCELIST : R50: Current R50 Russian Echo list
    R50EC.ZIP 15673 -- description missing --
    15673 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XOFCFELST : R50: Current R50 Russian file echo list
    N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information
    1327 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : XPICCAT : XPIC: Various Pics of Cats
    LCVKI.PNG 1414831 <3.1> Å«Γ¿σ«¡Ñτ¬π... (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    LCVKJ.JPG 165064 <3.1> -æÑ⌐τáß... (1200x1006) [9.01.01]
    LCVKK.JPG 162311 <3.1> æ«íßΓóÑ¡¡«⌐ 󿽬«⌐ (1101x1024) [9.01.01]
    LCVKL.JPG 381959 <3.1> ÆδαêΓ - øΓ« í«½Ñº¡∞... (1632x918) [9.01.01]
    LCVKM.JPG 439161 <3.1> é »«¿ß¬áσ ¼δΦÑ⌐... (1000x1333) [9.01.01]
    LCVKN.JPG 742640 <3.1> è óÑαΦ¿¡Ñ!.. (1453x1059) [9.01.01]
    LCVKO.JPG 163797 <3.1> ...¡Ñ¡áßΓ«∩Θá∩!.. (1024x856) [9.01.01]
    LCVKP.JPG 420063 <3.1> -¿ττ± ¡¿»«¡∩½!.. (1920x1434) [9.01.01]
    LCVKQ.JPG 142453 <3.1> Äσ«Γá (880x1221) [9.01.01]
    LCVKR.JPG 287425 <3.1> Å«½¡á∩ ¿ñ¿½½¿∩ (1280x806) [9.01.01]
    LCVKS.JPG 216244 <3.1> -Åαáºñ¡¿¬ - «¡ «íΘ¿⌐!.. (1280x849) [9.01.01]
    LCVKT.JPG 692300 <3.1> -ÆπΓ ¿¡ΓÑαÑß¡«... (3008x2000) [9.01.01]
    LCVKU.JPG 168648 <3.1> -ƒ ñπ¼á½ Γᬠ½πτΦÑ... (1099x797) [9.01.01]
    LCVKV.JPG 177340 <3.1> -ƒ αáí«Γáε ¡áñ øΓ¿¼... (1200x800) [9.01.01]
    M1VK1.JPG 258648 <3.1> -Å«½¡á∩ »«íÑñá! (1200x900) [9.01.01]
    M1VK2.JPG 180374 <3.1> -Æ«½∞¬« »«»α«íπε. Åαáºñ¡¿¬ ªÑ... (1076x586)
    M1VK3.JPG 135275 <3.1> -ò«º∩⌐¬á ßÑ⌐τáß óÑα¡±Γß∩. Ñ Γα«úá⌐ Γαá¡ß»«αΓ!!
    (800x626) [9.01.01]
    M1VK4.JPG 121515 <3.1> -Ç »½áßΓ¿¬«óá∩ ¡Ñ ½ÑΓáÑΓ!.. (1200x628) [9.01.01]
    M1VK5.JPG 348016 <3.1> -êñ¿ΓÑ, ¿ñ¿ΓÑ! ÆπΓ óß± σ«α«Φ«!.. (1600x1200)
    M1VK6.JPG 204390 <3.1> -ïá»δ - ó«Γ «¡¿ - ßó«í«ñ¡δ, ¡¿τÑú« ¡Ñ ñѽáεΓ...
    (768x1024) [9.01.01]
    6822454 bytes in 20 file(s)

    Area : XPICHUMOR : XPIC: Misc. funny and humor pics and photos
    LCVK1BA3.JPG 67361 <4.6> üαáΓ∞∩ ¿ ßÑßΓαδ ïε¼∞Ñα! áΦ »áα«ó«º ó»ÑαÑñ
    ½ÑΓ¿Γ!.. (û) é¿¬Γ«α üá½áíáß, î«ß¬óá [9.02.01]
    LCVK1BOV.GIF 11631 <4.6> èαπΦÑ¡¿Ñ... (û) é¿¬Γ«α ü«ú«αáñ [9.02.01]
    LCVK1DR1.JPG 49672 <4.6> ⫽«ßπεΘ¿⌐... (û) éá½Ñ¡Γ¿¡ äαπª¿¡¿¡ [9.02.01]
    LCVK1DU1.GIF 33928 <4.6> âαáªñᡬá èáαÑ¡¿¡á, «Γ«⌐ñ¿ΓÑ «Γ ¬αá∩ »½áΓΣ«α¼δ!
    (û) éáß¿½¿⌐ äπí«ó [9.02.01]
    LCVK1KI5.GIF 10056 <4.6> üε᫬αáΓ¿τÑ߬¿⌐ Γπ»¿¬ (û) êú«α∞ è¿⌐¬«, èáºáσßΓá¡
    LCVK1KU6.JPG 29369 <4.6> ê½½εßΓαᵿ∩ ¬ `竽«Γ«¼π Γѽѡ¬π` ê½∞Σá ¿ ÅÑΓα«óá
    (û) èπèαδ¡¿¬æδ [9.02.01]
    LCVK1OG2.JPG 24236 <4.6> á ¬αáε ºÑ¼½¿... (û) ǽѬßÑ⌐ Äúπᵫó [9.02.01]
    LCVK1OG3.JPG 26450 <4.6> 滿½¿½¿ ¡á ßó«ε ú«½«óπ... (û) ǽѬßÑ⌐ Äúπᵫó
    LCVK1OG4.JPG 39212 <4.6> Äí¼á¡¬á ñ½∩ ¼áΦ¿¡¿ßΓá... (û) ǽѬßÑ⌐ Äúπᵫó
    LCVK1OSE.JPG 22712 <4.6> Ī¿ñá¡¿Ñ »«Ñºñá... (û) àóúÑ¡¿⌐ Äß¿»«ó [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P01.JPG 53221 <4.6> π «τÑ¡∞ ¼á½á∩ ¼Ñσá¡¿ºáµ¿∩... (û) ÇóΓ«α
    ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ
    Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P03.JPG 58698 <4.6> ùπñ« ΓÑσ¡¿τÑ߬«⌐ ¼δß½¿ ¡á ß½πªíÑ π »πΓÑ⌐µÑó...
    (û) ÇóΓ«α ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ
    Σ¿α¼δ Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P04.JPG 42857 <4.6> ò«α«Φ« Γ«¼π, ¬Γ« íáαáíá¡¿Γ... (û) ÇóΓ«α
    ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ
    Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P06.JPG 42851 <4.6> éδ»αáó¬á »πΓ¿... (û) ÇóΓ«α ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡«
    ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P07.JPG 51105 <4.6> ÅπΓÑ¿º¼Ñα¿Γѽ∞ ß ΓÑσ¡«½«ú¿∩¼¿ íα«¡º«ó«ú« óѬá...
    (û) ÇóΓ«α ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ
    Σ¿α¼δ Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P08.JPG 61717 <4.6> ÅπΓÑ⌐߬á∩ ΓÑσ¡¿¬á ß ¬«¡¡δ¼ »α¿ó«ñ«¼... (û) ÇóΓ«α
    ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ
    Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P09.JPG 74831 <4.6> æΓáαπΦ¬π ¡Ñ «íΩÑñÑΦ∞... (û) ÇóΓ«α ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡,
    󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P10.JPG 60118 <4.6> ÉѼ«¡Γ »πΓ¿ íѺ »αѬαáΘÑ¡¿∩ αáí«Γ... (û) ÇóΓ«α
    ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ
    Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P11.JPG 50016 <4.6> ôí«α¬á ¼πß«αá ¿ ... «ñѪñδ ß σ«α«ΦÑ¡∞¬¿σ ñÑóπΦѬ
    (û) ÇóΓ«α ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ
    Σ¿α¼δ Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    LCVK1P12.JPG 43957 <4.6> Å«½πáóΓ«¼áΓ¿τÑ߬á∩ ¼«⌐¬á Γ«¡Ñ½½Ñ⌐... (û) ÇóΓ«α
    ¡Ñ¿ºóÑßΓÑ¡, 󫺼«ª¡« ¡áα¿ß«óá¡« »« ºá¬áºπ Σ¿α¼δ
    Ž∩ßßÑα [9.02.01]
    853998 bytes in 20 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z07 76921 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 007 (07.01.2022)
    Z2PNT.Z51 77373 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 351 (17.12.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z58 77318 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 358 (24.12.2021)
    Z2PNT.Z65 77321 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 365 (31.12.2021)
    308933 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z07 542 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 007 (07.01.2022)
    Z2PNT_D.Z51 503 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 351 (17.12.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z58 510 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 358 (24.12.2021)
    Z2PNT_D.Z65 499 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 365 (31.12.2021)
    2054 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 110938402 bytes in 285 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 7 18:15:14 2022
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z07 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z07 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z07 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z07 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 853 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jan 8 09:03:26 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.008 18520 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z08 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.008 18520 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43041 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z08 7871 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7871 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.008 30629 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z08 9299 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39928 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z08 12793 STN Daily made nodelist
    12793 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.008 165507 Z2DAILY for today
    165507 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 269140 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jan 9 09:04:30 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.009 20659 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z09 6531 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    27190 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z09 7869 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7869 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.009 30629 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z09 9300 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z09 13134 STN Daily made nodelist
    13134 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.009 165604 Z2DAILY for today
    165604 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 253726 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 14 18:18:26 2022
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z14 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z14 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a14 3270 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3270 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z14 2345 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z14 2345 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4690 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a14 91903 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z14 56712 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56712 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1203 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z14 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.010 165605 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.011 165603 Z2DAILY for today
    z2daily.012 165604 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.013 165554 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.014 165391 Z2DAILY for today
    827757 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z14 76924 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 014 (14.01.2022)
    76924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z14 503 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 014 (14.01.2022)
    503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1063593 bytes in 16 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jan 15 09:04:46 2022
    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.015 165196 Z2DAILY for today
    165196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 165196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jan 18 16:01:08 2022
    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.017 165152 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.018 165153 Z2DAILY for today
    330305 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 330305 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jan 19 09:01:18 2022
    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.019 165188 Z2DAILY for today
    165188 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 165188 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jan 20 09:03:46 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.020 16720 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z20 5605 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.020 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39045 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z20 7831 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7831 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.020 32221 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z20 9651 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41872 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z20 9292 STN Daily made nodelist
    9292 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.020 165320 Z2DAILY for today
    165320 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 263360 bytes in 8 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jan 20 21:04:10 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.021 6802 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.021 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.021 3439 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.021 913 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.021 683 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.021 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    13777 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.021 2082 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z21 1066 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3148 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.021 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z21 566 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1304 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.021 5223 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z21 1924 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7147 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.021 8644 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z21 3318 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11962 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.021 3468 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z21 1362 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4830 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.021 2589 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z21 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3511 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.021 1664 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z21 923 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2587 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.021 5602 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z21 2120 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7722 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 55988 bytes in 22 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 21 09:03:28 2022
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z21 202 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z21 8026 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8026 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z21 586 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z21 1222 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z21 204 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z21 7044 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7044 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z21 9034 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    9034 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z21 196 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z21 4040 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4236 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z21 208 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.021 35447 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    35655 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z21 453 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    453 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z21 203 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z21 8054 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    8054 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z21 10024 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z21 4472 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4472 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a21 3400 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3400 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z21 2507 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2507 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a21 91813 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91813 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z21 56688 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z21 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z21 9704 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9704 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z21 8622 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8622 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1202 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z21 204 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z21 18771 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18771 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z21 199 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.021 165312 Z2DAILY for today
    165312 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z21 199 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z21 6282 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6481 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z21 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z21 13668 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13865 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 468386 bytes in 32 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 21 16:14:22 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.021 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.021 18859 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    37718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z21 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z21 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z21 9653 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z21 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    9849 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnlist.z21 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z21 76045 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 021 (21.01.2022)
    76045 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z21 753 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 021 (21.01.2022)
    753 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 124978 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jan 27 21:01:10 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.028 4294967295 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z28 174 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.028 1788 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z28 722 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.028 3439 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z28 1155 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.028 914 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z28 669 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.028 684 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z28 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.028 152 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    10185 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.028 2082 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z28 1066 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3148 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.028 738 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z28 563 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.028 4294967295 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z28 172 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    171 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.028 8644 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z28 3318 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11962 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.028 3468 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z28 1363 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4831 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.028 2587 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z28 923 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3510 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.028 1664 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z28 923 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2587 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.028 5602 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z28 2120 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7722 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 45417 bytes in 27 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 28 09:03:08 2022
    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a28 2478 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2478 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z28 1862 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1862 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a28 91948 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91948 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z28 56628 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56628 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z28 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z28 8623 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    8623 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 162117 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jan 28 16:03:52 2022
    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z28 76061 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 028 (28.01.2022)
    76061 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z28 595 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 028 (28.01.2022)
    595 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 76656 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jan 29 09:03:14 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.029 18520 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z29 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.029 18520 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43041 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.029 30630 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    30630 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 73671 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jan 30 09:04:28 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.030 20659 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z30 6531 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.030 20659 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47849 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z30 7869 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7869 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.030 30629 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z30 9300 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39929 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z30 10198 STN Daily made nodelist
    10198 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 105845 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jan 31 09:03:06 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.031 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z31 6000 fmlynet daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.031 18519 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43038 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z31 7468 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.031 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    30628 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z31 9824 STN Daily made nodelist
    9824 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 90958 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Feb 1 09:02:22 2022
    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.032 165145 Z2DAILY for today
    165145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 165145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Feb 16 16:01:08 2022
    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a35 2578 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a42 3756 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    6334 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z35 1904 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z42 2599 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    4503 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a35 91825 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a42 91963 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    183788 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z35 56622 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z42 56594 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    113216 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z35 76067 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 035 (04.02.2022)
    z2pnt.z42 74828 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 042 (11.02.2022)
    150895 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z35 472 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 035 (04.02.2022)
    z2pnt_d.z42 559 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 042 (11.02.2022)
    1031 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 459767 bytes in 12 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Feb 17 21:02:20 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.049 6803 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.049 1789 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z49 723 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.049 3440 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z49 1156 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.049 915 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z49 670 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.049 685 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z49 489 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.049 153 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z49 308 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    17131 bytes in 11 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.z49 1067 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    1067 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.049 739 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z49 566 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1305 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.049 5224 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z49 1925 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7149 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.z49 3319 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    3319 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.049 3469 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z49 1364 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4833 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.049 2588 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z49 925 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3513 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.049 1665 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z49 926 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2591 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.049 5603 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z49 2121 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7724 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 48632 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Feb 18 16:04:54 2022
    Area : ADVDIFF : AdventureNet Nodediffs
    ADVDIFF.Z49 202 Weekly AdventureNet Nodediff
    202 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ADVLIST : AdventureNet Nodelists
    ADVNET.Z49 8027 Weekly AdventureNet Nodelist
    8027 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z49 591 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z49 1223 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1814 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.049 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z49 6172 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.049 18859 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    43890 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z49 204 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z49 7044 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7044 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GATORLST : Gatornet Nodelists
    GATORLST.Z49 8868 Latest GatorNet Nodelist
    8868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z49 196 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z49 4042 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4238 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z49 208 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.049 35448 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z49 11640 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47296 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z49 460 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    L10POINT.Z49 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    8186 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z49 9080 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z49 203 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z49 8054 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z49 8054 -- description missing --
    16108 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z49 10024 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z49 4473 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4473 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a49 4294967295 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    4294967295 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a49 91709 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91709 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z49 56552 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.049 32233 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z49 9653 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41886 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z49 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z49 9703 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9703 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z49 8623 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z49 8329 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16952 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z49 204 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z49 14045 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14249 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z49 9671 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnpoint.z49 7931 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.
    17602 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z49 18771 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18771 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z49 199 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z49 75210 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 049 (18.02.2022)
    75210 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z49 1067 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 049 (18.02.2022)
    1067 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZEDIFF.Z49 199 Weekly ZeNet Nodediff
    ZELIST.Z49 6282 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6481 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z49 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z49 13669 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13866 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 534106 bytes in 44 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Feb 18 21:02:42 2022
    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z49 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.
    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Feb 19 16:04:10 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.050 18520 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z50 6001 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.050 18520 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43041 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z50 7871 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7871 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a49 2503 Nodediff for day 049, 2022 (ARC)
    2503 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z49 1933 Nodediff for day 049, 2022 (ZIP)
    1933 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z49 56798 Nodelist for day 049, 2022 (ZIP)
    56798 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.050 30630 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z50 9302 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39932 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z50 9826 STN Daily made nodelist
    9826 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 161904 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Feb 20 09:04:04 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.051 20659 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z51 6531 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.051 20659 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    47849 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z51 7869 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7869 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z51 10198 STN Daily made nodelist
    10198 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 65916 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Feb 23 09:05:38 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.054 18863 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z54 6171 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.054 18863 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43897 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z54 7782 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7782 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.054 30631 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z54 9299 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39930 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z54 9298 STN Daily made nodelist
    9298 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 100907 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Feb 24 09:07:08 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.055 16720 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z55 5605 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.055 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39045 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z55 7831 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7831 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.055 32222 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z55 9653 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41875 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z55 9566 STN Daily made nodelist
    9566 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 98317 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Feb 24 21:02:56 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg30.056 3440 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.056 915 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.056 685 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    5040 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.056 2083 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    2083 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7123 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Feb 25 16:02:08 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z56 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z56 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a56 2857 Nodediff for day 056, 2022 (ARC)
    2857 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z56 2104 Nodediff for day 056, 2022 (ZIP)
    2104 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z56 56922 Nodelist for day 056, 2022 (ZIP)
    56922 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z56 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnlist.z56 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z56 75200 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 056 (25.02.2022)
    75200 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z56 506 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 056 (25.02.2022)
    506 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 138398 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Mar 28 21:01:08 2022
    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a63 2619 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a70 2274 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a77 2460 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a84 2063 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    9416 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z63 1847 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z70 1657 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z77 1833 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z84 1514 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    6851 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a63 91720 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a70 91510 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a77 91463 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a84 91779 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    366472 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z63 56551 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z70 56543 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z77 56575 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z84 56623 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    226292 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z63 75211 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 063 (04.03.2022)
    z2pnt.z70 75322 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 070 (11.03.2022)
    z2pnt.z77 75373 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 077 (18.03.2022)
    z2pnt.z84 75398 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 084 (25.03.2022)
    301304 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z63 552 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 063 (04.03.2022)
    z2pnt_d.z70 698 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 070 (11.03.2022)
    z2pnt_d.z77 651 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 077 (18.03.2022)
    z2pnt_d.z84 554 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 084 (25.03.2022)
    2455 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 912790 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Mar 29 09:06:26 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.088 20516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z88 6493 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.088 20516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    47525 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z88 6189 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    6189 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.088 27614 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z88 8602 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    36216 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z88 7422 STN Daily made nodelist
    7422 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 97352 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Mar 30 09:03:44 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.089 18717 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.089 18717 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    37434 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z89 6191 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    6191 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.089 27616 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z89 8602 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    36218 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 79843 bytes in 5 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 31 16:03:04 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.090 16720 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z90 5605 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.090 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39045 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z90 7829 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7829 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.090 32219 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z90 9649 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    41868 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z90 7817 STN Daily made nodelist
    7817 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 96559 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Mar 31 21:02:46 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.091 6799 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z91 2601 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.091 1785 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.091 3436 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.091 911 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.091 149 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    15681 bytes in 6 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.091 2079 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    2079 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.091 735 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z91 560 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1295 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.091 5220 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z91 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7142 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.091 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z91 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11957 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.z91 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    2118 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 40272 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 1 16:02:24 2022
    Area : DSDSNODE : DatacronSoft Intern Nodelist
    dsdsdiff.z91 588 Weekly DSDSNet nodediff for DatacronSoft member
    dsdsnet.z91 1220 Weekly DSDSNet Nodelist for DatacronSoft Members
    1808 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z91 204 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z91 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTADFF.Z91 208 Weekly Justaxnet Nodediff
    JUSTALST.091 35444 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist Unzipped
    JUSTALST.Z91 11636 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    47288 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : JUSTANET : JustaXnet: Admin
    Jn_info.zip 2934191 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    Justanet.zip 2928459 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    5862650 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z91 454 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    l10point.z91 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z91 7727 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15908 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z91 203 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.INFO : (LN) Linuxnet Info & Text files
    lin1221.zip 1035861 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v128
    If you ever felt you want to work with Linux
    OS systems of all kinds as there is, and there
    is many of kinds, then join this worldwide
    network. All you want to know about Linuxnet
    is in this archive include a nodelist. Now
    supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack.
    web http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    1035861 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z91 8054 Weekly New Linuxnet PointList
    lnxpoint.z91 8054 -- description missing --
    16108 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z91 10022 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10022 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z91 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NETFILES : Network Information files
    ADVNET.ZIP 1555996 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓
    ***** Born on 1/1/94 *****
    * Over 35+ Active Echos
    * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II,
    Lord, LoreNet, Clans,
    BRE, FE and TAL IBBS Game
    Version 8.4
    Updated: 01/12/2021
    Jn_info.zip 2934191 JustaXnet Info Pack V21.28
    * League 510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games
    (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB I+II, Lord, ILord,
    Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora & More.
    * League 510 Multi Network!
    Official Web Site at
    Updated 01/12/2021
    stnFULL.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnFULL.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stninfo.zip 83137 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack
    Updated on 01/12/2021
    Sysop's TechNet is a network for the
    sysops by the sysops. If you need help
    with your BBS or have an idea to make
    BBSing better and brighter, this is the
    network to make it happen. We are now
    looking for more nodes/hubs/hosts to
    continue our growth.
    6999448 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a91 2011 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2011 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z91 1504 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1504 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a91 91894 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91894 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z91 56622 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56622 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : The latest Pascal-Net Info stuff like infos and .na + .fa files
    pas1221.zip 1092133 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.5
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    pasinfo.zip 1090516 PASCALNT INFO FILE v32.5
    If you ever felt you wanted to talk more
    about programming in either Pascal or
    Delphi, then join this worldwide network.
    Included in this archive is all you need
    to know about PascalNt, including a
    nodelist. PASINFO
    2182649 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z91 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z91 9697 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z91 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z91 8324 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    16942 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z91 204 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z91 14043 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14247 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnFULL.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnL1221.zip 1213062 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack (01/12/21)
    STN is dedicated to the sysop, in over
    39 echos ranging from mailers to
    tossers, BBS software, utils, specific
    software support, modems, operating
    systems, and more! With a growing base
    of developers, reg sites, beta testers,
    and otherwise informed people, we can
    ensure the very best in sysop support.
    Who else can give that guarantee? With
    over 305 nodes, the discussions and
    support are amazing. STN is one of the
    the fastest growing FTN networks around!
    Fully transportable via the internet,
    utilizing WaterGate, Transx, Vmodem,
    FTP, F2I, AllFix, IRex, Binkp and more!
    FREQ STNINFO from freq@kofobbs.net or
    dl http://www.sysoptech.net/stnFULL.zip
    stnpoint.z91 7927 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.
    2434051 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NL : VirNet: Weekly Nodelist
    VIRNODES.Z91 18768 Weekly VirNet Nodelist
    18768 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : VIR_NODE : VirNet: Weekly NodeDiff
    VIR_DIFF.Z91 199 Weekly VirNet Nodediff
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z91 75399 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 091 (01.04.2022)
    75399 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z91 604 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 091 (01.04.2022)
    604 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z_NODE : ZN: Nodelists Only
    ZELIST.Z91 6278 Weekly ZeNet Nodelist
    6278 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z91 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z91 13666 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13863 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18925943 bytes in 45 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 1 18:20:50 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z91 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z91 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z91 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 649 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Apr 11 21:01:06 2022
    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a98 1796 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1796 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z98 1341 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1341 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a98 91883 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91883 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z98 56637 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56637 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z98 75393 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 098 (08.04.2022)
    75393 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z98 497 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 098 (08.04.2022)
    497 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 227547 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 14 21:03:18 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg40.z05 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    668 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.105 2080 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    2080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.105 736 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z05 561 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1297 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.z05 3317 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    3317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.105 3466 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    3466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.z05 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    922 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.105 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z05 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7718 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 19468 bytes in 9 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 15 16:10:12 2022
    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a05 3232 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    3232 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z05 2311 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    2311 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a05 91813 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91813 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z05 56529 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56529 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z05 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z05 75393 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 105 (15.04.2022)
    75393 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z05 574 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 105 (15.04.2022)
    574 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 230048 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 15 21:03:20 2022
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z05 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z05 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.
    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 426 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 16 09:03:54 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.106 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z06 6003 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.106 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43041 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z06 7871 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7871 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.106 30628 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z06 9297 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39925 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z06 9822 STN Daily made nodelist
    9822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 100659 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 17 09:03:44 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.107 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z07 6001 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.107 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43035 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z07 7869 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7869 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.107 30628 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z07 9299 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39927 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z07 10195 STN Daily made nodelist
    10195 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 101026 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 21 09:05:08 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.111 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    16720 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 16720 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Apr 21 21:03:54 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.112 6800 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z12 2602 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.112 1786 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z12 721 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.112 3437 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z12 1154 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.112 912 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z12 668 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.112 682 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z12 488 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.112 150 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z12 305 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19705 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.112 736 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    736 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.112 5221 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    5221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.112 3466 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    3466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.112 2585 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z12 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3507 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.z12 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    921 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.112 5600 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    5600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 39156 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 22 16:03:26 2022
    Area : FMLYDIFF : FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs
    FMLYDIFF.Z12 553 Weekly FmlyNet Nodediff
    553 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FMLYLIST : FMLYNET: Fmlylists
    FMLYLIST.Z12 7042 Weekly FmlyNet Nodelist
    7042 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GMS.NODE : GmsNet Weekly Nodelist/Nodediff files
    gmsdiff.z12 557 Weekly GmsNet Nodediff
    gmsnet.z12 4041 Weekly GmsNet Nodelist
    4598 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z12 455 League10 weekly NodeDiff
    455 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z12 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z12 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DIFF : Linuxnet Nodediffs
    Ln_diff.z12 576 Weekly Linuxnet Nodediff
    576 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.NODE : LinuxNet Nodelists
    Linuxnet.z12 10023 Weekly Linuxnet Nodelist
    10023 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MINI_NODE : MiniNet Nodelists
    RMININET.Z12 4470 Weekly New RMiniNet Nodelist
    4470 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a12 2473 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2473 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z12 1782 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1782 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a12 91580 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    91580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z12 56354 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    56354 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z12 9653 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z12 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    9849 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z12 9701 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    9701 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_LIST : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
    stndiff.z12 672 Weekly Sysop's TechNet Nodediff
    stnlist.z12 14044 Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
    14716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnlist.z12 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    209 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z12 75394 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 112 (22.04.2022)
    75394 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z12 500 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 112 (22.04.2022)
    500 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ZYX_NODE : ZyXELNet: Weekly Nodelist
    ZYX_DIFF.Z12 197 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeDiff
    ZYX_LIST.Z12 13667 Weekly ZyXelNet NodeList
    13864 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 304543 bytes in 24 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Apr 22 21:03:20 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z12 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z12 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.
    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 427 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Apr 23 09:06:48 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.113 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z13 6003 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.113 18519 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43041 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z13 7871 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7871 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.113 30628 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z13 9297 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39925 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z13 9822 STN Daily made nodelist
    9822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 100659 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Apr 24 09:04:28 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.114 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z14 6001 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.114 18517 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43035 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.114 30628 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z14 9299 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39927 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z14 10195 STN Daily made nodelist
    10195 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 93157 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 6 09:06:02 2022
    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    l10point.z26 7724 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z26 7724 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15448 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z26 8054 -- description missing --
    8054 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a19 2329 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a26 3237 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    5566 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z19 1695 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z26 2207 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3902 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a19 88839 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a26 88728 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    177567 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z19 54664 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z26 54679 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    109343 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z26 7325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    7325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpoint.z26 6541 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.
    6541 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z19 72749 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 119 (29.04.2022)
    72749 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z19 623 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 119 (29.04.2022)
    623 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 407118 bytes in 15 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 6 16:03:14 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.126 18859 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    18859 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z26 72837 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 126 (06.05.2022)
    72837 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z26 697 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 126 (06.05.2022)
    697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 92393 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 6 21:07:10 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z26 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpnt.z26 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.
    221 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 427 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 7 09:04:56 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.127 18519 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    18519 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z27 7871 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7871 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z27 9297 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    9297 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z27 9822 STN Daily made nodelist
    9822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 45509 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun May 8 09:03:04 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.128 18517 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z28 6001 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    24518 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z28 7869 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7869 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.128 30628 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z28 9299 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39927 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z28 10195 STN Daily made nodelist
    10195 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 82509 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat May 21 09:08:16 2022
    Area : DBRIDGE : DB: D'Bridge Software releases
    DB4G.ZIP 2543322 D'Bridge 4 GoldBase Edition
    DB4S.ZIP 2542938 D'Bridge 4 Standard Edition
    5086260 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z41 7871 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7871 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a33 1971 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a40 2701 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    4672 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z33 1443 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z40 1867 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3310 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a33 89369 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a40 88497 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    177866 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z33 54690 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z40 54606 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    109296 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.141 30628 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    30628 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1128 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1128 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z41 9822 STN Daily made nodelist
    9822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.139 159662 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.140 159660 Z2DAILY for today
    319322 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z33 73021 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 133 (13.05.2022)
    z2pnt.z40 72767 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 140 (20.05.2022)
    145788 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z33 895 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 133 (13.05.2022)
    z2pnt_d.z40 559 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 140 (20.05.2022)
    1454 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5897417 bytes in 20 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue May 24 09:04:22 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z44 6493 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.144 20516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    27009 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.DB : GFD.APP: OS/2 Databank-Programs, Tools
    BTC2.ZIP 97375 Btrieve Commander v1.00.151. Copyright (C) 2022 Brian
    Havard. A Btrieve file browser / editor. Currently in
    deveopment. Prerequisites: an appropriate Btrieve
    record manager installed and working. Btrieve version
    6.0 or higher required for full functionality. Data
    dictionary files (DDFs) that describe the files you
    want to access.
    97375 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.APP.FILE : GFD.APP: OS/2 File and Disk Managers
    fc2_250d.zip 715218 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 1993-2022 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM)
    (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file
    management functions, program launch, text viewing and
    editing facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP,
    ARJ, RAR, LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in
    32 bit OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    fc2_250r.zip 461487 File Commander/2 v2.50 development snapshot. Copyright
    (C) 1993-2021 by Brian Havard. Norton Commander(TM)
    (DOS) clone for OS/2. Provides powerful file
    management functions, program launch, text viewing and
    editing facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP,
    ARJ, RAR, LZH, ACE, HA, TAR, GZip, 7ZIP and BZIP2) in
    32 bit OS/2 text mode. File Commander/2 is shareware.
    Add remote control feature. Allows FC to be run over
    an ssh connection.
    1176705 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    AGEN2278.ZIP 7889220 AGENA version 2.27.8 eCS OS/2 Warp 4 edition.
    Copyright (c) 2006-2022 by Alexander Walz. All rights
    reserved. Portions Copyright 2006-2020 Lua.org,
    PUC-Rio. All rights reserved. Agena is a procedural
    programming language. Agena is an easy-to-learn
    interpreted language suited for sophisticated
    procedural programming. It provides a rapid
    development environment for your every-day needs. Its
    syntax looks a lot like a simplified Algol 68 with
    elements taken from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive.
    M1L_01A.ZIP 135825 M1L (Modula First Language) v0.1. M1L (Modula First
    Language) is a Modula 2 (PIM only) to to Object Pascal
    translator, output code is compatible with Free
    Pascal/Turbo Pascal v7. Contains executables for OS/2
    and Windows. Freeware.
    PLI0910E.ZIP 3422781 Iron Spring PL/I compiler 0.9.10e. Copyright Iron
    Spring Software, 2008-2022. PL/I is a powerful
    programming language suitable for a wide range of
    problems. PL/I has been used to write operating
    systems and compilers, simulations, real-time
    programs, mathematical software, spreadsheets, GUI
    programs, business applications, and much more. PL/I
    is a more secure programming language. PL/I is widely
    used on mainframes and midrange systems today, but
    since the demise of Digital Research, Inc. has not
    been readily available on personal computers.
    11447826 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.DRV : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Different device drivers
    USBDR244.ZIP 438509 This package contains updated USB drivers, revision
    10.244. Updated USB host controller drivers:
    USBRESMG.SYS. Human interface class drivers
    Added USB audio 2.0 support. Author: Lars Erdmann
    438509 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD.SYS: OS/2 Miscellaneous Tools System Adminstration
    PMDIR13.ZIP 62606 Opens current CMD.EXE-directory in a WPS view. Dutch
    and English version. The PMDIR command opens the
    current CMD.EXE-directory in a WPS view. Dutch
    (PMDIR_NL.EXE) and English (PMDIR.EXE) version. C and
    Rexx source code included. The original author of
    PMDIR.CMD is unknown. Use PMDIR.EXE instead of
    PMDIR.CMD to possibly reduce the number of ordinary,
    common REXX.DLL memory crashes and WPS resets by
    avoiding the use of Rexx as such. So please replace
    existing installed copies of PMDIR.CMD by PMDIR.EXE
    manually first, to make sure that the executable will
    be used.
    TSTLG349.ZIP 142333 TestLog V3.49 (2022-May-17). Generate a diagnostic log
    file. Written by David Azarewicz. Create a log file
    that you can submit with your test results when
    reporting a problem with a driver. This program
    collects all the data about your system and the driver
    under test, and puts it into a single log file with
    appropriate dividers between the sections in the file.
    204939 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 13392363 bytes in 11 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed May 25 16:02:50 2022
    Area : GFD.DEV.TOOL : GFD.DEV: OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc.
    AGEN2279.ZIP 7901011 AGENA version 2.27.9 eCS OS/2 Warp 4 edition.
    Copyright (c) 2006-2022 by Alexander Walz. All rights
    reserved. Portions Copyright 2006-2020 Lua.org,
    PUC-Rio. All rights reserved. Agena is a procedural
    programming language. Agena is an easy-to-learn
    interpreted language suited for sophisticated
    procedural programming. It provides a rapid
    development environment for your every-day needs. Its
    syntax looks a lot like a simplified Algol 68 with
    elements taken from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive.
    7901011 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD.NET: OS/2 Misc. Network Tools
    freerdp.zip 1563520 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP
    v2.7.0.0 (20220525) is a client for Remote Desktop
    Protocol (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows
    operation systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of
    the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
    Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
    software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
    world where interoperability can finally liberate your
    computing experience. This is a test version, you need
    a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
    version is under construction yet). Additional
    requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
    by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
    archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
    1563520 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 9464531 bytes in 2 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 26 09:02:58 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z46 5605 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.146 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    22325 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.z46 9295 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    9295 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 31620 bytes in 3 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu May 26 21:03:18 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.147 6798 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z47 2599 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.147 1784 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z47 719 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.147 3435 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z47 1152 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.147 910 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z47 667 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.147 680 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z47 486 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.147 148 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z47 302 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    19680 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.147 2078 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z47 1063 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3141 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.147 734 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    734 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.147 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    5219 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.147 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    8640 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.147 3464 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z47 1359 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4823 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.147 2583 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z47 921 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3504 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.147 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z47 919 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2579 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.147 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z47 2117 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7715 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 56035 bytes in 25 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri May 27 09:02:50 2022
    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.144 159639 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.145 159641 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.146 160019 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.147 160106 Z2DAILY for today
    639405 bytes in 4 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 639405 bytes in 4 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Jun 3 21:01:08 2022
    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z54 4294967295 -- description missing --
    4294967295 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a47 2718 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a54 1978 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    4696 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z47 1890 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z54 1474 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3364 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a47 88761 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a54 88766 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    177527 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z47 54742 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z54 54771 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    109513 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : REGION : Backbone: R20 Regions liste
    REGION20.ZIP 1127 Aktuellt nodlistesegment för region 20
    1127 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2DAILY : Fidonet Zone 2 Daily Nodlist
    Z2DAILY.150 160088 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.151 160089 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.152 160091 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.153 160188 Z2DAILY for today
    Z2DAILY.154 160186 Z2DAILY for today
    800642 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z47 72744 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 147 (27.05.2022)
    72744 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z47 517 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 147 (27.05.2022)
    517 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1170129 bytes in 17 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Jun 4 09:02:10 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.155 18374 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z55 5962 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.155 18374 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42710 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z55 7528 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7528 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.155 27613 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z55 8604 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    36217 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z55 9822 STN Daily made nodelist
    9822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 96277 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 5 09:02:38 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.156 18372 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z56 5960 Daily FmlyNet Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.156 18372 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    42704 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z56 7526 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7526 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.156 27613 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z56 8603 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    36216 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z56 10195 STN Daily made nodelist
    10195 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 96641 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Mon Jun 6 16:03:10 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.157 18372 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    18372 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18372 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Tue Jun 7 16:07:02 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.158 20516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z58 6493 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.158 20516 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    47525 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z58 6189 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    6189 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.158 27614 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z58 8602 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    36216 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z58 7422 STN Daily made nodelist
    7422 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 97352 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 8 16:03:04 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.159 18715 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z59 6127 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.159 18715 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43557 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z59 6189 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    6189 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.159 27614 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z59 8601 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    36215 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z59 7820 STN Daily made nodelist
    7820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 93781 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 9 09:05:32 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.160 16720 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z60 5605 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.160 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39045 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z60 6373 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    6373 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.160 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z60 9295 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39923 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 85341 bytes in 6 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 23 16:01:06 2022
    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a61 2625 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    nodediff.a68 1780 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    4405 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z61 1894 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    nodediff.z68 1342 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    3236 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a61 88802 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    nodelist.a68 88815 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    177617 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z61 54720 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    nodelist.z68 54673 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    109393 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z54 72747 Z2 PntList (Boss) day-154 (03.06.2022)
    z2pnt.z61 72612 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 161 (10.06.2022)
    z2pnt.z68 72729 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 168 (17.06.2022)
    218088 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z54 223 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 154 (03.06.2022)
    z2pnt_d.z61 524 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 161 (10.06.2022)
    z2pnt_d.z68 729 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 168 (17.06.2022)
    1476 bytes in 3 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 514215 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 23 21:01:08 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.175 4294967295 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg20.z75 174 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist
    lnxreg27.175 1785 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.z75 721 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist
    lnxreg30.175 3436 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.z75 1154 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist
    lnxreg40.175 911 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.z75 667 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist
    lnxreg50.175 681 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.z75 488 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist
    lnxreg60.175 149 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg60.z75 304 Linuxnet Region 60 Nodelist
    10469 bytes in 12 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.175 2079 STN Region 1000 Nodelist Segment
    stn1000.z75 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    3144 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.175 735 STN Region 3000 Nodelist Segment
    stn3000.z75 561 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    1296 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.175 4294967295 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z75 172 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    171 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.175 8641 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z75 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11957 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.175 3465 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z75 1361 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4826 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.175 2584 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z75 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3506 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.175 1661 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z75 920 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2581 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.175 5599 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z75 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7717 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 45667 bytes in 28 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Jun 26 21:01:06 2022
    Area : JUSTALST : JustaXnet: Weekly nodelist
    JUSTALST.Z75 199 Weekly JustaXnet Nodelist
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    l10point.z75 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    l10point.z75 7728 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15456 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z75 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    linxlist.z75 202 Linuxnet New type Daily made nodelist
    404 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z75 5473 -- description missing --
    5473 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    nodediff.a75 1842 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    1842 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    nodediff.z75 1368 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1368 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    nodelist.a75 89114 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    89114 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    nodelist.z75 54658 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    54658 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z75 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z75 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z75 244 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    244 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z75 246 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    ppoint.z75 8326 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8572 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnlist.z75 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnpoint.z75 7547 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.
    7756 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT : Backbone: Zone 2 PointLists
    z2pnt.z75 72728 Z2 PntList (Boss) day 175 (24.06.2022)
    72728 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Z2PNT_D : Backbone: Zone 2 PointDiffs
    z2pnt_d.z75 534 Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 175 (24.06.2022)
    534 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 258747 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Wed Jun 29 21:03:18 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.180 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z80 6167 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.180 18859 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    43885 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z80 6552 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    6552 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.180 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z80 9298 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39926 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z80 7820 STN Daily made nodelist
    7820 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 98183 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 30 16:03:44 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.181 16720 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z81 5605 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.181 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    39045 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z81 6373 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    6373 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.181 30628 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z81 9295 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    39923 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z81 7699 STN Daily made nodelist
    7699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 93040 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Thu Jun 30 21:02:32 2022
    Area : LINUXNET.REGION : Linuxnet: All Regions Segments files
    lnxreg20.182 6798 Linuxnet Region 20 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg27.182 1785 Linuxnet Region 27 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg30.182 3436 Linuxnet Region 30 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg40.182 911 Linuxnet Region 40 Nodelist Segment
    lnxreg50.182 681 Linuxnet Region 50 Nodelist Segment
    13611 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : STN_R1K : STN Region 1000 Files (Nodelists/Other stuff
    stn1000.z82 1065 STN Region 1000 Nodelist
    1065 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R3K : STN Region 3000 Files + nodelists
    stn3000.z82 561 STN Region 3000 Nodelist
    561 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_R4K : STN Region 4000 Files
    stn4000.182 5219 STN Region 4000 Nodelist Segment
    stn4000.z82 1922 STN Region 4000 Nodelist
    7141 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R6K : STN Region 6000 Files
    stn6000.182 8640 STN Region 6000 Nodelist Segment
    stn6000.z82 3316 STN Region 6000 Nodelist
    11956 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R7K : STN Region 7000 Files and Nodelists
    stn7000.182 3465 STN Region 7000 Nodelist Segment
    stn7000.z82 1361 STN Region 7000 Nodelist
    4826 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R89K : STN Region 8900 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8900.182 2584 STN Region 8900 Nodelist Segment
    stn8900.z82 922 STN Region 8900 Nodelist
    3506 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R8K : STN Region 8000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn8000.182 1660 STN Region 8000 Nodelist Segment
    stn8000.z82 921 STN Region 8000 Nodelist
    2581 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_R9K : STN Region 9000 Files and Nodelist files
    stn9000.182 5598 STN Region 9000 Nodelist Segment
    stn9000.z82 2118 STN Region 9000 Nodelist
    7716 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 52963 bytes in 19 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 23 09:05:30 2022
    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z66 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    L10POINT.Z66 7726 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    15452 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpoint.z66 5474 -- description missing --
    5474 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFA : Backbone: Zone 2 Weekly Nodediff in ARC format
    NODEDIFF.A66 2433 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
    2433 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodediff in ZIP format
    NODEDIFF.Z66 1755 Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
    1755 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISA : Fidonet Zone 2 made Nodelist in ARC
    NODELIST.A66 85544 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
    85544 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELISZ : Fido.ADM: Current Fidonet Z2 WW Nodelist in ZIP format
    NODELIST.Z66 51941 Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)
    51941 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z66 203 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z66 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist By new 5 digits numbers.
    8325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stnpoint.z66 7548 Sysop's TechNet Weekly New
    Fakenet Pointlist.
    7548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 178675 bytes in 10 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Fri Sep 23 18:30:58 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.266 16720 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z66 5603 Fmlynet Daily nodelist
    Z8DAILY.266 16720 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily Nodelist
    39043 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League-10 Boss Pointlists and Diffs
    l10pnt.z66 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    linuxnet.z66 202 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    lnxdlist.z66 9079 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    9281 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.MISC : LinuxNet Misc. files
    lnxpnt.z66 206 LinuxNet Pointlist in BOSS format
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.266 32236 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    pasndlst.z66 9653 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    pasnlist.z66 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    42085 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : Pascal-Net Pointlist
    pzpoint.z66 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList
    in new Boss format.

    222 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z66 9668 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnlist.z66 209 STN Daily made nodelist
    stnpnt.z66 221 Weekly new STN Pointlist
    In new format of Boss format.

    10098 bytes in 3 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 101139 bytes in 14 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sat Sep 24 09:06:34 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.267 18523 Fmlynet Daily Nodelist
    FMYDAILY.Z67 6004 FmlyNet Daily Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.267 18523 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    43050 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : LINUXNET.DAILY : Linuxnet: Daily Made Nodelist
    lnxdlist.z67 7870 LinuxNet Daily made nodelist
    7870 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.267 30632 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    pasndlst.z67 9299 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    39931 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : STN_OLIST : STN: Sysop TechNet Pointlist, Information Packs
    stndlist.z67 9822 STN Daily made nodelist
    9822 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 100673 bytes in 7 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)
  • From Gert Andersen@618:500/12 to All on Sun Sep 25 09:03:34 2022
    Area : FMLYDAIL : FMLYNET: New Daily Made Nodelist
    Z8DAILY.268 18521 FmlyNet Zone 8 Daily nodelist
    18521 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 18521 bytes in 1 file(s)

    * Origin: * BinkD FREQ @ * ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk/new/ (618:500/12)