/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ A-Net Online BBSes /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Telnet: aneto.synchro.net Port:23 MRC - IRC - GAMES - FILES Telnet: mystic-anet.online Port:23 ** Just added ** AAFDN SSH:22 - RLogin:513
A-Net Online Door Game server - BBS installation istructons available online.
https://a-net-online.lol - Right Side: Click Door Game Server Info.
Currently 80+ games with many more to come.
FidoNet - tqwNet - fsxNet - Micronet - Metronet - DOVE-Net - ILink - HealthNet HobbyNet
Access to over 450 Door Games - DoorParty, Game Portal, BBSLink, gOLD mINE
A-Net Online Game Server
aneto.synchro.net -Synchronet BBS mystic-anet.online -Mystic BBS
formally Anarchy Unlimited BBS 92-96 - Inverness, FL A-Net Online est. 1996 StingRay
A-Net Online BBSs
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
* Origin: MICRONET A-Net Online BBS aneto.synchro.net (618:250/44)