• Here we go again

    From Sean Dennis@618:618/1 to All on Thu Jul 14 14:44:51 2022
    From: https://tinyurl.com/27mn7fyk (thegatewaypundit.com)

    Here We Go... Gates-Funded International Organization Names 11 Viruses As
    Potential Candidates for the "Next Pandemic"

    By Jim Hoft
    Published July 14, 2022 at 11:55am

    Had enough of Covid? No worries! According to a Gates-funded international
    organization, there will be more available in the future.

    The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) identified 11
    viruses that have the potential to cause the "next pandemic."

    "The COVID-19 pandemic wasn't the first to devastate the world and it
    won't be the last. In a new series, we round up emerging infectious
    threats that have the potential to erupt into global pandemics," the
    organization wrote on its website.

    According to Iffim, GAVI is an international organization created in 2000
    - a global Vaccine Alliance, bringing together public and private sectors
    with the purpose of `saving lives and protecting people's health by
    increasing the use of vaccines in an equitable and sustainable manner.'

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a founding partner of GAVI, has
    pledged a total of 4.1 billion dollars to the organization so far.

    "At the 2020 Global Vaccine Summit, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    announced USD 1.6 billion for GAVI's next 2021-2025 strategic period,"
    GAVI announced. "In addition to this funding, the Foundation pledged USD
    150 million in support of GAVI's COVAX AMC to ensure equitable access to
    vaccines for AMC-eligible economies."

    Now, GAVI is listing viruses that have the potential to erupt into global
    pandemics, as first mentioned in Chief Nerd's Telegram.

    Below is the list of viruses mentioned on GAVI's website:

    * Rift Valley fever - The risk of a pandemic from a disease that affects
    farm animals may seem low, but the US Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention (CDC) has classed Rift Valley fever as a category A
    bioterrorism agent because of its potential to devastate large-scale
    agricultural economies and cause social disruption.
    * Hantavirus - The long incubation period combined with the emergence of
    New World species causing HPS mean that hantaviruses are becoming an
    increasing concern.
    * Another coronavirus - Although the development of COVID-19 vaccines
    may help to end the current COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing high rates of
    infection in many countries could lead to the emergence of further
    variants capable of evading vaccine-induced immunity. This could mean
    people continue to develop COVID-19.
    * Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever - The wide geographic spread of the
    hard-bodied Hyalommamarginatum ticks that carry CCHF virus, and its
    persistent circulation, means the risk of spill-over from animals to
    humans is high. Factors such as climate change and the movement of
    livestock or wild animals may further increase its geographic spread.
    * Lassa fever - The combination of a long incubation time and the fact
    that four in five people who become infected with Lassa virus have no
    symptoms means the disease can spread easily through international
    * Marburg - As Marburg virus can spread from human to human through
    contact of bodily fluids, much like Ebola. As outbreaks in Europe and
    the US have already shown, increasing globalisation and international
    travel mean that the risk for global spread is high, especially when
    the incubation period could be up to three weeks. This could be
    disastrous given its high death rate.
    * Yellow fever - So far, yellow fever has never been reported in Asia or
    the Western Pacific but, as Aedes aegypti is endemic in these regions,
    it would only take a few introductions by people travelling from
    Africa or South America for the virus to spread rapidly.
    * H5N1 and H7N9 influenza - Since Spanish flu, there have been three
    pandemics - H2N2 in 1956-7, H3N2 in 1968 and H1N1 in 2009 - and before
    COVID-19 it was widely assumed that the next pandemic would be caused
    by influenza. The risk is high particularly with two subtypes, H5N1
    and H7N9.
    * Chikungunya - Chikungunya has already been a pandemic, albeit one that
    didn't affect the Global North. In 2004, a large outbreak in Kenya
    spilled out into the islands of the Indian Ocean and Asia and led to a
    pandemic that spanned several years and had more than a million cases.
    This means there is a growing possibility we could see another
    * Ebola - if the virus mutates in ways that allow it to spread via
    respiratory droplets, as COVID-19 does, that would increase the
    potential for it to spread more easily and become a pandemic threat.
    * Nipah virus - The disease is also so deadly that many governments
    classify it as a bioterrorism threat and limit the laboratories that
    are allowed to culture and study it.

    If you're curious about who the other partners are, have a look below:

    It takes an Alliance to vaccinate 66 million children in a year!

    We're proud to be joined by our partners. Read our new Annual Progress
    Report athttps://t.co/oz7BnESDD3#UNGA74 #VaccinationSummit19

    - Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (@gavi) September 11, 2019

    The Gateway Pundit reported last year that Microsoft co-founder turned
    philanthropist Bill Gates called for a "global alert system" and "pandemic
    fire squad" for the "next pandemic."

    "When it comes to preventing pandemics, scientific tools alone aren't
    enough. We also need new capabilities, including a global alert system and
    infectious disease first responders, or what I like to call a pandemic
    fire squad," Bill Gates said.

    And early this year, Bill Gates issued another warning of potential
    pandemics far worse than the COVID-19 and called on "governments to
    contribute billions to tackle future pathogens and increase vaccine

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