If he's not in his basement, he's in that fake-whitehouse set or awaiting the cue cards from his handlers.
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
If he's not in his basement, he's in that fake-whitehouse set or awaiting the cue cards from his handlers.
I still wonder what the story behind that really is. Every other
President, including Obama, spoke from somewhere in the White House that
was not fake. Why the fake set? Is he still in his basement in Delaware?
If he's not in his basement, he's in that fake-whitehouse set or awaiting the cue cards from his handlers.
I still wonder what the story behind that really is. Every other President, including Obama, spoke from somewhere in the White House that was not fake. Why the fake set? Is he still in his basement in Delaware?
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
On 24 Feb 22 16:34:00, Mike Powell said the following to Nick Andre:
If he's not in his basement, he's in that fake-whitehouse set or awaiting the cue cards from his handlers.
I still wonder what the story behind that really is. Every other President, including Obama, spoke from somewhere in the White House that was not fake. Why the fake set? Is he still in his basement in Delaware?
I've thought about this too because shuffling a dementia patient with the demanding schedule a US President often has, would present some logistical challenges.
did you see him get lost on the whitehouse lawn? he walked around a bush an they had to chase him down. i thought he was going to jump over a bush unti he found a doorway.
I still wonder what the story behind that really is. Every other President, including Obama, spoke from somewhere in the White House that was not fake. Why the fake set? Is he still in his basement in Delaware?
they say it's so they can fit everybody in. i think it's stupid to have a whi
house mockup set. they're idiots so they probably thought it was a great idea
I still wonder what the story behind that really is. Every other President, including Obama, spoke from somewhere in the White House that was not fake. Why the fake set? Is he still in his basement in Delaware?
I've thought about this too because shuffling a dementia patient with the demanding schedule a US President often has, would present some logistical challenges.
Any cognitive tests that would dare have a "pass" would invite the sort of scrutiny that I'm sure the current regime wants to avoid... likely why this issue wasn't pressed as it was with Trump.
I didn't see that one, but already knew before he ran for president that he wasn't playing with a full deck.
Nick Andre wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I've thought about this too because shuffling a dementia patient with
the demanding schedule a US President often has, would present some logistical challenges.
Nick Andre wrote to Jas Hud <=-
I didn't see that one, but already knew before he ran for president
that he wasn't playing with a full deck.
Joe Biden has never played with a full deck. Like Bernie Sanders, he's never had an actual job. Bernie Sanders is a commie and admits it. Jo Biden is a racist and hides it. Kids these days don't know who Strom Thurmond was but Joe and Strom were best buddies. Listen to Joe when he escapes his handlers and calls black men "boy".
I've thought about this too because shuffling a dementia patient with the demanding schedule a US President often has, would present some logistical challenges.
It's elder abuse. Creepy Joe should be sniffing the hair of nurses in a nursing home...not trying to run the US.
I didn't see that one, but already knew before he ran for president that he wasn't playing with a full deck.
Indeed. I am shocked that there are people who *still* think he does not have a cognative issue.
I still wonder what the story behind that really is. Every other
President, including Obama, spoke from somewhere in the White House that was not fake. Why the fake set? Is he still in his basement in Delaware?
did you see him get lost on the whitehouse lawn? he walked around a bush and they had to chase him down. i thought he was going to jump over a
bush until he found a doorway.
Idiots who support them will also think it is a great idea.
Indeed. I am shocked that there are people who *still* think he does not have a cognative issue.
Mike Powell wrote to NICK ANDRE <=-
Maybe that is why they do it on a set... they can change the set
without moving the patient.
Mike Powell wrote to NICK ANDRE <=-
Indeed. I am shocked that there are people who *still* think he does
not have a cognative issue.
Nick Andre wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I'm also waiting for pictures or any proof of the "hateful Nazi"
messaging from that Convoy. The media make a big stink about it. Never once shown any pictures. NOTHING. Even if it was true for a moment, the Convoy would've been quick to distance itself... any troublemakers were likely liberal plants.
Mark Hofmann wrote to Mike Powell <=-
Very likely. The guys screams weak and stupid. The perfect liberal candidate for the elite to control and tell him what to say and do.
Idiots who support them will also think it is a great idea.
We have plenty of stupid around the states, but not 8 million of them. That w
an exploit of our very weak state voting rules (where you don't need to even splay an ID).
Indeed. I am shocked that there are people who *still* think he does not have a cognative issue.
The only people that can't reconize that are ones that share his disability.
Maybe that is why they do it on a set... they can change the set
without moving the patient.
You reminded me of "Capricorn One". Remember that movie?
Indeed. I am shocked that there are people who *still* think he does not have a cognative issue.
Those people believe in an honest Democrat also.
Mike Powell wrote to DIGIMAUS <=-
You reminded me of "Capricorn One". Remember that movie?
I have not seen that one.
Mike Powell wrote to DIGIMAUS <=-
On the local level, we actually have some of those. I guess it is
because it is a small area. I don't remember there being too many of
them (there were a few) when I lived in Louisville.
Over in the FIDO Politics echo, another fellow Marylander claims that is the ideal way to vote because there's never been any documented fraud. It is never documented if you are not caught.
Mark Hofmann wrote to Mike Powell <=-
Over in the FIDO Politics echo, another fellow Marylander claims that is
How many Baltimore City mayors have gone to jail now? How about the States Attorney for Baltimore City? The corruption is massive in the
big cities and only the really stupid are getting caught.
Hm, that wouldn't be Thom LaCosta, would it?
Bawlamer is going to be a shithole until they get rid of the Democrats in leadership. Just like LA, Chicago. Detroit, Atlanta, New York City...basically any major city in the US these days.
You reminded me of "Capricorn One". Remember that movie?
I have not seen that one.
The tie-in here is Robert Caulfield (Elliot Gould) discovers that NASA built a set to fake the Mars landing...much like Biden and his fake White House set.
"Charles Brubaker is the astronaut leading NASA's first manned mission to Mars. Seconds before the launch, the entire team is pulled from the capsule and the rocket leaves earth unmanned much to Brubaker's anger. The head of the programme explains that the life support system was faulty and that NASA can't afford the publicity of a scratched mission. The plan is to fake the Mars landing and keep the astronauts at a remote base until the mission is over, but then investigative journalist Robert Caulfield starts to suspect something."[...snip...]
The tie-in here is Robert Caulfield (Elliot Gould) discovers that NASA built a set to fake the Mars landing...much like Biden and his fake White House set.
How many Baltimore City mayors have gone to jail now? How about the States At
rney for Baltimore City? The corruption is massive in the big cities and only
he really stupid are getting caught.
Over in the FIDO Politics echo, another fellow Marylander claims that is
Hm, that wouldn't be Thom LaCosta, would it?
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
On 25 Feb 22 16:54:59, Digimaus said the following to Nick Andre:
Joe Biden has never played with a full deck. Like Bernie Sanders, he's never had an actual job. Bernie Sanders is a commie and admits it. Jo Biden is a racist and hides it. Kids these days don't know who Strom Thurmond was but Joe and Strom were best buddies. Listen to Joe when he escapes his handlers and calls black men "boy".
What really was an eye-opener for me was when he did that ill-advised interview with that rap guy...charlemne whatever... anyone who calls himself "Tha god" doesn't deserve my respect, but anyhow, that whole "If you don't vote for me you ain't black".
No, Dale. Is Thom also from Maryland?
Mark Hofmann wrote to Digimaus <=-
Not sure. I avoid the Fidonet Politics echos due to the extreme level
of stupid in there. It isn't worth wasting time feeding the socialist trolls.
The farther away from the city and DC, the better.
August Abolins wrote to digimaus <=-
Doesn't the film Wag The Dog have a similar idea/theme?
Mike Powell wrote to DIGIMAUS <=-
Was this movie related to another that came out sometime near then
called Brubaker?
Mike Powell wrote to DIGIMAUS <=-
No, Dale. Is Thom also from Maryland?
August Abolins wrote to digimaus <=-
Doesn't the film Wag The Dog have a similar idea/theme?
I've never heard of that movie.
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
No, Dale. Is Thom also from Maryland?
Yes, both are in Maryland.
- Mark
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
Mike Powell wrote to DIGIMAUS <=-
No, Dale. Is Thom also from Maryland?
Yes and Dale is very, very liberal. He's a former CIA spook too. He is a long-time participant in COOKING and we are on talking terms but his politics are far-left.
-- Sean
Jas Hud wrote to digimaus <=-
that's good you can still talk to him.
what i dont like about today's liberals is if you don't think like
them, you are the enemy and everything about you is bad and you are stupid. that's a horrible way to live.
A lot of that with younger people (say under 35) is because the public indoctrination system didn't teach them logic or critical thinking but instead taught them that no matter what anyone else says, their opinion is always right, no matter what.
No, Dale. Is Thom also from Maryland?
Yes and Dale is very, very liberal. He's a former CIA spook too. He is a long-time participant in COOKING and we are on talking terms but his
politics are far-left.
No, Dale. Is Thom also from Maryland?
Yes, both are in Maryland.
I admit...I dumped that echo onto Mike Powell and I think he's mad at me
for doing that...
Yes and Dale is very, very liberal. He's a former CIA spook too. He is a long-time participant in COOKING and we are on talking terms but his politics are far-left.
When I explained to her the logic that if one wants to avoid the police, one should perhaps not commit crimes / not associate with criminals / not give the police attitude / take the name and badge # of the officer to
file a complaint in our legal system instead of mindlessly rioting... I
get a blank stare.
"I can't tell them that dad, its just going to cause a huge arguement".
I asked what was wrong with that? Nothing wrong with a passionate
exchange of
ideas. "I don't want to be called a racist".
I then realised that, at 15, popularity and reputation is everything and she doesn't want to be "that girl" who thinks or acts different.
Unfortunately thats how it is up here...
Thanks. Due to some discussion in another echo, I thought maybe Thom was the Texan that Ward has issues with.
Mike Powell wrote to MARK HOFMANN <=-
Thanks. Due to some discussion in another echo, I thought maybe Thom
was the Texan that Ward has issues with.
Mark Hofmann wrote to Mike Powell <=-
The Texan would have likely been Roy Witt. I actually liked Roy and we had many conversations in the AUTO echo. He liked to work on cars back
in the day and that is one of my many hobbies, so we shared that common interest.
Nick Andre wrote to Digimaus <=-
Unfortunately thats how it is up here...
Mike Powell wrote to DIGIMAUS <=-
I did not know of his past career. He is left but, out of all the left-leaning folks in that echo, he is about the only one that talks
sense on a regular basis. Like, I may disagree but he at least can explain his point without (as often) talking down to people.
Mark Hofmann wrote to Digimaus <=-
It is possible to love your country and state but hate your government.
Mark Hofmann wrote to Digimaus <=-
That is the DC beltway bandit syndrome. Percention of reality gets warped.
Thanks. Due to some discussion in another echo, I thought maybe Thom was the Texan that Ward has issues with.
The Texan would have likely been Roy Witt. I actually liked Roy and we had many conversations in the AUTO echo. He liked to work on cars back in the and that is one of my many hobbies, so we shared that common interest.
Nick Andre wrote to Digimaus <=-
Unfortunately thats how it is up here...
It's the same way down here but worse in some ways. I feel sorry for parents that have to deal with the communist school system, teachers, and teachers' unions like the NEA who write the rules.
And people wonder why kids are so stupid.
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
On 28 Feb 22 19:51:23, Digimaus said the following to Nick Andre:
Nick Andre wrote to Digimaus <=-
Unfortunately thats how it is up here...
It's the same way down here but worse in some ways. I feel sorry for parents that have to deal with the communist school system, teachers, and teachers' unions like the NEA who write the rules.
And people wonder why kids are so stupid.
Thats the thing too - Compared to Japan and other countries we're behind... wayyyyyyyy behind in math, science, tech studies.
Thanks. Due to some discussion in another echo, I thought maybe Thom was the Texan that Ward has issues with.
Texan? What's their name?
Whichever person it is is the person that Ward claims turned him in
and got him detained upon entering the US several years ago. All I
have figured out for sure is that it wasn't you or Janis, and he is supposedly from Texas. :)
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
Thanks. Due to some discussion in another echo, I thought maybe Thom was the Texan that Ward has issues with.
Texan? What's their name?
I don't know, that is why I thought it might have been Thom. :)
Whichever person it is is the person that Ward claims turned him in and got him detained upon entering the US several years ago. All I have figured
out for sure is that it wasn't you or Janis, and he is supposedly from Texas. :)
supposedly from Texas. :)
I think that was Roy Witt.
supposedly from Texas. :)
I think that was Roy Witt.
man i didnt even know roy witt died.
Anyhow so apparently with Roy he was never married despite proclaiming so for years, was the one that reported Ward to the Faa for additional
screening and circumvented the censorship of the Fidonews echo by linking with... Michiel vandervlist of all people. Trust me I never saw *that* one coming.
I think he was a mechanic or something because he ran the Auto echo on Fido and was very experienced with engine repair.
I talked to him on the phone a few times, this must of been a few months before he died and he surprisingly was very laid-back, calm, didn't talk much.
i wish i could find a friend like me.
everybody thinks i'm an asshole too , but i'm the same dude in everyday li and nobody says that in real life. i'm just as edgy but it doesnt come ou the same. i have been told i have a good sense of humor. and like i said metro, i'm a very good friend. i wish i could find a friend like me.
I mean, anyone under 30 these days is lucky to figure out how to wipe
their ass without assistance.
It is possible to love your country and state but hate yourgovernment.
That's the definition of a patriot. <G>
Our own political "Bermuda Triangle".
He was also a huge D'Bridge fan towards the end and I talked to him on
the phone a few times. Very calm, relaxed, almost boring demeanor; would never guess he was "the" number one troll and could drive 'em all crazy.
He was also a huge D'Bridge fan towards the end and I talked to him on
the phone a few times. Very calm, relaxed, almost boring demeanor; would never guess he was "the" number one troll and could drive 'em all crazy.
It was another one of those things where a Sysop died and the rest of us didn't know until sometime after... not as fun as the Sysop who died in
his apartment with his rent/bills on auto-withdraw and his disability/retirement on auto-deposit, so it was only until the neighbors complained of the smell much later did the cops show up to bust down the door (his BBS running on autopilot the whole time)
Anyhow so apparently with Roy he was never married despite proclaiming sofor years, was the one that reported Ward to the Faa for additional screening and circumvented the censorship of the Fidonews echo by linking with... Michiel vandervlist of all people. Trust me I never saw *that*
one coming.
I think he was a mechanic or something because he ran the Auto echo on
Fido and was very experienced with engine repair.
I talked to him on the phone a few times, this must of been a few months before he died and he surprisingly was very laid-back, calm, didn't talk much.
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_DEBATE
Re: Re: Russia's unimportant
By: Jas Hud to Nick Andre on Wed Mar 02 2022 06:17 pm
i wish i could find a friend like me.
I think you would strangle each other :-)
Forgot to mention another observation I had over the years. Roy and Ward had a love/hate relationship with each other. I honestly think they really liked each other is a strange way, despite their constant bickering with each other.
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