• Arkansas Section News

    From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sun Apr 11 21:30:50 2021
    It's almost time for the Arkansas QSO Party! It's an easy 12-hour event
    on Saturday, May 8th, that allows for a full-day experience or drop-ins
    at your leisure that won't take up your entire weekend.

    It's getting more popular every year. In fact, for the past 10 years,
    the ARQP has had more participants than the year before.

    Many hams outside of Arkansas will be looking for Arkansas stations to
    add to their Worked-All-States list, grid square list, counties list,
    etc. This might be your chance to be on the other end of a pileup,
    perhaps for the first time!

    All the information you need can be found on the newly redesigned www.arkqp.com.

    Logs are due by May 22nd. Instructions on submitting your log can be
    found on the QSO Party website.

    Let's stay safe, have fun, and spread some good cheer via RF from The
    Natural State.

    - The Noise Blankers Radio Group, sponsors of the Arkansas QSO Party

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sun Aug 8 23:08:20 2021
    This email is being addressed to person who may have a desire in
    participating in the planned Arkansas Northeast Districts Planned SET (Simulated Emergency Test). You can review the details of the planned
    set included in this email.

    The Cross County Amateur Radio Club will be sponsoring the 2021
    Simulated Emergency Test for Northeast Arkansas in cooperation with Bill Nicholson W5WPN the ARRL ARES DEC for the Northeast Arkansas District.
    This years SET is planned to be a severe weather system that moves
    through Northeast Arkansas in the early morning hours (7:30 to 9:30

    ! What: Severe weather system producing rain, strong winds and
    ! When: October 2, 2021
    ! Time: 10am to 12pm

    S.E.T. Plan Details

    In this Simulated Emergency Test the severe weather system will begin to
    move through Northeast Arkansas early on Saturday morning at around
    7:30am and should clear Northeast Arkansas by 9:30 am. Due to the early
    morning event the normal Skywarn activation will not occur.

    The storms will not be a squall line but will pop up at different times
    and place during that time frame (this allowing for ARES groups to fit
    the time for their area). Most damage should occur between 8:30 and

    Time Line

    % The storm system will begin to form and start to move through the
    area between 7:30 and 9:30am.

    % The ARES net will began at 10 am and will start taking check ins at
    that point, all stations are asked to use standard net & message
    handling protocols.

    % Damages should be limited to strong winds down bursts, flooding,
    tornadoes of EF-0 to EF-2 (winds of 70 to 165 mph), with damages top
    Trees, homes, closed roads (due to down trees, and flooding, lost of
    power due to down power lines, lost of phones due to damages to phone
    lines and Cell Towers.

    Note: ECs and ARES team members set up a more detailed plan for their
    areas as to which communities and what damages occur and what
    communications need will needed. Radio Communications should be held on
    local non impacted Repeaters or Direct if none are available. An 80
    meter Net should begin on or near 3987.5 KHZ and can be moved to a 40
    meter Net if needed.

    Contact Terry Busby (W5ARS) or Bill Nicholson (W5WPN) for more
    Written By: Terry Busby W5ARS
    Email: w5ars@hotmail.com

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sat Aug 28 07:46:17 2021

    I hope that this email finds you and your families doing well.

    As you know we are entering into that part of the year where not only
    Arkansas, but our sister Delta Division Sections (Mississippi,
    Louisiana, and Tennessee) can experience a need to activate Section and Division ARES Nets. These are mostly driven by weather related
    events.During these times we are frequently requested to provide support through the provisioning of Net Control Operators.

    Through the years our current list of Net Control Operators for the
    Section has been reduced to only a handful of operators.

    Thus the solicitation being sent now to see if you have interest and willingness to volunteer as a Section Net Control Operator.

    You should have established experience as a net control operator, and
    net control operations prior to submitting.

    Please complete the web form:

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/ 18RBYHHhYbj_kJkF4IbecXcHdHmXhnJabFNAB9WIIF_4/edit?usp=sharing

    (above URL all on one line)

    (Note: you are confirming that you can and will support activations
    should they be required.)

    On behalf of the Arkansas ARRL Section thank you for your volunteerism!

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Mon Aug 30 14:50:35 2021
    Due to an error on my part the URL Link to the Arkansas Net Control
    Operators Submission Form required updating. Please use this latest link
    as indicated below.

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yJWpAmMrXv1AX5yN5439GQSez_66jt_LTlC5yhmIGME/ edit?usp=sharing

    (above URL on one line)



    I hope that this email finds you and your families doing well.

    As you know we are entering into that part of the year where not only
    Arkansas, but our sister Delta Division Sections (Mississippi,
    Louisiana, and Tennessee) can experience a need to activate Section and Division ARES Nets. These are mostly driven by weather related

    During these times we are frequently requested to provide
    support through the provisioning of Net Control Operators.

    Through the years our current list of Net Control Operators for the
    Section has been reduced to only a handful of operators.

    Thus the solicitation being sent now to see if you have interest and willingness to volunteer as a Section Net Control Operator.

    You should have established experience as a net control operator, and
    net control operations prior to submitting.

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yJWpAmMrXv1AX5yN5439GQSez_66jt_LTlC5yhmIGME/ edit?usp=sharing

    (above URL on one line)

    (Note: you are confirming that you can and will support activations
    should they be required.)

    On behalf of the Arkansas ARRL Section thank you for your volunteerism!

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Wed Sep 1 21:45:35 2021

    The ARRL Board of Directors has formally endorsed a proposed program
    calling on ARRL to cover the $35 application fee for license candidates
    younger than 18 years old. The FCC is not expected to implement the
    $35 application fee schedule until sometime in 2022.

    The Board approved the "Youth Licensing Grant Program" at its July
    meeting in Hartford, Connecticut. The program concept, first raised
    at the Board's annual meeting in January, was reviewed by an ad-hoc
    committee, which expanded the scope of the original motion by ARRL
    Southeastern Division Director Mickey Baker, N4MB.

    Goals of the Program include expanding the reservoir of trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts within the amateur radio community,
    and removing a financial obstacle to young people who wish to acquire an amateur radio license, as a means of encouraging potential careers in
    science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

    Under the program, ARRL would cover a one-time $35 application fee for
    each qualified candidate who passes one or more amateur radio exams
    taken on the same day at a single examination session. Tests would have
    to be administered by a Volunteer Examiner (VE) team working under the
    auspices of the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC). Qualified
    candidates also would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL

    The new program also would "enhance ARRL's position as the leader in
    volunteer testing," the Board motion said. "The Board believes that
    the recruitment and training of young amateur radio operators is a
    necessary and proper mission of the ARRL, and that subsidization of the
    $35 fee will reduce the number of new amateurs that otherwise would be
    lost from these groups," the Board said.

    The Board said ARRL Headquarters staff would determine the method of
    qualifying applicants and instruct VE teams, giving the teams
    flexibility to determine that a candidate is eligible for reimbursement
    in the absence of documented proof. The Board envisioned that the VEC
    would pay the FCC directly. The new program initially would serve up to
    1,000 new license applicants younger than 18 years old.

    The motion gave ARRL staff "complete latitude" to determine how payment
    is delivered to the FCC or to reimburse eligible applicants.

    This program length is indefinite; it may be renewed or terminated by
    the Administration and Finance Committee or by the Board of Directors.
    The motion carried with applause from Board members.

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Tue Sep 28 08:17:01 2021
    Selected Arkansas Hamfests/Conventions as of Sep. 27, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Here is a list of potential Arkansas Hamfests, updated as of the date
    noted above. Data is posted on the various websites around six weeks
    prior the hamfest. Note that due to COVID-19 restrictions, events may
    be cancelled or postponed at the last minute; call for verification.
    A general time of year is noted, if the event has not been confirmed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Hamfest Date(s): Hamfest Location: Website:

    Oct. 9, 2021 Morrilton, AR k5boc.net (new domain)

    Mid-February Hoxie, AR w5wra.org

    Early March Russellville, AR arvarf.com

    Early April Fort Smith, AR hangingjudgehamfest.com

    Sept. 9-10, 2022 Mena, AR menahamfest.net -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Mon Nov 1 18:28:22 2021
    Good Day to all:

    My name is J.M. Rowe N5XFW. Some of you know me already, I am looking
    forward to meeting the rest of you for the first time. Our Section
    Manager, Jay, N5LKE, has appointed me as the Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC). If you are not interested in ARES, now is a good time to stop
    reading this email!

    I want to list some of my bona fides so the newer folks don't have to
    discover them on their own, but I promise I am not bragging. A lot of
    these came just because I have been around for a long time. I am an
    Extra Class operator, my first License was granted on the 5th of
    November 1991. I have been involved with and around Public Safety since
    1978, first with Fire and then EMS which led to Emergency Management. I
    got my Technician ticket because the Commo guy said they needed folks to
    do SkyWarn, which was very new in the Hot Springs area (no Radar!) I
    have been involved with EMCOMM ever since. Currently I am the Emergency
    Support Function 2 (ESF 2) liaison to Amateur, SHARES (https://www.cisa.gov/shared-resources-shares-high-frequency-hf-radio-program) and other auxiliary communications entities, for the Arkansas Division
    of Emergency Management. This is a volunteer position, and I am very
    honored that I'm allowed to work with these fine people. I am a
    member of the Arkansas Wireless Information Network (AWIN) Executive
    Committee and I am the Chairman of the Communications Unit Working
    Group. I am a trained Communications Unit Leader (COML) and a COML
    instructor. I have been through every class the ARRL has in reference
    to EMCOMM, some of them twice as a Beta tester. I am the Chair of the
    700 MHz Planning Committee for the State of Arkansas. I'm a member of
    SAFECOM (https://www.cisa.gov/safecom). I am very proud to be the
    recipient of both the Sonny Cox (https://www.dps.arkansas.gov/emergency-management/adem/awin/apsc-conference/) and the Joe Halsey (https://arkansas-ema.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2020_Joe_Halsey_Award.pdf) awards.

    There will be a few of you that remember that I have am a past SEC and
    Section Manager. I want everyone to know there have been a lot of
    changes in the EMCOMM landscape since then. I know each of you wishes
    to be an asset to your community, and it is my job to help you. More on
    that later. As it is right now, the local Emergency Manager or
    Non-Governmental Organization needs volunteers they know and trust.
    Let's start there!

    Thanks to N5LKE for allowing me the opportunity of using the Section
    Email platform! I'll be sending more as time goes on. I have a
    couple of email addresses, mycall at arrl dot org and mycall at yahoo
    dot com. Contact me with questions or comments.

    J.M. N5XFW

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Mon Dec 13 03:44:43 2021
    Hello all,

    I am very grateful to report to those wondering that Mike Nettles, KB5WBH,
    was not injured when the tornado hit Monette, Arkansas. As you know, Mike
    is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the voice and WinLink ham stations at the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management. However, some
    of his family members lost homes and other items. Please keep them in your prayers.

    This very long track storm reminds me of the value of SkyWarn. While much
    of this storm damage happened at night, spotters gave valuable information
    in order for warnings to be issued far ahead of the storm's arrival. We
    can't save property, but if a life was spared because trained spotters
    provided ground truth then the time spent in training was worthwhile. Go
    to a SkyWarn class!

    Speaking of training, I have been asked to participate as a planning
    member for the RATPAC group. They have two weekly ZOOM sessions. Items
    of General Interest are presented on Wednesday night, and Thursday night
    is for EMCOMM. You do not have to be an ARRL member to watch. You may
    see the links to the presentations at this page:


    They have a YouTube channel where all the programs are saved. If they
    haven't already covered a topic in which you're interested, you can make
    a suggestion. Even old guys like me can find interesting new things to


    J.M. N5XFW SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Tue Dec 14 13:47:15 2021
    Just FYI,

    This is not a drill. AWIN has experienced a total Network failure in
    the north half of Arkansas. It is unknown how long the outage will
    last. Please provide situational awareness to authorities as needed. We
    will be monitoring 3.9875 MHz for traffic. Since propagation is not the
    best, please use relays or move traffic to repeaters. I will send
    updates as I have them.

    Again, this is not a drill.


    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Wed Mar 9 16:04:56 2022
    Wednesday March 9, 2022

    Greetings fellow operators,

    My very smart friend, AB5N, made a Facebook post a short time ago. The
    first two sentences in that post say a lot: "I know how uncertain
    these times are. We Ham operators exist to provide emergency
    communications when all other systems fail." I happen to believe he is
    exactly correct.

    In preparation to get your license you studied theory, learned about the
    Part 97 FCC rules, and a lot of other stuff. That was the first step in
    your ham radio journey. Now, it may not be your intention to ever do any
    sort of emergency communications, and that is perfectly fine! There are
    about one million different fun things to do with ham radio. But if you
    are so inclined, your communities need you to be ready, just like you
    were when you sat down to take that first exam.

    There are many entities and agencies that love willing volunteers. I
    don't know of any Volunteer Fire Department that has enough personnel,
    or any homeless shelter that couldn't use more caregivers. Even
    Garvan Gardens uses volunteers to guide visitors. You know what all
    these examples have in common? Every volunteer has to be ready to do
    that job to a satisfactory point. That point may be a little more than
    the volunteer knew when deciding to be of service.

    As I have said many times in the past, satisfying requirements,
    training, and building relationships are some of the things we must do
    in order to be ready. All I ask is that you be willing to be ready for
    whatever job presents itself. Anything less is a disservice to the very
    people that needed you, but you know that already.

    By now, most have heard that our Section Manager James Ferguson, N5LKE,
    and the Director of the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management, AJ
    Gary, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU can be found

    http://www.neaham.org/ADEM/MOU.pdf .

    It's been a long time coming, and I am very glad to see it back in place.
    It helps cement the relationships, and lays out the basic requirements
    we need to meet uncertain times. Here is a link to the press release:


    Please let me know how I can help you be ready to be of service to your community.


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas Section Emergency Coordinator

    Contact me at one of these emails: n5xfw at arrl dot org, n5xfw at arrl
    dot net, n5xfw at yahoo dot com

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sat Mar 19 19:59:13 2022
    Good day to all!

    As everyone knows by now, Josh, KE5MHV, has taken the ARRL Emergency
    Management Director job, which means he moved to the Newington area.
    Josh was the EC for Johnson County. That leaves some big shoes to

    Our Section Manager, Jay, N5LKE, has appointed Klay KF5NKM to fill that position. Klay is a Deputy Director of the Johnson County Department of Emergency Management, so making the EM happy will not be a problem.
    Let's all welcome Klay, and thank him for volunteering for the job!

    I have asked the DEC's to come up with places to do a Saturday lunch so
    EMCOMM folks can resume having face-to-face meetings. I'm willing to
    travel to the different districts so that maybe these meetings would be
    well attended. Contact your DEC if you have a suggestion.


    J.M. N5XFW
    Arkansas SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Thu May 5 18:39:01 2022
    Good morning,

    AA5JC and I are doing an experiment using WinLink. Please send a LOCAL
    WEATHER REPORT or a SEVERE WEATHER REPORT as appropriate, using WinLink
    to KB5LZK. If you're not a current user, download it and get started.
    You don't have to connect to a radio - the Telnet option will work
    fine for our purposes.

    If this works as I expect, we're going to have something that will revolutionize our ability to give decision makers ground truth never
    seen before. You must use the forms imbedded in the new message
    drop-down for this to work.

    Thanks an 73,

    J.M. N5XFW

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Thu May 19 00:34:57 2022


    Below are the Winlink instructions for the FEMA RECCWG Region 4 & Region
    6 May 31-June 1 Communications Outage Exercise. In addition to Winlink
    (SHARES and amateur radio) providing a Field Situation Report with
    "ground Truth" information over VHF/UHF/HF radio or Telnet, FYI, the
    following will also be exercised by the various States in these two
    Regions with FEMA: FNARS (FEMA National Emergency Radio System), NAWAS (National Warning System), MSAT G2 (Multi-State Satellite talk groups), Multi-State linking of P25 Trunking Networks.

    The Task for Winlink is directed and simple:

    Below is the starting scenario for this May 31 through June 1 exercise.
    The cities circled on the attached map will have a "communications
    outage." However, they will need "ground truth" information from
    everywhere within these two FEMA Regions from the users of the Winlink
    Radio Email Network System, regardless of location within the Regions,
    or the reasons for the outages. There are two separate set of
    instructions for input data. If you are NOT in these affected
    metropolitan areas, you may configure and report specific configuration
    for the Field Situation Report per the instructions below. If you ARE
    located within these affected metropolitan areas, you are to report your outages on the Field Situation Report per the instructions below.

    Cyber Attacked Cities:

    Charlotte, NC
    Dallas, TX
    Miami, FL
    Little Rock, AR

    For the Winlink portion of this FEMA R4-R6 Communications Outage
    Exercise, there are two groups participating:

    - CISA SHARES Winlink from member agencies & other users within these
    two FEMA Regions over the DHS Winlink SHARES HF/VHF Network.

    - Amateur Radio Winlink from any source with a proper license within
    these two FEMA Regions sending the data over the HF/VHF/UHF Amateur

    If you have no radio and are not within one of these affected metro
    areas, you may use Telnet if you wish.

    For the Amateur Radio Community, I am to leave the further distribution
    of this information to those copied as leaders over others within their
    span of control. The further distribution of this instruction is a part
    of the exercise. Please use whatever resources you have available.
    Resulting data from the Winlink Field Situation Report will be
    accumulated and shown to the appropriate recipients as a spreadsheet
    item (via KML & CSV) for further use by anyone wishing to provide a
    dashboard, and visually to the named recipients as a mapped item in
    Winlink Express. The resulting list of exercise participants will be
    provided via a FORM 309.

    Below are the instructions for participants.

    - DATE and TIME of Exercise: Tuesday evening, May 31st, from 6:00 PM EDT
    until 4:00 PM EDT Wednesday afternoon, June 1st.

    - Please, no telnet from areas where communications outage problems are
    shown to exist (Charlotte, Dallas, Miami, Little Rock).

    - Message to send: Winlink standard Template, Field Situation Report

    - Please avoid requesting acknowledgement requests, either manually or automatically.

    How to fill out the Field Situation Report:

    1. Open Winlink Express (insure you have a most recent version, ie.
    1.6.4 or higher, Template Version or higher.) *

    2. Open "New Message" form. (First ICON in menu).

    3. On New Message Form, look for "Select Template" menu. Choose
    "Select Template."

    4. Double click on "Standard Templates"

    5. Choose "Mapping GIS Forms."

    6. Choose "Field Situation Report.txt"

    7. Your browser should open with the HTML Form.

    8. If you are NOT in one of the AFFECTED areas, fill out the form per
    info below:

    a. PRECEDENCE (R) Routine
    b. Date Time, Task as 1.0.
    c. To: NCS415; NCS396; NNE6EM (separate addresses with semi-colon).
    d. On Form:

    #1: NO.
    #2. your City, County, State, and Territory put either FEMA R4
    (TN, KY, MS, FL, GA, AL, NC, SC) or FEMA R6 (TX, AR, LA, NM, OK).

    #3 Put in Coordinates using degree decimal format, DD.DDDD .
    Example: LAT: 36.0703 LON: -86.8241, which is the correct format.

    (If you cannot provide coordinates per above, then put in your Grid
    Square, and they will be approximated from your Winlink Express

    Remember that Western hemisphere longitude is a negative number!

    Incorrect format would be LAT: 36° 4'13''N LON: 86° 49'27''W

    Put in your Grid Square.

    #4. YES
    #5. YES
    #6. YES
    #7. YES
    #8. YES
    #9. YES
    #12. Please state, "EXERCISE, EXERCISE EXERCISE"
    #13 Name, call sign.

    If any of the above conditions are actually out of service, please
    follow this instruction, regardless.

    9. If you ARE in one of the AFFECTED areas (i.e. Charlotte, Dallas,
    Miami, Little Rock), then please fill out the Field Situation Report per

    a. PRECEDENCE (P) Priority
    b. Date Time, Task as 1.0.
    c. To: NCS415; NCS396; NNE6EM (separate addresses with semi-colon).
    d. On Form:

    #1: NO.
    #2. your City, County, State, and for ΓÇ£Territory" put either FEMA R4
    (TN, KY, MS, FL, GA, AL, NC, SC) or FEMA R6 (TX, AR, LA, NM, OK).

    #3. Put in Coordinates using decimal format .
    Example: LAT: 36.0703 LON: -86.8241, which is the correct format.

    (If you cannot provide coordinates per above, then put in your Grid
    Square, and they will be approximated from your Winlink Express

    Remember that Western hemisphere longitude is a negative number!

    Incorrect format would be LAT: 36° 4'13''N LON: 86° 49'13''W

    Put in your Grid Square.

    #4. NO POTS or VOIP
    #5. NO
    #6. YES
    #7. YES
    #8. YES
    #9. YES
    #10. NO
    #11. YES
    #12. Please state, "EXERCISE, EXERCISE EXERCISE"
    #13 Name, call sign, cell number (optional)

    10. Check your information and then "submit" the form.
    11. If not done automatically, then close your browser.
    12. Post the message to the Winlink Express Outbox.
    13. Send Message with whatever mode you choose!

    If you are not in one of the affected areas, you may decide to use
    Telnet Winlink. In a "real life situation," you would always want to use
    Telnet if it is available in order to leave the precious RF spectrum for
    those in affected areas who have no other choice, However, for this
    exercise, do what you wish since this is for practicing your ability to
    use Winlink in an emergency condition.

    Thanks much,

    If you have questions, please contact J.M. Rowe n5xfw@yahoo.com

    J.M. Rowe N5XFW

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Mon Jul 11 10:22:03 2022
    Hello all:

    Another Field Day is in the books. I would like to urge everyone to
    submit logs to the ARRL, even if you are not interested in any sort of
    ranking or award. The information developed from those entries is more
    valuable than ever to the future of ham radio --- we must show that we
    use those frequencies. There are those folks that would sell the
    airwaves or change the way we are allowed to operate, and we just cannot
    allow it. Take a few minutes and get it done, you won't regret it.
    Your children might benefit from your effort!


    I want to remind everyone that ham radio is a great way to provide
    situational awareness to your served agencies. We are moving forward
    with the WinLink involvement project at the Arkansas Division of
    Emergency Management (ADEM). In case you haven't heard, Joshua, AA5JC,
    has developed software that helps visualize information developed from
    the forms included in WinLink. This new capability is very exciting for
    us in the Emergency Management business. The project is ongoing, and suggestions for improvements are certainly welcome! This capability
    will be presented during the ADEM Conference in August to the county
    managers. You'll want to be ahead of the game and be able to answer
    questions when your County Emergency Manager gets home from the

    You are encouraged to watch the RATPAC YouTube video of Joshua
    explaining the software and its uses. This video is in two parts: the
    first is Phil Sherrod, W4PHS, of the WinLink Development Team giving a demonstration, and then Joshua does his thing. Watch the whole thing.
    While some may find the technical explanation more information than they
    want, it's excellent background information. Here is the link:


    There is a lot of good training on YouTube for WinLink, and ham radio
    in general. Don't let that resource go to waste.

    Kudos to all the EC's that send in reports. Just like the Field Day
    reports, monthly activity reports are valuable to the future of Amateur
    Radio. Keep up the good work! If you are, or know someone that is
    interested in volunteering, please contact our Section Manager J.
    Ferguson, N5LKE.

    Thanks and best 73's,

    J.M. Rowe, N5XFW
    Arkansas SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Wed Aug 24 12:15:34 2022
    Hello all,

    August has been a busy month! The Razorback Net Off-Grid net was a
    resounding success, way more than expected were working with an
    alternative power source. Ham operators in Arkansas still believe in
    Emergency Preparedness after all. We'll be seeing more of these nets as
    time goes on.

    As I compiled the ARES report to the ARRL this month, I noted an
    all-time high number of EC's reporting. The number keeps growing, and
    that is a good thing. Please keep it up! The numbers prove that ham
    radio is a viable and functioning entity. I heard some complaints that
    the form is too long. Well, that's what the ARRL asks for, and that's
    what we give them. I can assure you all the information is used to
    defend our frequencies and bandwidth.

    Your SM, N5LKE, the SEC, N5XFW, and AA5JC were invited to speak at the
    Arkansas Emergency Management Conference. The topic was What Ham Radio
    Can Do for the Emergency Manager. We talked about communications
    outages of course, and we changed directions slightly to include
    situational awareness. Hams, because they are already out in the
    communities and are aware of surroundings, can provide first-hand
    information. This kind of interaction will go a long way toward
    cementing positive relationships with our served agencies.

    Speaking of situational awareness, one of the premier activities where
    hams can help their communities is SkyWarn. Arkansas historically has
    had very active SkyWarn groups, and the Little Rock and Tulsa National
    Weather Service Offices are appreciative of our efforts. (That's all I
    have talked with so far) I am very interested in doing my part to
    further those efforts, therefore, Joshua Carroll, AA5JC, has been
    appointed as the Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator for SkyWarn Operations. He brings a wealth of innovation and fresh ideas to the
    table, and I am looking forward to us realizing some improvements
    that will make Arkansas stand out in that arena! More on that as time
    goes on.

    Please let me know how I can help you get more involved in your
    communities. Encourage your EC to get involved, or volunteer to be an
    EC if you don't have one.


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Fri Oct 14 13:25:27 2022
    Hello all:

    I wish that I had been able to attend the K5BOC Hamfest on Petit Jean.
    It was a great event judging from the reports and pictures I saw. I hope
    my schedule is better next year!

    About this year's Section Emergency Test: I have been working with a
    committee chaired by the Razorback Net Manager KC5SM to outline what we
    wish to practice this time. As you know, the scenario involves the total eclipse that will be in 2024. Looking at the after-action reports from
    Wyoming and West Virginia, it becomes obvious that Hams will be in a good position to develop and feed reports that will be very useful. I have
    been tasked by the State to develop situational awareness assets
    utilizing Amateur Radio. This situational awareness capability will be
    used in planning at all levels of government as well as non-governmental organizations.

    Concept of Operations

    I am asking the County EC group to coordinate an informal net on
    repeaters in their county an hour prior to the Razorback Net on November
    2, 2022. The number of check-ins is the only thing to report to the
    Razorback Net. All operators are encouraged to participate at their
    appropriate level, because we'll want all the help we can get! Please
    spread the word about this event so the repeater folks will be ready to
    get in on the fun. HF operators without a report please check in too,
    as this exercise is all about numbers. The more folks that take part
    help justify that we can help when the time comes. This scenario does
    not anticipate power outages, so check-ins may be done as they would on
    a blue-sky day.

    Please contact your County EC's if you have questions. If you don't
    have an EC, your District Emergency Coordinator should be able to help
    you. The Arkansas Section Staff list may be found at


    I know it has been a long time since Arkansas hams have had an active
    part in any sort of real-world event other than our regular bike or foot
    races and SkyWarn. It seems a lot of hams have the perception that we
    are not valued in the world of EMCOMM. We can change that, if we can
    show we are a viable asset to those folks that can use the information
    we can deliver. It is my fondest dream that hams are recognized as an
    essential part of that world. Thank you for helping!


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    AR Section SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sat Oct 29 16:02:15 2022
    Good afternoon all:

    Dennis, N5XMZ, due to family health issues and other reasons, wishes to decrease his responsibilities. Dennis has been a true and faithful
    friend to Arkansas EMCOMM for years. I have asked Dennis to remain as
    the Logan County EC, and he has agreed. I wish to thank Dennis for his
    many contributions, and I am grateful that he is willing to continue
    working with us.

    Effective today, Chris Ebert, NA0D, is appointed as the Northwest Arkansas Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator. Chris brings a wealth of both experience and education to the playing field, and I am happy he is
    joining us. I look forward to working with Chris moving Arkansas EMCOMM forward. Chris will be meeting with the NW Arkansas County Emergency
    Managers and County Emergency Coordinators in the near future.

    Please join me in welcoming NA0D to the Arkansas Section Leadership!

    As a reminder we utilize the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management
    map found here:


    Please let me know how I can help you in your endeavors.


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Mon Oct 31 17:43:18 2022
    Hello all:

    It has been brought to my attention that some groups do not have good
    access to HF at this time, but still want to participate in the
    exercise. Just how cool is that? It shows me there is real interest in
    EMCOMM and that is encouraging!

    So, for those that are in that boat, send your report to KC5SM at arrl
    dot net. Miss Susie has graciously volunteered to put all this
    together. Thanks and hats off to her!

    Remember, all we are looking for is the number of check-ins and what
    county the repeater is based. I suggest running the net at 5:30 PM
    local to get as many operators as possible involved.

    Let me know if you have questions, and enjoy the exercise!


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas Section SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Wed Nov 2 22:00:52 2022
    Good evening all:


    KC5SM says a record number on the Razorback Net tonight. Didn't she do
    a great job? Net controllers are what makes a net successful, and I'd
    say we have a bunch of high-power high-speed low-drag controllers in

    Our served agencies will be thrilled when they see the results of this
    test. It will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Arkansas ham
    operators are ready to provide life-saving information and situational awareness when the need arises.I am beyond grateful to each of you.

    I will certainly publish the final tally when everything gets finalized.
    I bet there are some adding machines with smoking keys right about now!
    We'll see which counties are strong and more importantly which ones
    need some help.

    Thanks again for participating, and 73.

    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas Section SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sat Nov 5 11:25:32 2022
    Hello all:

    I am thrilled by the final numbers KC5SM provided me!

    HF check-ins 91, 16 of those out-of-state
    VHF/UHF check-ins 200
    Total 291 WOW!
    43 counties
    Other states were Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana,
    Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Iowa

    Every one of these check-ins is capable of providing situational
    awareness to our served agencies. That's a huge asset, and I think you
    should pat yourself on the back!

    Speaking of situational awareness, SkyWarn nets all over the Ark-La-Tex
    region and then further east provided situational awareness to the
    Tulsa, Shreveport, and Little Rock NWS offices last night. I thank you
    all for your services to our communities. What you are doing is
    important, and appreciated! We are working on ways to improve our
    capabilities, and we certainly would like to hear ideas.


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas Section SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Tue Dec 6 16:55:17 2022
    Hello all:

    As you may be aware, the NWS radar at Little Rock is down for upgrades
    and maintenance. I saw some pictures, and there are roughly 3 zillion
    and six pieces to that thing. At this time, it is questionable whether
    it will be back together in time for this next event.

    This means the National Weather Service needs us more than ever to
    provide ground truth (situational awareness). It is important to them
    that we act as their eyes and ears to make sure they understand local situations. It can help save lives!

    One of the issues that Arkansas hams face is notification that our help
    is needed. We are thinking about different methods, and we want to try
    this one specifically. Please take time to get signed up, and help us
    prove the worth of hams in Arkansas.

    73, J.M. N5XFW AR SEC


    The following is from Josh AA5JC:

    Hello Arkansas Hams! We have the possibility of severe weather next
    week and the LZK radar may not be available. So we'll need all hands
    on deck to provide ground truth to the National Weather Service.

    We have created an announcement group on GroupMe to help during
    preparation and coordination of weather and other emergency events.
    Only admins can send messages on this group, so it shouldn't be very
    annoying or distracting. Please take a moment to sign up at https://groupme.com/join_group/88292113/07lMbyx7

    Joshua Carroll
    Asst Section Emergency Coordinator for SkyWarn

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Fri Dec 23 00:40:52 2022

    I hope everyone is able to stay on the warm side of the door!

    As you know, the ham radio station (KB5LZK) at the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM) has historically been one of the most used
    WinLink gateways for hurricane-affected areas. This is mostly due to
    our distance away from the reporting agencies, but partly because of our ability to do Pactor 4. I am sure you are aware that Pactor 4 is a much
    higher speed mode than what is usually allowed by the FCC rules. The
    FCC issues Special Temporary Authorizations (STA) that allows Pactor 4
    during times of need, and ADEM stepped up to purchase the necessary
    equipment. There has been a petition to change the FCC rule in front of
    them since 2013, but the FCC has so far failed to come to a decision.
    Director AJ Gary signed a letter in support of the change this past
    year, joining several State Emergency Management agencies. (Thank you,

    On December 1, 2022, Rep. Debra Lesko of Arizona introduced a bill in
    the House of Representatives that will compel the FCC to do exactly what
    we have been asking. Hopefully this bill will sail through to become
    law in the shortest time possible.

    I wanted everyone to have the latest information on this important
    topic. Please contact me if you have questions.

    Very respectfully,

    J.M. Rowe
    Arkansas SHARES/RACES/ESF 2 Liaison Officer
    Chair, Arkansas COMU Working Group
    Member, Policy and Technology Working Groups
    Member, Arkansas Wireless Information Network Executive
    At-Large Member, SAFECOM

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Tue Jan 31 10:30:38 2023
    Hello all:

    It's not news that we are about to have some frozen precipitation. I'm
    sure your preparations are complete by now. If not, well, you better
    get moving.

    There are some things we can do to help our community without leaving
    the shack, and I'd like to ask you to think about a few of them. One is
    check on folks that are older or infirm (let us face it, a lot of us fit squarely in that category), and second, use the mPING app on your phone.
    It is a free app and the information goes straight to the Weather
    Service. Since we have been asked to provide situational awareness,
    this is a perfect way to contribute. Also, while you are stuck inside,
    it's a perfect time to work on your online ICS and ARRL EMCOMM classes.
    Let me know if I can help you get started.

    You haven't heard me on HF lately due to overwhelming powerline noise.
    80M is completely covered, and I can't hear anything but the noise.
    WA5LUY came out and we identified several sources. Entergy, with the
    ice storm coming, probably won't be around to do anything for me for a

    If you do get out and about, don't fall down and hurt yourself. The
    last thing any of us want is to be a burden to others.


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sat Feb 11 18:05:24 2023
    Hello all:

    WOOHOO!! it's finally time for some eyeball QSO's.

    The Hoxie Hamfest is this coming Friday and Saturday, 2/17 and 2/18/2023.

    This is the website: https://w5wra.org/index.php/2023/01/11/winterfest-2023/

    It's a wonderful get-together. It's the first Arkansas Hamfest of the year!

    The Russellville Hamfest is now known as the Arkansas River Valley Hamfest. It's scheduled for 3/4/2023.

    This is the website: https://sites.google.com/view/arv-hamfest/home

    Be sure to note the different location from previous years. This Hamfest is always well attended, and there is no doubt some radio-trading and story swapping (tall tales and leg pulling) will be going on!

    Repeater owners and Trustees take note: The Arkansas Repeater Council will hold its yearly meeting at the Arkansas River Valley Hamfest. I don't have
    an agenda for the Hamfest yet, so I don't know what time it will occur.
    There will be a business meeting, so be sure to make time to be there.
    This meeting was held at Queen Wilhemena Hamfest last year, and we heard
    from a LOT of people that wanted it to be closer to the middle of the state.

    Of course, our Section Manager, N5LKE, plans to be at both. Jay and I
    both are looking forward to seeing everyone.

    Please let us know if there is anything we might help you with.


    J.M. Rowe, N5XFW
    AR Section SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sat Apr 8 14:18:31 2023
    Hello All:

    We are exactly one year away from the eclipse! You know, when I was a youngster, a year was a very long time. Especially at the beginning of
    the school year, time was SLOOOOOOW. Now I'm not so young, and a year
    is not a very long time anymore.

    Failing to plan is the same thing as planning to fail. If you are going
    to be a help to your community, do you have a plan? Have you begun
    executing your plan? Do you need help getting started? Remember that
    to be helpful hams must be integrated into Emergency Management in some fashion, otherwise we are just talking to ourselves.

    I have not heard anyone talking about a Special Event centered around
    the eclipse in Arkansas. Is someone planning something?

    The first 2023 AUXCOMM class was held in Bentonville this past weekend,
    and it went great! I highly recommend it if you are interested in
    EMCOMM. The class is designed to be twenty hours long, and will usually
    be offered on a weekend. Right now the plan is to deliver it in several
    areas of the State. Since it is offered by the Arkansas Division of
    Emergency Management (ADEM), students are eligible for travel
    reimbursements under the usual requirements. I will be publicizing the
    dates and locations as they become available. Get your IS 100, 200,
    700, and 800 classes done now as they are a prerequisite.

    Let us know how we can help.


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Fri Apr 21 08:34:42 2023
    April 20, 2023

    Making a Big Decision -- Together

    Dear ARRL Member,

    For only the second time in 22 years, we are considering a dues increase. Promoting and protecting amateur radio requires a strong and vibrant ARRL. Paying our dues (and some of you go above and beyond) is one way each of
    us does our part.

    In my column in the April issue of QST, I introduced the following question:

    How does ARRL handle an increase in dues?

    On May 1, we will launch an online survey, inviting all ARRL members to participate. The survey will include some short questions about raising
    dues, and modifying the way some membership benefits are bundled. The
    survey will also include an opportunity to share your feedback. The participation of every member is important.

    Do this before May 1: Review your ARRL website account

    Before you can take the survey in May, you'll need to make sure you have
    a working ARRL website account that is associated with your membership.

    Follow these steps:

    Go to www.arrl.org/take-dues-survey. This is a member-only page.

    If you are already logged in to your account, you'll see CONGRATULATIONS!
    on the members-only page that will host the survey in May.

    If you are NOT already logged in to your account, follow the instructions
    on the page to log in. Or, select the Login button at the top of the web
    page, and you will be prompted to enter your ARRL website username
    (usually your call sign) and password. If you have not logged in since
    April 2022, please use these Login Instructions.

    The survey will open on May 1. Return to this web page to take the survey
    on, or after, May 1: www.arrl.org/take-dues-survey.

    If you need additional help with your login, call us Monday - Thursday
    from 8 AM to 7 PM ET, and Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM ET at 860-594-0200 or
    email us at membership@arrl.org.

    We'll send an update on May 1 once the survey is live.

    Thank you for being a member and collaborating on this big decision.


    David A. Minster, NA2AA
    Chief Executive Officer
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Tue May 9 19:18:03 2023
    Greetings All,

    I've been out of town and I'm a bit late getting to this item; however,
    a two-day letter or overnight letter/packet will get you in the queue.

    Scott, W5WZ sent this to me from Reeves Memorial Medical Center in
    Bernice, LA. RMMC is auctioning off this item (and other things) for the benefit of the hospital. This is a tremendous opportunity for a club or
    ham to get a great repeater tower and help a small town's MC.

    With no reserve price, someone can get it really cheap!

    We have a 190 ft Rohn SSV tower for auction via sealed bid. No reserve
    price. Bids are due May 12 @ 10:00 AM, and bid opening May 12 @ 10:15

    Details and pictures as well as other items can be seen at the link


    Buyer must take down and remove the tower from the site by June 30, 2023
    [so serious offers only- Ed.].

    A great potential repeater tower for a club or individual amateur with
    the proceeds benefiting a local hospital in N. LA. What a great deal!


    Don't forget, the Carter Strong Hamfest is Saturday, May 13 in Monroe,
    LA- details to follow under separate email.


    DE K5UZ

    ARRL Delta Division
    Director: David A Norris, K5UZ
    k5uz@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Mon May 22 09:30:40 2023
    Hello all:

    What a great time in Xenia at the Greene County Fairgrounds! The vendor
    area was full, and the flea market was jam-packed with everything you
    can imagine. Bargains galore. There were several food trucks and
    trailers, turning out several varieties of "fair food". I had one of
    the best corn dogs I've ever eaten, and that is a large endorsement!
    (Just FYI, they do not understand BBQ up there.) The forums were mostly standing room only! The Hamvention provides an opportunity to see
    equipment you didn't even know existed, talk to experts about almost any
    ham radio technology or topic, and touch that new radio. Make plans to
    go if you are able, and bring your friends.

    Speaking of the forums, I was able to attend the ARES forum to hear Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, speak. As you remember, Josh was the Emergency Manager
    for Johnson County (Clarkesville) for, I think, 17 years. Now he is the Emergency Management Director for the ARRL. The crowd was interested to
    hear what direction the ARRL would be taking and how they fit into the
    overall scheme of EMCOMMM. Josh made several excellent points:

    1. The ARRL has signed a new MOU with FEMA for the next 5 years.
    2. The ARRL has been elected as an association member of SAFECOMM.
    3. There is no conflict between ARES and AUXCOMM.

    I'd like to expand on the last item, if you'll indulge me please. I
    wrote the following four paragraphs a while back and Josh said really
    close to the same thing.

    I think some of you believe the ARRL is a Response Organization with a
    duty to act. This is not correct. The ARRL is much better thought of
    as a Resource. There are go-kits, there is some training, there is
    advice, there are lists of potential volunteers at hand. There are no
    Type 1, 2, or 3 ARESMATs available to Newington.

    That in no way diminishes the League. They simply have a different
    purpose than what most of you are thinking. Local EM's need control of volunteers to satisfy the Stafford Act, which effectively ends the
    question about who works for who. Jeopardizing Relief Funds by not
    being NIMS-compliant is not an option anymore.

    AUXCOMM does not teach soldering, message handling, WinLink, radio
    programming, or any other of the many skills thought to be included in
    an Amateur Radio Operator. Rather it teaches the operators how to
    integrate into an already existing management structure and not make
    fools of themselves by trying to assume command.

    As you can plainly see, there is no one stop shop when it comes to
    EMCOMM, and it is not likely to change in the foreseeable future.
    Instead of having a contest on who can holler loudest about the virtues
    of one system over another, why don't we do training that satisfies
    whatever entity where you want to volunteer? Then you can be the best
    you can be.

    Fellow hams, won't you join me in working toward our common goal of
    helping our served agencies?

    Let me know how I can help and 73,

    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas ARRL SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Thu Jun 8 14:54:43 2023
    Howdy friends,

    Field Day is coming on fast! I will be moving around to different sites
    again this year, primarily in the Southwest. It would be great if you
    would send me the address where your site will be this year.

    A few things to think about while talking about Field Day!!

    ! Field Day is different things to different people because they have different interests. All those different things come together to be Ham
    Radio. There can be something for anyone. Plan accordingly.

    ! Please be Face-Forward to your served agencies. Invite them to the
    site, walk around with them to help them understand that hams are a huge resource for them. Grill a hot dog, and have a friendly chat about the
    April Eclipse. They need to start thinking about it, but do not press
    for specific plans just yet. Most of them have not started making

    ! Practice doing EMCOMM. WinLink will be important during the Eclipse
    for traffic to ADEM. Send an email to the Section Manager via WinLink.
    Voice will be important for local situational awareness and possibly to
    ADEM. Originate a message (with a number on it) to be sent via the
    Razorback Net.

    ! Stay cool and hydrated, and above all have a good time!

    There are AUXCOMM classes now scheduled and listed on the ADEM Training Schedule. It will look good to your served agencies if you have these
    classes under your belt. They will know you are serious about being an
    asset. Remember there are prerequisites before you can register. These
    classes are an opportunity for Arkansas to lead the Nation in EMCOMM and
    I hope to see you all there!

    Please let me know how I might be of assistance.


    J.M. Rowe N5XFW
    Arkansas SEC

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sun Jun 18 17:36:00 2023
    Hello all:

    The National Weather Service has been busy the last few days!

    As everyone knows (including the general public and our served agencies),
    one of the best things we do is SkyWarn (R). In an effort to improve our ability to cover the entire Little Rock County Warning Area (CWA) (https://www.weather.gov/lzk/cwatxt.htm), we have a proposal for
    repeater owners and trustees.

    We propose to link any interested repeater via Allstar in order to cover
    a particular area.

    Joshua Carroll, AA5JC, the Section ASEC for SkyWarn (R), has a number of small-form computers, which could be used for this purpose, that he is
    donating to this cause. The computer would be connected to the internet,
    and in a location where a radio can reach the local repeater (the radio
    is of the local ham's choice - Baofengs work fine).

    The interface between the radio and the computer (https://github.com/skuep/AIOC/tree/master) is extremely low cost and
    might prove to be a club project. Perhaps a club or an individual would
    be willing to assemble the interface for those folks that would choose
    that route.

    All computer setup will be done before the computer is delivered. Hooking
    up the interface to the radio and the computer will be largely plug and
    play and will be the responsibility of the local hams.

    In this arrangement, not all repeaters need to be linked at any one time. Smaller areas, even a single repeater, can be interfaced as the situation demands.

    If you are in an area that is not currently served by a SkyWarn (R) net,
    have a reliable internet connection, and a spare radio - please consider becoming a part of this solution. If this proposal works, we will be
    the leading SkyWarn (R) operation in the nation in terms of coverage. We
    think that is a worthy goal. Please join this effort to build a Next
    Level SkyWarn (R) service with us.

    If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact AA5JC
    by email at joshua.carroll@adem.arkansas.gov.

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Mon Jun 19 23:55:36 2023
    Field Day (24/25 June) is here at the end of this week, are you, your
    team and /or club ready?

    Full rules and well as some FAQ's links are provided below.

    Field Day Full Rules:

    Field Day Packet: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Field-Day/2023/2023%20Field%20Day %20Packet%20v2.pdf

    (above URL all on one line)

    Field Day Station Locator:

    Field Day FAQ's: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Field-Day/2023/1_62-%20FD%20FAQ.pdf

    Speaking of getting ready for Field Day, give some thought to reaching
    out to those you and your club helped get their ticket recently. Extend
    them an invitation and help get them on the air, if you are comfortable
    with being around others.For many this could be their first ever
    contact, for others it may provide the spark to upgrade.

    I hope that you will all have a wonderful Field Day event and look
    forward to working you on the air during the event. Please stay safe
    and practice social distancing.

    The Arkansas Section was proud to accept this years Amateur Radio Week Proclamation (18th June thru the 25th June) from Governor Sarah
    Huckabee Sanders on 12 June 2023.

    Thanks to "The Mayor" KD5LBE for facilitating the Amateur Radio Week Proclamation!

    Arkansas Governor's 20230 Amateur Radio Week Proclamation download

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/18XMZiYF9VO6hiYcLIhIRcw6fNlwNxIny/ view?usp=drive_link

    (above URL all on one line)

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sun Jun 25 11:16:56 2023
    Hello all:

    As a young ham, I was thoroughly intimidated by the mere thought of
    Field Day. "It's fun!", my Elmers told me. I was afraid of not saying
    the right thing, or doing something stupid on the air. Worse, I might
    break somebody's radio!

    None of that bad stuff happened, and I eventually learned that it's now
    my turn to encourage new hams. I hope that's what you do, too. For me,
    part of the fun of Ham Radio is seeing the light come on in someone's

    Field Day is more than fun. It happens to be the single largest
    operating event in the Amateur world. It truly is an exercise and a
    training. You should receive credit for your effort. Don't miss out on
    sending the personnel/hours in. The more we report the better it looks.


    I hope everyone had a good time at Field Day, and had an opportunity to
    see a new ham fall in love with Ham Radio.



    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@618:250/33 to All on Sat Jul 8 06:43:18 2023
    Hello friends,

    I hope everyone had a great Holiday and remembered why we have that day.
    I know my family did. I think there were 90 people at the potluck!

    I wanted to update folks on the AUXCOMM classes, and preparations for the
    April Eclipse. We are scheduling classes in every ADEM Region. We have
    already done the one in NW, and all but SE is on the website. The SE one
    will be listed in the not-too-distant future. Please get registered and
    make plans to attend whichever one works better for your calendar.

    Remember these are State-Sponsored classes, so reimbursements for Lodging
    and meals are available subject to the rules. Get with your County
    Emergency Manager (or me) to help understand those rules, and the prerequisites.

    We will accept individuals without ham radio licenses, but they must be affiliated with an Authority Having Jurisdiction or some response agency.
    This is a link to the ADEM Training Schedule and Registration Page:

    https://www.dps.arkansas.gov/emergency-management/adem/training-exercise/ training/emergency-management-training-schedule/

    (above URL all on one line)

    There is another opportunity for Training and an associated exercise
    that I want to bring to your attention. The Red River Comms Boot Camp
    will be teaching every course for every position listed in the FEMA
    Incident Command Communications Unit. There will be a day devoted to
    exercises, so students will have a great chance to get some of their
    taskbook signed. John Minard and I will be teaching AUXCOMM at this

    This is not an Arkansas State Sponsored event, so no reimbursement.

    I have been told these classes are filling fast, so if this one is
    right for you, do not wait to register. This is the link to that website:


    We have the right circumstances right now, to get the right training,
    to be the right volunteers to assist our communities. I'm not convinced
    this will ever happen again, especially considering the pressure from
    the Eclipse. Let's do it!

    Please share this message with anyone interested, and especially groups
    and organizations that might be affected.

    Thank you very much!

    J.M. Rowe N5XFW

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)