2022 JULY 10 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA------------------------------------------------------------*THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEKTHIS LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVANtinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos------------------------------------------------------------*NATIONAL NEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING JULY 10 2022IN OUR 27th YEAR OF NON STOP NEWSTHIS WEEK ON AUSTRALIA'S NEWS LEADER - THE NEWS THAT'SOFTEN IMITATED BUT NEVER DUPLICATED - WITH YOURS TRUY VK4BBGRAHAM, I'M JOINED BY DD5LP / VK2LAW / VK4SN / VK3GTV / KE5CXP /VK3GRK / VK3FY and VK4EA.THIS & MORE IN THIS EDITION OF NEWS FROM THEWIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIAPROGRAM RECORDED IN BRISBANE, OLYMPIC CITY 2032.WIAJOIN THE WIAtinyurl.com/yyj87b9yROSTERED WIA DIRECTOR BRINGING US NEWS FROM THE WIAON HAPPENINGS AT BOARD LEVEL WILL BE IN ROTATION:-Steve VK2TSGPresident Scott VK3KJGreg VK2GPKPeter VK8ZZLee VK3GKChris VK3FYPeter VK4EAChris VK3FY:-Peter VK4EA:-Hello, this is Peter VK4EA on behalf of the WIA board.At the last board meeting we had a briefing from Peter Mill (VK3APO)and Steve Ireland (VK2MD) talking about the repeater and beaconmanagement processes.We all came away impressed with the competency of Steves codingskills and encourage members to utilise the maintained repeater andbeacon lists available from the website.A development that most directors were not aware of is the work doneby Steve to produce Google Earth KML files. I will make sure thelink to the KML is distributed using the WIA socials.Peter Mill also went through the repeater and beacon processemphasising that the ACMA has very little capability to processapplications sent directly to the licensing section. An AP(Authorised Person) makes the process a lot faster, however, thiscosts the AP $200-$250 for each frequency assignment. This situationis completely out of the WIAs control and a direct result of thefederal public service downsizing drive. Clubs and Individuals canstill lodge applications direct with the ACMA for the much lower feeof $29, however, this method can take up to 6 months after Peter hasmade his recommendation.The repeater and beacon application process is well documented inthe WIA website, while we would love to make the process quick,painless and cheap, it is, what it is.An improvement suggestion from Steve was to make a form available onthe website for corrections and additions to the WIA repeater andbeacon list. We are proceeding with this excellent suggestion.The board welcomes Dr Kevin Johnston (VK4UH) to the WIA RecordsManager role. Kevin has a long association with pushing themicrowave distance boundaries in my part of VK4 and holds a numberof records for bands above 50MHz. Thanks Kevin for volunteering.On the subject of record breaking activities, the VK7s are punchingwell above their weight, yet again. Rex (VK7MO) is currently inHawaii preparing to smash the 10GHz terrestrial record. Rex is, ormight even has already, setting up his considerably impressive 10GHzsystem in conjunction with a number of US amateurs in California.The board wishes Rex good DX.Cheers for now, this has been Peter VK4EA on behalf of theWIA board.NOT ONLY BUT ALSOHi this is Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY.I was appointed to WIA Board back in May 2022 at the WIA AGM.For those that dont know me, a little bit about me.Currently I am a Communications/Telecommunications Consultant withover forty years experience having worked in almost all aspects ofCommunications with Australia and overseas.I have been licenced for over 40 years, first obtaining my New Zealandtechnician licence ZL2TZV before immigrating to Australia in 1979 andupgrading to a AOCP in 1981 having passed the Morse Code requirementat the time.I am a keen DXer both in the chase and being active on numerousDXpeditions and IOTA activations. Still chasing that illusive P5 tohave worked all the current countries. DXing is not my only interestin Amateur Radio. Contesting is also a major interest of mine and itsone that I believe will promote Amateur Radio to younger prospectswithin the community. It was during the John Moyle Memorial Field Daythat I introduced Amateur Radio and contesting to my sons Nik andNorman. They are both now Advanced licensees.Further interests are in VHF/UHF (I can go on all modes up to 23cm)I am currently the Trustee of the AUS REPEATER NET a C4FM SystemFusion repeater network which is located on WiresX Room #24160.In addition, I am also hosting a repeater in Melbourne forPhilippine Link.Why have I chosen to go onto the Board of the Wireless Institute ofAustralia? and that would be a good question to ask me. Its simplereally, this hobby has given me a wealth of enjoyment and some sadmoments most of my entire life. Hence, I want to give back what Ihave enjoyed and hence with my experiences I am sure I will be ableto assist in promoting Amateur Radio in Australia, so that we canattract additional new operators to and in turn additional members tothe Wireless Institute of Australia.I hope that I can bring new and/or additional fresh ideas to furtherenhance the membership. Simple things like having a fully functioningAmateur Radio Station at the Wireless Institute of AustraliaHeadquarters for members, prospective members and promote this tonew prospective Amateur Radio Operators.Next week in drop zone one WIA Director Steve VK2TSG will bring usup todate with the goings on at the WIA Board table -------------------------------------------------------------*INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, RAC,Southgate AR Club, ARRL, NZART, eHam, AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE& the World Wide sources of the WIA.REGION ONEAsteroid Day is the United Nations-sanctioned day of public awarenessof the risks of asteroid impacts, held annually on 30 June.Just in time for the 2022 worldwide Asteroid Day, a threateningspace rock that had lingered at the top of risk lists around theglobe for months -- with a real chance of impacting Earth in 2052has been deemed not to be a threat.ESA's asteroid team, working with experts at the European SouthernObservatory, have officially removed '2021 QM1' from their asteroidrisk list. After skilled observations and analysis of the faintestasteroid ever observed, the asteroid, which was discovered in Augustof 2021, was calculated to be a "near miss".The Spanish Amateur Radio Union (URE) in Galicia, Spain has organizedan event to commemorate the 2022 jubilee of The Way of Saint Jameswith amateur radio.Diploma Xacobeo 2021 - 2022, "Galicia for the world", will take placeJuly 18 - 25 and is a 1,500 kilometre walk along coastlines andthrough 10 public routes of landscapes and legends with Hostels onthe Camino de Santiago in Galicia. There will be 10 special eventstations along the routes from July 18 - 25 and a "diploma"will be issued for making all 10 contacts.On July 25, special event station A 02022 XAC will be activatedand a separate diploma will be issued for contact with that station.For additional information visit
galiciaxacobeo2022@ure.esRADIO EXPO RETURNS TO FRIEDRICHSHAFENIn Europe, Ham Radio Expo made a triumphant return and Newsline'sEd Durrant DD5LP was there." All were eager to get back to the "Neue Messe" in Friedrichshafenon Lake Constance in the south of Germany.Turnout was expected to be around 10,000 compared to just under 14,000in 2019. After the effects of the pandemic and with the currentinflation levels this is not a bad showing. While the main hall seemed alittle less full than normal due to the stands of Kenwood and Yaesu notbeing there along with the large WIMO retailer, the flea market in itstwo Zeppelin-sized halls was fuller than in 2019.Talking with dealers and manufacturers, I learned they were all glad tohave, it seems, come through the pandemic. Several, however, said itwas close and another lockdown would have meant the end of theirbusinesses. Many are worried about parts supply and while most havestockpiled components, their stock is dwindling.Talking with the national societies and the IARU, I learned there isconcern on how we will keep our band allocations especially in themicrowave frequencies and a need is seen to have the hobby change and beopen to new technologies and possibilities to attract more people.There were positive notes too: The Austrian national society'spresident, Michael Zwingl, OE3MZC, was very enthusiastic over severalnew projects.An institute will be a platform for hams, makers and professionals towork together on new technology projects in Austria.WRAN, will supply a way for access from 6 metres, 2 metres and 70centimetres into the Europe-wide HamNet, which is a 2.4 and 5 GHz hamradio high-speed RF data network.A Lora-based network linking low power IOT devices using the QO-100satellite will enable data communications between devices across a thirdof the world's surface.Overall there was a very positive feel at HAM RADIO 2022 and as thisyear's motto said, it was indeed "A reunion with friends."For Amateur Radio NewsLine I'm Ed DD5LP."REGION TWOARRL FIELD DAY A MIGHTY SUCCESSAt the beginning of this month a total of over 517,000 contacts werereported for the event and those numbers are changing daily.In 2021, there were 1.5 million contacts made during Field Dayactivities.Southern California Exercise Tests Win link Global Radio EmailFor 2 days back in mid-June, over 100 amateur radio operators werejoined by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), local andcounty law enforcement agencies, and the EmComm Training Organization(ETO) for participation in a functional earthquake exercise insouthern California, known as SoCal Shifting 2022.The goal of the exercise, was to test the operational capability andreadiness of the WinLink Global Radio Email system using amateurradio frequencies.Oliver Dully, K6OLI, District Emergency Coordinator of the AmateurRadio Emergency Service Los Angeles Northeast District, said theexercise came together quickly over 5 days, with the help of theLos Angeles County Sheriff's Department Disaster CommunicationsService, the San Diego ARES, and the Ventura County ARES.K6OLI said, "Amateur operators routinely hold weekly tests but needto be network-aware and used to the battle rhythm during emergenciesto move traffic in a timely manner."REGION THREETribute to Zorro, JH1AJT3 D 2 AJT is the special callsign that Dom, 3D2USU will be usingfor one month from Nadi in the Fiji Islands in memory of the lateYasuo Zorro Miyazawa, JH1AJT.Activity will end on 27 July, which would have marked Zorros73rd birthday.Zorro was also known for his DXpeditions and charitable work onbehalf of children in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Japan and elsewhere.The special event operators will be on the air using CW, SSB, FT4and FT8.QSL via Club Logs OQRS.You can read more about 3 D 2 AJT on qrz.com
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