so what will they do?
Don't know, don't care. When they lose enough members, they'll do something.
Like cut more benefits?? (hi hi).
I'm a Life Member, getting the electronic QST (I read maybe 5% of it),
and the only thing I do with them is submit exam results to the VEC. I keep wondering if their exam fee will go up in 2024...and if the FCC will raise
the fee for new and renewed licenses and vanity callsign fees. In some
parts of the world, the fee for the license term is in the hundreds of
dollars, so $35 is a bargain for the 10 year term. At one time, there
was supposedly an NPRM that would've required those applying for a vanity callsign to keep it for the full 10 year term...yet I never heard anything
else on that.
I used to be an ARRL Official Bulletin Station (OBS) years ago, but had
to drop my membership for a time due to finances. That OBS appointment was done away with several years ago. If they consider what little I do with
them as not being "radio-active" (never mind I'm doing nets on a daily and
a nightly basis), then so be it. I'm a Life Member of Courage Kenny Handi-Hams, but do very little with them anymore. I'm also a Life Member
of the PCARS Club in Ravenna, Ohio...checking into their net via Echolink
when I can. They have a great newsletter, "The Radiogram", done by Tom
(Parky) Parkinson, KB8UUZ.
Back to ARRL, maybe OBS stands for "Official Bull $*****r"...but when
I said that at work years ago, a female co-worker said "Cows do, too...but, they don't brag about it!!" (hi hi). One ARRL Division Director said "I
don't agree with everything they do"...and I'm sure many will agree with
that sentiment, especially in regards to the dues increase.
I do far more with the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) than
with ARRL; not to mention their dues (regular and life) is at least HALF
of what ARRL is charging. Someone said that the $10 increase per year is
the price of 2 connectors. Considering there's not a hamfest in Little
Rock anymore, I have no way to verify that...never mind I don't waste
my time shopping for stuff like that.
Hams are "strange folks"...I've seen them lay down $100 or more at a
big hamfest (Huntsville, Hamcation, Hamvention, etc.) for a "brick" of
250 prize tickets. Admittedly, if you win the grand prize, you more than
got your money back...especially if someone offers to buy the rig off
you. These same hams will also pay the hotel rate of over $150 a night
in many cases, then the food and travel expenses. Yet, when it comes to organization or club dues (no matter what the hobby), they scream bloody murder.
You and I know that being disabled is a mixed blessing, especially
with a fixed income. My health as well as finances won't let me travel anymore...never mind buying RF gear. Things like bills for medications,
food, utilities, medical issues, are far more important than dues. One
of my other hobbies, square dancing, my local club has me on "medical
leave", since I no longer drive or have a car, due to vision issues.
While I'm not in any danger of going blind, I do have dry corneas and
suspect glaucoma. I don't have the car expenses anymore, but others
quickly took the place of that. Yet, they let me work in the background
as Club Reporter and Editor, Webmaster, and Circulation Chairman for the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation. However, the
vision issues limit my time at the computer, and with the BBS. In fact,
I'm going to put drops in, and lie back down, after I finish this REP
Basically, I say "Let THOSE who HAVE the extra money, PAY the extra
dues, etc.". The same applies to areas voting for tax increases. But,
it also boils down to spending priorities. Admittedly, I like to order
out via GrubHub or Slim Chickens once a month (for a change of pace)...
but that has had to wait, because of other bills right now. At least I
was able to convert the unused Amtrak Guest Rewards points for Amazon
Gift Cards ($475 worth), to get a large amount of Hormel Compleats,
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Microwave cups, and Grandma's Cookies. I may
not need food again until October. I did order a few other items, but
the food was the brunt of the order. My total cost was only $35.
Plus, I've had to cut going to the Post Office Box via Lyft to once
a comes due in August, and I'm debating on letting that go.
I had gotten that, as folks were stealing stuff out of the mailbox at
the house. While it'd save me money not having it, the convenience of
mail there is worth it. At least they offer the payment option of 6 or
12 months...but you can only renew it 30 days prior to expiration.
Back to ham radio...while one doesn't have to be a QCWA Member to
checkin to ANY of their nets, if they were first licensed anytime in
1998 or earlier (as of 2023), and they're currently licensed, they
qualify for membership -- details are at
I'm also a member of QCWA Sunflower Chapter (79) in Wichita, Kansas...
and QCWA Arklatex Chapter (85) in Shreveport, Louisiana...doing nets for
both of I do the QCWA CQ100 VoIP Net on Friday morning. The
latter has no RF, but if one has medical issues (pacemaker), or living
with HOA's or CC&R's, it still lets them be part of the hobby. And, you
can do it on dial-up, DSL, or broadband internet.
First time users get a 30 day free trial, usage is free from 0000 to
2359 UTC on Sunday, and it's $39 a year otherwise. Paid users get the
QSO-TV add-on (a quasi-ATV setup) to send images...helpful if a station
got their sound setting skewed (forgot to unmute, or Windows stole the setting). And, there are at least a dozen nets on there during the week.
It simulates operation in a virtual ionosphere for ham radio, on 80, 40,
20, 15, and 10 meters. I've done both voice and PSK31 with Digipan on it.
The author is working on a web browser app for it...right now, you
have to be running Windows to use it.
Daryl, WX4QZ
... What happens to an 18 hour bra after 18 hours??
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