The Great Cyberwar Has Just Begun: You Need to Protect Yourself
"Josh Hendrickson @canterrain (twitter)
"Mar 26, 2022, 9:00 am EDT | 11 min read
Right now, more than ever, you need to secure all your online
accounts. It's long past time to embrace two-factor
authentication, stop reusing passwords, and make your online
presence hacker-resistant. Because sooner or later, the brewing
cyberwar will come for you.
While it's true that hacking and compromising personal accounts
have been a scourge of the internet for years, if not decades,
what we're starting to see dwarfs the threats we've lived
through so far. Putting politics aside, the ongoing events in
Russia and Ukraine sparked the catalyst for a mass cyber
attack. And the response from other countries will likely only
exacerbate that fact.
MORE: begun-you-need-to-protect-yourself/
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