Sean Dennis wrote to All <=-
It was so nice outside I fell asleep in one of my patio chairs on my porch.
It was so nice outside I fell asleep in one of my patio chairs on my porch.
I am sorry for not being more attentive here as I have been dealing
with idiots over in Fidonet again. Same idiots, different echo.
It's looking like it's going to be a nice spring at HQ.
It was so nice outside I fell asleep in one of my patio chairs on my porch.
Sean Dennis wrote to All <=-
I am sorry for not being more attentive here as I have been dealing
with idiots over in Fidonet again. Same idiots, different echo.
It's looking like it's going to be a nice spring at HQ.
It was so nice outside I fell asleep in one of my patio chairs on my porch.
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
It was so nice outside I fell asleep in one of my patio chairs on my porch.
It was nearly 80F here yesterday, breezy and dry. Very nice.
As with amateur radio, BBSing and Micronet (Fidonet, et al.) are just hobbies and real life takes precedence. Enjoy a good nap when you can.
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
It was so nice outside I fell asleep in one of my patio chairs on my porch.
It was nearly 80F here yesterday, breezy and dry. Very nice.
that's high winds for ya.
i get another snowstorm tonight.
It was nearly 80F here yesterday, breezy and dry. Very nice.
We are expected to have lows in the teens by Friday, and possibly some snow by Saturday. But, so far, they have not used the word "storm," so that is good.
It was nearly 80F here yesterday, breezy and dry. Very nice.
that's high winds for ya.
i get another snowstorm tonight.
We are expected to have lows in the teens by Friday, and possibly some snow by Saturday. But, so far, they have not used the word "storm," so that is good.
i'm sick of the news making everything a snowpacolypse.
we barely got anything.
i'm sick of the news making everything a snowpacolypse.
we barely got anything.
The last time they predicted an icepocolypse here, one of the reporters in
a nearby city kept claiming that the thermometer reading in my town had to be wrong and it was certainly freezing raining here. He was wrong.
Although some places nearby did get some ice, the horror they predicted never happened.
I guess I will find out in the morning whether or not this latest pocolypse brings us 4+ inches of snow. :)
I guess I will find out in the morning whether or not this latest pocolypse brings us 4+ inches of snow. :)
health, job, or especially honey-do's. Otherwise, that new ham radio
rig, or BBS computer is going back to the candy store (hi hi).
Besides, frequent naps prevent old age...especially if taken while driving (hi hi).
... Newspaper Headline: "New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group."
After I posted this, I turned on the TV. The local weather channel happened to be what it was tuned to. While it is nearly 60F and Sunny here, the radar is showing light snow showers less than 100 miles northwest of here. :O
BTW, The Sierras is a GREAT place for Ham repeaters. Ours is just 37
miles northeast of the house at 7500 feet elevation with Internet
service via microwave links. VHF and UHF coverage for 200 miles along
I-5 and CA-99.
Visalia, CA DM06ii
After I posted this, I turned on the TV. The local weather channel happened to be what it was tuned to. While it is nearly 60F and Sunny here, the radar is showing light snow showers less than 100 miles northwest of here. :O
This can happen quite often here in Visalia, California. The elevation in Visa
a is about 300 ft above sea level, while Mount Whitney, just under 60 miles (9
km) east-northeast from here is at 14,505 feet. We can have 60F and rain and j
t 30 miles east have snow. Of course I am talking about the Sierra Nevada.
Totally unreleated:
BTW, The Sierras is a GREAT place for Ham repeaters. Ours is just 37 miles nor
east of the house at 7500 feet elevation with Internet service via microwave l
ks. VHF and UHF coverage for 200 miles along I-5 and CA-99.
If I don't get some money coming in from State Disability or getting
back to my job hauling equipment, they may just have to go back to the store, or sell them locally. I've been dealing with sciatica on my
right side. I've been going to physical therapy twice a week for
several weels and am getting a lot better.
I cancelled my pain management appointment for today as the pain is
mostly gone and I couldn't really pay the $75 co-pay and the 80 mile
round trip with gas over $5.00 a gallon here in the San Joaquin Valley.
I found it for $4.999 today using a gas card. The credit price was
$5.09 and some places $5.60 per gallon. In So-Cal, I've seen pictures
with gas over $7.00. A few weeks ago, there was a couple stations advertising $3.659.
Well, my age is catching up with me. I think I can do something, but my body says "No, you can't!" Last week, I inched ever closer to that 6th decade mark. My dad is now an octogenarian. My grandmothers passed at
95 and 94 plus one day a few months apart back in 2016. I'm hoping that
is a good sign, but God only knows.
Well, with the inability to get around without pain for nearly two
months, it is going to take a bit to get to where I won't be eligable
for the above test group...
I turn 62 next week...but I'm too old to cut the mustard, yet I can still stir the mayonnaise, and lick the jar. So, pass the BLT, onion rings, and Dr. Pepper...and no one gets hurt (hi hi).
JAS HUD wrote to DARYL STOUT <=-
you're just 62? you have been talking like you're in your 80s for over
a decade. --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
I am hoping to get an ICOM IC-7610 with Social Security backpay and
set it up here if the RFI isn't too bad...but I have a feeling I will
tuck the 7610 away and do more mountain topping. My parents would
allow me to set it up at their place in Limestone but their very bad
DSL line wouldn't handle the Internet load of a remote setup.
Totally unreleated:
BTW, The Sierras is a GREAT place for Ham repeaters. Ours is just 37
miles nor east of the house at 7500 feet elevation with Internet
service via microwave l ks. VHF and UHF coverage for 200 miles along
I-5 and CA-99.
That is good to hear. I am not a HAM but know a lot of folks in BBS
world are, and I am always glad to hear they are still able to
practice their hobby. Before the move to digital TV, there was a
station in nearby West Virginia that got incredible coverage and I
suspect they used the elevation in their area to their advantage.
Ray Quinn wrote to Mike Powell <=-
This can happen quite often here in Visalia, California. The elevation
in Visalia is about 300 ft above sea level, while Mount Whitney, just under 60 miles (95 km) east-northeast from here is at 14,505 feet. We
can have 60F and rain and just 30 miles east have snow. Of course I am talking about the Sierra Nevada.
Totally unreleated:
BTW, The Sierras is a GREAT place for Ham repeaters. Ours is just 37
miles northeast of the house at 7500 feet elevation with Internet
service via microwave links. VHF and UHF coverage for 200 miles along
I-5 and CA-99.
I see my cardiologist on Monday...I'm sure he's going to chew me out
for my weight.
With my heart condition, I don't have any RF gear. I operate
"internet radio", but at least my license isn't just a sheet of paper. Last night, in using the ThumbDV from Northwest Digital Radio with the BlueDV program from PA7LIM, I was having a terrible time receiving
signals (it was all garbled and R2D2 on D-Star)...but they said my
signal was OK. I have a spare ThumbDV, so I might swap that out. But, beforehand, the computer couldn't find the comport for, I had
to reboot...and was late starting early checkins for the Trains Net.
With all the issues last night, I was "running the yellow boards".
Yet, with degenerative disk disease in my back and spine, it's very
hard to be at the computer for long periods of time. Nature, a
nightmare, and insomnia, woke me around, I decided to
just update the weather data on the BBS, and answer QWK Mail, before
"the buttcrack of dawn". I have to conduct a ham radio license exam session later this morning...a father and his son are going for their Technician license.
I cancelled my pain management appointment for today as the pain
is mostly gone and I couldn't really pay the $75 co-pay and the
80 mile round trip with gas over $5.00 a gallon here in the San
Joaquin Valley. I found it for $4.999 today using a gas card. The
credit price was $5.09 and some places $5.60 per gallon. In
So-Cal, I've seen pictures with gas over $7.00. A few weeks ago,
there was a couple stations advertising $3.659.
Midgrade gas here (Little Rock, Arkansas) is $4.60 a gallon...over
$3.25 more than it was 3 years ago. Yet, the greedy politicians in Washington, DC and elsewhere "don't have to worry about that". They
have no clue on what it's like for their constituents. The concept of "term limits" will NEVER see the light of day in Congress.
I turn 62 next week...but I'm too old to cut the mustard, yet I can still stir the mayonnaise, and lick the jar. So, pass the BLT, onion rings, and Dr. Pepper...and no one gets hurt (hi hi).
I see my cardiologist on Monday...I'm sure he's going to chew me out
for my weight.
Ray Quinn wrote to Mike Powell <=-
This can happen quite often here in Visalia, California. The
elevation in Visalia is about 300 ft above sea level, while Mount
Whitney, just under 60 miles (95 km) east-northeast from here is
at 14,505 feet. We can have 60F and rain and just 30 miles east
have snow. Of course I am talking about the Sierra Nevada.
I made it to the top of Mt. Whitney in 1996. Great cell phone
coverage! :)
you're just 62? you have been talking like you're in your 80s for over
a decade.
you're just 62? you have been talking like you're in your 80s for over
a decade. --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
Several of us FEEL like we are in our 80s I am sure!
Good luck with that. My weight has gone up at least 25 pounds as I was
not able to do anything and my physical therapist said not to ride the stationary bike we have. I can now, but the motivation just isn't
One last thing: I have been trying to send you netmail with a question regarding the Radio Weather Net but cannot connect. Can you poll my
system to retrieve the message? The information is current in the
nodelist for 1:214/22 (or 1:214/0). Of course, you could also poll my Micronet address as long as you present all AKA's. It is the same as
below without the point.
The QWK System (Mojo's BBS) and FTN System (Kris Jones' BBS), both shut down a good while back...and the network went QRT with it.
you're just 62? you have been talking like you're in your 80s for over a decade.
I feel a lot older, believe me...and they keep finding stuff wrong with me.
... Bowlers do it with 16 pound balls.
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
I am with Jad here. You sound a lot older than you are.
Age is prety much a state of the mind. I see a lot of people who is pshysically trashed but has the mentality of a 20 years old. Then there is a lot of people n their
50s who has small aches and has the mentality of grandpas in their 90s.
I don't know what the key is, but it is there.
If I have the choice, I want to be like Christopher Lee when I grow up, and die recording Heavy Metal albums in my 90s.
The QWK System (Mojo's BBS) and FTN System (Kris Jones' BBS), both shut down a good while back...and the network went QRT with it.
down a good while back...and the network went QRT with it.
Which network is that again?
it's good to see that kris jones is gone.
that guy was crazy.
I am with Jad here. You sound a lot older than you are.
Age is prety much a state of the mind. I see a lot of people who is pshysically trashed but has the mentality of a 20 years old. Then there
is a lot of people n their 50s who has small aches and has the
mentality of grandpas in their 90s.
If I have the choice, I want to be like Christopher Lee when I grow up,
and die recording Heavy Metal albums in my 90s.
The QWK System (Mojo's BBS) and FTN System (Kris Jones' BBS), both shut down a good while back...and the network went QRT with it.
Which network is that again?
wasnt that gatornet
DARYL STOUT wrote to JAS HUD <=-
Gert has GatorNet now. The network that shut down was RadioWxNet
or RadioWeatherNet. It basically had amateur radio and weather
related topics.
I'll save the trouble here...this is the Readers Digest version.
The QWK System (Mojo's BBS) and FTN System (Kris Jones' BBS), both
shut down a good while back...and the network went QRT with it.
I was wondering what happened. I liked the weather and radio aspect of that network. If I had known, I might have kept it going, if there was still interest.
73 de W6RAY Ray Quinn
Visalia, CA DM06ii
Ham Shack Hotline 4655
* Origin: Ham Radio operators do it with frequency! (618:300/18.23)
With all my health issues of late (I just got back out of the
hospital), I can't run a network...but love to be part of one and contribute. The weather and ham radio are 2 of my interests, so that
was enjoyable.
H.A.M. - H)ave A)nother don't call us 'Late For Dinner'.
Sorry to hear about the hospital visit. I have been back at work just over a week but I am still struggling with the back pain. I will likely have to deal with it the rest of my life. Due to the pain, I haven't been able to do much of anything and now that I am movong around again, I am quite sore.
Sorry to hear about the hospital visit. I have been back at work just
over a week but I am still struggling with the back pain. I will likely have to deal with it the rest of my life. Due to the pain, I haven't
been able to do much of anything and now that I am movong around again,
I am quite sore.
H.A.M. - H)ave A)nother don't call us 'Late For Dinner'.
I like that one. Just remember "Don't poke the bear. Especially if he hasn't eaten."
try using an inversion table. it ended my back pain.
Ray Quinn wrote to Jas Hud <=-
It would likely be stored right next to the mostly unused exercise bicycle...
Ray Quinn wrote to Jas Hud <=-
It would likely be stored right next to the mostly unused
exercise bicycle...
You can use the handlebars to air-dry your laundry.
Ray Quinn wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
Actually, we just bought a brand new dryer as our old one (15+ years
old) finally bit the dust and literaly wore out - the drum wore through the frame around the door and was tearing up the laundry. The new one
is quiet and works well...
old) finally bit the dust and literaly wore out - the drum wore through the frame around the door and was tearing up the laundry. The new one is quiet and works well...
I used to hate new washers/dryers - we have one at our cabin that's agitator-less, and it takes 40 minutes to fill.
I bought a new kit for my house, and it takes less time to sense - and when it's running, uses just enough water to cover the clothes. It's helped with my water bill, and it's amazing at getting stains out.
Jas Hud wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
what do you mean kit?
the older stuff works great and they're easy to fix.
That's one thing I'll miss - cheap parts and simple repairs. Open up an older washer/dryer and they're pretty simple - and parts are available next day from most parts dealers or Amazon.
if you have a washer or dryer and it's new and a board goes out, you are pretty much going to buy a new one if you are past your warranty.
From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
Re: Re: What a day
By: Jas Hud to Kurt Weiske on Tue Apr 12 2022 04:39 pm
if you have a washer or dryer and it's new and a board goes out, you are pretty much going to buy a new one if you are past your warranty.
Okay, no joke, but my wife mentioned something to me six years ago that rings true. "Brian, we need new windshield wiper blades. Probably should just go out and buy a new car." So, we did. :|
Three weeks ago, wife said something similar. Bought a new truck.
Three weeks ago, wife said something similar. Bought a new truck.
just go to autozone and have them install them for you if you don't know how.
Seven weeks later her father died.
Ray Quinn wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
Actually, we just bought a brand new dryer as our old one (15+
years old) finally bit the dust and literaly wore out - the drum
wore through the frame around the door and was tearing up the
laundry. The new one is quiet and works well...
I used to hate new washers/dryers - we have one at our cabin that's agitator-less, and it takes 40 minutes to fill.
I bought a new kit for my house, and it takes less time to sense - and when it's running, uses just enough water to cover the clothes. It's helped with my water bill, and it's amazing at getting stains out.
Seven weeks later her father died.
Ouch. :(
Ray Quinn wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
For years, we were on a flat-rate type service. Then they went to a metered service and the bills went way down. They realized that most people were using quite a bit less than they were previously billed.
Ray Quinn wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
For years, we were on a flat-rate type service. Then they went to
a metered service and the bills went way down. They realized that
most people were using quite a bit less than they were previously
My family has a cabin in near Donner Summit. The community has had
flat rate billing for years - no meters. Our 1000 square foot cabin
built in the 1780s gets billed the same as the 4000 square foot McMansionCabin with the Sacramento family that comes and washes their trucks when they're up there.
They're going to get a rude awakening when they start billing.
I have been keeping our lawn, er, weeds cut after being on disability for two months. It was a bit disheartening watching my 80 year-old dad mowing it because I couldn't - twice.
We've thought about landscaping with drought-resistant plants or grass, or just some kind of rocks. But the house and shed needs painting worse.
Re: What a day
By: Ray Quinn to Kurt Weiske on Fri Apr 15 2022 08:09 pm
I have been keeping our lawn, er, weeds cut after being on disability fo two months. It was a bit disheartening watching my 80 year-old dad mowin it because I couldn't - twice.
Sorry to hear that -- hope you're on the mend...
Re: What a day
By: Ray Quinn to Kurt Weiske on Fri Apr 15 2022 08:09 pm
I have been keeping our lawn, er, weeds cut after being on
disability for two months. It was a bit disheartening watching my
80 year-old dad mowing it because I couldn't - twice.
Sorry to hear that -- hope you're on the mend...
Re: What a day
By: Ray Quinn to Kurt Weiske on Fri Apr 15 2022 08:09 pm
We've thought about landscaping with drought-resistant plants or
grass, or just some kind of rocks. But the house and shed needs
painting worse.
It seems like every community has a place where you can get cheap succulents, they're some of the only plants we can't kill.
It's amazing what a powerwasher and a coat of paint can do to brighten
up a home.
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