• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 1615

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 14 20:16:21 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 142016
    SPC MCD 142015=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 1615
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0315 PM CDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Areas affected...Parts of IA...northern IL...southern WI

    Concerning...Severe potential...Watch likely=20

    Valid 142015Z - 142145Z

    Probability of Watch Issuance...80 percent

    SUMMARY...Strong to severe storm development is expected later this
    afternoon into the evening. Eventual watch issuance is likely.

    DISCUSSION...Rather strong heating/destabilization is underway
    across much of IA this afternoon, while recovery in the wake of
    morning convection/outflow is ongoing across northern IL. Meanwhile,
    the remnant MCV from last night's severe MCS over the Dakotas is
    currently moving across northern IA. As MLCINH continues to erode
    across northern/eastern IA and MLCAPE increases above 3000 J/kg, the
    MCV may aid in scattered thunderstorm development later this
    afternoon. Midlevel flow is not particularly strong across the
    region, but sufficient to support effective shear of 25-35 kt and
    potential for some storm organization.=20

    Initial discrete development could evolve into a supercell or two,
    with a threat of hail, locally damaging wind, and possibly a
    tornado. In conjunction with the MCV, a persistent 20-30 kt
    southwesterly low-level jet could encourage relatively quick
    clustering and upscale growth, with some potential for an MCS to
    develop and move eastward across northern IL and southern WI this
    evening, with a continued severe-wind threat.=20=20

    Farther northwest, in the wake of the MCV, cumulus is deepening
    along a weak surface boundary across northwest IA. While this area
    is in the immediate wake of the MCV, strong buoyancy and sufficient
    deep-layer shear would support severe-thunderstorm potential in this
    area as well, if storms can mature.=20

    While favored timing and area remain somewhat uncertain, watch
    issuance will become increasingly likely if storm initiation appears
    imminent across the region.

    ..Dean/Hart.. 07/14/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!5N6ZbERsZcvZFzsvg8SutBOcogCdWgcop5bMQ2fTeXcSZqxnys0TxOfrcamoBCPNfRY1MTCFK= JWws7dB78GA2m6_kYk$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 41389383 41709465 42059481 42449490 42889500 43119456
    43259293 43209113 43169047 43068900 42938781 41838741
    41238742 40888855 40838996 40879116 40969178 41019259

    =3D =3D =3D
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