• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 1326

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 18 22:26:09 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 182225
    SPC MCD 182225=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 1326
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0525 PM CDT Tue Jun 18 2024

    Areas affected...Parts of the OK/TX Panhandles

    Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible=20

    Valid 182225Z - 190030Z

    Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent

    SUMMARY...Strong to severe storms are possible by early evening.

    DISCUSSION...Convection continues to backbuild late this afternoon
    along a cold front across southwest KS, with increasing cumulus
    noted into parts of the central OK Panhandle. With time, deep
    convection could develop into the OK and northern TX Panhandles,
    within a very warm, well-mixed, and moderate to strongly unstable
    environment. Deep-layer shear is rather marginal across the region
    (generally 20-30 kt), but a few stronger multicells and perhaps a
    marginal supercell could develop with time, with a threat of hail
    and severe gusts. A brief landspout will also be possible near the front/dryline intersection across the central OK Panhandle.=20

    Farther south, uncertainty increases regarding the coverage of storm development into early evening across parts of the central/southern
    TX Panhandle. However, a subtle southern-stream shortwave trough
    could aid in development of a couple stronger storms capable of hail
    and isolated severe gusts.=20

    Watch issuance is possible if observational trends begin to support
    the potential for multiple severe storms across the region into this

    ..Dean/Edwards.. 06/18/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!7hKJKkh8AL-ZwOtDeHcgXxvjIvNWy69739ADLTv3ECwGFPTOzjcQBszHuV_WgVaQH1XpbkZUs= O3jL9e2EbSelBaibKw$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 35650281 36910194 36920076 36530062 35910072 34850110
    34460149 34410174 34330315 35650281=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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