* Originally in: HomeCookin
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Chile Crisp Fettuccine Alfredo w/Spinach
Categories: Pasta, Chilies, Dairy, Cheese
Yield: 6 servings
4 tb Butter
2 tb Chile crisp; more to taste *
1 c Heavy cream
1 lb Dried fettuccine
5 oz Bag baby spinach
3/4 c Fine grated Parmesan; more
- to serve
* separpate recipe or store bought
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
While the water heats, melt the butter with the chile
crisp in a very large skillet or Dutch oven over low
heat. Whisk in the cream and keep warm over low. (It
should steam, not bubble.)
Cook the fettuccine until al dente according to the
package directions. Use tongs to transfer the noodles to
the cream mixture, reserving the pasta water. Add the
spinach and turn with tongs until the noodles are well
Add the Parmesan and toss, still over low heat, until
the noodles are slicked with a creamy sauce, adding a
spoonful or two of pasta water if needed to loosen the
sauce. Divide among serving dishes and top with Parmesan
and more chile crisp, if yourCOd like. Serve immediately.
By: Genevieve Ko
Yield: 6 servings
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