I never had any doubt that Trump wouldn't win. I'm on record saying as much. "This is the biggest comeback in political history" - Piers Morgan
The non-stop attacks from the fake news media were so bad and over the top. Attack after attack, even calling him as a threat to Democracy this happened more and more when they realized that keeping bogged down in court was not as effective as they had hoped for. The weak and shallow efforts of Jack Smith. The left even referred to Trump him as Hitler as even calling Trump a Fascist. Two assassination attempts. Still he pulled through - It was a bloodbath.
How one man can endure so much. He has proven his place in history not to mention he has my complete admiration and respect.
Get Ready for a Golden Age of America.
The Best is yet to come.
.≈______ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌─────────┐ ╔═════════╗ ┌───────────────┐
_[]_││──││ │Fidonet│ │ FSX! │ │ Files │ ║T R U M P║ │Another Message│
{ NET 267 │ │Troy,NY│ │Network│ │Doorgames│ ║ 2 0 2 4 ║ │ by Gregory │
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... Still waitng for that Coffee :)
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