Study Looks At What Motivates Trump Supporters
Media : Six minute audio (from the soft spoken idiots at NPR)
Subject: My commentary and analysis on dissecting stupid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These people are so delusional as they speak about Donald Trump's voter base and what motivated them within a dataset from the American Political Science Review which also leans left. No Surprise there.
Within this discussion the primary focus is on the word ANIMUS as it is the primary focal point within this conversation. It is mentioned it was animus against "democratic linked" African-Americans and Muslims..
Did you catch it? It flowed so easily from her lips as if it was normal, but I did pick up on this instantly as I was alerted to it.
(must be all those years listening to Rush Limbaugh) (Talent on loan from God)
The bias is of course why refer to African-Americans and Muslims as democratic-linked? Many are sure, but not all and many still will never take marching orders from Biden who has said "If you have a problem voting for me or Trump, then your not Black." Reading between the lines they are not only suggesting that there was animosity but contempt too, although it was not mentioned of but the unspoken word of "contempt" was bluntly obvious.
As I said before Conservatives do not classify or put any one person into a group or even types of people. Individualism is unique as snowlfakes, meaning everyone is different. We provide a positive, upbeat mindset in hopes that everyone will reach their peak of whatever their god-given talents are in life.
The notion that there is animosity that is solely directed at African-Americans for simply being African-Americans is beyond retarded.
Yes I wish there is more consideration on bettering themselves and escaping whatever it is holding them in poverty, but this does not mean whatsoever that there is any animosity for them or for anyone.
To have such a view is detrimental to a society getting along to get along, it is also counter-intutive way of thinking perhaps this is why there such a divide in this nation of The United States of America. If only liberals could remain silent, there would be more prosperity for everyone. The lies that they tell and it would appear the fake news stories have a life expectancy of three months until it dies off as the real truth surfaces. These people remain at a low simmer and are still mad as a cat on a hot tin roof, then they get heated again like hot water on a stove at full boil. Logic and Facts dominate and quell this babble back to a low simmer once again.
This story says nothing about the many millions of African Americans and Muslims alike that were and still (very much so) Trump Supporters.
Heaven forbid if they mention this. It is deep dive into these mega_educated persons within this six minute audio who get it horribly wrong right from the very start, they are completely off the rails.
Their education was obviously a complete waste of money and time.
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... Still waitng for that Coffee :)
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