10/26 Nat Pasta Day - 3
Dave Drum@1:275/100 to
All on Mon Oct 24 16:33:00 2022
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Tirshi (Pumpkin Salad)
Categories: African, Squash, Salads, Citrus
Yield: 6 Servings
1 lb Pumpkin or calabasa, peeled
1/2 ts Paprika
2 cl Garlic; pressed
1/4 ts Ground cinnamon
3 tb Lemon juice
1/4 ts Salt
1 tb Corn oil
Cook the pumpkin/calabasa in water until soft but not mushy.
Drain well and mash coarsely with a fork.
Mix the paprika, garlic, cinnamon, lemon juice, salt, and
oil together, then mix with the pumpkin. Refrigerate.
Serve cold with cous cous or any other North African Food.
Makes 6 servings.
Recipe: "Sephardic Cooking" by Copeland Mark -- 600 Recipes
Created in Exotic Sephardic Kitchens from Morocco to India
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... I am of the generation that is not scared of saturated fat.
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