#1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.
#1: We only roast the ones we love
#1: The End (or is it?)
May the 4th be with you.
May the 5th be Cinco de Mayo.
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? A: Pilgrims
Daryl Stout wrote to George Pope <=-
May the 5th be Cinco de Mayo.
Cinco De Mayo...where an empty jar of mayonnaise is in the sink. <G>
Cinco De Mayo...where an empty jar of mayonnaise is in the sink. <G>
I thought it was the day that the big shipment of mayonnaise sunk on
the way to Mexico. They really liked mayo back then and decided to commemorate the day.
... You have PMS and a Handgun? I'll go quietly.....
Daryl Stout wrote to Dr. What <=-
Cinco De Mayo...where an empty jar of mayonnaise is in the sink. <G>
I thought it was the day that the big shipment of mayonnaise sunk on
the way to Mexico. They really liked mayo back then and decided to commemorate the day.
I guess the jars weren't water tight. Or it was a choice between
may or naise??
#1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fullyI set up the Today In History program to post "Today's Blooper", but
understand these rules, you are likely human.
they change out every day of the year. It's similar to data in the
various echoes that cover puns, Bible verses, weather history, QWK
Taglines, and random quotes.
#1: We only roast the ones we loveNever mind the joke about the Canadians in Hell....and this one location
in Michigan being warmer than the town of Hell...so "they're hotter than Hell". :P
... Political Season: Does that mean we can shoot them??
Cinco De Mayo...where an empty jar of mayonnaise is in the sink. <G>I guess the jars weren't water tight. Or it was a choice between
I thought it was the day that the big shipment of mayonnaise sunk on
the way to Mexico. They really liked mayo back then and decided to
commemorate the day.
may or naise??
I'm not sure why the French were even in Mexico in the first place; I
had thought the USA & Spain were at war to steal it from the natives?
I hate mayo -- too bland -- I only use Miracle Whip or the no-name
whipped salad dressing equivalent. . .
at McD's I have to ask for McChicken sauce instead of mayo to get
Miracle Whip type spread; at A&W it's "Teen Sauce"; no idea if Burger King has a Miracle Whip option. . . I rarely go there anyway -- only
when they have chicken nuggets 10/$2 (& these are not all-white meat like McD's ruined theirs); last time I bought 50 nuggets to bring home for the family to enjoy!
Q: What did the vegan say when they ate a plant based chicken nugget?
A: No harm because no fowl
Q: There were 30 students but only 28 chicken nuggets. How many kids didn╞t get any nuggets? A: Eight. Why? Because only twenty ate chicken nuggets.
Q: What's inside a chicken nugget?
A: Nug guts
My toddler asked me to give her chicken nuggets a checkup. After giving all the nuggets a medical exam I realized my toddler was asking for ketchup.
I'm not sure why the French were even in Mexico in the first place; INo telling. But every empire, etc. seems greedy for more territory.
had thought the USA & Spain were at war to steal it from the natives?
I hate mayo -- too bland -- I only use Miracle Whip or the no-nameI love the Miracle Whip commercials. This guy was talking to this woman
whipped salad dressing equivalent. . .
on the phone, as she was to come over for a visit. When he admitted "I'm
out of Miracle Whip"....<CLICK!>. <G>
My toddler asked me to give her chicken nuggets a checkup. After givingBest thing to dip those in.
all the nuggets a medical exam I realized my toddler was asking for
No telling. But every empire, etc. seems greedy for more territory.
Tru dat!
Kraft is doing a similar kind of thing for Kraft peanut butter -- Girl
has whirlwind romance with French man of her dreams -- he finally
brings her to his home, after a fancy wedding, & she asks, "Honey,
where is the Kraft peanut butter?" & he replies, "What is Kraft peanut butter" & the next scene has her on a plane alone, going back to
My wife & I hope she suffers loneliness for life & that no man will
find her worthy for a myriad of nitpicky reasons.
To end your dream marriage over such stupidity -- stupid ad.
No thanks -- I'm not a big fan of tomato spit.
Best dip I've found at McDs is Big Mac sauce (I started with Mozza
sauce at A&W when I worked there, & got hooked on the unique & less
sugary flavour combination); Mac sauce is close enough But they've recently come up with a habanero pepper dipping sauce that I like. . .
I don't do McD';s too often. Rarely I'll pop in & have a medium fry
with a dish of McChicken sauce(Miracle Whip) & a giant cup (biggest they'll give me) of ice water. . . (gotta dilute all the crud they add in); I order unsalted, so the fries come out hot & fresh, & actually
taste like fried potatoes, but there's still something going on, in
that their fries don't rot.
No telling. But every empire, etc. seems greedy for more territory.Like nymphomaniacs...never satisfied.
Tru dat!
Kraft is doing a similar kind of thing for Kraft peanut butter -- GirlLOL!! I was aware of Jif Peanut Butter, but not Kraft.
has whirlwind romance with French man of her dreams -- he finally
brings her to his home, after a fancy wedding, & she asks, "Honey,
where is the Kraft peanut butter?" & he replies, "What is Kraft peanut
butter" & the next scene has her on a plane alone, going back to
My wife & I hope she suffers loneliness for life & that no man willI have to wonder who these idiots are who create most of the commercials nowadays.
find her worthy for a myriad of nitpicky reasons.
To end your dream marriage over such stupidity -- stupid ad.Divorce is a vow tied with a slipknot. Folks who are wanting "a perfect marriage/relationship" in this life will never find it.
No thanks -- I'm not a big fan of tomato spit.The BBQ sauce I ordered from Slim Chickens burned the dickens out of
my lips and tongue, and I wasn't a fan out of the other dipping sauces
that they had. I went through a half gallon of Kool-Aid to cool the
That reminds me of the commercial with a weiner dog, saying "Oh,
antioxidants are good for me!! I thought you said anti-dachsunds". <G>
And, I saw a meme with a man and a dachshund at a tavern bar...with
a martini of sorts next to them (I guess the dacshunds' was a weenie
martini with toilet water. <G>). The man said "Bond. James Bond"...
and the doxie replied "Hund. Dachs Hund". <G>
cuisine. However, with cost, I only order out once a month. I can't
see or understand how my brother can afford to eat out every day.
IMO, McDonald's french fries are the best, compared to Burger King and Wendy's. For breakfast, I prefer the sausage egg McMuffin, with the hash browns...and the cheeseburgers for lunch.
Lyft Pink gets me a 5% discount on rides, priority pickup, and if I
have to cancel a ride (the vehicle was a pickup truck or SUV with such
high ground clearance, that is as tall as my groin, and I can't step
into it), they pick up the $5 cancellation fee (3 times a month), and
if I book a new ride within 10 minutes, they give me $5 off of that.
Was it Jif? If people can pronounce GIF as Jif, I guess I can pronounce Jif as Kraft *LOL*
[Groan warning; this is bad, even for me!] Q: What do you get when you
eat too much peanut butter? A: Reese╞s feces
I would like to share you this joke about peanut butter but I won't. Because you might spread it.
Way back I boycotted a brand of bottled iced tea because the ads
annoyed me so much. I doubt I made any difference, but I had to do my bit. .
It's all about being in love and making a mutual commitment (it's about the vows -- you make these solemn promises in front of friends, family
of both, AND God, to show how serious you're being.)
I'm with that Jewish radio therapist who says divorce is acceptable
only for the "3 As": Abuse, Abandonment, & Addiction. My argument in these cases is you are not breaking the marriage, you are merely acknowledging that the contract is broken already by the other, then getting on with your life.
Marriage between man & woman is not a true covenant in this world: it's just a contract held together by mutual commitment to vows. But if you aim higher, you achieve higher -- lots of young couples are today
looking to understand covenantal marriage, & I hope they do
understands it & it helps them hold together love for life.
My promise to my wife wasn't just to not leave & to not fool around, it was to do my part to keep us both satisfied with being married. Her,
too. . . :)
Kool-Aid is a bad response to hot peppers, as it's mainly water -- you want dairy -- ideal is buttermilk, followed drinkable yoghurt, then by whole milk, the milk of any kind.
Q: Why did the cowboy adopt a Dachshund? A: He wanted to get a long
little doggie
Q: You know what's best about owning both a dachshund and a
convertible? A: You can ride around topless with your wiener out.
The mother dachshund & her 11 pups were curled up on the electric
blanket. I mentioned to my wife: Looks like we have a 12-pack of hot
dogs on the bed.
Everybody prioritizes to suit themselves. I used to smoke so certainly
ate a lot unhealthier with what little money that left me for
groceries. . .
For breakfast, I used t get the egg McMuffin, no meat, substitute extra egg, & add slivered onion, leaf ;lettuce, & tomato - for a crunchy
veggie egg sandwich -- tasty & healthy.
I far prefer Tim Horton's for breakfast; I get: wrap containing:
Do you get both? The $5 dropped(thus the last ride's call-out never happened, plus another $5 off the new ride?) & then $5 off the next
ride, or it just gets transferred over & you pay the minimum pickup fee for the first?
I really thought becoming a Lyft driver would be worthwhile, But I have nothing to chauffeur it.
Contactless Delivery: is that when the OB/GYN puts the mother-to-be at
the end of the table, with a pillow below & tells her to push, while
he tries to use telekinesis to help her?
Was it Jif? If people can pronounce GIF as Jif, I guess I can pronounceActually, CompuServe created the GIF format...then things spun off from there.
Jif as Kraft *LOL*
[Groan warning; this is bad, even for me!] Q: What do you get when youIt's the same color. :P
eat too much peanut butter? A: Reese+s feces
I haven't had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a long time. Several
1) A guy is sitting on the exam table, with C-Clamps around his hips,
holding his butt cheeks together. The doctor notes "Patient is reluctant
to have his prostate checked".
2) A frail old man is on the table in the exam room, and the doctor
walks in, with his fingers swollen. He slammed his hand in the car
door before coming to work, and he apologized for being late to do the prostate check. I think I want to reschedule. <G>
colonoscopy, etc.). You have to have a driver that'll sit there and wait
for you. The thing is, if you have no family to speak of, and all of your friends work during the day and have family of their own...that leaves you without transportation...and you basically can't get the procedure done.
I'm with that Jewish radio therapist who says divorce is acceptableThe only Scriptural reasons for a Christian to seek divorce, are abuse, desertion, and infidelity.
only for the "3 As": Abuse, Abandonment, & Addiction. My argument in
these cases is you are not breaking the marriage, you are merely
acknowledging that the contract is broken already by the other, then
getting on with your life.
There was a joke that in Old Testament times, if the wife burned the
toast, the man could get a writ of divorce.
I haven't had dairy products in ages. The one thing with the Kool-Aid
that I mix up is that I haven't had a single kidney stone in 3 1/2 years.
The only things I want smoking or steaming is the food on the plate...
such as sizzlin' fajitas at Applebee's. I mentioned this at my cardiologist recently, and this young black nurse grinned, and said "That's what I'M talkin' about!!" <G>
I saw where they were giving away french fries on July 13, National Fry
Day. I didn't even bother with it.
I far prefer Tim Horton's for breakfast; I get: wrap containing:Is that a restaurant chain??
... Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Naked.
George Pope wrote to All <=-
Happy birthday Canada on the 1st of July!
George Pope wrote to All <=-Do you know how Canada got its name?
Happy birthday Canada on the 1st of July!
The three guys who discovered it put some letters in a bag and decided to name the country after the letters they pulled out.
First guy: I got a "C", eh.
Second guy: I got an "N", eh.
Third guy: I got a "D", eh.
Or the the alternate idea which was that Canada was empty when the first
settlers arrived (or so they thought). So it was named: Can = container, nada
= nothing. Empty container. Sort of like a Doug and Bob Mackenzie show.
... You have two choices for dinner: Take it or Leave it.
George Pope wrote to Dr. What <=-
First guy: I got a "C", eh.
Second guy: I got an "N", eh.
Third guy: I got a "D", eh.
That's how I've been telling it; good to have corroboration, or you've just caught it roundabout from one of my older posting of it here or
in other humour areas. . .
Oh, Bob & Doug-- I doo recall them, of course -- f*cking Americans thinking they have a clue about my country when most don't know spit about their own!
The real answer, of course, is "Kanata" was the Huron word for
Early explorers asked them, "What do you call this place?" & that's the honest answer they received. Now there is a Kanata in most provinces,
I believe. Some are bigger than villages (towns or even cities)
I had an older friend (is that possible? Yup)
Like nymphomaniacs...never satisfied.
Kraft is doing a similar kind of thing for Kraft peanut butter -- GirlLOL!! I was aware of Jif Peanut Butter, but not Kraft.
has whirlwind romance with French man of her dreams -- he finally
brings her to his home, after a fancy wedding, & she asks, "Honey,
where is the Kraft peanut butter?" & he replies, "What is Kraft peanut
butter" & the next scene has her on a plane alone, going back to
Divorce is a vow tied with a slipknot. Folks who are wanting "a perfect marriage/relationship" in this life will never find it.
That reminds me of the commercial with a weiner dog, saying "Oh,
antioxidants are good for me!! I thought you said anti-dachsunds". <G>
And, I saw a meme with a man and a dachshund at a tavern bar...with
a martini of sorts next to them (I guess the dacshunds' was a weenie
martini with toilet water. <G>). The man said "Bond. James Bond"...
and the doxie replied "Hund. Dachs Hund". <G>
cuisine. However, with cost, I only order out once a month. I can't
see or understand how my brother can afford to eat out every day.
IMO, McDonald's french fries are the best, compared to Burger King and Wendy's. For breakfast, I prefer the sausage egg McMuffin, with the hash browns...and the cheeseburgers for lunch.
Otherwise, I'll order from Burger King for the "Family Bundle" with
3 Whoppers, 3 cheeseburgers, and 3 french fries, for $20, via Grubhub.
Being a "Lyft Pink" member (paying $10 extra a month for Lyft), I get
free delivery for the Grubhub orders.
With other bills, I may only do 6 months of the Post Office Box, or
let it go. Then, it's a PITA to notify all the businesses, etc. of
the address change...and I run the risk of folks stealing stuff out
of the mailbox...that's why I got the P.O. Box in the first place.
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