Hey Sean, just a note to say I (and I'm sure a LOT of people) are rooting for you. Here's to brighter days ahead. Sincerely, Janis
Hey Sean, just a note to say I (and I'm sure a LOT of people) are
rooting for you. Here's to brighter days ahead. Sincerely, Janis
Hear, Hear.
I really appreciate it. I remember laying on the bed in the ER
trying to let it sink in that I was having a heart attack while having a heart attack. Looking forward to surgery and moving on in my life.
Reminds me of 2 years ago in the ER isolation ward when I had that
severe case of Covid19 and wondered if I was going to die in that
small green room ...
Hello Ward,
12 Apr 22 10:27, you wrote to me:
Reminds me of 2 years ago in the ER isolation ward when I had
that severe case of Covid19 and wondered if I was going to die in
that small green room ...
I understand that feeling also. Even now, as I go on day to day, I
have to remember that I have a ticking timebomb in my chest and I have
to take it easy lest I have another heart attack again when I am
nowhere near a hospital.
Hello Ward,
12 Apr 22 10:27, you wrote to me:
Reminds me of 2 years ago in the ER isolation ward when I had that
severe case of Covid19 and wondered if I was going to die in that
small green room ...
I understand that feeling also. Even now, as I go on day to day, I have to remember that I have a ticking timebomb in my chest and I have to take it easy lest I have another heart attack again when I am nowhere near a hospital.
Vincent Coen wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry :)
Apologies if the above is teaching you to suck eggs, etc.
John Dovey wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
I vowed that every day I lived after that day was a gift and a blessing and I'd enjoy every one to the max. I was 18 then. I'm 55 now. I've
mostly kept that vow.
Thank you. I really appreciate it. I remember laying on the bed in
the ER trying to let it sink in that I was having a heart attack while having a heart attack. Looking forward to surgery and moving on in my life.
I found out today that I'm going to need cardiac ablation surgery.
That should hopefully take care of the atrial fibrillation, and maybe
the congestive heart failure as well. I have to talk to the surgeon
first, then get it scheduled.
Good luck with that and hopefully it will help those issues.
Daryl Stout wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
Power was out here much of Monday, as the electric company was
doing infrastructure upgrades. Yet, they gave me no notice of
such, and I lost all the food I had in the icebox...so, there's
no food here now.
I have to go to the store later today to
replenish the food supply. Unfortunately, very few (if any) foods
have less than 250 milligrams of sodium per serving.
Thank you. I really appreciate it. I remember laying on the bed in
the ER trying to let it sink in that I was having a heart attack while SD>> having a heart attack. Looking forward to surgery and moving on in my SD>> life.
I found out today that I'm going to need cardiac ablation surgery. That should hopefully take care of the atrial fibrillation, and maybe the congestive heart failure as well. I have to talk to the surgeon first,
then get it scheduled.
... What do people in China call their good plates?
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
-+- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
+ Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
Power was out here much of Monday, as the electric
company was doing infrastructure upgrades. Yet, they
gave me no notice of such, and I lost all the food I had
in the icebox...so, there's no food here now.
I have to go to the store later today to replenish the
food supply. Unfortunately, very few (if any) foods have
less than 250 milligrams of sodium per serving.
Did you leave the refigerator door open, or something? Food should
stay cold for at least 12 hours in an un-opened fridge.
Perhaps you should get a generator?
What? Do you eat only canned or packaged/processed food?
Try some *FRESH* food. Most of it is near ZERO sodium content.
Daryl Stout wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Did you leave the refigerator door open, or something? Food should
stay cold for at least 12 hours in an un-opened fridge.
No...I never opened the doors...but the USDA Food Safety page
said after 4 hours, you should get rid of it.
Perhaps you should get a generator?
I can't afford it. The price may be noted around $2000, but
that does NOT include installation, etc.
What? Do you eat only canned or packaged/processed food?
The processed food is loaded with sodium, but I haven't found
many low sodium foods that are inexpensive...the price of
everything has gone up. Yet, the greedy politicians in Washington
have no clue how life is "outside the beltway"...I hold ALL of
them in utter contempt.
If I was getting per week what I'm getting per month, things
would be a bit better. But, with my health, I still wouldn't
travel outside of central Arkansas anymore.
Try some *FRESH* food. Most of it is near ZERO sodium content.
I can NOT stand for more than 15 seconds in one spot...whether
at the stove, sink, table, microwave oven, toilet, or in the
shower... or my legs will spasm...the same thing on a scale at a
medical clinic.
Did you leave the refigerator door open, or something? Food
should stay cold for at least 12 hours in an un-opened fridge.
No...I never opened the doors...but the USDA Food Safety page said
after 4 hours, you should get rid of it.
Perhaps you should get a generator?
I can't afford it. The price may be noted around $2000, but that
does NOT include installation, etc.
What? Do you eat only canned or packaged/processed food?
The processed food is loaded with sodium, but I haven't found many
low sodium foods that are inexpensive...the price of everything has
gone up. Yet, the greedy politicians in Washington have no clue how
life is "outside the beltway"...I hold ALL of them in utter contempt.
If I was getting per week what I'm getting per month, things would
be a bit better. But, with my health, I still wouldn't travel outside
of central Arkansas anymore.
Try some *FRESH* food. Most of it is near ZERO sodium content.
I can NOT stand for more than 15 seconds in one spot...whether at
the stove, sink, table, microwave oven, toilet, or in the shower...
or my legs will spasm...the same thing on a scale at a medical clinic.
... A penny saved is a Congressional oversight.
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
I am really sorry to hear you are having this trouble. I am going in to the a scope done next thursday, I know they are going to find
First time ever in an ambulance that meant business
Prayers for you Brother, Prayers They dropped me off at the hospital
like I was a bag of potatoes and then they were off No bye, no
nothing, just gone
Your frozen stuff (and I assume they are primarily the pre-
cooked frozen dinners) should be fine and wouldn't need to be
discarded at all. Usually, only the raw frozen foods should
be replaced if they get a chance to thaw.
You should consider fresh whole foods as part of your eating
Try some *FRESH* food. Most of it is near ZERO sodium
I can NOT stand for more than 15 seconds in one
spot...whether at the stove, sink, table, microwave
oven, toilet, or in the shower... or my legs will
spasm...the same thing on a scale at a medical clinic.
I am really sorry to hear you are having this trouble. I am going in to AB>> the a scope done next thursday, I know they are going to find
I'm overdue for a colonoscopy and an EGD...but I don't have the funds for it. As the meme notes, "I'm only one step away from being rich...all I need is money". :P
I'm scheduled for the consulation for the ablation surgery on May 25, so I'm guessing the surgery will be done in June. I may still have to deal with congestive heart failure, but at least my heart won't race like a motorboat, and sound like a weedeater. :P
First time ever in an ambulance that meant business
In the central Arkansas area, the Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services (MEMS) ambulance provider, has a service called MEMS*ALERT. For a yearly
fee, based on whether you are uninsured, have Medicare, Medicaid, or both, you are provided FREE ambulance runs to the Emergency Room, if you have an emergency medical condition...excessive bleeding, vomiting, cardiac or breathing issues, etc. Otherwise, the ambulance run can cost over $1000 each time.
Prayers for you Brother, Prayers They dropped me off at the hospital
like I was a bag of potatoes and then they were off No bye, no
nothing, just gone
The folks at MEMS have been really courteous, and the area fire station (about a mile west of me) paramedics usually get here before the ambulance does.
... Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery??
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
-+- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
+ Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
Pork chops and skinless chicken come out quite well in the
microwave. A baked potato comes out perfect in the microwave.
If you come to Canada you will be issued a special number
and you will be treated for anything, for free for life.
(I asked) It's just a fact that I did not know. I was
surprised. I know a few Americans who moved here for the
Sociaized medicine out of need. I think I would confirm
what that lady said to me.
Ambulance was $150
Wishing Daryl and Sean the best of luck with their recent health
issues. You put a lot of work into this newsletter Sean and it's fun
to read.
Think both of you will do fine, and keep on keeping on.
IF it is in a fridge where the temperature is between +2 and +5c then yes. If in a freezer it will be good for 12+ hours assuming it is
normally at better
than -20c and you keep the doors closed.
For the fridge check the temp and if still below +8 it is still good.
Note above temps are in centigrade.
You spasm when standing on a scale for a few seconds? Man,
that's weird.
Just having some boiled eggs in the fridge can come in handy
from time to time. And.. you don't have to throw them out when
the electricity goes out or a day or two. You DO know how to
boil water, don't you?
There are numerous FRESH foods you can prepare sitting at the
kitchen table and that do not need serious cooking.
Pork chops and skinless chicken come out quite well in the
microwave. A baked potato comes out perfect in the microwave.
This is concerning and I am sorry for your medical bills.
When I was in the hospital wondering what it would cost if I was where
you are.
If you come to Canada you will be issued a special number and you will
be treated for anything, for free for life. (I asked) It's just a fact that I did not know. I was surprised. I know a few Americans who moved here for the Sociaized medicine out of need. I think I would confirm
what that lady said to me.
Ambulance was $150
It is a drag when you possibly can't work and you need the services you can't afford because you aren't. I know some Americans who are in that boat.
France has a wonderful medical system and housing and...............
My son lived there for a while living in a camper while teaching
I hear Cape Breton Nova Scotia is nice this time of year
Thank you for your well-wished and complement. :)
It depends on your insurance, your condition, and how long you have to
be there.
Daryl Stout wrote to August Abolins <=-
Just having some boiled eggs in the fridge can come in handy
from time to time. And.. you don't have to throw them out when
the electricity goes out or a day or two. You DO know how to
boil water, don't you?
I can burn water. <G> Yet, I haven't used the stove here...let
alone turned on any of the TV sets, in the last 4 years...
There are numerous FRESH foods you can prepare sitting at the
kitchen table and that do not need serious cooking.
The harder part is finding food low in sodium...but with only
given a paltry amount of money on disability each month, and the
price of groceries are through the roof (the price of low sodium
foods are on the moon), I can't afford it.
It's likely I have to
cut my diet to only 1 meal a day, with a very small quanitity of
food, just to take my medicine...then eat nothing else the rest
of the day. That's not very nutritious, though.
It depends on your insurance, your condition, and how long you have to be there.
I cannot believe how so many Americans put up with the crap of your privatized health insurance system which its purpose is to make money
off the patient, not to heal him/her.
Considering that it's all we have. It's not like the Canadians who
seem to have lots of things better than we do.
Ward Dossche wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
This is not your normal you ...
This is not your normal you ...
Not sure what you mean?
Thank you for your well-wished and complement. :)
Wishing Daryl and Sean the best of luck with their recent health
issues. You put a lot of work into this newsletter Sean and it's fun
to read.
Think both of you will do fine, and keep on keeping on.
A spelling error ... I'm not used of that from you ... 8-)
Should be fixed...
I can burn water. <G> Yet, I haven't used the stove here...let
alone turned on any of the TV sets, in the last 4 years...
Why not........?
I continue to be confused by your statements on this... Do you realize that food does not have to be "packaged"? By that I mean things in
cans, cardboard, plastic. ALL packaged food is VERY high in sodium.
Daryl Stout wrote to Dan Clough <=-
I can burn water. <G> Yet, I haven't used the stove here...let
alone turned on any of the TV sets, in the last 4 years...
Why not........?
I've had no desire to watch TV...and am usually busy with ham
radio traffic nets in the evening.
I continue to be confused by your statements on this... Do you realize that food does not have to be "packaged"? By that I mean things in
cans, cardboard, plastic. ALL packaged food is VERY high in sodium.
Well, I'm now being removed from home health care, because I'm
not "homebound" (stuck at home without transportation). But,
while I could get groceries and medications delivered if I sold
the car, I would have no way to get to doctors appointments, etc.
All my friends work and have family during the week, and after
what happened to me with Uber, I'm afraid to try Lyft.
I checked the price of low sodium foods, and I can't afford
The government took away my SSI nearly 16 years ago,
because they said that between my wife and I, that $1500 a month
was too much money...don't get me started on that. I get less
than that now, and apparently they feel that's still too much
money...it's not worth getting food stamps or other assistance.
They'd rather give benefits to illegal aliens for their votes,
instead of folks who truly need it.
I can NOT stand in one spot for more than 15 seconds without my
legs shaking, and my risking falling. I can NOT see the progress
of things cooking on the stove if I'm seated, and surely can't
stir things if I am seated.
I am a fall risk, and if I go down, I
won't be able to call for help...and will just die on the floor.
Frankly, I'm tempted to just sell the car, disconnect the
internet, the BBS, and cellphone...and cut myself off from the
outside world.
If it's real low, like the one in the bathroom, and I
have the walls to place my hands on, it'll keep me
steady. But, the ones in the medical clinic, where I
have to step up on them, and have nothing to hold on to,
that gets dangerous...and I'm a Fall Risk. [...]
Just having some boiled eggs in the fridge can come in
handy from time to time. And.. you don't have to throw
them out when the electricity goes out or a day or two.
You DO know how to boil water, don't you?
I can burn water. <G> Yet, I haven't used the stove
here...let alone turned on any of the TV sets, in the
last 4 years...since I put my Mom in a nursing home
before her death.
There are numerous FRESH foods you can prepare sitting at the
kitchen table and that do not need serious cooking.
Pork chops and skinless chicken come out quite well in the
microwave. A baked potato comes out perfect in the microwave.
The harder part is finding food low in sodium... [...]
[...] but with only given a paltry amount of money on
disability each month, and the price of groceries are
through the roof (the price of low sodium foods are on the
moon), I can't afford it.
It's likely I have to cut my diet to only 1 meal a day,
with a very small quanitity of food, just to take my
medicine...then eat nothing else the rest of the day.
That's not very nutritious, though.
Plus, I'm looking at cardiac ablation surgery in early
June...while that will possibly get rid of the atrial
fibrillation, but I may still have to deal with
congestive heart failure. I can deal with being on Lasix
once a day...I just do my errands early in the day (I
have to be up before the buttcrack of dawn to do my
vital signs), and take it when I get home.
Your frozen stuff (and I assume they are primarily the
pre-cooked frozen dinners) should be fine and wouldn't
need to be discarded at all. Usually, only the raw
frozen foods should be replaced if they get a chance to
They did thaw too much...and meat is funny that way.
They can simply hoist you up like they do to weigh cattle. just
ask for that option. ;) Seriously, you SHOULD be allowed to
step up those higher scales with the assitance of hold onto
something. All they need is a 2 - 3 seconds to take a reading.
READ what what I wrote above again. A skinless piece of
chicken or a piece of pork has no sodium! All they need is a
little bif of browning sauce + bread crumbs. Add some
flavouring to taste (eg Club House brand from the jars).
That's one course. And veggies as a next step while chicken/
pork cools.
They can simply hoist you up like they do to weigh
cattle. just ask for that option. ;) Seriously, you
SHOULD be allowed ..
As for weighing cattle, they do keep it cold enough in
the medical facilities to hang meat.
[...] even though I'm just classed as pre-type 2 right
I had to make another trip to the Emergency Room last
night. My right ankle had gone to sleep, and I
discovered the ankles and legs were swollen.
[...] They also told me to avoid standing or sitting in one
spot for long periods of time.
My guess is that the swelling was threefold...I had
eaten 2 cheese dogs for each meal the day before [...]
...I was 5 pounds lighter this morning.
So, I will cut down my meal to just 1 cheese dog per
day...and hopefully, those meals I get from GA Foods will
be heart healthy. Otherwise, my eatings are going to be
very slim. My BMI says I'm 80 pounds overweight for my age
and height.
BUT.. I thought you only had frozen dinners. Most of those are
pre-cooked. No need to thow those out at all.
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