into my mailbox that other day. Lots of great information about things
I had not known in the cooking world and life in general. And some that
I did know - but were still good advice. Especially the lead that got me
to click - about why restaurant baked potatoes are different from home
kitchen baked potatoes.
In my experience the taters I "bake" in the microwave are closer to what
I got down the restaurant than those I do in the oven. Now I know why.
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Microwave Baked Potato
Categories: Five, Potatoes
Yield: 1 Spud
1 lg Russet potato
Salt & freshly ground pepper
Butter or sour cream; to
- serve
Wash potato thoroughly and pat completely dry. Pierce 3
to 4 times with a fork.
Place potato on microwave-safe plate and microwave 7
minutes, turning over halfway through cooking. If your
potato isn't fork-tender after 7 minutes, continue
microwaving in 1 minute increments until fully cooked.
Let rest for 2 minutes.
Split potato down the middle, being careful of steam.
Season with salt and pepper, and top with butter before
UDD NOTES: Sometimes I like to fork the potato near the
ends on opposite sides. This can make the potato spin
like a whirl-a-gig from the escaping steam. Besides the
butter and/or sour cream toppings I like to use shredded
cheese and/or bacon bits sometimes. Or salsa/pico di
gallo. Get inventive.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... "As we grow old the beauty steals inward." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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