• Ladyjane's Corned Beef

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sat Jul 6 19:46:50 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Ladyjane's Corned Beef
    Categories: Beef
    Yield: 1 Batch

    1 Corned beef/silverside
    -piece; rinsed well in cold
    4 cl Garlic; halved
    12 Peppercorns
    6 Cloves
    1 Lemon; cut in half,
    -including rind
    1 Cinnamon stick
    4 Fresh bay leaves; crumpled
    6 Cardamon pods; slightly
    -crushed to release
    1 tb Ginger; grated
    2 tb Kecap manis

    Into a large, heavy based casserole/steamer, place sufficient water to
    cover the beef.

    Bring the pot to a quick boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook for
    approximately 1 to 1-1/2 hours - depending on size of joint.
    Generally, when the beef is fully cooked it will start to 'float'
    towards the surface. I then turn off the heat. Cover the pan with the
    lid and allow the meat/liquid to cool in-situ. Once cold place into
    an airtight container, or cover with aluminium foil. Try not to boil
    the blazes out of the meat and allow it it come to room temperature
    in the cooking liquid. Simply delicious!

    Served traditionally with mashed potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and white
    parsley sauce.

    Stupendous on sandwiches when cold, sliced to medium thickness
    (around 2 to 3 mm) with a generous dollop of a good quality chutney
    (our preferred ones are: Palms (English) Hot Mango Chutney; and
    Beerenburg (Australian) Hot Tomato Chutney); several slices of
    organic vine ripened tomatoes, cos lettuce and very occasionally the
    odd shaving of parmesan.

    Recipe FROM: <https://web.archive.org/web/20170327110324/
    http://recfoodcooking.org/sigs/LadyJane/LadyJane's Corned Beef.html>

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    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)