From Ben Collver@1:105/500 to All on Thu Jan 25 09:01:16 2024
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Gourd Shrimp And Mung Bean Noodles
Categories: Cantonese
Yield: 1 Batch
40 g Dried shrimp
50 g Mung bean noodles
600 g Wax gourd
1 Ginger piece
1 tb Oil
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Sugar
Cook ginger and shrimp in oil. Add wax gourd. Add 1/2 cup water that
you soaked shrimp in. Add 2 cups water. Cook 4 minutes covered. Add
1/2 ts salt. Add 1/2 ts sugar. Put noodles on top so they don't get
too soft. Cover again and cook on medium heat for 3 minutes. Uncover
and stir and then cover and cook for another minute. Serve.