• Katherine Forson, KT5KMF, is the Recipient of the 2021 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thu Sep 2 13:16:18 2021

    Increasing the interest and participation in Amateur Radio of those younger than 21 remains a primary effort of ARRL. Underscoring that focus is ARRL's annual bestowing of its premier award, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award, on a young Member whose contributions to both Amateur Radio and her local community embody the ideals of the Amateur Radio Service.

    The recipient of the 2021 Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award is Katherine M. Forson, KT5KMF, of Plano, Texas. A Technician in 2013 at the age of 9, a General in 2017, and an Amateur Extra in 2018, Katherine's enthusiasm resulted in her appointment as the North Texas Section Youth Coordinator in 2019.

    She is an active member of the Plano Amateur Radio Klub and Collin County RACES, and a trained National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter; she has been profiled as a QST "Member Spotlight," participates as an Amateur Radio operator in public service events such as the Plano Balloon Festival, and is currently working with several other YLs in the ARRL North Texas Section to help build a YL-friendly area of the ARRL NTX Section website.

    When not on the radio, Katherine is active in her school and community. A senior at Plano West Senior High School, she carries a 4.46 grade point average and is a member of the National Honor Society, the Spanish Honor Society, and her high school band. She won second place in the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair, and placed second in the physics and astronomy category at the Texas State Science and Engineering Fair. She serves as a children's lector at her church, and is a Dallas Meals on Wheels volunteer.

    The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award consists of a $1,500 cash award and an engraved plaque. West Gulf Division Director John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, and North Texas Section Manager Steven Smith, KG5VK, will present Katherine with her award at the September 20, 2021 meeting of the Plano Amateur Radio Klub.

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