• ARRL/VEC VE Newsletter

    From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Fri Mar 19 22:24:33 2021

    ARRL VE Newsletter March 2021 ==================================================================

    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    $35 Application Fee – does NOT take effect yet

    FRNs at Exam Sessions

    Remote Video-supervised Online Examinations

    Session Documents Upload Webpage

    Resources For VEs

    $35 FCC application fee in the Federal Register - does NOT take
    effect yet.

    The final rule change was published in the Federal Register today
    March 19, 2021:

    Federal Register - schedule-of-application-fees-of-the-commissions-rules

    Even though the document has an effective date of April 19, the
    Amateur Radio fees will not yet be required.

    The fee changes outlined in this order will not take effect until
    the requisite notice has been provided to Congress, the FCC's
    information technology systems and internal procedures have been
    updated, and the Commission publishes notice(s) in the Federal
    Register announcing the effective date. This will most likely be
    in the summer.

    The following application types will be subjected to the fee when
    the rule finally takes effect.

    New, Modification (Upgrade and Sequential call sign change),
    Renewal, and Vanity callsign requests will be subjected to the
    $35 application fee. There will be no fee for Administrative
    Updates (email or mailing address changes, name changes).

    The instructions on the FCC Fee Schedule are for the applicant
    to pay application fees directly to FCC via the License Manager
    System or Fee Filer System. VECs and VE teams will not have to
    collect the $35 fee at the session.

    The ARRL VEC exam fee will remain at $15.

    When the FCC application fee eventually takes effect, new and
    upgrade applicants will pay the $15 exam session fee to the VE
    team as usual, and then pay the $35 application fee directly
    to the FCC.

    FRNs Only at Exam Sessions

    The FCC has indicated VECs/VE teams should no longer be accepting
    social security numbers at exam sessions.

    Examinees should register in the FCC CORES registration system and
    receive an FRN before exam day.

    FCC CORES User Account and Registration:


    Remotely administered Online Examinations

    The remote video exam session is conducted using an online video
    conferencing platform and a web-based examination system with
    on-screen tests.

    ARRL VE teams must meet the following criteria and adhere to the
    following rules/policies to participate in the Remote video
    sessions program. Long-standing, well established teams with a
    history of adhering to the highest degree of examination integrity,
    and that consistently submit accurate exam documents consistent
    with ARRL VEC standards will be selected to participate.

    Time and experience with in-person exam sessions is invaluable when transitioning to video-supervised online exam sessions.

    Team leader experience at in-person sessions and/or training with
    an established team as a team leader for video sessions is required.

    VE teams have been using the Exam.Tools online exams for the remote
    video sessions. Interested ARRL VE team leaders must contact the VEC
    department (VEC@arrl.org) to receive the remote video sessions
    procedures and ExamTools instructions.

    Session Documents Upload Webpage

    The US Postal Service has been slow and unreliable with moving mail
    and packages through their system. Some exam session packages have
    been unexpectedly delayed.

    Uploading completed sessions as a PDF file (scanned documents) via
    the web allows for quicker processing to FCC. Please contact the VEC
    department (VEC@arrl.org) for the information on e-filing exam
    session documents through our secure upload page. Authorized VEs
    will be sent the upload page URL which is hidden from the public.

    The VE team must only accept FRNs (Federal Registration Numbers)
    at the session. Social security numbers are not permitted on any
    exam documents or session files that are uploaded. Candidates will
    have to be registered in the FCC system and have FRNs already issued.
    Refer to the FRNs at Exam Sessions item above for the examinee
    registration instructions.

    Resources for ARRL VEs

    The ARRL VEC VE Resources page (www.arrl.org/resources-for-ves) offers information you will need to help conduct exam session business. Our
    support page offers easy access to exam forms and session information,
    online exams and remote video sessions, question pools, FCC Rules,
    basic qualification question information, and much more!

    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions
    you may have.

    ARRL VEC: 1-860-594-0300
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda Grimaldi, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative

    We thank you for your efforts and interest in the ARRL VEC program.

    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the
    American Radio Relay League, Inc. - the national association for
    Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
    must be given to The American Radio Relay League VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio (R)
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.13-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Wed May 19 20:20:33 2021

    ARRL VE Newsletter May 2021


    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    FRNs MUST Be Used at Exam Sessions

    Session Documents Upload Webpage


    First-Time Exam Applicants Must Obtain FCC Registration Number before
    Taking Exam

    Effective Thursday May 20, 2021, all amateur examination applicants
    will be required to provide an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to the
    Volunteer Examiners (VEs) BEFORE taking an amateur exam. This is
    necessary due to changes the FCC has made to its licensing system.

    Social security numbers are NO LONGER ACCEPTED at exam sessions.

    Amateur candidates who already have an FCC license, whether for
    amateur radio or in another service, already have an FRN, and can
    use the same number. All prospective new FCC licensees, however,
    will be required to obtain an FRN before the examination, and provide
    that number to the volunteer examiners on the Form 605 license
    application. An FCC instructional video provides step-by-step
    instructions on how to obtain an FRN through the FCC's COmmission
    REgistration System (CORES).

    The FRN is required for all new applicants to take an amateur exam
    and is used afterward by the applicant to download the license
    document from the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS), upgrade the
    license, apply for a vanity call sign, and to submit administrative
    updates (such as address and email changes) and renewal applications.

    In addition, after June 29, all applications will be required to
    contain an email address for FCC correspondence. Applicants will
    receive an email direct from the FCC, with a link to the official
    electronic copy of their license whenever a license is issued or
    changed. ARRL VEC suggests that those without access to email to
    use the email address of a family member or friend. Licensees will
    be able to log in to the ULS using their FRN and password to download
    the latest version of their license at any time. The FCC no longer
    provides paper license documents.


    Session Documents Upload Webpage

    The US Postal Service has been slow and unreliable with moving mail
    and packages through their system. Some exam session packages have
    been unexpectedly delayed.

    Uploading completed sessions as a PDF file (scanned documents) via
    the web allows for quicker processing to the FCC. Please contact the
    VEC department (VEC@arrl.org) for information on e-filing exam
    session documents through our secure upload page. Authorized VEs
    will be sent the upload page URL which is hidden from the public.

    The VE team must only accept FRNs (FCC Registration Numbers) at the
    session. Social security numbers are NOT permitted on ANY exam
    documents or session files that are uploaded. Candidates will have
    to be registered in the FCC system, and have FRNs already issued.
    Refer to the FRNs at Exam Sessions item above for the examinee
    registration instructions.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions
    you may have.

    ARRL/VEC: (860) 594-0300 (A toll free number is available to
    currently accredited ARRL/VEC VE's for their use regarding exams;
    but it is not listed here for obvious reasons).
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative

    We thank you for your efforts and interest in the ARRL VEC program.


    Please do NOT respond to these automated emails.

    A "reply" to this bulk email address will not reach us as only
    the list administrator may post to the list.

    To unsubscribe from these messages, forward this message to


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the
    American Radio Relay League, Inc. - the national association for
    Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or
    reproduced in whole or in part in any form without additional
    permission. Credit must be given to The American Radio Relay
    League VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio (R)
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Wed Oct 6 16:46:52 2021
    ARRL/VEC VE Newsletter, Oct. 6, 2021


    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    Grading Templates and New Booklet Designs Available

    Field Stocked Team Leaders to Expand Field Stock

    Grading Templates - REMINDER

    Session Documents Upload Webpage

    Additional Reminders


    Grading Templates and New Booklet Designs Available

    For nearly a decade, ARRL VEC has been unable to reproduce our blue
    plastic overlay grading templates, causing most designs to be low in
    stock, and some to be completely out of stock. Fortunately, we have
    found a new manufacturer, and our template supply is back to 100%!

    ARRL VEC adds more booklet designs.

    Now that we have a full set of templates again, we have expanded our
    exam booklet collection with new designs, and have utilized template
    numbers that have been unavailable for years. Our additional exam
    booklet versions (designs 6-12 at each level) are immediately available
    for use.

    These new designs are meant to expand the number of exam versions
    offered at each level. They do NOT replace any booklets. Moving forward,
    we are looking to start gathering statistics on these new exam designs
    through the end of year 2021. Therefore, we will be primarily using the
    new exam designs 6-12 until then. We will reintroduce exam designs 1-5
    after January 2022.

    To view the complete list of exam booklets (designs 1-12), and important information pertaining to the exams, visit www.arrl.org/vec-exam-booklets.


    Field Stocked Team Leaders - Shipment to Expand Field Stock

    For ARRL VE teams that are officially Field Stocked by the ARRL VEC, the
    new booklet designs were shipped out via first class mail (between Oct
    1-5) to nearly 1,000 teams. When you receive the package, please check
    the contents to make sure all quantities have been received.

    Exams: The new examination booklets are to expand the number of exam
    versions offered for each license class level, and they can be used immediately.

    Do not throw away any existing exams.

    KEEP the previously supplied booklet versions of all exams at all levels,
    as they are all still valid.

    A letter is included in the shipment explaining the quantities and

    Templates: Field stocked teams that are missing any of the template design numbers, such as #4, #5, or #7 that have not been sent with the initial
    field stocked package for years, should contact the VEC department
    immediately to complete your set of templates (vesupplies@arrl.org).

    A complete set of templates consists of 36 total overlays: 3 of each
    design, numbers 1 through 9. The KEY For Templates (paper instructions)
    for the grading templates has been updated and is included in the package.

    An updated package will not be provided to field stocked teams that no
    longer meet the field stock requirements, and to non-field stocked teams
    that have been keeping supplies without qualifying through the VEC.
    Non-stocked VE teams should be returning their exam packages and supplies
    to ARRL VEC after each session is completed.

    To see if your team qualifies to be field stocked with a bulk quantity
    of our test materials visit http://www.arrl.org/field-stocked-ve-teams.

    Field stocked teams should be especially vigilant about keeping us
    informed of who has possession of the exam supplies. Notify us
    immediately when your address changes, or the team's field stock changes
    hands to ensure that any exam updates will be mailed to and received by
    the proper person. Periodically check your supplies to make sure they are current, and that the quantities are sufficient. Current exam booklets
    are listed on our web site at www.arrl.org/vec-exam-booklets. Field
    stocked VEs should check this page periodically to make sure they have
    the proper exam designs.


    Grading Templates - REMINDER

    Officially Field Stocked teams must keep their supply of the BLUE plastic overlay grading templates used to grade the exams. The plastic templates
    should never be thrown away or destroyed when new exam versions are
    introduced and shipped. The KEY For Templates (paper instructions) for
    the grading templates has been updated to show teams how to match up the templates with the new exam designs.


    Session Documents Upload Webpage

    The US Postal Service has been slow and unreliable with moving mail and packages through their system. Some exam session packages have been unexpectedly delayed.

    Teams can upload in-person or remote session documents via the ARRL VEC's secure session upload webpage for quicker service.

    New and upgraded licenses are issued within 1 to 2 business days (for
    weekend sessions) and are usually issued on the same day for weekday

    Please contact the VEC department (VEC@arrl.org) for information on
    e-filing exam session documents through our secure upload page.
    Authorized VEs will be sent the upload page URLm which is hidden from
    the public.


    Additional Reminders

    The ARRL VEC VE Resources page (www.arrl.org/resources-for-ves) offers
    the information you will need to help conduct exam session business.
    Our support page offers easy access to session forms and information,
    online exams and remote video sessions information, VE Manual
    supplemental information, FCC Rules, basic qualification question
    information, and much more!

    VE team leaders can register exam sessions and order supplies via our easy-to-use online form: http://www.arrl.org/arrl-exam-session-form

    Field stocked team leaders can request a restock of session materials
    on the ARRL website, using our online re-stock form: www.arrl.org/field-stocked-ve-teams

    Emails and FRNs are mandatory on 605 Forms, and for any FCC license transaction. This is an FCC requirement.

    In May, the FCC discontinued accepting Social Security numbers, and in
    June, began requiring an email address on all applications.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions
    you may have.

    ARRL VEC (860) 594-0300
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    Please do NOT respond to these automated emails.

    A "reply" to this bulk email address will not reach us as only the list administrator may post to the list.

    To unsubscribe from these messages, forward this message to VEC@arrl.org.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the
    American Radio Relay League, Inc. - The National Association for Amateur
    Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission.

    Credit must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®

    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Wed Jun 15 20:42:27 2022
    ARRL VE Newsletter June 2022 - TECHNICIAN EXAMS


    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    New Technician Exams take effect July 1

    Plastic Grading Templates - REMINDER


    New Technician Question Pool Takes Effect July 1

    The newly revised pool, released in January 2022 (updated and re-released
    on 03/07/2022) by the Question Pool Committee (QPC) of the National
    Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVEC), must be in use
    starting July 1. There are three graphics required for this pool and
    412 questions in this pool, down slightly from 423 in the previous pool.
    To view all three question pools, visit the NCVEC web site at

    For ARRL VE teams who are officially field stocked by the ARRL VEC, new Technician class exam design booklets are being shipped out via first class mail this week (June 13 - 17) to nearly 1,000 teams. Field Stocked VE Team leaders should have the package in their hands well in advance of July 1.
    When you receive the package, please check the content to make sure all quantities have been received. Again, please do not use the new exams until July 1st. The existing Technician class exam booklets (2018 series) can be discarded on or after Midnight, June 30, 2022, as they will no longer be

    With the Technician-class exam questions changing July 1, new test designs
    must be used effective that day. Previous ARRL VEC supplied Technician-class exam booklet versions (2018 series) and computer-generated Technician-class exams created from the 2018 question pool are only valid until midnight
    June 30, 2022. At that time, VE Team leaders should destroy or throw away
    the older versions of the Technician exams (do not return them to VEC).
    To avoid a mix-up at the session, do not save old exam versions.

    Field-stocked teams that no longer meet the field stock requirements, or
    who have not conducted a session in the past year, and non-field stocked
    teams that have been keeping supplies without qualifying through the VEC,
    will not receive an updated package. Non-stocked VE Teams should be
    returning their exam packages and supplies to the ARRL VEC after their
    session is completed. The officially stocked VE Teams receive their exam supplies in a large box which is a 6-month-to-1-year supply depending on
    the team's activity levels. To see if your team qualifies to be field
    stocked with a bulk quantity of our test materials visit https://www.arrl.org/field-stocked-ve-teams.


    Plastic Grading Templates - REMINDER

    Officially Field Stocked teams must keep your supply of the blue PLASTIC overlay grading templates used to grade the exams. The plastic templates
    should never be thrown away or destroyed when new exam versions are
    introduced and shipped.

    A new KEY For Templates (paper instructions) for the plastic grading
    templates has been updated and shipped with your new Technician exams
    to let you know how to match up the plastic templates with the new
    exam designs.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (leave message after regular business hours)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League,
    Inc. - The National Association for Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
    must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Thu Jun 30 17:16:31 2022
    ARRL VE Newsletter June 30 2022 - TECHNICIAN EXAMS REMINDER


    New Technician Class Element 2 Exams will take effect for exam sessions beginning Friday July 1, 2022.

    With the Technician class exam questions changing July 1, new test designs
    must be used effective that day. Previous ARRL VEC supplied Technician
    class exam booklet versions (2018 series) and computer-generated Technician class exams created from the 2018 question pool are only valid until
    midnight June 30, 2022. At that time, the existing Technician class exams
    (2018 series) can be discarded on or after Midnight, June 30, 2022, as they will no longer be valid (do not return them to the VEC). To avoid a mix-up
    at the session, do not save old exam versions.

    ARRL VE teams who are officially Field Stocked by the ARRL VEC, new
    Technician class exam design booklets were shipped out via first class
    mail the week of June 13-17, 2022 to nearly 1,000 teams. The packages
    should have already been delivered to field stocked team leaders.


    Plastic Grading Templates - REMINDER

    Officially Field Stocked teams must keep your supply of the blue PLASTIC overlay grading templates used to grade the exams.

    The plastic templates should never be thrown away or destroyed when new
    exam versions are introduced and shipped.

    A new KEY For Templates (paper instructions) for the plastic grading
    templates has been updated to let teams know how to match up the existing plastic templates with the new exam designs.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (leave message after regular business hours)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League,
    Inc. - The National Association for Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
    must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Mon Jul 11 12:17:05 2022
    Important Message from ARRL VEC


    It has been three months since the FCC application fee was implemented on
    April 19, 2022. Here's what we know so far...


    Examinees do NOT have to wait for the email from the FCC to pay the fee.
    As soon as an application file number is issued by the FCC, they can pay
    by logging into the CORES Payer FRN System (easier to use but only
    temporarily available) or the CORES FRN Registration system:

    CORES - Login at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do

    Application File Number search using an FRN: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/ApplicationSearch/searchAppl.jsp?fromRefine=Y

    CORES payment system background information and instructions: https://www.fcc.gov/licensing-databases/fees/cores-payment-system

    CORES step-by-step payment instructions: https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/support/knowledge-base/universal-licensing- system-uls-resources/payment-process-uls

    (above URL all on one line).

    2. The FCC help center stated there is a known issue with individuals paying the $35 application fee via a smartphone or tablet. This is not a new issue
    and they haven't been able to help troubleshoot the issue at the support center. Encourage candidates to login and pay the FCC application fee from
    a computer instead.

    3. Examinees *should NOT amend any applications* that a VEC submits on their behalf, especially NEW license applications. Amending VEC filed applications will cause the application to be dismissed without action in the FCC system, and potentially require the applicant to pay another $35 fee. If there is a minor mistake on the application, either call us and we can correct and resubmit the application, or the individual can pay the fee, be issued the
    call sign, and then log back in and make corrections.

    4. Individuals should review their application BEFORE paying the fee. If
    there is a MAJOR error on the application, such as the licensee's name
    or license class earned is incorrect, or the answer to the felony question
    is wrong, DO NOT PAY the fee. Call the VEC immediately.

    5. When in doubt, call the VEC! Even if you think you shouldn't bother
    us with your question, call us anyway.

    6. Distribute these instructions to candidates as needed, and refer them
    to our FCC application fee webpage for information and instructions. That
    page is at https://www.arrl.org/fcc-application-fee


    FCC Legacy CORES System to be Retired

    Important information about registering in the new CORES system and
    creating an FCC Username account.

    View the story on the ARRL website: https://www.arrl.org/news/fcc-legacy-cores-system-to-be-retired


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (leave message after regular business hours)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League,
    Inc. - The National Association for Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
    must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Thu Nov 10 14:29:34 2022
    Veterans Day Closures

    ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Friday, November 11, in observance
    of Veterans Day. ARRL HQ will reopen on Monday, November 14, at 8 AM EST.

    The FCC will also be closed in observance of Veterans Day.

    Exam sessions and amateur applications will not be processed by the FCC
    from close of business Thursday, November 10 until Monday, November 14,
    at 8 AM EST.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (leave message after regular business hours)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League,
    Inc. - The National Association for Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
    must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Wed Dec 7 11:26:22 2022
    New General Question Pool Released, Effective July 1, 2023

    The National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVEC)
    Question Pool Committee (QPC) has released the 2023-2027 General
    Class FCC Element 3 Question Pool and Syllabus into the public domain.
    It's available as a Word document or PDF. The graphic required for the
    new General question pool is available within the documents, or
    separately as PDF or JPG files.

    The new pool incorporates some significant changes compared to the
    2019-2023 pool. Its 432 questions were modified slightly to improve
    wording, or to replace distractors; 51 new questions were generated,
    and 73 questions were eliminated. This resulted in a reduction of 22
    questions, bringing the total number of questions in the pool from
    454 to 432. The difficulty level of the questions is now more balanced,
    and the techniques and practices addressed have been updated.

    The new 2023-2027 question pool is effective July 1, 2023 to June 30,
    2027, and must be used for General-class license exams administered on
    or after July 1, 2023.

    - Information provided by the NCVEC Question Pool Committee.
    Committee members: Chairman, Roland Anders, K3RA, of Anchorage VEC
    and members Maria Somma, AB1FM of ARRL VEC, and Larry Pollock, NB5X,
    of W5YI-VEC.

    New General Examinations will take effect for exam sessions on July 1,

    The newly revised general pool must be used starting July 1, 2023. VECs
    and VEs will have new test designs available starting on that date.
    Previously supplied versions of ARRL VEC General-class exam booklets
    (2019 series) and computer-generated General-class exams from the 2019
    question pool are valid until midnight on June 30, 2023. The ARRL VEC
    will supply its officially appointed, field-stocked VE teams with new
    General exam booklet designs around mid-June.

    Our Sincere Thanks

    Even though we're all getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the
    holiday season, we wanted to take the time to THANK YOU for being an
    important part of the ARRL VEC program this year.

    We look forward to welcoming you, and continuing to serve you wherever
    your examining takes you in 2023.

    Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and wonderful New Year!


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (leave message after regular business hours)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League,
    Inc. - The National Association for Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
    must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Thu Feb 16 13:10:05 2023
    ARRL VE Newsletter February 2023 - General Pool Errata
    and Federal Holiday on Monday


    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    General Class Element 3 Question Pool Errata Released

    New General Class Exams Take Effect July 1st

    FCC and ARRL Headquarters will be Closed on Monday, February 20


    General Class Element 3 Question Pool Errata Released

    The NCVEC Question Pool Committee (QPC) has released the latest errata
    for the 2023 - 2027 General Element 3 question pool, which goes into
    effect on July 1, 2023. Nine questions were modified (G1B01, G1C01,
    G1C02, G5C02, G7C10, G9B05, G9C09, G9D09, and G9D10) and two questions
    (G9C06 and G9D13) were withdrawn from use.

    The pool is available as a Microsoft Word document and PDF. These changes
    are reflected in the new General Pool download file dated February 1,

    New General Examinations will take effect for exam sessions on July 1,

    The newly revised General pool must be used starting July 1, 2023. VECs
    and VEs will have new test designs available starting on that date.
    Previously supplied versions of ARRL VEC General-class exam booklets
    (2019 series) and computer-generated General-class exams from the 2019
    question pool are valid until midnight on June 30, 2023. The ARRL VEC
    will supply its officially appointed, field-stocked VE teams with new
    General exam booklet designs around mid-June.

    FCC and ARRL Headquarters will be Closed on Monday, February 20

    The FCC and ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Monday, February 20,
    2023, for Presidents' Day and will reopen on Tuesday, February 21, at
    8 AM EST. Exam sessions and amateur applications will not be processed
    by the FCC on Monday.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (leave message after regular business hours)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative
    Ann Brinius, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the American Radio Relay League,
    Inc. - The National Association for Amateur Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
    must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Tue Jun 13 15:14:59 2023
    From the ARRL Website, June 13, 2023:

    FCC Universal Licensing System Applications Are Unavailable

    The FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS), which includes Electronic Batch Filing (EBF) used by VECs for new and upgrade license submissions and
    club license applications, Application Search, License Search, License
    Manager system used for filing applications directly with the FCC, Tower Construction Notification System, E-106 System, Antenna Structure
    Registration Online Filing and searches, TOWAIR and all ULS Specialized Searches, are currently down.

    The FCC's EBF and License Manager Filing systems have stopped accepting
    and processing all amateur radio exam session files and applications. The
    EBF system has not processed any VEC license applications and examination session files since Monday afternoon. The other systems have not been
    available since Friday June 9 at the close of business.

    ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, said her office contacted the FCC
    staff, which said systems are down due to maintenance, but did not
    estimate how long the systems would be down. "As soon as the FCC staff
    corrects the EBF system problem, we will immediately file the backlog
    via the automated system, which would take only a few hours or less to release," Somma estimated.

    When the License Manager system is again available, amateurs will be able
    to file license renewals, vanity call sign applications, and other license updates online directly with the FCC.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Wed Jun 14 20:05:52 2023
    ARRL VE Newsletter June 2023 - FCC Systems Unavailable and New General Exams


    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    FCC Systems Unavailable

    New General Class Exams Take Effect July 1st


    FCC Universal Licensing System Applications Are Unavailable

    Please be advised that the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) is
    currently down. The affected FCC ULS systems that are used by amateurs
    are: the Electronic Batch Filing (EBF) used by VECs for new and upgrade
    license submissions and club license applications, Application Search,
    License Search, and the License Manager system used for filing
    applications directly with the FCC.

    A Public Notice was issued by the Commission late on Tuesday alerting the public to the ULS being unavailable.


    The notice states that the FCC's Universal Licensing System (ULS), Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS), E-106 System, and Antenna
    Structure Registration System (ASR) have been unavailable since
    approximately 6:30 PM EDT on Friday, June 9, due to technical issues
    that the agency anticipates resolving in the near term.

    Further, the FCC is extending deadlines for regulatory filings in ULS
    and ASR because parties have not and will not be able to make electronic filings or view the contents of the affected systems while they are unavailable. The FCC is extending the filing deadlines for all regulatory filings that needed to be or will need to be made in these systems
    starting June 9, 2023, and until the Commission announces ULS operations,
    for at least 3 business days after access to the systems resumes.

    The FCC's Commission Registration (CORES) System used to pay fees is
    unaffected and will remain operational and available to pay any regulatory
    fee or application fee payments during this period.

    The FCC's EBF and License Manager Filing systems have stopped accepting
    and processing all amateur radio exam session files and applications.
    The EBF system has not processed any VEC license applications and
    examination session files since Monday afternoon. The other systems
    have not been available since Friday June 9 at the close of business.

    At this time, the FCC has stated they do not have a target for the ULS
    systems to be back online.

    As soon as the FCC staff corrects the EBF system problem, the ARRL VEC
    will immediately file the application backlog via the automated system,
    which would take only a few hours or less to release.

    Please continue to check the ARRL website for updates.

    ARRL News Story: https://www.arrl.org/news/updated-fcc-uls-unavailable-filing-deadlines- extended

    (above URL all on one line)

    New General Examinations will take effect for exam sessions on July 1, 2023

    The newly revised general pool must be used starting July 1, 2023. VECs
    and VEs will have new test designs available starting on that date.
    Previously supplied versions of ARRL VEC General-class exam booklets (2019 series) and computer-generated General class exams from the 2019 question
    pool are valid until midnight on June 30, 2023. The ARRL VEC will start
    mailing the new General exam booklet designs to its officially appointed, field-stocked VE team leaders the week of June 19 to 23. The booklets are
    being sent via USPS priority mail and should reach teams before July 1.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC (860) 594-0300 (regular business hours US Eastern Time)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O'Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    Please do NOT respond to these automated emails.

    A "reply" to this bulk email address will not reach us as only the list administrator may post to the list.

    To unsubscribe from these messages, forward this message to VEC@arrl.org.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the
    American Radio Relay League, Inc. - The National Association for Amateur
    Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission.
    Credit must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Thu Jun 22 09:34:12 2023
    ARRL VE Newsletter June 2023 - FCC Batch Filing System Still Unavailable


    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    FCC ULS Systems Reopen, Except EBF System

    New General Class Exams Mailed Out


    FCC ULS Reopened, Except Electronic Batch Filing System

    On Wednesday morning, June 21, 2023, the FCC had reopened the Universal Licensing System (ULS) and supporting systems, according to an email distributed to VEC organizations. However, as of as of 9:00 am Thursday
    June 22, the Electronic Batch Filing (EBF) system, used by all VEC organizations for filing exam sessions, individual applications, and
    club license applications, was still not available as promised.

    Unfortunately, this means applications for new and upgraded licenses,
    and individual and club license filings still cannot be uploaded in
    the system for issuance.

    When the EBF system becomes available, the Commission is requesting VECs
    to limit submissions into the filing system. In an email sent by the FCC,
    all EBF filers were asked to adhere to a restricted upload schedule in
    order to keep the EBF system stable and to avoid any potential technical problems. The FCC will be monitoring to ensure the EBF system is stable
    during this reopening period. If they assess that the upload volume is
    too high, they will send out another notice with directions to reduce
    the amount of uploads per hour.

    ARRL VEC will comply with the FCC directive, limiting our transmissions
    but sending as many backlogged sessions as possible without overloading
    their system. The files will be submitted to the FCC in the order in
    which they were received, starting with the files from Monday, June 12,
    and moving forward from there. ARRL VEC will begin submitting the
    backlogged applications as soon as the EBF system becomes available,
    and assuming all FCC systems remain stable.

    We will continue to email updates as information becomes available.

    Read the full ARRL News Story here:


    Please continue to check the ARRL website for updates.


    New General Examinations Were Mailed Out This Week

    The ARRL VEC mailed the new General exam booklet designs (2023 series)
    to its officially appointed, field-stocked VE team leaders this week
    (June 19 to 23). The booklets are being sent via USPS priority mail
    and should reach teams before July 1.

    The newly revised General pool must be used starting July 1, 2023. VECs
    and VEs will have new test designs available starting on that date.
    Previously supplied versions of ARRL VEC General class exam booklets
    (2019 series) and computer-generated General class exams from the 2019
    question pool are valid until midnight on June 30, 2023.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (regular business hours, Eastern Time, Monday
    through Friday -- leave a message afterwards)

    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O’Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the
    American Radio Relay League, Inc. - The National Association for Amateur
    Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission.
    Credit must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)
  • From Daryl Stout@432:1/112 to All on Sat Jul 1 13:51:53 2023
    ARRL VE Newsletter July 2023 - New General Exams Take Effect Today


    Inside this VE E-Newsletter:

    New General Class Exams Take Effect Today

    FCC ULS EBF System Restored

    ARRL Headquarters is Closed on Tuesday, July 4, for Independence Day


    New General Class Element 3 Exams Will Take Effect for Exam Sessions
    Beginning Saturday, July 1, 2023

    To ARRL VE teams who are officially Field Stocked by the ARRL VEC: new General-class exam design booklets were shipped out via first-class mail
    on Thursday, June 22. The packages should already have been delivered to field-stocked team leaders. Please discard all previous General-class
    exam versions. To avoid a mix-up at the session, do not save old exam

    FCC EBF System Restored

    On Friday afternoon, June 23, the FCC's Electronic Batch Filing (EBF)
    system was restored. All VEC organizations use that system for filing
    exam sessions, individual applications, and club license applications.

    ARRL VEC staff worked late into Friday night to ensure all backlogged
    sessions and application files were transmitted to the FCC before the
    weekend. Approximately 350 backlogged files were successfully submitted
    to and processed by the FCC before the system's normal shutdown at 8 PM.
    See the ARRL News story at http://www.arrl.org/news/update-fcc-uls-system-restored.

    There have been a few lingering issues with the FCC Universal Licensing
    System (ULS) and EBF System.

    A few exam sessions and applications did not process in the EBF
    system, and they had to be refiled. Hopefully, all files have now
    been accepted and processed by the FCC.

    Some applicants are reporting that they are not receiving the FCC
    payment email. As a reminder, applicants do not have to wait for
    the FCC email to pay the fee. As soon as the application is in the
    FCC system, the applicant can log into the FCC's CORES system
    (https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do) and pay the fee. CORES
    payment system information can be found at
    Additional information and instructions are located on the ARRL
    VEC's FCC Application Fee web page at

    Other applicants are reporting that they are not receiving the
    automated email with the link to their new, upgraded, renewed, or
    modified license. The FCC instructions for obtaining the official
    authorization (official license) is located at

    (above URL all on one line).

    ARRL Headquarters is Closed on Tuesday, July 4, for Independence Day

    ARRL Headquarters will reopen on Wednesday, July 5, at 8 AM EDT.


    The ARRL VEC Staff is Ready to Serve You

    As always, the dedicated VEC staff are here to answer any questions you
    may have.

    ARRL VEC: (860) 594-0300 (8am to 5pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except holidays)
    Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
    Email: VEC@arrl.org
    Web: www.arrl.org/volunteer-examiners
    ARRL VEC Fax: 860-594-0339

    Maria Somma, AB1FM, Manager
    Amanda O’Brien, N1NHL, Assistant Manager
    Stephanie Borden W2MAU, Service Representative
    Lisa Riendeau, Service Representative
    Joshua Nance, Service Representative

    We thank you for your support of the ARRL VEC program.


    ARRL VEC VE Newsletter is published by the
    American Radio Relay League, Inc. - The National Association for Amateur
    Radio (R).

    Material from the ARRL VE E-Newsletter may be republished or reproduced
    in whole or in part in any form without additional permission.
    Credit must be given to The ARRL VEC.

    225 Main Street
    Newington CT 06111 USA

    Maria Somma, AB1FM - VEC Manager / Editor
    ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio (R)
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111 USA

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (432:1/112)