• SPAM: [Vk1wia-news] 2024 JUNE 16 VK NATIONAL NEWS

    From National News Broadcast Email List@432:1/100 to vk1wia-news@lists.wia.org.au on Sat Jun 15 08:01:46 2024


    2024 JUNE 16 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------*






    WIA Director Peter Clee VK8ZZ and membership fees:-

    Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH is
    looking for island inhabitants. -

    29 July 1942 Japanese aircraft dropped bombs just 4 mile south of
    Townsville in a suburb known as Oonoonba, thought to be an Aboriginal
    name meaning Swampy Water. Now, Ray Schinkel calling vk4oil and his
    team will be activating a station in remembrance of the attack.
    Stay tuned for Felix as he brings Ray into his shack.-

    But first it's to Roger...





    This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH.

    Have you ever lived on an island and used the amateur bands while you were there?

    By ôlivedö, I donÆt mean for a week or a fortnightÆs holiday.

    You were on the island for another purpose and amateur radio activity was incidental to that.

    Perhaps you were employed on the island, which necessitated that you live there.

    Or, perhaps you lived on an island while conducting research.

    IÆd like to hear your stories about it. And so would the good readers of Amateur Radio magazine, IÆll bet.

    Your island could be anywhere in the world, not necessarily an Australian territory or protectorate. And, yes, if you lived and played amateur radio
    on a river island within Australia, letÆs hear your story, too.

    Your period of island habitation need not have been recent, either.

    However, this is NOT to be about DXpeditions. THATÆs a whole other category.

    Many of you will probably remember our special Antarctic edition, Issue 5
    back in 2021.

    Well, IÆm planning an Island edition. Tell us all your personal story,
    just as did the contributors back in Issue 5 in 2021.

    If you want to contribute, in the first instance, email me at editor-at-wia-dot-org-dot-au, and IÆll let you know how to best prepare
    and send your article . . . plus photos.

    ItÆs easy to write for Amateur Radio. Many, many amateurs have already
    done so. Few contributors are, or were, professional writers.

    Most of you can write about a familiar subject or an experience. Just tell
    the story, start with ôIn the beginning,ö add the interesting bits in the middle, and end on a high note.

    Our job is to polish it and make you look good.

    IÆm Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News

    This is WIA Director Peter Clee VK8ZZ.

    I also am often asked what members get for the membership fees.
    Well the WIA is the peak body for Amateur Radio in Australia.
    We hold the same peak status and national position as the
    Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), the American Radio Relay
    League (ARRL) or the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters

    The WIA is recognised internationally as such. So, amongst other
    things, we as members get representation both domestically and
    internationally for our beloved hobby.

    Last year we sent two people as part of the Australian Delegation to
    WRC-23. This was done at great expense to the Institute.

    Is it worthwhile?

    Well it is if we wish to retain our significant band space that we as
    amateurs enjoy. Radio frequency bands are like real estate, they are
    a valuable commodity and can be bought and sold. A recent example of
    this is last year when amateurs lost 300 MHz in the 9cm band when the
    regulatory authority sold off a portion of the band raising about
    three quarters of a million dollars.

    There is an ongoing threat to our 23cm band, which I am sure will be
    vigorously debated in the next WRC to be held in 2027.

    Member subscriptions help this representation and members should be
    very proud of that.

    This has been Peter Clee VK8ZZ, from a sunny and warm Darwin.

    WIA affiliated Club Presidents were invited recently to participate
    in an open discussion. On the WIA FaceBook page it's been reported ..
    and I quote "Some good ideas flowing."

    A number of club presidents did not get the advisory email nor we as
    the WIA's news service, otherwise we could have reminded all of the
    time date etc.

    A comment in that particular FaceBook post, coming from the WIA
    goes on to apologise, saying

    "Clearly we didnÆt give enough notice or capture every Secretary and
    President. The WIA apologise for the missed opportunity. The session
    was recorded and we are quite OK with it being viewed un-edited.

    Contact vk4ea@wia.org.au

    Cheers, Peter VK4EA WIA VP."


    INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHam, Hackaday,
    IARU, ICQPodcast, IRTS, NEWSLINE, NZART, RAC, Radioworld.com, RSGB,
    SARL and the World Wide sources of the WIA.

    ARRL Systems Service Disruption

    ARRL are aware that certain members believe they should be openly
    communicating everything associated with this incident. ARRL are
    working with industry experts, including cyber-crime attorneys and
    the authorities, who have directed them to be conservative and
    cautious with communications while restoring the network.

    On or around May 12, 2024, ARRL was the victim of a sophisticated
    network attack by a malicious international cyber group.

    ARRL immediately involved the FBI and engaged with third party
    experts to investigate.

    This serious incident was extensive and categorized by the FBI as
    ôunique,ö compromising network devices, servers, cloud-based systems,
    and PCs. ARRL management quickly established an incident response
    team. This has led to an extensive effort to contain and remediate
    the networks, restore servers, and staff are beginning the testing
    of applications and interfaces to ensure proper operation.

    ARRL have thanked members for their patience and understanding as
    staff continue to work through this with an outstanding team of
    experts to restore full functionality to their systems and services.

    PLEASE TAKE NOTE:- All Logbook and DXCC/Awards data IS secure/safe.

    When the systems are back in service, a post to the ARRL web site
    and an email blast to Logbook users will be made. At that point,
    whatever challenges you experienced beginning May 12th can be
    re-tested by you. These include:

    Reupload to Logbook of any Cabrillo or ADI log files.

    Resubmission of any Call Sign Certificate Renewals or New/Expired
    Certificate requests (Expired or New Certificate Requests need to
    have any pending earlier requests deleted {right click on pending
    requests and delete them}) then resubmit.

    Follow ARRL's main website URL for further updates

    Although nothing to suggest another radio related site hacked was by
    the same cyber group, the Society of Broadcast EngineersÆ website is
    now back up and running.

    An SBE spokesperson said the malware attacked removed all content
    pages from their website. The SBE has since removed the malware and
    restored the content from a backup. The SBE confirms there was no
    ransomware and that no SBE member data was compromised.

    The organization said it is continuing to run scans to ensure there
    are no remaining traces of the attack.

    Changes to four year planning rule in England

    In England, any antenna installations which had been installed and
    unchanged for four years or more were protected against planning
    enforcement action.

    However, as of the 25 April 2024, this rule ceased to exist in its
    current form in England, the rule has been replaced by a more
    stringent ten-year period for the exemption from enforcement for
    residential dwellings.

    Any installation that was substantially completed prior to the
    introduction of the Act will still be subject to the four-year rule
    meaning, for most radio amateurs, the ten-year rule will not apply
    until 2028.

    ARDC, thatÆs Amateur Radio Digital Communications, has announced
    Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE, joined their Board of Directors.

    Licensed initially at the age of 15 and ôfascinated with electronics
    as a child,ö Ashar became interested in amateur radio after being
    ôhookedö following a local club coming to his school to perform a
    ham radio demonstration.

    His technical contributions to amateur radio have earned him
    inductions into both the QRP Amateur Radio Club International
    Hall of Fame (2016), and the CQ Ham Radio Hall of Fame (2018).

    Throughout his career, vu2ese has worked in the fields of
    Internet telephony, free software, and voice codecs.
    An entrepreneur, not only has Farhan founded HF Signals, he has also
    co-founded Lamakaan, a cultural centre in Hyderabad, as well as
    Exseed Space (now Satellize), which specializes in building
    satellites: to date, they have launched two amateur radio-carrying
    satellites into space. In addition to founding these companies,
    he is an angel investor in various technology start-ups.

    Amateur Radio Digital Communications mission is to support, promote,
    and enhance digital communication and broader communication science
    and technology, to promote Amateur Radio, scientific research,
    experimentation, education, development, open access, and innovation
    in information and communication technology.

    Who Listens To Radio? Who listens to Podcasts?

    Podtrac, an audience measuring company, says iHeart has again
    topped Global Rankings In May.

    Of course iHeart radio is available on our DAB plus platform here
    in Australia.

    iHeartPodcasts had 177.2 million streams and downloads alone during
    May, with a unique audience in the U.S. of 31.2 million.

    iHeart Audience Network, which includes the 910 iHeart produced and
    distributed shows as well as more than 24,000 others, had some
    total downloads and streams approached 374 million with a unique U.S.
    audience of 69.1 million.



    CONTEST WISE:- 2024


    Kevin VK4UH and Glenn VK4GMI are the managers for the Harry Angel
    Memorial 80m Sprint and Kevin now joins us.

    "The ôHarry Angelö is an annual 80m contest event, first established
    in 1999, to commemorate the life of Harry VK4HA who at the time of
    his becoming a Silent Key at the age of 106 was the oldest licensed
    amateur in Australia.

    The contest has three sections, Phone, CW and Mixed and certificates
    are awarded to the three top-scoring entries in each section.
    Place winners are also eligible to claim points towards the
    WIA Peter Brown Contest Champion Trophy.

    This year 33 logs were received which represents a significant
    increase in participation over the previous year.

    I am delighted today to announce the winners for the 2024 contest.

    In the Phone section:-
    First place, with a score of 55 points was awarded to VK5PAS,
    Second place to VK2MT,
    Third place to VK2KQB

    In the CW section:-
    First place, with a score of 26 points was awarded to VK5LJ,
    Second place to VK7KPC
    and third place to VK1CT

    In the Mixed section:-
    First place, with a score of 69 points was awarded to VK4M,
    Second place to VJ5W
    and third to VL5L

    The full breakdown of all the scores and entries is available in the
    contest section of the main WIA Contest website.


    The date for next years Sprint has been announced for Saturday May 3.

    On behalf of Glenn and I as managers, the Redcliffe and Districts
    Radio Club and the WIA as sponsors, I would like to thank everyone
    who participated in the Harry Angel this year and offer our
    congratulations to the place holders.

    This is Kevin VK4UH in Brisbane, Contest Manager for the
    Harry Angel Memorial 80m Sprint."




    Saturday 15 June, 0000 til Mon, 17 June, 0000


    (vk4sn calendar)




    0100 UTC Saturday 22 June through 0059 UTC Sunday 23 June
    (in VK6 it's 0300 / 0359 in VK6).




    IARU HF World Championship July 13-14.
    Starts: Zero hours UTC Saturday Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday



    Trans-Tasman Low Band Contest

    July 21st

    The Trans-Tasman contest, always held on the 3rd weekend in July,
    aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL

    Only contest bands 160 80 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and
    Digital (i.e. RTTY OR PSK)

    This contest is another official WIA Contest and will count towards
    the Peter Brown Contest Champion Awards.


    YOTA Contest 2024

    The next session of this year's YOTA Contest will be from
    10:00 to 21:59 UTC 21 July on the five classic bands using
    CW and SSB.

    Everyone can work everyone.

    The complete rules can be found on


    RSGB IOTA Contest July 27.


    AUGUST 17 - 18

    Remembrance Day Contest.

    This contest commemorates the Australian Amateurs who died during
    World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and
    help improve the operating skills of participants.

    It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on
    which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area.

    A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the Australian state or
    territory with the best performance. The name of the winning State
    or Territory is inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory
    then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning State or Territory
    is also given a certificate, as are leading entrants.

    Amateurs will endeavour to contact amateurs in VK call areas,
    ZL and P29 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE,
    CW and RTTY as per the era remembered

    Again the 2024 contest is 17th & 18th August.



    44th A.L.A.R.A. CONTEST AND this ALARA contest is ALWAYS held on the
    last FULL weekend of August.


    All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to
    participate. Scout and Girl Guide groups are encouraged to
    take part using their Club's equipment and callsign.

    YLs work everyone; OMs work YLs only.

    CONTEST: Combined phone and CW run over 24 hours:
    STARTS: Saturday 25th August 2024 at 0600 hours UTC
    ENDS: Sunday 26th August 2024 at 0559 hours UTC

    SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES: All HF Bands except 160m & WARC Bands.
    Contacts made on ECHOLINK will also be accepted.

    (alara web page)


    Oceania DX Contest

    This yearÆs contest will be held on October 5th and 12th




    Youth on the air test 3 of 3 will be from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on
    29 December on the five classic bands CW and SSB.




    The 13 Colonies Special Event returns for 2024 and takes place
    July 1-7.

    13 special callsigns will be on the air, each one representing one of
    the original 13 British colonies that were first established in 1607.
    Three additional bonus callsigns will be on the air representing
    Great Britain, France, and Philadelphia.

    K2A through to K2M are the 13

    BONUS stations are TM13COL GB13COL and W3PEN.

    Certificates will be available whether you work one or all colonies.
    The bonus stations are not required to earn a clean sweep.

    More information is available on the 13 Colonies Special Event


    ( 13 is the numeral 13 not the word )




    In the early morning hours of the 29th. July 1942 a Japanese aircraft
    dropped eight x 250lb. bombs.

    Now, on July 29 this year from the heritage listed Oonoonba bomb site
    Ray Schinkel calling vk4oil and his team will be activating a
    station ( as I said vk4oil ) in remembrance of the attack.
    Ray has details

    Seven of the bombs fell in Cleveland Bay and the eighth bomb fell on
    Oonoonba, a suburb of Townsville. Thankfully the damage caused was
    a crater and the destruction of one palm tree.

    After moving to Townsville in 1979, we, as a Family did visit the
    Bomb Site on several occasions. On ANZAC DAY 2014, I transmitted
    (AM on ANZAC DAY) from the Site. Since that time the Oonoomba bomb
    site was granted a Heritage listing of the Historical WW2 Bombing of
    Townsville. I, with other Members of TARC, operated two stations on
    ANZAC Day 2024 , Net Control by Gavin, VK4ZZ from the Green St.

    Over the years since 2014, the original tenants (Dept. Primary
    Industries) have vacated and the land has become an overgrown area
    with a swamp surrounding the Bomb Site. My inquiring mind led me to
    investigate just what was the future of our WW2 Heritage-listed Site.
    A great deal of the then vacant land had been developed into Housing
    and Commercial estates. I found that Plaques, that had been laid at
    the Bomb Site were missing and one was removed to an area well away
    from our Heritage Listed Site.

    Investigation into the three levels of Government regarding; the
    future of our Site clearly proved that our Heritage Listed Site
    was about to be built over and lost forever!


    A lot of work has gone into dealings with the three levels of
    Government: TV and other media interviews with our Local opposition
    Member have all helped with securing written documentation of future
    support to preserve the Site in "some" form from destruction. It has
    not been made clear to what level the preservation will be, this is
    why we must get behind the support of the Bomb Site for current and
    future residents and visitors to Townsville to witness and enjoy our
    History at War.

    ( Ray will be calling VK4OIL )

    Our transmission on the Anniversary of the Bombing, 29th. July 2024
    from the Site will be -
    Transmission Start: 2.00 pm EST
    Transmission Finish: 4.00 pm EST
    Freq. 7.100 + or - LSB.
    Net Control VK4ZZ - Gavin from TARC H'quarters.

    TARC Members who would like to erect a portable station are all
    welcome. Any helpers or visitors, all welcome to attend.

    I also ask that we be inundated with DX stations from all over our
    Great Country to call into the Net and give us moral support.


    Kind regards,
    Ray & Wendy Schinkel

    For QNEWS listeners Ray VK4OIL will re-join us with a more detailed
    look into our past.. stay tuned.


    Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Radio Belgrade, the Belgrade
    Amateur Radio Club is active as YT 100 RB and YU 1924 RB until
    November 30. For details of a certificate that is available, see



    NEW ZEALAND - Wireless and Wool ZM 100 DX
    Celebrating Historic 100 Year Trans World Radio Contact

    This contact was by Morse and was the first ever, trans-world two-way
    radio communication of any type. It was from Shag Valley Station,
    Otago and the contact was with Cecil Goyder G2SZ at Mill Hill School,

    ZM100DX as well as ZL4AA will be on air on site in Shag Valley Sheep

    The main planned contact is between Shag Valley sheep Station and
    Mill Hill School 18th October and other celebration events are
    planned for the following day or two.

    NZART Branch 30 sincerely invites all amateurs to take part in this
    celebration and join in marking the 100th year since the original


    (sourced to NZART Infoline)


    Members of Ari Colli Albani are on the air as II ╪ LOR until the
    30th of June marking the 80th anniversary of Rome's liberation
    during the Second World War.
    QSL via I ╪ KNQ and certificates will be available.

    (newsline 2431)


    Elvira is active calling 5 U 5 K now until June 20 using SSB, RTTY,
    other digital modes and sometimes some CW all bands 160 to 6 metres.
    Francesco, IK 0 XBX is her pilot station.
    QSL 5U5K direct to IK 2 DUW.



    OE 100 RADIO until the 31st of December celebrates the 100th
    anniversary of regular radio transmissions in Austria in 1924.

    The station has heard recently on the 40m band using CW.

    QSL via the Bureau.



    In the World of DX, the Rushyhill Radio Society will be commemorating
    the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings, which took place June
    6th, 1944 by using the callsign GB 8 DDY now until the 28th of June.

    See QRZ.com for details.


    TM 80 DD will be active from the 1st through to the 16th of June
    using CW, SSB and the digital modes on all bands marking the 80th
    anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

    See QRZ.com for QSL details for TM80DD

    (NewsLine 2429)


    Active is TR 8 CR from Gabon until at least the end of June, the
    operator? F8EN Roland. He will operate CW only and will celebrate his
    96th birthday while there. QSL for TR8CR is via F6AJA directly or
    the Bureau. Roland can usually be found on the 30 to 10m bands.
    ( rsgb )



    And now to some Short Wave news.

    Hi, I'm Graeme, VK3GRK.

    Bendigo Amateur Radio & Electronics Club invites you to our
    June meeting, where Dave VK3ASE will provide an interesting
    presentation on Short Wave Australia.

    Based in Neilborough, Dave has been running Short Wave Australia
    now for approximately two years, and broadcasts programming on
    two frequencies, 2310 and 4835 kilohertz.

    Dave will discuss the history and technical aspects of Short Wave
    Australia, radio propagation, antennas, and his involvement with ABC.
    Some history of Radio Australia will also be discussed.

    The presentation commences at 7.30 pm, Friday June 21st at BAREC
    Headquarters, Bendigo East Hall, 35 Lansell St. A gold coin donation
    would be appreciated, and a light supper will be provided.
    The presentation will be available live via Zoom.

    Short Wave Australia - Zoom details:
    Join Zoom Meeting:
    Meeting ID: 844 0653 1024
    Passcode: 535376



    What goes up must come down!

    Chasing weather balloons, and their Radio Sonde TransmitterÆs.

    Enter Eric VK7EV and Andrew VK7XR.

    Since mid-April, from the Cape Grim Baseline Air pollution station on
    the North Western point of Tasmania. the Los Alamos National
    Laboratory, a research and development laboratory of the United
    States Department of Energy, has been launching weather balloons
    from Australia.

    They will occur through till June 2025.

    The weather balloon, made of a latex type rubber, a 50m string on
    which is attached the Radiosonde device, which monitors Temperature,
    Humidity, Pressure and Dew point, as well as wind speed and
    direction. The balloons ascend to 28000m constantly transmitting
    data, and then burst, starting an 8hr timer on the Radiosonde in
    which it will continues to transmit data, to assist to locate them.

    Only basic equipment is required, a radio to monitor, normally 401.5
    MHz, tape measure beam, attenuators, binoculars, Stanley knife
    essential, as the string has a fishing line type centre, and canÆt
    easily be broken, if the device is up a tree, a long pole with a

    At EricÆs QTH, he has a laptop running Radiosonde decoding software,
    a 400 MHz dipole and a basic scanner completing the BCA gear.

    (Balloon Chasing Amateurs)

    ((vk7wi news))

    AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org


    A special delivery is underway - the first rock and soil samples from
    the far side of the moon.

    China's mission to the dark side of the moon is returning with that
    precious cargo, the first samples of its kind gathered during any
    lunar exploration. The Chinese National Space Administration mission
    faced special challenges. Among them, the uncrewed Chang'e mission
    relied on communication with a specially deployed relay satellite
    because there is no direct radio communication with the dark side
    of the moon.

    (newsline 2432)

    Working around multiple helium leaks and thruster problems, the crew
    of BoeingÆs Starliner spacecraft wrapped up a challenging rendezvous
    and a delayed-but-successful docking with the International Space
    Station in a major milestone for the new shipÆs first piloted test

    After extensive checks to verify an airtight seal, hatches were
    opened and Starliners Wilmore and Williams floated into the lab
    complex to an enthusiastic welcome from the seven Expedition 71
    crew members on board the ISS.

    Despite the leaks, NASA officials said more than enough helium
    remains on board to ensure a safe return to Earth at the end of a
    normal-duration or even extended mission. The helium leaks are all
    located in the StarlinerÆs drum-shaped service module, which is
    discarded to burn up in the atmosphere before the crew capsule
    re-enters for landing.


    (AMSAT NA)


    The unique Alexanderson alternator from 1924, with the call sign SAQ,
    is scheduled for two transmissions on VLF 17.2 kHz CW on June 30th.

    Almost a hundred years ago, December 1st, the long wave transmitter
    at Grimeton Radio Station, with the call sign SAQ, was put into
    commercial operation. Transmissions were across the Atlantic Ocean to
    a receiving station in Riverhead and with the replying transmitter
    station in Rocky Point, both on Long Island, NY, USA.

    The other transmitting and receiving stations in the RCA network are
    now long gone but SAQ has been preserved as a World Heritage Site and
    is still operational. The design and manufacturing of such a robust
    and reliable radio transmitter was a monumental achievement by
    Swedish-born inventor Ernst F.W. Alexanderson.

    Listeners and readers in Europe, it's been suggested to receive the
    message, you can try using a wire as long as possible connected to
    the microphone socket of a laptop or PC soundcard. The soundcard can
    then be used as a receiver allowing you to try to receive the


    INCLUDING ILLW NEWS - ILLW 17th August 2024 to 18th August 2024


    The weekend event coming up in a couple of monthsÆ time, August, is
    not a contest but you might say there's a little bit of friendly
    competition going on right now among operators in various countries
    to see who can register as many of these historic structures as they

    On August 17th and 18th, hams will be at many of those sites
    transmitting signals from not only here in Australia, but Argentina,
    Germany, the UK, Belgium, South Africa, the US - and any other
    country that takes pride in the history that makes each of them
    so special.

    Some stations will be QRP; others may operate QRO. Some stations will
    be operated solo and others by teams. There are no restrictions, just

    Register NOW:-

    illw.net for details.

    (newsline 2432)


    This weekend is International Museums Weekends, an Amateur Radio
    Special Event over 2 weekends, 15th - 16th and 22nd - 23rd June.
    So keep an ear out, there MUST be SOME operating here in VK Land.

    (Youngsters On The Air)

    This morning, Sunday you will probably be hearing a lot of US kids
    on air as the American Amateur Radio Relay League holds its
    twice a year Kids Day On The Air.

    ARRL's Kids Day aims to provide young people with on-the-air
    experience and inspire them to pursue their own Amateur Radio
    licenses. ItÆs also a great opportunity for seasoned hams to share
    their passion and knowledge with the next generation.

    Talking of knowledge, last week Alan VK2COD asked Aussie clubs who
    have been helping Youth On The Air to drop me a short article of
    no more than 250 words, plus a couple photos, to

    Now over to the US of A:-

    Never mind graduation ceremonies. At one prestigious university in
    the USA, the recent end of the semester ends not with a cap and gown
    but....an amateur radio license.

    This three-credit course is called Introduction to Amateur Radio and
    it recently concluded its spring semester in the College of
    Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. This isn't the kind of
    weekend ham cram of one-day course many amateurs have become
    accustomed to: This technology, history and a bit of sociology,
    taking students from the US Radio Act of 1912, which gave the public
    its rights to the electromagnetic spectrum to antenna-building,
    satellite communications and operating safely in the field.

    The course was introduced in 2023 and - never mind getting an A
    or a B - the real test is sitting for the FCC exam.

    (newsline 2432 and point plover metro wire)



    In the US, Juniata County Commissioners issued a June 23-29
    proclamation in honour of Amateur Radio Week; they recognized the
    Tuscarora Amateur Radio Association (TARA) and its more than 100
    years of service to the local community.

    TARA representatives accepted the proclamation and shared a little
    about what they do. Amateur radio operators have provided hours of
    community services both in emergencies and to other local
    organizations throughout the decades. They provided many services to
    emergency response organizations including Juniata County Emergency

    Operators have demonstrated their value in public assistance with
    free radio communications for local parades, bike-a-thons,
    walk-a-thons, fairs and other charitable public events where a
    helping hand is needed.

    Some of these individuals also serve as weather spotters in the
    Skywarn program of the U.S. Government Weather Bureau



    2024 IT'S A DATE

    Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.


    VK4 - Caboolture Radio Club HamFest is to be held on Saturday 13th
    July. The venue, a new one, the Caboolture Uniting Church Hall,
    257 King street. That's the corner of King and Smiths Road.

    Breakfast will be served from 8 am, with the HamFest opening at 9 am.
    Admission is $5.

    For further information see the Club's Facebook page

    (Alan VK4TG Secretary, Caboolture Radio Club Inc.)

    VK3 - Bendigo AR & Electronics Club RadioFest August 18 (vk3gtv)

    VK6 - PerthTech 2024 Sept 21 for 2 days at Gidgegannup (vk6pop)

    VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Country Paradise
    Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH)
    SEEN-BY: 1/100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 SEEN-BY: 1/118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 130 132 133 134 135 136 SEEN-BY: 1/137 138 139 140 142 143 144 145 147 148 151 154 155 156 157 158 159 SEEN-BY: 1/160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169