• 2600 Magazine Article

    From A.M. Rowsell@amr@tilde.club to tilde.club on Wed Jan 26 14:49:07 2022
    Content-Type: text/plain

    Hey folks!

    In the most recent edition of 2600, an article I submitted was
    published. It's all about playing with ancient MSPaint formats and
    converting them to something modern like PNG. The original MS Paint in
    Windows 1 and 2 had some very unique features that you don't see in many
    bitmap drawing applications. The "rectangular prism" tool in particular
    is great and I used it to great effect in making avatars for friends of
    mine. See attached an example of an avatar created in MS Paint v1. It
    has a very particular aesthetic that I like.

    Content-Type: image/png
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=TOX.png
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Description: Toxidation's Avatar

    iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAM4AAADgAQMAAABxd8vBAAABhGlDQ1BJQ0MgcHJvZmlsZQAAKJF9 kT1Iw0AcxV9bpSIVETuodMhQnSxIFXHUKhShQqgVWnUwufQLmjQkKS6OgmvBwY/FqoOLs64OroIg +AHi5uak6CIl/i8ptIjx4Lgf7+497t4B/kaFqWbXBKBqlpFOJoRsblUIviKACAYwjLjETH1OFFPw HF/38PH1LsazvM/9OfqUvMkAn0A8y3TDIt4gnt60dM77xGFWkhTic+Jxgy5I/Mh12eU3zkWH/Twz bGTS88RhYqHYwXIHs5KhEk8RRxVVo3x/1mWF8xZntVJjrXvyF4by2soy12lGkMQiliBCgIwayqjA QoxWjRQTadpPePhHHL9ILplcZTByLKAKFZLjB/+D392ahcm4mxRKAN0vtv0xCgR3gWbdtr+Pbbt5 AgSegSut7a82gJlP0uttLXoE9G8DF9dtTd4DLneAoSddMiRHCtD0FwrA+xl9Uw4YvAV619zeWvs4 fQAy1FXqBjg4BMaKlL3u8e6ezt7+PdPq7wef63K5lzTGuwAAAAZQTFRFAAAA////pdmf3QAAAAlw SFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAAd0SU1FB+UDHBEhE8L3LxwAAAQPSURBVFjD7di9jtRIEAfw7mnf 2KCWZnUiWEQwG5CREFyIdkbci5iIkEEEjERgCyRMBLqMgIA3wcFJJHPiEc7SBgQQWCLASJYHf3R3 VXW5NyFBAkez+qm36l/+thA//6aOc1s30GqWjnlP2TzVPc3LsRFCBqgNdTH28Zt+iLosSE2Y6jCV YRJB6sLUhKkKUx4mEaQ2TLVHNQpMqdmTUwHR4fAfOYGA3hdFgc8EoEO/fSDnj6V2328Z7gJo12+P UWCgLu23BygwqjWsynAXQKRWJfwOybkPVKBY4xVjflVLqelr4cCI6t3uIQ6MKU3v4cD4H+52j1AX 8UtSK0OB5T9ALQx+CCzf5rC/iuIV6kKWQB2sGnqQOTodXK2WUW0HXzOq0gyNfX5VzsgehdPYCX0+ oD1M6WuBx06o/YDHTms9cYG3IqWrHrsutvI1pfuui7dKE+oyF3i7jAgdMwis/6T0P+x8/ZTSOzjO 9N34gl2+psDJJ8GvAFPgK19maOhCVlcvOE1jT5O/OU1jT6/e4lQbusGpNP/wGafxLi1SfZdRa2nB qDG0XDKqLEWMckPqjU9T4J5E7VPrSPhUh6kM09iFWJWcOhFc1YSpClMZJvt8JBufWktC+FSHqQrT FFjUnExgmXAygRcRJ9PFcsFpCnxnjqa/I6EYdWFqLK1V5FFl6UK+8MgEjpSSr6ef7gHGFIiWdp8o Sy2iaVtZsmOP3DDWlsweFv/CnCyZLtRNS9I+R5nAYnnNkrJkAguto9h2Ych0kZxGyz+mnxtLpaP4 uglsyJa6dhrJKjddTGRLJSdmtCL2SThahykL0zFIKkwrRncsrRnp0wi6mCd55KS1Cxyg1QzFf9mx M5LvXWCfyIvQHMVhWjM6P9coMKEk0SgwIW1IcYpOcGBCS0MbToszjbvApCaSR05yq1FgTKksNQqM qD+F8w3uAkhpUaKxY+rv+1v6/ulIL2RK3z8RLc5IF4RuC/JqamjTJSo6EeT909Dt5z2dCv/WbilJ 8NgpaRyY0Pk5Ctw6Ons6XcRdFw0jN/YdovHm7gK3KSMbuIZVIh/v+66L4WkRKMKBh8d0R+N93419 eLh3NN73XRdkFTnOmv3eIxe4f7r3yAXuX1o8sl0M7zoebaCUXwtS+R0qSEVzQRcdX7VGpbxaMHbW oXvSSv1c7vTesVUrXIrW2sDY/Q5tF8MbJsoVVzD2g7cKAo+vmLgWBB5T4Q6hizEVzgWB+SoXeM9q rUgq0qHt4mNR0FwQ+MBWucB7Vkuhg8nr0HZRp6mfa0NT4VV+KaglvVSowxgfgjSXDfyZr8rIcUFq kYOJdOieitPUz7XyU8GqNSvlavljhw6//f7O9oN0yXfRS76m4rsP/Wh26ZfbS773/nLbd8CrmbZm aBFTAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
    Content-Type: text/plain

    No idea if that attachment will actually work or not.

    Anyway, who here is subscribed to 2600? If you are and you enjoy it,
    remember that (almost) all articles are written by the community, for
    the community. So if you have something neat you're working on, or you discovered some neat new hack, write something up and send it in! You
    never know, they might just print it ;)


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.club on Thu Jan 27 17:48:12 2022
    On Wed, 26 Jan 2022, A.M. Rowsell wrote:

    No idea if that attachment will actually work or not.

    I have checked, it does; and this message did propagate throughout the peers (checked at both cosmic.voyage and tilde.team).

    Though, it goes without saying that file attachments of any form
    are highly discouraged on Tildeverse Netnews; in order to make its long-term storage weight low enough for non-expiring policy to become viable.
    (Also, messages with attachments are *not* guaranteed to propagate
    from Tilde to Tilde)

    Hosting elsewhere and linking to them is more preferrable.

    The "rectangular prism" tool in particular is great

    Is it a tool that produced parallelogram on the middle of your image?
    Or rather a tool that produced pattern fill near the top and bottom
    of your image?

    Anyway, who here is subscribed to 2600?

    Not really. But that got me thinking: niche magazines that I had subscribed to (or was aiming to subscribe) have all gone out of print. I'm quite fond of
    the self-contained article and illustration format of one electronics hobbyists' magazine [1] published in my country, which I have mainly
    read via consolidated volumes I collect.

    Anyhow, I don't plan to write article for an actual magazine [2] as I'm wary
    of their copyright policy. So what's in my plan is just reviving the format (including illustration format), and use them to publish individual
    electronics projects I designed and made online instead. [3]


    [1] It was a long-running Thai magazine literally called "Hobby Electronics",
    published by Se-Education, ISSN 0858-9976. (Now out of print)
    Its consolidated volumes, which I found in school library,
    were my original inspiration to start learning about electronics
    in the first place.

    [2] Not that there are any local one left in my niche to write to now,
    to my knowledge.

    [3] Also freely-licensed of course.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From anthonyg@anthonyg@sdf.org to tilde.club on Fri Jun 10 00:19:07 2022
    On Jan 26, 2022 at 12:49:07 PM PST, ""A.M. Rowsell"" <amr@tilde.club> wrote:

    Anyway, who here is subscribed to 2600? If you are and you enjoy it,
    remember that (almost) all articles are written by the community, for
    the community. So if you have something neat you're working on, or you discovered some neat new hack, write something up and send it in! You
    never know, they might just print it ;)

    Lifetime subscriber here (both print and digital digest). been reading for years, and I still find something worthwile in every issue. I really should write something up and send it to them.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113