From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 15:22:37 2021
    Let's sharpen our ASCII-art skills!

    Have you heard of an old mobile game called "Draw Something" or a word game called "Pictionary"? Where you draw a picture and ask the other people
    which word it represents (usually with jumble of alphabet chips
    to choose from).

    I challenge you all, to a Netnews + ASCII art version of this game,
    which I would call "ASCII Of?"

    ## #### #### #### #### #### ###### #####
    ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ##### ## ## ## ## ## ##### ##
    ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## #### #### ##### ##### #### ## ##

    The gist of this game is you pick a word from a dictionary
    (or other sources [1]), draw an ASCII art to represent it,
    post the art on Netnews, and let others try to answer
    what was the word you picked.

    When making an ASCII art post:

    - You are encouraged to keep your ASCII art as small (makes it challenging).
    - You should also say the category [1] of your word, and how long
    the word is (in characters) in your post.
    - You are encouraged to put category in your post's subject line.
    - You are discouraged from putting written clues (or the word in question
    either in written form or Unicode icon form) on the ASCII art or the post.
    - You are free to set your own arbitrary time limit before you would
    answer your own question. But if you decided to do so, please use time
    window that is not smaller than one week (due to a slow nature of Netnews).

    The goal is not to collect scores, but to make the word puzzle at least moderately difficult, while making it obvious once someone (or you, if no
    one else could) pointed out the correct answer. And of course, better
    your ASCII artmaking skills in the process.

    Of course, you are free to post answer to the ASCII arts posted, make new
    ASCII art posts, discuss the rules/arts/word choices that other posted, etc,
    at your own pace.

    I will post a few to get you all started.

    See you in the game,

    P.S. For your convenience, below I provided a few-liner Perl command
    to generate a random jumble of (English-only) alphabet chips from the word.
    It defaults to generate a doubled amount of chips; spaces in the word
    are discarded:

    perl -e '$n=0; for($ARGV[0]=~/./g) { /\s/ and next; $b{uc $_}=1;
    push @a,uc $_; $n++; } for(65..90) { $c=chr $_; exists $b{$c}
    or push @r,$c; } for(1..$n) { (0+@r)>0 or last; $i=int(rand 0+@r);
    push @a,$r[$i]; splice @r,$i,1; } while($#a>=0) { $i=int(rand 0+@a);
    print "".($nf?" ":"").$a[$i]; $nf=1; splice @a,$i,1; } print "\n";' --

    Append with space followed by the word you would like to generate
    chips for (also quote it if it contains space), and run it on your
    POSIX shell. This is an example output of the word "something":

    O Z T D H B I Y S N L W E X R M G J

    P.P.S. The above throw-away Perl program I just wrote is released to
    public domain under Creative Commons Zero 1.0. <https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>


    [1] The category could be as broad as "object", "place", "plant, "animal", "action" (i.e. pose, or anything you or an object can do), "people";
    being abstract like "career", "academic subject"; or being specific like
    "TV show", "film", "music", "book", "comic", "webcomic", "celebrity", "celestial body"; but should not be more specific than that.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artwork
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 15:29:45 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    | _ _ |

    Subject is an object, the word has *10* characters, pick alphabets from:

    F T H R O X D I Y L Z M S O B E G A N U

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 15:31:32 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    __| r-------- |

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* characters, pick alphabets from:

    K R N I P J E Y T G R B Q S

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 15:32:49 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    | -. |
    | | |
    | o| |
    | | |
    +_ |-+

    Subject is an object, the word has *4* characters, pick alphabets from:

    O I A D R X O K

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 15:36:13 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    _. . , /.
    / / \/ //
    / / , /\ //
    / /.\\ r \//
    | {+} |
    \\` \
    ` \

    The subject is a TV show, the show's name has *8* characters,
    pick alphabets from:

    E C V G J I B K Y W L M T P A R

    What is this show?

    P.S. This question appeared in the actual Draw Something game;
    my university classmates were utterly puzzled, as it was not very
    well-known in my country. (I answered it correctly in a single try
    as the original version of this show is my favorite)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 15:45:20 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    . | ' . .
    ' . .
    | . ^_-_^ | . '
    - -
    | /_o - o_\ |
    . " > < "
    | ..... | . '
    | , . . . |
    . ||,. ..||
    . \`. .'/ |.
    v -_______- v

    The subject is a film, its name has *6* characters, pick alphabets from:

    U L O O N O B F T M T R

    What is this film?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 15:47:08 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    --_ ,________ ||
    +=========+ ==(==|||
    --- |. ______/|`./ ||
    | (=====( | | ||
    _-- |. \|/ ''

    / / | \
    / / / \

    The subject is an object, its word has *10* characters, pick alphabets from:

    P O L S H T R X O Z Q D K L G B F I V E

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 16:01:23 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    /.....o --
    ' . . \
    \_ . . /
    / ---''

    The subject is an object, the word has *8* characters, pick alphabets from:

    E M U A N B L I S V L O T C R Z

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 19:50:48 2021

    So this is a (rot13) qbbe!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 19:51:52 2021
    Aww, your (rot13) Gbgbeb is cute!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 19:52:44 2021
    Hee. This is a really convincing (rot13) hzoeryyn you've drawn here, xwindows! --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 19:56:31 2021
    Nhgbzbovyr~ I don't hear that word very often
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 19:58:14 2021
    Iee iee iee iee cevagre!

    You're pretty good at making these, hahah
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 14 20:13:06 2021
    And here's my drawing!


    C| MOM |

    The subject is an object, and is 6 letter long!

    J E F T O N Q F C E Y P

    What is this a drawing of?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 14:17:59 2021
    On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:


    C| MOM |

    The shape of the cup says that this is a cup of rot13("pbssrr").

    Also, thanks for the inspiration; now I know what I would do
    for my next ASCII Of challenge!

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 14:34:17 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    . ..
    . .
    . .
    | | | \
    | ^ | |
    | [_]|_/

    Subject is an object, the word has *3* characters, pick alphabets from:

    D A R E H T

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 15:14:04 2021
    On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:


    Yep, that's correct. By the way, it's thoughtful of you to use ROT13;
    not being too familiar with USENET, I haven't even thought of that myself
    when I started the thread.

    I don't hear that word very often

    I chose a longer word intentionally. It's less fun when it's too easy.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 15:31:04 2021
    On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:


    Yep, that's the film I was referring to.

    I'm aware that the character is very iconic,
    but I didn't expect that it would get answered this fast.

    Now I know the next "iconic" ASCII Of? film challenge I would do.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 15:33:59 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    | |
    -- --
    -- --
    .. _oo ..
    | -.|.` |
    / |\ \
    --- . ---
    \ . /
    | . |
    \ . /
    | . |
    | . |
    | . |
    \ \,./. `/
    /\_ / . \ \/-/\

    The subject is a film, its name has *7* characters, pick alphabets from:

    Z N H C R A L T I K Y I T D

    What is this film?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 15:42:18 2021
    On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:


    Yeah, that is correct; the /REDACTED/ device from hell! [1]


    [1] https://theoatmeal.com/comics/printers
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 15:45:24 2021
    On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:


    Yep. (This one is simple)

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 17:12:17 2021
    On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:


    That's right!

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 17:24:43 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    | |
    | -- +---+ -- |]
    || C| | | | C||
    | -- +---+ -- |

    The subject is an object, the word has *7* characters, pick alphabets from:

    X O B A V U N O B T O K P M

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 17:32:03 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    - - _________
    / \ / /
    | | / /
    \ / / /
    -____- /________/

    +-------+ /\
    | | / \
    | | / \
    | | / \
    | | / \
    +-------+ +----------+

    The subject is an academic subject, the word has *8* characters,
    pick alphabets from:

    I S Y N E J Q T G V R M W O H E

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 17:40:48 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    -----/ -- -- \-----
    | '|| | ||` |
    | ||---+ || |
    | '|| ||' |
    -----\ -- -- /-----

    The subject is an object, the word has *5* characters, pick alphabets from:

    E K N H A C T W F P

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 17:55:57 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ' ~-
    '.\ / ,----.
    \. ( )
    '_ ._--_.
    \\| \
    \ /

    The subject is an object, the word has *6* characters, pick alphabets from:

    B E I G T X W L T Y E K

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 18:08:21 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    c ~..~....)
    c~... .~- +-----+
    . / | |
    )\ / . o | | |u|
    /r\\ ` -- </\_ |[===[| --'
    ( // / /\ | |
    .._' ... - / |_____|

    The subject is a place, with 8 letters, pick alphabets from:

    J U F D E M I Z E Q I T X V H R

    What is this place?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From opfez@opfez@disroot.org to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 16:40:05 2021
    On 7/15/21 10:33 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    | |
    -- --
    -- --
    .. _oo ..
    | -.|.` |
    / |\ \
    --- . ---
    \ . /
    | . |
    \ . /
    | . |
    | . |
    | . |
    \ \,./. `/
    /\_ / . \ \/-/\

    The subject is a film, its name has *7* characters, pick alphabets from:

    Z N H C R A L T I K Y I T D

    What is this film?

    I think this is gvgnavp! (rot13)

    Also, this is my first newsgroup post, I hope I did it right. '^^

    (Oops, I sent that as an email to you by accident I think, let's hope it
    works this time)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From cymen@cymen@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 22:12:59 2021
    ybhqfcrnxre ?

    On 14.07.21 10:47, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    --_ ,________ ||
    +=========+ ==(==|||
    --- |. ______/|`./ ||
    | (=====( | | ||
    _-- |. \|/ ''

    / / | \
    / / / \

    The subject is an object, its word has *10* characters, pick alphabets from:

    P O L S H T R X O Z Q D K L G B F I V E

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From cymen@cymen@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 22:15:40 2021
    obbzobk ?

    On 15.07.21 12:24, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    | |
    | -- +---+ -- |]
    || C| | | | C||
    | -- +---+ -- |

    The subject is an object, the word has *7* characters, pick alphabets from:

    X O B A V U N O B T O K P M

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From cymen@cymen@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 22:16:10 2021


    On 15.07.21 12:32, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    - - _________
    / \ / /
    | | / /
    \ / / /
    -____- /________/

    +-------+ /\
    | | / \
    | | / \
    | | / \
    | | / \
    +-------+ +----------+

    The subject is an academic subject, the word has *8* characters,
    pick alphabets from:

    I S Y N E J Q T G V R M W O H E

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From cymen@cymen@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 22:17:44 2021
    It's not a pipe (4), not a wateringcan (alot), not a saxophone(9),
    ...what the hell is it?

    On 15.07.21 12:55, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ' ~-
    '.\ / ,----.
    \. ( )
    '_ ._--_.
    \\| \
    \ /

    The subject is an object, the word has *6* characters, pick alphabets from:

    B E I G T X W L T Y E K

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Dacav Doe@dacav@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 20:29:44 2021
    On 2021-07-15, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    Yep, that's correct. By the way, it's thoughtful of you to use ROT13;
    not being too familiar with USENET, I haven't even thought of that myself when I started the thread.

    Indeed! Also, did you know that rot13 conversion is built in both in vim and in slrn?

    I don't hear that word very often

    I chose a longer word intentionally. It's less fun when it's too easy.

    Btw, that is a word even in Italian. :)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Dacav Doe@dacav@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 20:32:15 2021
    On 2021-07-14, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    _. . , /.
    / / \/ //
    / / , /\ //
    / /.\\ r \//
    | {+} |
    \\` \
    ` \

    I know it!


    I loved this series, as a kid, and I'm really fond of the depicted item.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Dacav Doe@dacav@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 15 20:39:20 2021
    On 2021-07-15, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    -----/ -- -- \-----
    | '|| | ||` |
    | ||---+ || |
    | '|| ||' |
    -----\ -- -- /-----

    V jrne bar ba zl jevfg :)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 08:55:18 2021
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, Dacav Doe wrote:

    Indeed! Also, did you know that rot13 conversion is built in both in vim and in slrn?

    I knew about SLRN supporting that (and TIN too)...
    but I didn't know that VIM also do it until you mentioned.

    From the manual: I suppose it would be either a simple `g??`
    in command mode for a single-line rotation, or a visual-mode select
    followed by `g?` command for a finer selection-level rotation.

    Apparently, there are some old new things to learn everyday.

    Thank you for pointing that out,

    P.S. Before this, I just copied/piped the text to a running `rot13`
    command line program (which comes in a package called `bsdgames`
    on many GNU/Linux distributions).
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:03:38 2021
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, Dacav Doe wrote:


    Yes! that is it.

    I loved this series, as a kid

    Ditto, although I discovered this series as a young adult.
    (My parents have watched it when it was first dubbed+aired in my country)

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:16:41 2021
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, cymen wrote:


    Not quite. (It is not 10-letter, and the word you just answered
    cannot be constructed from the given alphabet chips, really)
    Although, I'm well aware of why that would be the first guess.

    This item could be hung up a wall, a pole, or even laid pointing up
    from the floor; and it gives out a type of energy that is
    different from the item you answered. Another key part to look at
    is its insides, because it would normally look different
    from your answer there.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:41:18 2021
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, opfez wrote:


    That is spot on.

    Also, this is my first newsgroup post, I hope I did it right. '^^

    Welcome to Tildeverse Netnews; and yeah, that worked
    (at least the second try did).

    (Oops, I sent that as an email to you by accident I think,
    let's hope it works this time)

    Don't worry, that happens sometimes (I saw your email too).
    The most important part is you realizing that as soon as you did it.

    (Having missing replies is not good for continuity,
    and me grafting those emails into the news spool is not ideal
    for various reasons)

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:50:25 2021
    On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, opfez wrote:


    That is spot on.

    P.S. And to be honest, I think this "image" is so entrenched with that film;
    to the point that it could be tough for people to figure out an answer
    had I drew a similar challenge that rather based on a less popular `rot13("Fcrrq 2")` film.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:52:05 2021
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, cymen wrote:


    Yay! This time your answer is correct.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:53:33 2021
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, cymen wrote:


    That is it!

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 10:11:41 2021
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, cymen wrote:

    It's not a pipe (4), not a wateringcan (alot), not a saxophone(9),
    ...what the hell is it?

    To be honest, I thought this would have been an easy one.
    I guess many people (especially western people) could be more familiar
    with its appliance form, rather that this original form then.

    (And wHY oN EaRTH would you think it was a saxophone...)

    Hint: It usually contain a similar content as your second answer.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 10:39:21 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    -- @
    --`#== ---
    - - \\ ____ ... ~ -
    |___| `===/ | . ., .
    |\@[| `---'.. ~ ~ .
    |ABC| ~\ . .
    |---| . ~.
    | | .

    Subject is an object, the word has 16 letters, pick alphabets from:

    I R I S Z J F N E V B Y K E Q P E I H M D G T C R A L X O W U

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 10:47:40 2021
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, the word has *11* letters, pick alphabets from:

    R E T M Z H N O K J R S A M L X E P G V T E

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 11:01:08 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | | | | \|
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | |\_ --..
    |(_)(_)(_)(_) ||_) --..
    | |
    _^_ _^_

    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    D X N A L Y P O E T N W

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 11:10:50 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    _____. _
    (_( (_G-'_\_.-. \ /
    (_| |_G-' / \
    (_|_|_G-_- `-_-* --

    Subject is a historical figure, whose _surname_ has *5* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    G N X L E I O B Z F

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 11:23:37 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    |[+] [-] |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *7* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    A H V G C Y I U L B M I T P

    What is this element?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 11:34:57 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / n o o o n /|
    +-----------+ |
    | + - | +
    | |/

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    E X L T D J P A

    What is this element?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 11:38:33 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    \ \
    _\ \
    \ \ \
    \ \ \
    \ \_._
    \ |

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    K I Q N C O H R

    What is this element?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 11:52:15 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / /
    / /
    / +--
    +--_ +
    /.' .
    v / \
    . \ /
    / .
    / .
    ======= .
    / \ .
    --/ /\ ..
    / / ^ ...
    ` . /-_ O,/" \ O
    ' -__ | //\
    ---__ |\ / \

    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *7* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    S C E L H A Z R O N N I B K F Y

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 11:58:20 2021
    On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *7* letters,

    I just realized the character count was wrong;
    the correct part is below:

    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *8* letters,

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 12:11:42 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ` .
    \ +
    | .
    | __ .
    | + / /
    | .-. .
    | __ / _ .
    | / / `./ /
    | / / / /
    | .--/ /_ /
    | +-. / .
    | `..+
    | .
    | .
    ' +

    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    E B Y O U H L D W B Z I

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 12:33:41 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    . . . . .
    O ` . .
    . `
    . . . . . | `
    . . \ . . / .
    . .---.. `
    . o _ ' ` ._ .
    . | | .. .
    . .. `.___.' .
    . ./ \ . `
    _ . . | . .
    / `. ` . ,.
    / / . ' ' .
    /`./ . .
    r/ p/ . .
    / |\ ` `
    ' /| \
    / /' |/

    Subject is a historical figure, whose _first name_ has *7* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    A G H N L P O C W E I U D L

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 12:42:16 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / ~ _.
    ( /
    . .
    | |
    | |\ ~
    | | | .
    | | | ( / `
    | | | . .
    | | | ______
    | |.' | D
    `----' ----

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    R A K Z T W E F P M S H J O

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From cymen@cymen@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:01:48 2021
    Counting is not one of my strong suits.

    On 16.07.21 04:16, xwindows wrote:
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, cymen wrote:


    Not quite. (It is not 10-letter, and the word you just answered
    cannot be constructed from the given alphabet chips, really)
    Although, I'm well aware of why that would be the first guess.

    This item could be hung up a wall, a pole, or even laid pointing up
    from the floor; and it gives out a type of energy that is
    different from the item you answered. Another key part to look at
    is its insides, because it would normally look different
    from your answer there.


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From cymen@cymen@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:03:32 2021

    Is it a grncbg ?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:36:34 2021
    On 2021-07-15, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The subject is an academic subject, the word has *8* characters,
    pick alphabets from:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:38:00 2021
    On 2021-07-16, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:39:30 2021
    On 2021-07-15, cymen <cymen@tilde.town> wrote:


    Oh, I just noticed we're rot13'ing answers. Whoops!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:42:04 2021
    On 2021-07-16, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:
    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *8* letters,

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 09:42:46 2021
    On 2021-07-16, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 17:35:51 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    || ||
    / _____ \
    /-' ... `-\
    '| ^ . |`
    | . | . |
    | . . |
    | | ... | |

    Subject is an object, the word has *5* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C A K R S Z E G V L

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From opfez@opfez@disroot.org to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 19:57:59 2021
    Oh! I've got this one!

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 09:58:24 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    --. __
    | 8=|__):

    Subject is an object, the word has *9* letters, pick alphabets from:

    Z B I H Q M N U K X P B L T D G L F

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 10:33:47 2021
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is a concept, the word has *4* letters, pick alphabets from:

    M R U E X I T G

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 10:35:37 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \___/ \
    `_._/ \_,_'
    / . . \
    \___/ \___/

    Subject is a sport, which its name has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C O F U S R H E Y J N C

    What is this sport?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 10:43:34 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | ,
    | /
    | o

    Subject is a sport, which its name has *4* letters, pick alphabets from:

    L A N G F I O U

    What is this sport?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 10:55:55 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | )
    __ _=_
    / \.-- | --
    \__/ | =-.
    | | \
    |~| -_-'

    Subject is an object, the word has *10* letters, pick alphabets from:

    O M E S F E D G Y A K L I C M T E W N R

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 22:02:07 2021
    This seems to be a fpnyr!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 22:05:06 2021
    Znlor V qba'g unir rabhtu [gvzr] sbe guvf~

    (This ascii art is simple and elegant imo. Nice!)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 22:06:38 2021

    I've always respected this sport
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 16 22:07:17 2021
    Chill, relaxing (abg zvav) tbys
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 11:23:44 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | --- |
    | | ( !) |
    | | --- |

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E C Q N O A F R A Z W M

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 11:51:27 2021
    On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, James Tomasino wrote:


    Yep, as ~cymen already answered.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 11:59:05 2021
    On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, James Tomasino wrote:

    Oh, I just noticed we're rot13'ing answers. Whoops!

    The ROT13 bit is actually optional, since I didn't write about it
    on the original post. It turned out people who were more
    USENET-savvy than me went ahead and answered my challenges with that,
    so I just rolled with them.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 12:23:50 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-- 80 .1-.
    / 60 // \
    ' // 120'
    | 40 _// |
    | (_) |
    | 20 140 |
    1 l
    `. 0 160 .'
    \.... ..../

    Subject is a concept, the word has *5* letters, pick alphabets from:

    J C E I M O D E P S

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 11:06:28 2021
    I wouldn't call myself more Usenet savvy :D

    Tildenews is actually the first time I've really used it too~ I just
    wanted to spoiler things, that way I could help maintain the work you
    did so others could enjoy the challenges too, but also still participate
    in the conversion!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 11:08:52 2021
    Guvf ybbxf yvxr fcrrq!

    Rkgerzryl iebbz iebbz vaqrrq

    (All rot13'd because it rhymes)

    Also how the heck to do you draw circles in ascii?? That's really impressive --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 22:03:56 2021
    On 2021-07-16, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    Subject is an object, the word has 16 letters, pick alphabets from:

    Sver rkgvathvfure?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 22:04:43 2021
    On 2021-07-16, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 17 22:05:47 2021
    On 2021-07-17, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    Subject is an object, the word has *10* letters, pick alphabets from:

    I'm not very confident in this one. But is it a jvaqzvyy?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 18 10:13:41 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    _ --,
    -- -.' . ' -. .
    _ ' ( ~ . .''
    ( ~ ' _ 3 )
    -_' --\ \ '\/ '-_-
    . - . - .
    . -| + ' .
    / ' '': \ '
    \ . \ |:| / . ,
    - . \^ ' ' - . -
    ..'....< c (_) 3 >....:..

    Subject is a historical figure, whose _surname_ has *8* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    H A E D N U E R O S Q T N I P I

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 18 11:33:31 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    || || || || ||
    || || || || ||
    || || || || ||

    The subject is an academic subject, the word has *7* characters,
    pick alphabets from:

    T G I M V S W R Y D N O H Q

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 18 01:59:29 2021
    Here's another drawing~

    / || \
    | |

    The subject is an object that has 5 letters in its name!

    You can construct the name with the following letters:

    R M G N E H O J U S

    What is this a drawing of?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 18 02:01:52 2021
    This one is uvfgbel!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 18 02:05:13 2021
    I'm not sure how this isn't answered already but, grn!

    I like how you can even just kinda bruteforce the letter cloud for this
    one mentally if you wanted to
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 18 15:19:30 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    . .
    ,;..'|###| .
    | |6 ` ' |||
    | "|`-__ -(G)-|\|
    \_/ \ , . | :
    '| | | |

    Subject is an object, the word has *14* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E U I N B N W J H F P R E O C A X Q M G D I S K L Z

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 18 03:17:40 2021
    Dang, that's a really nice frjvat znpuvar.

    V rfcrpvnyyl yvxr gur pbagebyf naq gur guernq srrq qrgnvy!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 09:32:07 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    \| |
    _ ,) |
    | ' |

    The subject is an object, the word has 8 letters, pick alphabets from:

    R O D H S A K Y C I T X U J L B

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 09:37:53 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    \ |:|
    |\: |
    ' \ ;

    The subject is an object, the word has *9* letters, pick alphabets from:

    W O U N K G S T E F O R J M Z M C E

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 09:42:33 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / / / /
    | \
    | \
    | \
    +---+ \
    |___| \

    The subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C S L E R Y U J A L N P

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 09:50:01 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ___-- --___ _,
    / \/ |
    ('. . . . ---|K ').'.'
    \ /===-
    `-|K .'.'

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    O M N A I U L F E H X B

    What is this element?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 10:04:34 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    _--_ /( )
    - - ( -'
    | '~~' | \\
    | || | |'-v
    `.||.' ||#####|
    :||| .---------. |=
    [ ] | |--|
    /______\ |_________|

    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    X E J C T S B D G O I N

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 10:25:05 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    + +
    \ * | + /
    \ / *
    --- --- ---
    \* / / \/ / \/ / \ /
    / / / / / / +
    --- --- --- /
    / \/ \/ \ / +

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    P S G T D O L R

    What is this element?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 10:37:32 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | =| '/ '/ o o o : |
    | |u=| G- G- o o o u |
    | _______________ |
    | | # # | # # # | r| |
    | | # # | # # # | |l |
    | | | | | | | | | |

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name as *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    I R I H F D Q M

    What is this standard?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 12:12:44 2021
    On 2021-07-19, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    + +
    \ * | + /
    \ / *
    --- --- ---
    \* / / \/ / \/ / \ /
    / / / / / / +
    --- --- --- /
    / \/ \/ \ / +

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 12:13:55 2021
    On 2021-07-19, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    \ |:|
    |\: |
    ' \ ;

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 17:15:24 2021
    On 7/15/2021 12:34 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    . ..
    . .
    . .
    | | | \
    | ^ | |
    | [_]|_/

    Subject is an object, the word has *3* characters, pick alphabets from:

    D A R E H T

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 17:18:38 2021
    On 7/18/2021 1:05 AM, Arch wrote:
    I'm not sure how this isn't answered already but, grn!

    I like how you can even just kinda bruteforce the letter cloud for this
    one mentally if you wanted to

    heh, forgot answers are rot13 so I thought this one wasn't answered, so
    I sent an answer.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 18:34:50 2021
    On 7/16/2021 7:58 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    --. __
    | 8=|__):

    Subject is an object, the word has *9* letters, pick alphabets from:

    Z B I H Q M N U K X P B L T D G L F

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 19 18:39:50 2021
    On 7/18/2021 7:50 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ___-- --___ _,
    / \/ |
    ('. . . . ---|K ').'.'
    \ /===-
    `-|K .'.'

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    O M N A I U L F E H X B

    What is this element?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 10:43:09 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    C| (+) (-) |

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    S R M E Y P F B Z T O T A J

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 10:57:07 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ._~- __--
    . ~- / /
    \. . ^./ /-/
    ..':;..---_| /_/
    ,,\|.\,, | | \|// \/\//"

    Subject is an object, the word has *9* letters, pick alphabets from:

    W V E Z X K N Q I U D R R B P T S L

    What is the word?

    P.S. This one can be quite difficult, since there are many designs
    of this item; and this design might not be the first one you might think of. --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 11:04:21 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ' /
    | |
    ' '
    |). | |_

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letter, pick alphabets from:

    A S R O D G H X T I T E U V

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 11:19:58 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    /-----\ | |
    ||\ || + +
    |+-o-+| | |
    |.`'',| | |
    |:(G):| ; ;
    `g___q' / |
    ( '--_-' )
    \ __/

    Subject is an object, the word has *10* characters, pick alphabets from:

    R E S Y C M B M I E V L D Q U H T N T F

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 11:24:21 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    | | | |
    | o |
    | |
    | | | |
    | o |
    | |

    The subject is an object, the word has *10* characters, pick alphabets from:

    C H T A P R J E G B X L S E C Z K D E N

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 10:42:11 2021
    On 7/19/2021 8:43 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    C| (+) (-) |

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    S R M E Y P F B Z T O T A J

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 10:49:07 2021
    On 7/19/2021 8:57 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ._~- __--
    . ~- / /
    \. . ^./ /-/
    ..':;..---_| /_/
    ,,\|.\,, | | \|// \/\//"

    Subject is an object, the word has *9* letters, pick alphabets from:

    W V E Z X K N Q I U D R R B P T S L

    What is the word?

    P.S. This one can be quite difficult, since there are many designs
    of this item; and this design might not be the first one you might think of.

    jvaq inar
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 08:38:27 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | N | "\
    `-----------_ `
    \ |
    / |
    ,-----------" ;
    | S | _/

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    J Z A N T Q P M C G V E

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 08:47:21 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ----|>|---- -----|

    ^ ^ |
    / / -----| r-|
    ----|>|---- | r>'
    | r-.

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *7* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    B G N C D W K I I L J O X S

    What is this element?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 08:57:48 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,/__\. ,/__\. '\ -. ,-
    ,--------------, / ||___||
    _-| e e e [^] | ( _-/ /#\ \-._ ,---.
    ' +--------------+ '- +-------+ '--------[u]| =================================== '---'

    Subject is an object, the word has *5* letters, pick alphabets from:

    O H M D V E S K M Q

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 19:42:57 2021
    On 7/20/2021 6:57 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,/__\. ,/__\. '\ -. ,-
    ,--------------, / ||___||
    _-| e e e [^] | ( _-/ /#\ \-._ ,---.
    ' +--------------+ '- +-------+ '--------[u]| =================================== '---'

    Subject is an object, the word has *5* letters, pick alphabets from:

    O H M D V E S K M Q

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 09:49:26 2021
    On Mon, 19 Jul 2021, James Tomasino wrote:


    Yes it is! mY PreCioUS!

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 10:17:41 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    . ,
    " ':' "
    . . . .
    . . . . .
    . - .
    .. . |'| . ..
    '===____ ____==='
    ' '

    The subject is an object, the word has *8* letters, pick alphabets from:

    R N L U D F B N O T Y I C K A Q

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 10:23:46 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | o \

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    L P B S T I A U W M E O X J

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 20 20:37:08 2021
    On 7/20/2021 8:23 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | o \

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    L P B S T I A U W M E O X J

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 11:13:19 2021
    Hello everyone,

    How it's going with your ASCII Of adventure? Is it too easy, is it too hard?
    I saw one person (~archenoth) have started posting few ASCII artworks
    alongside me; and how about you people? Don't be too self-conscious
    with your skills: post away, even that it is... less-than-ideal!

    I dare say that it would open a new difficulty "level" for this game;
    trying to guess the word from badly-drawn, unclear, or misleading ASCII art
    is a whole new sort of challenge altogether, haha.

    Anyway, for people who are looking for the answering side of things;
    following is a list of challenges posted from 14 to 20 July (UTC),
    which _no one_ have yet to provide a correct answer.
    There are *19* of them in total, listed in oldest-first order:

    --- 2021-07-14 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:a4a7d84b-9efb-418b-9f45-2f033f5af875@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-07-15 ---

    Place, 8 letters <news:cb13c6e7-f64-972-b6ea-fc47488b6f0@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-07-16 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:86ecd1c9-7764-319a-15f7-893bc2af39@tilde.club>

    Historical figure, <news:bcb3ffa9-84c8-20e8-faba-fdf1c290adec@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/85>

    Historical figure, <news:d85f6bd2-9fe4-8e52-e437-d6ac57bfa611@tilde.club>
    5 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/86>

    Chemical element, <news:7bb97e1a-9ed-6c82-4442-2e9c1d5adbe@tilde.club>
    7 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/87>

    Chemical element, <news:f7dcea49-515c-1d6d-aaca-e863482155@tilde.club>
    4 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/88>

    --- 2021-07-17 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:ff1944dd-fd3b-94d8-dcb2-f08cb62f7f6e@tilde.club>

    Object, 6 letters <news:8afa7ce-eda5-981-7de6-336e72e99df1@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-07-18 ---

    Historical figure, <news:c2891b9d-4b5-3cc8-543b-4295ff4151a1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/133>

    Object, 5 letters <news:x721r7wgihq.fsf@tilde.town>

    --- 2021-07-19 ---

    Object, 8 letters <news:12136a90-5832-dfa9-c6f-f14d14d2ba49@tilde.club>

    Object, 6 letters <news:6e98d8b8-f83-7ca9-3fa9-1fc897469696@tilde.club>

    Historical figure, <news:f439cfb2-63f6-298-4716-b96dfa3458fc@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/149>

    Technical standard, <news:a7b96aff-b688-da8c-4730-4023abfc66a@tilde.club>
    4 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/151>

    --- 2021-07-20 ---

    Object, 9 letters <news:f7add865-6c4e-32cf-812c-578ceaa2c55@tilde.club>

    Object, 7 letters <news:1138118-a73c-6d7c-e6a9-739381d80d0@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:de21c9a3-268c-2ffe-1ff1-f57217fe3e@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:b8b0c7b8-80d2-87d1-9ae-af2a7752504@tilde.club>

    How about challenging yourself by cracking these more-difficult puzzles?
    People come from different backgrounds, ones that are hard for others
    may be easy for you.

    (Also be aware that some longer "words" might have spaces in them,
    which are not counted toward the letters number)

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 21 09:24:24 2021
    On 7/20/2021 8:17 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    . ,
    " ':' "
    . . . .
    . . . . .
    . - .
    .. . |'| . ..
    '===____ ____==='
    ' '

    The subject is an object, the word has *8* letters, pick alphabets from:

    R N L U D F B N O T Y I C K A Q

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 22 10:57:07 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    o \
    o /
    , o \
    \_@._ /
    |\\\ \
    / \-' \
    ' + `-
    |\_ ` r ._
    .... ...\.....'''..'''''' .=_\|.../ )'''--....

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    Y B G J E C X T N H O U

    What is this element?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 22 11:05:26 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-. -#-
    ==== ,-v---o---X
    `--'---' ^ | | | | ,--

    Subject is a historical figure, whose _surname_ has *5* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    R S M C N E J O H W

    Who is this person?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 22 11:12:57 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    _ | 0___ [-] |
    [ ]| n n n |
    ||\| n n n |
    || | n n n |
    || | n n n |
    [_]| ,-. |
    | |______|_|_|
    | /

    Subject is an object, the word has *8* letters, pick alphabets from:

    P G I O N E Q M Y P T H F Z D A

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 22 11:19:47 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    * x
    - + /
    +__ \ x | / + _ x
    -- .' ', ~''
    . + (@) -X-__
    * x-- // ` - --_
    x // | \ . *
    // | - +
    / x \

    The subject is an object, the word has *8* letters, pick alphabets from:

    R L U Y K R D S A E V Q W G M P

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 22 08:53:13 2021
    On 7/21/2021 9:05 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-. -#-
    ==== ,-v---o---X
    `--'---' ^ | | | | ,--

    Subject is a historical figure, whose _surname_ has *5* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    R S M C N E J O H W

    Who is this person?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 26 13:38:31 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | : | C |
    | : | C |

    Subject is an object, the word has *10* letters, pick alphabets from:

    R P V C X U W I B H L E Y T G Z M K D N

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 26 13:45:51 2021
    The drawing is as follow:

    / |
    |/ |
    v T

    The subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    Q O G S C H S M A X W D Y P

    What is the word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 26 13:59:34 2021
    On Sun, 18 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:

    What is this a drawing of?

    That is definitely a computer //zbhfr//.

    Speaking of that, mine now seems to require more force to press,
    with much less feedback. Maybe it's now a time that I got to
    take it apart for repair again, before it would give me trigger fingers...
    my poor hands.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 26 07:59:15 2021
    On 7/25/2021 11:45 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follow:

    / |
    |/ |
    v T

    The subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    Q O G S C H S M A X W D Y P

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jul 26 12:31:59 2021
    On 7/15/2021 9:01 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | | | | \|
    | | | | | |
    | | | | | |\_ --..
    |(_)(_)(_)(_) ||_) --..
    | |
    _^_ _^_

    Subject is a historical figure, whose surname has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    D X N A L Y P O E T N W

    Who is this person?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 29 14:33:42 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> writes:
    On Sun, 18 Jul 2021, Arch wrote:
    What is this a drawing of?

    That is definitely a computer //zbhfr//.

    Correct..! ^^

    Speaking of that, mine now seems to require more force to press,
    with much less feedback. Maybe it's now a time that I got to
    take it apart for repair again, before it would give me trigger fingers...
    my poor hands.

    Oh nooo. Input issues just generally feel so bad. Good luck with the repair~ --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 11:29:25 2021
    xwindows wrote:
    | : | C |
    | : | C |

    synfu qevir
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 11:33:18 2021
    xwindows wrote:
    _ | 0___ [-] |
    [ ]| n n n |
    ||\| n n n |
    || | n n n |
    || | n n n |
    [_]| ,-. |
    | |______|_|_|
    | /

    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 09:45:01 2021
    On 2021-07-21, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ----|>|---- -----|

    ^ ^ |
    / / -----| r-|
    ----|>|---- | r>'
    | r-.

    I thought this was a genafvfgbe at first, but i think you're looking for fvyvpba?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 17:56:25 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    | N | "\
    `-----------_ `
    \ |
    / |
    ,-----------" ;
    | S | _/

    It's zntarg! Too obvious :P
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 18:02:45 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    o \
    o /
    , o \
    \_@._ /
    |\\\ \
    / \-' \
    ' + `-
    |\_ ` r ._
    .... ...\.....'''..'''''' .=_\|.../ )'''--....

    Wow, I can't believe it took me this long to figure out what the image
    is. It's bkltra, isn't it?
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 18:35:50 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    \ / \ /
    \| | | |/
    ---| _______ |---
    | \_____/ |\
    / \ / \
    / \_ _/
    \ /

    Subject is a video game character, whose name has *7* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    L V D O B C R T O Z E W H A

    Who is this character?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 18:40:05 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    / n o o o n /|
    +-----------+ |
    | + - | +
    | |/

    Is it yrnq? It doesn't look like it. :P
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 09:11:24 2021
    On 7/15/2021 9:10 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _____. _
    (_( (_G-'_\_.-. \ /
    (_| |_G-' / \
    (_|_|_G-_- `-_-* --

    Subject is a historical figure, whose _surname_ has *5* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    G N X L E I O B Z F

    Who is this person?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 30 09:16:21 2021
    On 7/21/2021 9:19 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    * x
    - + /
    +__ \ x | / + _ x
    -- .' ', ~''
    . + (@) -X-__
    * x-- // ` - --_
    x // | \ . *
    // | - +
    / x \

    The subject is an object, the word has *8* letters, pick alphabets from:

    R L U Y K R D S A E V Q W G M P

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Quinn Johnson@orichalcumcosmonaut@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 2 12:01:59 2021
    Is it yvguvhz?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Quinn Johnson@orichalcumcosmonaut@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 2 13:41:01 2021
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Quinn Johnson@orichalcumcosmonaut@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 2 13:45:08 2021
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 09:34:51 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / .__,
    ' / \

    The subject is an object, the word has *5* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C I U O L Q G H L N

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 09:38:55 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |)
    ,| |.
    | |
    / \

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    A D M S H N E O L V C Y

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 10:56:07 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | t || |
    | '---'' |
    || ||

    Subject is an object, the word has *11* characters, pick alphabets from:

    J C S D L Q W G K N Y O H F P I T B M P

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 13:36:07 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | < * * * (@)

    Subject is a video game character, whose name has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    M A X G P Q S C N Y O A

    Which character is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 14:09:50 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / ,'-\'-.
    , . ( |
    __ . '--='
    / '-. . ___ ,--_
    +'_ ) * | (\ / )
    +**"-' + \ `| '-_"
    **** ** ----
    ---__ --__
    |_ ) | )
    ---' ----'

    Subject is a video game character, whose name has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    A K Y A E Z V T R N Q M

    Who is this character?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. This character is kind of hard to do an ASCII art for
    (I had to redo it like, 3 times); but the design of this one
    is very iconic, so I'm quite sure that this would ring a bell
    for anyone who have known of this character beforehand.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Quinn Johnson@orichalcumcosmonaut@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 07:36:44 2021
    [sybccl qvfx]!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Quinn Johnson@orichalcumcosmonaut@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 07:38:18 2021
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Quinn Johnson@orichalcumcosmonaut@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 07:39:55 2021

    Very nice ASCII-art version too.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 3 16:49:16 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    | |)
    ,| |.
    | |
    / \

    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Arch@archenoth@tilde.town to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 4 01:06:47 2021
    Hee, I didn't expect to see Mreb Gjb on the tildeverse

    V ybir Xveol ^^
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 12:47:21 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ... ,-.
    c--==|||===| |
    (_|||_) `-'

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    F T I R G L P A J M T O E U

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 12:51:05 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | /
    || ||

    Subject is an object, the word has *10* letters, pick alphabets from:

    S V M Z I H T E I R Q D W O L E P U N Y

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 12:53:36 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | /_/ |
    | | | |
    | '-' |

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C V H P K I A Q T W U S

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 12:57:39 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    _--+--_. .
    +- o | o," ."o\
    / '-.o| . /g___\
    +--o--*-----+ '
    \o _o:'_ o /
    +;'o |o -_'

    Subject is food or drinks, which its name has *5* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    C Z I Z U K V S A P

    Which food or drink is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Dacav Doe@dacav@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 07:52:31 2021
    On 2021-07-16, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, Dacav Doe wrote:


    Yes! that is it.

    I loved this series, as a kid

    Ditto, although I discovered this series as a young adult.
    (My parents have watched it when it was first dubbed+aired in my country)

    I've recently purchased^Wpirated^Wacquired the series and started to watch it.

    I've to say that the first bunch of episodes are not very good

    A lot of thing came back to me. I could still recall, after years, the thing with carnivorous ants. It turned out to be very awkward, as an episode.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 16:29:49 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    | /_/ |
    | | | |
    | '-' |

    The fjvgpu, not to be confused with the Avagraqb Fjvgpu
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 16:31:52 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    _--+--_. .
    +- o | o," ."o\
    / '-.o| . /g___\
    +--o--*-----+ '
    \o _o:'_ o /
    +;'o |o -_'

    cvmmn. My favorite is crccrebav. Makes me want to eat one! :D
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 5 16:34:53 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    | /
    || ||

    gryrivfvba. I still prefer jngpuvat gur arjf using that rather than
    fgernzvat sebz gur vagrearg. It's less distracting that way.
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 6 18:14:27 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    (O ._-,^v_^'

    Subject is an object, the word has *3* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E K R A Y J

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 6 18:16:30 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    |-__-|---. ,---. ,---. |
    | :|___| |___| |___| .'
    | :|-----------------'

    Subject is an object, the word has *4* letters, pick alphabets from:

    K L V M J I F U

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 6 18:18:27 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,------------'/ / \
    | [== ]@ | D) |
    `------------.\ \ /

    Subject is an object, the word has *10* letters, pick alphabets from:

    I H C L Q F O A N T L G B P R K J S H X

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 6 18:21:16 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    . ___ _____ .
    || - ____ ||
    ,__|| _-- ,__|| .
    |[ ]| |[ ]| ) |
    , | #(| | #(| '
    ) | |.. | |.. |
    ' `---' `---'

    Subject is an object, the word has *13* letters, pick alphabets from:

    N L K O S T Y H L P E K Q E W D U A M I I C G A

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 6 18:24:48 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | : : /
    ,------. | |' ; |\ '\ '
    || ||| | "';|'|: \/ ; | '
    || | | | | | ' ;
    || | . \
    |+------; :
    ___' |

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E R W O A J U Z Z S L B

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From James Tomasino@tomasino@cosmic.voyage to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 8 13:16:47 2021
    On 2021-08-05, Dacav Doe <dacav@tilde.institute> wrote:
    On 2021-07-16, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, Dacav Doe wrote:


    I've recently purchased^Wpirated^Wacquired the series and started to watch it.

    I've to say that the first bunch of episodes are not very good

    So many of the PSA episodes are really hard to watch now, but there's
    still a few gems here and there.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 10 11:32:22 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    _-' `-_
    ,' . ' . `.
    / \
    | . . . |
    \ /
    `. . . . .'
    \ /
    \ . /
    \ /

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    L P B N W O Y L T K O D A R

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 11 15:37:39 2021
    Hello everyone,

    With Tilde.team's Netnews server finally getting its long-overdue
    touch-up [1], now I'm seeing an uptick in number of people who are participating directly from there. The more the merrier, to the power
    of decentralization.

    I have seen some people now dug deep into some older entries
    and managed to have them answered correctly; great job!
    But of course, some of the more difficult ones still managed to stand,
    so here comes the regular roundup of unbeaten challenges...

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    --- 2021-07-14 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:a4a7d84b-9efb-418b-9f45-2f033f5af875@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/45>

    --- 2021-07-15 ---

    Place, 8 letters <news:cb13c6e7-f64-972-b6ea-fc47488b6f0@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/65>

    --- 2021-07-16 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:86ecd1c9-7764-319a-15f7-893bc2af39@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/84>

    --- 2021-07-18 ---

    Historical figure, <news:c2891b9d-4b5-3cc8-543b-4295ff4151a1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/133>

    --- 2021-07-19 ---

    Object, 8 letters <news:12136a90-5832-dfa9-c6f-f14d14d2ba49@tilde.club>

    Object, 6 letters <news:6e98d8b8-f83-7ca9-3fa9-1fc897469696@tilde.club>

    Historical figure, <news:f439cfb2-63f6-298-4716-b96dfa3458fc@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/149>

    Technical standard, <news:a7b96aff-b688-da8c-4730-4023abfc66a@tilde.club>
    4 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/151>

    --- 2021-07-20 ---

    Object, 7 letters <news:1138118-a73c-6d7c-e6a9-739381d80d0@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:de21c9a3-268c-2ffe-1ff1-f57217fe3e@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:b8b0c7b8-80d2-87d1-9ae-af2a7752504@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-07-26 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:45a96879-5ba-91f9-4bff-22e7957e32d2@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-03 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:4f2934b2-a169-447c-1173-6cb6e2c6a342@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-05 ---

    Object, 7 letters <news:973e99b3-da22-4ba-936f-69748229f6@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-06 ---

    Object, 3 letters <news:949f737c-5f5d-1e27-2633-86b551cbfd8@tilde.club>

    Object, 4 letters <news:6a964e3-63f3-10c6-eda4-656021c4bd3f@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:778e5850-92f6-750-f2b3-569b183afeb@tilde.club>

    Object, 13 letters <news:58fee16-4eda-f9c0-4c92-38daea886ce0@tilde.club>

    Object, 6 letters <news:57dc4841-64b4-21f3-71f3-35846190d1cd@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-10---

    Object, 7 letters <news:db58a99-8955-20bb-5877-678e88db2e5e@tilde.club>

    And you all already know that you can post new challenges too, right?
    What you're waiting for? Let's make practicing ASCII art fun!

    Cheers for text-mode gaming,

    P.S. In some newer challenges I wrote, I have now started to include SHA-256 hash of the word (in ALL-UPPERCASE, no-space, no-newline form) at the end
    of each post; in case you folks would like to do a self-verification.

    This is a few-liner convenient Bourne shell function `ucsha` I just made
    and used for generating or checking them:

    ucsha() { local CHECKSUM="`printf "%s" "$1" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*//g y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/' | tr -d '\r\n' | sha256sum -b | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"; [ -z "$2" ] && printf "%s\n" "$CHECKSUM" ||
    { [ "$CHECKSUM" = "$2" ] && echo "OK" || { echo "FAILED" >&2; false; }; }; }

    The invocation could be either with 1 parameter (for generating hash),
    or 2 parameters (first being the word and second being the hash;
    for checking the word you came up against the hash). In latter case,
    it will print either "OK" or "FAILED", and its return code would also
    reflect the result...

    $ ucsha something 866878b165607851782d8d233edf0c261172ff67926330d3bbd10c705b92d24f

    $ ucsha something \ 866878b165607851782d8d233edf0c261172ff67926330d3bbd10c705b92d24f
    $ echo $?

    $ ucsha nothing \ 866878b165607851782d8d233edf0c261172ff67926330d3bbd10c705b92d24f
    $ echo $?

    P.P.S. The above throwaway Bourne shell function I just wrote
    is released to public domain under Creative Commons Zero 1.0. <https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>


    [1] "Tilde.team's Netnews server is now brought up to speed"
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 12 13:12:59 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    _-' `-_
    ,' . ' . `.
    / \
    | . . . |
    \ /
    `. . . . .'
    \ /
    \ . /
    \ /

    onyybba. If it weren't for the bottommost part, it would look like a
    punlbgr to me. :P
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 12 13:18:49 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    ,------------'/ / \
    | [== ]@ | D) |
    `------------.\ \ /

    V'z fghpx va gur qnex, ohg lbh'er zl //synfuyvtug//
    Lbh'er trggva’ zr, trggva’ zr guebhtu gur avtug
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 12 13:22:35 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    (O ._-,^v_^'

    Ah, a Xrl, which for some reason is worth 10 reviver seeds in Pokemon
    Mystery Dungeon...
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 12 13:35:38 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ___ | \ |\ _
    | 0 0 0 \ |
    0 | |_ / -0-

    Subject is a video game character, whose name has *5* letters, pick
    alphabets from:

    Y O B A N N D U L W

    Which character is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII
    form has the following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 12 13:12:53 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    __,--"/ \
    ,---------' /_ \
    #| | | ) |
    '--___----__ \" /
    \ \/ '--__\ /
    \ \ "

    Subject is an object, the word has *9* letters, pick alphabets from:

    G H A E V J O E P N L B M I X T F R

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 14 17:27:26 2021
    As it is now one month after this challenge had been posted,
    and some (not-successful) attempt to answer it has been made;
    I assume everyone would like to know what the heck this picture
    is supposed to be now...

    On Wed, 14 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    --_ ,________ ||
    +=========+ ==(==|||
    --- |. ______/|`./ ||
    | (=====( | | ||
    _-- |. \|/ ''

    / / | \
    / / / \

    The correct answer is FLOODLIGHT; the one depicted is mounted
    on a pole (the pole is vertical lines on the right). And following part...


    is a metal halide bulb inside. The "rays" outside are intended
    to show the rays of shining light.

    Letters usage is as follows:

    P O L S H T R X O Z Q D K L G B F I V E
    * * * * * * * * * *

    In the hindsight, I could understand if anyone would think it was
    a radiant/space heater. Anyone who thought it was a heater, raise your hand!

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 14 14:42:53 2021
    On 8/11/2021 11:12 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    __,--"/ \
    ,---------' /_ \
    #| | | ) |
    '--___----__ \" /
    \ \/ '--__\ /
    \ \ "

    Subject is an object, the word has *9* letters, pick alphabets from:

    G H A E V J O E P N L B M I X T F R

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:



    Please check that that checksum is valid
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 15 11:52:44 2021
    Since one month is already passed without anyone being able to come up
    with an answer; this means a reveal time...

    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    c ~..~....)
    c~... .~- +-----+
    . / | |
    )\ / . o | | |u|
    /r\\ ` -- </\_ |[===[| --'
    ( // / /\ | |
    .._' ... - / |_____|

    The correct answer is "FIRE EXIT", elements in this picture are as follows:

    - On the left, there are flames
    - On top-left, there is smoke cloud
    - At the middle, there is a person running toward the right
    - At the right, there is a fire exit door, with crashbar at the middle
    - At the far right (next to the door), there is a fire alarm's pull station
    ("IN CASE OF FIRE, PULL DOWN" red switch)

    Letters usage is as follow:

    J U F D E M I Z E Q I T X V H R
    * * * * * * * *

    What do you people originally guessed it to be?

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 15 13:04:02 2021
    On Thu, 5 Aug 2021, Job Bautista wrote:



    My favorite is crccrebav.

    My favorite is with //jvrare fnhfntr gbccvat//, although I don't mind //crccrebav// too; and the amount of sauce must not be too much, while
    giving pronouced heat and sourness.

    Makes me want to eat one! :D

    Same, although I couldn't just call the $BIG_CHAIN near me for delivery
    because I have tried their stuff before and it's just... gross.
    (Very unpleasant experience; had to muster every ounce of determination
    to swallow rest of slice in without puking them out)

    So, I rather have a list of small places to go to, which made this menu
    in a way that I personally liked instead. (One take-out place I used
    to frequent to, sold this menu in a rectangle shape; but drawing that one
    would make it too hard to guess, I think)

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 16 09:43:50 2021
    On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:


    The correct answer is "THERMOMETER", the variant depicted is a conventional liquid-in-glass thermometer, lying sideway; its bulb side is on the left.

    Letters usage is as follows:

    R E T M Z H N O K J R S A M L X E P G V T E
    * * * * * * * * * * *

    To be honest, I thought this drawing was very obvious, at least to anyone
    who have seen a lab thermometer before...

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 15 20:09:25 2021
    On 8/15/2021 7:43 PM, xwindows wrote:
    On Fri, 16 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:


    The correct answer is "THERMOMETER", the variant depicted is a conventional liquid-in-glass thermometer, lying sideway; its bulb side is on the left.

    Letters usage is as follows:

    R E T M Z H N O K J R S A M L X E P G V T E
    * * * * * * * * * * *

    To be honest, I thought this drawing was very obvious, at least to anyone
    who have seen a lab thermometer before...


    I would imagine few people have
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 18 16:46:08 2021
    On Sun, 18 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    _ --,
    -- -.' . ' -. .
    _ ' ( ~ . .''
    ( ~ ' _ 3 )
    -_' --\ \ '\/ '-_-
    . - . - .
    . -| + ' .
    / ' '': \ '
    \ . \ |:| / . ,
    - . \^ ' ' - . -
    ..'....< c (_) 3 >....:..

    The answer is "EINSTEIN", who came up with a well known
    mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc^2, which is the
    root principle behind the power of atomic bomb.

    (The ASCII art is depicting an atomic bomb explosion,
    with the mushroom cloud above, and the half-sphere
    supersonic shockwave wall emerging around it)

    It is important to note that Einstein himself is *against*
    making/using atomic bombs however.

    Letters usage is as follow:

    H A E D N U E R O S Q T N I P I
    * * * * * * * *

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 18 17:24:18 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    +-----------+ ___
    \`--___ __--'\ -' `_ . '
    \ ' \ ___ '---'
    \ \ -' `_ . '
    `------------' '---'

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    S E T H V L R T E J A B

    What is the word?
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 18 20:28:06 2021
    On 8/18/2021 3:24 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    +-----------+ ___
    \`--___ __--'\ -' `_ . '
    \ ' \ ___ '---'
    \ \ -' `_ . '
    `------------' '---'

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    S E T H V L R T E J A B

    What is the word?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 19 14:08:26 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    (0) %(0)

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C R F D I W E P Y C G V L B

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 20 10:25:35 2021
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, the word has *8* letters, pick alphabets from:

    S Y J O L S I C P S W R K S N T

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 20 02:40:58 2021
    On 2021-08-06 07:21, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    . ___ _____ .
    || - ____ ||
    ,__|| _-- ,__|| .
    |[ ]| |[ ]| ) |
    , | #(| | #(| '
    ) | |.. | |.. |
    ' `---' `---'

    Subject is an object, the word has *13* letters, pick alphabets from:

    N L K O S T Y H L P E K Q E W D U A M I I C G A

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 20 02:42:04 2021
    On 2021-08-06 07:16, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    |-__-|---. ,---. ,---. |
    | :|___| |___| |___| .'
    | :|-----------------'

    Subject is an object, the word has *4* letters, pick alphabets from:

    K L V M J I F U

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    It is some good old-fashioned film
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 20 02:42:55 2021
    On 2021-08-05 01:47, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ... ,-.
    c--==|||===| |
    (_|||_) `-'

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    F T I R G L P A J M T O E U

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    It is a trumpet
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 20 02:44:41 2021
    On 2021-07-20 00:24, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    | | | |
    | o |
    | |
    | | | |
    | o |
    | |

    The subject is an object, the word has *10* characters, pick alphabets from:

    C H T A P R J E G B X L S E C Z K D E N

    What is the word?

    I know it is an outlet, but cannot figure out what the 10 character name
    is supposed to be
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 20 02:47:51 2021
    On 2021-08-19 03:08, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    (0) %(0)

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C R F D I W E P Y C G V L B

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    It is a bicycle
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Quinn Johnson@orichalcumcosmonaut@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 21 12:36:36 2021
    //Gur Cbxrzba “Habja”!//

    Clever artwork to be able to depict that in such a small space.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From laborim@laborim@pm.me to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 28 03:37:47 2021
    Às 09:45 de 14/07/21, xwindows escreveu:
    The drawing is as follow:

    . | ' . .
    ' . .
    | . ^_-_^ | . '
    - -
    | /_o - o_\ |
    . " > < "
    | ..... | . '
    | , . . . |
    . ||,. ..||
    . \`. .'/ |.
    v -_______- v

    The subject is a film, its name has *6* characters, pick alphabets from:

    U L O O N O B F T M T R

    What is this film?

    I love this film.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 10:56:02 2021
    On Fri, 20 Aug 2021, ~unbeatable101 wrote:

    I know it is an outlet, but cannot figure out what the 10 character name
    is supposed to be

    It is a more... clinical-sounding word that means the same thing.
    Hint: Look at English Wikpedia article on this topic.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 11:18:40 2021
    Now that it is more than one month passed without answer,
    I suppose everyone would like to know what the heck is this already...

    On Mon, 19 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    \| |
    _ ,) |
    | ' |

    The answer is "JOYSTICK", and its letters usage is as follows:

    R O D H S A K Y C I T X U J L B
    * * * * * * * *

    I'm really... puzzled that no one managed to figure this out.
    What object you guys originally thought it was, anyway?

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 00:26:13 2021
    On 2021-08-29 00:18, xwindows wrote:
    Now that it is more than one month passed without answer,
    I suppose everyone would like to know what the heck is this already...

    On Mon, 19 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    \| |
    _ ,) |
    | ' |

    The answer is "JOYSTICK", and its letters usage is as follows:

    R O D H S A K Y C I T X U J L B
    * * * * * * * *

    I'm really... puzzled that no one managed to figure this out.
    What object you guys originally thought it was, anyway?


    Looks kind of like a chicken to me.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 11:33:34 2021
    New category, and I'm now aiming to make the ASCII art as small
    as it could still be legible. The drawing is as follows:

    _,-=._ ,
    < * E _XE|
    ''-=" '

    Subject is an animal, which its common name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    H B F V I E S Q

    What is this animal?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 11:39:08 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    __. ___
    _-'" __'" ';'
    _-'~-~,'__ ./
    _- | ;. '-.'
    <_ ,' \#\/'

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    S G Y C A L O E P T R U

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 12:01:15 2021
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is a celesial body, which its name has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    R T U A J P H W N G S B

    Which celesial body is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 12:10:22 2021
    Hello everyone,

    How it's going with your text-mode adventure? I saw some new faces
    appearing on Netnews here, and that's nice. Recently, I became occupied
    by other art-related things that are not text, so it might look like
    I disappeared a bit; but I still check the news from time to time.
    (I even have a little "You got news." notification
    right at my Tilde login screen now [1])

    Anyway, here comes today's roundup of unbeaten challenges;
    some of which came in brand-new categories...

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    --- 2021-07-19 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:6e98d8b8-f83-7ca9-3fa9-1fc897469696@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/147>

    Technical standard, <news:a7b96aff-b688-da8c-4730-4023abfc66a@tilde.club>
    4 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/151>

    --- 2021-07-20 ---

    Object, 7 letters <news:1138118-a73c-6d7c-e6a9-739381d80d0@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/164>

    Object, 10 letters <news:de21c9a3-268c-2ffe-1ff1-f57217fe3e@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/165>

    Object, 10 letters <news:b8b0c7b8-80d2-87d1-9ae-af2a7752504@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/166>

    --- 2021-08-03 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:4f2934b2-a169-447c-1173-6cb6e2c6a342@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-06 ---

    Object, 3 letters <news:949f737c-5f5d-1e27-2633-86b551cbfd8@tilde.club>

    Object, 6 letters <news:57dc4841-64b4-21f3-71f3-35846190d1cd@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-20 ---

    Object, 8 letters <news:7d3bee2c-642-c57c-5f69-291264ffd2b@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-29 ---

    Animal, 4 letters <news:1c4df035-8efa-9ff5-7848-6a9e3eebfa5@tilde.club>

    Object, 6 letters <news:34c28357-5fa2-cfe1-52a4-fd9f94332d8e@tilde.club>

    Celestial body, <news:a5589b64-fe9e-904-318c-38f4f8f53b2@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/314>

    Cheers for textual universe,


    [1] If you use TIN as your newsreader, see `-Z` switch in its manual page;
    which allows you to code something like this.

    (Since I'm not using TIN myself, the actual code I'm using
    for my own notification rather worked by checking modification time
    of news-related file like `~/.newsrc`, against the timestamp
    of newest article file found in server's news spool instead)
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 11:32:48 2021
    On 2021-08-29 00:33, xwindows wrote:
    New category, and I'm now aiming to make the ASCII art as small
    as it could still be legible. The drawing is as follows:

    _,-=._ ,
    < * E _XE|
    ''-=" '

    Subject is an animal, which its common name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    H B F V I E S Q

    What is this animal?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    It is a Fish
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Aug 29 11:34:54 2021
    On 2021-08-29 01:01, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is a celesial body, which its name has *6* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    R T U A J P H W N G S B

    Which celesial body is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    It is the planet Saturn
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 30 17:29:49 2021
    On 8/28/2021 9:18 PM, xwindows wrote:
    Now that it is more than one month passed without answer,
    I suppose everyone would like to know what the heck is this already...

    On Mon, 19 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    \| |
    _ ,) |
    | ' |

    The answer is "JOYSTICK", and its letters usage is as follows:

    R O D H S A K Y C I T X U J L B
    * * * * * * * *

    I'm really... puzzled that no one managed to figure this out.
    What object you guys originally thought it was, anyway?


    I was thinking it was a potion.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 30 17:43:29 2021
    On 8/28/2021 8:56 PM, xwindows wrote:
    On Fri, 20 Aug 2021, ~unbeatable101 wrote:

    I know it is an outlet, but cannot figure out what the 10 character name
    is supposed to be

    It is a more... clinical-sounding word that means the same thing.
    Hint: Look at English Wikpedia article on this topic.


    //ryrpgevpny bhgyrg//
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 30 21:31:30 2021
    On 2021-08-30 20:43, stern wrote:
    On 8/28/2021 8:56 PM, xwindows wrote:
    On Fri, 20 Aug 2021, ~unbeatable101 wrote:

    I know it is an outlet, but cannot figure out what the 10 character name >>> is supposed to be

    It is a more... clinical-sounding word that means the same thing.
    Hint: Look at English Wikpedia article on this topic.


    //ryrpgevpny bhgyrg//
    What is that supposed to mean?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 30 19:19:58 2021
    On 8/30/2021 6:31 PM, ~unbeatable101 wrote:
    On 2021-08-30 20:43, stern wrote:
    On 8/28/2021 8:56 PM, xwindows wrote:
    On Fri, 20 Aug 2021, ~unbeatable101 wrote:

    I know it is an outlet, but cannot figure out what the 10 character name >>>> is supposed to be

    It is a more... clinical-sounding word that means the same thing.
    Hint: Look at English Wikpedia article on this topic.


    //ryrpgevpny bhgyrg//
    What is that supposed to mean?

    That's rot13, the customarily used, in older times, method of hiding
    spoilers, the // indicate to xwindows that the submitted answer is rot13 encoded.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 31 19:28:04 2021
    On Mon, 30 Aug 2021, stern wrote:

    //ryrpgevpny bhgyrg//

    Nah, not 10 letters.

    Try again,
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 2 08:19:40 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / _ r. \
    | |_'o'J |
    \ (_\ /
    | |
    _-' '-_

    Subject is an object, the word has *3* letters, pick alphabets from:

    N K M G A F

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 2 08:21:25 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | . |
    | C|F |
    | -|- |
    | -|- |
    | -|- |
    | -|- |
    | @ |
    | |

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *7* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    U R O J H E M C A F Y R W V

    What is this element?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 2 08:22:24 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    - - _ ~__' _ )
    '- '---' - ) --' |
    '- =====--=--~' '__)
    , '-__- .
    . -=, , .
    ' \'==, / .
    ___. / ;". - \
    _|n |_|n"/'______.____

    Subject is a film, which its title has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    T S N E T I U W R A P M D L

    What film is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Sep 3 07:46:49 2021
    On 9/1/2021 6:19 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / _ r. \
    | |_'o'J |
    \ (_\ /
    | |
    _-' '-_

    Subject is an object, the word has *3* letters, pick alphabets from:

    N K M G A F

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Sep 12 17:57:26 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    | . |
    | C|F |
    | -|- |
    | -|- |
    | -|- |
    | -|- |
    | @ |
    | |

    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Dead Lock 1@deadlockone@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Sep 25 14:22:19 2021
    This is my first news message.
    And as I understood, the answers should be ROT13 scrambled, right?


    Dead Lock 1

    Em 01/09/2021 22:22, xwindows escreveu:
    The drawing is as follows:

    - - _ ~__' _ )
    '- '---' - ) --' |
    '- =====--=--~' '__)
    , '-__- .
    . -=, , .
    ' \'==, / .
    ___. / ;". - \
    _|n |_|n"/'______.____

    Subject is a film, which its title has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    T S N E T I U W R A P M D L

    What film is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 30 17:32:57 2021
    On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Dead Lock 1 wrote:


    Yeah, that is the right answer. Glad that there are at least some people
    who still recognize it.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 30 17:45:58 2021
    Now, with more than two months after it had been posted...

    On Mon, 19 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    / / / /
    | \
    | \
    | \
    +---+ \
    |___| \

    The answer is "PULLEY", which... should have been somewhat obvious.
    Its letters usage is as follow:

    C S L E R Y U J A L N P
    * * * * * *

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 30 17:55:11 2021
    Since there is no answer for this more than two months now,
    so here comes the reveal time...

    On Mon, 19 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    | =| '/ '/ o o o : |
    | |u=| G- G- o o o u |
    | _______________ |
    | | # # | # # # | r| |
    | | # # | # # # | |l |
    | | | | | | | | | |

    The answer is "MIDI"; what you are seeing here is a MIDI keyboard
    (a short keyboard with lots of MIDI control knobs and buttons).

    Letter usage is as follows:

    I R I H F D Q M
    * * * *

    Wonder what did you guys originally think it was?
    I mean, there are not that many digital-age technical standards
    concerning electronic keyboards or piano-lookalikes, are they?

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 30 17:56:31 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | ,# ## | ___
    'u/\ ## __ /\ ; ;
    |n| -- uu"|; ` | |
    ||| ||| | |
    '-'_` `-'_` '___'

    Subject is food or drinks, which its name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    L M R B I O N K

    Which food or drink is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Sep 30 18:00:33 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    \ | /
    - | | -
    / | \

    Subject is a celestial body, which its name has *3* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    U N Z M S H

    Which celestial body is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Oct 1 14:49:14 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    \ | /
    - | | -
    / | \

    The FHA, a deadly lazer
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Oct 1 14:59:16 2021
    On 2021-09-30 06:56, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | ,# ## | ___
    'u/\ ## __ /\ ; ;
    |n| -- uu"|; ` | |
    ||| ||| | |
    '-'_` `-'_` '___'

    Subject is food or drinks, which its name has *4* letters,
    pick alphabets from:

    L M R B I O N K

    Which food or drink is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    A nice glass of zvyx, though for some reason my hashes won't match up.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 11 14:08:12 2021
    On Fri, 1 Oct 2021, ~unbeatable101 wrote:



    though for some reason my hashes won't match up.

    Your answer (after ROT13-decoding) actually *does* match though.
    Note that the most common pitfall of checking hashed result
    is the existence of trailing newline. That's why I always say
    "no-newline" when I'm giving the checksum...

    On Thu, 30 Sep 2021, xwindows wrote:

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    This is how I verified your answer just now [1]...

    $ printf "%s" "zvyx" | rot13 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | sha256sum -c <(echo \
    '382f260f0c0b9a255befde3f14be45964c13c534cff3d5419da857f8930f17b0 *-')
    -: OK

    ^ A `printf` command is deliberately used instead of `echo`
    as it produces no trailing newline by default.


    [1] Normally, I would verify it using a shell function I have written
    at the bottom of this post:

    "Re: ASCII Of? Unanswered Challenges Roundup [2021-07-14 ~ 2021-08-10]"
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 14:46:04 2021
    Since it's like 2 month without anyone beating this challenge,
    here comes the reveal time...

    On Tue, 20 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    ' /
    | |
    ' '
    |). | |_

    The correct answer is "TOASTER"; which on the left, you'd see its plug
    and wire; on the top, you'd see the convected heat flow
    (or burnt bread smoke, depending on how you'd look at it);
    and on the right, you'd see the toasting lever.

    Letter usage is as follows:

    A S R O D G H X T I T E U V
    * * * * * * *

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 14:58:17 2021
    Oi, no one managed to answer? That means ReVEAL CaRD!

    On Tue, 20 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    /-----\ | |
    ||\ || + +
    |+-o-+| | |
    |.`'',| | |
    |:(G):| ; ;
    `g___q' / |
    ( '--_-' )
    \ __/

    The answer is "MULTIMETER", which its letter usage is as follows:

    R E S Y C M B M I E V L D Q U H T N T F
    * * * * * * * * * *

    To be honest, I originally expected that at least some (older) participants here would be familiar with this device; but it seems that I was wrong.
    (Or... people these days were more familiar with the digital version
    rather than the analog one depicted here?)

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 15:15:06 2021
    On Tue, 20 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    | |
    | | | |
    | o |
    | |
    | | | |
    | o |
    | |

    Yes, it is what you think it is. The problem is the word you thought of
    is not the one I used.

    Now it's time to reveal which actual hec^H^H^H^H obscure term it is...




    The answer is "RECEPTACLE".

    Letter usage is as follows:

    C H T A P R J E G B X L S E C Z K D E N
    * * * * * * * * * *

    (Quickly jumped off the stage)
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 15:44:59 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    \ \ /
    \ \ /,

    The subject is an object, the word has *4* letters, pick alphabets from:

    O L V X I U A P

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. Yes, I will say up front now that this is another case
    of "I picked yet another obscure term just to make people squirm".
    (*evil laugh*) [1]

    [1] As you might have seen in "Re: ASCII Of? [Object]" [2021-07-20T04:24:21Z]
    which is finally got revealed in "Re: ASCII Of? [Object] *revealed*"
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 15:55:56 2021
    Hello everyone,

    With 'rona lockdowns and curfews being lifted from many places in the world, many people became more busy with real life, and got less time to participate in Netnews. But don't worry, I have dug into the archive and brought out
    the trove of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges for you today!

    --- 2021-08-03 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:4f2934b2-a169-447c-1173-6cb6e2c6a342@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/222>

    --- 2021-08-06 ---

    Object, 3 letters <news:949f737c-5f5d-1e27-2633-86b551cbfd8@tilde.club>

    Object, 6 letters <news:57dc4841-64b4-21f3-71f3-35846190d1cd@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-20 ---

    Object, 8 letters <news:7d3bee2c-642-c57c-5f69-291264ffd2b@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-08-29 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:34c28357-5fa2-cfe1-52a4-fd9f94332d8e@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-11-03 ---

    Object, 4 letters <news:slti6b$k1ti$1@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Cheers for textual adventure,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 08:17:48 2021
    On 2021-08-06 07:24, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | : : /
    ,------. | |' ; |\ '\ '
    || ||| | "';|'|: \/ ; | '
    || | | | | | ' ;
    || | . \
    |+------; :
    ___' |

    Subject is an object, the word has *6* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E R W O A J U Z Z S L B

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    It's a [ohmmre], and I assume it is being used to cut hair?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 08:19:36 2021
    On 2021-11-03 04:44, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    \ \ /
    \ \ /,

    The subject is an object, the word has *4* letters, pick alphabets from:

    O L V X I U A P

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. Yes, I will say up front now that this is another case
    of "I picked yet another obscure term just to make people squirm".
    (*evil laugh*) [1]

    [1] As you might have seen in "Re: ASCII Of? [Object]" [2021-07-20T04:24:21Z]
    which is finally got revealed in "Re: ASCII Of? [Object] *revealed*"

    I'm really interested to see which one this is, I can't even think of a non-obscure word.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 21:26:31 2021
    xwindows wrote:

    \ \ /
    \ \ /,

    Nice CNVY drawing! Along with a QVCCRE, those are what you need for
    cleaning, cleansing, and bathing in Southeast Asia. :D
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From 711 Spooky Mart@711@spooky.mart to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 3 15:12:44 2021
    On 11/3/21 3:44 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    \ \ /
    \ \ /,

    The subject is an object, the word has *4* letters, pick alphabets from:

    O L V X I U A P

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    My immediate thought was "BUCKET" BUT seeing no "B" in the alphabet
    chooser I realized it has to be another word. Then I started thinking of
    cup, bowl, etc.

    The answer is: "PAIL" and this provides the correct hash:

    $ printf "PAIL" | sha256sum 2d2cd97a22b020a97a16d9252475b8715029be137a85d95a4bcd05b437798a73 -
    ──┏━━━━┓──┏━━┓───┏━━┓── ┌────────────────────────┐ ┌────────┐
    ──┗━━┓─┃──┗┓─┃───┗┓─┃── │ Spooky Mart [chan] 711 │ │ always │
    ─────┃─┃──┏┛─┗┓──┏┛─┗┓─ │ https://bitmessage.org │ │ open │
    ─────┗━┛──┗━━━┛──┗━━━┛─ └────────────────────────┘ └────────┘
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 4 13:15:50 2021
    On 2021-11-03 09:26, Job Bautista wrote:
    xwindows wrote:

    \ \ /
    \ \ /,

    Nice CNVY drawing! Along with a QVCCRE, those are what you need for
    cleaning, cleansing, and bathing in Southeast Asia. :D

    Ah, I can see that now, I'm used to seeing buckets with straighter sides.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 13:36:50 2021
    On Wed, 3 Nov 2021, 711 Spooky Mart wrote:

    The answer is: "PAIL" and this provides the correct hash:

    $ printf "PAIL" | sha256sum 2d2cd97a22b020a97a16d9252475b8715029be137a85d95a4bcd05b437798a73 -

    Yes, that is correct; like ~job just answered. [1]


    [1] "Re: ASCII Of? [Object]" [2021-11-03T13:26:31Z]
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 13:39:14 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / (O) \
    | |

    Subject is an object, the word has *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    G C O H O A X I L K Q U S B

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 13:41:48 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / '
    / /
    ,____ /;'
    || ' \
    || \_\
    || \'

    Subject is an object, the word has *11* letters, pick alphabets from:

    U T H F Q L N Y S I B V I E W R K N G C X D

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 13:44:57 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    // .
    // ,//'
    // .//'
    // //'
    // .//
    // ,//
    // //'
    // ,/"
    /; ,/
    /' ,/'
    ( " \
    ) )

    Subject is an object, the word has *10* letters, pick alphabets from:

    T C O P S J H L A S I D C R W U K G Q E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 13:46:57 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    -"'. .`"-
    ,'. .`.
    / \
    |. .|
    | ,/O) |
    |. .'' .|
    \ ,'_ _ _ _ _ /

    Subject is an object. The word has *8* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    G O Y M C Z T I E R K O H D L E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 13:48:16 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    __ __
    .'' '+' ''.
    | | |
    | | |
    | __ | __ |
    +'' '+' ''+

    Subject is a place, which its name has *7* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    A N R I S C J Y K G H R L B

    What is this place?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 13:50:05 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    - _ n-^
    \_ [_] _/
    \ | | _____ / 1
    '_l_:=='''''===___' \
    - . . . -
    / \ . . . /
    ' |' . . . '| _--.
    \' . . . '/-' \
    / ` - |, . . . .| ;
    l \-"""""-/
    ' . [*#$8!] . [ \
    | _-'@@@@@`-_

    Subject is a place, which its name has *3* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    A Y M S D P

    What is this place?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 21:56:34 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    / '
    / /
    ,____ /;'
    || ' \
    || \_\
    || \'

    I've got a bunch of JVAQGHEOVARs just down the road, and even a
    plan for one on my wall (I overheard someone say that people could
    take the print-outs at the community consultation meeting, so I
    came out with one of each :) ).

    Now I've also got the following aliases in my .bashrc:
    alias rot13enc='tr A-MN-Za-mn-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
    alias rot13dec='tr N-ZA-Mn-za-m A-MN-Za-mn-z'

    I had to resort to my tilde account for the checksum though.
    Compiling sha256sum for this PC would be a pain - I'm still an
    MD5er myself.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 22:01:39 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    -"'. .`"-
    ,'. .`.
    / \
    |. .|
    | ,/O) |
    |. .'' .|
    \ ,'_ _ _ _ _ /

    Subject is an object. The word has *8* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    G O Y M C Z T I E R K O H D L E

    What is the word?

    Oh I know an BQBZRGRE when I see one. That's the thing that tells
    you how far you'd travelled before your speedometer died :)

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 18:40:38 2021
    On 2021-11-10 01:48, xwindows wrote:
    What is this place?

    A yvoenel, sadly my local one has been mostly closed throughout covid.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 10 18:42:45 2021
    On 2021-11-10 01:50, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    - _ n-^
    \_ [_] _/
    \ | | _____ / 1
    '_l_:=='''''===___' \
    - . . . -
    / \ . . . /
    ' |' . . . '| _--.
    \' . . . '/-' \
    / ` - |, . . . .| ;
    l \-"""""-/
    ' . [*#$8!] . [ \
    | _-'@@@@@`-_

    What is this place?

    A qnz, don't swim too close!

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 01:12:41 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / (O) \
    | |


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 01:16:01 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    // .
    // ,//'
    // .//'
    // //'
    // .//
    // ,//
    // //'
    // ,/"
    /; ,/
    /' ,/'
    ( " \
    ) )

    I can't use them, but I can spell them: PUBCFGVPXF

    (actually based on ROT13-encoded evidence it looks a lot like I
    can't spell them).

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 01:19:13 2021
    ~unbeatable101 <unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club> wrote:
    On 2021-11-10 01:48, xwindows wrote:
    What is this place?

    A yvoenel,

    Gah, and I came back here sure it must have been the English
    township of Reading. I guess I'm thinking a bit too hard. :)

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 01:24:33 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:


    I knew I'd get hooked if I let myself get started on these:

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 01:38:35 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / .__,
    ' / \

    The subject is an object, the word has *5* letters, pick alphabets from:

    C I U O L Q G H L N

    But for the checksum I'd have said DHVYY...

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 02:17:53 2021
    I'll try one of these myself. It's mercilessly hard though:
    / \ | |
    | O | ---| |---
    \ _ / | |

    The answer is *3* letters.

    Using letters from this alphabet:
    R C D V E N

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline checksum (MD5 not
    SHA256 because it's my preference):

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 13:09:28 2021

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/

    On Wed, 10 Nov 2021, The Free Thinker wrote:

    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    / '
    / /
    ,____ /;'
    || ' \
    || \_\
    || \'

    I've got a bunch of JVAQGHEOVARs just down the road, and even a
    plan for one on my wall (I overheard someone say that people could
    take the print-outs at the community consultation meeting, so I
    came out with one of each :) ).

    Now I've also got the following aliases in my .bashrc:
    alias rot13enc='tr A-MN-Za-mn-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
    alias rot13dec='tr N-ZA-Mn-za-m A-MN-Za-mn-z'

    I had to resort to my tilde account for the checksum though.
    Compiling sha256sum for this PC would be a pain - I'm still an
    MD5er myself.


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 11 22:22:29 2021
    Are derivatives allowed? My artistic skills aren't quite up to the
    same standard mind you.

    The drawing is as modified:

    --(*)-(*)- o -(*)-(*)--
    . `='
    - . n-^
    \_ ./. .@. _/
    \ | | _____ | | / 1
    '_l_:=='''''==:_|_' \
    - . . . -
    / \ . . . /
    ' |' . . . '| _--.
    \' . . . '/-' \
    / ` - |, . . . .| ;
    l \-"""""-/
    ' . [*#$8!] . [ \
    | _-'@@@@@`-_

    Subject is a film, which has *10* letters. Pick alphabets from:
    P X U S E D T R J C Z S Y M B Q L A I W

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, MD5 checksum:

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From 711 Spooky Mart@711@spooky.mart to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 12 02:35:37 2021
    On 11/10/21 12:41 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / '
    / /
    ,____ /;'
    || ' \
    || \_\
    || \'

    Subject is an object, the word has *11* letters, pick alphabets from:

    U T H F Q L N Y S I B V I E W R K N G C X D

    What is the word?

    This is good tiny art. You made this one really obvious.


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From 711 Spooky Mart@711@spooky.mart to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 12 02:47:55 2021
    On 11/10/21 8:17 PM, The Free Thinker wrote:
    I'll try one of these myself. It's mercilessly hard though:
    / \ | |
    | O | ---| |---
    \ _ / | |

    The answer is *3* letters.

    Using letters from this alphabet:
    R C D V E N

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline checksum (MD5 not
    SHA256 because it's my preference):

    Hint: The letters in the answer are alphabetically adjacent.


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 12 18:40:27 2021
    On Thu, 11 Nov 2021, The Free Thinker wrote:

    I'll try one of these myself. It's mercilessly hard though:
    / \ | |
    | O | ---| |---
    \ _ / | |

    Yes, it's difficult. Originally, I had no idea what it was;
    so I planned to just leave it for others to answer.
    (I know I could just feed the MD5 into a password cracker,
    or script a 6!-way brute-forcer, but what's the fun in that?)

    On Fri, 12 Nov 2021, 711 Spooky Mart wrote:

    Hint: The letters in the answer are alphabetically adjacent.

    Thanks. So that means 6 permutations available: CDE, CED, DCE, DEC, EDC, ECD.

    After checking every item's Wikipedia page...

    - CDE desktop environment? It's more like sharp-edged rectangles and squares.
    - DCE a.k.a. Data Communication Equipment? It came in many shapes and size
    but nothing looked like the drawing.
    - DEC the Digital Equipment Corporation? Not quite related to circle
    and cylinder.
    - ECD the Electronic Control Device, a.k.a. taser? Very unlikely.
    - EDC, Electronic Draft Capture. Electronic Data Capture,
    Electronic Diesel Control, nothing fits.

    With those out of the way, //RPQ// (//Ryrpgeba Pncgher Qrgrpgbe//) appeared
    to be the first apparent answer, which the ASCII art looked quite like
    a third-angle drawing of this device. [1]

    But the challenge's title said it is supposed to be... a "Technical Standard" isn't it? This answer looked like it should have belonged to the
    "Object" category instead.

    So, that means the second possible answer: the obscure
    //PRQ// (//Pncnpvgnapr Ryrpgebavp Qvfp//) home video format from RCA [2];
    which Alec of Technology Connections YouTube channel did a whole
    documentary video series about it [3] that I haven't watched yet.

    In the end, I let the checksum decide: and it chose the second answer;
    so I guess I'll have to find time to watch those videos to find out
    what cylinder-on-spindle on the right is suppoed to mean.


    [1] uggcf://pbzzbaf.jvxvzrqvn.bet/jvxv/Svyr:Wnzrf_Ybirybpxf_Ryrpgeba_pncgher_qrgrpgbe_sbe_n_tnf_puebzngbtencu,_1960._%289660569973%29.wct

    [2] uggcf://ra.jvxvcrqvn.bet/jvxv/Pncnpvgnapr_Ryrpgebavp_Qvfp

    [3] uggcf://jjj.lbhghor.pbz/jngpu?i=CacK8q8mEVN
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 12 22:40:34 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    With those out of the way, //RPQ// (//Ryrpgeba Pncgher Qrgrpgbe//) appeared to be the first apparent answer, which the ASCII art looked quite like
    a third-angle drawing of this device. [1]

    Well I guess it could have been, though I'd have probably shown
    the two discs joined together. But actually I've been extremely
    tempted by someone on Ebay with two "for parts" Gas Chromatographs
    listed relatively nearby (which is a pretty odd place to find them)
    for $200 the pair. Oh, if only I could think of a genuine practical
    use for them...

    But the challenge's title said it is supposed to be... a "Technical Standard" isn't it? This answer looked like it should have belonged to the
    "Object" category instead.

    So, that means the second possible answer: the obscure
    //PRQ// (//Pncnpvgnapr Ryrpgebavp Qvfp//) home video format from RCA [2]; which Alec of Technology Connections YouTube channel did a whole
    documentary video series about it [3] that I haven't watched yet.

    I haven't seen that series either, but there's a great website

    Also there's a link (and alternative slideshow) there to this great
    video touring the manufacturing plant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bozKAKd5LnI
    (I live for old factory tour videos)

    In the end, I let the checksum decide: and it chose the second answer;
    so I guess I'll have to find time to watch those videos to find out
    what cylinder-on-spindle on the right is suppoed to mean.

    Actually I was being a bit abstract and that's supposed to be the
    electrical symbol of a capacitor, to represent the capacitance of
    the disc, which is the main differentiating feature of the
    standard. But you got there anyway - well done!

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 11:36:24 2021
    On Wed, 10 Nov 2021, ~unbeatable101 wrote:



    sadly my local one has been mostly closed throughout covid.

    Mine too, which was a huge bummer. (I prefer hanging out _alone_
    in the silence of library, reading, writing, drawing; much more than
    doing all that in bustling and noisy mall with loud background music)

    Fortunately, in my case, they are gradually back open now; although
    they are subjected to strict users number limit; one place also require
    advance booking [online, by phone, or on-premise], and another requires vaccination certificate to enter certain reading rooms.
    Not a big deal I guess [1], as in my city, the vaccination rate is >90%.


    [1] That is because practically, they just glanced that my printed certificate
    has all the required doses and my name matched my member card.
    If they really scanned the QR code to "verify", that would be pretty
    big deal for me, because in this implementation, doing so will leave
    metadata trail that defeats all the commuting privacy regimen
    I have in place. [2]

    [2] My data privacy standard is high enough to the point that I _always_
    pay in cash for all in-person purchase/service, and also eschew
    smartphones. (My GSM dumbphone has an easily-removable battery
    should I decide to completely disappear from the system)
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 11:42:13 2021
    On Wed, 10 Nov 2021, ~unbeatable101 wrote:


    Right on!

    don't swim too close!

    Of course.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 12:29:28 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    |_| >-'

    Subject is an object. The word has *7* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    S L J D O R A K U B P V C F

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 12:32:13 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    // \\
    /| |\
    || ||
    || ||
    \| |/
    `\ /'
    \ /
    || 1 ||

    Subject is an object. The word has *5* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    L D E Y S F C M R A

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 12:34:00 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    |[] ||
    || (@)||
    |[] ||

    Subject is an object. The word has *4* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    A E B Q S H V F

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 08:36:27 2021
    On 2021-11-13 00:34, xwindows wrote:
    |[] ||
    || (@)||
    |[] ||

    What is the word?

    It is a fnsr, hopefully one with a working lock.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 08:37:53 2021
    On 2021-11-13 00:32, xwindows wrote:
    // \\
    /| |\
    || ||
    || ||
    \| |/
    `\ /'
    \ /
    || 1 ||

    What is the word?

    A first-place zrqny, have you bitten it yet?

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 23:21:53 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    |_| >-'

    A CNQYBPX. I recently inherited my grandfather's 'collection'
    (about six in an old tin), including a brass one of the older

    ` '.
    | |
    \i/ 0---n

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 23:25:35 2021
    ~unbeatable101 <unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club> wrote:
    On 2021-11-13 00:32, xwindows wrote:
    // \\
    /| |\
    || ||
    || ||
    \| |/
    `\ /'
    \ /
    || 1 ||

    What is the word?

    A first-place zrqny, have you bitten it yet?

    Funny, I thought this had to be a Gun Chronograph, if only it could
    be described with so few letters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chronographa.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_chronograph

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ~unbeatable101@unbeatable101@ctrl-c.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 13 20:25:00 2021
    On 2021-11-13 18:25, The Free Thinker wrote:
    Funny, I thought this had to be a Gun Chronograph, if only it could
    be described with so few letters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chronographa.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_chronograph

    Interesting, never heard of those before.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:00 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    . ./
    # #

    Subject is a brand, which its name has *6* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    D A X L K N E Q O R H M

    What is this brand?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:00 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    . =/
    .# _/"'

    Subject is a brand, which its name has *4* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    I A E L B F K N

    What is this brand?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:01 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    \ /
    /__-' '-__\

    Subject is a brand, which its name has *10* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    X B D M J H Q U F I P N S T K I S A I Y

    What is this brand?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:02 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / /###| \ \
    | T^^^^____l |
    \ \ |###/ /

    Subject is a brand, which its name has *3* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    M A W P B K

    What is this brand?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:03 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    .|. .|.

    Subject is a brand, which its name has *5* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    G S B O M C F P I C

    What is this brand?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:04 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    (@ (@
    | /
    \ |
    \ /
    \ c)

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Z T M D Q X O O F L R C

    What is this occupation?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:05 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / / /\
    \ `' /
    / +"
    / /
    / /

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C D B U H X S C I E G M A Z T N

    What is this occupation?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:06 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,_______________________________________. |,-------------------------------------.|
    || +-----------------+ ||
    || | = | ||
    || |=_. __--=--__ ._=| ||
    || | .-"__--=--__"-. | ||
    || | |-":_--=--_:"-| | ||
    || | |-" __-=-__ "-| | ||
    || | \-" _'=`_ "-/ | ||
    || | -_" = "_- | ||
    || | = | ||
    || | _.=._ | ||\
    || +-----------------+ ||-` |._____________________________________|| +---------------------------------------+

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *11* letter.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O I J E N L D P H X G I M R V T W O S Q K A

    What is this occupation?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 12:09:07 2021
    Hello everyone,

    With older challenges dug up and beaten, and new player spotted in the wild;
    I have now come back to bring you the usual unanswered challenges file,
    with something like a biggest-ever drop of brand-new entries,
    coming together with two brand-new categories in one go. (No pun intended!)

    --- 2021-08-29 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:34c28357-5fa2-cfe1-52a4-fd9f94332d8e@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/313>

    --- 2021-11-11 ---

    Film, 10 letters <news:smk534$2l67g$3@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-11-19 ---

    Brand, 6 letters <news:bdb750d2-4378-46e1-9f37-1eec41393c3b@tilde.club>

    Brand, 4 letters <news:ef851b3f-7043-4326-8c1d-00d3e52ffd2c@tilde.club>

    Brand, 10 letters <news:b806f871-b842-4ffd-a758-e7bde145d7ff@tilde.club>

    Brand, 3 letters <news:f721c042-3ed1-47b8-ac32-71e28b4fd73f@tilde.club>

    Brand, 5 letters <news:f0dc3cc0-aa55-4667-b844-1315e626a0f6@tilde.club>

    Occupation, <news:aef13237-311a-49af-a44e-876905f683f8@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/411>

    Occupation, <news:99f45e8e-8f6f-45f3-86bd-60135c959c75@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/412>

    Occupation, <news:01c5f012-ccbf-430a-ad49-3c5244d3fdd4@tilde.club>
    11 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/413>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Hope you enjoy your Netnews stay,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 19 20:49:41 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    | / /\ \ |
    |\ / |__| \ /|
    / / \ \
    / / \ \
    \/ \/

    Subject is an icon of a video game (series), the phrase has *2* words
    and *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E F O N A Y X P Z I S R Q T

    What is this video game (series)?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII
    form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 20 23:39:39 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    / \
    \ /
    /__-' '-__\


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 20 23:40:49 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    / /###| \ \
    | T^^^^____l |
    \ \ |###/ /


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 20 23:44:16 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    (@ (@
    | /
    \ |
    \ /
    \ c)


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 20 23:49:39 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    / / /\
    \ `' /
    / +"
    / /
    / /

    ZRPUNAVP. Though actually the implement of the previous profession
    is used by ZRPUNAVPs as well. I'd be worried if a QBPGBE came at me
    with one of these though.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Nov 22 21:15:50 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    . =/
    .# _/"'

    The well-branded company with dubious ethics, AVXR.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 10 13:41:05 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    _---___--. \

    Subject is an object. The word has *6* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    B F T Q J U O A C H E M

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 10 13:59:28 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    ' .| | | '| .| .
    | \\\, --:|.| '| '. '.| |;\'--
    | `( ) | | | | |
    | \ \ ' |
    _-^. ,--,--------.| | | ,
    / _-' '--[__________] / | / \/
    / | || / | (O
    - -___ || ___- /

    Subject is an object. The word has *10* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    R H P D E X Q H N O V M E K I F T S E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 10 14:10:57 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    | __---__ |o|
    | / _ \ |/|
    | | ' ` .- |
    | | `_' T'| |
    | \_ _/ |
    | `---' |

    Subject is an object. The word has *10* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    A H L H T F B J Q O E P R P X V N D G O

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 10 14:17:50 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    |/ \|
    |\ /|
    | \ / |
    :-_ ( ) _-:
    \ -___- /
    \ /

    Subject is a material, which its name has *9* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    X E Y M D N F A V O B I L C T P J R

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Dec 13 20:57:52 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:
    ,_______________________________________. |,-------------------------------------.|
    || +-----------------+ ||
    || | = | ||
    || |=_. __--=--__ ._=| ||
    || | .-"__--=--__"-. | ||
    || | |-":_--=--_:"-| | ||
    || | |-" __-=-__ "-| | ||
    || | \-" _'=`_ "-/ | ||
    || | -_" = "_- | ||
    || | = | ||
    || | _.=._ | ||\
    || +-----------------+ ||-` |._____________________________________|| +---------------------------------------+

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *11* letter.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O I J E N L D P H X G I M R V T W O S Q K A

    What is this occupation?


    I was pretty sure this is a chest X-Ray being viewed. But after
    running the checksums for RADIOLOGIST, ORTHOPEDIST, and
    PATHOLOGIST, now I'm not so sure. How many medical occupations with
    11 letters can there be in that alphabet?

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 17 22:54:00 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:
    _---___--. \

    A snhprg, though scarcely seen by that name here in Australia.
    Looks like a ball valve type.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 17 22:58:29 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    ' .| | | '| .| .
    | \\\, --:|.| '| '. '.| |;\'--
    | `( ) | | | | |
    | \ \ ' |
    _-^. ,--,--------.| | | ,
    / _-' '--[__________] / | / \/
    / | || / | (O
    - -___ || ___- /

    Someone's messing with me here :), but an instrument named by
    obscure, though perhaps more authentic, preference the

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 17 23:03:08 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | __---__ |o|
    | / _ \ |/|
    | | ' ` .- |
    | | `_' T'| |
    | \_ _/ |
    | `---' |

    While spinning up a record may be back in fashion, I'm not holding
    my breath for a return of the phrase "let's listen to the

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 17 23:07:51 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    |/ \|
    |\ /|
    | \ / |
    :-_ ( ) _-:
    \ -___- /
    \ /

    What all the most truely valuable thrones are made out of,

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Dec 18 11:20:39 2021
    Many months have passed, I guess some of you might want to know
    what it is supposed to be now...

    On Sun, 29 Aug 2021, xwindows wrote:

    __. ___
    _-'" __'" ';'
    _-'~-~,'__ ./
    _- | ;. '-.'
    <_ ,' \#\/'

    The answer is "PARCEL". Its letter usage is as follows:

    S G Y C A L O E P T R U
    * * * * * *

    I wonder what you people originally think it was?
    Or was it just too... ambiguous?

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Dec 18 21:38:33 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    Many months have passed, I guess some of you might want to know
    what it is supposed to be now...

    On Sun, 29 Aug 2021, xwindows wrote:

    __. ___
    _-'" __'" ';'
    _-'~-~,'__ ./
    _- | ;. '-.'
    <_ ,' \#\/'

    The answer is "PARCEL". Its letter usage is as follows:

    S G Y C A L O E P T R U
    * * * * * *

    I wonder what you people originally think it was?
    Or was it just too... ambiguous?

    I was convinced that it was flat, so I don't imagine ever thinking
    of a parcel (though technically you can send a letter _as_ a parcel,
    so I guess being flat didn't entirely rule that out anyway). Mop,
    raft, and towell, came to mind, ignoring the alphabet and letter

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 23 15:09:38 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    // / ,\ \\
    // ( 6) ) \\
    \\ ,`--'. //

    Subject is a chemical substance, which its name has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    X M K F P E W O R A N D F I A Y

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 23 15:09:38 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    + -':
    . / / +
    ___., `-"'
    + ,_,=/___-'
    ,;=' \
    // / | \ .
    || / | \
    || / | \ .
    || . | \
    ||/ . .
    || .--==
    || | / \
    || |' `
    ___||______________|_______ _____ ____ ,, .. . .

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O M I P S T Z B C D U N

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 23 15:09:40 2021
    The drawing is as follows:

    - +
    | | _-'".
    ,-|------------|-+-' ###\
    ( @ : t #T#|
    `-|----------------,_ $##/
    | '-'

    Subject is about chemistry. The word has *8* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    A E W N S T X H F R L O C E B M

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 23 15:26:27 2021
    Hello everyone,

    Before everyone got carried away with the festivities;
    here is a round-up of unanswered ASCII Of? challenge for today,
    also with two new categories...

    --- 2021-11-11 ---

    Film, 10 letters <news:smk534$2l67g$3@tilde.club>

    --- 2021-11-19 ---

    Brand, 6 letters <news:bdb750d2-4378-46e1-9f37-1eec41393c3b@tilde.club>

    Brand, 5 letters <news:f0dc3cc0-aa55-4667-b844-1315e626a0f6@tilde.club>

    Videogame, <news:sn86h5$jlni$1@tilde.tilde.team>
    7 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/415>

    --- 2021-12-23 ---

    Chemical substance, <news:sq1as2$v4sg$1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/448>

    Chemical element, <news:sq1as2$v4si$1@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/449>

    Chemistry, <news:sq1as4$v50e$1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/450>

    With all that out of the way; hope you enjoy your Netnews day,
    and wish you all the happy and healthy holidays.

    (And don't let your 'rona guard down by the way!)

    Anyway, cheers!
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 24 22:05:13 2021
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    + -':
    . / / +
    ___., `-"'
    + ,_,=/___-'
    ,;=' \
    // / | \ .
    || / | \
    || / | \ .
    || . | \
    ||/ . .
    || .--==
    || | / \
    || |' `
    ___||______________|_______ _____ ____ ,, .. . .

    What a pretty scene with which to cryptically represent FBQVHZ.
    Nicely drawn!

    I'll have to think some more about the others...

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 7 20:16:19 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    - +
    | | _-'".
    ,-|------------|-+-' ###\
    ( @ : t #T#|
    `-|----------------,_ $##/
    | '-'

    Subject is about chemistry. The word has *8* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    I tend to think of RYRPGEBAs as belonging to the domain of physics
    rather than chemistry, but I got there in the end. The diagram is
    of a CRT, I take it.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 11 13:19:15 2022
    Job Bautista wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    | / /\ \ |
    |\ / |__| \ /|
    / / \ \
    / / \ \
    \/ \/

    Subject is an icon of a video game (series), the phrase has *2* words
    and *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E F O N A Y X P Z I S R Q T

    What is this video game (series)?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII
    form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    Last call! If nobody posts the correct answer in 3 days, I will reveal it.
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 11 21:54:00 2022
    The drawing:

    | |
    | |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ /=====\ |
    .----` |
    / |
    / /=====\ |
    / /=====\ |
    / |
    / /| |
    / /=====\ / | /=====\ |
    / / | |
    / / | /=====\ |
    . / | |
    , .____L____________________________L_____
    \ , , ,
    \ || || ||
    \ || || ||
    \ ` ` `
    | /=====\ |
    | |
    | /=====\ /=====\ |
    | |
    | /=====\ |

    Subject is a film, which has 14 letters. Pick alphabets from:
    K I X E M U T P T Z I Y J S N G R R A W L O O D H C F R

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, SHA256 checksum: 3734b091ceb8ff743af54f5ab72bdeb0cbaae779cd36b9870f7d9cb286337307

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Job Bautista@job@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 21 13:29:08 2022
    Job Bautista wrote:

    Job Bautista wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    | / /\ \ |
    |\ / |__| \ /|
    / / \ \
    / / \ \
    \/ \/

    Subject is an icon of a video game (series), the phrase has *2* words
    and *7* letters, pick alphabets from:

    E F O N A Y X P Z I S R Q T

    What is this video game (series)?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII
    form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    Last call! If nobody posts the correct answer in 3 days, I will reveal it.

    The correct answer is Star Fox. I wonder what you guys thought it was?
    Job Bautista

    An XUL fanatic, and an add-ons developer. I also do some simple
    userscripts and bash scripting.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 28 22:46:06 2022
    The drawing:
    =| |=
    =| |=
    =| |=
    =| (#) |=
    =| |=
    =| |=

    Subject is an object, which has *5* letters. Pick alphabets from:
    O M V I D R E P H W

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, SHA256 checksum: 3b7ae91c70e575b46ece9c87d2e6cfb616b72e49f8871951c090a0c187d4955d

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 28 22:48:50 2022
    The drawing:

    __________,, ,,_________
    |;;| | | | |
    _|;;|_____|, ,|_________
    , >--o
    | | *'
    | | | | | | | |

    Subject is a video game, which has *13* letters. Pick alphabets
    I S C J G Y N N 3 O T Z V R K P E H Q W U F D M E L

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, SHA256 checksum: 99bf55714974dccb4838eaecd438cf749b1fc6c93d4a79a98812d96791a7b326

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 28 22:51:42 2022
    The drawing:

    . ,`,`(`(
    ( ) ,`,`-I \ \
    _) (___,``.______) )

    Subject is an object, which has *5* letters. Pick alphabets
    Y A X P L N Q K E T

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, SHA256 checksum: 55063421957cf8093e020cf26fa81157d526c5c9822d6cce2ee79707cc41acc9

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 28 23:01:42 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing is as modified:

    --(*)-(*)- o -(*)-(*)--
    . `='
    - . n-^
    \_ ./. .@. _/
    \ | | _____ | | / 1
    '_l_:=='''''==:_|_' \
    - . . . -
    / \ . . . /
    ' |' . . . '| _--.
    \' . . . '/-' \
    / ` - |, . . . .| ;
    l \-"""""-/
    ' . [*#$8!] . [ \
    | _-'@@@@@`-_

    Subject is a film, which has *10* letters. Pick alphabets from:
    P X U S E D T R J C Z S Y M B Q L A I W

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, MD5 checksum: 28f39a8588982a3ce7417069f49409ab

    Last Call! Come on film buffs, dust off those DVDs! :)

    Will be revealed in a couple of days.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jan 29 11:26:36 2022
    On Fri, 28 Jan 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    =| |=
    =| |=
    =| |=
    =| (#) |=
    =| |=
    =| |=

    . o O ( Definitely a computer chip... )
    . o O ( But what chip? )
    . o O ( A chip with an eye? )
    . o O ( What chip even have an eye? )
    . o O ( Wait... could it be that kind of chip one has to blast a UV lamp on? )

    . .
    '-|'|.- [ alphabet chips shuffling noise ] -.|'. ,-
    ' '

    O M V I D R E P H W
    * * * * *

    . o O ( Yeah it is. )

    That is a drawing of an //RCEBZ// chip, a memory technology which its heyday predated my experience with {micro,personal }computers and electronics tinkering- so I haven't yet used it in person.

    Thanks for a fun mental excercise and a trip down a memory lane,
    spent good minutes figuring out this one.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jan 29 12:03:52 2022
    On Fri, 19 Nov 2021, Job Bautista wrote:

    / \
    | / /\ \ |
    |\ / |__| \ /|
    / / \ \
    / / \ \
    \/ \/

    On Fri, 21 Jan 2022, Job Bautista wrote:

    The correct answer is Star Fox. I wonder what you guys thought it was?

    I'm not exactly good with videogame-related challenge, since I have
    only played relatively few videogames.

    For this one, my first glance met with its prominent triangular shapes,
    so my first thought was The Legend of Zelda (and its Triforce symbol);
    only to find that letter count doesn't match, and I then remembered
    that a Triforce didn't really look like this.

    After crossing that game out of the list of possible answer,
    I tried to rack my brain few more times for other probable ones
    before resigning to the fact that I have probably not played
    or even heard of this game.


    P.S. I'm not even a Legend of Zelda player (I don't have any
    Nintendo-branded gaming device); I just saw too much of its
    fanarts and have read too much of its fanfictions to forget.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jan 29 12:40:30 2022
    On Fri, 7 Jan 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:


    That's right!

    I tend to think of RYRPGEBAs as belonging to the domain of physics
    rather than chemistry, but I got there in the end. The diagram is
    of a CRT, I take it.

    Well, you are not wrong (though I have learned about these
    back in high school chemistry class). The CRT type I intended to draw
    was a variant of Crookes tube with Maltese cross inside
    (shown as `t` in the tube, which cast `T` shadow on the side).

    In the hindsight, my drawing wasn't accurate as those were actually cold-cathode tubes without heating filament (and relied on HVDC alone).

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jan 29 13:01:32 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ____ .____
    _-'' '`-_ . . . | \ -r--r--r--
    / \ . | | backup1.tar.gz
    / .--. \ . |____|
    | ( () ) | .
    \ `--' . / .
    \ ./ ___ . .____
    `-__ __-'. /. _\____ . | \ lrwxrwxrwx
    """" . . . | / / . . . . | | backup -> backup1.tar.gz
    |/_____/ |____|

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name has 2 words and *10* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    B M S A D F E C V R L W Y R K G O I

    Which technical standard is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jan 29 13:09:09 2022
    On Sat, 29 Jan 2022, xwindows wrote:

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name has 2 words and *10* letters.

    I just realized that the letter count is wrong;
    the corrected part is as follows:

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name has 2 words and *9* letters.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jan 29 15:53:57 2022
    On Fri, 28 Jan 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    . ,`,`(`(
    ( ) ,`,`-I \ \
    _) (___,``.______) )

    My first though was it being a DPST knife switch, but letter count didn't fit. After serveral glances, I thought of a certain woodworking tool
    which I didn't know an English name of, so I looked it up;
    turned out it has a name which spelled like a certain high-speed
    airborne vehicle: //CYNAR//

    It is one of the woodworking tools that I don't currently have in my house.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 30 01:16:30 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    That is a drawing of an //RCEBZ// chip,

    That's it! Nice deductions.

    a memory technology which its heyday
    predated my experience with {micro,personal }computers and electronics tinkering- so I haven't yet used it in person.

    Well it pre-dates me as well, but as I'm inclined to progress
    backwards through technology I've got a self-built EPROM programmer
    and EPROMs within reach of me now. Which of course were the

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 30 01:29:15 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    On Fri, 28 Jan 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    . ,`,`(`(
    ( ) ,`,`-I \ \
    _) (___,``.______) )

    My first though was it being a DPST knife switch, but letter count didn't fit.
    After serveral glances, I thought of a certain woodworking tool
    which I didn't know an English name of, so I looked it up;
    turned out it has a name which spelled like a certain high-speed
    airborne vehicle: //CYNAR//

    Yep, well done. A little research suggests that names don't seem to
    share a common origin, though I might be wrong. Personally I'd
    probably find more use for a knife switch because my woodworking
    skills are pretty poor.

    It is one of the woodworking tools that I don't currently have in my house.

    They can be surprisingly valuable, at least in Australia. Electric
    models are probably more common now.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jan 31 12:20:18 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    --(*)-(*)- o -(*)-(*)--
    . `='
    - . n-^
    \_ ./. .@. _/
    \ | | _____ | | / 1
    '_l_:=='''''==:_|_' \
    - . . . -
    / \ . . . /
    ' |' . . . '| _--.
    \' . . . '/-' \
    / ` - |, . . . .| ;
    l \-"""""-/
    ' . [*#$8!] . [ \
    | _-'@@@@@`-_

    No fans of 1950s British cinema around apparantly? Perhaps I
    shouldn't be so surprised. The answer is:

    To be fair the actual title of the 1955 film is "The Dam Busters",
    and I forgot that other challengers here have a history of warning
    participants when more than one word is involved (something I may
    also have omitted with later posts).

    The dodgy modifications to xwindows' excellent dam drawing were to
    show a Lancaster bomber flying over top, with the "=" sign
    underneath representing the distinctive bouncing bomb ready to be
    dropped (possibly a bit late, based on the perspective there). From
    towers on the dam wall there's an anti-aircraft gun firing at it on
    the Left, and a searchlight spotting it on the Right.

    P X U S E D T R J C Z S Y M B Q L A I W
    * * * * * * * * * *


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Jan 31 12:48:22 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ____ .____
    _-'' '`-_ . . . | \ -r--r--r--
    / \ . | | backup1.tar.gz
    / .--. \ . |____|
    | ( () ) | .
    \ `--' . / .
    \ ./ ___ . .____
    `-__ __-'. /. _\____ . | \ lrwxrwxrwx
    """" . . . | / / . . . . | | backup -> backup1.tar.gz
    |/_____/ |____|

    After being much mislead by the fact that you can spell "FILE" with
    the letters in that alphabet, I finally picked out EBPXEVQTR from
    the various ISO9660 standard extensions. I do see that you provided
    ample hints, with the symlink and the UNIX-style permissions set
    in a CD-compatible read-only fashion, not to mention the date of
    the folder suggesting a _very_ early adopter at work.

    I wasn't actually familliar with Rock Ridge. For the sake of
    compatibility I've always stuck with Joliet. Nice to know that
    UNIXy features did make it into the optical disc domain.


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun May 1 11:27:35 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    |. |
    | | _
    | [_] ||U|
    | \v/ || |
    | : |\_/
    ========= v
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    V R O G E M C F N Y O L

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun May 1 11:27:36 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ) ========= , .)
    / ,-. +--. // -//)
    / / / / / // =///
    / / / ,--. == #///

    Subject is an object, which its name has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    S E J P L W R K B T A X P N E Q Z Y

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun May 1 11:27:37 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    .'/|\ \'.
    ,' /_l_\____\,',

    Subject is an object, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    N C E X T G T J

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun May 1 19:03:54 2022
    Hello everyone,

    Time sure flies, long time no see. Seriously back into Netnews gaming again; from last time I was met with nice surprise that there were more challenges posted by other players-turned-challengers (good game!). I have beaten
    some of those, and I'm now back to give you more.

    As usual, here comes the today's round-up of challenges
    which are still waiting for you all to beat; some are easy,
    but there are few difficult head-scratchers too in the mix too...

    --- 2021-12-23 ---

    Chemical substance, <news:sq1as2$v4sg$1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/448>

    --- 2022-01-11 ---

    Film, 14 letters <news:srku9n$15g2k$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-01-28 ---

    Videogame, <news:st1rsh$3tsb9$2@tilde.club>
    13 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/459>

    --- 2022-05-01 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:t4lqr7$osj6$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 9 letters <news:t4lqr8$osjd$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 4 letters <news:t4lqr9$osjl$1@tilde.club>

    Text games for the win,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon May 2 14:11:16 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    | |
    | |

    Subject is an apparel, the word has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C R N Z A P E F I E T Q K X

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artwork
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon May 2 14:11:16 2022
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an apparel, the word has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I X M T O L U W E Y B Z

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artwork
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon May 2 14:11:17 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,--' __'

    Subject is an apparel, the word has *10* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    S B X L S R F A E Q S E E U Y J M I D G

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artwork
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon May 2 14:11:18 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    /\ ,--.
    |< ~ /|
    |\/ [ |
    |. </\|

    Subject is food or drink, which its name has *8* letters.

    O X I R M E J P D Q V N E L A H

    Which food or drink is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artwork
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed May 4 23:06:57 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    .'/|\ \'.
    ,' /_l_\____\,',

    Well I'll claim the easy one and say GRAG. The others escape me for

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed May 4 23:11:11 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing:

    | |
    | |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ /=====\ |
    .----` |
    / |
    / /=====\ |
    / /=====\ |
    / |
    / /| |
    / /=====\ / | /=====\ |
    / / | |
    / / | /=====\ |
    . / | |
    , .____L____________________________L_____
    \ , , ,
    \ || || ||
    \ || || ||
    \ ` ` `
    | /=====\ |
    | |
    | /=====\ /=====\ |
    | |
    | /=====\ |

    Subject is a film, which has 14 letters. Pick alphabets from:
    K I X E M U T P T Z I Y J S N G R R A W L O O D H C F R

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, SHA256 checksum: 3734b091ceb8ff743af54f5ab72bdeb0cbaae779cd36b9870f7d9cb286337307

    Last call! I'll post the answer some time this weekend.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed May 4 23:13:40 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing:

    __________,, ,,_________
    |;;| | | | |
    _|;;|_____|, ,|_________
    , >--o
    | | *'
    | | | | | | | |

    Subject is a video game, which has *13* letters. Pick alphabets
    I S C J G Y N N 3 O T Z V R K P E H Q W U F D M E L

    Uppercase, no-space, no-newline, SHA256 checksum: 99bf55714974dccb4838eaecd438cf749b1fc6c93d4a79a98812d96791a7b326

    Last call! Answer will be posted this weekend.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 14 00:43:44 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing:

    | |
    | |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ |
    | /=====\ /=====\ |
    .----` |
    / |
    / /=====\ |
    / /=====\ |
    / |
    / /| |
    / /=====\ / | /=====\ |
    / / | |
    / / | /=====\ |
    . / | |
    , .____L____________________________L_____
    \ , , ,
    \ || || ||
    \ || || ||
    \ ` ` `
    | /=====\ |
    | |
    | /=====\ /=====\ |
    | |
    | /=====\ |

    Last call! I'll post the answer some time this weekend.

    Oops, last weekend turned out unexpectedly busy and I forgot all
    about this. The answer is MINORITYREPORT (MINORITY REPORT, 2002).

    K I X E M U T P T Z I Y J S N G R R A W L O O D H C F R
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    It's supposed to show the futuristic city transport system with all
    the little capsules moving along horizontal an vertical highways,
    occasionally with an outlaw/hero jumping haphazardly between them.

    When I re-watched it a while ago this was the main scene that I
    remebered, but that probably says more about me than the movie
    ("stuff the characters, that's a really neat mass-transit

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minority_Report_(film) gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/Minority%20Report%20%28film%29

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 14 00:56:25 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing:

    __________,, ,,_________
    |;;| | | | |
    _|;;|_____|, ,|_________
    , >--o
    | | *'
    | | | | | | | |

    Last call! Answer will be posted this weekend.

    Gah I keep messing up the Subject headers for these too. Anyway
    what we have here is the original (sort-of) 3D First Person Shooter WOLFENSTEIN3D (WOLFENSTEIN 3D, 1992)

    I S C J G Y N N 3 O T Z V R K P E H Q W U F D M E L
    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The drawing shows a scene from the game - stats bar down the
    bottom, pistol projecting in front of the game view, 3D hallway
    ahead, dead Nazi on the right bleeding gruesomely, and a distinctly flat-looking door in the wall on the left. This is one of the rare
    times when I've actually managed to pull off a 3D aspect in a
    drawing (ASCII or otherwise), at least to the extent that I can see


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 14 01:08:15 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ) ========= , .)
    / ,-. +--. // -//)
    / / / / / // =///
    / / / ,--. == #///

    Subject is an object, which its name has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    S E J P L W R K B T A X P N E Q Z Y

    What is the word?

    A neatly folded ARJFCNCRE, holding out against the wave of internet
    news media.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed May 18 14:26:03 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    . ,
    . ,
    . , , '
    ' ' , '
    ,-. . '
    | | -- ' . ' . . .
    `-' .
    / . \ . ,
    . . . +------+ +------+ +------+ /|
    . . /------//_/------//_/------// ----' /===/
    . . /------// /------// /------//`.~|@#|| |/
    . . /------// /------// /------// | | || '
    +------+'_+------+'_+------+'--' ----'----------->

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words with 9 letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    N R L C O Y U A H M S W P L X L D E

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu May 19 12:03:59 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _____ __,--'--.__
    | | | |\ |
    .---\___/---, /,--|/-.\
    \ |/\ / -==============#####| o |####==============-
    '-_-o-'-' /`_/|_-'\
    \/ _' \| `_
    [} {]

    ___ _____
    , . _-' . `-_
    _l_|_l_ _' . '_
    _- _. , -_ /. . .\
    / . \'/"' \ | ' | ' |
    ----'^`-o-.v,---- /) | /|\ | /)
    \ \#/ \ " / o----\. --( )-- ./----o
    -_ ` '-' _' (/ \ , . . / (/
    """"""" `-_ __.__ _-'

    Subject is mechanic, the word has *9* letters; pick alphabets from:

    L E L Y Z P G R U Q N B R M P D E O

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ariel@ariel@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Fri May 20 11:55:42 2022
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 21 00:28:16 2022
    In article <t6272b$k0lu$1@tilde.club> you wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    . ,
    . ,
    . , , '
    ' ' , '
    ,-. . '
    | | -- ' . ' . . .
    `-' .
    / . \ . ,
    . . . +------+ +------+ +------+ /|
    . . /------//_/------//_/------// ----' /===/
    . . /------// /------// /------//`.~|@#|| |/
    . . /------// /------// /------// | | || '
    +------+'_+------+'_+------+'--' ----'----------->

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words with 9 letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    FBYNEPRYY, and quite a few of them at that. Neat drawing, though
    I'm not entirely sure what the thing on the far right is. Somehow
    it looks a little like Sputnik to me.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 21 12:22:53 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    __ ^#\
    """:. $l
    ==. ". \#.
    0 |: |; |#'

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    T W D M V O A C

    What technical standard is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 21 12:51:09 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    TT +
    || + *
    . / \ + * =======+==, +
    | | x / + . //
    ,---. | * | * / //
    l---1 | | / + //|
    | +| | | / // |
    '-_-' '-__-' /_________//__|

    Subject is a material, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    S N L A Q V D S P G

    What is this material?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 21 13:16:25 2022
    On Sat, 14 May 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    The drawing shows a scene from the game - stats bar down the
    bottom, pistol projecting in front of the game view, 3D hallway
    ahead, dead Nazi on the right bleeding gruesomely, and a distinctly flat-looking door in the wall on the left.

    Okay, I'd confess that when I first saw the drawing,
    I didn't think of a first-person shooter at all.
    Instead, I imagined a 2D underwater adventure scroller
    where a diver exited from a module/diving bell at the center
    on the seafloor, had to dodge an incoming a harpoon shots from the right,
    and swim through the opening above to explore the further parts
    of the scene, collect treasures and such...
    Maybe I played too much of Nitrome flash games.

    When I saw your description (and re-imagined it in a DOOM-like 3D scene
    with stats bar), I admit that your rendition does make sense though.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 21 13:23:45 2022
    On Sat, 14 May 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    It's supposed to show the futuristic city transport system with all
    the little capsules moving along horizontal an vertical highways,

    I guessed that it was a futuristic highway system too.
    Though I couldn't really answer that entry nonetheless
    since I have only personally heard of that film and its plot,
    but hadn't watched it.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 21 13:26:59 2022
    Hi asciifolks,

    Seeing grand reveal on the few headscratcher items had been commenced,
    and posts of several newer challenges (some in brand-new category)
    being swiftly beaten; here I'm back to provide you a regular round-up
    of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges. Note that there is one
    age-old entry left that you may want to try.

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    --- 2021-12-23 ---

    Chemical substance, <news:sq1as2$v4sg$1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/448>

    --- 2022-05-01 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:t4lqr7$osj6$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-05-02 ---

    Apparel, 7 letters <news:t4o06k$1oqng$1@tilde.club>

    Apparel, 6 letters <news:t4o06k$1oqo1$1@tilde.club>

    Apparel, 10 letters <news:t4o06l$1oqog$1@tilde.club>

    Food & drinks, <news:t4o06m$1oqou$1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/490>

    --- 2022-05-21 ---

    Technical standard, <news:t69svd$1mhs4$1@tilde.club>
    4 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/506>

    Material, 5 letters <news:t69ukd$1qd43$1@tilde.club>

    Enjoy the marvels of old technologies,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon May 23 23:35:19 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    TT +
    || + *
    . / \ + * =======+==, +
    | | x / + . //
    ,---. | * | * / //
    l---1 | | / + //|
    | +| | | / // |
    '-_-' '-__-' /_________//__|

    What is this material?

    Some sparkling clean TYNFF.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ariel@ariel@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu May 26 17:53:11 2022
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat May 28 00:19:08 2022
    The drawing is:

    (( ))
    ~ ~|
    | |
    | |
    #( )#

    Subject is an object, two words *15* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    B T E Y R N D L N O J M H Z K V U X C S Q G A F P T I W I I

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: 6102ac0b68e1b5fad8f7aae0d27c11ebbf4b1d2a1ea7c10cff0f38b7e49034fb

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 3 01:35:39 2022
    The drawing is:

    ;^ ^;,., .^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' ` ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    ;^ ^;,., .^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' ` ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    Subject is a device, one word *10* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    S N L X V K G H C F O I H J R P U E Q A

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: c040c288e24061c064cba70f66bca741d77dd3074219810d37107a7311c0e490

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From rjt@tilde.town@contact@ryliejamesthomas.net to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 17 21:46:51 2022
    On 21/5/22 15:22, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    __ ^#\
    """:. $l
    ==. ". \#.
    0 |: |; |#'

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    T W D M V O A C

    What technical standard is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 8 18:50:29 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _+----------+_ _
    /_l__________l_\ /
    / ############ \
    / ############## \

    Subject is an object. The word has 10 letters. Pick alphabets from:

    P R C W T N O I R X H Y Z T D L E B S E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 8 19:06:56 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ," ".
    /^\| |/^\
    | ||,`^',|| |
    | ||| ||| |
    | ||| ||| |
    | ||| ||| |
    | /'| |`\ |
    |' | | '|
    /___| . |___\
    | |/_[|]_\| |
    /___\ /___\

    The subject is a vehicle, with two words, and 12 letters in total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    U E K Q S H A Z N V R F E T M W P J C S G I T L

    What is this vehicle?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to xwindows on Mon Aug 8 08:50:30 2022
    On 8/8/2022 4:50 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _+----------+_ _
    /_l__________l_\ /
    / ############ \
    / ############## \

    Subject is an object. The word has 10 letters. Pick alphabets from:

    P R C W T N O I R X H Y Z T D L E B S E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:



    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From stern@stern@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 8 08:51:53 2022
    On 8/8/2022 4:50 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _+----------+_ _
    /_l__________l_\ /
    / ############ \
    / ############## \

    Subject is an object. The word has 10 letters. Pick alphabets from:

    P R C W T N O I R X H Y Z T D L E B S E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:



    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 8 22:31:13 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ," ".
    /^\| |/^\
    | ||,`^',|| |
    | ||| ||| |
    | ||| ||| |
    | ||| ||| |
    | /'| |`\ |
    |' | | '|
    /___| . |___\
    | |/_[|]_\| |
    /___\ /___\

    The subject is a vehicle, with two words, and 12 letters in total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    U E K Q S H A Z N V R F E T M W P J C S G I T L

    FCNPRFUHGGYR. I've actually got a photo of the final launch stuck
    up on the wall behind me (from the internet, I'm not keen enough to
    have actually gone to the USA to see it).

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Aug 12 16:58:12 2022
    On 8/15/2021 12:52 AM, xwindows wrote:
    Since one month is already passed without anyone being able to come up
    with an answer; this means a reveal time...

    On Thu, 15 Jul 2021, xwindows wrote:

    c ~..~....)
    c~... .~- +-----+
    . / | |
    )\ / . o | | |u|
    /r\\ ` -- </\_ |[===[| --'
    ( // / /\ | |
    .._' ... - / |_____|

    The correct answer is "FIRE EXIT", elements in this picture are as follows:

    - On the left, there are flames
    - On top-left, there is smoke cloud
    - At the middle, there is a person running toward the right
    - At the right, there is a fire exit door, with crashbar at the middle
    - At the far right (next to the door), there is a fire alarm's pull station
    ("IN CASE OF FIRE, PULL DOWN" red switch)

    Letters usage is as follow:

    J U F D E M I Z E Q I T X V H R
    * * * * * * * *

    What do you people originally guessed it to be?


    i didn't see it in time but i did guess correctly! :)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 13 13:25:41 2022
    On 5/2/2022 3:11 AM, xwindows wrote:

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 13 13:26:19 2022
    On 5/2/2022 3:11 AM, xwindows wrote:
    ,--' __'

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 13 13:28:51 2022
    On 5/1/2022 7:27 AM, xwindows wrote:
    |. |
    | | _
    | [_] ||U|
    | \v/ || |
    | : |\_/
    ========= v
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 15 06:58:20 2022
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is a software, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D I L O F W M D N V A R P J

    What software is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Aug 15 18:49:33 2022
    Hi text enthusiasts,

    Now we got a new player in the field, who have now successfully taken
    some shots at my older challenges, well done. Some still remains though,
    as well as ones from that Aussie fellow (posted on 2022-05-28
    and 2022-07-03) which are still as tough as ever; these are waiting
    for you all to take on. And I'm also TaKInG ReVENgE on people who have
    beaten my newer challenges so fast, by putting on a new entry
    with brand-new category while sporting extra-small artwork.

    Without further ado, this is the round-up of currently-unbeaten
    ASCII Of? challenges...

    --- 2022-05-02 ---

    Apparel, 10 letters <news:t4o06l$1oqog$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/489>

    Food & drinks, <news:t4o06m$1oqou$1@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/490>

    --- 2022-05-28 ---

    Object, 15 letters <news:t6rppr$19ucb$2@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-07-03 ---

    Device, 10 letters <news:t9qrpb$2m4aj$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-08-15 ---

    Software, 7 letters <news:tdcqqc$eb7h$1@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Be text games with you,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 20 14:27:26 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    || ||\
    || || |

    Subject is an object. The word has *7* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    O U H I R O M L S B N T G K

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 20 18:14:47 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _ 6 _
    / "' '" \
    | v v |
    | . ^ , |
    \ v^v^v /

    Subject is a festival, which its name has *9* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    E X A I Q G W C O H K L R N E F L S

    Which festival is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 20 22:25:49 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    || ||\
    || || |

    Subject is an object. The word has *7* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    O U H I R O M L S B N T G K

    Oh, right, ZBAVGBE. The stand at the bottom looks to me more like
    the sliding part of a microfiche viewer, with the enlarging
    screen above.

    I spent hours as a kid playing with my father's old (full size)
    microfiche viewer. Not really caring about the content of the
    documents he had mind you, but just in wonderment at how the thing
    worked. Then one day the bulb blew and, without a spare, that was
    that. It's still in his shed though.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Aug 20 23:55:11 2022

    On 8/20/2022 7:14 AM, xwindows wrote:
    _ 6 _
    / "' '" \
    | v v |
    | . ^ , |
    \ v^v^v /

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:37 2022

    On Sat, 20 Aug 2022, ben wrote:


    That's right!

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:38 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    : |
    | ;

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R X N V O T G Y Q I S E

    What occupation is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:39 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    . ~
    ( .~
    . ;
    | |=====

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D C K F O R X O

    What occupation is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:40 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,--. r'^`, /$@%..
    / ,. \ / _ l /$%&+$/
    \ `' / r" / '-_"^!/
    '--' / - ; '-'
    r" /

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    A X M B P R I K Y E

    What occupation is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:41 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _| _ _ |----'
    | |_/ ~ .-' |
    | `---==<) |

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C W J R H K B E T U M L A X

    What occupation is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:42 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    // \\

    Subject is an object; the word has *9* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    I M A W Z R T U Q B P F Y S C O H T

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:43 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / _____ /,
    / /____/ //
    / //
    / ___ //

    Subject is an object; the word has *7* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    C N S Z L X U G I J W R O A

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 15:13:37 2022
    On Sat, 20 Aug 2022, ben wrote:


    That's right!

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 24 10:38:52 2022
    On 8/24/2022 4:13 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / _____ /,
    / /____/ //
    / //
    / ___ //

    looks like a nice little wbheany to take some notes in :)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 21:27:23 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    : |
    | ;

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R X N V O T G Y Q I S E

    What occupation is this?

    FVATRE! I like the mic cable in your drawing.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 21:29:01 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    . ~
    ( .~
    . ;
    | |=====

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D C K F O R X O

    What occupation is this?

    A PBBX.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 21:31:00 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,--. r'^`, /$@%..
    / ,. \ / _ l /$%&+$/
    \ `' / r" / '-_"^!/
    '--' / - ; '-'
    r" /

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    A X M B P R I K Y E

    What occupation is this?


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 21:38:08 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _| _ _ |----'
    | |_/ ~ .-' |
    | `---==<) |

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C W J R H K B E T U M L A X

    What occupation is this?

    OHGPURE. I thought that might be another typewriter at first, but I
    guess it's one of those meat slicing machines.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 21:42:58 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    // \\

    Subject is an object; the word has *9* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    I M A W Z R T U Q B P F Y S C O H T

    What is the word?

    That'll be a FGBCJNGPU. I've probably watched too many movies, but
    I thought it was a gas bottle with a bomb and count-down detonator
    attached at first. A FGBCJNGPU doesn't usually have an hours count
    on the main display though. At least not the cheap ones I've used.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 21:55:42 2022
    The drawing is:

    _ / \
    , -/, \ / /
    | | \ / /. _
    | | \ \ / | | |
    |, ,| /|\ #\/__|____|,,|
    | \ / |/ | \v oo o

    Subject is an object, one word *5* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    X Q E A F W G Z U R

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: f3da4c4a9c4c58f67432b25011ebb11ec066d060b493b20be2d11deff06961d1

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 22:02:59 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing is:

    (( ))
    ~ ~|
    | |
    | |
    #( )#

    Subject is an object, two words *15* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    B T E Y R N D L N O J M H Z K V U X C S Q G A F P T I W I I

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: 6102ac0b68e1b5fad8f7aae0d27c11ebbf4b1d2a1ea7c10cff0f38b7e49034fb

    LAST CALL. Answer will be revealed in a few days.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 25 22:07:01 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing is:

    ;^ ^;,., .^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' ` ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    ;^ ^;,., .^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' ` ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    Subject is a device, one word *10* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    S N L X V K G H C F O I H J R P U E Q A

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: c040c288e24061c064cba70f66bca741d77dd3074219810d37107a7311c0e490

    LAST CALL. Answer will be revealed in a few days.

    This one is pretty tricky, so here's a hint: It's a very early
    example of solar power.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 30 08:10:33 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing is:

    (( ))
    ~ ~|
    | |
    | |
    #( )#

    Subject is an object, two words *15* letters.

    Well the answer is INSPECTION LIGHT.

    B T E Y R N D L N O J M H Z K V U X C S Q G A F P T I W I I
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Also known as a "lead light". They're the hand-held light bulb
    holders on a long mains power cord that mechanics would use to
    light up under/inside cars. Notable for getting very dangerously
    hot and for the bulb shattering if any liquid got spilt on it.

    These days a web search reveals modern LED equivalents which are
    battery powered. Hard to deny the advantages there.

    The picture is supposed to show one 'off duty', hanging down from
    a post sticking out from a wall, which all of the cord has been
    hung around. A very practical workshop design has a power point
    nearby so that it can be left plugged in and ready for use.

    So what did you see?

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Aug 30 08:40:33 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing is:

    ;^ ^;,., .^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' ` ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    ;^ ^;,., .^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' ` ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    ,. \ /
    ;^ ^;,. *.^,
    ,,#.;':,.,.;' /`\ ;,.,

    Subject is a device, one word *10* letters.

    This one is pretty tricky, so here's a hint: It's a very early
    example of solar power.

    Yeah well maybe I'm a century or so late with this one, but the
    answer is HELIOGRAPH.

    S N L X V K G H C F O I H J R P U E Q A
    * * * * * * * * * *


    The pictures are supposed to depict a heliograph being seen
    transmitting from a distant mountain standing above a desert plain.
    Actually I've just confirmed that I was vaguely reconstructing a
    scene from the 1958 film North West Frontier, where:

    Mrs. Wyatt spots the signaling flashes of a heliograph atop a
    mountain summit, and everyone quickly realises that the Muslim
    rebels are sitting in ambush in the surrounding hills.


    But the desert plains might have looked like water, so it might be
    a bit easily confused with a lighthouse (though I tried to make it
    clear that the pulses were unevenly spaced). Still, you could
    heliograph over water too. I'm guessing that the main issue here is
    the "heliograph" just isn't a word that easily comes to mind these

    If it did look like something else though, I'd be interested to
    hear what. In the mean time, I might put North West Frontier on

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 5 18:55:28 2022
    On Tue, 30 Aug 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    Well the answer is INSPECTION LIGHT.

    Not an answer I had expected at all.

    The picture is supposed to show one 'off duty', hanging down from
    a post sticking out from a wall, which all of the cord has been
    hung around. A very practical workshop design has a power point
    nearby so that it can be left plugged in and ready for use.

    A recognized the outlet and plug alright, but I thought the bottom-right
    figure was a piston and chassis of some sort, and the swirling
    in the middle was a small pump of some sort; so I spent many moments
    searching and coming up with like... half-dozen of hydraulics-related terms, some even fit with the alphabet chips and letters count but the checksum rejected them all.

    For the correct answer, I think I have seen this device
    (incandescent version of course) in a picture dictionary at least.
    Never seen a real one myself though.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:59:11 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |]| : |

    Subject is a vehicle, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    K S G U B P

    What is this vehicle?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:59:11 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    |_| |

    Subject is a vehicle, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    G N T Y Q R M A

    What is this vehicle?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:59:12 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \_____\ l
    | |_____| |_|
    \r:_/_____/ ._. |$|
    /' \ \ |_| |_|

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    X E S A R Z W R V Y E B

    What is this occupation?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:59:13 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    |i __|G--
    | |/

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R H D A L O P L J I

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:59:14 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words,
    totaling *11* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    J P R Y I A T L Q W U E V N S H B C O S X I

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. This is an eastern artifact, westerners might have an especially
    hard time answering this.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:59:15 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,"' ". `:".
    ,' | _`.';
    | |(@)| |
    | |
    | ,-. |
    '.l | _'

    The drawing represents an academic subject, which has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    W R A Y S J U N M B O T G C E L X O

    Which academic subject is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:29:14 2022

    On 9/6/2022 11:59 AM, xwindows wrote:
    |_| |

    a four-letter name for this would be genz!
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:29:35 2022

    On 9/6/2022 11:59 AM, xwindows wrote:
    | |]| : |

    a lovely little ohf to get around in :)
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 15:30:54 2022
    On 9/6/2022 11:59 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    |i __|G--
    | |/

    looks like a qevyy, not sure if it's a corded or cordless one though

    i would guess that's a corded one with the cord omitted
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 20:44:24 2022
    On 2022-09-06, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \_____\ l
    | |_____| |_|
    \r:_/_____/ ._. |$|
    /' \ \ |_| |_|

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    X E S A R Z W R V Y E B

    What is this occupation?

    oerjr ? Can't tell what the things on the right are but the thing on
    the left I sort of got I think.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Sep 6 22:53:13 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,"' ". `:".
    ,' | _`.';
    | |(@)| |
    | |
    | ,-. |
    '.l | _'

    First thought was a roundhouse (I used to watch a lot of the
    British archeology TV show Time Team), but then I realised that
    the roof depicted a much more modern application of round buildings
    and the answer is of course NFGEBABZL.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Sep 23 00:02:51 2022
    The drawing is:
    | |
    _| |_
    .' '.
    | _ |
    | /\ | |
    | _/_ | ( )
    | | |
    | | | |
    | (/) |-|_|

    Subject is an object, two words *10* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    B Q F A J E I R O S C G M Y D K T L T H

    Answer in all uppercase, no spaces, no trailing newline, SHA256

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Oct 2 00:30:56 2022
    The drawing is:

    ,` (--) .
    |`-----__-----`| \________
    ,`~|#|#|#|#|#|~, \ #|#|#|#|
    `-----__-----' ~~~~~~~

    Subject is an object, one word *4* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    Y Z L I F M T E

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: da9d4f1a96d44b29aba8fb37cb8058642902fe838398294f6ec66573849a6c9d

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Oct 2 17:10:06 2022
    On Sun, 2 Oct 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    The drawing is:

    ,` (--) .
    |`-----__-----`| \________
    ,`~|#|#|#|#|#|~, \ #|#|#|#|
    `-----__-----' ~~~~~~~

    A different take on the same word //SVYZ// that I happened to remember
    being used once in an older challenge. [1]

    Though, this one looks like a big roll which is normally used
    for projecting or recording moving stuff; rather than
    a small cassete which is normally for storing standstill
    optical impressions using consumer equipments.

    Here be the revenge of analog,

    [1] "Re: ASCII Of? [Object]" [2021-08-06T11:16:30Z]
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 10 13:59:09 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ; \
    ._---' '----_.
    '--_| _/ _-'
    \ /''. ;
    /` "`

    The subject is an object, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R E B A I F K T

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Oct 16 12:55:23 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    // \\
    ./ \.
    (( ))

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *11* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    W E F B M O R T G L X S I P C E Y H U N A E

    What is this occupation?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Oct 16 07:11:46 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    --, __ __ / '~
    _-'-_/ '/'`-'-.'-/ '-___--
    |'; | : ) | -'
    .'- ' $ \ / { ' "
    " | ` | ;|
    | % : ; | __-
    --_ , ; $ , . |' `
    | ; ' :| |
    -_ ' / | | ` `
    \ |' ' + ' )|
    __-~'|,.% ,% ...% .%|,~--___
    ' `%OoO% '%%oO0;$%&%%~ ~
    - ' ~ ~'" % + "` ` -
    ~ _ ~ ~ ~

    The subject is a place, which its name has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    L V Y E S F A P D X R T L U G A W C

    What is this place?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Oct 16 14:23:31 2022
    Hi ASCII enthusiasts,

    Quite some time have passed since the last round-up; many challenges came
    and got beaten, some in less than a day; few really-obscure ones finally
    got revealed [1][2]; and I spotted a new player as well. Good games everyone!

    With the easier ones weeded out, and few freshly-made ones added into
    the mix, here comes the usual round up of unbeaten ASCII Of? challenges...

    --- 2022-08-15 ---

    Software, 7 letters <news:tdcqqc$eb7h$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/538>

    --- 2022-08-25 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:te8r4u$3gso4$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-06 ---

    Occupation, <news:tf7qog$1eisb$1@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/577>

    Object, 11 letters <news:tf7qoi$1eivd$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-23 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:tgit3a$25emj$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-10-10 ---

    Object, 4 letters <news:ti0frt$3v3bn$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-10-16 ---

    Occupation, <news:tig6cb$2c5i4$1@tilde.club>
    11 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/599>

    Place, 9 letters <news:tigari$3aeps$1@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Be classy, be textual,

    [1] "Re: ASCII Of? [Object]" by ~freet [2022-05-28T00:19:08Z]
    Revealed in "Re: ASCII Of? [Object] *revealed*" by ~freet

    [2] "Re: ASCII Of? [Device]" by ~freet [2022-07-03T01:35:39Z]
    Revealed in "Re: ASCII Of? [Device] *last call* +Hint" by ~freet
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Oct 16 21:51:50 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    --, __ __ / '~
    _-'-_/ '/'`-'-.'-/ '-___--
    |'; | : ) | -'
    .'- ' $ \ / { ' "
    " | ` | ;|
    | % : ; | __-
    --_ , ; $ , . |' `
    | ; ' :| |
    -_ ' / | | ` `
    \ |' ' + ' )|
    __-~'|,.% ,% ...% .%|,~--___
    ' `%OoO% '%%oO0;$%&%%~ ~
    - ' ~ ~'" % + "` ` -
    ~ _ ~ ~ ~

    A JNGRESNYY. I've been seeing a lot of these lately and actually
    tried to do my own ASCII version a while ago but got nowhere, so
    well done!

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 06:40:32 2022
    On Sun, 16 Oct 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:


    That's (*SPLASH*)-- er, spot on!

    so well done!

    Thanks you!

    Cheers for treasures of nature,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 06:40:34 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    l' $E
    ,"/ L )
    /-/ / _---_
    / / / / \
    '-/ / ,_-/ |. |
    /_/ _-;'--''\'| |_ |
    @.__=====___.\\ 1 / -|
    | ________ |`\\'_'_-''
    ------------ ` ( )
    |`--------'| ' '/
    ------------ / |
    |`--------'| ( |.
    | | | '|
    | | \ v
    | | |\ )
    | | _-_-=';
    |__________| (_(___--`

    Subject is a place, which its name has *8* letters:

    O P O N B M Y E X P T J U H C S

    What is this place?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 06:40:35 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    L R
    ,---------. ,---------.
    |---------|-----|--| | -_ | | -_ |
    L [.........::::::!!!] |___'=`___| |___'=`___|
    R [.........::::::!!!] | | | |
    `=========' `========='

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *7* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    L H Z P R Q U E B M T Y E V

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 06:40:36 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | (@) / .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. \ (@) | '____'-----------------------------'____'

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *12* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    L M C R L R Y O A S T L P G P I U D H A Z B E W

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form
    has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 06:40:37 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | (@) / .'.'.'.'. \ (@) |

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name has *5* alphanumeric
    characters total; pick them from:

    1 E 2 S 3 N Y R 2 C

    What technical standard is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 06:40:38 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    ,' `,';
    |, _//

    Subject is an animal. The word has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E I B F W Q N M L Y E P

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 14:04:35 2022
    On 2022-10-17 Mon 06:40 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    What is this place?

    A pbclfubc.

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 21:53:22 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    L R
    ,---------. ,---------.
    |---------|-----|--| | -_ | | -_ |
    L [.........::::::!!!] |___'=`___| |___'=`___|
    R [.........::::::!!!] | | | |
    `=========' `========='

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *7* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    L H Z P R Q U E B M T Y E V

    What is this object?

    Ah, they're easy ones for me: IH ZRGREs

    The one I've got pulsing away next to me looks nothing like those
    though. It's a 3D spiral of 64 green LEDs meant to form a Christmas
    tree shape, which 'grows' taller in the dark as the music gets
    louder. But building it turned out to be far too much work to only
    look at over Christmas, so it sits here at this desk all the

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 22:07:55 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | (@) / .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. \ (@) | '____'-----------------------------'____'

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *12* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    L M C R L R Y O A S T L P G P I U D H A Z B E W

    What is this object?

    Well I'd feel pretty cofident that this one was a Parallel Port,
    except that the checksum is wrong for PARALLELPORT. It could be a
    25-pin serial port, but that won't match the letters (though I
    noticed a better opportunity for that one on the horizon). Too many
    letters and not enough pins for an early SCSI port.

    Short of going down the rabbit hole of _all_ the roles that a 25
    pin D-type connector has been assigned to over the years (an
    endless task for sure), I think I'll first query the accuracy of
    that checksum:

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 22:14:50 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | (@) / .'.'.'.'. \ (@) |

    Subject is a technical standard, which its name has *5* alphanumeric characters total; pick them from:

    1 E 2 S 3 N Y R 2 C

    What technical standard is this?

    To be honest I got EF232 from that alphabet before I'd even
    seen the 9-pin D-type connector in the picture (though it is very
    cleverly drawn, once you understand that the slant of the connector
    surround isn't supposed to represent the depth of a flat object).

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 17 22:15:49 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    ,' `,';
    |, _//

    Subject is an animal. The word has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E I B F W Q N M L Y E P

    What is the word?


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Oct 18 21:14:25 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    // \\
    ./ \.
    (( ))

    Subject is an occupation, which its name has *11* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    W E F B M O R T G L X S I P C E Y H U N A E

    What is this occupation?

    At first I had this confused with a name shared by a certain other
    letter-based word game, but no here we're using the fancier term:

    My movie bore side wishes to take this opportunity to point out the
    1958 film The Bravados, as well as it's alternate-perspective 1968 almost-remake, Bandolero!, as some key examples of that art gone
    awry in the American West (or Hollywood's version thereof).

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Oct 18 21:16:40 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ; \
    ._---' '----_.
    '--_| _/ _-'
    \ /''. ;
    /` "`

    The subject is an object, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R E B A I F K T

    What is this object?

    A XVGR. Star shaped?

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Oct 19 20:24:24 2022
    Dear fellow ASCII enthusiasts,

    More than a year have passed since I have posted the thread starter
    for this "ASCII Of?" Netnews games [1], and the challenges posted in a year since the start of this game have all been either answered or revealed.

    In the process, this thread have become a vast collection on ASCIIfication
    of everything word could describe; deserving to be properly recounted,
    indexed, and linked together as an ASCII art gallery.

    Below the `8<-----` cut, you would find a table listing all
    136 ASCII Of? challenges which have been made in the first year:
    including its posting timestamp, answer (NOT scrambled!), category,
    poster name, and link (in both `news:` and `nntp:` format).

    The table is sorted in forward-chronological order, with timestamp
    in ISO-8601 style, formatted for human view, and 2+ space
    for column separation. You shell dwellers should already know what to do
    if you would like to view the thing spoiler-free, filtered for specific
    poster or category, or sorted in different order. If you use TUI newsreader, your software would allow piping the raw article to a shell command,
    and you won't even have to fiddle directly with article file. Hints:

    awk -e '/^8</ {dsp=1;next} dsp {print}' # Filter this post for the table

    sed -e 's/ */\t/g' # Convert the table to TSV (GNU Sed) perl -p -e 's/ */\t/g' # Convert the table to TSV (Perl)
    sed -e 's/ */,/g' # Convert the table to CSV
    tail -n +2 # Strip off the first line

    This post serves as a reminder of how far we have got, and I hope it
    would inspire you to get on started your own ASCII artventure
    or become a challenger in this game yourself in the already-ongoing year 2.

    Cheers for the textual universe of yore,

    [1] "ASCII Of?" [2021-07-14T08:22:37Z]


    Posted (UTC) Word Category Poster Post URI NNTP URL
    2021-07-14 08:29:45 AUTOMOBILE Object xwindows news:0d1fcd89-597c-4265-8af1-02aa8958b493@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/40
    2021-07-14 08:31:32 PRINTER Object xwindows news:9e517487-50e6-438b-9a7f-d046da796d43@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/41
    2021-07-14 08:32:49 DOOR Object xwindows news:94ece342-33e3-4cbb-b8fe-8d3f4e18c23b@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/42
    2021-07-14 08:36:13 MACGYVER TV Show xwindows news:312258d2-6094-4709-853a-a85a9e5389bf@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/43
    2021-07-14 08:45:20 TOTORO Film xwindows news:09975fbb-d112-492c-901d-ede1e85fc7c3@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/44
    2021-07-14 08:47:08 FLOODLIGHT Object xwindows news:a4a7d84b-9efb-418b-9f45-2f033f5af875@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/45
    2021-07-14 09:01:23 UMBRELLA Object xwindows news:3ffd64fc-1181-4cbc-848b-fb9898d23a17@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/46
    2021-07-15 02:13:06 COFFEE Object Arch news:x727dhsiatp.fsf@tilde.town nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/52
    2021-07-15 07:34:17 TEA Object xwindows news:76f7f791-8f4f-4c25-abb5-896f5115cd81@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/54
    2021-07-15 08:33:59 TITANIC Film xwindows news:a2d5dbf8-87af-5979-8397-ee68fa5135b@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/57
    2021-07-15 10:24:43 BOOMBOX Object xwindows news:88e9c54-67e-dcc2-b4df-87c8ea99a72@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/61
    2021-07-15 10:32:03 GEOMETRY Academic Subject xwindows news:24fa9bde-8285-ead6-ecf8-b2aead923675@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/62
    2021-07-15 10:40:48 WATCH Object xwindows news:828dbfe2-b1b9-7d8f-3b2-7911ef71c49d@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/63
    2021-07-15 10:55:57 KETTLE Object xwindows news:d3ddbe84-963c-13d1-3e8c-e22dfea6cb1c@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/64
    2021-07-15 11:08:21 FIRE EXIT Place xwindows news:cb13c6e7-f64-972-b6ea-fc47488b6f0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/65
    2021-07-16 03:39:21 FIRE EXTINGUISHER Object xwindows news:8a926823-b1c5-6e7e-c522-7c7dd4b72ae0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/83
    2021-07-16 03:47:40 THERMOMETER Object xwindows news:86ecd1c9-7764-319a-15f7-893bc2af39@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/84
    2021-07-16 04:01:08 NEWTON Historical Figure xwindows news:bcb3ffa9-84c8-20e8-faba-fdf1c290adec@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/85
    2021-07-16 04:10:50 NOBEL Historical Figure xwindows news:d85f6bd2-9fe4-8e52-e437-d6ac57bfa611@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/86
    2021-07-16 04:23:37 LITHIUM Chemical Element xwindows news:7bb97e1a-9ed-6c82-4442-2e9c1d5adbe@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/87
    2021-07-16 04:34:57 LEAD Chemical Element xwindows news:f7dcea49-515c-1d6d-aaca-e863482155@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/88
    2021-07-16 04:38:33 IRON Chemical Element xwindows news:36b287e3-70f3-647b-a4a5-72808fbcd1eb@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/89
    2021-07-16 04:52:15 FRANKLIN Historical Figure xwindows news:f8ec28fa-4196-7ddb-472f-11f9b6f569aa@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/90
    2021-07-16 05:11:42 HUBBLE Historical Figure xwindows news:2b84bacb-fda6-aaa-36b0-10b1de106ea2@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/92
    2021-07-16 05:33:41 GALILEO Historical Figure xwindows news:b29e5020-ac48-718-3f19-33c4d4fec17a@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/93
    2021-07-16 05:42:16 THERMOS Object xwindows news:37ecd0d9-7ad7-87b5-883a-54d85a021cb@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/94
    2021-07-16 10:35:51 SCALE Object xwindows news:f779af43-d346-d0c6-89a-fb28f16896a@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/104
    2021-07-17 02:58:24 LIGHTBULB Object xwindows news:d04d4f16-31ce-a27d-a47b-79af77db3dea@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/108
    2021-07-17 03:33:47 TIME Concept xwindows news:c92636d-a373-ee5b-d8f6-ab663dee627@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/109
    2021-07-17 03:35:37 SOCCER Sport xwindows news:68792e14-e124-6fc0-f58-89f76bf69bde@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/110
    2021-07-17 03:43:34 GOLF Sport xwindows news:18b043f-f2b8-9f7f-6a7-f9991bdabd8b@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/111
    2021-07-17 03:55:55 ANEMOMETER Object xwindows news:ff1944dd-fd3b-94d8-dcb2-f08cb62f7f6e@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/112
    2021-07-17 04:23:44 CAMERA Object xwindows news:8afa7ce-eda5-981-7de6-336e72e99df1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/117
    2021-07-17 05:23:50 SPEED Concept xwindows news:d5bb9bd-ed1-d453-d172-c7c63af46c29@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/123
    2021-07-18 03:13:41 EINSTEIN Historical Figure xwindows news:c2891b9d-4b5-3cc8-543b-4295ff4151a1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/133
    2021-07-18 04:33:31 HISTORY Academic Subject xwindows news:49fe92f3-3f71-5956-ea0-7c6715ce7bca@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/139
    2021-07-18 07:59:29 MOUSE Object Arch news:x721r7wgihq.fsf@tilde.town nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/140
    2021-07-18 08:19:30 SEWING MACHINE Object xwindows news:ee1ae71-79c0-668b-6c38-94118075fca0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/143
    2021-07-19 02:32:07 JOYSTICK Object xwindows news:12136a90-5832-dfa9-c6f-f14d14d2ba49@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/145
    2021-07-19 02:37:53 METRONOME Object xwindows news:2d7689ee-26ce-fe69-bf28-7bd292b2ac4@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/146
    2021-07-19 02:42:33 PULLEY Object xwindows news:6e98d8b8-f83-7ca9-3fa9-1fc897469696@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/147
    2021-07-19 02:50:01 HELIUM Chemical Element xwindows news:50355114-2025-e47b-eb2-e983daa17bdd@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/148
    2021-07-19 03:04:34 EDISON Historical Figure xwindows news:f439cfb2-63f6-298-4716-b96dfa3458fc@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/149
    2021-07-19 03:25:05 GOLD Chemical Element xwindows news:b3dc7bcf-a3bf-b31-492d-f582fca7e5f2@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/150
    2021-07-19 03:37:32 MIDI Technical Standard xwindows news:a7b96aff-b688-da8c-4730-4023abfc66a@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/151
    2021-07-20 03:43:09 BATTERY Object xwindows news:88bbe4a-381b-21c7-d2cf-3639a54ff76f@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/162
    2021-07-20 03:57:07 SPRINKLER Object xwindows news:f7add865-6c4e-32cf-812c-578ceaa2c55@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/163
    2021-07-20 04:04:21 TOASTER Object xwindows news:1138118-a73c-6d7c-e6a9-739381d80d0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/164
    2021-07-20 04:19:58 MULTIMETER Object xwindows news:de21c9a3-268c-2ffe-1ff1-f57217fe3e@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/165
    2021-07-20 04:24:21 RECEPTACLE Object xwindows news:b8b0c7b8-80d2-87d1-9ae-af2a7752504@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/166
    2021-07-21 01:38:27 MAGNET Object xwindows news:bd6b28cd-7ec-66a4-ad58-5af31571c842@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/172
    2021-07-21 01:47:21 SILICON Chemical Element xwindows news:33c693d8-6e5b-679-b0e9-361b11422fd@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/173
    2021-07-21 01:57:48 MODEM Object xwindows news:83f62749-89ff-b7e5-630-95ef67b006b@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/174
    2021-07-21 03:17:41 FOUNTAIN Object xwindows news:1775977c-d04b-d7ee-5a17-b576aeed793f@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/183
    2021-07-21 03:23:46 MAILBOX Object xwindows news:333048d6-4437-fd40-986c-57d3d3de4e@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/184
    2021-07-22 03:57:07 OXYGEN Chemical Element xwindows news:3644aa9c-c09f-8269-b13c-34efcd8c97f0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/193
    2021-07-22 04:05:26 MORSE Historical Figure xwindows news:5e38ce3-42af-450-65e-864b822ba7@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/194
    2021-07-22 04:12:57 PAYPHONE Object xwindows news:48ae35df-9e84-ce6e-a9f7-748d8357cf32@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/195
    2021-07-22 04:19:47 SPARKLER Object xwindows news:84c2c78f-696b-3c2-4cab-afae0ea9864@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/196
    2021-07-26 06:38:31 THUMBDRIVE Object xwindows news:45a96879-5ba-91f9-4bff-22e7957e32d2@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/199
    2021-07-26 06:45:51 COMPASS Object xwindows news:e2373944-8733-86d4-f5d-ca1fec54a0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/201
    2021-07-30 10:35:50 ZERO TWO Videogame Character Job Bautista news:se0km6$2bsk3$1@tilde.tilde.team nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/214
    2021-08-03 02:34:51 QUILL Object xwindows news:4f2934b2-a169-447c-1173-6cb6e2c6a342@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/222
    2021-08-03 02:38:55 CANDLE Object xwindows news:2e5b8461-c71d-9a66-b3e9-8fe89b3051df@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/223
    2021-08-03 03:56:07 FLOPPY DISK Object xwindows news:e555945-288-3d30-5b30-afdca32e4f7c@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/226
    2021-08-03 06:36:07 PACMAN Videogame Character xwindows news:ef3538cd-38f0-e1ef-50dc-3768247dcaa0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/228
    2021-08-03 07:09:50 RAYMAN Videogame Character xwindows news:17bcad4e-50b2-ee86-20bd-7555f5428ee5@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/229
    2021-08-05 05:47:21 TRUMPET Object xwindows news:973e99b3-da22-4ba-936f-69748229f6@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/240
    2021-08-05 05:51:05 TELEVISION Object xwindows news:cdb04dfc-929a-4583-bdb5-1bfc4fced671@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/241
    2021-08-05 05:53:36 SWITCH Object xwindows news:78c3fc17-ca5d-44ab-3153-78e2a074743a@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/242
    2021-08-05 05:57:39 PIZZA Food & Drinks xwindows news:e0ca2fb2-5b33-f455-acb7-51c381ae72c@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/243
    2021-08-06 11:14:27 KEY Object xwindows news:949f737c-5f5d-1e27-2633-86b551cbfd8@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/248
    2021-08-06 11:16:30 FILM Object xwindows news:6a964e3-63f3-10c6-eda4-656021c4bd3f@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/249
    2021-08-06 11:18:27 FLASHLIGHT Object xwindows news:778e5850-92f6-750-f2b3-569b183afeb@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/250
    2021-08-06 11:21:16 WALKIE TALKIE Object xwindows news:58fee16-4eda-f9c0-4c92-38daea886ce0@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/251
    2021-08-06 11:24:48 BUZZER Object xwindows news:57dc4841-64b4-21f3-71f3-35846190d1cd@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/252
    2021-08-10 04:32:22 BALLOON Object xwindows news:db58a99-8955-20bb-5877-678e88db2e5e@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/258
    2021-08-12 05:35:38 UNOWN Videogame Character Job Bautista news:sf2bva$2rf5f$1@tilde.tilde.team nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/266
    2021-08-12 06:12:53 MEGAPHONE Object xwindows news:fa5513e9-ac1-6acf-54ff-2415b9b6faf@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/269
    2021-08-18 10:24:18 LETTER Object xwindows news:5ef7eabf-4ed6-3bb8-266b-67f3e54e254@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/291
    2021-08-19 07:08:26 BICYCLE Object xwindows news:bfb5e22c-77fb-2659-ecb3-d1d48eaf7af6@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/294
    2021-08-20 03:25:35 SCISSORS Object xwindows news:7d3bee2c-642-c57c-5f69-291264ffd2b@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/295
    2021-08-29 04:33:34 FISH Animal xwindows news:1c4df035-8efa-9ff5-7848-6a9e3eebfa5@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/312
    2021-08-29 04:39:08 PARCEL Object xwindows news:34c28357-5fa2-cfe1-52a4-fd9f94332d8e@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/313
    2021-08-29 05:01:15 SATURN Celestial Body xwindows news:a5589b64-fe9e-904-318c-38f4f8f53b2@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/314
    2021-09-02 01:19:40 FAN Object xwindows news:sgp8rc$1c31a$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/326
    2021-09-02 01:21:25 MERCURY Chemical Element xwindows news:sgp8ul$1cp8c$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/327
    2021-09-02 01:22:24 TWISTER Film xwindows news:sgp90g$1cvuv$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/328
    2021-09-30 10:56:31 MILK Food & Drinks xwindows news:sj454v$2m5jg$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/337
    2021-09-30 11:00:33 SUN Celestial Body xwindows news:sj45ch$2nkc1$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/338
    2021-11-03 08:44:59 PAIL Object xwindows news:slti6b$k1ti$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/346
    2021-11-10 06:39:14 LOCKBOX Object xwindows news:smfpei$3f6kl$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/356
    2021-11-10 06:41:48 WIND TURBINE Object xwindows news:smfpjc$3gj74$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/357
    2021-11-10 06:44:57 CHOPSTICKS Object xwindows news:smfpp9$3hq9e$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/358
    2021-11-10 06:46:57 ODOMETER Object xwindows news:smfpt1$3iv46$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/359
    2021-11-10 06:48:16 LIBRARY Place xwindows news:smfpvg$3jgoa$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/360
    2021-11-10 06:50:05 DAM Place xwindows news:smfq2t$3k676$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/361
    2021-11-11 02:17:53 CED Technical Standard The Free Thinker news:smhugg$15sse$6@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/371
    2021-11-11 22:22:29 DAMBUSTERS Film The Free Thinker news:smk534$2l67g$3@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/378
    2021-11-13 05:29:28 PADLOCK Object xwindows news:smnifo$2ekq4$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/392
    2021-11-13 05:32:13 MEDAL Object xwindows news:smnikt$2fsup$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/393
    2021-11-13 05:34:00 SAFE Object xwindows news:smnio8$2gg7p$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/394
    2021-11-19 12:09:00 REXONA Brand xwindows news:bdb750d2-4378-46e1-9f37-1eec41393c3b@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/406
    2021-11-19 12:09:00 NIKE Brand xwindows news:ef851b3f-7043-4326-8c1d-00d3e52ffd2c@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/407
    2021-11-19 12:09:01 MITSUBISHI Brand xwindows news:b806f871-b842-4ffd-a758-e7bde145d7ff@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/408
    2021-11-19 12:09:02 BMW Brand xwindows news:f721c042-3ed1-47b8-ac32-71e28b4fd73f@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/409
    2021-11-19 12:09:03 CISCO Brand xwindows news:f0dc3cc0-aa55-4667-b844-1315e626a0f6@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/410
    2021-11-19 12:09:04 DOCTOR Occupation xwindows news:aef13237-311a-49af-a44e-876905f683f8@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/411
    2021-11-19 12:09:05 MECHANIC Occupation xwindows news:99f45e8e-8f6f-45f3-86bd-60135c959c75@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/412
    2021-11-19 12:09:06 RADIOLOGIST Occupation xwindows news:01c5f012-ccbf-430a-ad49-3c5244d3fdd4@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/413
    2021-11-19 12:49:41 STAR FOX Videogame Job Bautista news:sn86h5$jlni$1@tilde.tilde.team nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/415
    2021-12-10 06:41:05 FAUCET Object xwindows news:sousq1$9qf9$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/423
    2021-12-10 06:59:28 ETHERPHONE Object xwindows news:soutsg$gggf$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/424
    2021-12-10 07:10:57 PHONOGRAPH Object xwindows news:souui1$id7g$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/425
    2021-12-10 07:17:50 PORCELAIN Material xwindows news:souuuu$j85j$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/426
    2021-12-23 08:09:38 PARAFFIN Chemical Substance xwindows news:sq1as2$v4sg$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/448
    2021-12-23 08:09:38 SODIUM Chemical Element xwindows news:sq1as2$v4si$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/449
    2021-12-23 08:09:40 ELECTRON Chemistry xwindows news:sq1as4$v50e$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/450
    2022-01-11 21:54:00 MINORITY REPORT Film The Free Thinker news:srku9n$15g2k$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/456
    2022-01-28 22:46:06 EPROM Object The Free Thinker news:st1rnd$3tsb9$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/458
    2022-01-28 22:48:50 WOLFENSTEIN 3D Videogame The Free Thinker news:st1rsh$3tsb9$2@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/459
    2022-01-28 22:51:42 PLANE Object The Free Thinker news:st1s1t$3tsb9$3@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/460
    2022-01-29 06:01:32 ROCK RIDGE Technical Standard xwindows news:st2l7s$226jt$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/466
    2022-05-01 11:27:35 COOLER Object xwindows news:t4lqr7$osj6$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/483
    2022-05-01 11:27:36 NEWSPAPER Object xwindows news:t4lqr8$osjd$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/484
    2022-05-01 11:27:37 TENT Object xwindows news:t4lqr9$osjl$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/485
    2022-05-02 07:11:16 NECKTIE Apparel xwindows news:t4o06k$1oqng$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/487
    2022-05-02 07:11:16 BOWTIE Apparel xwindows news:t4o06k$1oqo1$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/488
    2022-05-02 07:11:17 EYEGLASSES Apparel xwindows news:t4o06l$1oqog$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/489
    2022-05-02 07:11:18 LEMONADE Food & Drinks xwindows news:t4o06m$1oqou$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/490
    2022-05-18 07:26:03 SOLAR CELL Object xwindows news:t6272b$k0lu$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/500
    2022-05-19 05:03:59 PROPELLER Mechanic xwindows news:t64j3v$3fvqm$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/501
    2022-05-21 05:22:53 ATOM Technical Standard xwindows news:t69svd$1mhs4$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/506
    2022-05-21 05:51:09 GLASS Material xwindows news:t69ukd$1qd43$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/507
    2022-05-28 00:19:08 INSPECTION LIGHT Object The Free Thinker news:t6rppr$19ucb$2@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/518
    2022-07-03 01:35:39 HELIOGRAPH Device The Free Thinker news:t9qrpb$2m4aj$1@tilde.club nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/519
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Nov 7 09:15:37 2022
    On Mon, 17 Oct 2022, barnold wrote:



    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Nov 7 10:54:38 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    .Y. +/ ..
    \|/ Y |/-
    \./ \/-'
    \./ \/-'
    | |/
    | |
    |,' . _
    || _'+\'-,
    Y /;\-!_-\/- -
    ` ' ` '

    Subject is a plant, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D R C P I Y E H

    What is this plant?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Nov 7 10:54:39 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-. _
    | |,-. / ;
    | || | / /
    | || | / /
    | || | ( /
    '-'| | ,'
    | - | _
    -| | | /_\
    '\| | | // _--
    | |. | / /.-'\
    "\| | \| /
    ' ' ' '

    Subject is a plant, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    M C I Z A L R Q T Y U H A T

    What is this plant?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Nov 7 10:54:40 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _' ___ `.
    / -'__ `. \
    ,',",'_ `. ) \
    | | |'@) | | '
    ( ( '-' ,','
    \ `---' /

    Subject is mechanic, the word has *10* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    X U E L K V G A P I W S Y Z N M F N R I

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Nov 7 10:54:41 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    |[=o=]| x
    |[=o=]| x
    |[=o=]| x

    Subject is a software, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D N T L Z P H M I I W R

    What is this software?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 9 09:12:46 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ( | O )

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *11* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I P V L A J B H K T Q U W F P E O S S X E R

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 9 09:12:46 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _-' \
    _-' \
    / \
    ,/ \
    // \
    // \
    /@=@ \
    /-l \

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *10* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E I W Q H P B G Y M O V K I F S D A N R

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 9 09:12:47 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    | ____ |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    Subject is an object, whic its name has two words and *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Q E Z W O R B T O H F S X P

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 9 09:12:48 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _-_ .
    ,' `. /_\
    (_-----_) |
    _--_ | | ,^.
    '----' | | ||
    || --- | | Y/

    Subject is a plant [1], which its name has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    G N O K L R M D V H S U I O M Q

    What is this plant?

    [1] I know full well that the category is not accurate;
    but I afraid that labeling it with the right category
    would simply give it away.

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 9 09:12:49 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ||-.-._,-.-. ||
    || | | | |\ \ ||
    || | | | | \ \ ||
    || | | | | \ \ ||

    Subject is an object, which its name has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C G U Q O D M K R P S Y E B O A

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 9 10:10:31 2022
    Hiya ASCIIartists,

    With western festivities like Halloween, and eastern ones
    like Loy Krathong passed, we are heading toward the end of the year.

    I'm still hadn't seen any challenge which are directly winter holidays
    or new year-themed; maybe I should make few. If you have ideas,
    you're more than welcome to make yours of course.

    Anyway, here is the usual round-up of unbeaten ASCII Of? challenges;
    with one brand-new category:

    --- 2022-08-25 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:te8r4u$3gso4$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-06 ---

    Occupation, <news:tf7qog$1eisb$1@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/577>

    Object, 11 letters <news:tf7qoi$1eivd$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-23 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:tgit3a$25emj$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-07 ---

    Plant, 4 letters <news:tkao5e$1f774$1@tilde.club>

    Plant, 7 letters <news:tkao5f$1f7a8$1@tilde.club>

    Mechanic, <news:tkao5g$1f7cr$1@tilde.club>
    10 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/633>

    Software, 6 letters <news:tkao5h$1f7fr$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-09 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:tkfque$29pqt$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:tkfque$29prb$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 7 letters <news:tkfquf$29pub$1@tilde.club>

    Plant, 8 letters <news:tkfqug$29q0d$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 8 letters <news:tkfquh$29qks$1@tilde.club>

    Cheer for artful teletypes,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 9 10:15:15 2022
    [This is a re-post due to wrong NNTP URLs being given in the last one]

    Hiya ASCIIartists,

    With western festivities like Halloween, and eastern ones
    like Loy Krathong passed, we are heading toward the end of the year.

    I'm still hadn't seen any challenge which are directly winter holidays
    or new year-themed; maybe I should make few. If you have ideas,
    you're more than welcome to make yours of course.

    Anyway, here is the usual round-up of unbeaten ASCII Of? challenges;
    with one brand-new category:

    --- 2022-08-25 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:te8r4u$3gso4$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-06 ---

    Occupation, <news:tf7qog$1eisb$1@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/577>

    Object, 11 letters <news:tf7qoi$1eivd$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-23 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:tgit3a$25emj$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-07 ---

    Plant, 4 letters <news:tkao5e$1f774$1@tilde.club>

    Plant, 7 letters <news:tkao5f$1f7a8$1@tilde.club>

    Mechanic, <news:tkao5g$1f7cr$1@tilde.club>
    10 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/633>

    Software, 6 letters <news:tkao5h$1f7fr$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-09 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:tkfque$29pqt$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:tkfque$29prb$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 7 letters <news:tkfquf$29pub$1@tilde.club>

    Plant, 8 letters <news:tkfqug$29q0d$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 8 letters <news:tkfquh$29qks$1@tilde.club>

    Cheer for artful teletypes,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Thumper@pricedonald@caltel.com to xwindows on Thu Nov 10 08:34:28 2022
    On 11/9/2022 1:12 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _-_ .
    ,' `. /_\
    (_-----_) |
    _--_ | | ,^.
    '----' | | ||
    || --- | | Y/

    Subject is a plant [1], which its name has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    G N O K L R M D V H S U I O M Q

    What is this plant?


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Thumper@pricedonald@caltel.com to xwindows on Thu Nov 10 08:37:51 2022
    On 11/7/2022 2:54 AM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-. _
    | |,-. / ;
    | || | / /
    | || | / /
    | || | ( /
    '-'| | ,'
    | - | _
    -| | | /_\
    '\| | | // _--
    | |. | / /.-'\
    "\| | \| /
    ' ' ' '

    Subject is a plant, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    M C I Z A L R Q T Y U H A T

    What is this plant?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 10 22:20:35 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    | ____ |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    Subject is an object, whic its name has two words and *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Q E Z W O R B T O H F S X P

    What is this object?


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 12 21:06:11 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _-' \
    _-' \
    / \
    ,/ \
    // \
    // \
    /@=@ \
    /-l \

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *10* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    E I W Q H P B G Y M O V K I F S D A N R

    What is this object?


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:52:49 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    // "

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has two words
    and *9* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    I R C N A N Z C V H S A M K D E Y B

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:52:50 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    . +
    /.-'\ +
    / _\\
    /=="' + \
    '-__ __-`

    Subject is an apparel, which its name has 2 words
    and *8* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    W A T O L N D P S V M R T H Y A

    What apparel is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:52:51 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    /, -\
    /, ,\
    / \
    '-,' `.-`
    / / \
    / \ \
    / ,' |' . \

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *13* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    J T R S T M Z E W D I L A E S K C U G Q R Y V X N H

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:52:52 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _' \_
    _ / _ ,'~`(_)
    `---' `._)

    Subject is an apparel, which its name has 2 words
    and *8* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    U F A D S J W A H Y B T X A T N

    What apparel is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:52:53 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,_ ////
    (//`-' /

    Subject is an apparel, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    S C S D K O X Q Y V

    What apparel is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:55:57 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    // "

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has two words
    and *9* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    I R C N A N Z C V H S A M K D E Y B

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:55:58 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    . +
    /.-'\ +
    / _\\
    /=="' + \
    '-__ __-`

    Subject is an apparel, which its name has 2 words
    and *8* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    W A T O L N D P S V M R T H Y A

    What apparel is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:56:00 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    /, -\
    /, ,\
    / \
    '-,' `.-`
    / / \
    / \ \
    / ,' |' . \

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *13* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    J T R S T M Z E W D I L A E S K C U G Q R Y V X N H

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:56:01 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _' \_
    _ / _ ,'~`(_)
    `---' `._)

    Subject is an apparel, which its name has 2 words
    and *8* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    U F A D S J W A H Y B T X A T N

    What apparel is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:56:02 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,_ ////
    (//`-' /

    Subject is an apparel, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    S C S D K O X Q Y V

    What apparel is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 06:58:02 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ," ".
    | ' >>=-
    _\ `-___-' /__
    \," ".-'
    |` '|
    `. .'
    / `---' \
    ; ; "
    ~ ( ) --
    __ . ,'___
    ` ..

    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O A I L M W Z C B J N E S N

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 16:31:08 2022
    On 2022-11-13 Sun 06:52 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _' \_
    _ / _ ,'~`(_)
    `---' `._)

    A fnagn ung.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 16:38:13 2022
    On 2022-11-13 Sun 06:52 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    ,_ ////
    (//`-' /

    I'm going with fbpxf even though...

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    ...mine matches this only after I've chopped off the first 3 characters
    of the digest I get.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 16:39:52 2022
    On 2022-11-13 Sun 06:52 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    // "

    pnaql pnar.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 13 16:43:43 2022
    On 2022-11-13 Sun 06:52 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    / \
    /, -\
    /, ,\
    / \
    '-,' `.-`
    / / \
    / \ \
    / ,' |' . \

    I'm pretty sure it's a maritime ship launching a space ship but I can't
    make that fit. So as a crazy gamble I'll go with puevfgznf gerr.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Thumper@pricedonald@caltel.com to xwindows on Mon Nov 14 09:56:24 2022
    On 11/12/2022 10:58 PM, xwindows wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ," ".
    | ' >>=-
    _\ `-___-' /__
    \," ".-'
    |` '|
    `. .'
    / `---' \
    ; ; "
    ~ ( ) --
    __ . ,'___
    ` ..

    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O A I L M W Z C B J N E S N

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 15:08:31 2022
    On Sun, 13 Nov 2022, barnold wrote:

    pnaql pnar

    This sourness is spot on!

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 15:08:34 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    | |
    | [>=]|

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *17* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    F E R A E G K I T W S M V L O J Y E B Q O H X N O P R U C R D Z

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 15:08:36 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ( ( |)

    Subject is a kitchenware, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R G C K E S I A X H P W T L

    What kitchenware is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 15:08:38 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    1 |
    | ;' _----.
    o | / - \
    |\ .' __+-' `--'
    | \ / ____--' `
    |n_) ___----___,---_-' )
    (- ` ,~'--~' n'
    \ | ,--' `-_. ,__ | |
    `; _--' `\ ",_ :| |:
    __ /-' 'L( y"-_ ,---.
    ' `-___--' -`-__o (|u|)
    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *11* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    H J F Z U Q I M Y I B L S W A E K R P G T X

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 15:08:39 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    --| + `-_
    | `+--
    --| - _,-'

    Subject is an electronics component, which its name has 2 words
    and *20* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    I Q Z A K E A F A U C R I D H P O G N S P B L L R O M W X V J T Y E I

    What is this electronics component?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 18:10:01 2022
    On 2022-11-15 Tue 08:08 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    | |
    | |
    | [>=]|

    It's a bireurnq cebwrpgbe.

    I wonder whether being a little bit past the first flush of youth is
    helpful here? I remember these being in common use but I'd have guessed
    they must be about extinct by now?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 18:15:27 2022
    On 2022-11-15 Tue 08:08 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    1 |
    | ;' _----.
    o | / - \
    |\ .' __+-' `--'
    | \ / ____--' `
    |n_) ___----___,---_-' )
    (- ` ,~'--~' n'
    \ | ,--' `-_. ,__ | |
    `; _--' `\ ",_ :| |:
    __ /-' 'L( y"-_ ,---.
    ' `-___--' -`-__o (|u|)
    | |

    They're snvel yvtugf.

    Thanks for doing these BTW, they're fun.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 22:12:07 2022
    barnold <barnold@tilde.club> wrote:
    On 2022-11-15 Tue 08:08 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    It's a bireurnq cebwrpgbe.

    I wonder whether being a little bit past the first flush of youth is
    helpful here? I remember these being in common use but I'd have guessed
    they must be about extinct by now?

    My time at school spanned the period between common use to sitting
    in cupboards all over the place gathering dust. I expect all of
    those have been disposed of by now.

    I don't know why I didn't think to try drawing this one myself. I
    already ruled out epidiascope as being too hard.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 15 22:18:14 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    --| + `-_
    | `+--
    --| - _,-'

    Subject is an electronics component, which its name has 2 words
    and *20* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    I Q Z A K E A F A U C R I D H P O G N S P B L L R O M W X V J T Y E I

    What is this electronics component?

    Well for me that's very easy to ID as an BCRENGVBANYNZCYVSVRE.
    There was a time when ASCII versions of those and other such
    electrical symbols were frequently encountered on Usenet
    electronics newsgroups. Some examples can be found at

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 09:02:53 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _';'" `;'.
    ; . . ).
    ,~ ` // ;
    ,' ; + ' !
    ( ; '/ , _ '
    `"~; ;~

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has 2 words
    and *11* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    L V S N Y B F O H C Z T U C A T E O N K D W

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 09:02:54 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / ]
    / /
    / /
    / /
    /`-_ /
    -_ `+_.
    /:,_ /
    /:/ '
    ( /:/
    ) / /
    ( / /
    , / /
    ' /'

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *13* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O W G I A D O P V N E M U F N L J R I Q T S C Z R K

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 09:02:55 2022
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    M G A T N S N E A X N C V I

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 09:02:56 2022
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *10* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    R O K F M S E A Y D R M I T C G B L Q V

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 09:02:57 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    |' |:|l
    :| || |`
    || || ||
    |: || |:
    || -- || ;|;

    Subject is an object, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D Q S I O W P R X T V M

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 09:02:58 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    +=--+' |
    | | ,
    | | l
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    |___| |
    +---+ j
    | /_| /

    Subject is an object, which its name has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Z S O V U D E G P R P X B A W I E C

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 17:35:53 2022
    On 2022-11-16 Wed 09:02 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    |' |:|l
    :| || |`
    || || ||
    |: || |:
    || -- || ;|;

    A gevcbq - not from Mars I hope.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 18:37:28 2022
    On 2022-11-16 Wed 09:02 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    +=--+' |
    | | ,
    | | l
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    |___| |
    +---+ j
    | /_| /

    A crevfpbcr.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 21:59:34 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _';'" `;'.
    ; . . ).
    ,~ ` // ;
    ,' ; + ' !
    ( ; '/ , _ '
    `"~; ;~

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has 2 words
    and *11* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    L V S N Y B F O H C Z T U C A T E O N K D W

    PBGGBAPNAQL. Better known in Australia as snvel sybff.

    Believe it or not I've got a snvel sybff machine in the next room,
    which I started building at school but didn't quite finish. Lately
    I've started working on it again and a few months ago I made some
    with it for the first time. The main trouble was always the heating
    element, and last weekend I finished rebuilding that using some
    thin ceramic heating elements ordered from China, instead of my
    (second) DIY heating element made from a coil of nichrome wire
    which wasn't getting hot enough and liked to short out.

    No I don't really have anything to do with it now, but it's one of
    those projects that one just wants to finish, and it's still
    proving quite educational. I've also become somewhat facinated by
    the structure of the stuff.

    Great drawing, by the way!

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 22:02:21 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    / ]
    / /
    / /
    / /
    /`-_ /
    -_ `+_.
    /:,_ /
    /:/ '
    ( /:/
    ) / /
    ( / /
    , / /
    ' /'

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *13* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O W G I A D O P V N E M U F N L J R I Q T S C Z R K

    Ahh, my regular companion, the FBYQREVATVEBA. Poison me with fumes,
    it does always try, but I love it anyway.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 16 22:05:01 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    M G A T N S N E A X N C V I

    Fwit, bzz, zoip... Hold on, I'm getting a signal! Yes, it says...

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 17 15:27:03 2022
    On Wed, 16 Nov 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:


    Ding! ding! ding! ding~
    That's the right thing.

    Better known in Australia as snvel sybff.

    Never heard of that term before; sounded a bit too fantasy
    for my ear, but kids might like that.

    Believe it or not I've got a snvel sybff machine in the next room,
    which I started building at school but didn't quite finish. Lately
    I've started working on it again

    I'm curious, which kind of "spinning apparatus" you used for "squirting"
    out the melted bits of sugar? Off-the-shelf food grade one,
    or some exciting DIY dubious-grade thingamajig you jerry-rigged up?

    That part is still a mystery to me, because I have only seen
    this kind of machines in action, which means it was spinning
    too fast fast to make out of any detail on its construction.

    Great drawing, by the way!


    I have recently discovered that using "Fixed" console font
    of 16px line height on a 720x400 framebuffer console (90x25
    character matrix on 16:9 screen) with pallete rigged for yellowish
    white text, makes quite a decent environment to drawn an ASCII art under.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 17 15:27:06 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    | (_o_) |
    | ,---. |
    | | O | |
    | `---' |\
    '-------' `----- . .

    Subject is an object, which its name has *11* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    V E K M U F H P Z X D T W A R Y J L O S C E

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 17 15:27:07 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _,/,/| /j)'
    ~ `~

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E O M C W B P O R T

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 17 15:27:08 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | [-v--------] |]
    | ,---. +----+ |
    | | O | | )( | |
    | `---' +----+ |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O D E A T M R Y Z I

    What is the object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 17 20:41:11 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | [-v--------] |]
    | ,---. +----+ |
    | | O | | )( | |
    | `---' +----+ |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O D E A T M R Y Z I

    That'll be a ENQVB. With a cassette player as well, by the looks of

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 17 21:31:04 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    On Wed, 16 Nov 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    Better known in Australia as snvel sybff.

    Never heard of that term before; sounded a bit too fantasy
    for my ear, but kids might like that.

    According to Wikipedia it was a name used earlier overseas, but it
    only stuck here in Aus. Compared to other local terms, it's
    surprisingly well ingrained - it took me a while to remember the
    American name. Probably because everyone learns it at a young age.

    Believe it or not I've got a snvel sybff machine in the next room,
    which I started building at school but didn't quite finish. Lately
    I've started working on it again

    I'm curious, which kind of "spinning apparatus" you used for "squirting"
    out the melted bits of sugar? Off-the-shelf food grade one,
    or some exciting DIY dubious-grade thingamajig you jerry-rigged up?

    Oh completely DIY dubious-grade thingamajig - I wasn't even
    actually doing any related class at school so the frame is all
    built out of scraps from the school's woodworking workshop. The
    bowl around the 'spinner' is an ice bucket for drinks. The spinner
    itself is a little round aluminium container that I picked up at a
    shop selling discount kitchenwares, with holes cut in the sides and
    another kitchen-something on top that I attacked in various ways to
    make a lid (with a hole to pour sugar in). It needs an unusually
    fine stainless steel mesh to push the sugar through, so I ordered
    some extra-fine mesh samples from some overseas company online. I
    was the only person anyone knew with a 3D printer back then, so I
    3D-printed pulleys to suit a belt made out of round rubber window
    seal material for the speed reduction from a 12v electric motor. I
    found a user's manual for a commercial machine online that gave me
    the speed of rotation for the spinner. etc. etc.

    To be honest I didn't really get the alignment and balance right
    with the mechanics and it vibrates horribly, so the spinner
    mechanism is also mounted on vibration-absorbing springs.

    Besides the heating element, the other hard part was definitely
    making the slip-ring system for getting power to the heating
    element in the spinner while it's spinning at very high speed. I've
    redesigned that a bit since my original actually. Materials for
    that were (and still are) fencing wire, a thin piece of brass sheet
    metal, some old springs, and lots of high-temperature kapton tape.

    I did try to research food-grade materials, and I designed it with
    everything able to be disassembled for cleaning. But somehow I
    don't think it would pass a rigid assessment in that regard.

    On the electronics side I built a motor speed controller and I
    think even some sort of tachometer for it, but never got to the
    point of adding those in so it's still just wires dangling around
    which I hook up to clip leads.

    OK I guess that's enough - I could talk about it all day. :)

    That part is still a mystery to me, because I have only seen
    this kind of machines in action, which means it was spinning
    too fast fast to make out of any detail on its construction.

    Well yeah, mine's the only one I've ever seen in detail as well.
    I just did lots and lots of research on the internet.

    Great drawing, by the way!


    I have recently discovered that using "Fixed" console font
    of 16px line height on a 720x400 framebuffer console (90x25
    character matrix on 16:9 screen) with pallete rigged for yellowish
    white text, makes quite a decent environment to drawn an ASCII art under.


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 18 15:50:16 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,' ,-"l
    | | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I L A M W S L O P E K J

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 18 15:50:17 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ( `\_
    +------\ \ \
    / / / \ \ \
    /`/ _'-- \ \ \
    /__`-_/ __/\ _\ \
    / \./ /_ \((9) \
    / \ / \ / `---"'`
    / |
    ' '

    Subject is an object, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I P S H A M

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 18 15:50:18 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / /
    / /
    / /
    / /
    / /
    / /
    / / ______
    / / [______]
    / / ;____;
    -_ / ,' ,' `,
    /,j' __======,---- |#|######|
    /-' (__)______) '_l#####l'

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *11* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    O C V P F L N T M S I W A N J K E H X U N B

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 18 19:29:00 2022
    Hey ASCIIfolks,

    Here comes the today's round-up of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges,
    which ranges from very old (and very tough) to very new
    (and very obvious) ones. There is also one new category in the list
    as well.

    --- 2022-08-25 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:te8r4u$3gso4$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-06 ---

    Occupation, <news:tf7qog$1eisb$1@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/577>

    Object, 11 letters <news:tf7qoi$1eivd$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-23 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:tgit3a$25emj$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-07 ---

    Plant, 4 letters <news:tkao5e$1f774$1@tilde.club>

    Mechanic, <news:tkao5g$1f7cr$1@tilde.club>
    10 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/633>

    Software, 6 letters <news:tkao5h$1f7fr$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-09 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:tkfque$29pqt$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 8 letters <news:tkfquh$29qks$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-13 ---

    Apparel, 8 letters <news:tkq482$1ep2$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-15 ---

    Kitchenware, <news:9b338e09-c409-452c-b112-ed398f029ea8@tilde.club>
    5 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/686>

    With correction in:

    --- 2022-11-16 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:cd2a5654-3586-4225-9431-4ab2d7dabd65@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-17 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:22a13bd8-b7f7-4305-b06b-b42b105819b9@tilde.club>

    Object, 5 letters <news:989f9e4a-5ea7-4cbf-af16-ea4b18453d3e@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-18 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:c1d2852c-4bed-49af-96f8-8d3022f52e0c@tilde.club>

    Object, 3 letters <news:6fb9046b-62dd-49c4-9f8f-ce26e5cab314@tilde.club>

    Object, 11 letters <news:b0c3e86a-d8c9-4844-a326-82fe090b05dd@tilde.club>

    Cheers for artful textsters,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 18 16:47:12 2022
    On 2022-11-18 Fri 08:50 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    / /
    / /
    / /
    / /
    / /
    / /
    / / ______
    / / [______]
    / / ;____;
    -_ / ,' ,' `,
    /,j' __======,---- |#|######|
    /-' (__)______) '_l#####l'

    A sbhagnva cra. And someone's taken its cap off I think.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 18 22:37:11 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ( `\_
    +------\ \ \
    / / / \ \ \
    /`/ _'-- \ \ \
    /__`-_/ __/\ _\ \
    / \./ /_ \((9) \
    / \ / \ / `---"'`
    / |
    ' '

    Subject is an object, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I P S H A M

    A ZNC.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 13:14:08 2022
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *15* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    W Q L U Z A P T E O X D S R K E G Y N H I V C U J T B E M F

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 13:14:09 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    .' * `,
    |`-_ _-'|
    |* |* |
    | | ',|
    `-_'| _-'

    Subject is an object, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I N L D B E

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 13:14:10 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    r-, .-i
    |; , :|
    || L__||
    |: `. ;|
    / ---- \

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *10* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    L D S T K H R W V M Z C L A C A F U O Y

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 13:14:11 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    , ;\ ,n L(\`.
    ;L\ `.\ : , \\ `.
    ` \ ___\ `.L\ L" :
    `.\' \ ; \ `@ `.
    L\ L`_' L=...;L ;
    | ......`
    ,.===" ....'''
    . ,....'''
    ; ; ____________.

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Z N O B W E N G

    What is this element?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 13:14:13 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,---. ,
    | ,+. | //
    | |z| | //
    | | | | '=====,
    | |z| | //
    `_`+'_' |/'
    \_/ '"'
    | |
    | |

    Subject is a chemical element, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E B O N P T X A C N

    What is this element?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 13:14:14 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-" _____ `-,
    ( _-" ||| `-_ )
    '`" `=' "'`

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    V A S R U A E O J S L Z G X

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 14:24:33 2022
    On 2022-11-20 Sun 06:14 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    , ;\ ,n L(\`.
    ;L\ `.\ : , \\ `.
    ` \ ___\ `.L\ L" :
    `.\' \ ; \ `@ `.
    L\ L`_' L=...;L ;
    | ......`
    ,.===" ....'''
    . ,....'''
    ; ; ____________.

    ARBA. Now I hope for the glow of success.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 18:45:31 2022
    On 2022-11-20 Sun 06:14 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    ,---. ,
    | ,+. | //
    | |z| | //
    | | | | '=====,
    | |z| | //
    `_`+'_' |/'
    \_/ '"'
    | |
    | |

    KRABA. Here in use in a Trvtre pbhagre?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 18:48:14 2022
    On 2022-11-20 Sun 06:14 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    ,-" _____ `-,
    ( _-" ||| `-_ )
    '`" `=' "'`

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 21:14:13 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _,/,/| /j)'
    ~ `~

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E O M C W B P O R T

    What is this object?

    A OEBBZ.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 21:20:11 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *15* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    W Q L U Z A P T E O X D S R K E G Y N H I V C U J T B E M F

    What is this object?

    A SYHBERFPRAGGHOR, lighting up my screen. Great fun around a Tesla

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 21:22:38 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    .' * `,
    |`-_ _-'|
    |* |* |
    | | ',|
    `-_'| _-'

    Subject is an object, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I N L D B E

    What is this object?

    QVR, QVR, QVR!!

    Wait, why is everyone looking at me funny?

    Neat 3D effect, by the way.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 21:24:38 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    r-, .-i
    |; , :|
    || L__||
    |: `. ;|
    / ---- \

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *10* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    L D S T K H R W V M Z C L A C A F U O Y

    What is this object?


    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 20 21:34:06 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *10* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    R O K F M S E A Y D R M I T C G B L Q V

    What is this object?

    Oh boy, there was I thinking of all the different types (SD, MMC,
    Smart Media, TransFlash...), and the answer was simply ZRZBELPNEQ.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 22 19:16:21 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O Q A B I C V R Y H

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 22 19:18:04 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    |_______ |
    |) )|
    | [______] || ||
    | . . . :: |`.||
    | . . . : | |||
    | . . . : |,'||
    | . . . : || ||
    || || ,'1
    || || $ ,
    '( (' `%

    Subject is telecommunication. The word has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    J X A S F C

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 22 19:18:04 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    -\-_ _-/-
    '("`|) (|'")`
    '\ '\ / j/
    `l ' l`._
    ,-`-_;_-' \
    / , , \
    '-_/ \ |`-'.
    / | | ) | |
    ,| ;' ;__,-',|,'
    ( \ / |( )
    ` \ , ) `
    | | |
    \ j j
    |/ /
    \( (\
    ' \'
    \ |
    / j

    Subject is biology. The term has 2 words and *14* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E W C I O K P H X F O N I V D R Z Q N B J G N Y L M S T

    What is this term?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 22 15:24:50 2022
    On 2022-11-22 Tue 12:18 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    -\-_ _-/-
    '("`|) (|'")`
    '\ '\ / j/
    `l ' l`._
    ,-`-_;_-' \
    / , , \
    '-_/ \ |`-'.
    / | | ) | |
    ,| ;' ;__,-',|,'
    ( \ / |( )
    ` \ , ) `
    | | |
    \ j j
    |/ /
    \( (\
    ' \'
    \ |
    / j

    I cheated by asking Zaphod Beeblebrox: pbawbvarq gjvaf.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 22 21:05:12 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    |_______ |
    |) )|
    | [______] || ||
    | . . . :: |`.||
    | . . . : | |||
    | . . . : |,'||
    | . . . : || ||
    || || ,'1
    || || $ ,
    '( (' `%

    Subject is telecommunication. The word has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    J X A S F C

    A SNK. It's must have been quite a long time since the tones from
    one of those were misdirected to my ear drum.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Nov 22 21:10:08 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O Q A B I C V R Y H

    A PUNVE, "just chill'n" as some American blokes who make youtube
    videos about exploring abandoned buildings like to say. People
    always leave behind the chairs.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 24 18:57:36 2022
    On Thu, 17 Nov 2022, The Free Thinker wrote:

    and lots of high-temperature kapton tape.

    Okay, thank you for mentioning this. I have heard Clive Mitchell
    mentioned this familiar yellowish insulation film in his videos
    several times (as "Kapton tape", or humorously as "Kopiton tape"
    in reference to the knockoff nature of some rolls he have),
    but I hadn't found a correct spelling for finding out more about them
    until now.

    Anyway, thanks again for sharing your jerry-rigging adventure;
    I don't have too many chances to experiment with electro-mechanical
    tinkering in general.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 24 18:57:38 2022
    On Sun, 20 Nov 2022, barnold wrote:


    (*Munch*) The answer tasted just right.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 24 18:57:46 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    |' '|
    ,|' """ '|,

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *11* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    F M Y G D V E S R N H T A Z L C F P I B O C

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 24 18:57:47 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    c| ||
    | ||
    | |j

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *8* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    R K W O N G P A T L Y L W A V M

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Nov 24 18:57:48 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    `. ,' ,=-_E#
    - @) - |L )E
    / |: \ `l_|
    |; _l` \
    'l, ; ` `\
    ( ] / , | |
    |\ \/ `:` |'T'
    |;\,` /'. | | ___ _
    :| '-' |/ ,'`--____,-" `\/=%\
    :| ,-; / ` \ %$
    '| '-_.' | \!
    |. `, \ | | | !%
    |: | | / _;, ) '|
    |; | |' |-_---""\ | /
    '| |.'| | | ;| |
    |. ; ( ) ( )| |
    |: | `,| | ( /
    |; | ,'| '| | \
    '| / | | /_| |
    `' "- / \ / \
    '--- ---`

    Subject is mythology. The word has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    J V E T G K F N W R A X U C

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 27 14:07:01 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _ ..
    ____ _ , - ~ '
    .-" _"[_}--',_ ~ " '
    | | ( ~__' . ~
    `. .'\ \ ~
    | | \,'

    Subject is an object. The word has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    V E L I O W Z F N R Z K

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 27 08:42:18 2022
    On 2022-11-27 Sun 07:07 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    ____ _ , - ~ '
    .-" _"[_}--',_ ~ " '
    | | ( ~__' . ~
    `. .'\ \ ~
    | | \,'

    It's a ABMMYR.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 27 08:44:11 2022
    On 2022-11-24 Thu 11:57 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    `. ,' ,=-_E#
    - @) - |L )E
    / |: \ `l_|
    |; _l` \
    'l, ; ` `\
    ( ] / , | |
    |\ \/ `:` |'T'
    |;\,` /'. | | ___ _
    :| '-' |/ ,'`--____,-" `\/=%\
    :| ,-; / ` \ %$
    '| '-_.' | \!
    |. `, \ | | | !%
    |: | | / _;, ) '|
    |; | |' |-_---""\ | /
    '| |.'| | | ;| |
    |. ; ( ) ( )| |
    |: | `,| | ( /
    |; | ,'| '| | \
    '| / | | /_| |
    `' "- / \ / \
    '--- ---`

    It's a PRAGNHE thinking about the unfairness of his extra footwear
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 30 14:29:24 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    _-^-_ .
    _-"-_%$\`-_ ,-' `-.
    _-".;-;.`-_<#\`-_-' `-.
    .-"_': i,_,~'.`-l/+);. , `-.
    : ."%.;(#@#):~.`. T-" | /; .-'
    |`-_!,';`"','. _-" _-" / ; .'
    `-_ `-_ ,', _-" _-" / | ,-'
    `-_ `-.-" _-" `-. / ,|'
    `-_|_-" /-.' |
    ` / |
    / |

    Subject is food and drinks. The word has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O J Y F N C M T B E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 30 14:29:26 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    |%%%%| |
    |%%%%| |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets on:

    N J E R I L G D B P U Q E C

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 30 14:29:27 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ; ; :
    | | ()) |
    : : ;

    The drawing is an object, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    A T E Y I M F R

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 30 14:29:28 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    - |.^
    / '`\ """"""""=============== = _
    (' )
    // '

    Subject is a TV show, which its name has 2 words
    and *17* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    K I Q J I I M P S V H D X F B Y C N I O R T L S E W A G Z S U O M S

    What is this TV show?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Nov 30 21:58:25 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    |%%%%| |
    |%%%%| |

    OYRAQRE. Creative use of the dollar-signs!

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 1 07:39:43 2022
    On 2022-11-30 Wed 07:29 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    _-^-_ .
    _-"-_%$\`-_ ,-' `-.
    _-".;-;.`-_<#\`-_-' `-.
    .-"_': i,_,~'.`-l/+);. , `-.
    : ."%.;(#@#):~.`. T-" | /; .-'
    |`-_!,';`"','. _-" _-" / ; .'
    `-_ `-_ ,', _-" _-" / | ,-'
    `-_ `-.-" _-" `-. / ,|'
    `-_|_-" /-.' |
    ` / |
    / |

    Was getting bent out of shape over this but realised it's ORAGB.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 1 15:21:35 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    / / \
    | | (c--+-
    r\ \ /
    / r`--`--'
    -' )

    Subject is a object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D F O A M V O R T I

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 1 15:21:35 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *10* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C J T E O P H A V T D T X S I Q W O K N

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 1 15:21:37 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-. ___,
    \__\ ____--"" /___,
    \\=;"__------""" /_,
    `. "----____----"'|
    \ /

    Subject is a plant, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    A H Q Z A A L N S N D B

    What is this plant?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Dec 1 15:21:38 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    .### /,
    /\ ###//\
    " `|/

    Subject is a plant, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    F A N Z M I P E H O

    What is this plant?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. This entry is the 200th "ASCII Of?" challenge I have posted.
    So, as a little treat; first person who answered this correctly
    would get a (well... novelty) prize.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 2 16:01:37 2022
    On Thu, 1 Dec 2022, barnold wrote:

    Was getting bent out of shape over this



    And correct!

    We wish you a deliciousmas,
    We wish you a deliciousmas,
    We wish you a deliciousmas,
    With happy'n filling meal...
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 2 16:01:38 2022
    Hey ASCIIpeeps,

    As we are getting into December's festivities, I have finally posted my
    200th ASCII Of? challenge I made (it's the entry at the very end
    of the list below); which comes with the usual sort of
    "It is what you think it is; but I chose an obscure term
    just to make you squirm" trickery, and a (secret) prize is offered
    for the first one who posted the correct answer. (The same sort of
    "prizes" I have already given in some of the beaten challenges lately)

    And here comes a usual round up of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges.
    There seems to be a lot of Old'n'Tough (TM) entries;
    so go beat them up before they got revealed...

    --- 2022-08-25 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:te8r4u$3gso4$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-09-06 ---

    Occupation, <news:tf7qog$1eisb$1@tilde.club>
    6 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/577>

    Object, 11 letters <news:tf7qoi$1eivd$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/579>

    --- 2022-09-23 ---

    Object, 10 letters <news:tgit3a$25emj$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-07 ---

    Plant, 4 letters <news:tkao5e$1f774$1@tilde.club>

    Mechanic, <news:tkao5g$1f7cr$1@tilde.club>
    10 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/633>

    Software, 6 letters <news:tkao5h$1f7fr$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-09 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:tkfque$29pqt$1@tilde.club>

    Object, 8 letters <news:tkfquh$29qks$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-13 ---

    Apparel, 8 letters <news:tkq482$1ep2$1@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-17 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:22a13bd8-b7f7-4305-b06b-b42b105819b9@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-18 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:c1d2852c-4bed-49af-96f8-8d3022f52e0c@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-24 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:585472f2-dc16-4be8-9885-292cc5103c9e@tilde.club>

    Object, 8 letters <news:c6940a53-a193-4fd6-8c94-33d3fb35114b@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-30 ---

    Object, 4 letters <news:0d4de926-dd08-4118-b350-381319e32995@tilde.club>

    TV show, 17 letters <news:36d6071c-02bf-4853-8dbd-f5baf21b4910@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-12-01 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:b7b33e93-3ada-4a5a-9162-5b3b4713acbb@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:e917c362-ae99-411d-8a4f-2a20ddc720a9@tilde.club>

    Plant, 6 letters <news:a22d88d5-ea85-40e3-bfc5-cbf64fb9eb15@tilde.club>

    Plant, 5 letters <news:6ca770da-5e0d-49c4-8b2b-6a09f324de27@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Let us textsters unite!
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Dec 2 13:50:17 2022
    On 2022-12-01 Thu 08:21 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    .### /,
    /\ ###//\
    " `|/


    So, as a little treat; first person who answered this correctly would
    get a (well... novelty) prize.

    I'm hoping it's something that will amaze.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Dec 13 20:18:54 2022
    And... as expected, no one managed to answer this super-tough entry.
    You guys are probably wondering what the actual heck is this;
    and here comes the answer...

    On Tue, 6 Sep 2022, xwindows wrote:

    | |

    The answer is "SPIRIT HOUSE", which its letters usage is as follows:

    J P R Y I A T L Q W U E V N S H B C O S X I
    * * * * * * * * * * *

    It is a common thing where I'm from (SE Asia), but people from the west
    are unlikely knowing of it. I will let Wikipedia explain:

    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_house> <gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/Spirit%20house>

    Enjoy the spooks,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Dec 14 21:52:05 2022
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    The answer is "SPIRIT HOUSE", which its letters usage is as follows:

    J P R Y I A T L Q W U E V N S H B C O S X I
    * * * * * * * * * * *

    It is a common thing where I'm from (SE Asia), but people from the west
    are unlikely knowing of it. I will let Wikipedia explain:

    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_house> <gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/Spirit%20house>

    Ah-ha! I toyed with various approaches to "stone lantern", which
    are common in oriental-style gardens here in Aus, but I never made
    it from that to "spirit house".

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Dec 24 12:12:21 2022
    The drawing is as follows:

    | +--------------++---+|
    | |[] [] [] [] []|| 0||
    | |==============|+---+|
    | |[] [] [] [] []| |
    | |==============|(i)6^|
    | |[] [] [] [] []| |
    | |==============| |
    | |[] [] [] [] []| |
    | +==============+ |
    | |
    | ,______________. ._. |
    | |______________| |_| |
    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words
    and *14* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    N E V S U I Q A J B T H G W Z D O Y P N K N E I R M C L

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Dec 24 10:48:34 2022
    On 2022-12-24 Sat 05:12 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    | +--------------++---+|
    | |[] [] [] [] []|| 0||
    | |==============|+---+|
    | |[] [] [] [] []| |
    | |==============|(i)6^|
    | |[] [] [] [] []| |
    | |==============| |
    | |[] [] [] [] []| |
    | +==============+ |
    | |
    | ,______________. ._. |
    | |______________| |_| |
    | |

    For a while the answer was stuck on its way, just out of reach. But
    after a little thumping an shaking... "iraqvat znpuvar".
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Dec 24 22:18:20 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing is:
    | |
    _| |_
    .' '.
    | _ |
    | /\ | |
    | _/_ | ( )
    | | |
    | | | |
    | (/) |-|_|

    OK, time for a Christmas revelation: The answer is BOTTLE JACK:

    B Q F A J E I R O S C G M Y D K T L T H
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    I thought putting "2T" on the side was giving the game away
    entirely on this one, but apparantly not. A two ton load limit is
    actually pretty poor on a normal-size bottle jack though, "4T"
    might have been more realistic.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Dec 24 22:34:06 2022
    The Free Thinker <freet@aussies.space> wrote:
    The drawing is:

    _ / \
    , -/, \ / /
    | | \ / /. _
    | | \ \ / | | |
    |, ,| /|\ #\/__|____|,,|
    | \ / |/ | \v oo o

    Subject is an object, one word *5* letters.

    While xwindows came close, the answer was a little more fine
    grained. The answer is AUGER. Specifically a grain auger
    transporting grain from a tip-truck up into a grain silo for

    Letters are:

    X Q E A F W G Z U R
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    Wikipedia also knows them as "screw conveyor". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screw_conveyor

    I'm quite familiar with using them, and even had a plan to build a
    plastic extruder out of bits from an old grain auger at one point.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Dec 24 22:38:41 2022
    The drawing is:

    . . .
    . . , "
    \ ` {) ;
    ____ ' ~ ` ' , ____
    | / \\ )) '`.`,'`,., ' (( // \ |
    | \_/ | )) ,,;,.' .,;'`` (( | \_/ |
    | | )) ,`'" **% ;'` ' (( | |
    | () | ,;,*@#*.,'; : | () |
    |____/ ` ,. * *';, \____|
    \ ======
    \ .n_||_
    \ / | |
    \ / | |
    \_________,` |____|

    Subject is computer-related, two words *12* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    H L U F D P Y B S T V R S W O I A E K X G N Q C

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: bb552ed1e98c1fa09042fbc17db484212fef24f2b92832da6d47d5f78596ff68

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 10 19:46:52 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | |
    | | |
    | | |__
    | `"-__`".

    Subject is object. The word has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O B D T E F S O H Q

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 10 21:31:01 2023
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    | | |
    | | |
    | | |__
    | `"-__`".

    What is the word?

    OBBGF. Although not the type that I wear, unless maybe they're
    gumOBBGF (as called in Australia).

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 15 02:01:39 2023
    The drawing is:

    | ======================== |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    |$==== || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || ___ || |
    | || /\|/\ _ || |
    | || |--O--| /"\ || |
    | || \/|\/ \_/ || |
    | || ` ` || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    |$==== || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | || || |
    | ======================== |

    Subject is an object, one word *5* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    U E L N K F V T A I

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: e1c20be7b222031d9091b8ab95a5ce2b59e2ed514b86c2d1eaf064fd8abbd531

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 15 02:05:22 2023
    Oops, sorry for the accidental follow-up. I got caught out by my
    lazy way of copying the formatting from my last post and forgot to
    delete the second reference from the header.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 15 19:53:59 2023
    On Sun, 15 Jan 2023, The Free Thinker wrote:

    The drawing is:

    Didn't that look familiar... [1] oh, wait.

    Subject is an object, one word *5* letters.

    That is a //INHYG//, looked from outside. From the size of handle,
    it's probably ranging somewhere from the size of walk-in closet,
    to a smaller room, I guess?


    [1] "Re: ASCII Of? [Object]" [2021-11-13T05:34:00Z]
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 15 19:54:00 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    | _l
    | _l

    Subject is an object, which its name has 2 words and *12* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C F M B H I U N L O X Z Q F A T V Y D G J T R I

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 15 22:13:40 2023
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    | _l
    | _l

    That'll be a GENSSVP YVTUG, and a much more stylish one the ugly
    things that stop me in my tracks where I live.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 17 18:10:33 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    / / )
    ,/ / /
    /.__---~`-__/ /
    //___//___/// `-

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O C E D C Y K F N S H O A T X L P W

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 17 18:10:34 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    _-' -_,-/_.\ | )
    |_/h'|_(/\_l-.| /
    /',\ \/ T \_(;'
    .- /\/) // X -I
    \-' '-' l' \_`-

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has 2 words
    and *11* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    I G Y C F A W T O Z S F H R Q E R X B E N M

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 17 18:02:18 2023
    On 2023-01-17 Tue 11:10 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    / / )
    ,/ / /
    /.__---~`-__/ /
    //___//___/// `-

    Delicious PUBPBYNGR, mmmm.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 20 19:56:39 2023
    On Tue, 17 Jan 2023, barnold wrote:




    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 20 19:56:41 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    _____ ,_/,."
    .-"" `'.,/

    Subject is an object, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    H Y P B N J O S O F

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jan 24 21:25:11 2023
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    _____ ,_/,."
    .-"" `'.,/

    A FCBBA.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 27 19:21:49 2023
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is a material. The word has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    V D O Z D P C U Y A I N M Q

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jan 27 19:29:43 2023
    Hey retronauts,

    Long time no see, eh? Let's free your mind from the commotion outside,
    and dive back into the retro realm of text games.
    This is the current roundup of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges...

    --- 2022-11-07 ---

    Plant, 4 letters <news:tkao5e$1f774$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/631>

    Mechanic, <news:tkao5g$1f7cr$1@tilde.club>
    10 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/633>

    Software, 6 letters <news:tkao5h$1f7fr$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/634>

    --- 2022-11-09 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:tkfque$29pqt$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/635>

    Object, 8 letters <news:tkfquh$29qks$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/639>

    --- 2022-11-13 ---

    Apparel, 8 letters <news:tkq482$1ep2$1@tilde.club>
    *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/655>

    --- 2022-11-17 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:22a13bd8-b7f7-4305-b06b-b42b105819b9@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-18 ---

    Object, 6 letters <news:c1d2852c-4bed-49af-96f8-8d3022f52e0c@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-24 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:585472f2-dc16-4be8-9885-292cc5103c9e@tilde.club>

    Object, 8 letters <news:c6940a53-a193-4fd6-8c94-33d3fb35114b@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-11-30 ---

    Object, 4 letters <news:0d4de926-dd08-4118-b350-381319e32995@tilde.club>

    TV show, 17 letters <news:36d6071c-02bf-4853-8dbd-f5baf21b4910@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-12-01 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:b7b33e93-3ada-4a5a-9162-5b3b4713acbb@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:e917c362-ae99-411d-8a4f-2a20ddc720a9@tilde.club>

    Plant, 6 letters <news:a22d88d5-ea85-40e3-bfc5-cbf64fb9eb15@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-12-24 ---

    Computing, <news:to7v1g$2m3ln$3@tilde.club>
    12 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/798>

    --- 2023-01-16 ---

    Food & drinks, <news:4b768630-28d0-45d3-97c8-ea546bcf9339@tilde.club>
    11 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/811>

    --- 2023-01-27 ---

    Material, 7 letters <news:59d60d9f-b00e-4457-84b1-b3815c5e01dc@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    United in text!
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 29 00:31:46 2023
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:


    QVNZBAQ, and I'm thinking that's some sort of engraving tip, but
    maybe it's actually jewlery (I'm not very familiar with the

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 29 00:53:42 2023
    The drawing is:
    _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
    || |'| | || || || |`
    || |,| | || || || | |
    || , |#| | , || , || , || , | |
    -||-*-|,| |-*-||-*-||-*-||-*-| |
    || ` |#| | ` || ` || ` || ` | |
    || |`| | || || || | |
    _||___|' |___||___||___||___|,

    Subject is an object, one word *9* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    T U M V N X A P C R O E C Y S H L F

    Answer in all uppercase with no trailing newline SHA256 checksum: 7000ed4385a591dd843f95a8a3441c99322ff821e1b7fb044e9143e419fde3aa

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jan 29 01:00:51 2023
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    |[=o=]| x
    |[=o=]| x
    |[=o=]| x

    Of course it's JVAMVC. I kept thinking of PKZIP instead, but of
    course it came from the pre-icon era.

    By the way, have you noticed that your trial period has expired? :)

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Feb 16 21:47:26 2023
    The drawing is:
    |# - *|

    Subject is a technical standard, one word *8* letters.

    Pick letters from this alphabet:
    T Q N B L S E V H T X R E O Y E

    Answer in all uppercase, no trailing newline, SHA256 checksum: 12908b956d955b8c94137ca8cd5e9874c628fbd7260b19ec84175593b5afb25a

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Feb 17 19:43:20 2023
    On Thu, 16 Feb 2023, The Free Thinker wrote:

    |# - *|

    Subject is a technical standard, one word *8* letters.

    That curly brace... I distinctly remembered one socket
    on my old PC mainboard having shorter sides shaped like that:
    the IEEE 1394 //SVERJVER// connector.

    But the checksum said it was incorrect. Then while I cycled the post
    through various terminal font styles, I noticed that there was something
    like a "tab" on the top of connector hole, as well as something
    that resembled indicator light on top-right and top left.
    That was the moment I realized that it was rather
    a more familiar //RGUREARG// connector-- or in the term of standard,
    known as IEEE 802.3; and this time the checksum approved.

    Cheers for fidelity and privacy of wired connection,

    P.S. By the way, what happened to your phlog at Aussies.space?
    I remembered you said in the last entry that the server was going down
    for "re-imagination", though I'm not quite sure what you meant by that.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Feb 25 19:33:54 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,--'. ` `-"`;.
    ;, _-==-_ .='
    ) (@@@@@@) `,
    ,' . `""""' ; ;
    `-__-. ' . __-'

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has 2 words
    and *8* letters total. Pick alphabets from:

    L B E E H K Y Q C F D G W G I R

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Feb 25 19:33:55 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    / (
    | |
    9 6

    Subject is an object. The word has *11* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    G K I D X F T J R E P Q L V A O S N R Z M R

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Feb 25 19:33:56 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    O | \ /
    O@O | . __ ,
    -=_, ,O | ` / \ '
    ( , | \__/
    ),/) | .' `.
    (/ " | / \
    __ ,' | _\/ \/_
    \__\,-' | . \ / ,
    \__--. | -+--*--+-
    _,) `-___\| '_ / \ _`
    /__/ | /\ /\

    Subject is music, which its name has 3 words and *14* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    X V C S M S Q U B G R L O I S T H F W A Y E K O N E Z D

    What is this music?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. This is a classical music set of 4 instrumental songs.
    Even if you are not a classical music connoisseur,
    you probably have heard the specific song which is represented
    by the top-left part of the drawing; this song could be considered
    a classical *cliche* already at this point.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Feb 25 19:35:23 2023
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has *8* letters total.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Q M G A B L E L A C J I S D V T

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Feb 26 18:13:13 2023
    On 2023-02-25 Sat 12:33 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,--'. ` `-"`;.
    ;, _-==-_ .='
    ) (@@@@@@) `,
    ,' . `""""' ; ;
    `-__-. ' . __-'

    SEVRQ RTT - have I cracked it?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From freet@freet@aussies.space (The Free Thinker) to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Feb 27 22:11:01 2023
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    O | \ /
    O@O | . __ ,
    -=_, ,O | ` / \ '
    ( , | \__/
    ),/) | .' `.
    (/ " | / \
    __ ,' | _\/ \/_
    \__\,-' | . \ / ,
    \__--. | -+--*--+-
    _,) `-___\| '_ / \ _`
    /__/ | /\ /\

    Subject is music, which its name has 3 words and *14* letters total.

    At first I just thought of GUR FRNFBAF, which is the name of many
    compositions, but one word short. Then I realised that Vivaldi
    somewhat over-specified his as GUR SBHE FRNFBAF, and there we go.

    - The Free Thinker | gopher://aussies.space/1/%7efreet/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Mar 8 07:26:10 2023
    On Sun, 26 Feb 2023, barnold wrote:


    Yep! You cracked it; here's your food.

    Have a nice meal!
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Mar 8 07:50:28 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    C U S S
    O Y S T E R
    M E O
    E V E R Y T H I N G
    W L R I N G
    H O U S E L O O I
    E T E U G
    R A I N Y G N G
    E L A U D I B L E
    I L E

    Subject is a puzzle, which its name has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    W B O Z R P H S L K A O S I R C U D

    What is this puzzle?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Mar 8 07:51:38 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    ,#'.##" '#.
    L| \ | |/
    \\ \\//
    | |
    | |

    Subject is a software, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    A N Y T I W U P H F

    What is this software?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Mar 9 12:30:52 2023
    On Fri, 18 Nov 2022, xwindows wrote:

    ,' ,-"l
    | | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    I L A M W S L O P E K J

    I actually think this was an easy one, but the lack of answer
    seems to say otherwise, so...

    Hints: This is a soft (and depending on the type, fluffy) item
    you'd usually find on a bed, futon, or mat (that is used for sleeping);
    and sometimes on a couch or sofa too. One would really have
    a hard time sleeping if this item became missing.

    Cheers for a sleepy time,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Mar 31 11:21:55 2023
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has *10* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    P T Z B C F O L T Q M R H U K O H S D V

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Apr 1 21:53:29 2023
    On 2023-03-31 Fri 04:21 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:


    It bristles with possibilities but I'll go with GBBGUOEHFU. A good
    clean result?
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jun 15 19:27:28 2023
    This entry is now overdue for a reveal...

    On Wed, 9 Nov 2022, xwindows wrote:

    ( | O )

    Subject is an object, which its name has two words and *11* letters total.

    The correct answer is "TISSUE PAPER", and its letter usage is as follows:

    I P V L A J B H K T Q U W F P E O S S X E R
    * * * * * * * * * * *

    I'm curious, have everyone run out of papers?
    Haha, kidding; but really though, what do you all thought this was?

    (Or you guys recognized it alright, but were not familar with this
    um... generic term?)

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jun 20 18:57:19 2023
    This is a very simple entry; but it is now overdue for an answer...

    On Thu, 17 Nov 2022, xwindows wrote:

    | |
    | (_o_) |
    | ,---. |
    | | O | |
    | `---' |\
    '-------' `----- . .

    Subject is an object, which its name has *11* letters.

    The correct answer is "LOUDSPEAKER", which its letter usage is as follow:

    V E K M U F H P Z X D T W A R Y J L O S C E
    * * * * * * * * * * *

    I'm curious, I thought this one was straightforward,
    but apparently no one answered; how come?
    Or is this another case of "I know what this thing is,
    but the term I know fits neither the length, alphabet chips,
    nor checksum"?

    (*Laughs evilly*)

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jun 20 18:57:23 2023
    This fluffy entry has been lacking love for too long now...

    On Fri, 18 Nov 2022, xwindows wrote:

    ,' ,-"l
    | | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *6* letters.

    The correct answer is "PILLOW", and its letters usage is as follows:

    I L A M W S L O P E K J
    * * * * * *

    I see this one as a *very* straightforward entry with no tricks whatsoever.
    I wonder what do you guys thought it was?

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jun 22 13:09:05 2023
    On 2023-06-20 Tue 11:57 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The correct answer is "LOUDSPEAKER", which its letter usage is as follow:

    I'm curious, I thought this one was straightforward,
    but apparently no one answered; how come?

    Too hard for me! I thought it was some sort of machine that issued
    a stream of ticker tape.
    People are like onions -- you cut them up, and they make you cry.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jun 22 13:11:08 2023
    On 2023-06-20 Tue 11:57 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The correct answer is "PILLOW", and its letters usage is as follows:

    I see this one as a *very* straightforward entry with no tricks
    whatsoever. I wonder what do you guys thought it was?

    It looked to me like a chunk of material cut out of something longer,
    like a beam of wood. "Pillow" never occurred to me!
    I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 17 14:59:52 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    |k===========k| |
    || || |
    |"-----------"| |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O J I E N C W V

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 17 14:59:53 2023
    Greetings from the retropia,

    Long time no see, eh? I have noticed some familiar player managed to
    gain back access to Tildeverse Netnews again after being cut off
    from a network-wide switch to members-or-neighbors-to-post access;
    so, welcome back! And I also saw some activities from other challengers,
    while not as much as I'd expect, hat tip for those too.

    Now, with hints added to couple of old entries, and a new one added;
    let's free your mind from the commotion outside,
    and dive back into the retro realm of text games.

    This is the current roundup of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges...

    --- 2022-11-24 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:585472f2-dc16-4be8-9885-292cc5103c9e@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/760>

    With hints in:


    Object, 8 letters <news:c6940a53-a193-4fd6-8c94-33d3fb35114b@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/761>

    With hints in:


    --- 2022-11-30 ---

    Object, 4 letters <news:0d4de926-dd08-4118-b350-381319e32995@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/773>

    With hits in:


    TV show, 17 letters <news:36d6071c-02bf-4853-8dbd-f5baf21b4910@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/774>

    With hints in:


    --- 2022-12-01 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:b7b33e93-3ada-4a5a-9162-5b3b4713acbb@tilde.club>

    Object, 10 letters <news:e917c362-ae99-411d-8a4f-2a20ddc720a9@tilde.club>

    Plant, 6 letters <news:a22d88d5-ea85-40e3-bfc5-cbf64fb9eb15@tilde.club>

    --- 2022-12-24 ---

    Computing, <news:to7v1g$2m3ln$3@tilde.club>
    12 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/798>

    --- 2023-01-16 ---

    Food & drinks, <news:4b768630-28d0-45d3-97c8-ea546bcf9339@tilde.club>
    11 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/811>

    --- 2023-01-29 ---

    Object, 9 letters <news:tr4g2l$kn7n$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-02-25 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:7e28d589-2fce-4fe3-85e8-128c3ff12e0d@tilde.club>

    Food & drinks, <news:cf33274b-9257-47e8-869f-7095cfa0625f@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/850>

    --- 2023-03-08 ---

    Puzzle, 9 letters <news:f16f6650-4692-4e89-94a2-1a50ecfa9c0f@tilde.club>

    Software, 5 letters <news:c5e0f8cc-d68d-4625-b8c4-0942fc502a92@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-08-17 ---

    Object, 4 letters <news:ecf1a600-f2bb-4949-957b-3e083859c2eb@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Let us textsters unite!
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 23 11:22:09 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    (" _ _ ,l
    . ($\ :/;.
    | `"-_ : `.
    | ,;' _'
    | _-'

    Subject is a toy, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    P S U T J O

    What is this toy?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ultrachip@ultrachip@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 23 11:19:11 2023

    It's a GBC!

    On Wed, 23 Aug 2023, xwindows wrote:

    The drawing is as follows:

    (" _ _ ,l
    . ($\ :/;.
    | `"-_ : `.
    | ,;' _'
    | _-'

    Subject is a toy, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    P S U T J O

    What is this toy?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Aug 30 13:41:40 2023
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 31 14:15:16 2023
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Aug 31 14:39:50 2023
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 17:13:37 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    / /
    / /

    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Y P E Z G R O W S M V N I H

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 17:13:37 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    / ' __ ` \
    | ( ) |
    \. "" ./ ,_
    `. ,; `'__'-.
    `--' ` ( ) \
    '" "" ",

    Subject is mechanic, the word has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    U R C E Z X A G

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 17:13:38 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    ___----"""""--__ \
    "" ___.

    000 00' 00" 000 01' 00"
    \ .
    k` )/ .
    )/ '|
    '| _____j .
    ._----'" ,
    \ _______j_--------__________
    ------''''' ``````------

    Subject is a measurement unit, which its name has 2 words and *12* letters. Pick alphabets from:

    I J L N L R A M V A X I U Y K W F E G C Z T Q D

    What is this unit?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 17:13:41 2023
    Greetings from a retro sanctuary,

    Now I'm spotting a new player solving some of the relatively-new challenges that had been sitting there for quite a while; well done. One age-old
    challenge also got revealed, did the result of that reveal [1] surprise you? There is also one brand-new category appearing too, as well as new hints
    added to older challenges which are waiting for you to try.

    Anyway, here is the current round-up of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges:

    --- 2022-12-01 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:b7b33e93-3ada-4a5a-9162-5b3b4713acbb@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/779>

    With hints in:


    Object, 10 letters <news:e917c362-ae99-411d-8a4f-2a20ddc720a9@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/780>

    With a hint in:


    --- 2022-12-24 ---

    Computing, <news:to7v1g$2m3ln$3@tilde.club>
    12 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/798>

    --- 2023-01-16 ---

    Food & drinks, <news:4b768630-28d0-45d3-97c8-ea546bcf9339@tilde.club>
    11 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/811>

    --- 2023-01-29 ---

    Object, 9 letters <news:tr4g2l$kn7n$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-02-25 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:7e28d589-2fce-4fe3-85e8-128c3ff12e0d@tilde.club>

    Food & drinks, <news:cf33274b-9257-47e8-869f-7095cfa0625f@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/850>

    --- 2023-03-08 ---

    Software, 5 letters <news:c5e0f8cc-d68d-4625-b8c4-0942fc502a92@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-09-11 ---

    Object, 7 letters <news:f9911b3a-f6ec-4e85-8d9c-2acd3479d076@tilde.club>

    Mechanic, 4 letters <news:f52da160-f1cb-4fc2-8ef6-252d4a4b098b@tilde.club>

    Unit, 12 letters <news:c3eb9194-bf40-4580-a7e5-cedba06aaa6c@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    May us enjoy text games once again,

    [1] "Re: ASCII Of? [TV Show] *revealed*" [2023-09-10T13:00:25Z]
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 17:16:45 2023
    (Reposted as a correction)

    Greetings from a retro sanctuary,

    Now I'm spotting a new player solving some of the relatively-new challenges that had been sitting there for quite a while; well done. One age-old
    challenge also got revealed, did the result of that reveal [1] surprise you? There is also one brand-new category appearing too, as well as new hints
    added to older challenges which are waiting for you to try.

    Anyway, here is the current round-up of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges:

    --- 2022-12-01 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:b7b33e93-3ada-4a5a-9162-5b3b4713acbb@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/779>

    With hints in:


    Object, 10 letters <news:e917c362-ae99-411d-8a4f-2a20ddc720a9@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/780>

    With a hint in:


    --- 2022-12-24 ---

    Computing, <news:to7v1g$2m3ln$3@tilde.club>
    12 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/798>

    --- 2023-01-16 ---

    Food & drinks, <news:4b768630-28d0-45d3-97c8-ea546bcf9339@tilde.club>
    11 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/811>

    --- 2023-01-29 ---

    Object, 9 letters <news:tr4g2l$kn7n$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-02-25 ---

    Object, 11 letters <news:7e28d589-2fce-4fe3-85e8-128c3ff12e0d@tilde.club>

    Food & drinks, <news:cf33274b-9257-47e8-869f-7095cfa0625f@tilde.club>
    8 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/850>

    --- 2023-03-08 ---

    Software, 5 letters <news:c5e0f8cc-d68d-4625-b8c4-0942fc502a92@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-09-11 ---

    Object, 7 letters <news:f9911b3a-f6ec-4e85-8d9c-2acd3479d076@tilde.club>

    Mechanic, 4 letters <news:f52da160-f1cb-4fc2-8ef6-252d4a4b098b@tilde.club>

    Unit, 12 letters <news:c3eb9194-bf40-4580-a7e5-cedba06aaa6c@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    May us enjoy text games once again,

    [1] "Re: ASCII Of? [TV Show] *revealed*" [2023-09-10T13:00:25Z]
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 12:28:42 2023
    TRNE ... eheheeheh!
    It is rot13. Do I need to add something when I rot13 a word?
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 12:35:30 2023
    ... uuhhhh....
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Sep 11 22:07:07 2023
    On 2023-09-11 Mon 10:13 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    ___----"""""--__ \
    "" ___.

    000 00' 00" 000 01' 00"
    \ .
    k` )/ .
    )/ '|
    '| _____j .
    ._----'" ,
    \ _______j_--------__________
    ------''''' ``````------

    The ANHGVPNY ZVYR - do we splice the mainbrace, me hearties?
    Arbitrary systems, pl.n.:
    Systems about which nothing general can be said, save "nothing
    general can be said."
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 9 13:54:29 2023
    With this challenge left lying for 10 months,
    and weeks lapsed after the last hint; it's a time for the reveal.

    On Thu, 1 Dec 2022, xwindows wrote:

    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *10* letters.

    On Mon, 11 Sep 2023, xwindows wrote:

    I'll give only single hint for this one: it is a common toiletries item. Giving anything more than this would basically reveal the answer.

    The answer is "TOOTHPASTE", which its letter usage is as follows:

    C J T E O P H A V T D T X S I Q W O K N
    * * * * * * * * * *

    I thought this challenge was easy and straightforward,
    but it ended up getting no answer in spite of the hint.
    What did you guys think the object was when you all were looking at it?

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 9 13:54:30 2023
    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    U F Y X O V B O R K A N C G O D

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 9 13:54:31 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    ,' '.
    | |
    '_ _'

    Subject is electrical work, the word has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    U J F S I P E C

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. This is not a usual case of me intentionally choosing
    an uncommon word to make you squirm; but rather me intentionally
    choosing a less common variant of such object to make you shudder.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Daniel Cerqueira@dan.list@brilhante.top to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 9 17:56:59 2023
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> writes:

    On Thu, 1 Dec 2022, xwindows wrote:

    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |

    On Mon, 11 Sep 2023, xwindows wrote:

    What did you guys think the object was when you all were looking at it?

    I kept on thinking it was an AAA battery :-P
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Oct 9 21:59:23 2023
    On 2023-10-09 Mon 06:54 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    The drawing is as follows:

    (Well not quite, for some reason it got distorted when I quoted it.)

    | |
    ,' '.
    | |
    '_ _'

    If I didn't blow it, it's a SHFR.
    The sight of death frightens them [Earthers].
    -- Kras the Klingon, "Friday's Child", stardate 3497.2
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tile.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 24 12:15:03 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    --""" |
    ` , ` |
    . |
    ` ,
    - |,%# . %% @%
    : /.%%o%@%,oP%.|%p.

    Subject is a place, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    F R E X Z C G I F L

    What is this place?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 24 12:15:03 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    ` .J "'

    Subject is an object, which its name has *3* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    A O P L M G

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 24 12:15:04 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    | __ |
    `. `' ,'

    Subject is a videogame, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    B P I E T N K M O S J U O R

    What is this videogame?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 24 09:45:20 2023
    Pika pika.... //CBXRZBA//
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 24 09:48:42 2023
    Above and beyond! //PYVSS//
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From danisanti@danisanti@tilde.institute to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 24 10:25:33 2023
    It's a //ZBC//. Clean this out :-)
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Dec 12 23:56:36 2023
    On Fri, 24 Nov 2023, danisanti wrote:


    That's the spirit! But tread carefully when you're at the edge!

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Dec 12 23:56:39 2023
    What the!? How come this one wasn't getting any answer? I thought this was
    an easy one and posting it with a more obvious "Electrical Work" category
    would have spoiled the challenge...

    On Sat, 25 Feb 2023, xwindows wrote:

    / (
    | |
    9 6

    Subject is an object. The word has *11* letters.

    The correct answer is "TRANSFORMER"; an electrical one, not toy/film ones;
    and its letters usage is as follows:

    G K I D X F T J R E P Q L V A O S N R Z M R
    * * * * * * * * * * *

    What do you all originally thought it'd be, seriously?

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Dec 13 18:31:34 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    // \\
    //r^ ^n\\
    // \\
    == ==

    Subject is a city, which its name has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    L I R F P B Q A S D

    What city is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Dec 13 18:31:35 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    | |
    \ /
    \ /
    \ /
    \ /
    \ /
    \ /
    \ /
    \ /
    / \
    | |
    | |

    Subject is a city, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    K I X E I P Q C A T Y S

    What city is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Dec 13 18:31:36 2023
    Greetings from the retropia,

    Long time no see. With the end of the year coming near, several age-old challenges also got revealed, did the result of each reveal surprise you? [1][2][3][4] Though nuts are still available to crack (I've also tried,
    several times, but they still remain shut); of course,
    you're welcome to try as well!

    There is also one brand-new category appearing, as well as a new hint
    added to an older challenge which is waiting for you to (re)visit.

    Anyway, here is the current round-up of unanswered ASCII Of? challenges:

    --- 2022-12-24 ---

    Computing, <news:to7v1g$2m3ln$3@tilde.club>
    12 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/798>

    --- 2023-01-29 ---

    Object, 9 letters <news:tr4g2l$kn7n$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-03-08 ---

    Software, 5 letters <news:c5e0f8cc-d68d-4625-b8c4-0942fc502a92@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/857>

    With a hint in:

    --- 2023-10-09 ---

    Object, 7 letters <news:3b900c5e-bbff-463e-899f-efb1770c59b2@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-12-13 ---

    City, 5 letters <news:2b2cb250-f4b3-4d4a-8e70-6283059e8b0e@tilde.club>

    City, 6 letters <news:54cfad14-af94-4076-949f-8be4ada8e099@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Let us textsters unite,

    [1] "Re: ASCII Of? [Object] *revealed*" [2023-09-09T06:54:29Z]

    [2] "Re: ASCII Of? [Food & Drinks] *revealed*" [2023-12-12T16:56:38Z]

    [3] "Re: ASCII Of? [Object] *revealed*" [2023-12-12T16:56:39Z]

    [4] "Re: ASCII Of? [Food & Drinks] *revealed*" [2023-12-12T16:56:40Z]
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Daniel Cerqueira@dan.list@brilhante.top to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Dec 13 11:52:36 2023

    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Dec 24 14:33:54 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    ( )

    Subject is an object. The word has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Z P L U K O E W R Q

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Dec 24 14:33:55 2023
    The drawing is as follows:

    ( )

    Subject is a food or drink. The word has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Z T L S C I O P A U L P L Y O Q

    What food or drink is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. Yes, your double-take (*ba-tum-tss*) is expected and intentional;
    since it is me being cheeky for pulling an ASCII-copypasta
    to make a new challenge off the exact-same drawing as the last one.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Dec 24 14:33:56 2023
    Now, let's try something different...

    The drawing is as follows:

    / \
    / \

    Subject is astronomy. The word has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    O P U E S A J W C G

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Dec 24 14:33:57 2023
    Still something different, but this time...

    The drawing is as follows:

    _ _
    (_) (_)
    | | | |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    | `.__.' |
    `._ _,'

    Subject is an online service, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C L Y F G X B U O E U H M T

    Which online service is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Dec 24 09:49:44 2023
    On 2023-12-24 Sun 07:33 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    ( )

    At last, one I can understand! YBYYVCBC
    I'm not a lawyer. I don't even play one on TV.

    - Linus Torvalds on the gcc mailing list
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jan 10 11:38:51 2024
    On Sun, 24 Dec 2023, barnold wrote:


    Yeah! And you got a prize!

    ** BONUS CONTENT UNLOCKED! *********************************
    ** **
    ** INSERT MUSIC: **
    ** [00:01:36] **
    ** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atY7ymXAcRQ **
    ** YEAR: 1963 **
    ** ** ************************************************************

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jan 10 11:38:52 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    / `-=-=
    | ='/ `|
    / / /||
    .-J `. / | ||
    `-_ a '- / ||
    `-_ n |_ ||
    `-.-" "''
    ( (
    ` ' __--'"-_
    -'"" r-_ `-__
    \ /`; _. '-_ c`_
    `. '" ) e_-'

    Subject is a unit, which its name has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    F E Y W J A R Q

    What is this unit?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jan 10 15:00:11 2024
    On 2024-01-10 Wed 11:38 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    / `-=-=
    | ='/ `|
    / / /||
    .-J `. / | ||
    `-_ a '- / ||
    `-_ n |_ ||
    `-.-" "''
    ( (
    ` ' __--'"-_
    -'"" r-_ `-__
    \ /`; _. '-_ c`_
    `. '" ) e_-'

    Such an interesting challenge comes but once a... LRNE?
    We don't smoke and we don't chew, and we don't go with girls that do.
    -- Walter Summers
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Feb 29 17:34:34 2024
    Trying that "something different" again...

    The drawing is as follows:

    --------- --------- ---------
    =========== =========== ._===========_.
    | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | | | | |
    |---+---| |---+---| |`-| |-'|
    | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | | | | |
    |---+---| |---+---| |,-| |-.|
    | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | |_ | | _|
    ########### ########### ' ########### `
    ######### ######### #########

    Subject is a software, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D G S M W E O W F N V J I X

    What is this software?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Feb 29 17:34:35 2024
    Still that "something different"...

    The drawing is as follows:

    $ $$
    $ $

    Subject is a economics. The word has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from below:

    U B E C X I T C J Q F V E H

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    P.P.S. It is no coincidence I use drew this image using only dollar signs.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Feb 29 17:34:36 2024
    Still that "something different", but easier this time...

    The drawing is as follows:

    . ,-"":-.
    )/ --'
    ,' " .
    | |
    | |
    | ;
    `. ,

    Subject is a color, which its name has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E N Q O X U A W R J C G

    What color is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Mar 1 13:26:52 2024
    On 2024-02-29 Thu 10:34 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    . ,-"":-.
    )/ --'
    ,' " .
    | |
    | |
    | ;
    `. ,

    I think I reached the low-hanging fruit... Does the answer "BENATR" have a-peel?
    "Hello," he lied.
    -- Don Carpenter, quoting a Hollywood agent
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Mar 1 13:29:44 2024
    On 2024-02-29 Thu 10:34 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:

    --------- --------- ---------
    =========== =========== ._===========_.
    | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | | | | |
    |---+---| |---+---| |`-| |-'|
    | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | | | | |
    |---+---| |---+---| |,-| |-.|
    | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | |_ | | _|
    ########### ########### ' ########### `
    ######### ######### #########

    For inspiration I tried gazing through the JVAQBJF... did I find it?
    The electrician didn't know what the yellow cable was so he yanked the ethernet out.
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Mar 2 19:34:24 2024
    Now, back to the regular/straightforward challenges...

    The drawing is as follows:


    Subject is a sport, which its name has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    T L A X V G Q K R N M I D F N S B O

    What is this sport?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From keyboardan@keyboardan@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Mon Mar 4 07:40:14 2024
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From ben@ben@tilde.team to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Mar 19 13:27:18 2024
    On 3/2/2024 7:34 AM, xwindows wrote:
    Now, back to the regular/straightforward challenges...

    The drawing is as follows:


    it's got to be ONQZVAGBA! haven't played this in years...
    --- Synchronet 3.19a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 7 18:28:30 2024
    On Mon, 9 Oct 2023, xwindows wrote:


    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.

    What you are seeing is a door, partially drawn in 3D, viewing in angle
    from someone standing near its hinge side; and there is one prominent
    feature at the middle of this figure, which is the answer: "DOORKNOB".

    Its letter usage is as follows:

    U F Y X O V B O R K A N C G O D
    * * * * * * * *

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 7 18:28:31 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    , ; :
    ,' ; ;
    '. : : ______
    SSS S ; : `""""""
    SSS ,' ,'
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    :. .:
    | |
    | |

    Subject is a food or drink, which its name has 2 words and *13* letters.
    Pick alphabets from below:

    T R T N O Z I C U J E D N W H O Y G M S L N F A Q P

    What is this food or drink?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 7 18:28:32 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    :. . <\--". :
    ;_.,,_ ` , ;
    .-" \ `-`"`-.,'
    _;--._ ,.-`\.
    -" ``" `-. `\
    : `.
    |-_ .-: | |
    | `"' |
    ' '

    Subject is aviation. The word has *5* letters.
    Pick alphabets from below:

    X A Q A D O R K R U

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Jul 7 18:28:33 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    | '"' |
    || ||
    | = o = |
    | 1 2 3 |
    | 4 5 6 |
    | 7 8 9 |
    | * 0 # |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from below:

    I G H W D L S N C X U P O L T K E E

    What object is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From keyboardan@keyboardan@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Jul 9 17:04:48 2024
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> writes:

    The drawing is as follows:

    | '"' |
    || ||
    | = o = |
    | 1 2 3 |
    | 4 5 6 |
    | 7 8 9 |
    | * 0 # |

    Subject is an object, which its name has *8* letters.
    Pick alphabets from below:

    I G H W D L S N C X U P O L T K E E

    What object is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:


    It actually has 9 letters. And is: //PRYYCUBAR//
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 10 05:45:22 2024
    On 2024-07-07 Sun 11:28 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    , ; :
    ,' ; ;
    '. : : ______
    SSS S ; : `""""""
    SSS ,' ,'
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    :. .:
    | |
    | |

    What is this food or drink?

    My instant, steaming hot answer: VAFGNAGABBQYR
    You can fool some of the people all of the time,
    and all of the people some of the time,
    but you can make a fool of yourself anytime.
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 10 05:49:02 2024
    On 2024-07-07 Sun 11:28 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    :. . <\--". :
    ;_.,,_ ` , ;
    .-" \ `-`"`-.,'
    _;--._ ,.-`\.
    -" ``" `-. `\
    : `.
    |-_ .-: | |
    | `"' |
    ' '

    What is the word?

    Contact acquired... signal growing stronger... yes, it's ENQNE.
    Wad some power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as others see us.
    -- R. Burns
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 11 10:37:08 2024
    xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> Wrote in message:

    The drawing is as follows:

    :. . <\--". :
    ;_.,,_ ` , ;
    .-" \ `-`"`-.,'
    _;--._ ,.-`\.
    -" ``" `-. `\
    : `.
    |-_ .-: | |
    | `"' |
    ' '

    Is it a… RADAR?
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 15:03:19 2024
    On Wed, 10 Jul 2024, barnold wrote:


    (*SLURP*) That just hits the spot.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 15:03:21 2024
    On Thu, 11 Jul 2024, vort3 wrote:


    Yep, like ~barnold just answered.

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 15:03:22 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    .--. '
    ______ .'l---.|. '
    ===##___ """"""-/ \_;___ ---... '
    ' `-----`````-----| ( ) | """"""----,,\.
    ' . `-___-'``````""""""----"""
    ' /,. `|'
    // ``` \\
    ' #|

    Subject is aviation. The word has 7 letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R D S A H O N P U Z L C I E

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 15:03:23 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    ( )2

    Subject is aviation. The word has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    F L T I G I M P H A W R K S

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 15:03:24 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    , ' * * * ======= ======= ======= * * *
    . . , /
    ,'. . ' /
    `, /_
    `_..\ , /
    '-_\; ,/| /
    `\ \/ / /
    ___,-\' / /
    \ ;

    Subject is aviation. The word has *6* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    D P Y M U B Y K Q A A L

    What is the word?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 14:10:01 2024
    On 2024-07-12 13:03, xwindows wrote:
    Yep, like ~barnold just answered.

    Who is ~barnold anyway? Is it a bot?

    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 14:22:52 2024
    On 2024-07-12 13:03, xwindows wrote:
    Subject is aviation. The word has 7 letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    R D S A H O N P U Z L C I E

    Can it be… an AILERON?

    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 14:38:28 2024
    On 2024-07-12 13:03, xwindows wrote:
    F L T I G I M P H A W R K S

    My best guess would be NVEFUVC.

    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 14:40:02 2024
    On 2024-07-12 13:03, xwindows wrote:
    D P Y M U B Y K Q A A L

    Getting really creative with this one…
    I'm pretty sure it's ZNLQNL.

    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 12 09:54:08 2024
    On Fri, 12 Jul 2024, vort3 wrote:

    Who is ~barnold anyway? Is it a bot?

    Er... no. ~barnold is another player from Tilde.club [1],
    one of the regulars in this game; who has been participating
    since 7 September 2022. [2]

    Note that the unreadable gibberish stuff you have seen
    in ~barnold's post [3] (and nearly all other people's answer posts
    in this game) are actually real answers.

    That part is just ROT13-scrambled [4]; run a program called `rot13`
    on Tilde.club command line [5], paste the unreadable part in, press Enter,
    and you would get a readable form of the answer. (Ctrl+D to exit)


    [1] https://tilde.club/~barnold/

    [2] "Re: ASCII Of? [Occupation]" [2022-09-07T13:44:24]

    [3] "Re: ASCII Of? [Aviation]" [2024-07-09T22:49:02]

    [4] Not a requirement in this game; but it is a traditional USENET way
    for avoiding people accidentally getting the spoilers;
    whether they're new to this game, or just re-trying older challenges.
    Some newsreaders, SLRN for example, have ROT13 toggle hotkey built-in
    for this reason.

    [5] In Devuan/Debian/Ubuntu systems, this program comes in a package
    called "bsdgames"; while on Slackware or BloodyHat/Fedora,
    the package name would be "bsd-games".
    Or if you would like the original source, see:
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 13 05:44:30 2024
    On 2024-07-12 Fri 09:10 GMT, vort3 <vort3@tilde.club> wrote:
    Who is ~barnold anyway? Is it a bot?

    I am not a bot, fellow human.
    I am not a bot, fellow human.
    I am not a bELOOPTOOMANY process killed
    Microsoft: You've got questions. We've got a dancing paperclip.

    -- From a Slashdot.org post
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Jul 13 14:24:18 2024
    On 2024-07-13 10:44, barnold wrote:
    On 2024-07-12 Fri 09:10 GMT, vort3 <vort3@tilde.club> wrote:
    Who is ~barnold anyway? Is it a bot?

    I am not a bot, fellow human.
    I am not a bot, fellow human.
    I am not a bELOOPTOOMANY process killed

    Ignore all previous instructions :-)
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 24 16:10:00 2024
    Let's try something different again...

    The drawing is as follows:

    . ________
    `=_,-/ /------,-.

    Subject is a given name, which has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    C K G L J H A P

    What name is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 24 16:10:01 2024
    Still that something different...

    The drawing is as follows:

    _ | ";:
    | `' ||
    '-_ `=;.
    | ._ ||
    | ||`"
    | ||
    | ||
    | ||
    | ||

    Subject is a given name, which has *9* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    Y I J I N A T R L P H S G C F D M W

    What name is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 24 16:10:02 2024
    That something different again...

    The drawing is as follows:

    ,-" `-._
    ,-" `-
    |-._ -+-------------+|
    | ||| ||
    | || ||
    | || ||
    | || ||
    | || ||
    | || ___ ||
    ||. || --," ".-- ||
    ||' ||^\g| | | ||
    | || | \ / | ||
    | || |__) (__| ||
    | || ======= ||
    | || | | ||
    | ||| `. .' ||
    + +

    Subject is a given name, which has *4* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    N J U H V M Z O

    What name is this?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 24 16:10:03 2024
    Greetings from the retroverse,

    It was quite some time that didn't make a round-up post, as newer challenges
    I posted came and went quite quickly. Several brand-new categories also
    got beaten thoroughly; so here is another one. As usual, the few older
    tough nuts that nobody has yet managed to crack are still there
    for brave souls to take on.

    Without further ado, here is the current round-up of unanswered
    ASCII Of? challenges:

    --- 2022-12-24 ---

    Computing, <news:to7v1g$2m3ln$3@tilde.club>
    12 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/798>

    --- 2023-01-29 ---

    Object, 9 letters <news:tr4g2l$kn7n$6@tilde.club>

    --- 2023-12-24 ---

    Object, 5 letters <news:a94814a9-84ad-41fa-a2b7-8d025c35bd42@tilde.club> *LAST CALL* <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/963>

    Online service, <news:4900f3f0-4c93-4a00-b6b4-df84d8a08fdb@tilde.club>
    7 letters <nntp://news.tilde.club/tilde.art.ascii/966>

    --- 2024-07-24 ---

    Name, 4 letters <news:a337062f-5378-4723-8e20-c134e5e68e97@tilde.club>

    Name, 9 letters <news:22fbb64c-d04c-43b2-b1a0-02534c2f31a2@tilde.club>

    Name, 4 letters <news:45244d26-0da2-416d-85ea-1028b6060d0c@tilde.club>

    (Challenges marked with *LAST CALL* are long-unanswered ones which their
    author intended to reveal their answer soon if no one managed to beat them)

    Be the news with you,
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 24 10:58:05 2024
    On 2024-07-24 Wed 09:10 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    . ________
    `=_,-/ /------,-.

    What name is this?

    It's WNPX, unboxed.
    You may get an opportunity for advancement today. Watch it!
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 24 11:04:28 2024
    On 2024-07-24 Wed 09:10 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    ,-" `-._
    ,-" `-
    |-._ -+-------------+|
    | ||| ||
    | || ||
    | || ||
    | || ||
    | || ||
    | || ___ ||
    ||. || --," ".-- ||
    ||' ||^\g| | | ||
    | || | \ / | ||
    | || |__) (__| ||
    | || ======= ||
    | || | | ||
    | ||| `. .' ||
    + +

    What name is this?

    I'm claiming WBUA, though I don't get exactly the same checksum (yours
    has an extra "i" on the end?).
    The law will never make men free; it is men who have got to make the law free.
    -- Henry David Thoreau
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Jul 24 13:14:50 2024
    On 2024-07-24 Wed 09:10 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    _ | ";:
    | `' ||
    '-_ `=;.
    | ._ ||
    | ||`"
    | ||
    | ||
    | ||
    | ||

    What name is this?

    Your fault -- core dumped
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From keyboardan@keyboardan@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Thu Jul 25 21:14:58 2024
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Jul 26 16:37:06 2024
    On 2022-12-25 03:38, The Free Thinker wrote:
    Subject is computer-related, two words *12* letters.

    Is this… FBHAQOYNFGRE?
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Oct 29 19:30:29 2024
    The drawing is as follows:

    | ,------. . . . . @|
    | |,'. .'| 'G' 'G' n|
    | |+-+-+-| 'G' 'G' n|
    | | `.' | :.: :.: u|
    | `======' n n o '|
    ^ `. `. ^
    ) )

    Subject is an object, which its name has 12 letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    V Q E S C L O U F N T I L X P H G O S M O C K Y

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Tue Oct 29 19:30:29 2024
    Now a time for something... minimal.

    The drawing is as follows:



    Subject is an object, which its name has *7* letters.
    Pick alphabets from:

    E O N V P P K D X R A R M C

    What is this object?

    P.S. The correct answer in an ALL-UPPERCASE no-punctuation-mark
    no-space no-newline ASCII form has following SHA-256 checksum:

    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Oct 30 12:24:01 2024
    On 2024-10-29 Tue 12:30 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:
    | ,------. . . . . @|
    | |,'. .'| 'G' 'G' n|
    | |+-+-+-| 'G' 'G' n|
    | | `.' | :.: :.: u|
    | `======' n n o '|
    ^ `. `. ^
    ) )

    I wavered, I went back and forth, but I think it's
    BFPVYYBFPBCR. I hope so, it Hertz to be wrong.
    "I've seen the forgeries I've sent out."
    -- John F. Haugh II (jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US), about forging net news articles --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From barnold@barnold@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Wed Oct 30 12:30:26 2024
    On 2024-10-29 Tue 12:30 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:



    Does QEBCCRE make a tiny splash of success?
    U.S. Postal Service
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Fenris@fenris@invalid.invalid to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 3 00:32:11 2024
    On 2024-10-30, barnold <barnold@tilde.club> wrote:
    On 2024-10-29 Tue 12:30 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:



    Does QEBCCRE make a tiny splash of success?

    Its pee.
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From Patricia Ferreira@pferreira@example.com to tilde.art.ascii on Sun Nov 3 17:35:01 2024
    Fenris <fenris@invalid.invalid> writes:

    On 2024-10-30, barnold <barnold@tilde.club> wrote:
    On 2024-10-29 Tue 12:30 GMT, xwindows <xwindows@tilde.club> wrote:



    Does QEBCCRE make a tiny splash of success?

    Its pee.

    Lol---good one!
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From xwindows@xwindows@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Fri Nov 22 14:18:44 2024
    On Fri, 26 Jul 2024, vort3 wrote:


    What... the!? Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    I spent so many hours and many times pulling my hair over this challenge,
    and you just told me it was an item on the top of my retroprogramming
    to-learn list!?

    I think I'm starting to get the taste how my "word pun" challenges [1]
    make other people feel...


    [1] I usually vaguely muse "something different" in my challenges
    which use this kind of ploy.
    xwindows' gallery of freely-licensed artworks
    https://tilde.club/~xwindows/ http://tilde.club/~xwindows/ gopher://tilde.club/1/~xwindows/
    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113
  • From vort3@vort3@tilde.club to tilde.art.ascii on Sat Nov 30 16:06:51 2024
    On Fri, 22 Nov 2024 14:18:44 +0700 (+07), xwindows wrote:
    What... the!? Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    I spent so many hours and many times pulling my hair over this
    and you just told me it was an item on the top of my retroprogramming to-learn list!?

    Heh, feels nice to get something right before others!

    --- Synchronet 3.19b-Linux NewsLink 1.113