The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) announced recently that negotiations with regulator RSM were successful in accommodating 60-meter operation for New Zealand radio amateurs.
Following the end of the two-channel 60-meter "trial" in New Zealand during 2020, hams there will now have access to a WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz with a maximum allowable power of 15 W EIRP (about 9.14 W) by applying for a sub-license[1].
An FAQ[2] on the new licensing system for 60 meters has been posted. Scan and email[3] your completed form to NZART Headquarters. Once acknowledged by return email, applicants may begin operation. This trial will be for 12 months, to allow RSM to assess if any interference issues arise. If none do, then NZART will negotiate with RSM to have the 60-meter band added to the General User Radio Licence, obviating any need for a sub-license in the future. - Thanks to Paul Gaskell, G4WMO, Editor, The 5 MHz Newsletter
[3] mailto:
■ Synchronet ■ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS