Oregon ARRL VEC Testing Group Offers Testing from the Comfort of Your Car
QST on Thu Dec 17 20:48:49 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has made life difficult for everyone. On the plus side, however, it's prompted creative solutions to work around the various roadblocks the pandemic has imposed. Volunteer Examiners in Grant County, Oregon, affiliated with the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) put their heads together to overcome the adversity and hold a safe and secure exam session. Current health regulations in Oregon precluded both indoor and outdoor gatherings. Nonetheless, the Grant County Amateur Radio Club, the local ARES Group, and the Grant County Emergency Radio Infrastructure Coalition (ERIC) combined forces to offer five candidates the chance to obtain their first license or to upgrade their existing license, all from the comfort of their vehicles.
"Many amateur radio clubs have experimented with exams via the internet," said Steve Fletcher, K7AA, who is the ARES Emergency Coordinator for Grant County. "In eastern Oregon, with the cooperation of the County Roads Department, we chose to hold a 'drive-up' exam session on Saturday, December 12. Under the circumstances, we used four ARRL VEs for the exam instead of the required three." Wheeler County ARES loaned Stuart Bottom, K7FG, to help as the third required Amateur Extra-class Volunteer Examiner.
Fletcher reports three new Technician licensees and two new General-class radio amateurs resulted from the session.
Required ARRL VEC forms contained pre-printed data - including the FCC Registration Number (FRN) - were given to the candidates on a clipboard. Each candidate took the exam in the front seat of their own vehicle. Cell phones, papers, and anything not required for the exam were removed.
"Everyone dressed warmly, and most candidates had their heaters running," Fletcher reported. A camper owned by Ronda Metler, KB5LAX, and a communications van owned by Fletcher served as sites to check results and sign forms.
The Grant County Roads Department loaned its parking area for the exam session.
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