• State QSO Party Challenge Announced

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tue Jan 28 20:36:01 2020

    The State QSO Party Challenge[1] is a competition comprised of other contests, namely state and provincial QSO parties. As explained on the website, the annual cumulative score program is open to any radio amateur who participates in any approved state QSO parties (SQPs).

    Participants just need to submit their QSO party scores to 3830scores.com to enter the challenge. Participants' cumulative scores will be calculated by totaling up the number of reported contacts and multiplying by the number of SQPs entered in the year to date. Periodic standings will be posted to 3830scores.com[2], the QSOParty Groups.io forum[3], and the StateQSOParty.com website[4].

    "Using the number of QSO parties entered as a multiplier is expected to encourage radio amateurs to enter more state/province QSO parties," the program's organizers said. "The first SQPs in 2020 are the Vermont, Minnesota, and British Columbia QSO Parties in the first weekend of February."

    Entrants must make at least two contacts in a QSO party for it to count as a multiplier. Full details[5] are available on the State QSO Party Challenge website. Challenge sponsors expressed appreciation to Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, for developing the SQP Activity Tracker[6] on 3830scores.com.


    [1] http://stateqsoparty.com/
    [2] https://3830scores.com/sqpsummary.php
    [3] https://groups.io/g/QSOParty
    [4] http://stateqsoparty.com/
    [5] http://stateqsoparty.com/
    [6] https://3830scores.com/sqpsummary.php

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