• The Yasme Foundation Announces Supporting Grant to Open Research Institute

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Fri Jun 5 19:00:32 2020

    The Yasme Foundation has made a supporting grant to the Open Research Institute (ORI[1]) to enable completion of ORI's Phase 4 Ground Station Project[2]. ORI is a non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) research and development organization that provides all of its work to the general public under the principles of open source and open access to research. The Phase 4 Ground Station Project is an open-source satellite ground station for the amateur satellite service.

    Phase 4 would provide designs and equipment for future 5 GHz uplink and 10 GHz downlink satellites - the so-called "five and dime" paradigm that AMSAT has embraced for its future microwave satellites. Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, leads the Phase 4 Ground project.

    [1] http://www.openresearch.institute/
    [2] https://openresearch.institute/phase-4-ground-station-project/

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