• Japan’s Radio Amateurs Gain Expanded Access to 160 and 80 Meters

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Apr 22 20:45:32 2020

    Effective on April 21, Japan radio amateurs have˙new privileges[1]˙on 160 and 80 meters. The new allocations are 1800 - 1810, 1825 - 1875, 3575 - 3580, and 3662 - 3680 kHz. ARRL Life Member Kenji Rikitake, JJ1BDX/N6BDX, said the new regime allows Japanese radio amateurs to operate FT8 on 80 meters (3574 ~ 3577 kHz), and on 160 meters (1840 ~ 1843 kHz) as well as WSPR (1836.6 kHz).

    On 160 meters, the allocations are:

    1800 - 1810: All modes (new assignment)

    1810 - 1825: CW only

    1825 - 1875 kHz: All modes (as secondary service, new assignment)

    1907.5 - 1912.5: CW and data (A1A, F1B, F1D, G1B, and G1D)

    On 80 meters, the allocations are:

    3500 - 3520: CW (A1A) only

    3520 - 3535: CW and data (A1A, F1B, F1D, G1B, and G1D)

    3535 - 3575: CW, phone, and image, and data only permitted for making contacts with non-JA amateurs

    3575 - 3580: All modes (as secondary service, new assignment)

    3599 - 3612: CW, phone, image, and data

    3662 - 3680: All modes (as secondary service, new assignment)

    3680 - 3687: CW, phone, and image

    3702 - 3716, 3745 - 3770, and 3791 - 3805: CW, phone, and image (no data).˙

    Additional details[2] are on the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) website. - Thanks to Kenji Rikitake, JJ1BDX/N6BDX

    [1] https://www.hamlife.jp/2020/04/21/hamradio-seidoseibi-kouhu/
    [2] http://www.jarl.or.jp/

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