The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications for 2022 is a must-have for every radio amateur's bookshelf. Whether you're an experienced ham or new to the hobby, you'll find information you can use to advance your amateur radio knowledge and skills. This current, comprehensive, and complete reference is available in three formats - traditional softcover[1], a six-volume, shrink-wrapped book set[2] (box not included), and digital eBook[3].
The 2022 edition features new projects and tools, including 3D printing techniques for ham radio construction, battery selection for portable operation, analog-to-digital converter overload, solid-state amplifier linearity, an update on Solar Cycle 25, and more.
The Handbook six-volume book set[4], ARRL Item No. 1519, ISBN 978-1-62595-151-9, is $59.95 retail. The Handbook softcover book[5], ARRL Item No. 1502, ISBN 978-1-62595-150-2, is $49.95 retail.
More new books have also just been stocked in the ARRL Store, including the second edition of Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur by Ward Silver, N0AX. This new edition shows you how to make sure your station follows current standards for lightning protection and RF grounding. It details effective grounding and bonding techniques for the home, portable or mobile station, as well as for towers and antennas.
Also just out: More Arduino for Ham Radio by popular author and experimenter Glen Popiel, KW5GP, introduces many of the new Arduino boards and add-on modules, followed by an overview of the software, tools, and techniques needed to bring projects to life. Practical projects showcase a wide variety of applications and include how the software sketches work.
Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur[6], ARRL Item No. 1496, ISBN 978-1-62595-149-6, is $25.95 retail, special ARRL Member Price $22.95.
More Arduino for Ham Radio[7], ARRL Item No. 1472, ISBN 978-1-62595-147-2, is $39.95 retail, special ARRL Member Price $34.95.
Order from the ARRL Store[8], from your ARRL Dealer[9], or call (860) 594-0355 or toll-free in the US (888) 277-5289.
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