• May 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thu Jun 24 19:12:25 2021

    The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program[1] is a joint initiative between ARRL and the FCC to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service. This is the May 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report.

    o Technician operators in Palm Bay and Hollywood, Florida, received Advisory Notices after making more than a dozen FT8 contacts on 40 and 20 meters. Technicians are not permitted to operate on 20 meters and have no data privileges on 40 meters.

    o A licensee in El Cerrito, California, received an Advisory Notice concerning use of his 444.700 MHz repeater for deliberate interference and unidentified transmissions.

    o A General-class licensee in Guanica, Puerto Rico, received an Advisory Notice after operating on 14.187 MHz during a DX contest in May. General-class licensees have no privileges below 14.225 MHz on 20 meters.

    o A General-class licensee in Texas received a Warning concerning deliberate interference, broadcasting, and failure to identify on 3.919 MHz and 3.922 MHz. The operator was informed that if such operation continued, the FCC would be requested to remove voice privileges from his license.

    o A General-class licensee in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, received an Advisory Notice for operation on 7.163 MHz. General-class licensees are not permitted to operate below 7.175 MHz.

    o A repeater station in Mission Viejo, California, was shut down after the operator received a notice that the repeater was being used for deliberate interference.

    o A warning was issued to a licensee in Erie, Pennsylvania, for operation on 146.61 MHz and 146.682 MHz after the repeater licensee had requested in writing that the individual refrain from using the repeaters.

    VM monitoring totals during April were 1,784 hours on HF frequencies and 2,214 hours on VHF frequencies and above.

    The Volunteer Monitor coordinator had one meeting with the FCC, and one case was referred to the FCC for further action. - Thanks to Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, Volunteer Monitor Program Coordinator 

    [1] http://www.arrl.org/volunteer-monitor-program

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