Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I sent back all my ham radio license exam items to ARRL/VEC
yesterday. In the local area, I doubt we'll be able to get to use facilities until August...and by then, kids coming back from summer vacation, will bring COVID-19 with them...and we'll be right back where
we started. While it cost a good bit, I sent it all in one big box.
Now, if it turns out I can do a session, they'll just send the needed items, and I'll send the stuff back afterwards.
Mug and A&W are my two favs :)
There used to be a restaurant in the Miami, Florida area years ago, called "Royal Castle" and they had a drink called "Birch Beer". It
was non-alcoholic, but it wasn't what you'd call root beer, but I did
like the flavor.
I remember a deal on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In years ago (I'm
really showing my age now <G>), where it noted "I wish someone would
turn off Farrah's Fawcett". I believe she married Lee Majors, who was
"The Six Million Dollar Man"...and I think Lindsay Wagner was "The
Bionic Woman".
I have a 15 page medical list, with all my doctors, surgeries, meds
(OTC and Rx), conditions, etc. The only thing it doesn't have is a full front and back nude photo...then, it would be "everything you wanted to know about me medically, but were afraid to ask". <G> One time, when I went to the ER, and they asked me my medical history, I handed it over
to them, and said "Read This!!". I thought the nurse was going to kiss me!! She said "This makes it so much easier for us".
I'm considering changing PCP's, because one local area hospital
system has no idea how to update their patients data files. I was repeatedly told I need certain procedures, which have already been done...and I can't see the need to do them again...never mind Medicare won't pay for it if it's sooner than a year and a day between them
(unless it's absolutely medically necessary). Even their IT department
has no clue.
A good friend of mine who's in the U.K. now was a VE before he left the states to go back home to England... he also worked as QSL Manager at
ARRL HQ. That place is more pathetic than one can shake a Jpole at.
When he got word that licenenses are now going to contain a $35 fee,
and he doesn't get reimbursed for LEAGUE EXPENSES, he had the league
drop his VE status... and he won't be renewing. As for me, when mine expires I will not be renewing either.
Mug and A&W are my two favs :)
We have a hot-dog place that sells Birch Beer. I'm very familiar with
it. I'd say it's like a vanilla root-beer. Had one the other day as a matter of fact. We also had some actual A&W restaurants too years ago.
You are correct sir! Now do you remember in 1968 when they did an
episode of "Future News"... the year I think was 1980, then president Ronald Regan... they were off by months!
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, mailed out the post cards. It
does help them because today's medical staff is very sloppy. You should see how bad it is here!
Here they seem to have very selective hearing... you say one thing,
they translate it to something else which usually involves receiving
more pills to swallow or more needles to inject myself with. I only
keep a PCP because my insurance requires me to carry one. Most times I can't even get through to them when I do need them.
I'm tough when it comes to doctors. They've caused me a volume of
injury, and I catch them lying all too often. Pretty pathetic... and
their faces when you do call them on it is priceless!
Contesting is one thing that never appealed to me. And, I just eQSL
Mine doesn't renew until I turn 69, just under 8 years from now. The
way the powder keg in the Middle East is, I may not have to worry about being around by then.
That sounds like it. There used to be an A&W in Hot Springs,
Arkansas. A club in Ravenna, Ohio has a gathering at the area A&W every summer.
You bet your sweet bippy. <G>
Or like the meme with the doctors on strike. You couldn't read the picket signs, as they were all written in shorthand. <G>
1) Overmedicated?? We have a prescription for that.
2) Side effects may include hand and wrist pain...and that's from just trying to open the container.
3) Rare side effects may include death.
They get wined and dined by all the drug reps, then have to listen through their spiels. Some clinics restrict the time the drug reps
can come into the places. Then you add the cost of radio/TV/print/ internet ads, and that's why they're so expensive...and why Big Pharma doesn't want things going generic.
Hello Daryl;
Contesting is one thing that never appealed to me. And, I just eQSL
Me either. Field day was the closest I got to contesting and even then
it was more for the outdoor overnighter.
Mine doesn't renew until I turn 69, just under 8 years from now. The
way the powder keg in the Middle East is, I may not have to worry about being around by then.
2025 here... and counting...
That sounds like it. There used to be an A&W in Hot Springs,
Arkansas. A club in Ravenna, Ohio has a gathering at the area A&W every summer.
Ahh nice! They should have it around the time Xenia is. Fatten us all
up even more <G>
You bet your sweet bippy. <G>
I think I lost my bippy when I had my colonoscopy <G>
Or like the meme with the doctors on strike. You couldn't read the picket signs, as they were all written in shorthand. <G>
Oh I've seen some beauts! Especially where Fauci is concerned.
1) Overmedicated?? We have a prescription for that.
2) Side effects may include hand and wrist pain...and that's from just trying to open the container.
3) Rare side effects may include death.
I love how almost all scripts now have a side effect which includes
death now a day. Why don't we just all go visit Dr. Achmed the dead terrorist: Silence! I kill you!!! <BEG>
They get wined and dined by all the drug reps, then have to listen through their spiels. Some clinics restrict the time the drug reps
can come into the places. Then you add the cost of radio/TV/print/ internet ads, and that's why they're so expensive...and why Big Pharma doesn't want things going generic.
I know all about that. Funny too how they all seem to have your full prescription in their offices too.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I usually am doing ham radio nets in the evenings, or I go square dancing (there are dancing hams <G>). At a National Convention several years ago, I used ham radio to save someone's life.
Too bad Xenia got zapped again this year due to COVID-19. As far as I can tell, the Huntsville Hamfest is still on. I went there 4 years ago, but the bus ride to and from Little Rock nearly killed me. I had to transfer in Nashville, but the seating was so tight that my legs locked
up on me, and I nearly fell when I stood up. To make matters worse, my pants fell when I stood up. Had I not had the Depends on, it would've
been "full moon rising". <G>
I'm due for another one...but have to get the bathrooms repaired
after an incident 2 months ago. I'm still working out things with the insurance company and the contractor.
The Covid-19 shot is known as the Fauci Ouchee. <G>
There are several funny ones that Jeff Dunham has done, and Achmed
seems to be the overall favorite.
With my luck, I go to the drugstore, and my formulary doesn't cover
Hello Daryl;
I'm net manager of the Nutmeg VHF Traffic Net now. I had an opportunity
to move it to the W1AW repeater - still do, but our original machine is letting us back on.
I was at the final Dayton show. Was there with K2MF of MFNOS fame. Had
a blast! One of our early local shows the Goshen HamFast did go as scheduled this year. I missed it but heard it was pretty full.
Oh you definitely need that fixed first! That's a no doubter!
The Covid-19 shot is known as the Fauci Ouchee. <G>
Another possible tagline!
There are several funny ones that Jeff Dunham has done, and Achmed
seems to be the overall favorite.
Walter is one of my favorites.
With my luck, I go to the drugstore, and my formulary doesn't cover:\
I keep going so often for refills they want to start charging me rent
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Hello Daryl;
Out of curiosity, does it handle formal written traffic (such as the NTS), or is just a "regular traffic and announcements net"?? I've
always wanted to learn how to handle a radiogram...and am familiar with it, but never got the practice or instruction for it.
The last big hamfest I went to was Huntsville in 2017. Shreveport is supposed to have one this year, but I don't have the funds to go. Plus, you can't just drop what you're doing and come home in the event of an emergency.
To the insurance company, it's a catastrophe if they have to pay a claim.
Glad to contribute to your collection. <G>
Like the one he was telling Jeff about his "sex life". Now, the ventriloquist is doing ALL the talking, etc., but they make you think
the "dummy" is actually "alive". With Walter describing his sex life,
he said "these are kind of pornographic":
1) Get Off!!
2) I Can't See The Weather Channel!!
And, for him, "oral sex" is when his wife screams "Screw You!!", he yells "Bite Me!!". <G>
I also am reminded of the joke where there was this ventriloquist,
who was telling blonde jokes...and there was a blonde female in the audience. She was understandably furious, and starts chewing out the ventriloquist. When he starts to apologize, the blonde shot back "I'm
not talking to you, Mister!! I'm talking to that person sitting on
your leg!!" <G>.
With the zaniness of some of the weather forecast models at times, I want to know what they're smoking, or what drugs they're taking!! I've seen the forecasters note "This model solution is totally out to lunch, and will be discarded". :P
Hello Daryl;
Nutmeg, which is our state's oldest VHF NTS net does indeed handle
formal NTS messages... into, out of, and through out the Nutmeg State. There's a site done by the WMass group I think that explains it well.
I wonder if they're doing Boxboro this fall. That one is usually good
size and close to HRO in NH.
To the insurance company, it's a catastrophe if they have to pay a claim.
Of course! Lowers the company assets.
Glad to contribute to your collection. <G>
I'll let you add it to yours :)
And, for him, "oral sex" is when his wife screams "Screw You!!", he yells "Bite Me!!". <G>
Ahh yes! Have you seen the special he did in Ireland? He made a
character just for them... Baby Shaemus! Hysterical!
ROFL!! I'm sure the ventriloquist laughed as hard as the audience must have.
Here... we say if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. <G>
... Never say during sex: get off me, i'll do it myself!!!!
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I know the Dallas/Fort Worth Net does handle NTS traffic as well. I'm not sure how many NTS nets there are.
Rob Macedo, KD1CY, usually goes to that one. He's the director of the VoIP Hurricane Net.
And, if hurricane season really ramps up early (we've already had one storm in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific basin, but a lower than
normal season is forecast in the central Pacific (Hawaii), that's going
to tax them even more. These folks who live along the coast say "the danger with being hit by a hurricane, is part of the price you pay to
live in paradise". To me, that's too great a price to pay.
Now, I forgot what it was. I called a friend yesterday, and she asked
me how my day was yesterday. I replied "It was Saturday, and that's all
I remember". :P
No, I missed that one. I saw the one with Achmed and his son, and it
was about the time Jeff was supposedly getting divorced. I don't know
if he and his wife are still married, separated, or divorced.
Peanut wanted to know how he got his wife pregnant at their age (he didn't think he had it in him, but I've read where some men are potent:P
and fertile into their 80's (unless one has had their wings clipped).
When Jeff said "I get to watch them take their first steps", Peanut laughingly retorted "And, they get to watch you take your last steps!!"
It's not as easy as it looks. Plus, you're constantly having to practice, and prepare new material.
Hello Daryl;
We have several in my area alone... I can think of a good half dozen
just off the top of my head.
They also have a big ARRL meeting there too. I've never been but know several who have.
Sometimes the less you know the better off you are <G>
No, I missed that one. I saw the one with Achmed and his son, and it
was about the time Jeff was supposedly getting divorced. I don't know
if he and his wife are still married, separated, or divorced.
Yes I have that one on USB drive as well :) All funny stuff!
Peanut is the crazier one of the bunch... and one of the oldest.
I wonder which is more difficult tbh.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Since I can't have RF gear at the QTH, I'm only on the air for the
nets that I run (via "internet radio"). It's hard enough finding folks
to be Net Control, and my license isn't just a sheet of paper. The
purists don't like this approach, but it was either operate this way,
or quit the hobby.
The thing is, even if you use one of the remote base operations, if propagation is horrible where you are, and at every other point...you aren't going to hear anyone on RF. And, if someone else is using the remote base when you want to use it, you have to operate later, or are just "SOL".
With the QuadNet Array (https://openquad.net) with D-Star, DMR,
WIRES-X, or Fusion...or CQ100...you will hear someone on frequency, and they won't be down in the noise and weeds.
None of us is getting any younger, and just like a shelf at the
store, or a buffet at a restaurant, if a hobby isn't replenished with
new blood (for everyone quitting the hobby or dying off), sooner more
than later, the hobby will die off as well.
Kids nowadays couldn't give a rats rear end about the heritage,
current state, or future of any hobby. They are so enamored into their tablets and smartphones, and that's "their own little world". Once an
EMP hits, every piece of electronics (vehicles, gas pumps, POS
terminals, communications, etc.) is going to get fried.
With COVID-19 higher in portions of the country, you wonder if things will ever get back to some sense of normalcy. Admittedly, at the
moment, Arkansas is doing better than some states.
Three things fail when we get older. Memory is first... <G>
Don't ever let him try to order take out Chinese food. <G>
I have potential Net Controls who will NOT run a net because of such. Using the internet typically does not allow one to properly hear when a double is occurring and a good net control will turn down NCS duties
for such reasons. I tend to agree. Feel free to classify me as an RF purist in this regard.
We don't seem to have any issues with RF only... and we have a LOT more hills to deal with than you do in the plains.
When you use analog you don't have to worry what any repeater is
speaking <G>
This has basically already occurred on packet. Name any station that is
RF only and you'll name a station not listed on any other. Also the
fact that most refuse to follow good network practices is another issue that's killed it. Nothing worse you can do is to pull in a massive
nodes table in which 90% are NOT reachable to give a newbie the feeling that the mode does NOT WORK.
When that day comes, I'll be laughing like hell too <G>
Covid-19: free government's dream to install communism through Dr.
Fauci! He needs to go back to collecting bridge tolls <G>
Three things fail when we get older. Memory is first... <G>
What did you say?? <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Well, even when the local club has RF only (and I've been licensed 30 years, not starting VoIP use until 2006), it was extremely difficult getting folks to be Net Control, a club officer, or a worker at a
hamfest. Everyone wants the glory and benefits, but no one wants the
gall and the work.
Arkansas has quite a bit of hills and some mountains.
Years ago,
there was a hamfest held on top of one of the mountains...but it was a bear trying to get to and from there.
The thing about analog, if someone is kerchunking, there's no way to identify them. We had problems with that for years (and that may still
be the case today), of an interfering individual who was mobile, so the fox hunters couldn't get a fix on him. With digital, the callsign shows up.
There are a ton of repeaters that are rarely used...maybe during
nets, and otherwise, they're dead as a doornail. I think in the
Arklatex, Arklamiss, and MidSouth, all of the frequencies for 2 meters, 1.25 meters, and 70 centimeters, are taken.
Maybe those with the tube type radios might be able to communicate,
but not much else. Talk about "Back To The Stone Age"...all that comes
to mind is the episode of "The Flintstones", with the intercom in the doctor's office, with a parrot flying back and forth with the message.
That's like the one in church where the woman tells her husband
"I just let a silent but deadly fart!! What should I do??!!". He
curtly replies "Change the batteries in your hearing aid". <BG>
Another deal has this elderly couple sitting on this couch, and
the old man says "My butt's asleep"...and his wife says "Yeah, I
can hear it snoring". <G>
I think a good part of it comes from the lack of support from
Newington. They want nothing more but for packet to totally vanish! They've basically squashed Amateur TV. Tis a shame. We used to have a
net on Mondays that had a repeater on our local Channel 61's tower and they'd have weekly contests:
Who could find the sexiest nudie and cover her up with their callsign
in the most provocative way(s)... *that* was a fun net <G> Look up ham
in Websters:
ham (adj): Horny aged men <G>
Arkansas has quite a bit of hills and some mountains.
Your women don't count.. braggart <G>
I was in the woods of New Hampshire past few days... almost had a bear
get me for breakfast! On 2 days he walked right past my window while I
was in bed.
What I don't get is, why all of a sudden are these issues when they weren't 10 years ago? Answer: technology made us L A Z Y. Half the fun
of radio is working for that contact... not having it handed to you.
The one TXing would insure he had the best SWR etc while the receiving station did what they could to pull the signal out of the mud. Now that
is basically gone. I won't get into what it's doing to the band plan.
Sounds very similar to here to be brutally honest.
Ahh but did it work? Y/n <G> Analog also has a farther carrier distance than digital does.
That's like the one in church where the woman tells her husband
"I just let a silent but deadly fart!! What should I do??!!". He
curtly replies "Change the batteries in your hearing aid". <BG>
Another deal has this elderly couple sitting on this couch, and
the old man says "My butt's asleep"...and his wife says "Yeah, I
can hear it snoring". <G>
In both cases was the wife Whoopie (cushion) Goldberg? <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I thought it stood for "Have Another Meal", and you don't call us
"Late For Dinner". <G>
Someone did a photoshop deal of Sarah Palin in a patriotic bikini (looking like the American Flag), and put it on QSO-TV on CQ100 once (I don't have that one anymore). As Richard Pryor said about Gene Wilder's girlfriend, Jill Clayburgh, in "Silver Streak"..."Have Mercy". <G> All
3 of them are dead and gone now...but that was a funny movie.
QSO-TV is a quasi-amateur TV deal with CQ100. On the QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) CQ100 Net I do on Friday, some stations
will checkin that way (and some advise they're short time). If they
forget to unkey the "transceiver", I send a graphic "Unkey the CQ100".
It's VoIP only (no RF), but some hams (like myself) can't have RF
gear or antennas. There are several nets on there (I want to say W2BLC
has a page with the nets on there), and The Hoot Owl Net (one of the
net controls is Rita, W1UZR), has a trivia question. The last time I checked into that net, it was a busy one.
With "The Felony Question", I've known hams caught in sex sting operations, or busted for passing child pornography. I'm waiting to
hear of those "hot pix" to show up on CQ100 or Amateur TV. I think in
all cases, each of those hams lost their license as a result. Once you
see the story in Amateur Radio Newsline, it's basically "Public
Domain", as it had already appeared in the local newspaper.
Back to the hobby...with remote base operations, if someone is using
a particular node already when you want to use it, you're out of luck, unless you can find another node. While remotehams.com is free, a
similar service charges through the nose and out the wazoo...so you
better have a big bank account for it!!
It reminds me of a bulletin I have on the BBS (and this was back in their heyday nearly 40 years ago), when it talked about upgrading your computer hardware and software...including the modem, operating system, BBS software, doorgame and utility registrations, etc. -- "be prepared
to open your wallet wide". Nowadays, that's like going to a big
hamfest; there was a DC to Daylight rig at Hamvention a few years ago
for over $20,000!! Now, I could outfit a nice shack, or get a nice pre-owned car for that...but for one rig, that's overkill.
Dolly Parton is over in Tennessee...I have no idea where Morganna
(the "kissing bandit") is. Both of them are "double breasted down".
Then, you have Jessica in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (she's not
bad...she's just drawn that way). <G>
Glad you "bearly" got out of there, Grizzy Adams. <BG>
Contesting is one thing that never appealed to me...or looking for a
new contact. There's something in the hobby for everyone...my niches
are doing nets, elmering new hams (I have a PDF file on a forum I did
at a regional hamfest over 2 years ago off of a hyperlink on my QRZ
bio), and license exams. I also will ragchew, but it's rare I get a
sked request...and it's not because of halitosis...although one ham
said on a local repeater to me one day after I got off of work, that
bad breath was why no one would talk to me. I had finished a day at silkscreen printing, and smelled of nasty solvent
The only time I'm on the air now is for nets that I do...and as
noted, it's rare that I get a sked request.
Well, there are other things in life besides ham radio (some would consider that as heresy <G>). But, what drives me nuts (and I likely
have said this before) are what I call "Hi, Bye, and QSY" hams, in
regards to checking into nets:
"Net Control, please checkin [callsign], [name], [location], short
time, no traffic".
Not a minute later, they're doing the same on other nets. I looked
at the Excel Net Spreadsheets I have of selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (there's at least 200 nets a month)...and I noted on one day, there are 6 nets meeting at the same time!! In short, there are
too many nets, and too little time for them. I do 6 weekly nets, and
1 monthly net as Net Control. On the "checkin only" nets, it's rare
I check into them anymore, as it's such a mad rush to get in. For
these, I wait until the net is nearly over, and the pre-net pileup is gone.
Rick, KA2BSM, who does the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
Net, and the MDARC (Memphis Digital Amateur Radio Club) Net (the darc
side of digital (hi hi)), wonders if these folks "have a life outside
of ham radio".
Dhey Daryl... not you the other brother Daryl <G>
I thought it stood for "Have Another Meal", and you don't call us
"Late For Dinner". <G>
It's definitely the making for a girl's match making scene... bald fat guys glowing in the dark from RF and can barely move <G>
Someone did a photoshop deal of Sarah Palin in a patriotic bikini (looking like the American Flag), and put it on QSO-TV on CQ100 once (I don't have that one anymore). As Richard Pryor said about Gene Wilder's girlfriend, Jill Clayburgh, in "Silver Streak"..."Have Mercy". <G> All
3 of them are dead and gone now...but that was a funny movie.
That's awesome!!
QSO-TV is a quasi-amateur TV deal with CQ100. On the QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) CQ100 Net I do on Friday, some stations
will checkin that way (and some advise they're short time). If they
forget to unkey the "transceiver", I send a graphic "Unkey the CQ100".
Nice!! :D
What's stopping you from setting up RF? On friday nights the NC does a "question of the week". Sometimes it's a legit trivia question, other times it's more of a survey where there's no wrong answer. That's
usually a very busy night.
I wouldn't want to see any such thing on ATV! Covered up or not because you still know what transpired prior to the coverings made.
I haven't done any remote base operations. I have my own toys to play
with <G>
Now I would never spend anything more than around $500 depending on the rig.
Sounds like you're keeping "abreast" of some of these women <G>
I do the local nets as well and quite deep in packet. We're doing something I don't believe anyone else is doing. Unfortunately, with the developments and such that I've done over the years... and too many application users out there... I can't hand off the knowledge. Guys
just don't grasp it. I don't know what the issue is... but having to repeat the same things over and over to the same people for years on
end does grow quite tiresome and has put a very bad taste in my mouth.
Coming from an insider in Newington... the league really is all about contesters because they're the ones who become members. The league is
all about money and lots of it! I asked one of them why they don't push
my software and their response and I quote was "give up 6 figures cash
and we'd be happy to". I also asked NJ1Q if we could re-establish the
220 link we had years go for him to push the league bulletins over packet... he said the league only does that via email. So much for the spirit...
I try to check into the nets even when I'm not net control... other NCs may have reports to send to me. It's usually the same crew on all the
nets that aren't on at the same time... but it still counts as figures
at the end of the month.
I've been telling the packet guys in the region just that, they just
won't let me go. Last time I was off packet for a month until guys
crashed a main hub. Guess who had to fix it? :\
I'm surprised NTS nets still exist since Pae (sp?) denounced amateur
radio as a valid form of emergency communications just before he quit being the commish! Such a horrible thing to do!! He thinks fema will do better? At least those of us who do the nets are prepared!
We have a local cert net that meets weekly however it's on opposite WestConn and I usually make it there. Here they've all gone DMR.
Nothing like trying to handle an emergency while in the tower of babel.
... "...I have a bad habit of telling the truth..." - Kira
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Bob Newhart lives on Ham Radio. We have Larry, NN4H, as Net
Control... then Darrell, AC4YD...and then the other brother Daryl,
WX4QZ. <G>
Then, you have Furniture Disease, where your chest has fallen into
your drawers...and DickeyDoo Disease...where your belly hangs out more than your dickie do. Yet, you need a shed for your tool. <VBG>
Too bad I can't find the meme, but I'm sure it's on the internet. PhotoShop can work with practically any photo. I used to use CompuPic,
but it wouldn't work with anything above Windows XP. Photodex, the
company that made it, has since gone out of business.
That's the only way you can get through to tell them that they hit
the spacebar (or clicked the mouse) to transmit...and to do it again.
On the frequency, if someone is keyed up, you can send something on QSO-TV, but you can't transmit...so there's no such thing as
"doubling". It is a good idea to enable the PTT Lock, so you don't have
to hold down the space bar or mouse button to keep talking.
For one, finances.
After a car wreck earlier this year (I wasn't at
fault), and having to get a replacement pre-owned car (what I got from
the insurance company wasn't enough, and I had some money left from my late Mom's death), but then repair costs on it (pre-owned cars are sold
AS IS, NO WARRANTY). But, it was costing me at least $40 a day on Uber, and the insurance company of the guy at fault would only offer "the IRS limit of 14 cents per mile" on it. I had to take Uber back and forth to the chiropractor...the guy who was at fault, his insurance company had
to pay a $9100 chiropractor bill (30 days of treatment for me over 2 months).
Had I not taken the paltry settlement, I would likely have become overdrawn, and risked arrest and jail time...as one of the local police departments has a hot check division. I have overdraft protection on my account, but I get dinged $35 for each time there's an overdraft.
I still may end up selling the car, as a device in one of the
original toilets (nearly 50 years old, installed when the house was
first built), failed 3 months ago, causing the tank to overflow,
flooding both bathrooms. I'm still trying to work out a rebuilding deal with the contractor and insurance company.
I have no sinks or cabinets/vanity in either bathroom...the
"offending toilet" had the water shut off...stuff has been put into the walk-in tub/shower area (so only birdbaths), I have to go out to the kitchen to wash my hands...and at least still have 1 working toilet.
The floor tile was torn up, the doors were taken off (they're stacked
on each other in the living room), and the walls were removed, to
mitigate the water damage. At least I live alone...never mind "pooping with the door open". :P
To make matters worse, earlier today...my sound card, headset mic, ThumbDV, and BlueDV, that I was using for D-Star (since none of the
area repeaters are on the gateway), all crapped out...along with the
web browser. So, that knocked me off of a net earlier today...and it
may have me off the air permanently.
The arthritis is so bad that I can't do things with antennas, and electronics was never my forte'. I've been using cane in the house,
and a walker everywhere else...and a wheelchair may be soon in the picture.
With the deal with the plumbing, plus medical issues, getting the
ham radio stuff replaced and getting back on the air, is the least
of my worries right now.
I'm sure there are idiots out there who would do it anyway. There's a time and a place for everything, but you can't tell them that.
I can't even afford those. When I barely get over $1000 a month on disability, ham radio play toys are the least of my worries. Then, you have folks at Medicaid saying "$1500 a month between 2 people is too
much money"...and the idiots in Congress are lamenting they can't
survive on $250,000+ a year...do NOT get me started on that. The late Howard Hughes lies in his grave without even a wooden nickel in his
What gets me is that they're complaining about the $35 fee for a new, renewed, or upgraded license, or callsign change...but these same hams will drop $100 or more down for a brick of tickets at a hamfest for the door prizes. When I only bought $20 worth of tickets, that put me at a disadvantage.
As noted earlier, the hardware and software failures have knocked me
off the air. With trying to get the plumbing and transportation issues worked out, the BBS has had to take a back seat.
For some, they think packet is what you do to a used TNC to take it
to a local hamfest flea market. There hasn't been a hamfest in Little
Rock since 2016...even though there are at least 3 clubs. They all are griping at each other, and no one wants to do the work involved. Three hamfests in February, March, and April, all got canceled again this
year. The other 2 are in September and October...but both of them may
get canceled again as well.
Every other organization is as well. The Life Membership for at least
3 other organizations I'm part of is far less than what it is at ARRL.
For the record, besides an ARRL Life Member, I'm also one with the
Quarter Century Wireless Assocation, the Portage County Amateur Radio Service, and Courage Kenny Handi-Hams...the rates are from "highest to lowest".
I got so sick of the mad rush pile-ups. Now, with my stuff not
working, I'm QRT. Storms are likely here through Wednesday, so I may
not get to do any net work until maybe Friday...if even then...as if
the stuff is still fried, then I'm QRT.
These sound like folks who would sue The Good Lord for "wrongful
death" when you become a Silent Key.
There is a new acronym for N.A.V.Y. -- Never Again Volunteer
Yourself. Once you do, you're doing that until you die...and that's for ANY hobby.
All they have to do is look what happened after Katrina. FEMA is
Foolish Erroneous Management Association...a bunch of "Katrina
Trailers" (mobile homes) were at the Mena, Arkansas airport for quite awhile. And, it was George W. Bush who originally wanted to defund the hurricane hunters.
Net Controls would ask for emergency traffic (life and death urgency to those involved), he'd key up, then start his diatribe with "today
was a nice day", then would turn his rig off...so, he likely never
heard the lecture he got from Net Control.
Bob Newhart lives on Ham Radio. We have Larry, NN4H, as Net
Control... then Darrell, AC4YD...and then the other brother Daryl,
WX4QZ. <G>
Where does Stephanie fit into play? <G>
Furniture Disease? I can tell you don't have salt water beaches... here
we call it Pirate's Disease - a sunken chest <G> Also DickeyDoo's is
more like Dunlap's Disease, where your belly dunlaps over your belt buckle.
I think at this point I have more memes than useful data :D They're
good for the occasional laugh when you need em.
Perhaps that feature should be disabled for the guys with more hot air than juice in their finals <G> We have one net control here (a woman...
) who is quick to insure to inform you about timing out repeaters yet she's the biggest offender around. One of her own net controls only
gives her -1- minute to talk and if she's not done he just drowns her
out and moves on. Comical to hear in a way. She's a nice woman though
and takes a night on my net.
For one, finances.
That's probably the #1 reason. One thing I find very fascinating is how guys will spend hundreds on huge HF antennas, coax, thousands more on
the rig, mic, external speaker, swr meters, antenna matchers, etc.. but will only spend $35 on a RPi to drive it all with! Be a man, get a
-real- computer <G>
Insurance companies are the worst to deal with. Why UBER? Didn't your
mom ever tell you "Now Daryl, never get into a car with strangers" <G>
Even here, a used car has to come with a limited 30 day warrantee as
part of our "lemon laws". I went through something similar almost 3
years ago when a woman was nose deep in her smartphone came flying up behind me who was stopped at a RED traffic light rammed me into a brand new Toyota Tundra while she was speeding doing 50 in a 35. My car was totalled. IDK about her car, but it was UNDER mine that's how fast she
was going. The truck in front of me only suffered a few scratches on
his bumper's corner. Most of his bumper was up to my windshield. I did
try to go around him as I had a good car length between us.
Not fun to have to deal with that's for sure! It's almost as if our
system likes to hold the victim down.
Praying for a lightning strike? <G> Just insure you're not home if it happens.
May your next bathroom have a single moon crescent on the door <G> Life won't be as chaotic for you then.
That's what very large bullhorns are for!.. built in all-of-the-above hardware <G>
I hear that! I have a nice clump of it in my C5 that pinches the
nerves. The nerves that go through your C5 control your left hand side. Some days I can't even get out of bed.
If you ran a packet node, folks would be all over you for not having it up. When I tried to get out of it last year the backlash I took made it vomit at the mentality of those within the mode. Now it's going to die
a slow painful unmaintained death. My knowledge will go with me...
that will be punishment for those who insisted on ridiculing me for my personal desicion for myself.
It doesn't matter the mode/transport/etc, people will say and do
whatever they want... and they will always feel justified in doing so. This is why I don't do any unsocial media.
Congress is a real piece, and so are those in other branches.
Hams aren't what they used to be. It's all about "what's in it for me"
or "What have you done for me today?". Years ago it was "how can I help you further enjoy the hobby?"
Consider it a vacation. <G>
I don't get how guys can link on the internet and call it packet? It is NOT. It's internet! No need for a license to use the internet (although I've been quoted as saying something otherwise by AMSAT back in the
90s) I've called it the 11-meters of computing. Seems I wasn't that far off.
For the longest time, I was never assiciated with any club,
organization, etc. Now I joined a couple clubs and my reward?..
constant spam mails. I can't wait for my license to expire. Not
renewing and will enjoy the quiet. There's no rewards anymore, just criticisms and for that I need no part of in my life. I'm at the end of
my term I came onto this rock quietly that's how I wish to go.
Or as we say.. QRShutUp <G>
Probably... all because they choose to remain ignorant. I love how
those in today's generation find fault in others for their own
dimeanors. As Savage always says about liberalism...
Our SM is bigtime Coast Guard... close enough <G>
I have a better take on it to paraphrase Alfred E. Neuman:
Emergency? What emergency?? I'll just go about my business especially
if they're CHARGING for a license to use free airwaves. Sorry I don't
play both sides of the game like that. Let FEMA handle it... after all they've proven just how efficient government is.... <G>
The problem is the FCC doesn't care... unless the fines will make them
a lot of money.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Where does Stephanie fit into play? <G>
I don't know. I didn't watch the show all that much, and just
stumbled on it one evening.
And, I could use a good one. Over the weekend, the browser,
soundcard, ThumbDV, BlueDV program, and the headset mic, all bit the
dust. I was able to get the browser working again, but with severe
weather and flash flooding (numerous tornado warnings to my southwest yesterday), and flash flood emergencies across central and south
Arkansas today), I've had little time to worry about the BBS. And, I
just discovered an unexpected bill...so, I likely will take my car to
the dealership next week, and sell it.
Some just have "the gift of gab". :P
Hams are frugal cheapskates...and I use the term loosely.
I've never had a problem with UBER. Once in taking a taxi, the driver was driving like he was on the Indy 500 race course.
I used to joke that if my wife was following too close behind me, and
I stopped suddenly, I was the victim of a rear end collusion. <G>.
Another ham, whose ex-wife did colonoscopies, quipped that "If she's behind me at home, I don't dare bend over". <G>
And, the banks, Wall Street, and Big Pharma, and making out with Big Bucks, while the Whammies get the rest of us. Along that line, my
favorite was the Whammy breakdancing. <G>
Praying for a lightning strike? <G> Just insure you're not home if it happens.
There was a meme on hamdata.com with an antenna on the side of the outhouse...and another one where it appears "he fell into the hole". :P
I don't need a mic at the square dance (another hobby), to make
needed announcements as an officer of the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation. The problem is getting folks to be quiet so I can tell them what's going on. Many of them come to me later, and say they didn't
hear what I said... to which, I replied "I saw you talking back there while I was talking"... busted.
I could barely turn in it this morning. The pressure changes from the weather and making things hurt even worse.
Everyone wants the glory and benefits, but not the gall and the work. And, they think all these things are like manna from Heaven...that
they'll magically happen (i.e. workers at a hamfest).
The mentality today is *I*, *ME*, and *THE HELL WITH THE REST OF
YOU*. In short, selfish.
A piece of excrement to be blunt. They're giving themselves raises,
have the top health coverage, travel luxury on our nickel, and get paid when they're not in session. Before the election, they give us "the
thumbs up"; after they're in, they give us "the bird".
The Arkansas Packet Network is just a shell from what it once was.
For a time, there wasn't even a packet node in the state to connect to (you connected on 2 meters, and the backbone was on 6 meters). While I still have an MFJ 1270C TNC, I don't have a rig or cables for it.
There are times I feel the same way...no one will miss me.
But, they don't want to admit their guilt. I served on jury duty in
the Little Rock area 25 years ago. Now, if I had said the following at
the initial briefing, or during the voir dire phase of the trial, they would've excused me.
1) I took a Criminal Justice Course in college 40 years ago. In one
of the trials, they were addressing the concept of "accomplice
liability" (as in a bank robbery)...with the guy with the gun, the
driver of the getaway car, and the guy who planned it. When I said the planner had his hand in the pie like the rest of them (I remembered
this from the course), the defense attorney yelled out "Objection!! We would like to have Mister Stout excused". I thanked them, and when I
got outside the courtroom, I laughed my butt off (guess I shouldn't
have been so cheeky in my behavior) <BG>.
2) "Only The Good Lord and the defendant know their guilt or innocence.
If they are in fact, guilty...yet are acquitted by a jury of their peers...unless they repent, they will fare far worse on Judgment Day, where there'll be no question of guilt before The Lord. In short, they might as well save us all the trouble, and confess now."
Some have said "I can spot a guilty [insert race here] halfway across
a room". To me...we pee the same yellow, poop the same brown, bleed the same red...what is the problem?? They can be plaid, for all I care.
Yet, I go back to point #2 I made above.
My late father served in the US Submarine Service during World War
II, and was a Master Chief Quartermaster E-9 when he retired 20 years before his death.
I've often wonder how much of that monetary forfeiture money is ever collected.
Hello Daryl;
Look her up then and you'll see what you missed ;)
That almost doesn't make sense that certain things failed that aren't related to each other but others stayed running. That's why I don't use soundcard packet - it's not trust worthy. We didn't learn our lesson in the mid 90s with software (WIN) modems. Why hams went backwards is
beyond me. Cost! Clearly a case of 'You get what you DON'T pay for' <G>
Some just have "the gift of gab". :P
Quite true. Sometimes I wonder if they're failed DJs <G> and we now
know why lol
Hams are frugal cheapskates...and I use the term loosely.
You're way too kind. Tell us what you really think <G>
You haven't experienced being a passenger until you've had a cab ride
in NYC! The AT&T building usually has chunks missing in the corners
from cabbies deciding to blow red lights by going up the sidewalks...
no joke!
Never give your proctologist the finger, they hate being told how to do their jobs <G>
Uncle Joe keeps spending (You know who that is, the uncle your little
girl won't talk about) it'll be ten fold worse.
If he was smart he'd rent the downstairs to some illegals <G>
I avoid all dancing at all costs! I only can do break dancing -
whenever I do dance, something in me breaks.
Feel lucky you get disability. Here I was told by an obese black woman that white males in this state by the color of their skin do not get benefits. If I cry about it, I'm a racist. That's what the younger generation has helped promote.
I'm done volunteering. Yesterday I drank a can of liquid death (yes
it's a real drink!)... it failed <G>
Teachers stopped teaching "there's no I in team" years ago, as did parents.
I found it hysterical that Kamala (the old wrestler would do a better job!) went to Guatemala and their president gave it to her up the pooper... little did he know she likes that (it's how she got where she is) and how she was greeted at the airport by locals carrying "trump
won go home" signs yet the lame stream media never touched it. She
tried to say the border issue is to be faulted by global warming to
which he said bullocks it's Biden's fault! He called it as he saw it -
and how it is.
More like I won't miss them.
such junk run by corrupt folks licensed by the bar who don't deserve to
be and that it's too deep for me to fix - thank you but no.
There's no checks and balances anymore. I don't believe half of those
who have been convicted actually are guilty, and vice versa. You can
eat a cleaner meal off the grounds of a junkyard vs that of any
government office.
My late father was in the navy. I wish I knew that one back in the day
I've often wonder how much of that monetary forfeiture money is ever collected.
Oh, a good chunk of it - yet it's never reported as government income! Ever notice that??
... Fibula - A small lie
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I knew a Stephanie back in elementary school...and knew of Stephanie Abrams at The Weather Channel. Those are the only 2 of these folks I
knew about.
That sounds like Microsoft Windows...they did another update
I don't use soundcard packet, but the packet via telnet. I have an
MFJ 1270C TNC with a power supply...but no cable or rig to go with it. When I had an Icom T7H dual band HT with a magmount antenna and the
cable, I hooked those up to the BBS, and was able to use the Packet
Door done by the late Dave Perry, W0KGU (SK) (I think that was his call...he passed away 10 years ago).
His QRZ Door only works with an old data CD of QRZ (which I still
have), but I tell folks to look on the internet for more current callsigns. However, I use his BULLET door for bulletins in several categories, the REGSCAN door for Part 97 (I need to update that), and
the Worked All States progress door. All of his doors require a DORINFO1.DEF dropfile, but don't have a fossil driver. So, you have to
run them under Synchronet, with its DOSXTRN utility, or create a
generic DORINFO1.DEF dropfile and use DOORWAY to run it under another
BBS software for it to work under telnet.
I had originally wanted to be a DJ...but never dreamed my radio would
be amateur radio.
So, you want me to be a lid?? <G> Quite a few think I'm that already
on my nets...especially in the way I run them. But, I've been doing
nets for 30 years, and I *SHOULD* know what I'm doing...the hard parts are:
1) Remembering what day of the week it is. Even after Tuesday, the calendar says WTF <G>
2) Remembering what net I'm supposed to be running that day or evening.
I do nets on Sunday afternoon, Monday night, Tuesday night, Friday
morning and night, and on the 3rd Saturday afternoon.
3) Sitting in the computer chair for long periods of time (folks want early checkins an hour before the net...I just cut that in half). I
have to have the walker next to me, or I'm a fall risk in getting up.
Or, my butt goes to sleep, and it starts snoring. <G>
Yet, when you ask them if they want to do the work involved, and they backpedal. Those who pitch a fit about the way an organization, etc. is run, should be the first in line to take over as an officer, net
control station, etc.
I think that speed limit and other related signs and signals are
"just a guide". Only in America...we race to beat the:
A) Traffic lights at intersections
B) Trains at railroad crossings
C) Boats at drawbridges
But, we'll stand patiently for 3 hours on the golf course.
But, as Jeff Foxworthy noted, "they meet a lot of @$$h0les in their
line of work". Yet, "a butt is a butt is a butt...but..." <G>
The *ONLY* think I've liked about Biden was that he was pro-Amtrak. Otherwise, I'm sure there's a move afoot behind the scenes to get him
out "gracefully", and put Kamala in as President...which puts Nancy
Pelosi as Vice President. I guess then AOC will become Speaker Of The House.
I saw where they are livid with West Virginia Democrat Manchin (I
think) who REFUSES to lift the filibuster...saying "it will blow up
the Senate". I pray I'm dead and gone when the bottom falls out of this once great country...which doesn't like it'll be too much longer in coming. Will we make it to America's 245th birthday?? I'd be very surprised if we do...and doubt we'll make it to 250. AOC says that
"to stop crime, we need to tear down all the jails". She needs to go
back to being a bartender...she's drunk with power, like most of the
rest of them are.
But, one year, I used amateur radio to call for help, saving the life
of our shuttle bus driver, who was assaulted by the hotel security
guard. I got on a repeater, gave my callsign, the "MayDay" call (it WAS the safety of life), and said I had emergency traffic. A ham heard me,
and sent the police and paramedics there. The driver had to be taken to the hospital, and have his face rebuilt from the incident.
The case went to jury trial, and the state of Florida flew me down
there on Easter Weekend (not my idea of a Florida Vacation) to testify
on the Monday after Easter. The guard was convicted of aggravated
assault, and there was also a civil suit filed against the hotel and
the security guard firm (I'm not sure how those came out).
But, after the incident, the fellow square dancers on the bus said
"You saved his life!!", and I said to them "THIS is what amateur radio operators prepare for...Emergency Communications". But, I was shaking
so bad afterwards, I couldn't do any more dancing (it was the last
night of the convention).
I think of 2 Bible verses, where The Lord Jesus Christ said "Woe to
you who devour the fortunes of widows. For you shall receive the
greater damnation"...and He also said "Vengeance is Mine...I will
repay". I can NOT wait to see both of those fulfilled...when all those
who screwed over the less fortunate, get what they deserve. Even the
late Howard Hughes lies in his grave without a wooden nickel in his
There are some who say that Cain was the first black man (God put a
mark on him, after he killed his brother, Abel...but more so that Cain wouldn't be killed in revenge). However, the King James Version of the Bible does NOT explicitly say that...the truth is, "WE DON'T KNOW FOR SURE". Yet, they then say "black is the color of darkness, the occult, evil, etc.". As a side note, Moses' wife was a black woman.
However, many black folks have come to know The Lord, so that
argument doesn't hold water (my late wife looked like the late black gospel singer Mahalia Jackson). Yet, I'm afraid many more of mankind
are going to reject The Lord than accept Him...as He said "wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there
are that find it. But, straight is the gate, and narrow the way that
leads to eternal life, and few there are that find it".
Now, my late mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law were black, my late father-in-law is white (he might be dead and gone now), and my late
wife was "a mix". Yet, we pee the same yellow, poop the same brown, and bleed the same red...so, what is the problem??!! Besides, over 40 years ago when I was working at the local Burger King, many nights I was the only white guy on the crew, and we were having a ball!!
I remember 2 black guys...one named George, and the other named
Gerald. George was a fellow cashier, and Burger King had just come out with their original chicken sandwich (which is quite good, IMO...as are their nuggets), and he called out the order "Chicken...make it all
white meat!!" (it was). Then he, and the rest of us busted out
laughing. <G> Gerald said of one black woman who had come in to get an order, then left...that "she's double breasted down". <G> She looked
like a black Dolly Parton...with huge breasts...yet, I knew that was killing her back muscles...and she likely was risking a hernia...if she didn't already have one.
One of the black girls named Denise always referred to me as "the
little virgin boy". <G> I only had relations with one woman in my life...my late wife. Now, if you count all our thoughts and fantasies,
all of us lost our virginity when we entered puberty. One of my late wife's cousins, Tracy, was a gorgeous black female (I thought so, anyway)...we're talking great pelvic structure, etc. ;) I didn't marry until I was 43, but never dreamed I'd be a widower at 47.
I'm definitely not volunteering for any new long term jobs. I will
print some business cards for personal friends locally...but otherwise,
I don't offer to do it. I discovered I'm low on color ink, but have
plenty of black ink.
And, the parents want the teachers as babysitters. I am of the OLD SCHOOL, where "children should be seen and not heard...and not speak unless spoken to. When they are, it's 'Yes, Ma'am...No, Ma'am...Yes, Sir...No, Sir". I still do that at 61, and even address the older hams
on my nets (I'm still a puppy by comparison, but I'm weaned and potty trained <G>), "Mister John, Mister Roy, Miss Virginia, Miss Jennifer", etc. When asked why, I reply "Respect...because if I give it, they will return it". Kids nowadays have no clue to what that is...and they
wouldn't be caught dead doing it.
Duct tape can't fix stupid, but it helps mask the noise. :P There was
a deal years ago in theatre, a concept called "Sleep Your Way To The
Top", and that's likely the case in many areas today.
I created a bulletin on the BBS on the difference between porn and nudity. Some feel that they're the same thing, but the only thing in common is that folks are naked (never mind "Don't Look, Ethel!!"). Ironically, when Ray Stevens ("The Streak") did his shows, the opening
act was "Ethel And Her Shameless Hussies" <G>. Some probably think the original Coppertone suntan logo (with naked Jodi Foster's untanned buttocks showing) is porn.
But, then I covered the issue of sodomy...to me, doing it that way is one of the fastest ways to get and spread disease...and I know that the late Farrah Fawcett died of anal cancer. Whether it was because of that "strange sex" (some women do like that), I don't know. I saw a message that showed a period, then a huge O -- the size of your anus before and after prison. :P To me, that's EXIT ONLY, except for medical devices or medical suppositories (I heard of one guy who had those words painted
on his butt cheeks).
Indeed, a few years back, I was having bladder spasms and intense urinary pain, crying and screaming in the Emergency Room, naked on the cold, hard gurney. Two good looking female nurses walked in, and said
to me "You're not going to like us". I said "I'll kiss you if you make
the pain go away". They then said "We have something for the pain, but it's an oversized suppository". They gave a whole new meaning to the
term "shove it!!"...but it took away the excruciating pain, and that
was all I cared about.
Men are wimps when it comes to pain...although I knew a woman who
said she'd rather have quintuplets in hard labor, with no epidural,
than one kidney stone. That pretty much sums it up.
The only "drama" one should have in life is if they were in theatre
arts (i.e. in a play)...I was involved in that in junior high, senior high, and college. We had co-ed dressing rooms, but you didn't have
time to "take inventory of the opposite sex". You were changing from
one costume to another, preparing for the cue of your next entrance
on stage.
To attorneys, the bar exam is how many drinks of tequila they can
swig before they hit the floor. And, they don't want you to raise the
bar, as it makes it too hard to get the drinks. :P
Well, on Judgment Day, not even Perry Mason will be able to help
these folks. They'll probably say they were "set up" (sounds like Nancy Pelosi, on being caught at the San Francisco beauty shop without a
mask, etc.). But, there will be no question of guilt on that day.
Again, only each individual and The Lord know the extent of their guilt
or innocence in every circumstance...and, that applies to everyone...whether we want to admit it or not.
I am grateful to all the veterans and first responders.
I've often wonder how much of that monetary forfeiture money is ever collected.
I believe it's only The Divine Hand Of God keeping the financial collapse from happening; but it will happen...and it'll make the
crashes of 1929 and 1987 look tame. The money is fiat...not worth the paper it's printed on. You might as well print it on toilet paper.
There was a girl character named Stephanie who worked at the Inn
Newhart owned - cute little blonde thing that was a heart throb of
sorts in the 80s. I can't recall the actress' name however.
More Zero-day patches - outsource I.T. folk like me call it "job security". Years ago I had windows 3.1 running on an 8086! Slow as you know what and mainly ran off of swap, but worked! When I took some training on 486 machines which were fairly new then I was told Windows
3 wouldn't work on anything less than a i386 - of course to me that was
a challenge <G>
Ions ago I had a packet door on my MajorBBS which locals loved. I still have one on my SBBS now. Packet with an HT is horrible unless you have
an outdoor antenna. Too much RFI from the PC. The best HT if you must
use one were the RatShack HTX-202 (I still have 2 of them that work great!)
I used DOORWAY into my Kantronics software years ago. Now I use the gateway module in SBBS to telnet into my local URONode. In it I have an older copy of the QRZ DB CD mounted as it's own file system and linked
to all my nodes. It's the international call version and only does up
to October 2006. All of our local EastNet nodes default to it.
I did it backwards: professional for 25 years, then amateur. Computers
and internet ruined that industry - it's still struggling. All my
friends now are amazed how I saw the writing on the wall and found
another career while I had the time to do so.
1) Remembering what day of the week it is. Even after Tuesday, the calendar says WTF <G>
I do nets on Sunday afternoon, Monday night, Tuesday night, Friday
morning and night, and on the 3rd Saturday afternoon.
I have to pull some traffic off my BBS me thinks for the net that's on
in a couple of minutes. It's almost 20:30 here.
Or, my butt goes to sleep, and it starts snoring. <G>
I'm sure those 'close' to you appreciate the um.. noise <G>
I hear you. I have plenty of NCS openings, but it's always the same handful doing the nets. There's a bunch of new calls checking in and
have been for a couple of months but they have no interest. I feel like I'm pulling teeth from one who wears dentures - and with the average
age of most hams that about sums things up <G>
You should read the tourist guide in the Dominican Republic. It states
and I quote:
"Rules of the road - there aren't any!"
When you come up to an intersection you blow your horn. First blow
first pass ... in a sense. <G> Cops will set up "inspection" stations along side of the road here and there... they just want money. You slip 'em a few pesos to get a cervesa or three and off you go.
But, as Jeff Foxworthy noted, "they meet a lot of @$$h0les in their
line of work". Yet, "a butt is a butt is a butt...but..." <G>
... so says the ram as he's about to greet you <G>
Just because AOClueless has the mouth of Mr. Ed.... doesn't mean she'd
be a good 'speaker' :-)
Drunk for sure! Nasty Nancy, Aunt Esther (Mad Maxine), Chuckie baby Schumer [who belongs back on the Gong Show]... I can't see how they
could pass any sort of common sense test. Omar who hates it here so
much should be escorted back to Somolia while wearing her LGBTQXYZ
pride shirt... that'll go far.
Sounds like an ol' fashioned western bar brawl sort of thing.
Fortunately for your radio things were able to get a tad escalated in helping the driver. A clear case of "amateur radio saves lives!" Good
for you although I'm sure you wish you didn't -have- to do such a
I'm sure if the guard was convicted, a civil suit(s) was a no brainer
win for the driver. Can't say the evidence wasn't there.
I'm sure the adrenalin rush was so strong you were probably vibrating
the ground in china causing them to act like those old-time electronic football characters (if you recall those!) however I'm also sure that
your unexpected demonstration of what the hobby is about went over extremely well - especially with the bus driver!
One thing that's a tad confusing; it says to honor the laws of God AND those of man - but in today's world where we're clearly led by lucifer
and the laws of man are in a sense his... do we still honor them? Place
me in a round room and tell me to urinate in the corner!
Many biblical characters were of a darkened skin tone. Often they'd reference losing one's crown - they mean hair - which is why you see so many darker skinned folks (especially women) wearing wigs, extensions, etc. to cover up for the loss of their "crowns".
There's many of all colors that have come to know the Lord however it's those who take the lord as their savior and fear him by living a clean
and proper lifestyle vs those who go into church, clean their souls and come out cussing like a sub full of pissed off sailors is another.
I tell people this when it comes to appearance:
"How do you think blind people fall in love?"
Those with half a brain will stop and scratch their lower cheeks
to think about what I said.
Uh huh.. "milking" the story I see <G>
wanted to learn to surprise me with was "I love you". I never asked for her to take english courses. I was so flattered! Still am.
There ya go! All black cards - dial a random number and see if you get lucky <G>
etc. When asked why, I reply "Respect...because if I give it, they will return it". Kids nowadays have no clue to what that is...and they
wouldn't be caught dead doing it.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa men!
That's a no brainer. After all that's what Slick Willy did <G>
Everything is open to interpretation. I think the easist thing for me
is to just declare everything offensive, then I can't be considered a racist <G> Actually on one platform which I'll leave nameless I've been
on a rant about this whole "pride month" about giving praise to what people do with their genitals in a public manner sexually offensive. I think I'm starting to open some eyes now. Just because lesbians and I
eat the same thing that's no reason to be boasting about it especially infront of preteens! (I actually said that in a restaurant once... we
were feeling a little on the good side and it almost got us kicked out
as I had my friends laughing so hard!)
As I said to the nurses as I went into the exam room for my
colonosctopy: "never fear the end is near!"
Nature always has it's own unique ways of balancing things out doesn't
it. I'd have inquired if one of them would come by the house to do
follow up inspections, perhaps issue a sponge bath?
Of all the things I have, kidney stones is not one of them. My sister
got some when she was in her 20's. That's something on my father's side
of the family. I get all the goodies from my mother's side... which is just as bad if not worse in some cases.
Just my luck... I was involved in a drama group - I ran the lights LOL
To attorneys, the bar exam is how many drinks of tequila they can
swig before they hit the floor. And, they don't want you to raise the
bar, as it makes it too hard to get the drinks. :P
True that, and if their tabs weren't so high, their fees wouldn't be either!
Again, only each individual and The Lord know the extent of their guilt
or innocence in every circumstance...and, that applies to everyone...whether we want to admit it or not.
Quite true that.
I am grateful to all the veterans and first responders.
When I mention it in conversation things like "how much of the budget accounted for monies collected in court funds?... when do you ever hear what the totals are?" you never do. Here in Ct, we had a 2 BILLION
dollar SURPLUS magically VANISH under liberal rule. It was found (yet never reported by the media!) funneled through the Dept of
Transportation as "supply" funds that ended up back in the governor's pockets. Charges were never filed. It was talked about on one of the
local repeaters because the governor had a company that a ham worked
for audited after additional work from a contract was performed and
they charged the state additional for that work. The company was more
than happy to return the favor. Unfortunately they accepted a bribe to keep quiet yet a prior conservative governor was jailed twice to keep
him away from politics by the left.
I believe it's only The Divine Hand Of God keeping the financial collapse from happening; but it will happen...and it'll make the
crashes of 1929 and 1987 look tame. The money is fiat...not worth the paper it's printed on. You might as well print it on toilet paper.
Bitcoin even worthless than that - because crackers have already been breaking in stealing it.
... Please wait... Thinking of tagline
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
The one "cute woman" I remember is in the music video of "Sold!!",
done by John Michael Montgomery. Man, she could clog!! :)
I remember running QEMM and DESQView with GT Power on a dial-up BBS under DOS 5.0 -- it was fun experimenting with those two. Quarterdeck Software, who pioneered those...and TeleGraphix, who pioneered RIP Graphics for BBS's, have both long since gone out of business. Another former Sysop ran a ham radio BBS in the area (I think he's still in the hobby) quipped that "RIP was what you did to a fart". <G>
I remember that HT...I doubt I have the connector cable from the HT
to the TNC, but I have a serial cable to USB interface I could run it under that Packet Door that the late Dave Perry did, along with the MFJ 1270C TNC. The thing is, I don't know if there's a packet system
locally anymore or not. This door allowed hams to connect on the frequency, and leave the Sysop a PMail Message...hams that logged onto
the BBS were instead asked to use the regular Feedback To Sysop
The nice thing about that door is that it changed the callsign from
the Sysop to that of the user...so it made for accountability. Once the user exited the door, the TNC callsign reverted back to the Sysop's callsign. For whatever reason, when I tried to get it to work again,
the program thought the TNC was busy with another connection, and no
one could use it.
Most of the radio stations are now satellite based with their on air talent, unless they do "news talk".
I'm the only one here, so I don't care. Besides, being home alone is when you can poop with the door open. <G>
I have my own set of "falsies" (dentures)...and have been wearing
them for 21 years. This current set fits so well, that I haven't had to use a single drop of adhesive (Fixodent, PoliGrip, etc.)...and they've lasted at least 6 years.
No holds barred, then.
Nothing like bribing the constabulary.
I still say she needs to go back to bartending. And, I liked Mr. Ed<G>.
much better..."I was born a dumb animal, Wilbur. What's your excuse??"
So, I'm standing out here in the pouring rain (a tropical
thunderstorm was in progress)...using my HT, calling for help. I knew
The Good Lord was protecting me for 2 reasons:
1) The guard could've shot me dead.
2) I could've been hit by lightning for the third time in my life.
The previous September, I had flown down to Dallas from Little Rock
for a square dance weekend (one of my other hobbies). The plane was
late leaving Little Rock, due to tornadoes in the region. Well, when I finally got to the airport (I had worked a full day), all the flights
were skewed. They got me on the last flight out, but my bags were still
on the ground in Little Rock (I had flown Southwest, and they're who I prefer to fly with). Anyway, they delivered the bags to me first thing
the next day.
On the way back on Sunday, the flight got into an oversell situation,
so I volunteered to get bumped, figuring I could get a later flight out (they had numerous flights between Dallas Love Field and Little Rock). Well, the next flight was much smaller, and I ended up getting put up
for the night, and missed a day of work (my boss wasn't happy about
that). But, with the voucher I got, the round trip airfare between
Little Rock and Orlando back in June, 1997, was only $17. :) That was
the event where that mess occurred.
My last statement (I stressed I was an amateur radio operator, who
had worked in emergency communications) was "We had no trouble the
first 3 days of the convention. I see no reason why I should side with someone besides the shuttle bus driver".
Oh, yes...the old Coleco football game deal...had one of them. :)
That's for rednecks. <G> Or what do you call 32 redneck women?? A
full set of teeth. <BG> I have a door on the BBS with a bunch of the
"You Might Be A Redneck" saying (Jeff Foxworthy would be proud). In looking at some of them, all I can say is "really".
The reason for the dark skin was that they were in areas where the concentration of sunlight was much higher than in other areas, so the melanin in their skin compensated for such by making them "dark".
1) "One doesn't get older...one gets better. And, I'm approaching Magnificent".
2) A picture of an ocelot, with pursed lips, like he has been sucking tart, bitter persimmons. The caption says "I have PMS and a handgun.
Any questions??".
3) A picture of a Mexican gaucho, with "burro poop" on his boot. The donkey is grinning, and the gaucho says "I SAID 'SIT'!!"
4) "I don't need Google. My wife knows everything."
5) "This isn't a bald head and a beer belly. It's a solar panel, and a
gas tank for a sex machine".
They live like The Lord while in church, and like the Devil once
they're outside. That's why so many are driven away, for all the "hypocrites". Hmmm, sounds like the politicians in Washington, DC. :P
It's rare you can find a gem of a soulmate anymore. My late wife and
I were friends for 17 1/2 years before we hit it off...and never
thought about marriage...let alone to each other.
Instead of QSL cards now, I do business cards for eyeball QSO's. But,
I doubt there'll be any local hamfest in central Arkansas anymore. The clubs still bitch at who can do severe weather the best, etc. In a disaster, folks need to put all of that aside.
There have been several actual deals from patients getting the colonoscopies, such as:
1) One patient has arrows, with INSERT HERE, pointing to his anal
orifice. Like they need a hint??!!
2) "Take it easy, Doc! You're boldly going where no man has gone
3) "Find Amelia Earhart yet?"
4) "Can you hear me NOW?!!"
5) "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"
6) "You know, in Arkansas....we're now legally married." <BG>
7) "Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?"
8) "You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out....you do
the Hokey Pokey....and yeeow!"
9) "There, there! Now I know how a Muppet feels!"
10) "Remember, if your hand doesn't fit, you must acquit!"
11) "Hey, Doc, let me know if you find my dignity."
12) "Could you write me a note for my wife, saying that my head is not,
in fact, up there?"
A friend of mine will NOT go to a doctor, clinic, etc., as he doesn't want folks to see him naked. I can NOT convince him that "they've seen
it all before".
Ever since I quit drinking soda pop, and started drinking a half
gallon of diet green tea citrus each day, it's like taking Lasix...but
it beats having kidney stones.
And, the reason I'm answering this at this hour, is that I ran out of the prescription acid reflux tablets, and my pharmacy had to fax in a refill, which won't be available until after they open this morning.
The reflux was giving me fits laying down, so I figured I'd work on the BBS; plus we're in a bit of a lull in Little Rock weather wise, right
now. It is supposed to be storming toward sunrise, and during the day. Parts of southeast Arkansas have gotten nearly 2 feet of rain in nearly
2 days.
When I was on jury duty, we were told to park at the parking meters,
but NOT to put any coins in them (we were only getting $20 a day, but lawyers were getting $1000 an HOUR (must be nice)). They told us to
"sign the ticket(s), but not the envelope"...and bring them in the
next time we served (you had to serve 8 times in 6 months, but only
once a week...I made sure I got my time in early). Anyway, the law
noted that active jurors could NOT be arrested, fined, and jailed,
for not paying parking tickets while on jury duty. But, if we were arrested, fined, and jailed, the court would spend the money, and
effort, to clear our names, and expunge that from our records.
Again, only each individual and The Lord know the extent of their guilt
or innocence in every circumstance...and, that applies to everyone...whether we want to admit it or not.
Quite true that.
Folks think I'm a veteran with my patriotic cap and callsign, but my vision was so poor, and so were my feet, that I never would've passed
the physical.
Darn double standard. And, no matter who is in power, the other side will do all they can to get the power back.
I saw a meme with a roll of toilet paper...advertising the new
currency: BUTTCOIN. <G>
Before she was in the Eric Carman video of "Make Me Lose Control" the blonde that was in it was a high school girl of mine. She had more
issues with her than bellvue in NYC.
I never cared for DESQView. OS/2 handled multitasking a LOT better. I
had a copy of Apache on mine as well. Was a great OS for it's time,
then linux came out.
Hams: we make our own packet cables :) I've never purchased one. Our regional MARS director asked me about which was better and I said
"build your own." to which he did the opposite. An OVM tested that it
was bad when he received it. I ended up making him one anyway which has lasted years.
Mine did too. I created a special batch file that preset parameters including mycall callsign.
Actually that's not necessarily true. They do what's called "voice tracking". Guys are given cue-cards with what to say, and they read
them into a voice recorder in a PC... then the PC mixes them on the
air. You can tell because when they give the weather they never can
give a current temp.
I do that anyway. It's what's not seen that tends to keep others away. Funny thing is when the cats come in and start scratching around me on
the floor looking to bury what they don't know exists <G> As irritating
as IBS is, it does have it's perks as well <BEG>
Falsies for 6 years without a glitch?!? I'm sure the Kardashians would like to know who your doctor is! <G>
No need to insult those highly trained mixologists <G>
or... 3) you were shaking so much they thought you were going into an epileptic seizure and didn't want to be accused of murder if you didn't "shake" out of it <G>
The moral of the story: Square Dancing is hazardous to your health <G>
Actually that's a horrible thing to say. It showed bias.
Naw... it was the first generation Sherwin Williams guy that did it <G>
1) "One doesn't get older...one gets better. And, I'm approaching Magnificent".
... then came the 2nd childhood <G>
2) A picture of an ocelot, with pursed lips, like he has been sucking tart, bitter persimmons. The caption says "I have PMS and a handgun.
Any questions??".
That'd have been if "Billary" won the 2016 elections.
3) A picture of a Mexican gaucho, with "burro poop" on his boot. The donkey is grinning, and the gaucho says "I SAID 'SIT'!!"
That silent H will get ya every time!
4) "I don't need Google. My wife knows everything."
haha now that's a classic!
5) "This isn't a bald head and a beer belly. It's a solar panel, and a
gas tank for a sex machine".
They live like The Lord while in church, and like the Devil once
they're outside. That's why so many are driven away, for all the "hypocrites". Hmmm, sounds like the politicians in Washington, DC. :P
Perhaps we answered the question "Mommy where do liberals come from?"
I don't even look. Not worth my time anymore. If I want drama I'll turn
on daytime TV.
We've had a few already.
I'll have to steal these <G> I enjoy zinging my PCP when he does my prostate exam. First time I said "Now that you did that, you're going
to have to take me out to dinner!". His jaw dropped to the floor and couldn't speak for a good couple minutes LOL Last time I asked if Dr.
Jack Horner pulled out a plumb <G>
When he asked me if I had Covid-19 I said no I had Covid-18. He said "what's that?" I said "it's where someone gives you covid, you owe them
1, and you dont know who you owe!" <G>
No they haven't... they haven't seen HIS <G> Get his logic now? haha
I drink Gatoraide or Iced Green Tea for something cold, mainly though
it's water or coffee... just like a good woman too: black, hot, wet,
and sassy <G> I said that once to a young black woman who I knew had a boyfriend... she slipped and asked me if I wanted some coffee <BEG> I don't dip my quill in other's ink wells.
Try some milk - a base often counters acid.
Our court had a special jurist parking lot - the far end of the lot.
I wouldn't trust the court to expunge even a summary offense that
should never be. Think about the "should never be" part for a while and ask just how honest law is. As long as it's run by man it will never be fair or flawless. Too many cases are being overturned by new DNA
evidence, which shows how over-eager prosecutors are.
Me either. My wheezing is too loud, and my respitory system too weak
due to asthma.
I saw a meme with a roll of toilet paper...advertising the new
currency: BUTTCOIN. <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
There's a YouTube video of the Nickel Plate Road Steam Engine 765, in
a vintage ad for Coca-Cola. The young girl in that one is a cutie as
well. :)
I didn't work with OS/2 that much.
My hands aren't steady enough from the nervous system damage with the
2 lightning strikes over the years. At times, I notice I have
"tremors", like I'm getting Parkinson's Disease (I hope not).
Dave Perry's door did that...I used it quite a bit, but don't have a
rig or cable for it now...never mind an antenna and a connector. But, there may not even be a packet BBS in the central Arkansas area
I also note that unless a local host is there, they never give the
time, either.
Been there, done that. Although before my wife died over 14 years
ago, I was being a smartass, and I should've known better (she had both
a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Psychology). I said to her "My head
is so far up my butt, that I can see my throat". Without missing a
beat, grinning wrly, she said "that's why your eyes are brown". <BG> I
was asking for it, but wasn't expecting her to come back with such a zinger.
Affordable Dentures...got the pair for around $450 (upper and lower). They didn't have to be fancy...I just wanted to be able to eat...and,
they look surprisingly real.
They ought to be ashamed that she ever was one.
Thankfully, epilepsy is one thing I've never had to worry about.
Actually, the hugs by the women can last more than 64 beats of music.
Actually that's a horrible thing to say. It showed bias.
I heard that when it became apparent that she lost, she went into a wild, practically demonic rage, throwing items everywhere. They had to
get several folks to forcibly restrain here. Yet, you never heard a
peep about that.
I don't have a bald head, but with the hot weather coming, I like to keep my hair short. And, I'm building up insulation for the upcoming winter. <G>
I never was a fan of soap operas. The only drama I liked was when I
was in theatre arts.
Thankfully, I never had respiratory issues.
Never mind the Charmin commercial "singing" about "going to the bathroom" (a subtle way of saying "taking a dump").
Perhaps we should move to Netmail since most of our banter isn't about
Ham Radio :)
The days when Coke didn't play political favorites too.
You missed some great times with a fun OS. It's DOS support rocked! We used it for running multiple sessions of MFNOS packet. If they didn't
stop at Warp 4 I would probably have never became a linux partner developer with Debian and RedHat. I had no intention of switching.
Find a set or two of those Rat Shack helping hands. I use those all the time because of my neuropathy. Mind over matter!
"If you build it, they will come... to destroy it" <G> That's the deFacingBook way of living life - hate and be hated.
Now-a-day even live hosts don't give the time. Years ago we would give
the time a specific way to help with our ratings - if you knew what you were doing. Now, the time is irrelivant as the diaries are electronic
so the tricks you learned back then no longer apply. Takes away a bit
of the spirit of competition.
was asking for it, but wasn't expecting her to come back with such a zinger.
She told you <G>
I still have most of my teeth - fortunately.
I can't further comment without being overly cruel. <G> Might be
justified but cruel.
Me either. I've had friends that have had it and had seizures right in front of me! Talk about scary!! One trick I found helps... yell things
to make them think! It gets the noggin in gear and helps get things
back in order. When I have diabetic seizures that's what I do. A couple have turned into mild stroke and each time it's occured I've managed to shrug it off by thinking of mathematical equasions, or program code.
I'm sure that music wasn't the only thing beating <G>
There's a LOT of truths you never hear a peep about. They really need
to be exposed, such as the first group of people to storm INSIDE the capital on January 6 were Antifa members, NOT MAGA folk. Babbitt was killed by the same capital cop who allowed Scalise to be shot during
that warm-up ball game. Note: that black cop is also a high ranking BLM member. I'll stop.
I shave mine, then drive down the freeway and open the sunroof... to
enjoy the sensation of the air blowing through my scalp :P~
If I want drama I'll date again.
It's not at all fun, trust me.
My neighbor had some bear in his yard, they left the rear evidence
there. I told him next time leave the roll of Charmin out for it <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Well, I will have some stuff about the hobby. Yet, hams do like to ragchew about things besides ham radio.
I was surprised when I went into a restaurant earlier...they finally
got rid of the mask requirement. I am full as a tick right now, from
the heavy grazing. Again, H.A.M. stands for H)ave A)nother M)eal. With
all I ate (garlic cheese sticks, salad, chicken parmasan with angel
hair pasta, mozaralla cheese, and tomato sauce...all washed down with
3 glasses of sweet tea), I won't need to eat again until tomorrow.
I can write a batchfile for the BBS, but my programming ends at
setting the clock on the microwave oven...I'll starve to death if I
forget how to do that. <G>
At a restaurant today, I was telling some ham radio pun humor to this
14 year old girl (her parents were right there), and it all depended on where your mind was. All of it was strictly ham radio terms and puns... and the FCC would've strung me up had I used vulgar language on the
air. My brother said it was vulgar language, and I said "it just shows where your mind was".
No one has any respect for anyone else's stuff anymore...or very few
On the local station, KMJX, an Arkansas DJ legend, Bob Robbins, is on the air Monday through Friday from 5am to 10am. He gives the time, weather, etc. -- but there's a lot of stuff that's obviously
pre-recorded. He also heads up the yearly Toys For Tots campaign around Christmas.
Speaking of which, would you believe that an area Hobby Lobby ALREADY has Christmas stuff available?? I've heard of Christmas In July, but
that is ridiculous. A few years ago, there was a commercial for
Staples, that was using the Andy Williams classic "It's The Most
Wonderful Time Of The Year"...running in late July. I thought "Gad!!
Not Christmas Stuff Already!!" Well, you see a little boy and girl, walking sullenly with long faces, like they're about to get the
spanking of their lives... and it's Daddy with "It's Back To School Time!!"...and I went "YES!!" <G>.
It's a double standard. "They" are right, but everyone else is wrong. So, they can say whatever they want, but you don't dare speak any
dissent. That's what totalitarian despot dictatorships have.
I'm pre-type 2...the highest my A1C has been is 6.1 (the threshold is 6.4). If I remember right, there is a medical net on D-Star on Saturday mornings, but the info escapes me offhand. One of the area hams loves
CW, and did a segment called "Health Talk" on one of the local radio stations years ago. He has retired now (age), but he would go down to Florida in the dead of winter, and work CW on the HF bands...telling
folks in Canada how warm and beautiful the tropical climate was. You
could almost hear them telling him to STFU. <G>
The only consolation that I have is that on Judgment Day, everything will come out in the wash...even for those hams who really did me dirty years ago...and I nearly quit the hobby because of it.
Same here. While I hardly consider myself as "Fresh Meat", to me,
there is nothing left in the sea anymore.
I've had sinus issues for nearly 50 years, and they still have no
clue on how to treat it.
In case you missed this on the packet boards...
Thank goodness there's a name for this disorder.
Age-Activated Attention-Deficit Disorder.
I just don't want to upset the moderators... sometimes they may get
crabby :)
Sounds like you went to OG... not old guy (but would be fitting :p )
It comes with DOS, and Warp 4 comes with voice commanding. I played
with it back in the day. Was sorta neat. Kept having the urge to say "Computer, fire phasers!" <G>
The other night a latina came in wearing something like a sweater coat with nothing on underneath except a very see through bra. It kept her front pretty much covered except when she was cashing out she casually used her fingers to hook the inside edges of the coat to pull it wide open. Gave me full view! I didn't DARE say a peep and did what I could
NOT to stare but I did sneak a peek. If you're going to show in
public... I almost used the classic Bond line he used in Diamonds are Forever to Jill St. John "that's a quaint almost nothing you have on"
but nope... keep it professional.
I blame the parents for that... and other factors I won't get into.
A lot of morning shows are live. That's considered "prime time" for
No different than Amazon's Prime Days... which are going on now.
My last one was 14.7 and rising. They can't get it under control. I've
had some strokes already. The side effects of having such high A1C are really getting to me now. If they ever vote in "right to life" here,
I'm signing up!
We have to go up, the politicians are going to fill up the south <G>
Pretty much my attitude. I'm set in my ways, don't need or want that to
be disrupted now <G>
I feel your pains! I've had horrid allergies since I was little. Took shots for 5 years, if anything it made my spring allergies worse! The specialist told me my best place to live would be Atlantis - but with
my allergies I'd be allergic to seaweed :\
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
After the big meal at lunch (H.A.M. stands for "Have Another Meal",
and you don't call us "Late For Dinner"), I don't have the appetite to
eat the rest of the day. Plus, in the evenings, I'm usually doing
traffic nets.
It'd be my luck that guns would rise out of the monitor, and fire on
me. :P
I loved those original James Bond movies...the one I remember most
(and for its theme music) was "Live And Let Die".
I got my share of spankings growing up, and I consider myself better
for it.
Years ago, a DJ known as "Brother Hal Webber" was on KLRA (that
station has since changed owners and format from country-western to Spanish), and it ounded
like a guy in his 80s at the mic...but he was only in his 30s. The
thing is, if you wanted air time for commercials on his show, you had
to buy time on all the others as well. But, except for news/talk in the morning and afternoon, most ll
the local talent is gone from radio.
I've bought stuff from Amazon in the past, but don't need to now
(never mind I can't afford it). I've heard some hams refer to
themselves as "D-Star Poor"...they have so many rigs. <G>
softwares. This sort of mentality is not appreciated or desired and I don't have to put up with it. I have a choice to leave ham radio and I shall do so.
After what I had to do the past 24 hours, that'd be welcomed!
That's my favorite Moore era film. Diamonds are Forever is one of my all-time favorite Bond films. Connery had a great line in there when he said to Jill St. John when she switched hair color and she asked if he approved he said "As long as the collar and cuffs match..." <BEG>
I believe when I was a kid, my mom used my butt to justify getting new pots and pans <G> When I was in my teens she became one of those
earlobe twisters until that one day when she went one twist too far.
had ratings unheard of in the nation! No one wanted to go up against
him in the AM Drive timeslot. I worked WITH him as an intern only 5
years later to have a show against him. He was on a 50,000w flame
thrower, and I was on a 500w daytimer. 6 months going head to head and
I beat him my 1/10th of a point! The reward was to get passed over for
3 promotions in a row. I quit shortly there after.
I won't buy a digital radio ever again. D-star I have 0 use for... same with DMR or Fusion. In fact, I wrote the league today after getting the latest copy of Q-Street and told them to please NOT send it to me. I'm
not at all a fan of Newington, I know more honest people in the DC
I sent your Ham_Humor.pdf out to a couple of my support lists with
credit to you. Expect tomatos your way <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
There was an individual who swore he would NOT wear a mask because of the COVID-19 restrictions, at a license exam session. So, I quoted
section F of Part 97 to him, told the faculty advisor, and the
individual was promptly removed from the list server. There are too
many people in the world and in hobbies who feel that rules are made to
be broken, and that those rules do not apply to them. Stuff like that leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth, and when a hobby doesn't become enjoyable anymore, it's time to quit.
No one signed up for the test session by the 48 hour advance deadline for a session on Saturday, so I canceled it, and it got rescheduled. I posted that if we don't get anyone to sign up for the next one, we're going to take a hard look at whether we need to do exams at all. It's ironic that the only time that folks seem to be interested in taking a license exam is right before the Question Pool changes. Several years
ago, an examinee came in, and failed the Technician exam miserably. It turned out that his study guide was 2 pools (eight years) out of date!!
The scene I remember was him in the small plane coming out of the hangar, and the thugs close the doors on him. He grumbles "Holy $***".<G> I can't recall who did the theme, but I always thought that was cool.
Never mind "I heard that". <G>
There is a Bob Steele in the Little Rock market, but he's much
They sent out a big email deal to Life Members the other day, wanting them to confirm their details. Since I'm a Life Member of ARRL (also of QCWA, PCARS, and Handi-Hams), I got one, and called to see if the email was legitimate. They had to address that in this weeks ARRL Letter.
You must've been a fan of Shakespeare's groundlings. <G> I could go
for a good salad right now, though. :)
Yet, I trust you DID get laughs from the stuff...especially "The
Missing Q Signals". <BG>
I've been wanting to get out for years but packet folk won't let me!
Now I'm back into the NTS nets and FTNs which I'm enjoying a LOT more. About 8 months ago I did put all my gear up for sale. No takers.
That shouldn't at all be surprising... you know how fast government
works. As I said to one ham... feel lucky you're not 13 and they're controlling your puberty <G>
Sir Paul McCartney and Wings (speaking of planes).
So says Paul from Verizon :P~
I would hope so! Ours has been lawn fertilzer for a good number of
years now.
Why do they have "life members"? Don't they realize you can get hit by
a car tomorrow? <G> In fact, I fired off a lovely nasty to Newington yesterday telling them to stuff their QST rag elsewhere I don't want
it. Funny, I never got a confirmation reply LOL
I can't do salads... used to but they don't sit properly with me.
Yes I did.. and shared it with a few others who liked the laffs!
Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
So many want something for nothing...then they'll turn around and
want money for it.
That's probably coming...I don't believe I just went there. <EG>
That's the one!! Thanks...I'm not a fan of rock music, but I really
did like that one. Now, I think of the tagline...Baud, James Baud...
agent 300...he did things slowly and deliberately. <G>
I have their Mi-Fi, for when I do a demo of "internet radio" or to
show off my telnet BBS. On a train trip several years ago, I was doing nets from the Sleeping Car compartment.
I think I saw a ham with a similar name as mine in New England.
In Canada, your license is good for 125 years since your birth
year... technically a life license. In the US, it's only good for 10 years. Still no word from the Friendly Candy Company <G> on the $35
I can handle iceberg lettuce, but not romaine or leaf.
Too little to laugh at nowadays.
How about this tagline??
... Streakers, Repant!! Your end is in sight!!
I've actually been called a communist because I don't charge for my software! I don't believe in a monetary exchange for my developer's
work in the hobby. There are those who do and those who collect
somewhat of a salary but I refuse. It keeps me honest and I believe
keeps the integrity up there too. It also keeps the greed factor out!
I've seen good coders get greedy and then the quality goes down the
That's probably coming...I don't believe I just went there. <EG>
If government is involved it's NOT <BEG>
LOL! I told someone your H.A.M. line, she died laughing!
Nets from a Sleeping Car compartment?... was it "fish"nets? <G>
Tons of people share my name. One is a UFC fighter, guess my name packs some punch :P~
It's enacted... Pae insured to screw us all prior to leaving. My view
is; If I have to *pay* to use FREE airwaves then I want *full* privs!
That may happen... when Obama/Clintons/FBI/etc goes to prison.
I can handle it fine... fondle, shread, wash it... <G>
How about this tagline??
... Streakers, Repant!! Your end is in sight!!
Streakers tan more evenly <EG>
... Bagpipers do it with amazing grace
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Sean Dennis, KS4TD, does "Cheepware" and runs Micronet. He doesn't charge for his software either.
And, they didn't do it on the sperm of the moment...but they are the cream of the crop. <EG> I think the heat outside has gotten to me, and
I'm having an A.A.A.D.D. flareup (BTW, I've forwarded that to several folks, and they love it <G>).
Was she a toon?? :P I've heard on numerous nets, when one tells what they were doing for dinner, a ham keys up, and says "What's your
address?? I'll be right over". <G>
Is it Hawaiian?? Back to the grass skirts again. <G>
The Good Lord gave me another poem last night..."They Get What They Deserved". The world looks at that as "Karma", but you know what they
say about paybacks. <G>
ERROR: ORG.ASM not found. Fondle any key to retry.
The guy who called me a commie was only trying to help me make a few bucks, but then legalities as far as support and such come into play. I don't want those sorts of headaches!
I'm having an A.A.A.D.D. flareup (BTW, I've forwarded that to several folks, and they love it <G>).
That's a def keeper!
Was she a toon?? :P I've heard on numerous nets, when one tells what they were doing for dinner, a ham keys up, and says "What's your
address?? I'll be right over". <G>
That's common talk, or if one is having ice cream on an ultra hot day, someone will say "you have to share with everyone on the net".
Is it Hawaiian?? Back to the grass skirts again. <G>
I couldn't be so lucky lol
Flood? sorry I sold my gear. Tornados coming? Sorry I'm evacuating my family. They want to continue to step on us.. I can step too - and with
my neuropathy I won't feel any pins they may try to stick in me <G>
ERROR: ORG.ASM not found. Fondle any key to retry.
I have some train taglines for you...
Confucius say: Man who put head on rail road track get splitting
Darn - missed the train to reality again!
Gates are down the lights are flashing but the train isn't coming.
If a train station is a station where the train stops what's a workstation?
Kramer's Law: You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.
The sign said Stop Look Listen ... and while I did the train hit me.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Excederin PM won't help those. :P I get enough of the migraine sinus ones.
I sent it to KB8UUZ, Editor of The Radiogram, with the Portage County Amateur Radio Club (PCARS) in Ohio...he got a kick out of it. He plans
to put it in their next issue...and I'm going to try to put it into the back of the e-Edition of the square dance publication.
It tends to make the coaxial cables rather sticky. <G>
That's when you want the weed eater. <EG>
I had the electric nerve conductivity test several years ago, as I
have nervous system damage from 2 lightning strikes...it was a rather shocking experience. <G>
And, the reader makes orgiastic noises. Sean also did an "adult door" called "The Dr. Seuss Purity Test". That's obviously for "mature
adults", but it mentions some "wild options". My late XYL and I were adventurous, but not that much. However, this joke comes to mind.
The doctor growled "I thought so. That's the worst case of van-aerial disease I've ever seen". <EG> I remember talking to my mother-in-law
years ago, and my wife was listening on the speaker phone. When I got
to the punchline, my wife screamed "OH, NO!!", and my mother-in-law started laughing uncontrollably.
No those sorts of headaches don't vanish easily.
It tends to make the coaxial cables rather sticky. <G>
A young 20-something YL seems to have the same effect. We used to have
one on one of our nets and she was a cutie. I'd just sit back and watch the pileup after net was over. Worse than I-70 in the mountains in pennsylvania during a blizzard. <G>
Speaking of which, looks like they're going to legalize that here :\
As the brits say: A population under the influence is easy to control. Which is why the Roosevelts used to get paid to smuggle opium from
India to the UK.
I had that too. When the tech was setting the probes into my feet he wasn't getting ANY reading at all. He kept thinking something was wrong
or he may have had a broken lead wire. He even cranked it up to full (350V) still nothing!.. so he turned it down and moved a lead further
up my shin and he barely got a reading. Told me he's never seen such a horrible case of it before. Was even more "shocked" I'm still driving.
I have a few on my BBS... just games no biggie. (that's what SHE said:p)
That takes being mobile to a totally different level. Guess you could
say they got "crackin'" <G>
Guess you liked the train tags :)
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I'm reminded of the joke where the guy brings an aspirin and a cup of water to his wife. She asks what those are for, and he says "your headache". When she replies "I don't have a headache", grinning wryly,
he says "that's just what I've been waiting to hear" (hi hi).
The Radio Amateurs Club of Knoxville, Tennessee (still in existence)
has the callsign W4BBB. At Field Day one year, this female operator
(not sure if she was a YL or an XYL) had a sexy, sultry, voice, like a professional hooker (hi hi). She said it stood for "Women For Big,
Blonde, and Beautiful"; can you say "massive pileup"?? (hi hi). If the women are at the mics, and the men are logging...for Field Day (which
is this weekend) or otherwise... it's "game over". I doubt I'll operate
or visit a site...thunderstorms are forecast Friday afternoon through
at least next Monday, if not later. The weather has sure messed up my
nets lately.
They already have dispensed a large amount of marijuana in Arkansas, with licensed dispensaries. I'm sure the state is raking a lot of tax money on it. There is so much "sin tax"...on things like tobacco,
alcohol, and now, marijuana. I'm surprised they haven't done that at
the adult bookstores. If they have, I'm not aware of it. My late XYL
and I would buy porn to "prime the pumps"...because it's true if you
have any underlying medical conditions, your libido is screwed (no pun intended).
Well, we called it "Adult HGTV" <G>...rating things like the
woodworking and woodcarving of the bed (some was rather exquisite and
very detailed), the chandeliers on the ceiling, and pictures on the
walls. We never could understand WHY women had to keep their shoes on
when having sex. I'd be afraid of getting gored. :P
That reminds me of the joke where the husband brings his wife, who's
in labor, to the maternity ward of the hospital. The OB-GYN doctor
tells them there's a new test...to transfer all the pain of childbirth from the mother to the father. Well, Momma was obviously all for it,
and since Daddy had a high pain tolerance, they said "go for it". Well, they wired them up, and the doctor started with it on low, gradually increasing it. Neither Mom or Dad had any pain, and she delivered a healthy baby. But, when they got home, the milkman was found dead on
the porch. <BG>
I got the same reaction one time, over at the local square dance club callers house, where prospective callers were to "practice" for
"amateur night". That calling is NOT as easy as it looks!! Well, I
don't remember what the discussion was about, and when I replied "No Biggie", this good looking female dancer who was there said "That's
what I heard". I wanted to say "How would YOU know??".
SWR stood for Sexual Whoopee Realized (hi hi).
They got a vote on my ballast. <G> I originally would've been on
Amtrak now, heading to New Orleans, then to Jackson, for this years National Square Dance Convention...but the car wreck, and plumbing
issues ruined that.
Uh huh lol Old joke but we're old operators.
Absolutely! Best way to improve your Field Day score!.. get a sexy YL
on the air! You'll miss more calls than you can log. I haven't done
field day in decades... just lost interest. When the league told me
they wish packet would vanish, I was done with them and all their contests.
It's proven to be a HUGE source for tax revenues... especially since they're doing away with all the revenues from flavored stuff such as menthols. No more inner city folk "axing" for "newport hundeds". Shows
how evil government really is. *sigh*
I don't even bother. I gave all that up in my 20s. Never been happier!
Of course, with no more milk delivery that would make no sense at all
to today's millenials, just like they don't know America was a rock
Ouch! You should have volunteered she reach inside for the evidence <G> Like the guy who took his new date to his place... they were making out and he stripped her down - when she went to recipricate she noticed his lacking in size and started laughing out of control and said to him,
"Just who on earth do you intend to please with THAT thing?!?" to which
he proudly yelled "ME!!!" <BEG>
SWR stood for Sexual Whoopee Realized (hi hi).
At least you don't have to see a doctor for the 'plumbing' issues <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
QST. This is DOFEN - the Decrepit Old Farts Echo Net. <G>
Jeff, VE6DV, who does the Multimode Digital Voice Net on the QuadNet Array on Saturday afternoon, tells that his XYL, Lana (who I don't
think is licensed) that "she can make contacts that I can only dream about". <G>
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. :P
I never married until I was 43, but never thought I'd be a widower at 47...and never remarried. I don't want or need the extra drama
nowadays. I can barely support myself, never mind someone else...especially if they have the mindset "I want this!! I want that!! Gimme!! Gimme!! Gimme!! Gimme!! Gimme!!".
Never mind "Coming To America"...did Bruce Springsteen do that, or
was that someone else??
Revenge is a dish best served cold. <G> I heard this one little boy boast that "I've got two tallywhackers". One old man quipped "He's
going to make some girl happy". <G>
Well, since I started drinking diet green tea exclusively, and RARELY drink soda anymore, I haven't had a problem with kidney stones.
QST. This is DOFEN - the Decrepit Old Farts Echo Net. <G>
Seems like almost any echo is. I don't know how many Gen Zers are on
here tbh. This requires a bit of setup "work"... and we all know what
4 letter word is worse than the F word to them is.
You want a pileup of old guys? I sure wouldn't <G>
That, and a population who's majority isn't smart enough to catch onto
the game being played :D
Sounds like you're describing most new hams... gimme gimme gimme I
don't want to build this or that. Do it for me or else!! I'm just about done with the hobby as a whole... I have been for a few years now. On
my support list reflector I announced my coding retirement. My BBS now only accepts type T mail only because I'm the ARRL section NTS BBS. If
it wasn't for that, the plug would be pulled.
There was "Living in America" by James Brown - quite different than
Bruce <G>
Now a day it'd be because he can please 2 girls at once which fits into the schema of the LGBTQXYZ community with girls today being bi/pan... which is something TAUGHT in schools!
So... you're saying you don't have any stones? <G> That'll definitely
keep the drama away from you :P~
... I got stuck for ages behind an ice-cream truck, bloody sundae
drivers! --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
That's the DOFEN group. They trip over their tongues...and a few
other things. Your dictionary definition of H.A.M. fits perfectly. :P
And, by the time they do, it'll be too late...and they'll realize us "tinfoil hat nuts" were right all along.
I told him that I have other things in life besides my
hobbies, and I don't spend every waking moment with them. He finally
gave up.
I'm not much of a "rocker". I either listen to classic country
(George Jones, Conway Twitty, etc.)...classical (Brahams, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Chopin, etc.)...big band/swing (Tommy Dorsey, Harry James, etc.), or the old time hymns...the latter that most
churches have spurned, because they feel that the topics of "The Blood" and "The Cross" are too gory and offensive. Truly, the days of Noah and Lot are here...with the "falling away". I don't care if I'm getting old before my time...just because the majority is doing something, doesn't make it right (i.e. jumping off a bridge).
I saw where Marvel Comics has a new hero with "more of the alphabet soup". If those that were destroyed at Sodom could see what was going
on, they'd plead "And, WE were destroyed for what WE did??!!". I joke
that the reason I came out of the closet was twofold:
I don't want to have that again. I'd rather be like I've got a fire
hose hooked up to me, than to deal with the pain of the stones. If I
had more than one, it was "Sly And The Family Stone". :P
I had to replace my 3rd T-Mobile phone in as many weeks. The Samsung A10, A11, and A12 models, are all a piece of crap. They would not hold
a charge, or the battery would just die, and it wouldn't power back up.
I upgraded to the A32, which is 5G. I had to do some tinkering to get
it and the Verizon phone to have railroad related pictures and
ringtones from the Zedge app, then had to remove the Zedge app to make
it stick. However, on one phone, the text message is Daffy Duck saying "Now What?? Brother!! What A Way To Run A Railroad!!"...never mind
"What A Revolting Development This Is!!" <G>.
I have got to go get a banana split!! I still have room in the freezer...maybe I should get some ice cream sandwiches. I just don't
want to be like the one critter at Old MacDonald's Deformed Farm,
that the barbershop quartet "Lunch Break" sang about...a lactose intolerant cow. <G> Do a search on YouTube for "Lunch Break Carnegie Hall"...it was the day after Christmas a few years ago when it was
That's the DOFEN group. They trip over their tongues...and a few
other things. Your dictionary definition of H.A.M. fits perfectly. :P
Just as I do as well... which is why I retired from coding. Guys want
me to post some of the goodies I've recently done and ridicule me at
the same time because I'm for staying within the confides of rules and regs... nope I'm done. Only way to remove the bad taste in my mouth.
Spin your records backwards and listen to them - you'll get your dog
back, you'll get your house back, you'll get your car back... <G> As a broadcaster for many years playing mainly the current (at the time)
hits I actually find country to be more "noise" than Jimi Hendrix rendition of the star spangled banner, however I would put it on the
same level as rap... both make my skin crawl like I bathed in mosquito bites!
You know someone was being cruel to them by putting an "S" in liSp <G>
I've never had those - my dad did though... and my sister did at a very young age! Part of it is caused by a lack of pure water so we've been told. I tend to get the goodies from my mom's side. Some stuff like
cancer and diabetes is strong on both sides.
I have a volume of Samsung phones. My rep at Cricket told me their A series is their "junk" series when I asked about them (which explains
why they have/had a major sale on the A21s which I got one ha!)
I told him I have unlimited calling/data and they're going to cut it
off in 6 months anyway so go for it. They told me they're blocking all devices that use 3G for dialing - the note 3s use 4G. I'm about ready
to just get rid of all technologies and go back to the good ol' days.
I'm allergic to dairy - not intollerant. Much more violent symptoms.
Not fun at all to deal with either.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I always told my XYL that "I'm a gentle pervert". <G>
If it's not enjoyable anymore, then it's time to take a break from
it, or quit it altogether.
YES!! Rascal Flatts did that song "Backwards" -- that is a scream!!
The first time I heard it, I was visiting my Mom in the hospital, when that came over the radio...I came unglued in laughter!!
That reminds me of the joke where this young girl was having
respiratory problems...so she went to the doctor. He has her remove her blouse and bra, and puts the stethoscope up to her breasts, to listen
to her breathe, to see if she has pneumonia, bronchitis, etc...which
can be fatal in some cases.
Anyway, he tells her "Big Breaths"...meaning he wants her to breathe deeply.
She replies "Yeth, Thir!! And, I'm Only Thixteen!!" <BG>
Ever since I've quit drinking carbonated beverages, and gone just to sweet tea (diet green tea citrus at home, and sweet tea when I have to
eat out), I haven't had a a single kidney stone...for which I'm
thankful. I'd rather be like I have a fire hose hooked up to my member, than to have to deal with the excruciating pain of it.
One woman I knew said she'd rather have quintuplets in hard labor,
with no epidural, than one kidney stone. That pretty well sums it up.
I heard that they are phasing out 4G and going for 5G.
I was wondering about that myself...but the ice cream helps soothe
the tickle in the throat.
I always told my XYL that "I'm a gentle pervert". <G>
Is there such a thing? I don't think any YL would buy that, not today anyway lol
If it's not enjoyable anymore, then it's time to take a break from
it, or quit it altogether.
I've chosen the latter. Just quit it all totally.
thought several times on just mailing my license in.
I do like that song "pound sign". First time I heard that one I
She replies "Yeth, Thir!! And, I'm Only Thixteen!!" <BG>
Ugh... yup I was right to the opening query... there isn't LOL
I know folks who've had them, even teeny ones. Some things just don't belong in some places.
For data, not for dialing. I wasn't aware there was such a difference until I changed the motherboard out on one of my Note 3's and popped a working SIM into it to test. It was immediately banned! It took me 48 hours to get it reinstated - which they did reluctantly. Made me wonder how repair shops can properly test now!
Ice cold water does the trick for me. Also a LOT less sugar and fats in plain cold water <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
It was tongue in cheek. While we had no kids (we had a son...a dachshund), we did have an excellent romantic life. ;) Yet, if I was
ahead of her in the games on the BBS (she was a great winner, but a
sore loser), there was a risk of being a "none". <G>
I've taken a break from the hobby for extended periods, especially
when that one ham (who's now a SK) did me dirty years ago.
I thought about doing that after I got done dirty that time.
That's the GOOD deal of "playing a song backwards". <G> The best part
of that is the snare drum work after he tells about dealing with C R A
P. <G>
The beauty of the pun is in the groan of the recipient. All you had
to do is read "The Triple Play" in that ham radio humor file for proof.
One woman said "If women can pass a baby, you men can pass a kidney stone". I told her "But, unlike the female cervix, the male penis can't dialate".
They still will charge the daylights out of you. Nowadays, it's like
the heyday of BBS's, when Sysops were looking to upgrade: "Be prepared
to open your wallet wide". For that matter, that applies to ham radio gear. A few years ago, there was a DC to Daylight rig at Hamvention for $20,000!! Now, I could outfit a nice shack for that...or buy a nice pre-owned car, or take a nice train trip. But for one rig, that's overkill...pure and simple.
Diet water has half the calories. <G> There was also a sign that
noted "Smart Water - $3 a bottle". The meme noted "If you're paying
THAT MUCH for bottled water...". :P
A smart sysop knows when no one is on the bbs, changes the date, plays
as the person they want to win.... in your case that would have made
you quite the happy (worn out) camper <G>
I'm just going to focus on the NTS nets since I'm a net mangler. Since I've taken over participation has greatly increased.
I have until March, 2025. That's when it all comes to a halt for me anyway.
I was going to take drum lessons... but I got caught in a snare <G>
(free tagline for ya!)
I knew a drummer who switched hands... he gained a beat :p
The groan came from the doctor in this case <EG>
There was a woman who did pass one so large it tore her badly - she was quite out of cervix for a while <G> The hospital named it (sound it
out) U-tear-us har har har :p
I do the 4 devices/$100-mo with Cricket. It's also the only company who would let me NOT have a voicemail box. Why do I need one when the
incoming numbers are logged? Makes no sense to me. More bloatware to
I drink dehydrated water... just add water and mix <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
Well, she said that "as soon as maintenance is done, let me know".
I'd say "DONE", and it'd be CONNECT. <G> But, with her playing first,
then I saw what I had to beat...the same strategy of college football teams in overtime. You want to see what the other team does first, then you know what you have to do to beat them, or force another overtime period.
I've always wanted to learn Formal Written Traffic. But lately, the
only time I'm on the air is for the nets that I run. I rarely get on
the air just to "checkin". And, I didn't do a single bit of operating during Field Day.
Or the day we become a Silent Key. :P
I had a drum set years ago...I still have the piano here, but I'm
sure it's way out of tune by now. I haven't played it in years.
She was adding boneless pork chops <drool!><slobber!>, and had this wooden implement to tenderize it, so the meat would "melt in your
mouth". She said "I use this to beat my meat with". <EG>
That's a euphemism for masturbation, and of course, that's where everyone's mind went, and the studio audience erupted in laughter.
Emeril got this horrified look on his face, and said "Don't even go there!!"...the black guy on the drums in the band was about to spit
his teeth out of his mouth!! <BG>
Shortly after I got married, I was having groin problems, and had my wife with me when I went to see my PCP at the time. He's retired now,
but he's a ham radio operator, who loves CW...and would go down to
Florida in the dead of winter, and work CW to Canada on the HF bands.
He'd tell them how beautiful the weather was, and you could hear them wanting to say "STFU". <G>
But, he had a poster on the exam room door that said "Ask Me About Viagra" (this was shortly after it came out). Well, with my wife next
to me, I said "OK, Doc...I'll bite. What about Viagra??". Grinning like the cat who just swallowed the canary, he said "I've had eight men and
two women ask. And, I personally don't give a $h!+". <BG>
You didn't pussyfoot around with those. <BG>
Exactly. I've had 3 T-Mobile phones in a row (Samsung A10, A11, and
A12) all fail on me. Then, Verizon seems to lose the connection (so
much for "Can You Hear Me Now?"). Around here, in bad weather, especially...the cell phone networks are the first things that crash.
And, if you want coffee, use JavaScript...perfect instructions, especially if your coffee maker is computerized. <G>
Absolutely <G> I had a kid ask me to install the door BBS Crash so I
did. Every month he'd destroy me so I had to do the date reset trick to beat him. He still doesn't know how I did it ;->
This pretty much sums it up.
Lately it seems that the two are having a good foot race between them
to see who'll win.
I can Tuna Fish but I can't tune a piano <G>
Emeril got this horrified look on his face, and said "Don't even go there!!"...the black guy on the drums in the band was about to spit
his teeth out of his mouth!! <BG>
I know many "snow birds" which is what we call them. That's the
reaction I give them when they mention the weather.
Why would he? It's not as if he's going to be the one doing the deed
Nope, and I didn't give any lip either <BEG> When I was doing
commercial radio my first talkup on my very first day was always:
"being at a radio station for your first time is like going on your
first date, you don't know where the buttons are and you always seem to turn the knobs the wrong way <G>
... He who has burned his mouth blows his soup.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
But, the kicker was "How could I forget??!! Especially when it comes
on Trash Day"!! <BG> (He and Fred had the same anniversary) <G>.
There was a guide to it on the dfwtrafficnet.org website -- they regularly pass NTS traffic in and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I think I post it once every 3 months, split into several messages.
I watched a YouTube Video on the life of Mel Blanc, who did all the Looney Tunes. But, I've been at the computer too long. I had insomnia
last night, and I've had a migraine sinus headache much of today. I
went back to bed after being cannibalistic with ham sandwiches (hi hi)...but I still can't hold my eyes open. So, it's very hard to do
this message. I'm going in for a complete physical and 2 sets of blood work in the morning.
I wish things had worked out better that way...I could've made big
bucks doing that all my life.
My wife and I were roaring in laughter as well. Well, on some of
those cooking shows, as they were making things, she'd let out this pathetic yell, as if she was in pain. I asked what was wrong, and she lamented "He just ruined it". <G>
I saw Tropical Storm Danny off of Charleston, South Carolina today,
and Hurricane Enrique headed for Baja California. The peak of the
season is still 10 weeks away.
I think he's in his 80's now, and retired...but in his 70's, he'd
ride his motorcycle to work.
But, the kicker was "How could I forget??!! Especially when it comes
on Trash Day"!! <BG> (He and Fred had the same anniversary) <G>.
I actually recall that episode quite well :) Probably because I don't
have any anniversaries to celebrate - and for darn good reason!
We pass NTS on a nightly basis even if they're net reports from NCs. My LinFBB gets about 20 a week or so. We deliver them to the local VHF
nets, and for through we can also post on packet.
My C5 is acting up due to having to move a heavy object. I could pop a muscle relaxer but trying to use those sparingly! Mel Blanc was a
comedy genious! He was a regular on the Jack Benny show too... *very
funny man*! Was good however to hear you're living up to your motto -
Ham: have another meal <G>
The things we could all do with our natural gifts to earn a dollar.
I like with the purdy ladies come into the store and say to me "your
the best!" I will respond with "if I had a nickel everytime I heard
that, I'd still be in the 'hole'" <G> Some get it, most dont.
Wow! She'd probably like watching Hell's Kitchen.
I know! Weather has been brutal! They blame it on Global
Warming/Climate Change - of course it's changing! The poles are in
process of reversing again... it's science! (ref: Thomas Dolby).
packet bulletin group tribbs. Some guys count on it before work so they know how to dress.
When I completely ripped my right bicept ligament off my forearm the 80
yo specialist said to me "just don't do a thing, it's not as if at
your age you'll be flexing at the beach." Man did I want to give him a nice "speak for yourself FU OG".. but I bit my lip.
The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shakyground.
Daryl Stout wrote to Brian Rogers <=-
I don't, anymore. :'( Did you notice that they did "Happy
Anniversary" to the overture from William Tell by Rossini (aka "The
Lone Ranger")??
It's so hard to sit at the computer for long periods of time...and
some days, it takes awhile to go through the QWK Mail...let alone play what few doorgames I like to play...never mind running ham radio
traffic nets.
Well, they thought I was dehydrated this morning. When they did blood draws out of my left hand and arm, it was "Real Thick" (what was that commercial on being 'thickerer'??) -- that was at my PCP. But, the next draw about an hour later out of the right arm at the urologist, was
fine. Yet, I didn't feel thirsty...but I was hungry...from fasting for
24 hours.
If I become type 2 diabetic, that'll be a major game changer for
On one episode with Mel Blanc and Jack Benny, he was doing that "electric organ" deal. The audience was roaring in laughter, and Jack Benny's lips were quivering, as he was fighting for all he was worth to not lose his compusure. <G> Another great one was with "Si', Sy, and Sue"...and there was one with the "upset salesman" (Mel) who was practically crying his eyes out, as Jack Benny was wanting this gift. Needless to say, the whole audience was in stitches...you don't find
humor like that anymore.
With the Gospel Poetry stuff I do now, if it wins someone into the Kingdom Of Heaven, that's good enough for me. I used to do mini
concerts years ago, but declining health has ruined that. When the one church tried to pay me, I said "Use that toward your ministry. If
someone comes to know The Lord through the poetry, that's good enough
for me. Besides, The Good Lord is just using me to write it down...He's the Author. So, I give Him the credit and Glory...I'm lucky to write my own name.
I told her (as I tell a lot of new hams who
have mic fright (a very real threat to some folks)), that "with the digital modes, your computer does all the work for you...and you can go much further on digital than voice".
Golfers go for the hole...as they're constantly engaged in
"fore-play". <G>
Sadly, I lost her to a heart attack at 48 over 14 years ago. But, she considered my culinary cuisine and tastes as "lame"...she liked her
stuff hot and spicy. I better quit now, before I get in trouble. I felt like crap yesterday, so I need to make up for lost time. Remember,
"dirty old hams (and Sysops) need love, too". <BG>
We've always had climate change...it's called weather. As Walter (aka Jeff Dunham <G>) frequently notes "Bunch of dumb @$$e$". <G>
Richard Lederer, who I met at the World Championship Pun Off in
Austin, Texas, years ago...wrote a book called "Anguished English". One chapter was called "Disorder In The Court"...but you can find this on similar websites...and it was also the title of an episode of "The
Three Stooges".
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