the doctor wrote to DREAM MASTER <=-
--- DREAM MASTER wrote ---
I made the mistake to go out there one summer and touch metal in the car.
I to the hotel, discovered how much I hate scorpions. Arizona, it
just sucks.
I used to keep a washcloth in my car so I could turn the ignition
without leaving my skin behind...
Years ago, my parents indicated their desire to relocate to Arizona. My mom's argument, "It's a dry heat." Mom, seriously, it's the 10th Level of Hell during the summer. Both her and my father kept their AC set to 78 during the day and 72 at night--in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! Whenever I'd go to their house I'd secretly sneak the AC to a lower setting. My dad would pull out a blanket when the temperature got to 72. Apparently, the heat of Arizona would be "more appropriate" to their temperature sensitivities. Who knows?!?!
They stayed in Southern California.
Apparently, my dad likes the house a little cooler now that my mom passed away.
He likes 72 as the "common" temperature in the house. I still have no idea why they'd ever consider moving to Arizona. Insanity.
Brian Klauss <-> Dream Master
Caught in a Dream | a Synchronet BBS
... What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! - Homer S.
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