• Re: "no food or drink", "

    From Boraxman@VERT/MSRDBBS to Warpslide on Sun Jan 31 22:52:00 2021
    Warpslide wrote to Vk3jed <=-

    @MSGID: <60171F3D.116410.dove-gen@vert.synchro.net>
    On 31 Jan 2021, Vk3jed said the following...

    Here, you can pay for parking with coins, credit/debi card or phone app. P of choices. )

    We just got paying with a phone app for parking meters here in my city.
    Then shortly after they were installed there was a "controversy"
    because the data for the app was bring processed/stored in the US.


    I don't usually park anywhere that required me to pay & if I do I keep some spare change in my car for just such an occasion. It's usually cheaper to drop a couple of coins in the machine than paying with the
    app anyway.

    US company? They'll probably take away your abilit to pay for parking because of a Tweet you made they didn't like.

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