Re: Reflection
By: The Millionaire to All on Tue Dec 28 2021 09:49 am
"Why Am I Still Here And What Is My Purpose In Life?"
Having fought depression my entire life (finally got help for that in early 2020) I've realized my answer to this question is simply to share my insights, opinions, random thoughts, what have you (some might say it's wisdom, depending on how you define it) with whomever will listen.
It's not even so much a "what I think" but a "why I think this" thing -- the logic of a thought is more important than the thought itself. If that checks valid, then that's all that matters. Thus whatever it is I share the reasons I have that opinion and whatever value someone can take from it, well, that's that.
Otherwise, enjoy doing what I do and try not to give a damn about anything I don't like. Gotta draw a line and I've spent way too much time caring about the lives of "friends" who don't know shit about me.
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