• wordsearch v1.0

    From Crashj@VERT/JENSENCL to All on Sun Sep 26 21:23:45 2021
    For the last few weeks I've been scratching an itch to build a great console version of a wordsearch game. Excited to say I'm ready to ship 1.0. It's written in Python and available for download here:


    It features customizable puzzles, and is word score based (no timer to chase) so you can enjoy yourself.

    It should run on most Unix variants, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux and OS X. It may work on Windows 10 but I haven't tested it.

    I'm working on a FreeBSD port next and then I'll get my way around to some bug fixes. If you'd like to contribute some new puzzles (it's a simple text file with 9 words) let me know, I'd love to include them.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Jensencloud - Fresno, CA