Re: bbs rant
By: MRO to All on Sat Jun 05 2021 12:07 am
So i find this hillarious.
i've been calling a bunch of active bbses lately and i've noticed this.
years ago the mystic guys were talking about how there were so many
stock borking synchronet bbses.
now for some reason there's a bunch of mystic bbses. and what are they?you guessed it! stock boring mystic bbses.
jesus christ.
Sometimes the tide is high. Sometimes the tide is low.
I get the feeling it comes down to Synchronet having more users and easier support / people to reach out to for help.
Then again I don't know the landscape THAT well so I am speaking from a position of ignorance.
■ Crystal Palace, Orbitsville ■
■ Posted via InnerRealmBBS ■
■ Synchronet ■ Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC -