• oxp: reading manuals cover-to-cover

    From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Marceline Jones on Sun Mar 21 07:57:00 2021
    Hello Marceline!

    ** On Sunday 21.03.21 - 10:19, you wrote to me:

    OpenXP is a command console point system for Windows and
    Linux. It is still fully supported and being developed.

    At installation, once you select the [E]nglish option, all
    the internal F1-help is in English.

    I do not like reading internal help. I prefer
    systematically reading manuals cover-to-cover.

    It's easy enough to just feed the document found in the /doc
    directory through a trasnlator! I really like DeepL.

    Here is the result of the TOC:

    I Basics

    1.1 FidoNet - structure and addressing
    1.2 Point in FidoNet
    1.3 The nodelist(s)

    II Installation and operation

    2.1 Installation and configuration
    2.2 Network call
    2.3 Ordering and managing areas (boards, echoes)
    2.4 Board groups: Umlauts, Origins, Re^n and size limit
    2.5 Writing and polling under different AKAs
    2.6 Sending and receiving files
    2.7 Addressing Internet gateways
    2.8 Sysop mode (diskpoll)

    III Node lists

    3.1 Managing node and point lists
    3.2 Crash mails
    3.3 File Requests
    3.4 Call charge counter for crashes and requests
    3.5 Crash/Request by Timing List and AutoSend

    IV Technical Documentation

    4.1 The NDIFF node list editor
    4.2 The message converter ZFIDO
    4.3 The call log file XPFIDO.LOG
    4.4 The Fido mailer XP-FM
    4.5 The yuppie converter YUP2PKT


    A. Files in the CrossPoint/Fido package
    B XP-ToolNET
    C. Glossary
    D. Known problems
    E. CrossPoint/Fido - Version History


    The PDF file is just the new starter's guide. The important
    details are in the reference documentation (which is

    But the PDF guide is step-by-step to literally get you started.
    The rest of the operations are quite inuitive. A manual is
    interesting, but I have never really needed that. The F1 help in
    the program is context sensitive. When you hover a menu item and
    pres F1, you get the Help on it. That is how I modelled my
    project at:


    It duplicates the on-line helps, but is searchable. :D

    The fido POINTS echo is another fine place where help abounds.

    Blue Wave is the most professional and polished QWK reader
    I have ever used.

    I remember using at least a couple of different BW readers in
    the past. I believe one of them allowed filing/managing older

    Were you refering to QWK readers or Blue Wave readers ?

    BW. But Sempoint does a pretty good job handling both types.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    ■ Synchronet ■ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP