In 2019, I got stung in the eyeball by a wasp. Hurt like hell but, by the >> next morning, I could not tell it had happened.
apparently i have some type of allergy. i went out my front door, bug flew in
y face and i knocked it away. i started driving and lip started going nuts. it got big as fuck and eye closed up for one day.
Yes, you probably do. I am lucky in that I don't have one to most wasps,
but may to yellow jackets. Those do swell up some but luckly, unlike the
other wasps, they've not shown a preference for stinging my face.
The one that got my eyeball... I turned my head just in time to see it
flying at me. I tried closing my eyes but it was already too close and got caught in my lashes. A few years before that, one landed on my face, under
my lower lip and before I even knew it was there it had stung me.
They like faces.
i have been taking antibiotics and perscription cortosone creme.
it's down now and barely noticable but under my lip it's raw as fuck and yello
on one side. i can't have any salt or drink booze. burns like fire .
i drink everything with a straw now
That does sound like an allergic reaction. :(
* SLMR 2.1a * I could prove God statistically. - George Gallup
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