Re: Leftist rioters
By: Dumas Walker to AL on Sat Dec 12 2020 10:30 am
It usually is. Union riots, Bolshevik riots, anti-capitalism riots, that-group-that-doesn't-exist-but-somehow-riots riots....
That group doesn't exist in any real big way, except in Donald Trumps tweets
Ttyl :-),
... If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.
That group doesn't exist in any real big way, except in Donald Trumps
It is certainly a movement. There used to be lots of stickers with the antifa flags around. If you visit certin bars near here you'll find lots of people with those flags tattoed or stamped on their shirts. A lot of people identify themselves as antifa and I don't think such fact is open to discussion. What could be open to discussion is if there is an antifa board calling the shots.
And something that was part of reality before Trump was President. That is an old leftist move that has been used many times before.
Leftist logic works like this.
* I don't like you, so I will beat people up. Because you are saying what you >are saying, these people are getting beat up. Therefore you are responsible >for their injury. See what YOU caused? We need to remove you to prevent the >violence that I am inflicting on people.
I have noticed some logic here that goes a little similar to that... they themselves aren't beating people up, but they do believe people are getting beat up because of what Trump was saying, and he is responsible instead of the unruly dumbasses doing the beating.
Trump didn't go hard enough crushing these fascist wannabe's.
Agree 100%. Obama never did anything about them, either, although they
were not nearly as unruly when he was around.
I believe it is more difficult in the US to go too hard on them, however.
I think other countries have a few more liberties at crushing uprisings,
but that is the price of more freedom here. This Summer was the first time in quite a while I have questioned that price.
Al wrote to Arelor <=-
There are those who call themselves antifa but there is no antifa
leader or organization. These people do not represent the left.
There are those who call themselves antifa but there is no antifa
leader or organization. These people do not represent the left.
Lefties believe that, if they repeat the lie often enough, it becomes truth.
I have bad news for you: We are on to your lies and no matter how many times you repeat the lie, it will never be true.
The work by making threats of violence, mostly. There is a tactic if warning t
at if event X goes ahead, there could be violence because of controversy, so to
prevent the potential violence, they should remove the controversial speaker et
I think there is good basis to label them a terrorist organisation, as they use
violence, and threat of violence to achieve political goals. Declare them the >riminal organisation that they are.
Al wrote to Dr. What <=-
Re: Re: Leftist rioters
By: Dr. What to Al on Mon Dec 14 2020 08:35 am
There are those who call themselves antifa but there is no antifa
leader or organization. These people do not represent the left.
Lefties believe that, if they repeat the lie often enough, it becomes truth.
Where is the antifa headquarters?
There are those who call themselves antifa but there is no antifa
leader or organization. These people do not represent the left.
Lefties believe that, if they repeat the lie often enough, it becomes truth.
Where is the antifa headquarters?
Stupid question, and typical Lefty response, attempting to divert/distract.
Where is the KKK headquarters?
Where is the BLM headquarters?
Where is the Aryan Nation headquarters?
Where is the Mafia headquarters?
Do you deny that any/all of those organizations exist?
How come you can't tell me where their HQ's are?
You're a hypocrite, just like all Lefties.
Al wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: Leftist rioters
By: Gamgee to Al on Mon Dec 14 2020 05:14 pm
Stupid question, and typical Lefty response, attempting to divert/distract.
I'm trying to get an answer. I stated that antifa doesn't have any leadership or organization. It doesn't. If I am wrong maybe you can
point it out to me.
Where is the KKK headquarters?
Where is the BLM headquarters?
Where is the Aryan Nation headquarters?
Where is the Mafia headquarters?
Do you deny that any/all of those organizations exist?
How come you can't tell me where their HQ's are?
The existence of those groups is well known. There are some who call themselves antifa but there is no organized antifa group.
You're a hypocrite, just like all Lefties.
There is no hypocrisy in anything I have said. I have looked for this group to find out who they are, what they want, what they are doing but
I can find no such group.
Al wrote to Gamgee <=-
Stupid question, and typical Lefty response, attempting to divert/distract.
I'm trying to get an answer. I stated that antifa doesn't have
any leadership or organization. It doesn't. If I am wrong maybe
you can point it out to me.
Where is the KKK headquarters?
Where is the BLM headquarters?
Where is the Aryan Nation headquarters?
Where is the Mafia headquarters?
Do you deny that any/all of those organizations exist?
How come you can't tell me where their HQ's are?
The existence of those groups is well known. There are some who
call themselves antifa but there is no organized antifa group.
You're a hypocrite, just like all Lefties.
There is no hypocrisy in anything I have said. I have looked for
this group to find out who they are, what they want, what they
are doing but I can find no such group.
I know people who considered themselves "antifa" before it blew up as a bogeyma
term. They are typically far left individuals who are also anticapitalist and
elieve that fascism must be stopped via force before it can take hold. They mos
ly started chattering amongst themselves when Trump was elected.
(This is speaking as a democrat-socialist type of guy who thinks the most vocal
progressives make a bad name for the rest of us.)
They somehow equate capitalism with fascism, no?
The existence of those groups is well known. There are some who
call themselves antifa but there is no organized antifa group.
Right. You didn't answer my question above about where are the HQ's
for these groups. Try again, without attempting to divert/deceive.
There is no hypocrisy in anything I have said. I have looked for
this group to find out who they are, what they want, what they
are doing but I can find no such group.
Sure there is. You ask "where is the HQ for Antifa?", but will not
answer the same question back at you, regarding other groups, because that would remove the entire basis for your claims.
So, try again. Just straight answers to simple questions.
Antifa themselves identify as antifa.
The antifa creed of sorts I saw them espousing at the earliest was a basic belief
that fascism is real, it's an existential threat, and it can happen here - therefor
freedom of speech and nonviolence can be disposed of if the purpose is keeping fasc
from taking hold because the risks are too great.
Al wrote to Dr. What <=-
The right today repeats the election fraud lie day after day but it is simply not true, regardless of how many times it is repeated.
Dennisk wrote to Al <=-
If you are going to spread lies, at least spread plausible ones.
The right today repeats the election fraud lie day after day but it
is simply not true, regardless of how many times it is repeated.
Ahh... Another low information voter who only watches CNN and other leftie "news" sources.
So the literally hundreds of signed affidavits (meaning those people can be punished for lieing) of people first hand witnessing irregularities mean nothing?
So the first hand accounts of the Republican poll watchers being forced out (in voilation of state and federal laws) mean nothing?
So the proven error rate of the Dominion voting machines (far in excess of state and federal laws) mean nothing? Since you have such low information about the election, this means that upwards of 68% of the ballots were manually changed, usually by offshore entities, because they needed to be "fixed".
So the statistically improbable numbers of the votes mean nothing?
To top it all off, the Leftie "leaders" refused to 1) charge the people who violated the election rules, 2) investigate any of these claims and, 3) in some cases **destroy** evidence even though there was an on-going court case.
Lefties like you bury their heads in the sand and just yell "la, la, la, la" when they encounter facts that go counter to their narrative.
The antifa creed of sorts I saw them espousing at the earliest was a basic >belief that fascism is real, it's an existential threat, and it can happen here
- therefore freedom of speech and nonviolence can be disposed of if the purpose
is keeping fascism from taking hold because the risks are too great.
I don't associate with those groups. I don't know where the headquarters is. Gr
Asking where is the antifa HQ is not hypocrisy, it is a question. There is no tifa HQ because it is not an organized group.
And most of us don't associate with Antifa, so how would we know where there HQ is? You did ask.
You seem to have ignored deepthaw's response to your claims that antifa is not an organization.
You seem to have ignored deepthaw's response to your claims that antifa is not an organization.
States run elections and courts, not the left. This was a free and fair election as has been happening for many years in the US.
You claim it is a thing, if so where is it, what is it?
I don't see an antifa group we can investigate or charge with anything in the me way as groups like the KKK or the proud boys.
I read deepthaw's response but I didn't make any further comment on it.
We opose fascism. Therefore, we must establish our own brand of fascism and we >re
justified in establishing our own brand of fascism in order to prevent the rise
There is no contradiction in that.
The right today repeats the election fraud lie day after day but it is simply not true, regardless of how many times it is repeated.
Ahh... Another low information voter who only watches CNN and other leftie "news" sources.
The main reason voter fraud conspiracies are so credible is because if the left
is willing to sponsor this sort of activities, it is easy to believe they are >willing to rig vote counts or do whatever it takes to grab the throne. I don't >doubt for a single second they wanted to rig the process. The real question is >whether they had the capability to do so :-)
Somehow you have reminded me of Basque elections.
Maybe the counting was fair but it was certainly not free. Kale Borroka dudes would hunt down and beat the candidates that didn't follow the acceptable party line. If your party didn't endorse the Marxist Republic of Basque Lands you basically had a harder time than everybody else because you risked a brick in your teeth everybody you opened your mouth.
Violent BLM activists, antifas and whatever you want to call them sound to me a lot like an embrionary American Kale Borroka. Which is what I find deeply troubling.
The main reason voter fraud conspiracies are so credible is because if the left is willing to sponsor this sort of activities, it is easy to believe they are willing to rig vote counts or do whatever it takes to grab the throne. I don't doubt for a single second they wanted to rig the process. The real question is whether they had the capability to do so :-)
Whether there was a lot, a little or no organized rigging, I am confident a lot of spontaneous irregularities will be found and heads will roll.
BTW I have heard Zuckerberg is gonna be raped in prison because he's been found funding partisan "non-profits" with dark money. Rejoice, for the end of Facebook is night :-P
The KKK and, I assume, Proud Boys are organizations with a leadership structure. Because a group has no leadership structure does not mean that they don't exist, especially if they are a group that advocates anarchy... having a central leader for a true anarchy group would be a bit hypocritical, no?
I read deepthaw's response but I didn't make any further comment on
Because it made sense and you realized you never convince him that there is no such thing as Antifa groups?
Dumas Walker wrote to DR. WHAT <=-
He might be a low information voter, but he is not a US voter so it
isn't all bad. :)
Dumas Walker wrote to AL <=-
You seem to have ignored deepthaw's response to your claims that antifa
is not an organization.
I find the voter fraud conspiracies incredible. The left is not now and neve was, sponsoring these sorts of activities.
So there is no group but these "antifa" exist. I don't see anti fascism or a antifa (whatever that is) is any big threat. Just because Donald Trump tweet
When the Right was asking for thigns to stop, the Left was tagging the taking of neighbourhoods by rioters as peaceful protests. When the Right was deploying policies to bring disorder to an end, the Left was shielding their rioter stormtroopers from these policies.
The occupation in Seattle only ended when the useful idiots started bothering the local politicians and local Dems decided it were more trouble than they were worth, not before.
As I have said, the situation looked like local powers were trying to bait the federal government into doing something drastic to restore order, in order to blame Washington for the consequences.
So given this sort of scenario, it is easy to believe Democrats were willing to do things such as rigging election software, shipping fraudulent ballots and, in general, doing whatever it takes to grab the throne - I think we have sufficient evidence of WILL already.
Now, did they have the MEANS? Yesterday the showed me a video of a witness declaring in front of senators and giving a list of names of people aware of irregularities and explaining the sort of weird stuff she witnessed. If she is proved to be lying she will be grinded into mincemeat, so at the very least these declarations (and a lot of others) should be carefully considered. So, in my opinion, if they weren't able to pull a megafraud at national level, my hunch is that a number of people actually tried to rig the thing in a number of counties.
Which is why a number of States is unwilling to certify the results of their own elections and why the electoral process is far from over to this day.
So there is no group but these "antifa" exist. I don't see anti
fascism or a antifa (whatever that is) is any big threat. Just because
Donald Trump tweet
I invite you to come to the Basque region waving a People's Party flag. If you manage to survive the experience you will know which kind of threat so-called anti-fascist groups are.
The KKK and, I assume, Proud Boys are organizations with a leadership structure. Because a group has no leadership structure does not mean that
they don't exist, especially if they are a group that advocates anarchy..
having a central leader for a true anarchy group would be a bit hypocritical, no?
So there is no group but these "antifa" exist. I don't see anti fascism or any
ntifa (whatever that is) is any big threat. Just because Donald Trump tweets "
tifa" or "Obamagate", doesn't make it a so.
The BLM protests were not an armed standoff, it was simply a march, a large one
in many cities across America.
It became a right/left issue and that is when the violence/looting/riots starte
I find the voter fraud conspiracies incredible. The left is not now and never s, sponsoring these sorts of activities.
He might be a low information voter, but he is not a US voter so it isn't all bad. :)
Well, that's good news, at least.
I wish these socialists would keep their failed systems in their own countries and not export it to others.
The protests were not about the left or right. It was a BLM protest largely about black people being killed at the hands of police without justification
I don't know what in the above leads you to believe "Democrats were willing do things such as rigging election software" or "shipping fraudulent ballots
He might be a low information voter, but he is not a US voter so
it isn't all bad. :)
Well, that's good news, at least.
I wish these socialists would keep their failed systems in their own
countries and not export it to others.
I wish they would also. I also wish they'd stop presenting their bad information as fact to voters who are from the US.
The protests were not about the left or right. It was a BLM protest largely >> about black people being killed at the hands of police without justification
You can keep saying that BLM or allegations of racism are not political or partisan, but management of policies in sociaty is a political matter by definition.
You remind me of students who build orgs for pushing programs that are clearly >Left or Right aligned and then try to convince everybody the org is non >partisan.
False. In most places, the destruction of public and private property started on Night 1.
I find the voter fraud conspiracies incredible. The left is not now
and never was, sponsoring these sorts of activities.
Never has?
Please educate yourself on the Daley political machine and what it got up to in the 1950's-'60's. Whether they were "left" is debatable, but Daley was both Chicago mayor and head of the local Democratic Party. Daley's machine is where the old saying about "the dead vote in Chicago" came from.
The protests were not about the left or right. It was a BLM protest
largely about black people being killed at the hands of police without
You can keep saying that BLM or allegations of racism are not political or partisan, but management of policies in sociaty is a political matter by definition.
You remind me of students who build orgs for pushing programs that are clearly Left or Right aligned and then try to convince everybody the org is non partisan.
If you are willing to stir your pawns into breaking havoc, burning and looting, and bringing unstability to society in general... then there is basically nothing you are not going to be willing to do to achieve your political goals.
Dumas Walker wrote to AL <=-
The difference is that your definition of a group is that they must
have a leader. Mine does not.
Al wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
Truth. The majority of protests have been peaceful. That's just a fact.
The problem of course is black people being killed by police without justification.
Al wrote to Arelor <=-
I have no pawns to stir into anything. I have no political agenda.
The problem of course is black people being killed by police without justification. If we can solve that problem these protests and riots will st
You look at these riots as if that was the problem but that is the result of t
The problem of course is black people being killed by police without justificat
on. If we can solve that problem these protests and riots will stop.
Never has?
Please educate yourself on the Daley political machine and what it got up
to in the 1950's-'60's. Whether they were "left" is debatable, but Daley was both Chicago mayor and head of the local Democratic Party. Daley's machine is where the old saying about "the dead vote in Chicago" came from.
That's interesting but that is a whole different thing from another place and t
I find the voter fraud conspiracies incredible. The left is not now and never w
s sponsoring these sorts of activities.
i think al is just mad at his own country and projecting it at the usa. from wh
t i've read about canada and from what i've heard from the hundreds of canadian
i've spoken to over the years, the canadian system is meant to keep you down. >and when you get REAL down you can't work your way back up. on top of that they
take in a lot of immigrants.
The allegation that black people are being killed by police without justificat
n is not political. That is the root cause of the protests and riots that foll
If we want the protests and riots to stop we need to solve that issue.
Dumas Walker wrote to MRO <=-
i think al is just mad at his own country and projecting it at the usa. from wh
t i've read about canada and from what i've heard from the hundreds of canadian
i've spoken to over the years, the canadian system is meant to keep you down.
and when you get REAL down you can't work your way back up. on top of that they
take in a lot of immigrants.
From what I can tell, Al isn't mad at his own country because he
enjoys being blind to things that the "non-right" does.
"There is no such thing as fake news, unless that news is
something bad about Trudeau or the US Democrats."
"There is no such thing as vote fraud, and never has been, unless
it involves Bad Orange Man and the Russians."
"All political extremists are bad, but only 'the right' has
extremists. Leftists riots are always the fault of 'the right'
and, besides, 'the left' never riots and leftist groups don't
exist.' "Groups only exist if they have a well defined leadership structure, and only if I have heard of them."
For some reason, reading some of the things he says reminds me of
the commandments in "Animal Farm" that keep changing and become contradictory.
He's pretty predictable.
The problem of course is black people being killed by police without
False Leftie Narrative. The facts don't show anything of the kind.
I have no pawns to stir into anything. I have no political agenda.
That has to be the most disingenuous thing I have ever heard.
The problem of course is black people being killed by police without
justification. If we can solve that problem these protests and riots
will stop.
Thing is, the protests are not about racism at all.
They use racism as an excuse but they are clearly aimed at breaking havoc against the federal government.
No, I look at them as BEING a problem and the result of one.
The thing is that riots didn't have to be the result. Louisville had "peaceful protest" riots and looting, while other cities in the area had actual peaceful protests. Areas that are more "tollerant" had trouble. Areas that are not did not.
I believe the actual peaceful protesters have a right to protest. Unlike with your PM, we've not had as much of a gag put on our free speach here. I do not believe the rioters and looters had any right to do what they did.
That is, that is the supposed root cause. The actual root cause is that people on the not right and not center portion of the political spectrum saw an opportunity to start trouble... but that cannot really be true because the left never does stuff like that. They are always peaceful.
Thing is, the protests are not about racism at all. They use racism as an excuse but they are clearly aimed at breaking havoc against the federal government.
"There is no such thing as fake news, unless that news is something bad about Trudeau or the US Democrats." "There is no such thing as vote fraud, and never has been, unless it involves Bad Orange Man and the Russians." "All political extremists are bad, but only 'the right' has extremists. Leftists riots are always the fault of 'the right' and, besides, 'the left' never riots and leftist groups don't exist.' "Groups only exist if they have a well defined leadership structure, and only if I have heard of them."
Of course it's about racism. It's always about racism. What world do you live in? Do you know how long this shit's been going on? The problem is the blacks think they can "fix" the whites. The white's "owe" them. "Retribution" if you will. They want the whites to wake up one day and love all black people. They want us to confess our sins to them and give them everything they deserve. The land that was promised, the money, the jobs. All of it. The tide will turn and it will be the white upper and middle class that will suffer. White people don't stick together the way blacks do. We fight each other. I don't see how you can say it's not about racism. It is and will always be about racism. It's never going to go away. Not in my life time anyway.
left' never riots and leftist groups don't exist.'
"Groups only exist if they have a well defined leadership structure, and only if I have heard of them."
For some reason, reading some of the things he says reminds me of the commandments in "Animal Farm" that keep changing and become contradictory.
He's pretty predictable.
Standard Leftie debate tactic: Redefine things to match the Leftie's argument.
No, I look at them as BEING a problem and the result of one.
The thing is that riots didn't have to be the result. Louisville had "peaceful protest" riots and looting, while other cities in the area had actual peaceful protests. Areas that are more "tollerant" had trouble. Areas that are not did not.
In this case there are many things below the surface that can boil up and the xt thing you know you have a riot. It is a complex problem and the solutions m
not be easy.
That is, that is the supposed root cause. The actual root cause is that people on the not right and not center portion of the political spectrum saw an opportunity to start trouble... but that cannot really be true because the left never does stuff like that. They are always peaceful.
Anyone can start trouble or be corrupt. It doesn't matter how far right or left
you go, people generally can be or do corrupt things.
Fake news is Trump's pet term for anything unflattering to him, which he hijack
d from people trying to find a politically correct term for propaganda and lyin
coming from Trump.
Extremists exist on both sides, and are often so far extreme that "left" or "ri
ht" fails to encapsulate them at that point. I know plenty of progressives I've
formerly called friends I no longer speak to because they've gone off the deep >nd.
"Leftist" riot seems to insinuate anything ostensibly related to BLM. The major
ty of that was protests, which don't get reported on because they're uninterest
The riots were the result of either: people on the left with years of frustr >ation boiling over (not right but understandable) people on the right who were >here to stir up racial tensions (the boogaloo crowd) and what I believe most of
them fall into, people who are just pieces of shit and took advantage of the si
uation to cause chaos and destruction because they wanted to steal shit and sti
k it to the man (whoever he was that day.)
ifa. Thus some groups are violent, some groups aren't. What they aren't is well
organized or some kind of existential threat to the nation.
The problem of course is black people being killed by police without
justification. If we can solve that problem these protests and riots will st
Thing is, the protests are not about racism at all. They use racism as an excuse but they are clearly aimed at breaking havoc against the federal government.
The problem of course is black people being killed by police without
False Leftie Narrative. The facts don't show anything of the kind.
This fact is pretty clear.
The problem of course is black people being killed by police
without justification.
You cut it out of the last message I wrote you on this topic but here it is again. The violent, leftist riots in this part of the country were after the cops RETURNED FIRE in two different instances. In the first one, the shooters girlfriend was killed and, in the second one, after the riots had already started, the gunman was killed.
To a leftist, a cop returing fire is probably not justified, but to most of the rest of us it is. I can remember when shooting at cops used to be called "suicide by cop," as in the person wanted to die and just couldn't kill themselves.
Now it is a reason to burn the inner city down.
Nationally, the other instances, without fail, seemed to involve other things I was told never to do to/with a cop unless I wanted to go to jail or wanted an assisted suicide. I somehow doubt these latest instances were used as teaching moments for anything of the sort.
In this case there are many things below the surface that can boil up
and the next thing you know you have a riot. It is a complex problem and
the solutions might not be easy.
Looks pretty easy to me.
Group != organized group. That's why people keep talking about
leadership structures. A lot of people claiming to be antifa
don't even seem to be aware of the pre-existing definition I
spoke about which calls for active violence and suppression of
fascism. Nobody's gatekeeping antifa, so anybody can call
themselves antifa. Thus some groups are violent, some groups
aren't. What they aren't is well-organized or some kind of
existential threat to the nation.
Al wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
Nationally, the other instances, without fail, seemed to involve other things I was told never to do to/with a cop unless I wanted to go to jail or wanted an assisted suicide. I somehow doubt these latest instances were used as teaching moments for anything of the sort.
If you do certain things or behave in a certain way your chances
of being arrested or killed by police increase with those
activities. I don't recommend that.
What I am talking about is the bad behaviour of police that can
end with injury or death of people who did not deserve that.
No knock warrants and suicide by cop are all debatable subjects,
but that is not what I am talking about.
Re: Leftist rioters and fraud
By: Dumas Walker to AL on Mon Dec 21 2020 04:49 pm
In this case there are many things below the surface that can boil up
and the next thing you know you have a riot. It is a complex problem and
the solutions might not be easy.
Looks pretty easy to me.
It seems easy to me too. Stop the unjustified killing of people by police an the protests and riots also stop.
Ttyl :-),
... A seminar on Time Travel will be held 2 weeks ago
This is an entirely different thing where someone fired on police when he thoug
t they were intruders in his home when it was in fact police serving a no knock
warrant. These cops were at the wrong address. This is another instance of peop
e being killed without any kind of justification at all.
I can't speak for leftists but there can be times when a cop has to kill or inj
re someone who is a threat to themselves or others. Suicide by cop is another t
tally different thing not related to what I was talking about. It is a real thi
g too, just not what I was saying.
If you do certain things or behave in a certain way your chances of being arres
ed or killed by police increase with those activities. I don't recommend that.
What I am talking about is the bad behaviour of police that can end with injury
or death of people who did not deserve that.
Group != organized group. That's why people keep talking about
leadership structures. A lot of people claiming to be antifa
don't even seem to be aware of the pre-existing definition I
spoke about which calls for active violence and suppression of
fascism. Nobody's gatekeeping antifa, so anybody can call
themselves antifa. Thus some groups are violent, some groups
aren't. What they aren't is well-organized or some kind of
existential threat to the nation.
And what you are describing is how most terrorist organizations are structured.
Not to mention that many localized antifa cells define the
current US Govt (including Democrats) as fascist/facism that must be
opposed with violence.
Riots would stop if the core issue was unjustified killing of people by police.
My hunch is that if they didn't have unjustified killings, they would take a new excuse and roll with it. That's how politics work.
Re: Re: Leftist rioters
By: deepthaw to Dumas Walker on Tue Dec 15 2020 04:33 pm
The antifa creed of sorts I saw them espousing at the earliest was a basic belief that fascism is real, it's an existential threat, and it can happen here - therefor freedom of speech and nonviolence can be disposed of if the purpose is keeping fasc from taking hold because the risks are too great.
We opose fascism. Therefore, we must establish our own brand of fascism and we are justified in establishing our own brand of fascism in order to prevent the rise of fascism.
There is no contradiction in that.
On 12/20/2020 4:38 PM, deepthaw wrote:
Group != organized group. That's why people keep talking about
leadership structures. A lot of people claiming to be antifa
don't even seem to be aware of the pre-existing definition I
spoke about which calls for active violence and suppression of
fascism. Nobody's gatekeeping antifa, so anybody can call
themselves antifa. Thus some groups are violent, some groups
aren't. What they aren't is well-organized or some kind of
existential threat to the nation.
And what you are describing is how most terrorist organizations are structured. Not to mention that many localized antifa cells define the current US Govt (including Democrats) as fascist/facism that must be
opposed with violence.
I honestly think it's easier to think of antifa as a gang. Anyoen can claim membership, but most are posers. Some are in tight nit-groups with extreme views and agendas they act upon. Some are violent.
Re: Re: Leftist rioters
By: Vlk-451 to Tracker1 on Mon Dec 28 2020 02:15 am
I honestly think it's easier to think of antifa as a gang. Anyoen can claim membership, but most are posers. Some are in tight nit-groups with extreme views and agendas they act upon. Some are violent.
they hide behind that. just like anonymous and blm does.
there are people calling the shots and dumb people that are 'activists' that do the dirty work.
We opose fascism. Therefore, we must establish our own brand of fascism and
we are justified in establishing our own brand of fascism in order to prevent the rise of fascism.
There is no contradiction in that.
You can't make someone driven by the convictions of their own richeousness see
hat giving into their base urges is wrong. They are drunk on the power of thei
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