See the bigger picture, open your eyes and stay WOKE to the truth!! This isn't about republicans vs Democrats this is about our FREEDOM and what kind of world we want our children to grow up in!!
■ Synchronet ■ Star Frontiers BBS
Have you Biden supporters not opened your eyes yet??!!
Seriously why do you think they are trying to "impeach" & inact the 25th amendment 9 days before the inauguration of "YOUR PRESIDENT"??!! Do y'all not realize they are scared of the evidence he has and they want him out of office ASAP but if it was such a "fair election" and Biden clearly won, why would they need to be scared?? Hmm
Of all the videos of evidence showing cops letting in the trump supporters and clearly antifa staged in photos by photographers that just happened to be there "breaching the capitol as y'all say", they were let in, they even picked up their trash before they walked out in an orderly fashion, mind you they looked like they were in a formal line in a museum¡¡¡
Oh that's right I forget there was TONS of voter fraud evidence as well and y'all clearly didn't see that either because it doesn't fit the narrative you have been taught to see/think watching the mainstream media.
I'm pretty sure for the last 4 years y'all have been rioting/killing/burning/looting since President Trump was in there but yet a peaceful protest walking through the capitol is just terrible and My President immediately condemned what was going on, I'm pretty sure the democrats were okay with everything that was going on the last 4 years never condemning the violence!
Difference between you and I is I want my kids to grow up in a free country and if they can clearly shutdown free speech, banning THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES what else can they do!!
See the bigger picture, open your eyes and stay WOKE to the truth!! This isn't about republicans vs Democrats this is about our FREEDOM and what kind of world we want our children to grow up in!!
Have you Biden supporters not opened your eyes yet??!!
Seriously why do you think they are trying to "impeach" & inact the 25th amendment 9 days before the inauguration of "YOUR PRESIDENT"??!! Do y'all not realize they are scared of the evidence he has and they want him out of office ASAP but if it was such a "fair election" and Biden clearly won, why would they need to be scared?? Hmm
Of all the videos of evidence showing cops letting in the trump supporters and clearly antifa staged in photos by photographers that just happened to be there "breaching the capitol as y'all say", they were let in, they even picked up their trash before they walked out in an orderly fashion, mind
you they looked like they were in a formal line in a museum¡¡¡
Oh that's right I forget there was TONS of voter fraud evidence as well and y'all clearly didn't see that either because it doesn't fit the narrative you have been taught to see/think watching the mainstream media.
I'm pretty sure for the last 4 years y'all have been rioting/killing/burning/looting since President Trump was in there but yet a peaceful protest walking through the capitol is just terrible and My President immediately condemned what was going on, I'm pretty sure the democrats were okay with everything that was going on the last 4 years never condemning the violence!
Difference between you and I is I want my kids to grow up in a free country and if they can clearly shutdown free speech, banning THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES what else can they do!!
See the bigger picture, open your eyes and stay WOKE to the truth!! This isn't about republicans vs Democrats this is about our FREEDOM and what kind of world we want our children to grow up in!!
Seriously why do you think they are trying to "impeach" & inact the 25th amendment 9 days before the inauguration of "YOUR PRESIDENT"??!! Do y'all not realize they are scared of the evidence he has and they want him out of office ASAP but if it was such a "fair election" and Biden clearly won, why would they need to be scared?? Hmm
1. He encouraged a bunch of armed insurrectionists to riot and storm the United States Capitol building to try and stop the
DaiTengu wrote to Melkor <=-
1. He encouraged a bunch of armed insurrectionists to riot and
storm the United States Capitol building
Re: President.
By: Melkor to All on Tue Jan 12 2021 01:37 am
I must agree that, according to my hunch, the reason why they want to impeach Trump before inauguration is because they need to kick him out asap.
Such hurries are not natural. After more than 1400 days, they are in a rush to push him over in the last 7?
I must agree that, according to my hunch, the reason why they want to impeach ump before inauguration is because they need to
kick him out asap.
Such hurries are not natural. After more than 1400 days, they are in a rush to
ush him over in the last 7?
I keep hearing this but so far I have no found any Trump message that told peo
e to go burn the Capitol and murder the cops,
unless you really want to read between lines that are not there and really wan
to interpretate them in weird ways.
Melkor wrote to All <=-
See the bigger picture, open your eyes and stay WOKE to the truth!!
This isn't about republicans vs Democrats this is about our FREEDOM and what kind of world we want our children to grow up in!!
DaiTengu wrote to Melkor <=-
They're trying to get Trump out of office for multiple reasons.
1. He encouraged a bunch of armed insurrectionists to riot and storm
the United States Capitol building to try and stop the count and certification of electoral votes by the legislature.
2. He's unstable
It's quite unlikely he'll get impeached before his term is up. However, impeachment, even after his term is over will prevent him from running for/holding any public office ever again
The evidence is mounting, he encouraged the coup.
Are you fucking kidding me? Have you seen the pictures of what the
Capitol building looked like after they left? Someone spread shit on
the walls, offices were trashed. equipment such as laptops, binders and even a damn lectern were stolen. cameras, lights and equipment
belonging to the media was smashed and stolen. Windows were smashed, chairs and desks overturned... it was a mess.
I don't know how anyone can claim that any of those people were Antifa
1. none of them were wearing masks. Masks are Antifa rule #1, even
before Covid.
2. Why the fuck would Antifa storm the capitol to stop
the counting of votes for THEIR GUY?
3. Hundreds of people have been
matched up with pictures online of them spouting their love for Trump, with pictures of them at Trump rallies, wearing Trump hats, etc.
I have yet to see any of that voter fraud evidence.
It's not even remotely the same. And people don't die during peaceful protests.
Trump is a victim of capitalism. Companies decided it's better for
their bottom line to ban the President and his supporters from their platform.
Dream Master wrote to Melkor <=-
My eyes have been open for a very long time. Whether we look at the
past four years or the past thirty, they've been open.
The election was fair, free, and accurately counted.
Al wrote to Melkor <=-
Because of his crimes, which are clear.
Because of his crimes, which are clear.
Then you should be able to list Trump's crimes - at least some of them.
I already stated the crime but I'll do it again for your benefit.
He incited an insurrection, and then his followers carried out that insurrection.
They've been miseducated by a Leftie education system all their lives.
They actually think that socialism works - despite history saying otherwise. They are taught to blindly follow their "leaders" words without question because they don't want to think for themselves. They just want someone
to tell them what to do - for their own good.
You have contridicted yourself.
The minute anyone hears socialism, heads turn, and the fear rolls in. How about this...
Give up your Social Security Benefits
Give up your Unemployment Benefits
Give up your Medicare Benefits
Give up your Employment Protections (OSHA, EEOC, etc.)
He incited an insurrection, and then his followers carried out that
I think it has pretty much being established that this is not the case,
unless you are trying very hard to read between lines that are not there.
1. none of them were wearing masks. Masks are Antifa rule #1, even
before Covid.
Dr. What wrote to Dream Master <=-
Dream Master wrote to Melkor <=-
My eyes have been open for a very long time. Whether we look at the
past four years or the past thirty, they've been open.
The election was fair, free, and accurately counted.
You have contridicted yourself.
For the record, while I was sent to COVID-enforced unemployment I got no Social Security or Unemployment funds or anything for months. I only started getting money back when I was already working again, despite the fact I have been supporting employment protection messures for years.
Turns out the government was smoking the money or something.
It really puts things into perspective when you have been paying for gov protection and you get crap instead.
Give up your Social Security Benefits
Give up your Unemployment Benefits
Give up your Medicare Benefits
Give up your Employment Protections (OSHA, EEOC, etc.)
Wait, didn't the lefties and anti-Trumpers all make claims the election was rigged, Russian collusion interference and all that? I remember many claimin
back in 2016 that it was rigged. Claims about the machines counting votes wrong and outright fraud.
I DONT recall Twitter caring about correcting such claims.
Dumas Walker wrote to BORAXMAN <=-claimin
Wait, didn't the lefties and anti-Trumpers all make claims the election was rigged, Russian collusion interference and all that? I remember many
back in 2016 that it was rigged. Claims about the machines counting votes wrong and outright fraud.
I DONT recall Twitter caring about correcting such claims.
Nancy Pelosi herself tweeted something just like that in 2017. No fact checking or anything was applied to her tweet.
"The 2016 election results were not valid and the election was stolen!"
= OK
"Go out and physically harrass Trump supporters!" = OK
Post a picture holding Trump's severed head, or backhandedly suggest it would be good if someone killed him = OK (if you are a Hollywood celeb)
"The 2020 election results were not valid and the election was stolen!"
social media jail or ban
There is no denying that social media, like the actual media, has an incredible bias.
Al wrote to Dr. What <=-
I already stated the crime but I'll do it again for your benefit.
He incited an insurrection, and then his followers carried out that insurrection.
Dream Master wrote to Dr. What <=-
There is a difference between Democratic Socialism and traditional Socialism.
Boraxman wrote to Dr. What <=-
Wait, didn't the lefties and anti-Trumpers all make claims the election was rigged, Russian collusion interference and all that? I remember
many claiming back in 2016 that it was rigged. Claims about the
machines counting votes wrong and outright fraud.
I DONT recall Twitter caring about correcting such claims.
Dumas Walker wrote to BORAXMAN <=-
There is no denying that social media, like the actual media, has an incredible bias.
Leftie delusion is not a crime. I actually listened to his words. Did you?
There was nothing in Trump's speech about incurrection or even hinting at it. That's probably the main reason he was banned from social media: The Left wanted to use that as an excuse and didn't want the facts to come out too quickly.
I thought that TDS was only an American thing.
"Bias" implies it some subconsious mistake they are not realising they are making. No, these actions are deliberate. They may be mistaken as to WHY the
are doing it, but the outcome is indeed intended.
Without a doubt I agree with you. Again, our government focuses more on helpi
businesses and foreign countries rather than its own citizens.
I thought that TDS was only an American thing.
Dr. What wrote to Boraxman <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Boraxman wrote to Dr. What <=-
Wait, didn't the lefties and anti-Trumpers all make claims the election was rigged, Russian collusion interference and all that? I remember
many claiming back in 2016 that it was rigged. Claims about the
machines counting votes wrong and outright fraud.
I DONT recall Twitter caring about correcting such claims.
And then there's all the Leftie threats and such that Twitter never
seems to do anything about.
It's painfully clear that all Lefties are "Rules for thee, but not for me."
Right Winger expressing opinion = Call to violence/terrorism
Left Winger expressing opinion = Fight for justice.
Same old same old. "Freedom fighter" vs "Terrorist". "Fighter for Social Change" vs "Insurrectionist/Terrorist".
A former co-worker, on FB, brought up the recent issues in DC and that there should be criminal charges filed. I agreed, but made the "mistake" of including that it was (paraphrasing) "just as wrong as what happened
in Portland throughout 2020 and they should all be punished."
Dumas Walker wrote to BORAXMAN <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Right Winger expressing opinion = Call to violence/terrorism
Left Winger expressing opinion = Fight for justice.
Same old same old. "Freedom fighter" vs "Terrorist". "Fighter for Social Change" vs "Insurrectionist/Terrorist".
A former co-worker, on FB, brought up the recent issues in DC and that there should be criminal charges filed. I agreed, but made the
"mistake" of including that it was (paraphrasing) "just as wrong as
what happened in Portland throughout 2020 and they should all be punished."
Well, that person tried to sell what happened in Portland as being only "speculation." I told her she needed to check out what the Mayor of Portland was saying about it now (you know, now that the OBM has been voted out) as I thought he would no longer agree with her.
She didn't say anything else, but another co-worker jumped it and
pretty much defended the Portland actions as "fight for justice" and,
due to the different reasons for the instances happening, not in the
same boat as the "violence" that happened in DC.
That is the difference between most (not all, but most)
right/Republicans that I know vs. left/Democrats... the former believes that all the violence is wrong, while the latter believes it is
justified when it involves people on the left.
Personally, if I was motivated enough to attend a right-wing protest, I could see feeling it was justified considering that the left spent
nearly the entirety of last year doing the same damn thing and, for the most part, remaining completely unpunished for it.
The politicians and law enforcement who stood aside during 2020 set a
VERY dangerous precident.
A former co-worker, on FB, brought up the recent issues in DC and that there should be criminal charges filed. I agreed, but made the "mistake" of including that it was (paraphrasing) "just as wrong as what happened in Portland throughout 2020 and they should all be punished."
she will block you soon, i'm sure.
The politicians and law enforcement who stood aside during 2020 set a VERY dangerous precident.Civilisations rests on having certain avenues of action being out of bounds, certain ideas, certain ways of debate and politics being shunned. You allow open debate, but we must accept that ideas are discussed in a civilised, structured manner. That is why we have courts, a systematic way of bringing about justice that we all agree to follow. Now, we have mob justice.
Dumas Walker wrote to BORAXMAN <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
The politicians and law enforcement who stood aside during 2020 set a VERY dangerous precident.Civilisations rests on having certain avenues of action being out of bounds, certain ideas, certain ways of debate and politics being shunned. You allow open debate, but we must accept that ideas are discussed in a civilised, structured manner. That is why we have courts, a systematic way of bringing about justice that we all agree to follow. Now, we have mob justice.
Like I said, the politicians and law enforcement who stood aside during 2020 set a VERY dangerous precident. They are not the first ones to do it, but they by far allowed the most dangerous one to be set so far.
The original poster might sure do that... the one that got most triggered by it won't, though. I think she uses FB to spy on us and then report stuff we say back to management if we talk bad about work.
I know that is what she used to do with it.
Such hurries are not natural. After more than 1400 days, they are in a rush to push himover in the last 7?
They want to disqualify him since they know the Biden win was not organic and they know that Trump will be knocking on the Biden/Harris doors in 2025.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
Re: RE: President.
By: MATTHEW MUNSON to ARELOR on Sun Feb 07 2021 11:58 am
They want to disqualify him since they know the Biden win was not organic and they know that Trump will be knocking on the Biden/Harris doors in 2025.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we're done hearing from the Trumps politically for a very long time. It was a fun experiment but I can't see America ever allowing Trump or anyone like him to become president again. I for one am done with the drama. After what happened in DC how can anyone with common sense vote for Donald Trump? How many more Ashli Babbits is it going to take?
They want to disqualify him since they know the Biden win was not organic >MM> and they know that Trump will be knocking on the Biden/Harris doors in >MM> 2025.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
HusTler wrote to MRO <=-
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we're done hearing from the
Trumps politically for a very long time. It was a fun experiment
but I can't see America ever allowing Trump or anyone like him to
become president again. I for one am done with the drama. After
what happened in DC how can anyone with common sense vote for
Donald Trump? How many more Ashli Babbits is it going to take?
Dream Master wrote to HusTler <=-
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we're done hearing from the Trumps politically for a very long time. It was a fun experiment but I can't see America ever allowing Trump or anyone like him to become president again. I for one am done with the drama. After what happened in DC how can anyone with common sense vote for Donald Trump? How many more Ashli Babbits is it going to take?
I'm not too sure about that. People like the chaos that the
Trump administration brought to America. They liked "leadership
through Tweet" to hear it directly from his mouth and not through
a spun version from his Press Secretary. Remember, there is
still part of the populace that believes Donald Trump won a
second term, that every news channel provides "fake news" if it
doesn't support their personal narrative, and that he was working
for each of his supporters to secure a "greater" America.
If it won't be Donald Trump in 4, it will be any of his cultish
followers, children, or business partners.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
yeah his son is less of a prick and has less skeletons in his closet.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's
or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we're done hearing from the Trumps politically for a very long time. It was a fun experiment but I can't see America ever allowing Trump or anyone like him to become president again. I for one am done with the drama. After what happened in DC how can anyone with common sense vote for Donald Trump? How many more Ashli Babbits is it going to take?
Re: RE: President.
By: MRO to Denn on Thu Feb 11 2021 11:56 pm
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we're done hearing from the Trumps politically for a very long time. It was a fun experiment but I can't see America ever allowing Trump or anyone like him to become president again. I for one am done with the drama. After what happened in DC how can anyone with common sense vote for Donald Trump? How many more Ashli Babbits is it going to take?
Re: RE: President.
By: MATTHEW MUNSON to ARELOR on Sun Feb 07 2021 11:58 am
They want to disqualify him since they know the Biden win was not organic and they know that Trump will be knocking on the Biden/Harris doors in 2025.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
Nightfox wrote to Denn <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Re: RE: President.
By: Denn to MATTHEW MUNSON on Thu Feb 11 2021 01:39 pm
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
Gamgee wrote to HusTler <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
HusTler wrote to MRO <=-
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we're done hearing from the
Trumps politically for a very long time. It was a fun experiment
but I can't see America ever allowing Trump or anyone like him to
become president again. I for one am done with the drama. After
what happened in DC how can anyone with common sense vote for
Donald Trump? How many more Ashli Babbits is it going to take?
Ahhhh, so you slurped the Koolaid and think he "incited" that riot?
Denn wrote to MRO <=-
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
Re: RE: President.
By: MRO to Denn on Thu Feb 11 2021 11:56 pm
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
yeah his son is less of a prick and has less skeletons in his closet.
With all the pricks he had to deal with (Pelosi, Schummer, Schiff, Nadler, Warren, HRC, Waters etc.. you gotta be a prick back to them:)
I think the shit the Dems and Rino's pulled he's probably through with dealing directly with them.
I used to split my ticket between Dems and republicans and an
ocassional 3rd party. Now I vote straight party brcause of all the crap the Dems pull.
Denn wrote to MATTHEW MUNSON <=-
They want to disqualify him since they know the Biden win was not organic and they know that Trump will be knocking on the Biden/Harris doors in 2025.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we're done hearing from the Trumps politically for a very long time. It was a fun experiment but I can't
see America ever allowing Trump or anyone like him to become president
I'm not too sure about that. People like the chaos that the Trump administration brought to America. They liked "leadership through Tweet" to hear it directly from his mouth and not through a spun version from his Pres Secretary. Remember, there is still part of the populace that believes Dona Trump won a second term, that every news channel provides "fake news" if it
You can't blame that on Trump, He advocated peacful protests, and there were some insergents and agitator's.
And there is Drama with most administrations, Trump had Democrat's and allot of his own party to deal with.
at least he fought the swamp, the swamp creatures have showed us that there definatly needs to be term limits.
Now we got the same old swamp that we were trying to get rid of.
You can't blame that on Trump, He advocated peacful protests, and
there were some insergents and agitator's.
I watched the Trump defense team pretty much eviscerate the Democrats yesterday... Anyway, I use to think... and still do kind of... that term limits could help... but I heard an argument against that. It simply goes like this... punting people out of office every so may years because of term limits will/may leave the only people running the place is the deep state...
I think the only way out of what we're in right now is some form of accountability... Politicians are so corrupt and never have to account for their sins. There needs to be an investigative body, one not centered out of Washington, that works for the people and can investigate these corrupt people and put them in jail before they die of old age.
Saw a meme the other day that depicts our current situation... We had a man give up luxury to serve his country... replaced him with a man who gave up his country for luxury.
You can't blame that on Trump, He advocated peacful protests, and
there were some insergents and agitator's.
I watched the Trump defense team pretty much eviscerate the Democrats yesterday... Anyway, I use to think... and still do kind of... that t limits could help... but I heard an argument against that. It simply like this... punting people out of office every so may years because term limits will/may leave the only people running the place is the d state...
The deep state is already entrenched in our government, they were being exposed and that's why the 1st impeachment happened, then later all the election fraud to overthrow Trump.
I'm not so sure it can be fixed.
I think the only way out of what we're in right now is some form of accountability... Politicians are so corrupt and never have to accoun their sins. There needs to be an investigative body, one not centered of Washington, that works for the people and can investigate these co people and put them in jail before they die of old age.
That would be a definate deterant for some of the corruption in government:)
Saw a meme the other day that depicts our current situation... We had man give up luxury to serve his country... replaced him with a man wh gave up his country for luxury.
I'll have to look for that meme, since I left twttier I'm out of the
meme loop:)
But it's one of those meme's that are spot on.
Re: RE: President.
By: MRO to Denn on Thu Feb 11 2021 11:56 pm
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
yeah his son is less of a prick and has less skeletons in his closet.
With all the pricks he had to deal with (Pelosi, Schummer, Schiff, Nadler, Warren, HRC, Waters etc.. you gotta be a prick back to them:)
I think the shit the Dems and Rino's pulled he's probably through with dealing directly with them.
I used to split my ticket between Dems and republicans and an ocassional 3rd party. Now I vote straight party brcause of all the crap the Dems pull.
You can't blame that on Trump, He advocated peacful protests, and there were some insergents and agitator's.
And there is Drama with most administrations, Trump had Democrat's and allot of his own party to deal with.
at least he fought the swamp, the swamp creatures have showed us that there definatly needs to be term limits.
Now we got the same old swamp that we were trying to get rid of.
You can't blame that on Trump, He advocated peacful protests, and
there were some insergents and agitator's.
now more shit is coming out that a lot of this was planned. people were going there to start problems and it was planned before trump even said an
I spent a bit of time looking over Kennedy and Nixon debate ... you'll notice o
e thing... They agreed on a lot of things... Nixon was quoted as saying "I agre
to what Kennedy is saying..." Both parties, it seemed at one time, has a shared
vision of the country. They only differed in their approach to the solutions o
n how to fix the problems...
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
@TZ: 412c
I spent a bit of time looking over Kennedy and Nixon debate ... you'll no >o
e thing... They agreed on a lot of things... Nixon was quoted as saying " >agre
to what Kennedy is saying..." Both parties, it seemed at one time, has a >shared
vision of the country. They only differed in their approach to the solut >o
n how to fix the problems...
I think part of that is either on the public or the press or both, i.e. a candidate that agrees with the oppossing candidate one too many times is thought to be either weak or unable to come up with their own ideas.
So now we get candidates who are very polarized and overlap on very little.
Job... But Obama with his identity politics took it to the next level.
If you ask me... let the guy get a blow job... Maybe we should put it in the constitution... I'm for it...
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
@TZ: 4168
Re: Re: President.
By: IB Joe to Dumas Walker on Sun Feb 14 2021 01:29 pm
Job... But Obama with his identity politics took it to the next level.
If you ask me... let the guy get a blow job... Maybe we should put it i constitution... I'm for it...
obviously him and his wife have some agreement. it's like they are friends only. i think the same thing is going on with obama and michael.
clinton was impeached because he lied under oath and he was obstructing justice.I know why he was impeached... and they should have gave him the blow job and he wouldn't have had to lie... If a president for 3 or 4 BJ cards when entering office he could have just pulled the card out slammed it down, like a boss, and went back into the oval office to finish the peoples business would have been a better angle.
clinton was impeached because he lied under oath and he was obstructing justice.I know why he was impeached... and they should have gave him the blow job and he wouldn't have had to lie... If a president for 3 or 4 BJ cards when entering office he could have just pulled the card out slammed it down, like a boss, and went back into the oval office to finish the peoples business would have been a better angle.
@MSGID: <>
@REPLY: <>
@TZ: 4168
Re: Re: President.
By: IB Joe to MRO on Sun Feb 14 2021 03:20 pm
clinton was impeached because he lied under oath and he was obstru justice.I know why he was impeached... and they should have gave him the blow j and he wouldn't have had to lie... If a president for 3 or 4 BJ cards w entering office he could have just pulled the card out slammed it down like a boss, and went back into the oval office to finish the peoples business would have been a better angle.
he could have just fucked the pig outside of the white house
he could have just fucked the pig outside of the white house
He could have,we don't know where Bill and Hillary had sex...
Then you missed my point or I never made it... Either way.... There was once >a time in history, I sited the Nixon/Kennedy debate where the candidates had si
ilar goals, just different ways to get there... Recall it was Kennedy who said
"It's not what you country can do for you... it's what you can do for your coun
ry..." That statement sounds more republican than democrat...
Now the democratic speeches sound like ...Kill whitey ... tax the rich until th
y move.... and lets follow science over this cliff and bankrupt the country so >hat there is nothing to give to the next generations to come...
I'm starting to see that most politicians are in it for themselves... and are c
rrupt corrupt corrupt... They are not there to represent the people of their di
tricts, that's for sure.
Polarized... could have started way back... not sure... way way or just way bac
. Republicans maybe should not have impeached Clinton for his Blow Job... But >Obama with his identity politics took it to the next level.
MRO wrote to IB Joe <=-
He could have,we don't know where Bill and Hillary had sex...
i think there's only proof they had sex one time.
They want to disqualify him since they know the Biden win was not organic
and they know that Trump will be knocking on the Biden/Harris doors in 2025.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's
or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
Don't bet on it. He'll be back and even stronger. The country will have had enough of sleepy Joe.
Re: RE: President.
By: MATTHEW MUNSON to DENN on Fri Apr 02 2021 09:48 am
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's or
his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
Don't bet on it. He'll be back and even stronger. The country will have had enough of sleepy Joe.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's
or his Daughter might though, that's just my opinion.
Don't bet on it. He'll be back and even stronger. The country will
have had enough of sleepy Joe.
I don't think Trump will run again, I think maybe one of his son's
Don't bet on it. He'll be back and even stronger. The country will
have had enough of sleepy Joe.
his son has more of a cleaner image.
Maybe. I don't think I would vote for him. He seems a bit whimpy. I
enjoy Trump seniors confidence.
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