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With One Of These Fine BBS Systems... Six Games, Different Skill Levels
10 Systems Playing Against Each Other On One Server
Valhalla BBS: valhalla.synchro.net Mojo's World: mojo.synchro.net
Valhalla II: bbs.valhallabbs.com:24 BattleStar: battlestarbbs.dyndns.org
Valhalla III: bbs.valhallabbs.com:5023 Archaic Binary: ssl.archaicbinary.net
The Prison Board: rdfig.net:2323 Halls Of Valhalla: hovalbbs.com:2333
Error 1202 BBS: error1202bbs.ddns.net:1202
Bottomless Abyss BBS: bbs.bottomlessabyss.net:2023
Activly Looking For More Systems, Interested In Joining, Send Me A Private
Message on Valhalla Home Services, Valhalla II or Valhalla III at:
ValhallaHomeServices (at) comcast (dot) net
■ Synchronet ■ Valhalla Home Services ■ USA ■