• Convolution

    From Basis@VERT/CONVOLUT to All on Sat Mar 14 11:40:53 2020
    | telnet://convolution.us http://www.convolution.us \____________
    | __ __ __ |
    | .____._____.____. __.__._____.| |.--.--.| |_|__|._____._____.|
    | | __| _ | | | | _ || || | || _| || _ | ||
    | |____|_____|__|__|\___/|_____||__||_____||____|__||_____|__|__||
    \_______ |
    | ___+
    | 25 interbbs league games (bre, fe, interlord, clans) /
    | 66 local games |
    | realtime door scores and instructions available via web |
    | |
    | alliancenet - commnet - dovenet - fidonet |
    | ilink - scinet - xpresitnet - league 10 - league 77 |
    | battlenet (bre, fe 000,069,169,267,555) |
    | x-league (bre,fe 777,701,610,013,444) /
    | agoranet (bre,fe 046,460,461) /o
    ._ |\ telnet://convolution.us http://www.convolution.us /|
    -|/------ +-\___________________________________________________/-'x

    ■ Synchronet ■ Convolution BBS - convolution.us