• Earn a Promotion from the King!

    From Fang-Castro@VERT/FTPBBS to All on Sun Sep 6 10:26:36 2020
    ┌─────────┐└┐ ┌┘┌──────┐
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    ╔══╗ ╔══╗ ╔══╗ ╔═══└╔══╗ ╔══╗ ══╦══ ╦┘ ╦─╦ ╔══╗┌══╦══ ═╦═ ╔══╗ ╔══╗ ╔══╗ █ ║ ║ ║ ║ │║ ║ ═╗ ╠═╦╝┌╠══╣ ║ ║┌─║ ║ ╠══╣┘ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │║ ╚══╗ ▀ ╚══╝ ╚══╝ ╩ │╩ ╚══╝ ╩ ╚═┘╩ ╩ ╩ ╚══╝─╚══╝─╩─┬╩ ╩ ═╩═ ╚══╝ ╩┌┘╩ ╚══╝ ▀ │ ┌───┬┘┌───────────┤┌┘
    └─┐ └─┐┌┘└─┬───┐┌────┘
    You have successfully─eliminated all of your opponents└and conquered the world! ┌┘└──┐ └─────┐┌┘ └──┘
    You earn a promotion from the King for┐your outstanding─performance! └─┐┌┘└┐┌┘ ┌─┘ └┘└──┐
    └┐┌┘│┌┘ └─┐│
    │ ┌─┘└┐ ┌─┘└─────────┘
    │ ┌─┘└──┘

    * Earn a promotion from the King at Flee the Planet BBS flee.fsxnet.nz:2323 *

    ■ Synchronet ■ Flee the Planet BBS [flee.fsxnet.nz:2323]