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┌│┘ `──────────────────────┬┐
││ ─┐ ┌─ └┤┐
││ loRD │ │ 1:226/18@fidonet ││
││ usurper ├─ local doors │ 21:4/141@fsxNet ││
││ tradewars │ │ 1337:3/150@tqwNet ││
││ yankee trader │ │ 25:25/21@metronet ││
││ operation overkill │ message nets ─┤ 46:10/192@agoranet ││
││ plus 250+ more │ │ 618:200/50@micronet ││
││ ─┘ └─ ││
││ ─┐ ┌─ ││
││ MRC │ │ shareware, gifs, ││
││ IRC ├─ inter-bbs chat & doors │ let's be honest; ││
││ BBSlink │ │ the same old crap ││
││ DoorParty │ files / cdroms ─┤ everyone else has ││
││ ─┘ └─ ││
││ ││
││ ·■
https://conchaos.synchro.net ·■·
telnet://conchaos.synchro.net ■· ││
││ ││
└│┐ ·{ ConstructiveChaos BBS ■ All Things Retro ■ Northeast Ohio USA }· ┌│┘
■ Synchronet ■ -=[ conchaos.synchro.net | ConstructiveChaos BBS ]=-